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5-1-1888 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, May 1, 1888 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era

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1.11111”millle• SIP! The Tr -Weekly Kentucky New Era. 94. CHRISTIAN COUNTY. ENTUCHY, TUESDAY. MAN 1, 1888. NUMBER vol41;11E 111. HOPKINSVILLE, NEWS. A ROUSING TINE. CONDENSED D is- P1'6'4'0411111 wr the Republican Met Convention at fferteoville. Ray Falk.% a seventeen-year-old boy, was called to order by at Massillon, O., allot anti killed himself The convention chairman of the evening while taking leave of Mr. J. J. Barnes, Tide Friday Rolls the Rising committee, Onliva[d executive his sweetheart, Miss Mamie Roof, with Christian county your owl. interest by reading all the first business in or- ever made surpassed. Do not fail to serve whom he bad a lover's quarrel, and at who stated that All offeis election of a temporary whose feet he fell on his knees and died. der was the herein contained. chairman. On motion Maj. J. W. WE HAVE HUNDREDS at Versailles, Ky., Breathitt, of Chrirtian county, was forced to buy. Saturday morning of choice bargains in all departments. Come and look them over. You are not a carriage containing Mr. anti Mrs. Wes- elected chairman. N. S. IRoark, of Hen- IS NOT ley lining+ and three small children was derson tenuity, weal appointed secretary. THERE appointed the as many novelties as we do. Everybody welcome. struck by cii engine at the west end Upon motion the chair a retail house in Kentucky that carries crossing, instantly klItingthe father and fotiowIng named gentlemen a cwutuittes GOODS RETAILED terribly Injuring the oth- on credentials: Mr. harry Ferguson, and SILKS! one child, cheap. ! mighty CHINA we get them. Cash buys NISILKS Bacon, prices. Competitors wonder where er ocenpants. It is feared all may tile. of Christian county, Capt. J. K. at wholesale the kind at county, and Mr. A. H. Ca- BARGAIN. world, This is the third accident of of Hopkins WONDERFUL t lie county. The com- Away they go, 10c. that place within a year. hell, of Henderson Printed Linen Lawns, choice patterns, cost to import 25e. mittee retired and in • few minutes re- number of the Railway Age, the following report: ANOTHER SCOOP. Leaver. A revent turned and made full sizes, only 10e ant the authority on such matters, publish- Your committee find the following Men's, Pure Linen Hemmed Handkerchiefs, a handsome line of by delegated pres- Just arrived, es• summery showing the number of counties represented INTERESTED. entitled to delegate votes In YOU.ARE {inter'. Reaper.. railroad lines in each of the states. This ent and for 3c l'Onri'rn all numbers. They are yours any re- convention ail follow": Genuine Star White Knitting Cotton, stetement shows 700 different roads 63 rotes largetian county MANY ported this year AS projected or in pro- Davies. county votes WE HAVE TOO lee states limicock county 16 voile half ',rive. gress. lying in forty-four of the count). 316 vote, Suspender.. We oiler them at about A IA i iaa- Illouseruon ' over Hopkins count) 17 setae and territories. Of these 700 roads, 13 nlon county. rotes PRINTED CRAZY CLOTHS. the South, and Kentucky one-half are in 172 rote. Our pricv. 10e wised /Douglas' great- Total .. beautiful colors. Price, the world over, 15e. leads the list with aeventy-four, a the choice patterns, itiercirs mite ee Olt the chair appoitedn er new and_proj riled roads Silks. number of HELLO! and White China a renitoittre Black (Telepteirriameti below as than lit ally ether state in the Union. Handiome oil paintings IRE& rehouse mulles' on resolutions: W. K. Bourland, ot What next? Goode, of Davies)+, J. an employe of llopklus, Robert ANOTHER Mr. A. J. Willman, W. L. liar- planing mill G. Adams, of Henderson, received of tine French Satteens, the pick of the market. Smith, Clark & Co's. Anderson, of Shipment a digg, of Union,and A. II. at Clarksville, Tenn., attempted to oil Christian. WE SHOW IASON; Joint planer Saturday, when he un- of white goods The-only _houlieshowing The committee on reaolutions offered Over one hundred and litty different styles Flouncings: Flouncings: OC the fullowingreport,wheth WLS op rut s lee • : caught by the large upright,rotary Frene n was soloed, That we approve the call 3C3r. lug with great /it ill., bite which were r state convention to meet on the 2i1 LADIES, left for a velocity, and the result Wan that iiia day of May. intifi, for the purpose of se- see the Anderson's French Cringhattis, very handsome. Repub- be sure and hip was horribly lacerated, large chunks lecting delegates to the national -our fourth invoice now De: cluireettion-, to-be held at Chicago TOWELS. Black Lace Flouncing of 11-41i being instantly allayed off. lican llay of J11110 next. which will did all poseible on the 19th from the manufacturer and will otrer them at priCps Runyan was called and ited, That we reaffirm our adhe- We closed out a large lot terri- 1:,a,, Our lila patient, but Willman is s sion is. the Republican party, endeared move the entire lot in a few (lays. open for your inspection. anti the ble sufferer. as it is by the sacrifices of war CLUB of peace. From it. adminis- REMEMBER, blessings has followed every good and chance to get an elegant iiarasol 14 little money. What proved to be a 4 disastrous tration great parasol sale is going on. A good Aitt %hi. it lii twee ty -seeen yrara our out...hi the *semen .1...t- conthigratioe„broke has been bestowed upon this nation, YOU 4,15, 16. of Stover's lir) goods house Brooklyn, and ally departure Irons its polley--eepe- by us when out shopping. We are doing l•usiness on the improved plan. HEADQUARTERS---FOA to Ameri- cannot atlbr(i to pass N. Y., Sainlay, at l2:25. The Stover (laity the policy of peotection its maidiold Mune- 305 Bediurtl avenue, is all can Wittier', in all building le3, mievay and industrial handsomest in the lurch...dee financial Sze. Iron,liont„ one- of the ruin. That, as in 1861 to Pies% It was Sill: Umbrellas, Fine Fans, destroyed; & CO., Parasols, district. It was tot illy of free labor,()pelting up BASSETT eastern tiw champion and it re- II,'. I in 3 heed $1100,(0). Tile loss on stock ten states to honest toil, making et Breen.p•• y noel. wherever the Amerivan fiag High Prices," HOPKINSVJLLE, KENTUCKY. flx..iire• is approximated at $1,030,000. spectable "Wreckers of lir cowl; III to third. floats, so in teed, it adheres to Its an- I from the store to the The lite spree cient course against all assailants. surrounding bui:dings, realdences amid That we are for such ample to A receiver& industry as will tenements, *TO WI" it It.'" °feel" protection building.. secure the manufacture and production fil iia • hurtled a 1.14m.l. of ' lecq,Nipalir Dot. within the United Stales of every aril- II:4 to third. 4,ro12.1; necessary for and incidental to liv- Sateens. the French lady i Leonard, a yeting Mien Jennie lug; inre thfe free living two miles from Johnson City, thdeorwiese "and lairleY le I! 1 11 trlke dotwii 'Fenn., met a horrible death at that place Demeratic party, tendlicegntto. Pst the level of under- II lemming. A fr. Ight train feel American labor to Saterday workers in fo-eign lends; amid opened. See them. They I. sterie'lpaid just ••••••••• fee. lot to third. e mule. stet She imt Woo Another new unrermileil at a crossing - •s• - nwhile dei!nwiate tui;"144 to crwom the track. The engineer started msoimierviteuiateparty(e t hehadiceigiiii:.eryn wt haartn e Li,. his train tend:ward and ni vend people are handsome. purpose is to destroy and revo-ig rs dire.1 to the shouted to her to "look out." She be- that Ifs lutionize the industrial sj atrial of pro- ! 1!, on backward and Opening tee furnished 4.1118113 eotifused and rail Summer labor; that,embold- Grand tection to American forward across the track until the ears ened now by temporary success "and a- thrown IPLETT.- -emwertogetiow atid-easight-iter brief -authority," it has the mask and revealed It. true' --A---T--- President. the bumpers. The bumpers - went aside her body „causing alutoet instant Pilltlxkiet tZ Timothy, d its Summer through Resotr.t.1, Tbat common school system death. is an Auseritem Institution. One of the „ highesthlit•i li duties of the state is to give all A terrible accident occurred at Rush- estpeiiotreet n acquireot rtu kit laetd gtehea n1:1111)141le Prices. school & WALT and Controllers of Low night. A to PY Leaders oylvatila, 0., Friday denounce the policy of the Bourbon par- exhibition Was in progress in Brocker- oppose. the beneficent pro- 11; in the second story ty, which mati'a Hall, situated vutiloincarimofin title Blair bill, as little less 111 HOPKINSVILLEs KY. of a brick building. .The hall seats 11 *boot MX) people, and was crowded to That Hon. W. 0. Bradley, eastern 1 race for governor last New goods arriving daily. Our eapicIt y . Suddenly, without in hie brilliant Pa ilf111460l the respect and gratitude leading I;, floor gave way August, won buyer has made arrangements with the slielitest warning, otifieevilryhelistenretuwcakridan and is entitled to with all ,I with a frightful crash. It appeared to derlestatetes asurde ha- manufacturers to keep us supplied In- pink in the center, funnel shaped, an d Don can bestow. Our° nobby styles of Clothing, which we for him in the national the late entire audience went down in a surg- structed to vote cash. Hay- the as a candidate for vice-pres- will sell at the lowest prices,for a distance of convention Ing mass to the ground, nt: and they are hereby also in- buying for three IL • hie- ing very light expenses and went feet. Ali the physicians in town oiled to vote for him in the state eon- '-- - houses,--sre,---are-enablecil* I were immediately eiimmone . . vention Aelegate for Vie ittate--xt- large clothing to the national convAntion. We can furnish 11 two_ were killed outright, but about eit• large "scoop" all the bargains. Rtsolval, That we recommend that ty were badly hurt. the delegates in attendance upon this conven:artii loii olvn eo°support Hon.for M. V. Non- Saturday night a bloody affray oc- o, delegateu aieo fo urv the,; IA, eurrediit *negro thdtitr -festivalnear state-as-large to Order 11:1 they are hereby instructed to Made to Pacific tion, and Clothing hrs on the Georgia Station, ilpl Fine Bynum's in the state convention Birmitighain, east their votes ., miles east of railroad, fifty for him as one of said delegates. There are• number of saw mills I and I: Ala. The following named gentlemen were Diii and guaranteed to fit, or no sale Coin" Caldwell & Randle, negro laborers at the station, amid the then put in nomination for the Poskion our paid oft Saturilsy. They promptly 11 see us at were of delegate to represent this district In IN- a church festi- I II -DEALERS got trunk, aanti attesiled the national convention. E. W. Glass, 108 the a body. Late in val near by in of christiali, George W. Jelly, of ha- VIIOUISVILLE:i. NASHVILLE. 1311_11 son quarreled about 111 WOIIIIM and began STORE,{ kins. It'll ONE PRICE CASH CLOTHING 1 Goods Others pined THE CREAT Cliillo, each, other. Glassware shooting at was(*m- 41 Tinware, A call of time roll of counties Stoves, fired. 1 in the fray and fifty shots were county asked Bank of H^pkinsville Anderiwn and Morris denkine,were menced when Christian 2 Doors From Through Trunk Line ae leave of five minutes' time for consuIta- I I I _ -_. _i I _ I I__ -..- -...... ====_- -- -- j . =damps, and John Williams,'Mary -- .,...-. --. -- - ci --- ,...... , 4•5' Cutiory, killed outright lion. A motion for a five minutes' re- 1:=...... -.=-. Z.7 -.. -- ,•,-.. .. White were severely . Thomas, and Jack cese Wae carried. When the maven-- wounded and may-afe. * \. tion again came to order the chairman III % - I:II • 4.t., ICS! been made. announced that the secretary would re ill @time the call of the roll of counties, and Ky., Saturday, Dr. i Near Lebanon, the convention would proceed to select ii killed Sam ghtioringaniOutsWW ee the new Thomas Houton +mot and national convention. I 11 nue delegate to the il had Hays, his brother-in-law. There' of the call showei a l 11 The completion III been Ill-feeling between the two for Glass, - unanimous vote-172-for E. W. Without Change aid with SKed Uhrivaled ageing her hiemband. Hourigan elected. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE ballot. Mr. Glass was declared TIME TABLE Evanwilie and !lenders., mei wanted to get Test Si. went to lia)s' store On the second ballot Geo. W. Jolly - to th• on credit. He already Cott], some articles T, W. Gard- Intulty received 136 votes and Dr. Sod all binds extend & SOUTH Done. We are Use ably parties I. tows who make owed $2 50 and Hays refused to ner received 36 votes. Mr. Jolly was SOUTHEAST Repwring Neatly and. aiptly Owensboro & Nashville R. R. Co. to Galvanised Is.. Wort. the bill. A quarrel arms and grew in- THROVOH COACHES from above roles declared elected. in Itio 'ii. NeetivIlle sad cluitlealeods, maltose con. hand-to-hand fight over the counter eectlom with y to a Dr. 1'. W. Gardner, or Hopkins, A. Mail. bit lied. Nei,. 19 £, filth triset. KY. 2:10 p.m. 16:00 a. n. mla et, Cars in which flourigan finaliy drew his pis- Henderson, and N. S. HOPKINSVILLE, Learea livrenshorn ... Fisa-llszeta.m. Cabell, of i.e.'.'. I entral 4:116 p. n,. CM a. m. For Atlaels, flevaseett, Mason, Jacksonville, tol and shot hays through the heart. were put In .trovee at Russellville 6:311p. m. 1 Ii p. m. and while le Florida. Roark, also of Henderson, 110.110 a. m. himself up, and claims that hewers Russellville am made at Guthrie awl ham Ile gave nomination for the poeltion of alternate Year Spring Teem Be /5.40 p. re e.raneetkme 314th in. • f..r all points hays Was reaching for an axe when he Armes at Adairville . 111.00 a. delegates. Mr. Roark declined the nom- 1710 p m WEST Days was only 21 years old and NORTH,EAST, SOUTH & fired. ination and withdrew his name from be- NORTH HOU La Fellers Palace Cars Pharmacy, Was a 1,0111e- Garner's:-:City:-: wealthy. Hourigan tn. quite fore the convention. Tuesday, January, 24, 888• !duties Adair-wille i6.33 a of niedicine of two years' 01.00 a.m line of this road willM. vIlle graduate The OM ballot resulted: Gardner, 109 23 p m EMIGRANTS ii"klair h.."'" ucky Arrives at Raseellville receive spec • Lew rates. 16.00 I. practice. votes; Cabell, 63 votes. Gardner was Agent. e1 this Compeer be rusk rostra. Ky. Riieil,iile . Lei a. m. 11.112 a. m No.7. Main Street, Hopkinsville, A FULL CORPS OF PROFESSORS tears. he, write, C. P. ATMORE. 6. P. St T. A. declared elected. The second ballot re- .eatee Central City 550 a. fn 1.60 p. m Is) • Adolph Bressler, contrary to his ex- trrives &Wiresshorn 1146a. m. 4.116 p. Di the city,- suited: Cabell, 116 votes; Roark, 56 -One of the largest and most elegant edifices in preased wishes, has married Mese Petty AND TEACHERS IN ALL T HARAHAN.Gen. Maseer, Louisville. votes. Cabell was declared elected. Fit M ANN Supt. lent of returned to Farmington, Mo., to Oweasboro, K I,eat the world for low and N 'nations for dlatriet elector was rrlee. A hand.orne and live. Bressler is well known along the DEPARTMENTS. .t rongly Ronnd Plum. declared to be in order. Mr. W. C. AIi.nm. 5`, z 1We Complete In All Its Departments of i and AGEN •,..1 ...Igo. nesse. New line of the Iron Mountain road, and Se.- in. Ws. gilt 1.1.1r. holding of Hopkins,. was it in nom- f.,reheentL retail prt.-•. lowl!og drop tred• I. [lowland, toet end rerd Arm 0( 111,1 iturner who tor rosny yearn ,41 the when the boys of the Western J.-, A Ned Iambi l'Iseavedriapli Alamos, E. B.Owner of the old now ut. proprietor of it, neve honor. li• urdny, I 1.4 Nol 1.14 -Kngli.h. l,atn. Greek. SI pnrchaewl Dr. lush's intereet, is ination, and, there being no other nom- spry rs.141...1 Md.., /old niers. r trash., woos% syziesIty,wrias high ropolatioa of th• old firm for fan Einloservil -sad ability to 'scream*. If pieurthl• the cher, Este' Franck.and Uerame riser., holding 13 pease of Celdnet and Card Meter.