Nottingham, 1965
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-.—‘ — pw --+H'““z Page 166 April 14, 1965 -—- THE WEEK IIIIII_ _'_|fll 717" 1|i"4I~A* *1 1 "Haf-millon houses needed" EASTER '65 EASTER MARCH: CND is organ- say ‘Railway Clerks ising a three-day march this year, from High Wycombe (Bomber Com- HE April issue of the TSSA A prerequisite to all this is lower mand HQ), via Uxbridge (USAF Tjournal contains an editorial interest rates, in some cases a form base), to Trafalgar Square. commenting on the Milner-Holland of subsidy, and a modernisation of Report, which draws some of the building p methods. Incidentally, The march costs a lot to organise, key lessons of this scarifying docu- might it not be possible for some of and all marchers are being asked to ment. the aircraft factories threatened with pay a 5/- registration fee. Marchers redundancy to be re-equlipped for Last month’s shocker -- the living in the London area cannot be the production of industrialised Milner-Holland Report under- provided with accommodation; but if housing components? lined in grim terms not just how you can’t find anywhere to stay In I964 370,000 housing units yourself, there will be some rough much more should have been done ;|-u---1--\.|-ru-1-|---—-1-|.-u-Cir-w-.n.|--r1—.I\_r\_ were completed, and the Labour Apr|l 14th 1965. VI 3 No 5 in the way of house building but, accommodation provided on the Government believes that this year equally important, what little was nights of Good Friday, Saturday, and a figure of 400,000 can be achieved. Sunday. IF YOU CAN MARCH, _ _ _ i done to prevent the exploitation of A country the size of Britain ought tenants by unscrupulous landlords! EVEN FOR A SHORT PERIOD, to be able to build half a million PLEASE SEND YOUR NAME, In fact, the Rent Act of 1957 with its units a year. Western Germany, provisions for eviction was an en- HOME ADDRESS, AND 5/- to which is roughly the size of Britain, CND at I4 Grays Inn Road, London. couragement to some of those land- hqi“ already manages t h at number, .-.-...-r lords to pursue even more ruthlessly although it ought to be pointed out their trade in misery. MARCH PROGRAMME: that dwellings are usually slightly EASTER SATURDAY: Nap- Whilst the Report was about hous- smaller there than in this country. hill, 9.30 a.m. High Wycombe, ing"in the Greater London area, the There is a place for both the pri- Loudwater (lunch), Gerrards ‘i’ ~. "' 3.»-fit:- fact is that the pattern can be found vate and the public sectors in this Cross (tea), Uxbridge (Metro- -‘*2 in practically every large city in the challenge but it is evident that politan Line Station). “.1-a, #5’ country. The national housing short- iv 41" Local Authorities will have to take , tf, -1': -"""“""Q51-I--r-I-I11I\;1Il'\I:Il‘r.-‘VT .-sé,-? ‘cf-r 4,)?‘ age has created a situation where 4-. an increasingly large share of the EASTER SUNDAY: Uxbridge "<5; $ slum properties exist in an “Affluent work. Given the right conditions, 10 a.m. Ruislip, Harrow (lunch) \- ‘ic "" "' Society” and where a minority of they will no doubt be only too -""-4 ‘f-.‘f'-E+,_-ff’? Hanger Lane, Ealing Common .-§- 3‘:-5 " bad landlords profit at the expense pleased to fulfil their role. Housing (tea), Acton Green (Turnham ""1""""“'1"\ 4- of people who merely seek the is one of the most human and press- Green Station). , basic necessity of ra roof over their ing problems facing the Government. wr-O-~—P1 heads. A The Week says: The demand for s EASTER MONDAY: Acton *°'i='?°Mi=-<» The land racket, high A interest a target of these proportions is Green, Hammersmith, Kensing- charges and high building costs badly needed. Now is the time to ton_, Hyde Park (lunch), Vic- have had their reflection in both the consider resolutions to the Labour torla, Whitehall, Trafalgar Sq. Local Authority and private sectors Party Conference along these lines. of housing. In some areas, a»home 5j"*l:-P.» has become a luxury and a vain dream for many . ‘ 0 Miners‘ leaders With the top-heavy concentration in south-east England it is only too obvious that the overall answer to join The Week much of the housing problem rests READERS will have noticed that with the creation of new towns far The Week has two new spon- beyond the Metropolitan Green Belt sors: Lawrence Daly, and Eric Var- ' _ i-_ -- i fl , ___ i J-7_- _____ i - _L - -- and the adoption of industrialised ley, MP. Mr. Lawrence Daly recently \ 1? A A techniques for their construction. won the position of General Secre- These would be “self-supporting” tary of the Scottish National Union Business and towns, with industry and all the of Mineworkers. He was a miners’ Editorial Address: ’ .. iii ~ amenities necessary for the popula- agent in Fifeshire and a county tion. ‘ r councillor. A 54 Park Road, “ * ii W Mr. Eric Varley is Member of Par- Lenton, Nottingham. r“ "* . j_~‘~,, If towns and cities have insuffici- Tel. Nottingham 48369. " ~ * " ent building land available (including liament for Chesterfield sponsored 1317i-M‘-L that for redevelopment with higher by the NUM. In recent months‘ he ' Edltors: densities) to cope with their prob- has been taking an active interest in A--J-1. 