No.59 QS World University Ranking

Top 5 University Undergraduate Engineering Ranking Cluster Program in French for International Students

Founded in 1896, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is one of the internationally recognized, top-tier research universities in China, with strong commitment to nurturing future leaders with innovative drives and global visions. The Engineering Cluster Program is a new undergraduate international program designed to combine the strengths of engineering-related fields at SJTU. Offering all major courses in English or French, the Cluster Program welcomes prospective students with an interest in engineering studies from all over the world.

The SJTU Undergraduate Engineering Cluster program in French includes

> SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT) Cluster students will take introductory science courses in > The School of Materials Science and Engineering the first 1.5 years at SJTU-Paris Tech Elite Institute of > The School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Technology (SPEIT). After meeting this requirement, Engineering, Information Engineering Cluster students may choose to continue their studies at > The School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering SPEIT (in French) or transfer to another engineering > The School of Mechanical Engineering school (in English or Chinese) to complete their bache- lor’s degree. The Cluster Program covers various engineering-related disciplines such as: Reminder: Although all Cluster courses are taught in > Mechanical Engineering French, Cluster students are required to take Chinese > Electrical and Computer Engineering culture and language courses while enrolling in their > Materials Science and Engineering respective degree programs. All Cluster students are > Computer Science and Technology expected to meet HSK 4 (Chinese Language Test) as the > Information Engineering minimal Chinese language requirement for graduation. > Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Exceptions include Cluster students enrolling in Dual > Power and Energy Engineering Degree Program or other international programs. > And more

Application Deadlines for 2019 Admission On-line Application > May 31, 2019 (Beijing Time, GMT+8)!list.html?bingle=1&sideNav=307&colorid=9 Admission Eligibility

1. Non-Chinese, foreign passport holders with a high school French Proficiency Requirement diploma (or equivalent) 2. Applicants of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan > Native French speakers or origins who have migrated to other countries should check > TCF, TEF, DELF/DALF≥B2 their eligibility as explained in “Document No. 83 (2009) of Ministry of Education of the PRC .pdf” Exams

Application Materials > Oral exams on physics and mathematics (via videoconferencing possible) 1. CV and personal statement > General interview 2. Recommendation letters 3. High School Transcripts

> Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship should Scholarships directly contact the local Chinese Embassy or Consulate. When completing the scholarship application form, applicants > Outstanding students will be awarded scholarships, such as should select Shanghai Jiaotong University as their first choice. Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai Government > Applicants for SJTU scholarships are eligible for the ones listed Scholarship, Teaching Assistantship, and others. below:

Types Scholarship Criteria

First-Place Period:4 years Applicants have been officially admitted Scholarship Full tuition award, living allowance by SJTU without being awardees of (2,500 CNY per month), other scholarships at the same time accommodation subsidy (1,000 CNY per month), insurance Scholarship is awarded based on the comprehensive ranking of applicant’s Second-Place Period:4 years academic and interview performance. Scholarship 50% tuition award, accommodation subsidy (1,000 CNY per month), insurance SJTU reserves the right of final explanation.

Third-Place Period:4 years Scholarship 25% tuition award, insurance

Fees Term begins

Tuition: 45,000 CNY per year > In early September 2019 (the exact date will be specified in the admission letter)

Contact Information SJTU Undergraduate Admission Office of International Student SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT) Address: Room 100A, New Administration Building B, 800 Dongchuan Rd, Address: SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China Shanghai, China Post code: 200240 Post code: 200240 Tel: +86-21-34207848 Tel: 86-21-54743244 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website: No.59 QS World University Ranking

Top 5 China University Undergraduate Engineering Ranking Cluster Program in English for International Students

Founded in 1896, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is one of the internationally recognized, top-tier research universities in China, with strong commitment to nurturing future leaders with innovative drives and global visions. The Engineering Cluster Program is a new undergraduate international program designed to combine the strengths of engineering-related fields at SJTU. Offering all major courses in English or French, the Cluster Program welcomes prospective students with an interest in engineering studies from all over the world.

The SJTU Undergraduate Engineering Cluster program in English includes

> The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Cluster students will take introductory engineering (UM-SJTU) Joint Institute (JI) courses in the first 1.5 years at the UM-SJTU Joint Institute. > The School of Materials Science and Engineering After meeting this requirement, Cluster students may > The School of Electronic, Information and Electrical choose to continue their studies at the UM-SJTU Joint Engineering, Information Engineering Institute or transfer to another engineering school (in > The School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering English or Chinese) to complete their bachelor’s degree. > The School of Mechanical Engineering Reminder: Although all Cluster courses are taught in The Cluster Program covers various engineering-related English, Cluster students are required to take Chinese disciplines such as: culture and language courses while enrolling in their > Mechanical Engineering respective degree programs. All Cluster students are > Electrical and Computer Engineering expected to meet HSK 4 (Chinese Language Test) as the > Materials Science and Engineering minimal Chinese language requirement for graduation. > Computer Science and Technology Exceptions include Cluster students enrolling in the > Information Engineering UM-SJTU Dual Degree Program, JI-KTH 3+2 Bachelor’s > Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Program, or other international programs. > Power and Energy Engineering > And more

Application Deadlines for 2019 Admission On-line Application > Early Admission – November 15, 2018 (Beijing Time, GMT+8) > > Regular Application – April 30, 2019 (Beijing Time, GMT+8) Admission Eligibility