* lipioneau poper sweeseim, Weeteil• -by seselantatWais. Vivi- Mental, Mrwal, PhrellaliK-- circulate* esesnoity, 3. Sct &Co writ (drill Mi. 1e1211. for 12y" Illnetrated WiliWID.W111111111.1111Fleild Applied MaIlt.tu _ Lou Halms BL KnoiNt1111,10- Sallil al.,* end ThiUo t of Christian, was I. RIEV of the Mr. A. IL Anderson, CONDIRCE-tommerrial Law Com 1G1LFeces Sri IAA they touted the 4. IlespeettaRy moil* sha‘leg pabhele %belt g over t wires W• L. DOUCLAS ci•I .trithinetic. and Hook !repute. elected as its Want elector for the dire i aelate. t s, and by time 6. ?loam it. ,1114.1gged. trtatetwentt. tatter W. of Chris- of those w ho xpeet tetrad.) Drugs and Medicines triet. Mal. John Breathitt, for the instruction Pure Fresh time Brewer reached Illaniarek nearly FOR -Theory and Practice of Teaching, Normal tian, was elected as chairman of the ex- Parlor! DaU,v raaWffs One... Paints and ?ianos, Methods, Graded tichoolo. School more...lamest, Tonsorial vessevnanC UsalSWIALli all departmenW of the trade, Si the lowest Dyads. aware GENTLEMEN. the beet quality In ever) hotly In that hamlet was $3 SHOE. seams Rs, Teacher's lost in'tea, talk And stock of IN A WILLIAMS'CKLIERRATID Ir•INTR. raw., W...liciss• ecutive committee for time district. School A m E Steamer ofevery Mad. Melodies 604 KRIX (Mr AND rams ART TRAININIe- Thus MOO Dratted Oils stock. that lie was running away from his lady P Alit CUTTIPOS. be beet and most popular in On motion it was ordered that the the Reading, Spelling. Writing. t4.ogratmIt, Aritb• he found that poptilarsym- The only floc calf 12 ‘0111111111111111• Shoe tri N 2C MVT N love. When the Loulaville t acts or mule As rd. high medic,ate. SH•V 11140 proceedings be furnished world mad• without 7. Music and Aar. with the lady he became hie as those coating 16 or K. and hav- ••• moo in be found pithy waa the flopkinsville New ERA, and .111ra 5. Two 1.1 sociltrtall-Rway Real. . R. THOMPSON Goose Liniment. Commercial, ing nO tarts or nuts wiear the stooling or IteritatIon and Debating. NASH .eue Clerk, Celebrated Wild Ills acquaintances made him and led. DeclamatIon. CHAMP001146, RIII The ts than alarmed. Times and News, Ado the feet, mai.* thiun ha comfortable Reading and it exereises for the Madisonville band eewe.1 shoe Huy the O. Daily any wsiatitr •eon. and nate remedy. fertc-erliree, Roveltise eel ReNday believe that the officers at Biemarek, nril-dittng as a pupils Is All Departments. HAIR-DTRINO, Manufactured to order la Kentucky Leader and the Owens- None frenn'ne utiles. *tamped on bottom a aprrialty. the brut. Is Wont the College chellenge•romparison ORIM9110111 daily• having beard meager detail* of his esca- W 1.. Douglas $3 Shoe, warranted." clime conegr or school win home svassvilis I boro Ileasetigrr. the orig. with any lithe? Grit- BOOTBLA CRIX19 sad s'elosi, a wk.*allay sure elf. 116011'41111.AN 154 11M•IC, Reports sent to parenta and guardians except Sunday at a pade, would detain him until they could motion adjourned. well 14 she, whirl Monthly with' the 0.,R. N.IL R. Ira' and only hand peered Roth sexes admitted to the knoll' Hall and aeaseetioss Jinin W. BIlKAIIIITT, riudom .ra ads Rhone cost lag from 110 $2. with communicate with the authorities at equals Hesitation Rooms. Young 14.14.•• hoard daily at S p W seorlimmt assent Is u• Young fen - Retursiaa, lea;es Cassettes NW ROARK. See'y. the Prosideat is college huddle's. Owensboro at 9 p.m. Farmington. Thin scared him up, shad equalled for heart Wear •upols entering Dressing sa.. Sswisy exespt•A,sad geptqlgoili!nded le private families. Hair Meese ilie, Ky. April 211, 1885. Dell'aiLAst 115 RHOS HI were by bone -W 11.. school on the Ist of .1sailary VOW, mid remain. IPTMDAT OAS). In sheer deaperatIon he sent a messen- is the beet school oboe in the by R ProscriptipsCny all 1,0) 5. an Mg until the clove of the lemma in June. will Done in the very hest style. 11•11111•Sed the girl and married her. Beers- No family should he without Acru- world. receive one month's tuition free. Tsars Non- 9a. In. sharp ger for goods are made is Coe I. All Leaves Crease-11W All the above RRRRR For further particulars. catalogues, Jones and H. Joses. 4 p. ma. sheep has said that if the Poat-Dirmatch Purgative Peas. They cure con- and Lace, sad if not sold b your= Leaves Owesetwee ler men's Button Ito. address JAMES B. ItIOIRS11, set Write W. L. SPOUOL*5, Sen. 114011$* k I IIf ell I Riarkere. Tare SOc. foe rowed trip.. Illitaday, but H. B. GARNER, g, Also special had been two houra later, lie stipation, biliousness and torpidity of evesigsme. by theeiewana. PI nee. -- Oars paranoid AP fastsketaset M.L. LI IPSOMVIS, V. plass. awswast would hey.. been safely away and would the Liver. Prise 1111 °ants per bottle. Wye!. STIFLE A ANY 1321, *pests Hopkbardlls. Cou'il't Cartels. aim ONelenap laprew011ee have been a single man to-day. For sale by H. 13. Garner. IL Frankel& Sons, Ag'ts, LeSs.1111111111111r

I. arch, Streit .16

penalty of the law should be ludicted. Valles Chapel Note.. The frequent charges of misconduct THE TRI-WEI WRONG MAN. He is just as guilty as it be had scum- I' mos CusraL, Kr., April 17.-Mrs. brought against Gov. Hill, of New THE plisheel his hellish design, and he should Lucy Haddock, who has may indicate NEW ERA.SHOT been very sick York, that the governor THE [RI-WEEKLY -rUBLII suffer just the mune. Have, color or tor the past six weeks, Is now improving has not been behaviug properly, or they tow Ere Printing previous condition should make no dif- slowly. may merely prove that the Republicans -rcatisuau ST- in • end were he a foi t iatmitalgiu sites psat-oll Co Outrage ference vette like this, Mrs. Harriet Roistou, whoopee been are preparing the pol heel teetered IPP EPIS hypos's owl Po•lishieg A Negro Attempts to white lustead oh • birds man the New very sick, is now up again. Of Ible2. as ssess•-, --ate. Woman. ERA would advocate the extremes( meas- Wheat crop is improving 4ery fast 11111111111111111 a WMte T. I. N. C. TUZSDAY, MAY 1, 18811. •good hanging. ures and say he deserved at the present time and oats looking One lack, first iseertio The examining trial was set for this well. Don't sutler any longer, but use Tato For Rent. " two tone. use week morning at 10 o'clock, before Squire '1'he farmers are making ege prep- nee' Infallible Neuralgia Cure, the ° our ulouth IlleMerattt State CoareatIos. Units. TO TEE IMAM only fufallible cure on earth for all forms " •• Mine atuutlim MCC T. C. Tinsley. orations for a watermelon crop in this Mouths Boni:NuArran slit Excitement rail high among both the neighborhood. time of neuralgia and nervous headache. Dwelling house with " one year , City. axe Ex.Ctimistrres, Di.. _ Ranguni Root Medicine to., Manufao- Additioasi rates ma LEXINGTON, EY, March 20, latia.) colored and white people. 4 rooms on the West- Cluilty Earring. • at this ogles. Re Ptirstes the Supposed for Werth turers, Nashville, Tenti. 50 cents per To Me Kentucky Democracy . Chief Riggenstati deserves credit side of Jesup avenue, lu Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake box. Sold by all druggists. At• meeting of the Democratic State Party and Shoots Rini. the prumptriess and energy exhibited with all necessary out- •II 11001•1111111 Committee held ferreting out the guilty man. City, Fla., was take,/ with a severve year Central and Executive The emperor of Germany has but a tine a ith a buildings, lot 803[206. Six 100111111•. adopted : Crutchtield'a %sound is a painful but cold, attended distraint:1g tough In this city, the following wan very short time to live. still, he may Three months. be le into reoursted to meet is a giele• Ala/saber Slum Arrested neereearily a serious one and it is and running comiumption in Its Building all new. Will One mouth. .... Yee are hereby not see another revolution in Fiance before of Lexington at I Orestso. first lie tried many so-ii vLV gale cousenows in the city IdeistIllod by 0i•• thought he a ill soon get well. pages. -ailed sell at a bargain as the day of he dies. o'clock, p. so.. on Wevluesday, the filth cough remedies and steadily hit Copies article else- Mr Lander regrets very much the popular . e of selecting delegates As stated in another owner wants to leave Taineem Copies May, ime. for the pure. worse. Was in had St. vu several oc- but lie acted only as any other grew :educed flesh, w•ry Isuboerlb to tie satiemel cenveat ion to le• held el. where• negro luau has mistake, P.O.E. city. breathitig and was unable the Our Annual Pre,' Juue. 1510. In appoint- under the eircuiustaticee. difficulty in As Louis on the 511 day of casions insulted ladies iii tottrequented man would Iton't waste time rind rummy and un- ler ur bleu see (IOU, it is roc- to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New lag delegates to the Mate colleen Sunday ulght l'he reporters, ot tour**, wore made Bry- porthole of the city. dergo needlees torture with the knife outineaded that the vote for Bwiturr and blacovery for Coneutuption aud found We will rent or sell a negro man follow- happy by the sensation. Atli hosts, and that the ratio of about seven o'clock a when Ethiopian Pile Ointment will an be taken me a immediate relief, and after using about every two Matilda Kremp, lirruip was riot seriously hurt, brick dwelling on Elm represeutatios is 00 delegate for ed • young lady, Miss Miss afford instant relief and certain cure hi a half dozen bottles found bluotelf well Who are authoi said %tom mot on. for each trac- near the a little bruised and pretty badly '- huadred of out on North Main street, to only every case of blind, bleeding, itching, street, large lot. MerIptions to the N over, It is 'Who: and has hail no return of the disease. tion 0o0 hundred and asked her some frighteneci. Site is a servant at Mr. -Ls se- cemetery and there internal and external plies. Mangum Lee Thacker recommended that the kb-legates shall be No other remedy can show- so grand • run when the Dr. 0. W. Hives counts on the same ,lay, to wit, question. She started to Mendel'.. Hoot Medicine Co., Manufacturer, lected is every record of cures, as Dr. King's New Dia- 35 acres of splendid Brasher-t as the and threw sic C. A. 6th day of May, and in such manner man grabbed her by the arm - Naohville, Term. 50 cents and $1 per the for Consumption guaranteed to out . D. 11. Armstrong prooerilm. But it froth at- merry farming land just musty osonmititee may her into a !ewe corner and there EDUCATIONAL CONVENTIoN. bottle. Sold by all druggists. P.0 fail to do just what is claimed tor It. Harry W. W. & J. ant cause ttn• couuty committee should of the city for rent. tang ted to outrage her, threatening to B. Garner', City Pharmacy. J. W. Hichardsoi Lake action Woking to the selection of delegates, a noire. She be Rendered W. B. Brewer-1 a same meeting of the shoot her if she made The Pregram That WIll the) shall be chosen to }inrushes held to Antioch Notes. Jno. M. Democracy of said county or counties totem acrestned for help and the negro tried at Eddy yule. On the Cox's Mill road, at 1 restock p. na. unsaid Sat- man- Special C orresporotence. at the evert-house smother her with her skirts. She The convention of the Second educa- of Louis- near city limits, dwell- urday; pms idea that as to the city and ran -Mrs. Dock It ' aged to get away from the brute tional district of Kentucky, ..ompoeed of AN1104 H, April 8$. he the duty of the chairman of ing with 7 acres of land % die it shall near sick this time. and select a to the house of Mr. }Crake, living of L'elon, Ilitirkius, Hen- Meacham is quite at each legislative district to hold the counties T14111/4 PIPASTII 10 meetings. farmers of this neighborhood are place within said dirtriet to hold said by. derson, Lyon,Trigg, Cattle ell, Webeter. The id o'ciock p Iii. of nearly through planting corn. 3 rooms on rails. &WT. and they shaR be hell at Her cries attracted the attention Todd and Christian will he held at Eddy- Cottage, zia•tr. S tin what the present indleatIone the oat Mr. George Lander, who asked her vine, Lyon county, on Friday eve and From Princeton street, price, Cimino/is State Central Cotumittee. trouble was. She told him and May IS and 19. 'rile exercises crop will be a failure in this neighbor- If C COo tr. Secretary. the Saturday, 8.50 per month. TIJUDAT,_ in hood. pointing -DVS negro man standing are expected-to ititereeting and hi the Lamb an able ger llllll DemoeraUe C•tusty Convention. front of the hotter, eald "That doubtless will be, if one may judge from Hee. preached 9th re- at Union Chapel last Sunday. 1 Store-room on The Democrats of t liristian county are man who did it." the nettled 011 the program. Timer go- conventem, at the court- The choir will meet at Union Chapel in the Hord quest...tit° meet in Mr. Lander ran into his lit•llse to get tug should *teem railroad certificates at street on saturslay. the Sth da5 house in lloplinsville he returned saw paid lull every alter Sunday evening for practice. of his pistol and when their home oilier of having block. of May, PPS at 1 o'clock p. in. for the purpose raw tunteliTua th the street to- Mrs. Sally Rotation and son, Frank, to attend the state conven. the negro walking down fare, and theft will entitle them to one- as4 ab01100. for f selectiag delegatea loll jumped in- have re turned home from • visit to Cottage on South wafer a favor that Pea, wheels ineeta at Lexington, on the leth day wards the Stites place. He third fare in returning. Thooe wishing Sts. Todd county. or May, 100. to hls buggy, which wassfewato s IOU Gen their names it trienthrtn Campbell at. Price, $15 . to atten Barbour Dem. Cos Christian Co Foster's: home cattle very Miss Mary gate, and started after him to arrest J. W. Furnish, Eddyville, Mr. B. C. once to Prof. per month. V month. Or. Geo. White,of bring hint to town. As soon is the near bunting the 22nd of this him and Ky. The following city S•turilay. JONATHAN. this week me JOHN AND in speaking distance he called ?RCA.K A NI. Mr. John !tall is 'pending as he was Mrs. Laura Hollows Source on FRIPAT IPIPu. MAI' IPT11, 30 o'etoca. with the tamily if Mr. James Putty. AKIO° by 1/r. Hobert to see The lecture on the negro to stop as he wanted Joe McCarrall. Freeman, Eddyville,Ky Mrs. at the Methodist Prayer Rev J. b. If there is not a a railing in this vi- "John and Jonathan," him. Ni, attention bring paid he called Emma Anglera I ntosluctory Remarks For Sale. Mrs night, was quite well at- and cinity maul I am hilataketi. city. church Friday again. The negro then turned Hon. E, Edly vine, Ky Saturday to the enjoyed by all thieves broke into Mrs. Grace's A frame cottage on tended and thoroughly started toward the buggy, with his pis- 'Levitation. Some POWDER Mr.. K. T. tireen Is other :tight. Eva. to riot ht... sons throe present. The many peculiarities, tol out in his hand. Lander then stopped Hume. meat bowie the Elm St., with 4 rooms. Tenn., the relations Me.