0-1-4- lem, then every possible aid should the progress of the Steel Nationalisa- Ken Ooates be given as encouragement to those tion Bill; He has also participated in on the housing lists to move out to the discussions around workers’ 1 the new towns. control for the steel industry. , . H l I _ I M Iii. SS ll and Sartre on wetnam Published by THE WEEK. 54 Park Road. Lenton. Nottingham Printed by Wm. J. Butler 8: Co. (T.U.), Bulwell, Nottingham. utfifiy mmdqfive. fiviwnkr 6.1‘-w1-,fw)'1v°I"'/ cluxgt .5 THE WEEK —-L April 14, 1965 W M P389152 Paee 156 April 14, 1965 -‘- THE WEEK _ __ _, :____’ -_t_ ___ ___1_._4__i____t__'i|_- *7 __ V _ ___i__V L I -L h YT: __' _.' fl‘ :17: '—_ ___7 __ ___ i. Ii _iI l j “W |— i JBAN-PAUL SARTBE ‘ i‘.°. “iiit sl.‘li;T.i.ia‘i"’..a’Ei‘.“l§..‘§’§“s‘i gravity. The United St-ates will ct ” Why I Cannot Visit the U.S.A.” evolve, of course, slowly, very slowly, but more rapidly if you resist April 14th», 1965-. Vol. 3, N0. 5 Vietnam Butohery Denounced them than if you address them with THE ll‘€Ckl€SS actions of the American Government in WHEN Jean-Paul Sartre can- an acute—-la military disaster, sermons.” Vietnam have brought the rworld to the brink of celled a series of meetings in the grave -threat of a world war. The E nuclear war. The probable results are _so awful that the United States on March I 8th, only way we can contribute to arous- people will not face them and will not admit that they are he gave as his reason, “The policy of ing this opinion is by indicating Huzb%“?Jr:f£J;_ _ _ . _ . ...,,,,.,,,,.=c-==......,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,_.,r..........,_ .....H_____________________________ ,,,r._::,,, brutal, over-all condemna.tion of . I I I ‘ r I I _ -‘I_-_I‘I_I|-‘~_*_'_",‘,"."_ . .'.“...-‘I_._I_ I-_v_-_-_-,',‘,','.'I .‘I Ill‘----“'.'---I violence practised in Vietnam by the ' , ' I , I I I - - - I I v_-_1_"'_',",‘,',',', I I . ‘I - I I- I I I_I_-_-_',',','.". .'I . I I I I - I __________ .,,,,,,___,_,_,_,,,,,,,,,,,,_______,,,,,,,,,,,, ______' I I I I I__ ‘ -I.'.‘-r‘I-|.I.I-llliIIIll-W‘,-l.l_|-nil-Ill-I-IIIllIV-'|-"...,.. _.... .. __ _ ___ “q,,, C§§nn - ==> - - =. - -= .==.= probable. American policy maintains that the extinction _u__nII.II_I..... .I _' _..'.'.__ . I- ._- .I .,-,“_ , a,,,.IIIII.... American policy in Vietnam by try- .'-I I'I'I - _ _" '.'.‘ ' I - ‘ - -II I I government of the United States ..........Ilfal _ ..| ,. ._, ._ ... ,,,,_...... .. 156. Editorial '.‘.'I‘. I _I--1--------------------------------------------------------------------------_ , _ , , , _ . .'. I ‘I -- _-_-_ _ _ ,','.‘, , I‘.'I I I I I I I|I__- ~=vvc¢--------------------------- .==~==>r====»¢==¢=====-====<== of the human race would be a smaller misflortune than ‘ . ‘ I ' I ' I ' I - - ' - - I I I I * _ ' ' _ ' . ' . ' , ' . ' I ‘ . ' . ' I ' I ' I - I - I I I - _ - ' _ - , ' ' , ' . ' . ‘ . 'I'-"I'I'-'- I - with the approval of the majority of ing to stir up wherever possible ________________________________________________________________________________________,,,,,,,,,_,____,Hq,_,q“,,,,,,_,__,_,,,,,,,,,,,_“....,,, 57. Sartre the permission of freedom to South Vietnam. This position the American people . .” that is in Europe_-some protests.” 158. Three-nation Rally is one which cannot be soberly maintained. Efforts were made by American Sartre condemns Washington’s Anti-Nuclear Force 159. Students‘ Protest If we survive, Vietnam will not be the last crisis. The radicals to get him to reconsider. The propaganda in the most cutting way: Students for a Democratic Society, “What do the Americans say? That 160. Algeria main conflict in the world is now between American power for instance, cabled him on March they are intensifying the war in Viet- Grows Greater 161. Aparlheld (with the lbacking of lesser ‘Western governments) and 25th, inviting him to address a rally nam, that tihey are bombing the THE fourth Belgian anti-nuclear 162. Workers‘ Control nationalism in the Third World and China. Until the U.S. of 10,000 in Washington that is North, that they are utilising gas in march, on March 28th, was a being organised April 17th to pro- the South, in order to make negotia- spectacular event.