1. Non-Chinese, foreign passport holders with senior high school diploma (or equivalent); 2. Applicants of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan origins who have migrated to other countries should check their eligibility as explained in “Document No. 83 (2009) of Ministry of Education of the PRC .pdf” English Proficiency Requirement

Application Materials > TOEFL (iBT) – 84 or above > IELTS – 6 or above 1. Test Scores > Exceptions may be granted if: - SAT (JI code: 6563) - Your SAT critical reading score is 600 or higher - ACT (JI code: 6983) - Both of your ACT reading and English scores are 27 or higher - A-Level - You have recently completed at least four years of rigorous - IB (International Baccalaureate) academic study in any of the following countries: Anguila, - National Exam Scores, such as Malaysia National Exam Scores or others - TOEFL (iBT) (JI code: 6210) for non-native speakers of English Antigua, Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British - IELTS for non-native speakers of English Virgin Islands, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, 2. Recommendations: Dominica, England, Federated States of Micronesia, Grenada, - Two recommendation letters are required: one from the applicant’s high Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Montserrat, New Zealand, Northern school counselor and one from a teacher Ireland, Scotland, Seychelles, Shetland Islands, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. 3. High School Transcripts Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks - Special attention is given to mathematics, physics, chemistry and other and Caicos Islands, United States (other than Puerto Rico), US related subjects. Applicants should arrange to have copies of their official Virgin Islands, Wales. transcripts in English sent to SJTU from the high school(s) they attended. 4. Personal Statement

> Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship should directly Scholarships contact the local Chinese Embassy or Consulate. When completing the scholarship application form, applicants should > Outstanding students will be awarded scholarships, such as select Shanghai Jiaotong University as their first choice. Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai Government > Applicants for SJTU scholarships are eligible for the ones listed Scholarship, Teaching Assistantship, and others. below:

Types Scholarship Criteria

First-Place Period:4 years Applicants have been officially admitted Scholarship Full tuition award, living allowance by SJTU without being awardees of (2,500 CNY per month), other scholarships at the same time accommodation subsidy (1,000 CNY per month), insurance Scholarship is awarded based on the comprehensive ranking of applicant’s Second-Place Period:4 years academic and interview performance. Scholarship 50% tuition award, accommodation subsidy (1,000 CNY per month), insurance SJTU reserves the right of final explanation.

Third-Place Period:4 years Scholarship 25% tuition award, insurance

Fees Term begins

Application Fee: 75 USD(nonrefundable) > In early September 2019 (the exact date will be Tuition: 80,000 CNY per year specified in the admission letter)

Contact Information SJTU Undergraduate Admission Office of International Student UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI) Address: Room 100A, New Administration Building B, 800 Dongchuan Rd, Address: UM-SJTU Joint Institute, 800 Dongchuan Rd, Shanghai, China Shanghai, China Post code: 200240 Post code: 200240 Tel: +86-21-3420-6046 ext. 4492 Tel: 86-21-54743244 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected], Website: Website: No.59 QS 世界 大学排名

Top 5 中国高校 国际本科生 排名 中文项目

申请材料 上海交通大学是一所“综合性、研究型、国际化”的国 1. 高中毕业证书或同等学历证明(应届毕业生可提供预毕业证明); 内一流、国际知名大学,现有本科专业64个,涵盖经 2. 高中阶段含全部课程的成绩单或同等学历课程成绩单; 济学、法学、文学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学 3. 我校承认的各类国际标准化考试成绩证明,如SAT、ACT、IB、 GCE A-level、UEC或其他国家或地区统一高中毕业考试成绩或大 和艺术等九个学科门类。学制四年,特殊项目除外。采 学入学考试成绩; 用中文教学(部分专业设有英文授课课程)。 4. 汉语水平证明:HSK5级180分以上或其他经我校认定的同等汉语 水平证明; 5. 英语水平证明:托福成绩≥80/雅思≥5.5或其他经我校认定的同等 英语水平证明; 6. 自述信一封(中文或英文,需申请人亲笔签字); 招生专业 7. 推荐信一封(中文或英文,需推荐人亲笔签字); 8. 获奖证书或其他支撑性材料。 详见《2019上海交通大学本科国际学生招生专业目录》 注:①第1、2、3条所列申请材料如是中文或英文外的其他语言需提供使领馆认可 及国内公证机构出具的公证件。第3、4、5条中所列申请材料的有效期为2年。② 截止2019年9月1日前不满18周岁者需提供监护人保证书(保证书模板可至留学交 申请时间 大官网下载)。 ③如学业成绩优异但汉语水平不达标者,可在填写网上报名表时 申请进行一年汉语补习。如被录取,可先进入我校指定汉补院校进行一年汉语学 网上报名开始时间:2018年11月1日(北京时间) 习,成绩合格后方可进入专业学习。 免试早申报名截止时间:2018年12月20日(北京时间) 入学考试报名截止时间:2019年3月1日(北京时间) 入学考试 免试报名截止时间:2019年4月30日(北京时间)

