Chat1ete<l 1no QUARTERLYNEWSLElTERS· Prepared for the interest of all members (Regular, Honorary and Associate) of the Marine Society of the City orNewYork in the Stale'of New York, SuJte 714. 17 BaUery PlaQ:, NewYeri(, NY 10004. Office 212-425-,0448 FAX.212-425-1117 ~le: www.inarin~)'.OT'g Upcoming Events 2 February 2009 AniJUal Meeting at Giovanni's Atrium, 100 Washington St., NYC Tariff is $35.- per person. ANNUAL DINNER th For reservations and details, call the office at 212-425-0448 The 239 Annual Dinner will take place on 20 April 2009 at the New Members . ~"""-_.~ - New York Downtown Marriott, 85 West Street, NY. Invitations will be sent out shortly. Check the website or call the office for Nicolas Makar 220ct 2008 details. Sponsorship at the event is available. Andrew R. Miller 15 Dec 2008 Tel 212)425-0448, Fax (212)425-1117 marine ~ere Thirteen new members added to the roster in 2-608: marinesociet)'
[email protected] 2 Honorary members, 3 Associate members and 8 Regular members - ''-__~~_'='''''-'-L..-. _ .. Aggual Hall of Fame Ceremonies 31 Jag, '09 A number of members of The Marine Society ofNew York attended the annual recognition ofthe outstanding individual and the outstanding ship of the year held by the American. Merchant Marine,Museum at Kings Poinl lbe honored ship and i~dividual appear below SIS TRANSGLOBE ex SIS MARINE WOLF - CadettMidsbjpman Francis Alonzo Dales 1923-2003 The SIS TRANSGLOBE (ex SIS MARINE WOLF) had a ~ingular CIM Dales' gunfi~e sank an attacking enemy torpedo boa!. and renowned history in both WWlI and the Vietnam War.