-itation Absolutely Pure. and Mrs. Jno. good and bad points, and his buggy. As he was getting out of • Large lot. Rented for Mr. r 14 O'CLOCK ware lulls,city Satan -between-1(31in alid-Jonathin- 5Ettgia "Walked up- Moe the vehiel; negro "Edit-cation for 1'11.1,01.W 'Now Is The Ttarsr- Thio powder net'et Times. A marvet of part- this year at--810-per and die- Manion Dulla. of and America) were taken up him and pointing hie pistol at him John Ci Burt, Hopkins% tIle. by y, strength and wholesomeneaa More eoonom- to use Hodges' Sarsaparilla with Iodide doyen the city lasts of a I. thou the ordinary k trols,•nd cannot be solo month. cussed at length. Many incidents snapped It. Fearing he would be *hot M.10 leal of Potash, the great purifier for the multitude of ow trot, Frank Bell, the Kat related to show Reeitat tau in competition e ith the laughable character were Mr. Lander pulled his pistol, but it, too, At A Bargain! Chr Nora C. Stark, Hopkinsville, Ky blood. A certain cure for rheuntatiern, short weight alum or phoaphate powders. Sold the week in South England as Mow the ignorance prevailing in failed to fire. The negro snapped his POWDER CO ,105 IVe to ern the dwelling Mite,' affections, and all diereses may .14 nage. 11.011•L BA LIMO are authorized Geo '11 deon, a prom The lec- serofulorts to America and her vastness. pistol the second and third time. Lan- 5:40 Oetoce. Wall Street. N. V. with store nitrite attltelleel, sittlateli on dry, use in the city M• peculiar to temalea. Phyeiciami recom- relations Literature in the Ninth street, near the depot, and the turer dwelt at length on the der by this time had gotten his pistol in -The English Laaguage siad Mrs. l rat and Mrs. it. Take no other. Itangion Root We will , referred to Public Sch,ois," mend dwelling oti the lot adjoining. Thetweeu the two countries, working order and as the negro turued shopping in the city M It. If, (aruthers,. Louisylle, Ks Medicine Co., Manufacturers, N ash v le, sell at a bargain. The pureitarter to re- In both, and 1 Morro. the prejudice existing to run tired at hint, the ball striking oc toes. move both buildings at once. 1 111.s Lone ssTrsi'Av 11011.111“, MAT 111111, 5:31) Tenn. $1.00 per bottle. Sold by all had more of it on Ude g Saturday with friends showed that we hilat in the bad:. The negro tell and 11111.41C druggists. our mother Mie. J. C. WARM! aide the water than was in Mr. Lander in his efforts to catch him, Trausectum of Business, • 1 to vial indebtedness Revitation. Fire and Tornado Ineurance written in tot' Values, era, country. He spoke of the over the prostrate form. He turned ran arri espec- Music. first-class Conipanies, and prompt at- TIME! Mi.,. Eta Pierce England and REPORTS. ON of our country to to shoot again when an MARKET and was about 9 O'cl.m. sight for a •isit to Mime undisputed tention in ease of loss. ially London; mentioned the old negro woman who was standing to Teaching Becoming a Profea •011inderasees liOrKINs111.1.E. 1 Jas.smith a prom MONE1 MADE EASY fact that we owed her much for litera- "Don't shoot this way; mon," 8.1.. Erogg, Lafayette, by with tht near, cried out :Corrected for each issue by the local dealers., Negotiating Loans a specialty Just received our second shipment of ele- Spring/0,1, w as in and then again ture, our religion, etc., you'll hit me." BACON. us. Dr. t %,. 11. I ord yr. Teacher." 1:1 to 144- our much she Wee indebted to and "The Heal Selling National Garment Cutters. gant Spring Clothing. Don't fail to inspect at.%es et the told us how Thinking to frighten the man Hopkinss inc. by 11111ur-sugar-cured M to 14.- d Miss Nora C. Start, We rent houses and eollect rents, and ideas, particularly "the Mumblers tO 111 to employ a large number of Berry. a us for many make him stop he tired again, this time 10 Woe tot I 10 toll', I desire stock before making a purchase. Our line of VI.J.141; Sider pay taxes for non-repidente. Conte to School Work,'• STUFFS ladies and gents to handle the National norms neighborhtss rights of manhood." over the negru'e head. lie then started "Mothers' Influence to Bitt•S 1 Patent Eligur 115 00 to Gartnetit Cutter in this and other states, See Ila if you want anything in oltr line. and Furnishing Goods is the a happy speaker. At Mrs. Rosa M. (Branham. Htsplins• Ole, Ky Hats, Shoes day. Dr. Source is after him, but the fellow escaped. Mr. hoice Family 4 SO to work and ally person alio is a tiling to W Lewis deep into the 10:30 We coca Plain Family 4 00 to Rev J. one moment he is plowing Lander then came down to the police caul make lilt till')' selling this wonderful largest ever shown in this city. "Relation of l'arents and Teachers," • 4.rahaet Flour liar returned Sunday from the next is skim- a to read carefully the testi- recesses of thought and headquarters and reported the matter to J. J. Nall, Lamasco. by lisr Flour article. Please Elkton. Blicke beat Ilona 4', to over the on the surface as the mound,' tool letters trona all ming as lightly the chief, who at ouce started his force v lot to the State Penitentiary Meal, per Molt sio to D. 5'. Brandeis, Mn. Nal auto 15 country. *leo preset notes trout papers swallows on the bouyant sir; he moves a21:1P_a A iTEINOOS,1:30 0,CLOC Mown), per Halite Rives. of 1.1101 on the-heroin tints, per gal 26 to where the -Cutter has been introdtossei. "Teachers Influence on Future liomeM." & Co. city by irresistible Calls the to laughter his audience •little later, Gray, LASS Experience- as salestliell is 110t firers- About S o'clock or J J. Glenn. Madisonville. by. home leaf lo to humor, sweeps them upward on the tide miry-tile Cutter opeeke for itself, and it Clarksville 4.'1i/smirk barber, on Main street, 3 0...2.2WIL hoice Family 1.0,to Main street. Post-office building. the colored_ and explained to II,opeinaville, was them here anti there Education," Core-Tar Patrol co. Deride only III be eitetait of of eloquence, dashee Fairleigh's otliee with a "The Public school-and Higher 90 to 250 came into Dr. Butter.l Weer be sold. Write Me itii,i get my ternis to people Wedheclae. reason, only .1. W. Furnish. Eddyrille, by 10 to IS,- tit. and S on the waves of logic Butter, Medium OM' N111101111 he said, had been MEW man whom, colored 2:30 o'cLoy:i I. heater 131.. Mc agents. to drown them in tears by touching pa- shot. Dr. lairleigh examined the Institutes and Amociations; Their LeSti, N•1110:1•L CUTTILIS Nothing "Tear hers 5eotherix Prime 40 to:lIglig! thos. ball but tailed Methods," razes Curren: wound and probed for the Anna and Their Feathers, Low Graded Latleani,s but eta, lectured on by 1'5 to isc and Notions at He would like to have entered just R.N. Roark. tglasgow, Remota' It is the ocean of perfection.-eklessa, Prices reduced on all Dry Goods to locate it. The bullet Tallow 3 to sis• best goodie at low e Hyde," but as he 3 O'Cl.022. liern'd. "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. back about two Genseug , 55i pe-r Ili (Mo.) you above tile middle of the Education•I Prob- If you give us a call we will surely please eirtnitiodated 11111.1 a advertised for the -The True Solution of our Kraut., per gal 65 to One ot the greatest successes of the had been so widely spine, ranging up- 13 inches left of the lem," McHenry Rhoads, Hartford, Kr II •v age.-St Peter, M inn Tribune. • and courteous atte not do so. He leaves for Wool Is to") in goods and prices. other, would did not think the 8:30 o's 1.051 lean' of inventions.- ward. The doctor flurry Woil IOUs us, It is the excelsior San Francieco via Kansas City. Public Schools." Sm., 11.- wound was dangerous, and only regard- -The Needs of the Dry Moles Kendall,( rex.) Messenger. liEi by 4 to Sr l'Itarmaeeati By the way, the Doctor most poeitive- A. W. Mel), Bowling tgresd, 1,rnrcii Hides It is an article that eliould and soon ed it as a serious flesh wound, though Dottie Eitt IT. in every household.-State Regis- druggists of ly is NA& fool. 7 to ge• will be ••41 1.04 Elegant Alarm Clock '1 he he would not be positive, as the ball 131e to 150 • • S. peeled ter. Bee of distance or This is the last of the Chautauqua lec- tli Sr could not be located. Crofton Items. Peaches, unpeeled It wrests the monopoly ot an all tine- to lee press tures this season but the circler expect huh SsiEns. a few anti and place.; it at Invited The statement made to the doctor by Special Correspondence. fel en from McMAK151, sapling I lover I as tot', 1101116h...e.1k given with each $20.00 purchase. eleventh annirs to have a series of them next year. 4 tut.. the command of all.- Mankato, Minn.) the the negro, whose name is Crutch- l'aorrete, Apr. 2S.-The meeting orate Regl t loser uu l'reso. Pharmao They are to be eoogratolated_eojtiaeuce Free tacky field, iess-teethe-effeet-thet-lee-wee- eirtile ihestImlbreen A-41E162 otre--401W -nedittaitr-intelligence "THEAM-11 RELIABLIV- -which eotivereeiv W cess of their work and on procuring this 11.4,1 Top 754. ing down the road when a • man since Friday night and %Welt closes can soon learn to cut any kind of gar- It1114. Grass 1 00 to.1.4 at eight o' such eminent lecturers as have addressed -Reed City, illicit. the 9th, in a buggy caught up with him evening, has been one of the most inter- White meed oats 45_10/ 50 Merit that is worn. I Oats 45 to Se meeting will us this season. goodly Black meed This and called to him to stop. The call was esting they have held. Quite a Iii'.' •!411 ent mule seven calls and sold List lance to none heir !Iran, per bush. Premium repeated, but he paid no attention. The number of both clergy and laity have & Sons. . of M..Frankel Bolted Meal nix Cutters ; another sold ileVelt 11111 'The convention wl Owensboro Inquirer very truth- discussions per hundred . The man then shot at him twice, one of the been in attendance anti the Timothy If ay. ? beceuee it is no I per hundred nine Calls, sod why great magnitude "E. W. Glass, the colored lover Hay, of fully says: bullets striking him, lie said he didn' t and addresses have all been instructive Mixed " humbug that requires talk to sell it, but as amended the Second dis- Coes alone. Because the law, school teacher, whom know who the man was, and didn't and will result no doubt in much good sells on its merits lit Far and home selected as A. 70 to MO people have only to see it ro be convinced FOR NEW ERA senate trict Republicans yesterday know why he had shot him. to the cause. The discourse of Rev. shelled of its superiority over all other systems. by the to the Chi- O•tel. eigneil one of their district delegates Crutchfield then left the Doctor's of- W. Meacham to-day was quite forcible So. I Mired. per bushel . 48 to 30 City, Neb „ News. thoroughly dime' like of hie White. per bushel $0 to t-ago convention, has, most lice and walked on out to.lackson street, and logical. Taking as his subject the We sold forty sets first week in Still- Por trar. names mint friends that 2 50 to 3 00 iItitx & throws. Four race, found hie white Republican where he staid all night at the houeve of final destiny of man, he contended hictens, live, per dos . water, Minn. hickt•na, dremeed, per lb m to it, the governor, ft to him an empty post the I feel Intleli pleatle.1 WWI the work on to ready enough give a relative anti where he was found by the righteous were endlessly happy, Pocks. Ste 10 the 'start. tor It brought no. in a week's annual emcee divide Prof. hers!'tilt, hi the of honor, but ale aye unwilling,to police after a long and diligent wicked were endlessly punished. Drawing the Ste. It. 1 fairly cloied the bargain. 'Torte's weges before board of pliarmec! up with him when there was anything country. kept the audience at all times in a W H Kahl. thicoetie E. Weirai r. search over the Rust to ,. Red 75 fee bill attached. Ni 2, N let Avenue, Miii neapol In sight with a salary or A warrant was issued for his arrest good humor by his inimitable wit, pithy Longberry 751,, 319 icol •• 3 to to 1 ealiVilletted one 4lay. My orders net steals ti Glass was on the regular Republican to the jail alla good natured suggestions. Wheat Malaria and he was carried down sayiegs market" tower On grain 2111.1 pro who 4 0014'011144 me $21 Pretty good tor a man II ticket for jailer of Christian county at Biggeretaff by Miss Julia Lirrig, or- Islon* vigor from the Monday morning by Chief The choir, lead never canvassed for anything before. TO TAKE PLACE 1.1.11U1S‘ MLR. Acruman'n Purge the last election, but was beaten by his Watilitigtou. were justly praised for their as- J. N. Der, A[obey, Mitinesota. and Officer ganist, orrected for ewers isue from Use lauly pa- the rest call at Mc- you new vim. et Democratic opponent, although There was considerable doubt as to sistance, and addition to the entertain- pers of the day before., _ 1.'r further information block, or address, Tit the --Iteptthiiesn-eeenty 444/40-444 weeti, .„,„, Daniel ria from the syste whituivrrarchtletri agent, -- ,to siERLINli, General FO14/- white men-was elected by a comforta- started tint on a Ilscos-meles eZrea - ed, so Chief Biggerstatt Words cannot express the deep grati- mhoil.lers 044 Ii - Hopkins% tile, Ky. ble majority. The white Republicans liarxtorn alto, for It i te-selea search after David tude I, my a ife and little ones feel for 44,1,to attrhy, Oct. seemlier. scratched the colored brother until he various reasons, the chief believed was energetic work done, and the courageous mt 11.11D-11•Ins . 10 lot II', A Bled .7', to was raw. The appointment as delegate the crime. Finding •mboublers the man guilty of service rendered by our friends' in sub- Itreetfaat bacon 104, to 11 Something mils Is a salve for his wounds. liam can quarry he Wila I 4 141,--t hole,' leaf . ii to his man out at the rock duing the flames that would have ren- occasions prevl layer: Kegs amt Buckets . 111 to One floc toro•horee s :seggn, al always get that kind of pie, two locked up in the ti•lit brought to town and dered us homeless to-day. God bless Prime mteam . manufacture./ and guaranteml first- scoundrel lite frig K- palmate . 4 tt 101 23 by I.: W. Ducker, Hopkins% ille. of crust with the fruit scraped out." never ELM elms ealabooec. cm all white we can Plain, palest* 4 75 tot It. by , value .; $100 GO different pardons .• Mies Kremp was sent tor and carried thank them. Choke sufficiently Plain fanny .4 SS to Ingimproper rem For delegate et large McKenzie is 75 line "White" Sewing Machine, finest to see both Braxton and Cretchtleld, Extra family 11 60 to 3 late The church built try the Methodist 0 1. to a 30 m•te, boir drawn, all attachments, one occasion, the newspapers all blIrk VI heal flop- being spoken of by and piaitively indentitied Braxton as hmeirsd ths bowl I sa sight artist •rranted I.y u E. West, and Baptist denominations at Empire Corn meal per by., value lady in the alter,' over the state. When the time comes the man who threw her Into the fence 1•11.515 A 1151. will be formally dedicated next Sunday. 1101ISS that night, settle the matter Jim will be one of she W1114T-t. arms- An elegant wet of furniture, bedstead. to corner. The only Elting different threatei A big crowd will be present. 1.enerberry '444 10 Igurcau and wash -stand, sold 1.5 Thome. window the four. The Jessantine Journal says: noticed was that he hail changed hats. t ORS-No. I mimed .silt 4 to angl on Beecham'e eon A McILeynolgia, Hookinsviile, her uniees sIte ca Robt. Stanton, of Prof. hite inSe to exhibition at their store, value OC Jas. A. McKenzie would retied Braxton was then carried before three SS Ring 10 Still in the Is 4411r screams I rightent the Democtacy of school, went home Saturday but will re- honor upon occasions iiATII- .510 SS young ladies who on previous A hain.legme stein-'tingling gold watch, Friday afti Kentucky as a 11elitgate at large for the turn to-morrow. ItTs-Nn. 3 70 to On by some negro, and timothy 17 ('01., for laity, value K 00 state of Kentucky to the coming na- had been frightened II •5'-Fancy supposed to be th spent Friday night I, hew* I. .10 Lola So is no use for us whom he addressed last Fri- Dr. A. H. Conner tional convention. It two .thoee Isom gristles ISIS' MIS 60 Ione share stog k in the Dwenstsgro above, was seatei 00 to go to Lexingtoti with the purpose of indent died him as the man who in our town. Straw, per um 6 00 to Jockey 5.lub, value day, the river on Sort having all the delegates for the state at 49191T1t1 Plt•dil IE. had frightened them, the other young Robert Watson has bought hr Mrs:Th C. W. DUCKER, from the blue grass 111 1115-4 More country 20 to 25 A "Gale Spring-Tooth sulky Harrow young lady past large appointed 17 im- lady said lie had the same face and gen- Brown a lot near hie former reeitience Low grades Ill,, and Cultivator," the best combined region. It can't be done and it shouldn't hairs 27 to A plement in use, value 43 00 foot •nd attempt, didn't remem- build oti it at once. cream hombler to IS be done. eral appearance, but she and will 2 If aamit-tanc frightened her tl Twin. bi to 15 00 to this may be added another had whiskers. They late A One Igrecch-lorigier shot-gun, value And ber that he chin Several of our citizens have of gung A ',ler ig ite I Uu,s 14 little later anode skim cheers. V front the Henderson News: also noticed and recognized a peculiarity wandering aimlessly along find-clam, standard silver watch, been seen -per is II to Mumfuttru he stopped her ai Iclii.