申请者如无法提供上述3、4、5条所列申请材料,可报名参加由我校组 申请方式 织的入学考试。 1. 考试日期:2019年3月16日 2. 考试地点:上海、北京、哈尔滨 申请人需登录留学交大报名系统(进行网上 3. 考试科目:汉语(100分)、英语(100分)、数学(100分) 报名,填写报名表并网上缴纳报名费。报名系统将于规定时间开通。 注:①考试为闭卷,考试语言为中文。②数学考试将分理科数学及文科数学,理工 类专业及经管类专业需考理科数学,文科专业需考文科数学。

申请资格 4. 考试科目豁免 > 如申请者符合我校汉语水平要求,可申请免除汉语科目考试; 1. 高中毕业或以上学历,并持有外国有效护照的非中国籍公民; > 如申请者符合我校英语水平要求,可申请免除英文科目考试; 2. 原中国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民后移民国外者,必 > 申请者可在填写网上申请表时根据自身实际情况选择参加相应科目 须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4 考试。 年(截至2019年4月30日前)之内有在国外实际居住2年以上的记 5. 准考证打印 录(一年中实际在国外居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境 成功提交报名表并初审通过的学生可至报名系统自行打印准考证, 签章为准)。 并持准考证和护照按规定时间到指定考点参加入学考试。 入学面试 上海交通大学国际本科生中文项目招生专业目录

经审核符合申请条件或通过入学考试者,可进入面试 学院/平台名称 招生专业名称 学制 分流专业名称 阶段。面试时间及面试方式以留学交大官网 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院 海洋工程类 土木类 四年 船舶与海洋工程 (通知及邮件通知为准。 交通运输 土木工程 工程力学 录取 机械与动力工程学院 机械类 四年 机械工程 能源与动力工程 学校将于面试后1个月内根据学生的学业成绩及面试成 工业工程 新能源科学与工程 绩择优录取。录取结果可登陆报名系统查询。学生需 电子信息与电气工程学院 电子信息类 四年 自动化 在录取结果公布后2周内登陆报名系统预交学费以确认 信息工程 电子科学与技术 就读。正式录取通知书将于6月底开始陆续发放。开学 计算机科学与技术 报到时学校将对申请人的申请材料原件进行复核,如 测控技术与仪器 复核不通过,我校有权取消申请人入学资格。 电气工程及其自动化 软件工程 微电子科学与工程 奖学金 材料科学与工程学院 材料科学与工程 四年 环境科学与工程学院 环境科学与工程 四年 生物医学工程学院 生物医学工程 四年 优秀本科留学生将获得丰富奖学金,如中国政府奖学 航空航天学院 航空航天工程 四年 金、上海市政府奖学金、上海交通大学奖学金等。 化学化工学院 化学类 四年 化学工程与工艺 化学 1. 申请中国政府奖学金的申请者请直接通过当地大 生命科学技术学院 生物科学类 四年 生物技术 使馆或总领事馆申请。填写《中国政府奖学金申 生物工程 请表》时,需在“申请院校”一栏的第一志愿填 农业与生物学院 自然保护与环境生态类 四年 资源环境科学 动物科学 写“上海交通大学”。建议申请者在确认获得我 植物科学与技术 校录取资格后,再向驻外使领馆提出申请。 药学院 药学类 四年 药学 临床药学(五年制) 2. 申请上海市政府奖学金、上海交通大学奖学金的 安泰经济与管理学院 经济管理试验班 四年 金融学 申请者可在网上填写报名表时同时选择申请奖学 国际经济与贸易 金。优秀学生将有机会获得下列奖学金。 经济学 工商管理 会计学 等级 奖学金内容 评选标准 人力资源管理 一等 奖励期限:4年 > 须为已取得上海 信息管理与信息系统 凯原法学院 法学 四年 奖励标准:学费、保险费、 交通大学留学生入 外国语学院 英语 四年 住宿津贴(人民币1000元/月)、 学资格且未获得其 日语 四年 生活费(人民币2500元/月) 他任何形式奖学金 德语 四年 人文学院 汉语言 四年 汉语文化方向 资助的本科生新生 商务汉语方向 金融汉语方向 二等 奖励期限:4年 > 根据学生综合表 汉语言(国际中英双语方向) 四年 汉语言文学(中外文化交流) 四年 奖励标准:学费、保险费、 现择优发放奖学金 国际与公共事务学院 行政管理 四年 住宿津贴(人民币1000元/月) 媒体与传播学院 传播学 四年 > 评选结果将与录 广播电视编导 四年 文化产业管理 四年 三等 奖励期限:4年 取结果同时公布 设计学院 工业设计 四年 奖励标准:保险费、 建筑学 五年 住宿津贴(人民币1000元/月) > 上海交通大学拥 视觉传达设计(含环境设计) 四年 园林 四年 有最终解释权。 理科试验班类 理科试验班类 四年 数学与应用数学 统计学 物理学 开学时间 应用物理学 天文学 自然科学试验班 自然科学试验班(生命与环境交叉平台) 四年 化学 2019年9月初(具体时间以《录取通知书为准》) 化学工程与工艺 环境科学与工程 生物技术 费用标准 生物工程 植物科学与技术 动物科学 报名费:人民币800元 资源环境科学 学费:人民币24800元/学年 园林 保险费:人民币800元/学年 (根据中华人民共和国教 食品科学与工程 药学 育部相关规定,我校要求来华学习时间超过六个月的 医学院 临床医学 五年 留学生在我国大陆购买团体综合保险,作为其办理新 口腔医学 五年 学期入学注册手续的必备材料。) 注: 1. 录取专业为招生专业,学生入学后可根据学院要求进入相应分流专业学习。 2. 申请者可登陆我校教务处网站( 查询上一年度培养计划作为选择专业的参考。

联系方式 留学生发展中心招生办 报考医学专业的学生请直接与上海交通大学医学院留学生教育中心联系 地址:中国上海市东川路800号新行政B楼100A 电话:+86-21-63847078 邮编:200240 邮箱:[email protected] 电话:86-21-54743244 网址 邮箱:[email protected] 地址:上海市重庆南路227号上海交通大学医学院留学生教育中心 200025 网址: No.59 QS World University Ranking

Top 5 China University Ranking

Application Materials Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), founded in 1896, 1. Senior high school diploma or equivalent (2019 graduating students should enjoying a 122-year history and a world- wide reputation. SJTU provide an official statement from your high school as proof of graduation) ; has now become a comprehensive, research-oriented, and 2. High school transcripts, including all courses taken; 3. Relevant international test scores recognized by SJTU (such as international top university in China. Today, SJTU has 64 SAT/ACT/IB/GCE A level or other equivalent certificates of national level undergraduates programs covering 9 major disciplines, high school graduation Exam or college entrance exam and etc.); including Economics, Management, Law, Literature, Science, 4. Chinese language certificate: HSK level 5 (≥180 scores) or above, or equivalent; Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, and the Arts. According to 5. English language certificate: TOEFL (iBT) – 80 or above, IELTS- 5.5 or above, Assessments of the Chinese Ministry of Education, three or equivalent; 6. Personal statement (in Chinses or English, with signature) subjects (Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Mechani- 7. Recommendation letter (in Chinese or English, with signature); cal Engineering, and Clinical Medicine) rank Top 1; nine 8. Award certificates or other supportive materials; subjects rank Top 3, and fifteen subjects rank Top 15 in China. Note: ①Term NO. 1, 2, 3 in other languages must be notarized and translated in Chinese or English. The valid time for term No.3, 4, 5 is two years.② Applicants under 18 years old (until Sep. 1, 2019) should provide a Guardian's Letter of Guarantee(can be downloaded from official website). ③ Applicants who are not qualified with the Chinese language requirement but have excellent Study Duration academic performance can choose to have one year of Chinese language study 4 Years(except for special programs) when completing the online application form. Once admitted, students will study Chinese language in assigned school for one year. Those who can finally pass HSK level 5 can be enrolled into undergraduate program. Programs List Refer to the “List of 2019 SJTU Undergraduate Programs in Chinese” Entrance Test Applicants who cannot provide the certificates listed in term NO. 3, 4, 5, can Application Periods choose to take the entrance test instead. 1. Test Date: March 16, 2019 Early Admission-November 1, 2018~December 20, 2018 (Beijing Time, GMT+8) 2. Test Center: Shanghai, Beijing, Harbin Deadline for Entrance Test-March 1, 2019 (Beijing Time, GMT+8) 3. Test Subjects Deadline for Regular Application-April 30, 2019 (Beijing Time, GMT+8) Chinese (100 scores), English (100 scores), Math (100 scores)