•14 will be chosen mouth when lie stem-wingl, for gentleman, sold and war. Of course McKenzie in the expression of his the claseic 'dream with a ten-foot pole 1411•Ms- euggeetive re Northern hand picked ranted by I.. illaurhat, Clarksville, and representative from our state to the St. Tenn., value 3500 spoke. and a pint of bait-imported from lien- T•11.0W -per 10 off. A third can Louie nominating convention. There is per lb Sts. Braxton, at first glance is rather • tor package and dray- PlIt1PWAI- ('or. 8th and Virginia no prominent statesman in Kentucky dermon-tio charge hew* large .5 good family cooking stove, with full his offensive rem mulatto, about live feet than to I ;moms-per lilt set of vessel.', coal or wood, value who is blot Superior in oratory and politi- pleasant looking age-and with no other result and informed tw liaise Vet Ira-dpples and will probably Snit of 1 lothea cal soundness. ten inches in height learn that truth Is elastic alien experi- Same Old Stand. mediately went Prime list 140_poveri4e. When he smiles ha C.A. II_ maple 41.1. PS1.0 weilth mented with. - ij.s1i.4 Leesell Masks-rig Machlse, he had skipped. changed and his face gaiste galled VW alid wringer, sates this may be found the an- whole expression is Priem Things are col No. I greys hole. S. of Mr. W I,. Boyd a candi- takes on a leer that is very repulsive. nouncement Renews Her Teeth. legort-Medium grebes. le IS one Missouri Steam Washing Maehlemil. when our young to be regretted Pit lot Ii', os e value. 141 date for sheriff, subject to the approval As for Crutchfield, it Is on the streets al suffer for anotiter'e Chesley, Peterson, Clay I,m'tICSTIn K. of the Democratic party. Mr. Boyd that he has hail to Mrs. Phrebe liry Goods 10 00 suited by some b Reisgrtegl hy lentelgraes A So. Live abet doing what following reniarka- in Your Work and has for several years been keeper of the crime. Mr. Lander was but Co., Iowa, tells the Merchant.,'turbos stock yards., Pumas Bring are tl Loranitestoa I)eugs CO referred to have men, protecting the truth of which is vouched April 3111-1 A TTI I. u•'al nil county poor-house, and the people Is the duty of all good ble story, Louisville, nave it Ready for our beat citizen Salisrlity there is seared y •ny this{ dans is been pointed out residents of the town: "I 0,,f Doniest:c had an opportunity to see something of society. This num had for by the this departimat to-lay. Booth's Mammal badly frightened with woo haste is prices to note in Spring Use. price tie administrative abilities. So far there as the one who hail attempted to out- ant 7:1 years oil, have been troubled Rogge- There his It-it. hoped that PAW after him and lameness for Lames sad proses 00 I. but one other Democratic candidate rage Miatt Kremp; he started kidney complaint • sugar ten -The market Home Library CyclOpedilli patch him, and t are unchanged Mat Major., and the to arrest him and bring hint to town, as many years ; could not threes niyieelf for Wm office, Cattle-Good to extra shipping. 1.4re Elem.( Large Album tired lashes on tl Mtn IO Now I am free from all 40 to I 50 people may chomp between them at the was his duty, lie called to the without help. to 1,50e isoingis S manners someti Light shipping, 1.10 to No Proh to be Divided. 00 negro and am able to do all Figur Pound tlratritY scale. 3 asamoadas May kb. stop, and was advanced on by the pain and soreness, paled's, 30 to 4 NO _ ones 40 to 4 15 with a drawn pistol; three attempts were my own housework. I owe my thanks Good to•fitra ISO 1 0111M0E1 and rough emit 50 toil ft A l'atent Buggy shaft nobler Aeruntan's 1 he fired his for having renewed 50 to 5 MI It has been said that another attempt made to shoot Lander before to Electric Bitters 111111c Light storkers to to II 00 Prete lump to be added 497 00 knowledged by ward bill shot. As a matter of course Mr. Lander my youth, and removed completely all SOS will be made to get the through Feeders la to Prices Lower Than Ever. remedy known i the guilty party pain." Try a bottle, 50c Beat butchers 25 to I M Tigtal $100500 before the legislature adjourns. There believed Crutchfield was disease and auto 4 15 Medium to good litiu•hers Every milecrther to the W ititaLY SSW ERA lion, billousner and his action in returning with a Harry It ()armor's City Phar- lv, 10•41111111 butc hen 401e 255 wen really no vote on the passage of the and 91, at LOMMOS Neb. arts' Thin. rough steers, poor VOW, and for ose year, at $1.00, geto one ticket. complaints what amounted pistol drawn was calculated to settle macy. -- to t a bill in the senate, but 41M-- weals w ags ..... 10 scribers to the Tat- Wialtr. at 0.00 year, condition of the -EVA' hole* packing gad beteases le to 6 75 vote on that question in his mind. Hence he 11105., t get two tickets., or for six months, 111.00, one to the same thing was the Vali. In gond butcher". IR to II SO have secured the onion of B. P. ach. Preocribe was going }Nimbi'. 004.. Sehorriptlots of was JustiAect in his action. Louisiana, whieh l.tatit medium butcher' ..... 00 lot 55 lieket A 11 I'd pore Stopped making it a special order, which McCamy, of the late firm of MeCamy, prominent phys their say, has piled up Shoals. 25 to 4 ft Selena. Call0 or address From the evidence at hand there is can, according to a test of ha strength. The Sheep mud Lash., lair to gad in the BlackamIthing De- emus* was 116,000. Of Boni* Co., New Stu Co. B. Garner. Braxton Is the a Democratic majority ot . 00 to 5 50 does not believe It can be hardly a doubt but that shipping hI.p50asvIl)e, 17 ft" Mow Ras Compost te Msdia 505 tot 110 partment. guilty party and if soprowen the severest MUMS. pawl hulloing so. •

mem, •••*• • ...-s•k- -/ let" 14y I ..41.4



The Auto/veer Busch Brewing Associa- PREFERRED LOCALS. PREFERRED LOCALS tion, of St. Lords, has Just completed a 11411.10.10111•11.1/...... 414,44.44.44...... 411/1./W11/11411144.1.1. THE THI-WEEKLI NEW Mk Luca' cow mod I us Refrigerting storage room in We have placed on our Bargain Austin D. liking. Fire ineuratice. Clarksville, having converted one of the Counter while they last the following -PUIIJPMID I if- of ilopkinsvIlle Unseat Causler's stable. upper and one of the cellar rooms NOTICE. articles. If you think of buying any tow Ere Prat*/ and Publishiat Co. Crusinan's warehouse to that purpose. Come now, 0011te quick and come often, is quite sick at Madison- and if of buying come Jule Meroer It will have the capacity of storing Lake Ice delivered in any you do not think Eatered ii the poet-ogles St anyway lied we will glad to show ville. tens of be as woad-elms 1111•Mtir. several car loads of bccr arid fifty quantity until our factory them to yeu. Note priors: tie I., A.6. Bush lid bouts and shoe* ice and will wake I tarhovilie one of their 40 Styles of Fancy Toilet Soap*. &Dynamism& 1111AW158. starts. ELLIS ICE CO. and save money. wholesale destributhig points, with Mr. Cakes nice Picnic Soap in box, Cue. II I ell 4 4 in use tech, ere insertiox J. J. Crooners as their wholesale agent Large ekes Highly Perfumed '• .• two time* ... Si box, 10. use week . Mr. and 11 re. W. II. Olvey have taken " " for both keg and bottled beer. Moses in the Bull Rushes, Sc. out mouth rooms at Dr. Hill's on Main street. Front three mouths The trial of John Goodrich and Ed. Buckner Let:yell to the Baby in Cradle, Sc. es mouths . SN te have to heroes of the mule-tall duel, Fare le Dot Tam Tog, 10c. uue year See what Metz & Timothy Bradshaw, With the pleasing announcement that Ttrutt be had on application aiidma,Awful le.oDad of Mine, 10c. Additions' rates may say in their advertisement on first page. in which both were slightly wounded, he has just received another large lot of Grandma, at the race. was had before Judge Winfree, Mon- haudisoute Stationery, by far the largest 500 Yards Spool Thread, Sc, buggies a .pecialty at to this Repainting day. The evidence was quite amusing and most elegant ever brought 4 Papers Needles, OVIINICRSPTIOR RATES. Old stand, sth red Virginia. market. Ivory l'ooth Picks, 3 blades, Sc...... fi Ou Ducker'''. and at its conclusion the attorneys Ose yser . Brass Match Safe's, Sc. nitielike...... i us the case without argu- ▪ 60 Otte hundred and forty hogsheads of agreed to submit Shears, 8 inches long, Sc. These ottetbs. 26 fined $55 fur shooting . tobacco were received at the depot, Sat- ment. Each was Steel Shears 6 inches long, 10e. In suddee heat anti passion awl $35 for Plush Photo Frames for wall, Lc. 1,0 10 Cluu urday. al: Copies carrying concealed deadly weapons. In Wall Paper Glass Pails, all colors, Sc. Millinery, Millinery. . Millinery, Copies Tkineisa Repairing of all kinds, cheaper than Glass Scoops, all colors, be. sistb•crtb•rt.ste a Ticket la addition they were given tie usual ten Glass Sc. 1.r•salum ut•trteutien carriages OW., And Hata, all color., ever before on buggies days in Jail. They will pound rock Uti- Hand Sc. loir waists aim Adversissmens. Brushes, at Ducker's. till the floes are settled. Kitchen Knives, steel blades, Sc. Window Shades. 66 I have just opened up a Millinery Parlor next AGENTS LOST.-Poetuffice key; Ander will ' Sc. The Coming of a Welcome Skew. Cuspitiores, Gratia,larg41 1613. sub- please.return to ths_XlISICne °Moo and Silver Match box. Sc. Who are authorized to collect to-day announce, Now is the time for door to my Dry Goods House, under the manage- receive reward. Our columns, Locks and Keys, Sc. scriptions to the New ERA: Jail 2 Ky. speedy coming of Sells Brothers' Enor- Spring cleaning and Locks, with keys, 10e. Lee Thacker-Lafayette, Silver Call Plaine, Ky Clifton Ovesshiner left last night for United Shows, Three Ring Cir- Bells, 25e. ment of Mrs. Carrie Hart and Mrs. Lizzie Dick, Ur. G. W. Rives-- White mous you want to fix up your Silver where be - Bells, 10c. C. A.Brasher -t'rotten. Los Anglo. county California, cuit, Elevated Stage, Royal Roman hip home Call at C. A. Base Balls, Sc. -Cerulean Springs. 114 D. II. Armstrong make his future home. and Five Continent Menagerie. 41 -Pembroke. will pod rouse Bate, Sc. where they will be pleased to see their acquaint- W. W. & J. P. Garnett Thompson's and see the Towels Sc, will give While the title is, perhaps, an exhaus- Corner Stamped Towels Set .1. W. Richardson-Fruit 11111. Mt:inc.-Mrs. J. M. Denuis Turkish Bath Sc, White tive one, it comprehends nothing that largest and finest stock Towels Bed W. II. Brewer-Fairview. leilltUtie in vocal and Instrumental music Spreads Ric, Baskets, all Styles and ances and friends. Renshaw-Era. the Hells Brothers do not offer for the of Wall Paper and Win- J no. M. at her residence on hixtla street. Prices. See them. Shoe Polish,Curry - delectation of the public. The [appro. dow Shades in the city. Comb«, Waiters. A few more Parabola, resi- 5, 10, 15 RAILROAD TINE TABLE. Foe SaLs--Klegarit two-story drum* is mentioned by t:se prow abroad and *k. We have lots of All the new styles, other articles on this counter, which are dence on Seventh--desirable 'ovation, as presenting realistic and vividly ex- IKE LIPSTINE, bard not •• L. 141 P.1. Stevens. pretty and cheap, at to:tieecrIbe, besides we have the Ta•ma Rearm 111:11, Cat, " good intprovements.-R. P. citing scenes of Rome's palmy days, space. Sean's Sores •. Is• 1:1111. " and the circus offers r coterie of the NINTH STREET. Owensboro end Henderson are quer- Thomon's Hardware Stn. best and most distinguished equestrian N. B.Shyer, rellng about their population. Hopkins- - and gymnastic performers in the profes- Coe. Ninth mud Mtjit Istis. growing too fast to waste time on TUX/WAY, MAY 1. yule is sion. Tim elevated stage is devoted to --Our line of Toilet Articles Is Pimply subject. the ouch special features as could not other- superb: Soaps from 50cts, per dozen to 75 cts. per cake-Pears'a, Lubett'd Col- lots in and the menagerie Foe Sans-Five liatieee and wise be produced, gate's and other leading factories. Our 50961 • 14E10 Hopkinsville anti •farm of 150 acres in contains an unlimited vailety of the Perfumery is unsurpassed, as we make county. Terms reasonable and strange and curious in animated nature. a specialty of this line of goods-Lubin's visitors thls Lorenge, Pease fureish:tis the names of your M. Hausa. show will be in Hopkinsville, Extracts, l'olgate's, I fur this column and thereby early. and others. ladles are as4 almestaes, appreciated 1 Lunberg's emitter a favor that will be sewn," Thursday, May 10th. especially Invited to call and examine. . "Talking about big crops of _ BUCKS ER LBAVELL. Saturday. Bald Bub Ovals,. to • Haw Ea. man Miss Mary Barbour visited Cadiz The ir'reebyW.---- friend& in Saturday, "I have two hundred and Dr. Geo. Wlilie, of Ethic o, visited has been In it has been a mighty The presbytery which the elty Saturday. thirty /acres and Fon Ssen.-Two desirable iota on waiting anyhow." session at the Ninth street Presbyterian Ninth a neat live-room cot- Laura Holloway, Ikailersos, is poor year for planting street, and Mrs. church, for the past severakciays, °ad- tage. Wits. S. E. HANKISoN. -Mrs. Jos McCarron. iipeat question as to whether Owensboro The scission has been Rasa Anderson, of Newelead, The journed Monday. Mrs in bonds, pay- Saturday in the city. should subecribe $75,000 one of unusual interest. The attendance Witsulas. the Owensboro Mrs. K.T. Green left Tuesday for able in thirty years, to Was large and much business of luspor- RENSHAW &CLARK Teta.,to visit hey sons. and Falls of Rough railroad was carried, truce was despatched. The next meet- Have for Sale 49 Ricketts, of Bellew dm. 900 to 100. Mrs. Juo. Saturday, by a vote of ing will be held at Russellville, Septeru- 1,500 lbs Couittry llama Pr 12,fic 49 Another Scoop! 49 UkC city Saturday. lit 13fte were In , ber 13th. 500 lila Sugar etired Hants amio 444, a os _lay; 4I4 This time Kid Gloves 49 Ilitessa Dulls, o non, Dr. A. D. -Padlock was Use file 50fHhe Dri-I &el city last week. a picnic Saturday. The party, 1,000 lb* Coun(rs Shoulders 8',e days is the time at Mee- 4- C. Tate wasehosen emu- 49 500 pair French Kid 49 iEWZt&1tOat. 14 spend' Misses Eunice and Mal 100 bushels Burbank potatoes $1-SO Frank Bell, the chaperoned by assembly which con- Stk. Gloves, opera tints, 49 SPRING tnissisrustr to an Pure Soar Pickle, per gal 49 aka wash la South Christian Fuqua and ROSS Steinhagen, went of i.ra vener at Baltimore, May 13th. lee Cream Freezers .. 225 to 301) spring shades, black; 49 Geo. %lbws,a prominent merchant Mill and spent the day. 49 out to Hargus' the noted Louisville Best Green Tea, per lb., 50cta eey. was is the city Monday. Isr. Witherspoon, 95c. 49 all sizes, 5i to 7, 49 John Ellis and party have returned Bruning's Roasted Coffee Croft and Mrs. Lewis, of Crofton , were divine, gave at exhaustive lecture on Mrs. John says they caught 49 Also line of undress- 49 sioppiag in the city Monday. front the river. the evangelistic commission throughout hundred pounds of fish, but Carrier. ed kids. You will find 49 Melt Limo* Morrieon. of Pembroke, spent about one the state. Previous to adjournment the Bundle 49 the catch he Roy goods Saturday with friends la the city. as the reporter didn't see billowing resolution was unaniniously Something new and novel. 49 in this lot gloves 49 niornitia truth of the state- from J. B. Galbreath anti get one. Mre. J. C. Melton left Tuesday won't vouch for-the adopted: worth $2 pair, none 49 relatives. 