Note: ①All the tests are closed-book, and in Chinese. ②Math test will be Online Application divided into two categories: Math of Science and Math of Liberal Arts. Applicants must apply via SJTU online application system (http://ap- Applicants applying majors of Engineering, Science or Economics and Application system is only available within the application Management need to take Math test of Science. periods mentioned above. 4. Exemption Eligibility > Chinese subject can be exempted if applicants meet the Chinese 1. Non-Chinese citizen, foreign passport holders, with senior high school requirement mentioned above. diploma (or equivalent); > English subject can be exempted if applicants meet the English 2. Applicants of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who requirement mentioned above. have immigrated to other countries must hold a foreign passport or > Applicants can choose the test subjects accordingly when filling the online nationality certificate for at least 4 years, and in the last four years application. (before April 30, 2019) must actually have lived abroad more than 2 5. Test Certificate years (more than 9 months of residence abroad per year may be Test certificate can be printed out in the application system after the considered as one year). applicants pass the qualification review. Interview List of 2019 SJTU Undergraduate Programs Applicants who are qualified with the for International Students entrance requirements or have passed the School/Platform Program Study Duration Specific Major entrance test can get into the interview. For School of Naval Architecture, *Ocean Engineering & Four Years Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering details about the interview, please refer to Ocean and Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Transportation and Shipping Logistics the formal notice released at Civil Engineering Engineering Mechanics or sent by email. School of Mechanical Engineering *Mechanical Category Four Years Mechanical Engineering Power and Energy Engineering Industrial Engineering Admission Alternative Energy Science and Engineering School of Electronic, *Electronic Information Four Years Automation Information and Electrical Information Engineering The admission decision is based on a Engineering Electronic Science and Technology comprehensive evaluation of both Computer Science and Technology Measurement Control Technology and Instruments applicants’ academic and interview Electric Power Engineering &Automation performance. Applicants can find their Software Engineering admission result via the application system Microelectronics Science and Engineering within one month after the interview. School of Materials Science Materials Science and Four Years and Engineering Engineering Students should then pay tuition and School of Environmental Science Environmental Science Four Years confirm the enrollment in the next two and Engineering and Engineering weeks. The admission package will be sent School of Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Four Years to the admitted applicants at the end of School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Engineering Four Years June. SJTU will review all students’ original School of Chemistry and Chemical *Chemistry Four Years Chemistry Engineering and Technology application materials on registration day Engineering Chemistry and reserve the right to cancel students’ School of Life Science and *Biological Technology Four Years Biological Technology admission if there are any irregularities. Biotechnology Biological Engineering School of Agriculture and Biology * Conservation & Four Years Resources and Environmental Science Environmental Ecology Animal Science Plant Biotechnology Scholarship School of Pharmacy Pharmacy Four Years Pharmacy Five Years Clinical Pharmacy Excellent applicants have chance to win Antai College of Economics & *Economics and Four Years Finance different kinds of scholarship, such as Management Management International Trade Economics Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai Business Administration Government Scholarship, SJTU Scholarship, Accounting and others. Human Resource Management Information Management and systems 1. Students applying for CGS should KoGuan Law School Law Four Years directly to the local Chinese Embassy or School of Foreign Language English Language Four Years Consulate. The application time is usually Japanese Language Four Years from November 2018 to April 2019 (varied German Language Four Years from country to country). When completing School of Humanities *Chinese Language Four Years Chinese Language and Culture the scholarship application form, the Business Chinese Financial Chinese applicant should select Shanghai Jiao Tong Chinese (International Four Years University as the first priority. Bilingual in both English and Chinese) 2. Students applying for other scholarships Chinese Language and Four Years can click the option “Apply for scholarship” Literature (Sino-foreign when completing SJTU’s online application cultural exchange) form, and will have chance to win the School of International and Public Affairs Public Administration Four Years following scholarship: School of Media and Communication Journalism and Communication Four Years Film and Television Four Years Cultural Management Four Years School of Design Industrial Design Four Years Term begins Architecture Five Years Visual Communication Four Years (Including Environmental Design) In early September (the specific time will be Landscape Architecture Four Years informed on the admission letter) Science Platform *Science Four Years Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Statistics Physics Applied Physics Fees Astronomy Natural Science Platform *Natural Science Four Years Chemistry Application Fee: CNY 800 (nonrefundable) Chemistry Engineering and Technology Environmental Science and Engineering Tuition: CNY 24,800/Year Biological Technology Insurance: CNY 800/Year (The relevant Biological Engineering regulations by the Ministry of Education of Plant Biotechnology Animal Science the People’s Republic of China and the Resources and Environmental Science Management Regulations for International Landscape Architecture Food Science and Engineering Student of SJTU require that all international Pharmacy students with study duration over 6 months School of Medicine Clinical Medicine Five Years should purchase the Group Comprehensive Stomatology Five Years Insurance in Mainland China.) Note: 1. Please notice that students applying for majors marked by “*” will initially be placed into a general-studies category as their major. After enrollment, they will be assigned at the direction of their school to a specific major. 2. Applicants can go to the following website ( to check the previous year's course plan as reference for choosing major.

Contact Contact of School of Medicine Admission Office, International Student Center Students applying for medicine programs should directly contact the School of Medicine Add: Room 100A, New Administration Building, 800 Dongchuan Road, International Student Office 200240 Shanghai Tel:+86-21-63847078 Tel: +86-21-54743244 Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Add:International Student Office, School of Medicine of SJTU, 227 Chongqing (S) Road, Shanghai, 200025 China No.59 QS World University Ranking

Top 5 China University Undergraduate Engineering Ranking Cluster Program en français pour les étudiants internationaux

Fondée en 1896, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) fait partie des universités chinoises de recherche de premier plan et reconnues à l’international, ayant comme principale ambition de former des futurs dirigeants faisant preuve d’innovation et possédant une vision globale. The Engineering Cluster Program est un programme international de premier cycle conçu pour combiner les forces des différents domaines de l’ingénierie à SJTU. Toutes les Majeures étant enseignées en anglaise ou en français, the Cluster Program accueille des futurs étudiants venant du monde entier et partageant un intérêt pour les études d’ingénieur.

Le SJTU Undergraduate Engineering Cluster Program in French inclue

> SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT) Les étudiants du programme Cluster assisteront à des cours > The School of Materials Science and Engineering scientifiques d’introduction durant les premières 1.5 années à > The School of Electronic, Information and Electrical SJTU-Paris Tech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT). Une fois Engineering, Information Engineering cette exigence satisfaite, les étudiants pourront choisir de > The School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering continuer leurs études à SPEIT (en français), ou changer d’école > The School of Mechanical Engineering d’ingénieur (en anglais ou en chinois) afin de terminer leur formation et d’obtenir leur diplôme de Bachelor. Le programme couvre un grand nombre de disciplines liées à l’ingénierie parmi lesquelles : Remarque: Bien que tous les cours du programme soient > Génie mécanique dispensés en français, les étudiants ont l’obligation de prendre > Génie électrique et informatique des cours de culture et de langue chinoise lors de l’inscription dans leurs programmes d’étude respectifs. Tous les élèves du > Science et génie des matériaux programme Cluster doivent obtenir HSK 4 (test de langue > Science et technologie informatiques chinoise) : il s’agit du minimum requis en terme de langue > Ingénierie de l’information chinoise pour pouvoir obtenir son diplôme. Il existe cependant > Architecture navale et génie océanique une exception pour les étudiants du programme s’inscrivant > Génie énergétique dans un programme de double diplôme (Dual Degree Program) > Et bien d’autres… ou d’autres programmes internationaux.

Fin du dépôt des candidatures pour l’admission 2019 Candidature en ligne

> 31 mai 2019 (Beijing Time, GMT+8)!list.html?bingle=1&sideNav=307&colorid=9 Conditions d’admission

1. Non-chinois, en possession d’un passeport étranger et d’un Niveau de français requis diplôme niveau lycée (baccalauréat ou équivalent) 2. Les candidats originaires de Chine continentale, Hong Kong, > Langue natale ou Macau et Taiwan qui ont déménagé dans d’autres pays > TCF, TEF, DELF/DALF≥B2 peuvent vérifier leur égibilité dans “Document No. 83 (2009) of Ministry of Education of the PRC .pdf” Examens

Documents nécessaires pour la candidature > Interrogation orale en physique et en maths (possible via vidéoconférence) 1. CV et déclaration personnelle (“personal statement”) > Entretien personnel 2. Lettres de recommandation 3. Relevés de notes du lycée

> Les élèves demandeurs de la bourse “Chinese Government Bourses Scholarship” doivent directement contacter le consulat ou l’embassade chinoise locale. En complétant le formulaire de demande de bourse, l’élève doit sélectionner Shanghai Jiao > Les élèves excellents seront récompensés par des bourses, Tong University en priorité. telles que : Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai > Les élèves demandeurs d’une bourse versée par SJTU pourront Government Scholarship, Teaching Assistantship, ou autres l’obtenir de la manière suivante :

Types Bourse Critères

First-Place Durée : 4 ans Scholarship Frais de scolarité complets, allocation logement Le demandeur a été officiellement admis à (2,500 CNY par mois), SJTU sans être bénéficiaire d’aucune autre subvention pour le logement bourse en parallèle. (1,000 CNY par mois), assurance La bourse est décernée sur base du Second-Place Durée : 4 ans classement global de l’élève sanctionnant Scholarship 50% des frais de scolarité, ses performances académiques et à subvention pour le logement l’entretien. (1,000 CNY par mois), assurance SJTU se réserve le droit de la justification Third-Place Durée : 4 ans finale. Scholarship 25% des frais, assurance

Frais Rentrée

Scolarité: 45,000 CNY par an > Début septembre 2019 (la date exacte sera spécifiée Logement: Chambre individuelle : 6,600-11,900 CNY par semestre dans la lettre d’admission) Chambre double : 4,500-6,600 CNY par semestre

Informations de contact SJTU Undergraduate Admission Office of International Student SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT) Adresse : Room 100A, New Administration Building B, 800 Dongchuan Rd, Adresse : SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China Shanghai, China Code postal : 200240 Code postal : 200240 Tel : +86-21-34207848 Tel : 86-21-54743244 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] Site internet : Site internet :

A Brief Introduction:

The School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and School of Naval Architecture, Civil Engineering (NAOCE) was founded on December 17, 2003, by the merge of School of Ocean and Civil Engineering Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (NAOE) and School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics (CE&M). (NAOCE) There are four departments in the school of NAOCE: > Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering > Engineering Mechanics > Civil Engineering > Transportation Engineering Research Areas

NAOCE is accredited to provide the following Design and Construction of Naval Architecture degree programs : and Ocean Structures Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Marine Engine Engineering Program Names Master Ph.D. Port and Water Conservancy Engineering Naval Architecture and Acoustics Engineering √ √ Ocean Engineering General and Fundamental Mechanic Engineering Mechanics √ √ Mechanics Solid Mechanics Civil Engineering √ √ Hydrodynamics Engineering Mechanics Transportation Engineering √ Geotechnical Engineering Structural Engineering Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 1 Civil Engineering Disaster-Prevention, Reduction Engineering and Protection Engineering 2017 QS World University Rankings by Subject Civil Engineering 32 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Municipal Engineering

Transportation Planning and Management Transportation Engineering Traffic Information Engineering and Control Achievements

Over the years, the school of NAOCE has been undertaking many important research programs of the country, such as“973 Project”,“863 project”, national natural science foundation programs, and so on. Besides, the school also carries on a lot of cooperative projects with famous enterprises around the world. Since the year 1979, our research achievements have covered key technology of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Civil Engineering, and Transportation Engineering, 3000-metre-deep underwater equipment, Marine mineral resources development and ocean engineering equipment.