49 for Dalton, Oa., to visit ment. the thanks of this pres- Saturday Resolved, That 49 less than $1.75, your 49 E! Mies Ida Pierce arrived is the city the citizens of Hop- are due to Progressive Age bytery tight for a• teat to Miss Julia Venable. Subscriptions to the kineyille for their hospitality to the mem- JEL €51cosa.te. 49 choice, 49 cents. Not 49 A. C. Shyer & Co., a prominent young fanner. of -20 cent§ for balance of the year with bers of the presbytery, and to the pas- Jas. Smith We. In Silver will be given to every 49 more than two pair 49 nt of ele- use in the city last week. be taken at Mi of- tors of the various churches for the in- Springfield, back numbers-will one who buys ef us a $1.00 Gem Shirt Kansas. vitation to fill their pulpits on the Sab- 49 sold to one customer. 49 Dr. A. II. 4 •ordier. of McPherson. fice: and Mr. Thom. L. Metcalle. of the within the next :to 'ley.. These Shirts Lspect our i,the county last week. bath. visited relaDves "Age," is authorized to receive sub- are made of New York Mills Muslin, prominent farmer of the anti Reinforced Back lur line of J. W. Berry. a scriptions to the New Kits. extra good Bosom Fairview neighborhood, was in the citr Satur- Comniereial Strife. and Front. We will introduce this Slain Is is the in 49 in this noanner. Wr also have them day. A boy about thirteen years of age was Anti to on the day befort the last Lewis and Mr. G. II Johnson Pleated Bosom, with same Rebate. All Where Wm J. W. ItiJured by a freight train at Edgefielti arose strife among the Well, speak quick. Sunday from District Conferesce at Sabbath there Size from 14 to 18. Iretnreed while sttempting to can you find them? Why,at 'Elkton. Junctioti, Tuesday, hollers of the chosen people. For the iii motion. N. B. SHYER. Brandon, M's. J. McNichols and Miss get aboard alien the train was merchants who dwell on Ninth street the house who are always of- D. F. Cor. Ninth and Main Streets. illallie Rives. of Lafayette, .spelt Thurelay in. Both leg. and hie right arm were tusehol neer agaiti.t Virginia, who de..alln linen fering bargains.------ses city front his body. Death will result from and tine rainietit waxed wroth at each Clarksville Chnekte: Mr. Charte Metcalfe, the beads of our his lejurits. other and heaped abuse upon TMt P0111111 among pt Aopaiseville, was circulating -41 A Good Opportunity. & Co., oue another."Furl° Said one unto the Bassett mos, pimple The anual strawberry show,ursiterthe loos% !,.e hv I Sale other, "you Would take away from the I., "Wreckers of High Prices." management of the Kentucky Horticul- Away house of my father the people from the Nothing Glees tural Society, will be held this year at hills who would buy fine raiment from Styles that cannot and will not be equaled in this city. Latlianils but cunZorners who want the Russellville, Ky. Admission free and Are Showing Notions. at And the air was -blue with the Elepolds, me." Thorgps: beet goods at low prices are always ac- competition open to the world. Wiled oaths of the Isrealites. And the sin- and lease you cornmodated and always receive prompt the day is fixed due notice with a list of to those who want something new ners and scribes gathered around them nice in the line of and courteous attention. ptemlunts will be given. to witness the conflict, and the heart-of Rocking Chairs. W il I lamson,the livery man show- the scribe was glad, and he did trim the Pharmaceutical Association. J. H. We have the largest stock of solid cherry his and he said to him- ed us Friday several grains of corn which point of pencil, rocking chairs upholstered lit assorted 'the druggists of Kentucky, irrespec- )ck had been dug from a hill where it had self, "I will give to my people the news colors of sila plush. They are the very tive of distance or locality, are heartily we keep the been planted for some time and incred- of the battle." latest style. Remember, Invited to be present and take part in largest stock of ible as it may seem the cut-worms had But lo! upon the 'eerie appeared the the eleventh annual meeting of the Ken- entirely distroyed the germ of each form of the blessed peace-maker, clad in of Spring Overcoats! Association, 30 Styles Pharmaceutical tucky yeten-eut-tbe-Iteeetc - - e-garusersts of-blue,- with buttons of silver, and our -prices are lower-than any Ona and under-ids-atm- was the wend of Me-ace_ handling the in Henderson. the 9th, at eight o'clock, J. II. Bates, the veteran advertising peace covered over with leather, and he -HOLMAN'S- • This meeting will be second in impor- of York, has changed loca- agent New wore a star DI precious metal, whereon Patent Adjustable the very best by the association. Park Row, Our assortment of Spring Suits and Pants are the pick of ons. tance to none held tion from 41 Park Row to 38 was 'written "policeman," and the before It work The First National Bank. of them we control the The converition will have where he has more commodious quarter.. children of boreal coolied makes, and on the greater portion wrath of the Baby'.4 Carriage, Department, of great magnitude. The new pharmacy Bates does an immense bti,ineautwithi Treacury for the city. Mr. down considerably. And they gathered caii be adjucted in five minutes Mice of comptroller of the Currency. sale amended and passed by the country and his W•SelSOT014. March ISth. law, as newspapers all over the themselves together ind returned to the from a carriage to a child's trundle bed, and by satisfactory endemice presented senate and house of representatives, establishment Is one of the best in the scribes to a Misses' bed and then to a cradle. undereigned, tutu., beeirmatie to appear houses of their fathers. And the to the Hopkins.. by the governor, must be Our stock of Metall', and Wood Burial that “The First National Bank, of signed turned daftly away. On their faces title," in the town if llopkineville, in the coun- digested. Cases and Caskets is complete, anti fur- has thoroughly discussed and disappoint- ty of Christian, and state of Kentucky. Scam:amens fclio are in arrears on gathered the shadows of nished day or night. complied with at the pmviciouti of the statute* Four names must be selected and sent roiled states. required to be complied this paper will please take notice that ment. of the governor, from which he is to fill Mr. W. H. Everett, with before an association shall be authorised to the of $2.00 per to commence the business of banking: Now they may pay at the rate 1141W he found with ut,and lie would the annual vacancy occurring in the Call therefore Ideate Ii Abrahams, Deputy and year and get• ticket for every dollar, Thirty years ago farmers cut wheat be pleased to see his old friends and ac- acting Coniotmiler of the Currency, do hereby RollSack Suits, of pharmacy. Rank,of Hoic- Soft board by eertify that a•The First National Beautiful date and for with a crolle, anti their wives sewed quaintances. provided they will pay to k the town of Hopkineville, in the open hand. Now they have the reaper and county of Christian, and state of Kentucky Is another in advanc.r.- This offer is GEO. 0. THOMPSON'S ou stand, of steals fire from the mind and authorised to commence the business hank- Malaria until the let of May. Let everybody the sewing machine and wonder how St., HopkinsvIlle. as provided in section arty-one hundred No. 10, Main ie, of vigor from the limbe unless you take they got on in those days without them. omit sixty nine of the revised statute* the remember anti act accordingly. United States. In testimony whereof wine.. Acruman's Purgative Peas. They give Such Is the progress of the age and Ac- my hand and seal of office this 16th day of Cures and drives mala- Church Hill Grange will hold its Last Notice. March. J. D. A•111All ANA. Button Cuttaway Frocks, you new vim. roman's Purgative Peas for all disorders and Acting Comptroller of the Cur- Elegant 3 and 4 thli, Deputy ria from the system when all other rem- ninth annual stock sale at Church of the liver, blood avid kidneys, is ac- We have placed all of our old business rency thee° lie. eZres fall. For iiinirtrit. ,Mirthir-Dettierelin-stoels---tis•--roow rid For must 'settle by note or other- Colored Pants, specially invited to attend. All members nsrlor to all old time remedies.?ii indebted Light and Dark a wise. 4415114 GARNER. ------of the grange, the neighboring friends r- A Black Scoundrel. eale by Ai B. Garner. c)Th. nurriur MIMI is and farmers are requested to be on hand IssuedMarch and Sept, sever- • Something must be done. On The gra4igers each year. It is an ency- with well Ailed baskets. with Infor- occasions previous to this some black WICICKLY New ERA $1.00 a year, clopedia of useful al expect a grand reunion anti a jolly good mation for all who pur- stylish in cut They are beauties. All these has frightened white ladies in ticket in the drawing,Tai .W Kilt LT $1.00 the Stylish stripes and checks, scoundrel time. Hay, Corp, Oats, Bran, chase the luxuries or of the tailor's art." No della of the city by address- a year with two tickets or $1.00.tor six. neesesttiee of life. We goods are perfect fitting," par excellenCe different pot you with one tieket-T.ensaesah_in mm cloths yoa end furnish shown in this city. ing improper remarks to them, anettri -"my' hit'" 3". 44-44444444-eilaau-11A--nworthe-w4t4s- nisoeseary and unneessesze such line ot garments were ever mi„„cs, time is - Feed Meal and Chirien-Feed, all the Jae. 11. Smith and Wm. 11. An- stopped alien sleep. tObuy or one occasion, after frightening a young & Co., papers appliances -to ride. walk, danoe. We will ne pleased to show these good whether you are reiWy Jerson, of the Gracey Tobacco Ware- out. eat, Soh, hunt, work, go to church, lady in the afternoon, he called at the in various else., un- or stay at home, and not. house that night, and seeing her at the house, have formed a partnership styles and quantities. Just figure out things to come in after der the firm name of Herndon, Smith what la required to do all these window threatened Preferred Locals. ad rucy and you can make a fair Staple COMFOSTIIIILL Clarksville. They have begun her swims she came out to him. Her & Co., estimate of the value of the BUYICRW storage depot he bent upon screams frightened him off. plans for erecting •large GUID11, which will Shyer & Co., postage. C. pay A. mint* to warehouse, with a capacity of 10,000 and Irish reeeipt of 10 On Friday afternoon a negro man, and Seed Sweet it CO. to be completed by Nov. I MONTGOMERY WARD supposed to be the same one referred to hogsheads, Merchant Tailoring. Potatoes, Lime 75c. per 111-114 Muting= Avenue, Chlosan.11L. Successor to mo. T. Wright. above, was seated on the bridge across next. bbl. the river on North Main street. when • Clarksville Chronicle: A petition was If you want a first class suit of clothes lie put out his go to own young lady passed. sent front this place several weeks ago We have our ANNOUNCEMENTS. foot and attempted to trip her. This so to officers of the L.& N. railroad colll- wagon and deliver at Corner. she ran away. A 46/4 Glass frightened her that pany, asking that the train from Elkton GoRmAN,s - Glass Corner. lady passed by and all hours. We deliver FOR SHERIFF. little later another which now stops at Guthrie, be run on popular fabrics,in Sacks and 3 and 4 Button Frocks. he stopped her anti made very improper to Clarkeville. It would be a great ac- coal oil Give us a call. w E .1 RI AI:nil/RIZ ED TO ANNOUNCIL Boy's Suits in all the and suggestive reruarkm. She, too, ran commodation to the farmers on that line, for good tits, fine trimmings and will Anderson & Tate. W. L. BOYD, off. A third came by when he repeated wish to attend our tobacco sales who made clothes; he cannot be surpassed as a candidate for Sheriff of ( Voiles isminattg, his offensive remarks. She hurried off Isere, and we hope the officers will hur- anywhere. A choice stock of foreign at the A evist election, Itent. subject to tbsi ac- tion of Democratic party NEMEICIIELINTMID I I MICIErI911EMZEIXA and Informed two gentlemen, who im- ry the matter up anti give it to us as soon and domestic suiting. and trousering to 1 7T.711159E" from and prima reasonable. He •NNOUNCI mediately went after the scoundrel, but as possible. elect sABC icirtiottiaso To •T --I does strictly first-class tailoring and the MILLINERY. w he had skipped. will find it to their interest to 1/AAJOR NelElvem Wisto of Cardui is for sale public per oent. guaranteed to every MAY 11.- emale College Things are coming 111_11_pretty Palle him, sa- county, at by the following merchants in Christian patronise customer on any article in our Millinery a eitedblate for Sheriff of Christian when our young ladies cannot walk out the August election, lititt, subject to the artion County. Department, besides we give to each of the Democratic party Chinaliall Hupkinsville.Ky. on the streets alone without being In- Hendrick's purchaser of a WU) Rat or Bonnet, a II. It. Garner, llopkinsvIlle, Ky. Tel •NNOUNI sulted by some black puppy. The ladies Reatiful Bound Novel and for each pur- WE ARS AUTHORIZED Tea Tall Tenn will °pee on MONDAY, •U- G. E. Gaither, HIM, or a Pamphlet form it ASHVI LLa, OUST ea, As experieseed faculty, User- some of T. chase of Sec, over, referred to are the daughters of T. D. G. WILEY, , etiosi sad Wren se heretofore. Per Hopper 31 Son, Novel, or Sheet of Popular Music. from $2.75 to $ 75.00 our best citizens and they were very 1,000 Chamber Sets, 10 Pieces, Wilt""foratatios call cis or address 6 4 Remember these are inducements offered a eaadidate for Sheriff of Christian musty, at 0 1 N. be J. R. Armistead, INK subject to the action 44 3.00 to 50.00 J. sorr. badly frightened. It is sincerely to “THE TAILOR," by no others. MRS. R. I. MARTIN, the August electios, 500 Tea " ssiod•ww CI 11.4011 'oal Cu, M an:doom) , Ky. of the Reaabileaa party. hoped that some one will be able to M'g'r Millinery Dept. 500 Dinner " 100 7.50 to 500.00 W. IL Nolen, hainlorldge, Ky. ONIP"RiAlstaetleagoarsalosid. Mitch him, and then-well, about& hun- No. 11 Seventh Street. tao set lose your abases but come at cases es order by nail W. 11. Martin, Crofton, Ky. N. B. SHYER. dred lashes on the bare back Improves Miller. Pembroke, Ky. & CO.. 221 N. CHERRY ST. sometimes. M. B. D. S. HENDRICK. manners Our stock of Artists Material is com- Ter Judge Cesenteu Picas Court. During the progress of the war the OLD PAPERS, plete. Tube Paint, Brushes, Crayon Rest and Cheapest WI ARK AUTHORIZED TO A N/101.1111CR Aeruman's Purgative Peas are ac- Presbyterian church at Bowling Green, Paper, Tracing Paper, impression etc. BUCKNER LEAVELL. G114117CMEIGILIIN knowledged by the people to be the beat was disrupted. Recently the church in roper, JOHN W. McPHERIION, FOR *ALE remedy known for the cure of constipa- connection with the assembly popularly •caudkiete for the °ace of Judge of the Cour leetasoe Mesa st the Angle. eleetioe. tion, biliousness, torpid liver, and all known as the northern assembly, com- Gents who are fond of it fine Cigar, one of our Pap- complaints arising from an unhealthy prising 81 members united with the would do well to try WE A R It• UTHOR If ID TO A N X NOVICE LI poose, Fanny Davenport, Patti Rosa, PI/L.77mM condition of the liver, spleen anti stom- other branch of the church, which Is Cuban Six or Old Time; they are all JAMES BREATHITT, Work a ageoialty. to by Rev. I. L. Caldwell who PAPER 7111 Amended. Prices Low. ministered BAGS I* ach. Proscribed and recommended by fine. We are daily receiving fresh as a esiseidate for Judge of the Court el COO1- Office. the At This prominent physicians. For sale by II. has been In attendance upon session Drags and Medicines. 4aSa Mae, skM to theReam of shit nepoi- BUCKNER LEAVELL. me ssuaty seavsaUtia. Strloot, Clarksvills,Tenn. . Garner. of the Presbytery at thiliplace. At This Office. 57 Franklin C co ..•7r .

this Assertion. However, the ordinary _And sat wearily down on a fig'''. Elmer BENEVOLENT NOCIETIES. Oh' Yea may, youi Only. Tea said • pieces, sof law gave me the property, and quickly rolled out the great may chair ec WORTH 1,000! your haw bona ssimalliag ihr fatter 1 thought payees( sesure. Suddenly • will that it would the win years. Yon Meet% tonad hive epees western hl'.ratcssi.uvs Lunen, No. Ii, A, W. * A. in ERA, will the*Ps in which all the pnoperta was TRI-WEEITY NEW was found, dew. TEaTIMONIAS UON. FAULK, OF THE ut, and you w..aa't " Berea Helper, W. H. it left to A Illatallt Mint lye' ill New York, "Sit here. Miss Dewey. This is far .tort any crilittery exeunt- BEKIEN COUNTY, Lodge °setae at Masonic Halt, Ii i Come to Alma, under gleAlloollin I _ - and 1 was merely mentioned with some more eoutfortable." 40wIneeti Muck,Ina Monday night is e•Jk HISS. staucee, would have quailed before this 11 TUNADAY, MAY I, trifling gift I conteeted the will mod het "Oh, Elana•r". Ilave y-ott, ti K., turned swath, it, Was, those trails 41 copper Would Nei TO $1,000 ler it- -Re- matt As he c us'. It Was ant tilid. -laded Will, and against law.°' don it her dress kept her buny. She No. Is., n A. IL wire ill Iti) father's own handwriting, and dated "Not knots ingly. Sit Mae where there lieved of Fifteen lean.' Suffering oltlIKNT SI. t HAI"Ft.ti -PulitillUen IT- through them nearly all rapidly tient ell he died and ittstantn, II P of the bat- more titan a seer before when is more air, aisl heront this %tea and this Frees Dyspepaia. Publishing Co. that war said, and her knight Morels, Yi 0.1t1 New Ern Printing sad I was rusiteatiug from a itlege. 1 thought brand(al sunet. t." 'ilk., Juuie Jth, B. Stated cenvocatiose hi upstairs copying it "ff aims* in ALAPAHA, Doc.-It. sauath Flail. tery sat I must tined* sow my ii 11.1 oats, and day tow, and with a for:oell ',mile took III with auger She B. Couipany, Atlanta, Ga.-Gentlemen : (Mint his room mei almost sae:snug by MO4Jkle e011114•NOKKIC /40.4. K.1. after towtorrow I pay for them all the greet? chair, end then Kassel abet-Italy had that excitement. I sulfered trotu terrible disease, Mr. it, 2'0,4, Itodnions, and total beg-„•ary. The devisee. by the will, out of tlie wi uitl,iw talkult the charming SCIEN( E. the message stopped. lie lis- dyspepala, for over Kneen years, and in each useath at Allasouir APPLIED Suddenly acted very strangely about the property. latidecepe. brillinnt with the alow of the Moats tie sharply at the dime Not a bound. during that Huta tried everything I Hail tened Ile ditl not disturb tne for a long time. Netting suit Elmer meansi late went on CON DENSE' house %a S.4 as stillBS a grave. could hear of, and spent over three clIAKLXil BARNARD. The old ile probrabb feared to do so; and then he with Isis %%elk, and fur it little eliaelr minutes passed, and nothing hundred dollar* lit Jovial-al' bills, with- EilY•L ARCANUM, '111501111.1.1tititilli S. vend tiltidc a mortgage of $100,000 on the 'mealier spoke. Then r.lie said, is It ii• happened!. Ilad he cut out reeriving the slightest benefit. In- CIL. NO 1154 came. What hiss money, and is cut lit Mrs. Catherine Chi, Letatyrtglit.1 property. took the faint trace. tif impotiete•e her voice. deed, I tositintied to grew worm.. It seat. . - the wire.-• Had Alma (Anatol, Suddenly ha. I. Landte, nothing to say. ideas&" ••W'hat tire sou doing, Elsner!" of of 1st anniversary 01 II Elmer could think of the a...under spoke out sharp and clear au , after I deepairell obtaining re- Meets Blan•I 4th Thursdays each month a brief "And he left you here In peaseretiour ••1'repariug ter war." J. I. halides oMee. and wite•!y said nothing. After the silent nom: lict, it friend ree1.1111Ilielitleil 11, B. B. Ttietalay. talking to ititeresa 4411 the Mortgage "It is useless. It Is trio late.“ pause Alma said slue% h, as if -Elmer. corm!" • Botanic Blood Mama and I began Intl Itst Its bevallie due. There %tilt!, 1111 1111V ti pay it, "Think hoe" MOA TON COliNt WHIR?: Two girls, named heraaf. eelted a rya olver Iola the bureau, using it; not, howert.r, expecting to be lie they even had the effrontery to collie "Yes. Everything Las been settled, K. Umlaute, Chief tounselut. "It wits it t•ruel thing to do," it Imo his pocket, ton, tal and hemline'''. Alter using hell it bottle I ams, were drowned awl, thrusting mid and In a vt.ry setisfat•titry nuinner-at Meets at 1.0.0. V. Hall, Id thu 5th Mon.t•y t., beet-net" rolled IO lilt', I refustsi Lana and aaatu, "I did pot mean the white strip of paper that had was satisfied that I was being bean-fitted, *auk =oath. Boots 111., Tuesday. think of it every Utne the inter, st tt. as added to the leas. fittla.r Is eatiestied, noel I Guineas! I -Oh, my dear cousin, don't out of the inetrunietie ith it in his and when the sixth bottle WIN tlikell who was mortgage till it rolled tip to an cutaneous lo aiding in the water, in that way. It wan lAwrence lewd be went quit kly Mien stairs. ile telt like a new matt. I would not take CRIWITIAN LOGUE,14 0. Olt, K. OS H. amount. Means.. title the (teetered's...I. pen- well, utikno no cruel.'' opeutsi the door without knocking and ITO SS cotertxuatt.1 $1,000 for the good it lime done toe; in d &Melt gentlemanly; aikas, iti }:ii rope, anti on Weelmaday K. wAnderson, Dictator. "Yee. It was not very advaltitl..41 into the idle of the nom. fact, the relief I derived front it in ;wire- •: t their liven care for-for this Abrams, the law er alio holds the neat- Meet. 1st and Ira ha tomb mouth but perhaps he does not The moment he euteredAlma sprees: tip less. I firmly believe that 1 would have It. 14. Andersoffo, Hail. gate, is to take posses,init of evert-thine-- person." pollt hg out the tho sirs.. Atteution It. It, L. hind I taken A telegram from I. Into her seat, go-1 know lest tilts! liot it. The picture with only con- arum awl tie•-ne art. to at IltlegN orr. "lie than. as site did so, and throwing her For sprains, bruises, rheitiustleall, Reopetitfully, etc., IOW LULUS. No. an, IK• Pi the ice is broken had lieard before. whither." tinuation of what I about the youtig man she (Tied out in an „ • 111oll•s Pr.' La. £.H. clerk. sb-. addle!, in a sort For a few int.niente there was a pro- cramp's indeminittimi, swelling, cute, moving up the its done with him." agony of feet and ehame, Lodge meets the Id and-LEYTE& ars •• I'm going found ailenee in the room. The elder man and ring- (atheism what! and of suppressed deeideration. '-Oh,- Elmer, Elmer: take me away! bit rtie, rte., in men, Splint, ery mouth at llowe's Hatt, tills very night. mourned his dreadful fate, mid the soli of 11.'or the biota), titie` B. It, to break our engagement Take me to my father bone, windgall, epizootic, scratchee,etc., RN DOWIIILNT RANK,K. 07P. d the 'mow la now break my heart, and Wittier, is as ready to shout for joy. lb-- For ecrofula, use B. B. B. than nil other 'it, the *twit!, 1 ksow it a ill needy Ile eapportel her with his r:ght anti More IV alto %. W,.0,1 • r itl ties' can be' seen angry; but, El- straining himself with all effort, he raid, tit horses, Itatigum Root Uniuleitt is a For catarrh, use B. B. B. L. R. Davis. Preset. o boats father will be very awl turned to face her assailant with the me tell you Cot ii allow_ a tremor in his voice: sure cure. 'The "King of Liniments" In For rhetimatieut, use II. hi. B. Meets 4.1 Monday Is every month at It. M. r lek weather. mer, came 'tearer, let crumpled ribbon of paper sl,•11. in his hand. of lam. Ile hove you searched for any other For kidney trouble's, tine B. V. II. Audarsaa's Ball, about it hut efraul •- W hat (hies this litcatii, nave )ou the universal verdict. Never falls to Sun Stevens, a mil evil era and you For ekin diocese, uess-11. B. )raft. Um! Last Lange; has such an been ill treating nip comae" cure any ailtuent that call be reached by auur OY Tkl h UOLOKNI t KOnS. Bettor Work. Are thl lightest town of Moor( the chimney-the ttny you "That is an idle question, my son. We ['or eruptions, use B. B. 11. They Do the rementher ••Cio to had, boy. It.. very late for V. W. t rablt, N. C. would kill you, have searelicil Meese yearn, Then, tot, an external application. 50 For all blood redeem, use B. B. It. him barn Torsi] cane- I thought he school children to be up." IMonI.• g to twed a staff for my declining who has tired B. Meets the 1st and S.1 Yridays In each f..r A. M.....I Rater', I Ise was so angry." insulting. sir. I re- just as I t•ents per bottle. For sale by all drug- Ask your neighbor Prvabyterian Ito nt 1.- •. 4 rs.unly „ the entire tiotall "Your language is in basement of t We gre Ilene I It.01.1r 1..0 r u. 1,er 1.•,.11 is at Evidently she was in sore trouble. Even said or clone to years, it breaks under Me." B. B. ol its uteri's. Get our book free church er• sit I 11,, h,k peat it. What have you glob. M•.e liii, l ! obi 'raft 1:.•• . • . it had given away marhed by doubt and "You refer to Mr. Ikalforti. sir" (1111 11re:41. with ceetielcates of a onderful in the world. For • her language was NI:ssi Denny!" es "Yes. Settee iiijureel my foot its ANCIIINT OILDKV. uY UNITZD Mt/HARBIN, Ind participated hie t - difficulty. •'Oh. come away! come away. Einterr' It appear.' ttom a late book Olt English rind See Our Gamnies what to the mill, I ItilVe trilstea all my affaitis W. H. Lee, M. W. Farme:s Call ••Adi iw naa Elmer. Tell me btuitine,s you puppy." lie opening. Noth •- Notle ity our he te etiquette that dukes' eldeet sons take ,t. do. I Madly know which way to turn, said, him, fuel how I setae-tamed think Time of meeting, it,1 an I out lunsdati at 11. t.on up it 11.• 1- "There is no nets! to ask what you All who desire full Information about • • Ithe staischlons to will Father is busy e‘ery playing ute ftilsc. Viva how, whelk all preeedenee over earls, but that dukes' Konte Ac.o.'s °thee. ple5.11110I; awl l'm so lonely. I luow every word and have made a the cause antl cure of Blood l'obsons, law- sir. tuts come upon me, he is ale stmliett, and front t day, awl I can't talk to hue. And this troultle yoluagest eons have to tall in line be- GREEN RIVER LODGE, NO. 54,1.0 0.7, e A. u-.1 .u• I r Kipp/sad A Ii-i , copy of it.- do Serofti la or Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, n:nee-1.1am not trust him" erne, and I hate no one to co:stilt, nor Amis. ••Ah' Listening. were you'" earls' and marquises' eldest eons. Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney C plaints, C altlwell, N. U. in pis ,ttio, _1 ilia any to aid or euttifOrt me." hind began to -Atm Penny inut toldete. Do t'aterrh, ete , edit Set-44re by mail free, a. Iambi ekerY ProlaY night atL th.ALPt. HALL s .11 lien* she crir t'nft 1Y' tutti 1 can aid you. sir." balm) pointed out that the younger , -IMill face in her bandkerchtef. -the son of Ihey telll entangle "Perlutp_t It MRttcv NO.It, I. O. u. Chile deferiditig th ber you see those wires? r :12-page Illuntrated Book of KNCAMYMK!4T, , %1- should he 'I do not know. I fear no One Call the younger *Otis of peers Join •...“1,1.: plan basin% nto science perplexed yeti yt•t end trip you up." sons of (VT'ntlelei%l iflor n,u filled with the most w ler- Y. V Henderson, I.', I'. Tear-um eietouatigitte new to him. That n. ..v, do er !Ay All this was ••e'ttme away, Eimer. Come away.'' the proeetsion only two notches above proof ever before Lodge meets 1s1 tool S,1 Tnunitlay nights at I. he very frank with you, sir!" Cul ate! etertlitig Sluices of till young anti prettv girl should appeal to I sir; but, ••.M.1y I 0,0 V. Hall. a "For the preeent will retire. entitled to bear arms. Th Is known. Address, Bustin 1114.1.n Co. It trod), earnestness disconcerted "Certainly. 1 ant past all pridle or four. gentlemen OKOKK OP IIA etta N tielliberg, of hint with such mark me, !..aur game is nearly up.- Atlanta, Oa. how to act. A There am be uothiug, worse now. informetion in valuable and there is a John Moe)o I'. U, J. him, and he did ii,'t know -lit-. by. children. Good night. Re- ruck down vs ith mit problem in trtaamilet ion or knotty ques- ••1 think,. sir, you have placed too much a Merle 41.11 Wednesday in each month at John member your promise. Itlits Denny. The great deal more of the same sort, but W. B.& C. T. MASON, _ er huottand, M 'Mtn a ould have charmed him coutitleht•e in that neat. He is hot t rust- Moayon's t lllll itt physics carriage a ill lie all ready." patient perusal of the entire list falls to Thtn %aro I" tientitty night, st --ited-ktetteed-Isinn--up-for--aity„ IN`n Melt tired this lit, it mark. El 11.4110,N4.IC Lailh.Alt, NO 2,7 i.cici. so peculiar that he mud: --how do you know? Canyon prtdve it"' diticlosie where the drttni-mitIor"e station Of ItEltEk neirthergsretstonsi an.. it.. new and Ince With his cousin on hie arm, with- 171 and repented it at sir. Tote irelawinher the 'WNW public, deputy Meets Sell Monday night at Lis 0. V it sit •-latiat cry, canistu,'' drew. As they closed the doer the tele- "Yes. Is. As for the notaries laizazarill. , 2C rime, in an intokl driallieyY • once as a silly speech. graph wires caught in the carpet and coroners, and presidents of ward polit- COLORIED LODGES. been ab that, Asti col- r haViiiK ••I must. It does me good." The man saw them, anti piclsiug "Yes. but 'he explained broke. ical clubs, they are simply ignored. It N BEN KVOI.ENT SOCIETY. to tis I tirttuld.'' ektsely. rut directiv tine up, he examined it lected all the money that had bees paid tttu Lit.;;;nLr ut..