Faculty Courses Taught in English

Staff & Faculties 395 NO. Courses Offered in English

Full Time Faculty 206 1 Sustainable Construction Professors 84 2 Computational Structural Mechanics 3 Conceptual Design of Structures Associate Professors 87 4 Principle of Geotechnical Engineering CAS&CAE Academicians 6 5 Computational Fluid Mechanics 1000 Plan Talents 8 6 Applied Sedimentation Mechanics and Waterway Regulation in Estuaries 7 Physical modelling theory and applications in coastal engineering Yangtze Scholars 3 8 Transport Economics Youth 1000 Plan Talents, NSFC Young Scholars, etc. 8 9 Advanced Structural Dynamics And Applications 10 English for Academic Purposes Platforms for Scientific Innovation 11 Environmental Data Analysis 12 Pontential theory of ship motion in waves National Laboratory of Naval Architecture& Ocean Engineering 13 Ship Manoeuvrability State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering 14 Ocean Turbulence National Large-scale Scientific Facility Center of 15 Theoretical and numerical methods for marine propulsors Deepwater Technology Experiments 16 Numerical Model MOE Key Laboratory of Hydrodynamics 17 Transportation Infrastructure Construction and Management System 18 Fracture Mechanics Experimental Center of Engineering Mechanics 19 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Experimental Center of Civil Engineering and Architecture 20 Variational Theory and Finite Element Method 21 Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids Membership in International Academic Societies 22 Introduction of Turbulence 23 Water Wave Dynamics International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 24 Advanced Theory of Concrete Structures International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC) 25 The State-of-the-practice of Foundation Engineering International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers(ISOPE) 26 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) 27 Advanced Rock Mechanics International Marine Technology Society (MTS) 28 Spatial Braced and Dome Structures International Underwater Technology Society (UTS) 29 Soft Ground Improvement 30 English for Academic Purposes World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) 31 Estuary and Coastal Dynamics Pacific and Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium(PACOMS) 32 Sediment Dynamics International Conference on Hydrodynamics(ICHD) 33 Transportation Engineering Theory and Method The Asia-pacific Plasticity Commission 34 Elastici-Plastic Mechanics

General Information: Courses maybe adjusted according to the actual situation

Contact Phone: +86-21-34206194 Yi GAO (Ms.) E-mail: [email protected] International Program Coordinator, Address: 800 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang District, 200240, Shanghai, China School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering Website: Introduction

The history of the School of Mechanical School of Engineering (ME) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) dates back to 1913. Over the past century, the School has cultivated tens of Mechanical Engineering thousands of graduates who made significant contribution to the technological develop- ment and economic growth in the world as scientists, engineers, educators, statesmen List of Ph.D. Programs List of Master Programs and entrepreneurs. In the new century, the Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation School adopted a vision of a world-class engineering school that offers the best Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics learning experience to its students, the most Machine Design and Theory rewarding working environment for its faculty Vehicle Engineering and staff as well as the most effective service Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering to the industry and the society. Engineering Thermophysics The faculty, staff and students are the Thermal Energy Engineering foundation of all that the School has been Power Engineering and Power Machinery and Engineering able to achieve. The School has a team of 458 Engineering Thermophysics Fluid Machinery and Engineering faculty and staff members, of which 116 are Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering full professors and 142 associate professors, Fuel Cell and the student population is over 5,000. Nuclear Science and Each year, the School admits nearly 1,450 new Nuclear Science and Engineering students, 450 of which are enrolled in the Engineering Bachelor’s degree programs, 350 in the Master’s degree programs, 500 in the Professional Master’s degree programs and ME Faculty 140 in the Doctoral degree programs. Over Total Prof. Assoc. Prof. Assis. Prof. the past few years, the School has witnessed a 335 116 142 77 substantial increase in the research funding it received. The School received 113.3 million USD in 2018, of which 30% was from the industry collaborative R&D projects and 70% th 2018 QS World University Rankings by Subject was from the government funding. 25 - Engineering - Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing No. Courses Offered in English Semester 1 Digital Signal Processing Fall Priority Research Areas 2 Wearable Systems Fall Mechanical Manufacturing 3 Vehicle Dynamics Fall Manufacture Processing and Automation 4 Advanced Operations Fall Auto-body Design and Manufacture 5 Production and Operation Analysis Fall Non-traditional Machining 6 Elastic and Plastic Mechanics Fall Industrial Engineering 7 Game Theory Fall Intelligent Manufacturing 8 Computer Graphics Fall Mechanical Design 9 Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Fall Design Theory and Methodology 10 New Energy Systems Fall Mechanism and Mechanical Design 11 Computational Fluid Dynamics Fall Artificial Prosthesis Design 12 Advanced Heat Transfer Fall 13 Fundamentals and Practices of Advanced Fall Mechatronics Aerodynamics Measurement Technologies Robotics and Bio-mechatronics 14 Factory Physics Fall Precision Engineering and Control System Technology Intelligence Robotics and Application in Industry 15 Advance Engineering Thermodynamics Spring & Fall 16 Basic Principle, Sensors and Systems for Spring Engine Combustion and Environmental Technology Mechanical Measurement Engine Combustion 17 Tribology and Lubrication Theory Spring Automotive Electrical Control Technology 18 Structural Acoustics Spring Engine Supercharging 19 Data Mining Spring Fuel Production and Environmental Technology 20 Introduction to Discrete Spring Electrification in Automotive Powertrain System 21 Advanced Powertrain Technologies Spring Energy Science and Technology 22 Spring Modern Vehicle Control Engineering Turbomachinery 23 Machine Vision and its Applications Spring Energy and Combustion Science 24 Micro Manufacturing Spring Heat and Mass Transfer 25 Combustion Chemical Kinetics Spring 26 Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Spring Vibration, Shock and Noise Vibration Shock Theory, Application and Control 27 Microfluid Flow and Heat Transfer Spring Noise Mechanism, Prediction and Control 28 Advanced Fluid Dynamics in Engineering Spring Mechanical Informatics and Diagnosis 29 Advanced Combustion Theory Spring Refrigeration and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Key Laboratories Energy Utilization in Refrigeration and HVAC Systems Simulation and Digital Design of Refrigeration and HVAC Systems State Key Lab for Mechanical Systems and Vibration Cryogenic Systems and Low Temperature Heat Transfer State Engineering Laboratory of Automotive 4 State Electronics Control HVAC green energy systems, Thermal comfort and IAQ Key Labs State Key Lab for Marine Shock and Vibration Nuclear Science and Engineering State Engineering Laboratory for Reducing Coal Advanced Nuclear Systems and Safety Emissions. Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2 MOE Power Machinery and Engineering Reactor Physics Key Labs Solar Power and Refrigeration Radiation Protection and Environment Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics 2 Shanghai Digital Auto Body Engineering, Shanghai Labs Advanced Manufacturing Environment, Shanghai Reactor Structure and Material