-:!nisiktiTZ.111‘ank.u';::el1 Medal.;UNIOl an.I 34I Monday evening In eac Thereupen they both lane-heal heartily and turned is totvre eatiefitetory to-- be borti great • three children es , Suddenly he dropped it en the supposed extra height of the ehini- rp etiTy.ITZ•11111 .141Th eanrrtile.. Montt,T o'clock, it-thew ge- Tobin;- Ma n recoienal his was at and felt better. Ile pal-. With all his braendo he then to achieve greatness in her majes- Wile!, Ita.1 Eructattoos, lifter( street, sec 1story over Illooser and °version. misted an atisaiiit ashen ne>'" Cbtf7.n.tvol'er,plentlon and Sal once. those eleteler wires upon Tongue. er's K. McNeal, President; Ned ter quailed bettire -That was very easy, sita for lie had it ty's kioglom. law contra...0.n f II fli.aprear t.s if by tighter, Eleanor '-[Xi yon think yeti really lore him?" the carpet. lie del not widen:tate! them. his own is wk.. a I .nlet some of the • Atingle Mau-a-1ln his tied. It portliest hitil.Self again. In EKES:boat isalitie, No. •s, I'.11. r aid end Mitelilbet The man of SCIeUce IS gueessl they might be some kind of and the blead.e...fteels all tl..ratieed funet tonal Ile work pasple in the Tillage. (tonally the Children. They are es- tette rosy cheeks, EUM "Nit. I don't." but leatual this everything was brintrieg hack, body, Meets lit and linilTue•elac nights in P.utel•'- OWENSH1111 • !grit room. telegraph. aeked (bent bow high the chimney was to "%i pecially liable to sudden nmt keen perception, alist coati% it the Halt, Court street. h. N.t;isse, W. NI; I,. s "Then-sell, it's hardly my place to mysterious. and they filled 464016 t„ vague awl be, and every Mali gave the real height. Croup, Whooping Cough, pat lont with new life and• icor, It in piens- Buckner, se„, ry, g childwheabout th say it." - Colds, Coughs, It hint withaatilta &arm end terror. Mr. Itedfonl hal to ion idiom it. and t. k.•. I 11.0,0 10,1 hICSA'WK.\ TEMPLE, NO. it, S. hreak the en...agement. That's etc. We guarantee Acker's English "ICC ries, and n his --h- Nevem •ILP11,1,1,11eT. I , I ••• `Plir-minry--•1111141 14 it what you mean 1 intend to do SO: butt - nemQT-ii '88 line 13114,151-16. top Um-he turned a de- U. it. 11101 l'ostell's I lee': court PTV:It 11. Urvinenta and tome. Of eotirse, VV hen Sold by .S.11. II artufait st t it nt it.11111:11:-y .SIIIMER-MuiTINC, Elmer. 1 wish you could be here with me."- hours of anxious watching. - • Pt Cheeie Deets It. CON,. LIrsioN. tected he promptly restored the 'Matey. dons1-- Augusta Monsen. W lows, which itwultt ••It would be impaseilde. oh" I've an B. li•It s Hopkineville, Ky good f.w 14yspef•-ta than all the Katie Casty, Secretary and thought himself lucky to have escaped 11. Ine more hap'z -- regulated The events of the last chapter __sem-• pitla I liaVe veer taken. it has ,In.r I LLB_ holitsP: NO. lafie, U. U. O. so easily More than that, hr claimed T„. bus, ...... „1101•112413V 1:303EZ.400-1EC From Mailing lir • -Have yen? There! I knew you would pentsl on the tiieht Of rridAY. 3"..Y I the Brotherhood of Lo- or o. that the chimney wax capped with nione. An officer of Loe, \Ls I . • .1.11.3C1.11k.WOrk. a dastai lielp me. You are no bright, Elmer, anti IS7.4. The following day, Sat 1. .4 1.Al sir Meets Ind and Ith Monday eights at Hansel tysIgi4T tit 11:4.461 • „ JI •I. urination of It is not. It is brick to the top. anti the comotive Engineers eats that the Bur- PA. broke Cahn. 'dear and warm. Elmer .• •-•soloul that I eoulellb and Overshiner's Ha il Main street. chsrie. as iiiii nutted tit II Mit a upper courses were rubbed tour with at Lineolti, Neb.,'have a Nt Pi 1 11....! Mnif-a-lin. and an Jesup N. 4.; William i•rai, ti; E. W. GIs... 4.4. .411,4k...111. I. .rt. t.5 et 1•. !tr. 3 Pie nippednipeed her enthneinsei in the butt. awoke early. can folly 11.1.kegli it lington trains 4111...... • , .r : colored plaster " now as'llealt(IV :OA tes n. N, William t lark N. Y. si • L. s to.r NI ..! Is. r. • • , aot Friday night. "Do ptu think you could telegraph to crack iii 1u in w111.10W curtain. and found collision every hour." Even if this Pa. , 4 • s4 '•I can hardly believe it. Besides, LOW J4 isEPII THU 'IN' AS, East Heady MYSTIC TIE 1,00611t NO. 1901, 4.I. N. 0 espectable harmer o me from yonr pes•ket)" that the chimney builder's room was Sold by all druggists and dealers. fits OY Y. can yt'ii pnsve statement were literally trite the cheer- Hart "I deal know what you mean." V. jwi. twills, 6 f.tir 4.5.00. Send for fleet, nit and Int Wednesday mghts or ti Friday,at mididg "That will. str. Look at it carefully." ful general 'manager of the road would luau's both. "Ti, las of 1.1fe;" sent free "You .now the. letters now perfectly, eu'kl-Tt t•tiemy has thorn. I wonder if month. Siiss.l.dias4m. b.f.; Ruffin I', -' 51.40th Ott, Till 118,414 . J11 • um. 'initiated II So saying. Elmer teleeted a photegraph lilt, to. 14. AltINSAN t'o.,Colunibtut,t1 is house, and if yitu hail your hand on an armature is it;':" doubtless be able to prove that hourly 1 r 'it,-,-,- . rt.,- i r Alma - it Vr. to ell arma- from those on the tattle and presented nit and 1.•-cu•p5•t arc sold s,. • ii•s't nvio 11.,11• 1,11 or einurtising you muld eenti off message's quickly?" lie linowf•red a sum"' telegraphic eollieions are a great convenience. re-ru-ns. Wm.., 1 to Mr. Denny. at W holesale and Itetad by could get not hl "Yes. You know I learned the alpha- ture arid sounder stamina: on the is indow hey The old gentleman looked at it carefully "The employes of the road ill Nebras- CHESAPEAKE, CHIO bet in one day. and Its mealy a week sent. end - touched it sssitly. hi an in- II 11, GARNER, K>' hey then asked tor for few liniments, and then saiil with an gentleman might *ay, since you put up that line to my room. etant there was a reopense,end Alma ri- ka," this Kr it -A N It- , I I air of conviction: I J1 •I! 'domed them that Think how we have talked with it al- pliert that she Was tip rind dres.wit and "do not tired to tarry %s alt-lies. When 1 II u lift , 1 It III !I "It is a perfect fraud. j hail no idea mire the hill just neely. And you remeraher the tea table, IS they that the man wits such a thief " they want to know whet time it the lawsons ant! the Steldens were S.11.1 17!‘ t hint in the smiling, nary went to the op a hen that bare tolliee have "Yee sir. IA, at Amply eount up the collishins they 1. here. Dithita I answer all your questions and a/Toren:1y happy. SolliNgsigni11.11.Co. . !• 4. 1. H nt 1, 1..111 h ,, ta m lew inhoutes where the plasti‘r has fallen off. Yoll van It ,,,, Minna Lan son while I was talking Elrner. lit. has gone away. Ile left bad, elbowing one collision for every •••.‘,.1-.1. I`[. 1 1...1.I. 51h h . h. about he ioricks .1 11f et the door, walked tat 'It' saying that see t HhS%t, 'sit In with her by tapping on the table with a it note 4 ,11 the breakfast hour." Fhe Tritnk I.ine thrseigii tis lest It 'I II III 1 . 51'1 ii ••011, I can see. There hi Int need to Southern j told the fa eption?" he had gone to New York, and that he - - r , F. ,r , I , Os and explain the picture Have you any more," "Yee. _So far so easel; hut now I'm F-11.4111 hot rutUnt t :II Monday or Tues- tel children, to get •• ace, sir: quite a number. Fut glad I Buckler's Arnica Salve. t•OlVi: , 55 tue-rt p I i•• eat etc. .11t-tat hit the going to try a most dangerous and difficult day." - - ! brought them with me." VIRCINIAS 1011111,.. !, 7 E ' . ' pr. et *Mates furnished ..; 'lie villaitio then, it piece of scientific work, and you must help "That's very good; lint I think it means The beet salve in the world for Cuts, Mr. Denny turned them over slowly ; it14114%164in 10 II,. ••44- 14.1": . 4 ,s, hole family, delete me. _My plan is for yon to keep in tele- mterhief." Salt Rheum, ro a.nd commented briefly:client them. Bruises. Sores, ['leers, graphic connunuication with meat:tile the - .Tiler/wee- -the breakfast 1,11 rang. The louse, and it, with "That's the home" Very well iliono, my Sores, 'fetter, Chapped Hands, CLARKE, See'y CEO-if-.0 interview goes on. Then, if he is insult- Fever r. W. the grout' set for fonts but Alma and Fl- the nsII Excellent. I should ton,l urtied to ing or troublesome, you can call nie.'• table was boy That's Chilblaine, Come, and all Skin Erup- , 01.vensboro, V.y. President uter were the only °nee in could answer know it at oats. And--eht what's that! as said, recognizt •-llow bright of you, Elmer. If Law tions, and positively eures l'ilee, or no Use call, and they sat down to the table The hattiug ' BaltimoWarse arid 13akport. Inthana. JOCKEY CLUB will HA its Somme indentify then]. rents had been, half so Maud and -kind and The an alone. They talked of various matters of 'Yee, sir. That's the .nena building pay required. It is guaranteed to give hright-if he Etre half as much-I might 2 1 22 little consequeuee. awl whea the meal 'I tic up beyond the mirisinit •' or money refunded. Uice.ti7g : --. °A Jona and IniVe loved him ltmaer." perfect satisfamtion, Western Seaboara A sta.:vial from Sa a-as. ovt.r Elmer annemets1 that rte the •atreat heaven whet no tottraieseis -Wait it bit and Eli get the lines." Priee '25 emits per box. For sale by apt: A remarkat day was quiet he should make a little fraud' Mr Belford told me it was nearly "May I mi. toti?•• exprilitioualsiiit the neigh- done. Ile has drawn almos a!i the money H. It. Garner. NEVER fAll5 To CURE Cities. Mormon settlemer ••011, yes, come.'• photographing R - - borhood. for it already, and acconims to this vel- .01 ey that is vouched The two went softly up the hall stairs, Samuel .1. Til- OAS RNEthq ISA "My visit here is now more than a ure only one story is up. When was t huh the list 5.1 the late 5PRAWS through the long entry to the I., and into Ghoritlee. Two quarter over. and I wish to take hetne picture taken?" den' stock of 1:quoro appears the fol- /AND Al DISEASES Of Mrstere room, They set the lamp on a Sarah SolLe photoe of the phtee. Wills you not CM Sat-weftay.- -dr. Alma was with 1.-c• eetrore and table. and Elmer dragged forth from the lowing item: "One barrel of Ken- •/*1 A,N AO Direct Route go with me?" She will tell 3-litt." BEAST• ectively eighteen scientific confusion of this place a col- whisky part full)." Nothing MAT REACHED By AN "With all my heart, if I can leave Mr Iheiny rang a small tell that stood turky CAN BE lectien of telegraphic apparatus of all ante Hyatt) for father. But please not talk of going at hie ills is', and a manl came to ile• • t• or ean tell with greater elearnetie the story To Memphis, kinds. lat*pocg cowboy n., home yet. I hope you will not go till -Will you call Miss Denny. Ann.: - exited beta een oung "There's the battery. flat Ell keep of the friendship which things an. setthst We want eon. Elmer. in a moment or 1101, perate was the and LIM Therroitid retired. here. There is the recording Mstrument. New York's great retoetn. governor and 50 circrs APPiiBOTTLE. New Orleans, -You are so wise and strong, and-you two Alma appotrol. SM.! seemel Ida that they fell That I'll keep hers' also.' Now yen want orfree-traile and know what I mean." down at mire US that brilliant epistle a email armature to open anti close the and dejected, and she sat -Ana AU Points acle as a finale I -Perhaps I da. At any rate I'm riot it • clean conticience, NI r. Henry Wattereon. current,. West a bat I'd better make weary. Ices. They were going. 111-1.. heir. pastim that. Belford for - -"What. la it., ..fatlierS sAnst Arkansas and his insults." - • of Acrutnen's Fur- aye later some me Alniasiatsstkurzion a hoc,'opt bee new tronbles!' The great success -rrCiL Ter's falrattlartotiNT.•" 'Were' with 3 our cousin '-1-thtn-be Lohetigrm set to work with shears and you gatiTe l'eas is due- to-die they Texas ie betsktrte of the This was emjnently wise. They had taik this photoarapla- :10i tOE file to mate something that would answer wants of the people, being eco- or tulles or hot., and found M enjoy the day of pt•ace that was a; it at and then nit's (time Through Tickets are nos nat.- tor an armature andl mill he smith enough better She looked moment, • C,oRV0015E.G:;:trlivelocas:R,m1:01)51.i:351tFAT.PilloiLlosItiot.tik.05 address ehrehier dif the to use and always reliable and e ground serite ------to hide in the- hand. - --Curtirg off tva-ti before them. The coming said wearily.. nomical their though the best SI 114'11E1.1., small pieces of insulated copper wire, he events already darkened lives, ''it's. It's the batting effev•tive, their ingredients are more girl Was a they knew it not. Mr. Denny was so Just here the dour opened. and Mr. 1h.1- it hound tlion together sale by side at one and their combination the result of pro- -Gen' and Ticket way with a piaM Alma, red. The he'NV ends he separated by much better tl at he conbl spare ford, hat and traveling in; in hand, as -Tailors ton..e Mercitnt paper found stints- and skill. Try thew d they had loaagl crt.wiling a bit of rubber between them, awl about 10 o'....lock she appeared, if just frint the station, entered the Elmer undis- other Liver rente- rival at and then with the file aid lain knife he re- umbrella in band, at the porch. rind ru iii. The two men hsiked up in and you will have no ad lilt her bearing a small camera, Aleut east her newed a fort of the Mimi:ante: r"vering soon joined her guised anutztamia. hut tly. For sale by 11. B. Garner. Livery'and Feea !steals were found and a light wooden trips1 for its support. eyeS Upon the thsir. nual her fiwt• seemed till the.' ,whit copper showed at the bats omen says She is of each The two spent the tnerning happily in It, put din • aehea hue than ever. Turpie nimile his first wire. When Senator no.totiplapoirstunontittymtuol‘I ''There! 'You can hide ilea in each other's company, anti at I o'clock re- '•Ah! excuse me I did me mean to in- the •ik the speech in congress the other (ley IttroI.6.1.21414"0:Ctygo -STABLE,- pocket et your tires, or held it in your turned to dinner with ,inite a number of trude. I'm aist. from New York. P IA I York Sun praised his graceful 'ga- tki5C a:t.ol:v‘till11:141:11:51014:01 id New ui Is of to ing, interest B various ohas hastened No. of been so iievesstni that 1 Opera ban. , 108. 113:1.1 even. When 3 on wish t... (lose the ni•zatives r. L. Smith, Prop'r, tart uit, pinch the wires, untl they mill about the plies. After danner the young la:: the tie-sit before you... (or). and able logic, a toile the New York tiut x, Rev. Eiger I,, I man retreated to hie room to prepare for 'What lutve 3-tet to stiv. Mr Bel guffaw over touch each other. When you w Intraw Tribune burst into a loud -Sou)EYERYWH E RE------Ky. of the Presbyterial the battle that he felt sure would rage on fere]." amid Mr. Dl'nny. celdly. "There Hopkinsville, the pressure that rubber will push them his uncouth manner itt iii ilirney litgo - Plains, N. J., shot the foihdwing Mondny. are none brit friends here, find yint need jar,,,- •.1.1 11.1!„..- 1.11,11` Is ! &Part" constituents can lit' ted know rill -the clrenmstances not fear 1.1 speak --- menu. The senator's il it, for .1..rses. spraisi st,e3l1.....00.44. pulpit ot the churl. Alum declared she could do it easly. rig se..‘id horses and vehicles to all Its cry 11.1 1.1 • of the trouble that had invadel the fana Mr ['rank hut letsttly gathered up the opinions. sh••••• sail the armature haying taco connected take their elwiee of there two RAik9ESBOVIISTPSH!LE'14113;fYil .6• ..bone day. Mr. Hernia . „ ily, but he felt stare that the. confidential pictures together. and. rolling them up. A line with`the wires and the battery. they both large and eleg„nt of tine asked for Pottle in, d'lurk intended some terrible shame or ex- put them in his pocket. wit Ii the niectal the illirbt.1,T, prepared tog() to the perlor. C e /Tights is F. Ill' 51.1, - ptsisre -that iti 1&a:r concerned his remark that he 'knew of who was \e (metier of the Down the stairs they t-rept, slowly un- ‘,...)(•\'‘ • 57 complaint of cousin Alma. So it was lie came to call not a friend-no; tad much.' himself a winding two delicate Coils of insulated thousacds Paltering front Asthma, Con- CALT HOUSE, between -her- tlerbs-latts ...1-1,seo.a.eansuotatatkorttlattut..--",takid Mr. wire as they went, and posh:rig then, hack sumption': Cr:lights-etc. -1•Sid•-"yent ever try ROFESSIONAL CARUS.- - KY. any, He meth- rdi Not les, not with a swonl. but with the 11..11..rd, with sabfittis ,0„1,„•,isf- ••Th e LOUISVILLE. against the wall tse.1: out of sight X% lien Acker's Ehglish Remedy? It is the best SPR1NC of SUITINCS increase, all ttelearaph, the camera and the micro-lan- tedte Lae bet•n mat •, lip I littvd• tat °s- they- cane; ti. :he mats Alma lifted them preparation known fur •Il Lung Troubles, The laciest ana l,arjteet Motel ri II... I Is tern. tain,' a release tif the lir.rt:490y. and here Pit 1 %ICl/INS. Ile owned and re, up, awl Eimer laid the wires Wien, anti sold on a pooitive guarantee at lOc., IS0c. The Sabbath passed .inietly, rind the is the enticelfsl cote :oil the r. !ease. To Bales 1112.30 te $1.00 Per Day, then the mats covered flank from •ight. now in Call new most palatial reel NI•intlay eitte•. After lire.tkfast the stu- Morrow I will have 1! recorded. • H. B. GARNER. Hopkinsville, Ky. Areordina to 14,41.1111114 are stock. early and see the "Now, y, di sit hers ilt a e.inilorr:Ode BLAKEY the dleughter of , dent ridreatts1 te his nom anti Intel to no nessl for passim rt , Mr. M YstaLguiti Taos W chair, and hide the V iris in the folds of 'We are in Istirki‘li and Rus•fian in lloti.1 styles. sandy, bur ro.11,i Mot sits litre 1,141:f y.:t1,1 of Yale College. youir dress. 1-11 lead them off over the Belfortl. The sheriff The Texas supreme court says it is not Cor Clay and 7th .\1,,filt lie heard n carriage of 4 W est two- big carpet behind you. and .nrilt- si the - to take pOeseissi011 ,11 bill out of another Hy stood very -step_ before tht• His theft to take a $10 leweenew I.. ItriAtter than I Llui.lth, is sense kind day.'' of White Plains a n.'t4 being nt The rear- he routj loft nee • vret--peeket.--Pewhapa It __mould he'll not find thern.'• "Oh. Yknewth Fairl6gh & Blakey, unquestL wleehad come. and thinking that it might or lie would have saved of the abetrai•- lug was These re I y st e rio u operation'. were telegram in time, take a more serious view li tnerely some stray visitor. and that at all this ti nneceesary .X1141 he shot lilmeelf I hardly ..--ompleted twfore the dltor you tion of a pint tlaek from another man's least it did not rontern lion, he turned to its all aud there Is rang and Lawrence came in. He dal not now everything serene. Haag within the el his books and made another attempt to Atirants' release in full." hip pocket. Perna partictilarly pleased to tind -Mr. I le orator), John read!. paper & feldiedl H. lle took out a carefully ni Sup. D. BALDWIF CO., Franklin sittim; up with•Ainet, anti the Physicius cured more After otter- delay he heard the Mr. Ile read it in re-ru-na has undoubtedly perfectly rational meeting a-as not very cordial. After a and ease it to Denny. carnege dr VP PIAVIIY, HMI tile Ilia hi''Use said: of consumption than all the other c few unimportant remarks Mr. Franklin dlence. and then eases to get a pitcher beeanie very still. Then he heard a their "It seems t.. be quite correct. We"---- said that he must retire. remetilea put together. he closed the chu iipen down scsosi, and a moment after one "I'd like to know. rinse. what that Alma stuidenly dropped her heal uptin id the maals knockol at his door. See in "Ills of Life" how 11 an-a-lin HAVE T1-11 startled by the re puppy/void to you. Ile's been here all the her breast, an.I elidl to tie. ml. sir in a con- ••Wet:I•1 Mr. Franklin kindly come St., rushing back evening. I dare say." fused beep. Sli • thought slit. read in that cured Brown, of bet Grittier and down stairs' Mr Denny wished to see her warrant. Nature DR. W. K. NISBET '•Ite has, Lawrence: but I will not lutve fatal receipt death New Orleaho, of intolerable. Pilee. found the pastor him in the 1.',rary my frientle spoken "(in that way." relwiletl, and mercifully lock away her ie. - peopie p, He would at runes'• and picking up there Is life there is hope, If the • oter- to,• protes-low, I serf to th• the floor of the 'Your frit-n.144 italeed' What do you While w ind of nainnted photographs and y. Intend to do about it?" tin IselEstli'sber spratig to her rescue. but Mr. patient's hr :ends will but insist on try- from the tante, he prepared to go eittwn -or rues- The case aga Meanwhile her hand pereistently kept tk•Ibtrol intruded himself. Piano Store in -a. Largest ing 1st-en-pi Kentucky stairs. He hardly knew a'tee be shi ii,let for al In her tewket, nervonely flea e.1 the electric "It is TIIV place, Mr. Franklin. She is - Louisville. Take the led-tun...Pod then. There twerned troubled Charles armature. and a entiden twinge ef pain to be my wife, l'ileo and Fistula Over Gaither's Drug Store. mitted In le75 no special why lie slaitIld Shoe/ startled her. Her finger. caught between The dreary day crept to its end. Alma Frank, of Etnrielieville, O., till he took States D them to Mr lienny. still, an indefinite United the wires, felt the itles-k of it returning recovered, azid retiredh t,• her room. Mr. on motl feeling urged him to take them with him. overcome by the excitement of the It a morning current. Suddenly the pain fiastfed again, Denny, - - ATTOIK•1.1 Or in the West. contains large and elegant assortment of and she underattasil It. Elmer was reply- The library wee it small nom, dark, Inter few. wan iillite and the vi-:tor, Wickliffe. Rein W bile the Dentocrets will probably ing to her. She f• irred herself to read his with heavy 'sok shelves against th- oppressed with it sense of partial defeat, Planters' Natio walls, anti crewdeti with tattles. desk a walk through the country nornitiate Preeldent IdevelaM1 by noels- wtinis by the pain the wires caused her. to..k long and ouceeeiled 1 and she sue lied out: mid easy chairs. There vras it student The talents. had made such an extraerdin mat ion for a Pectin.] term the first ballot JOHN W. McPHERSON lamp on the center table, rind In a ms's ement that for the time he was $100.000 of the b -Keep otsuL_ Don't fear him," any at the Republic itti convention will letok at Law, Decker Bros., Haines Bros., oL$ C. Fischer, Mr SteinnWons Sae: Attorney "rseeeath JerV precious sileis-t. -e-ertrer-es-A-Ts -1;7.14e= Iron disconcerterica:nd be- a oohed to---be Monts mortgage I Ine-_,TMLIK- out of a pepper first Ilestay_wita-seated-ast the table with his--Ow be esswisl- tivinis-over-the- as MR had been !flatten mite." Horn ville, al silleonvi might well keep silence while you back to the door and with his head About Pilt (,'click in the afternoon box. hand and arm. He and calm, road and Pont. o use ench language as you iii,, Lawreuce elIPPorfed toy his he returned, lot dkina bright in the Courts of did of hi Peas prevent fevt•ro and all Will practice as heretofore Belford." ii' it scent to fait ire the /wive" s as if ite had thought out his prols Purgative the I minotivresilh, sieept the t11111 Pleas Indieted lit Oe "Who's a better right" visitor. and Elmer advanced to the table lent and had nervetl himself up to do kintln of niektienn by removing all pois- Court for Lbristaa county Piano Co., D. II. Baldwin St Co. and Arlington Piano Co. Pianos. gave bond for Iii and laid the tilietographs nom it. and dare all ill behalf of the vitanan he 'No man has a right not to be a gentle- onous matter front the bowels. They B. Letterie, hul man, and as for your right, I '1 ton glad pm hare come, Mr. Frank- loved. Ile went rtnietly to his room and have de- yet mildly without any it.'' lin. I wish to talk with you. I wish to began his preparations for it vigorous as- operate briskly eurety. He fo cided to withdrew .1No. jIll.11 ND. It, J. nitric. .Iso. Val. A en, Jo. "What do you mean?" he cried in sud- tell you thing. A great affliction sault upon the enemy. pain. 'For guile by II, B. Garner, ever, anti tied te hare fallen ti to,, Anil I wish you. antair rolled tdit his micro-lantern Into the have not only the largest and finest assortment that can found den anger. ''mu Ile They be since resided. She drew her hand out of her pocket. guest, to po-pared for it. I think [1'1111 middle (of the room. drew up thi• contains man has been diecov- & Feland, Another great Feland, Stites but sell at lower prices for the same quality of instruments than the proi slowly took off her engagement ring, end trust you. Elmer Frenklin. I reinetnher at the window that faced Mr.., lieironfa over all ered in Georgia. Hie name le 11111, and said. your mother, nie loy. Yon hare her chniniwr. and preparell teetaljust the ap- any other piano house in the United States. (the bank, as finest pack of hoitnile In the "That" features-nrel I will trust you for her paratias to a new and neat ningulnr style he owns the Attorneys-:-ak-Law the missing none WO are ruined•' of lantern projections. Ile had hardly ','h'e-president "Oh: We'll have of that. You state. If nominated for neealed In this "How. sir' How hit that possible, with the work to his eatinfaction be- -KT. may put your ring on again " finished he would poll a tremendous vote In the - -KtPKIBITILLK, shall never wear it again." all yitur property," fore he betted Aline' knock eit the (Moe. Is residence. and poitetini precincts of this mighty "Yea, you will." "N's one cent of my property-not a He hi-wily drew flown the curtains. and coon D. H. Baldw;n & Co., N. 236 4th Ave., Louisville, Ky. his exile by his foot of ground, or ?wick, or plere come In. • "I shall not."• a single then Invited her to nation. friends have he here, Mies Denny- We'll have of shafting iii the mille--tielonge to me." She opened the deor And appeared upon • 'Look tire the diemh an nonsense. You are iming to marry roe "This in terrible. air. Ilow did it hap- the threshold, the 'nature of resigned and rco.sol‘ VioY,Aterj a next week. I riuppiete you know that WO" ' heavy sorrow She hall evidently been A.P. CAMPBELL, A fine assortment of EjlEgrjnErle _ COY AGIAILAT as, Also against him, mortgage 1.01 to be foreelosteol on Monday, '• bin sheet end mai ,tory lwttun,ny weeping, and the dark dream in whteh site' Is warranted, Is because it Is the teeny he walk and you and your father will he beggars. father's 4.nly Child, and there were ,. no had arrayed herself perused tit intensify Blood Preparation known. It will pod- other heirs. Niy last Illness forth a free m .1 know how to stop all this, and I can do father'. the look of anguish on 114.r face. The eon timely Cure all Blood Inseams, purifies the 3 =MST,- number of Pianos take: exchan[ at barg- ins Lot h. Marry me and go to New York with was eery sudden, awl he left no of science wars (Ilene-serried. Ile did not whole eyetem,and thoroughly builds up the business in will. Ile told me when he died that Ise on Wednesday, sued the nvotipaps will know what to say, and, with great wis- constitution. Remember, we guarantee it. Hopkinsville, - - Kentucky. be had left everything to me. We dom, he maid nothing. 2d be withdrawn." II . B. Garner, Hopkinsville, Ky. 0111ea ever N. Irraakel a Illesso. Memphis Store.u528 Street. Nashville Store 218 Church, itre "We may And the will before that." never found *sr will that would bear out She entered the room 'without a word,, • . ?f•tlt•' •• -qt.i4rS4Pk's • - • aelitaillesPaalmateas... . ran., -woo'