Phone: +86-21-34205897 Contact E-mail: [email protected] ZHANG Xiaoxu Address: 104 Mechanical Building A, 800 Dongchuan Rd., Graduate Affairs Office 200240, Shanghai, China School of Mechanical Engineering Website: Introduction

The School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering (SEIEE) boosts seven national top-ranking and global high-reputa- tion first-tier disciplines: Information and Communication Engineering, Control Science School of Electronic, and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Cyberspace security, Instrument Science and Technology, and Electrical Engineering. According to the 2016 First-tier Discipline Electrical Engineering Evaluation result from China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, 6 of the disciplines rank top 10% in China. In the 2019 QS World Rankings, Electronic and Subject Fields Research Contents Electrical ranked 28 (which also ranked No. 3 in Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus, China), while Computer and Information ranked Electric Power System and Its Automatization, Electrical Engineering 38 (which also ranked No. 3 in China) . High Voltage and Insulation Technology, Power Electronics and Power Drives, SEIEE features 8 State Key Research Labs, 14 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering. Provincial and Ministerial-level Key Research Control Theory and Control Engineering, Labs, one State Engineering Elementary Course Control Science and Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment, Electrics and Electronics Teaching Base, one Engineering Systems Engineering, State Electrics and Electronics Experimental Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems. Teaching Demonstration Center, and one State Computer System Structure, Integrated Circuits Professional Training Base. Computer Science & Computer Software and Theory, SEIEE targets at international frontier science Computer Application Technology, Technology and technology, satisfies national significant Advanced Computer Architecture and Chip Technology, demand, strengthens innovative platform and Information Safety. team building, which leads to 13 prizes that Circuits and Systems, Electronic Science and include the second prize in National Nature Electromagnetism Field and Microwave Technology, Technology Science, the second prize in Technical Invention, Integrated Circuits Design. and the second national prize in Technical Communication and Information System, Information & Progress. SEIEE insists internationalization and Signal and Information Process, Communication Engineering concentrates on cultivating talents with Information Safety. international minding and competence. The Precision Instrument and Machinery, Instrument Science and number of visiting students ascends every year. Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments, Technology Navigation, Guide and Control.

Cyberspace Security Cyberspace Security Achievements

The Second Prize of National Natural Sciences 2017 The Principle Research and System Design of Predictive contool 2018 Basic Theory and Method of Distributed perception and cooperatine contiol of Network System

The Second Prize of National Science and Technology 2009 International Standard and Application of ITU-T Multimedia Business Series 2010 Key Technology of Disaster Prevention in Urban Power System and its Application 2011 Research and Application on the Key Optional Operation Technologies of the Complex Hydropower Energy System 2012 RF Electronic System of 3D High Density Packaging Technology 2012 Dynamic Brian Modeling, Positioning and Functional Protection with its Applications in Neural Surgery Navigation 2014 Multifunctional Molecular Imaging Theranostic Technology and Application on Tumor 2014 The Key Supporting Technologies and Applications of Running Virtual Machines 2017 The Localization of Digital TV Broadcasting System and Core Chip 2017 Research and Application of Attack and Defense Key Technologies of Cryptographic Chip System 2017 High Precision and Reliable Positioning on Navigation Technology and Application

The Second Prize of National Technological Innovation Award 2012 Dynamic Brian Modeling, Positioning and Functional Protection with its Applications in Neural Surgery Navigation

Renowned Professors Platforms for Scientific Innovation Name Research Fields State Key Laboratory on Local Fiber-Optical Communication HE Zuyuan Fiber-optic Application Technology Networks and Advanced Optical Communication Systems JIA Weijia Computer Science and Technology State Key Laboratory on Micro/Nano Process Technology ZHANG Yafei Nano-materials and Apparatus Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems YU Wenxian Radar Target Recognition National Engineering Center of Digital TV MAO Junfa Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology National Engineering Lab for TFT-LCD Materials and Technologies GUAN Xinping Control Science and Engineering Technology National Engineering Lab for Information Content Security CUI Daxiang Nano-material State Energy Smart Grid R&D Center (Shanghai) GU Dawu Cryptology Future Media Network Collaborative Innovation Center MA Lizhuang Computer Application Technology

FU Yuxi Computer Application Technology

GUO Minyi Computer Application Technology

LI Shaoyuan Control Science and Control Engineering

CHEN Guihai Wireless Network

ZHANG Weidong Control Science and Control Engineering

YANG Xiaokang Communication and Information System

WANG Xinbing Wireless Network Coding

Contact Phone: +86-21-34204145 International Program Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Graduate Administrative Office Address: Room 108, Building 3, SEIEE SEIEE 800 Dongchuan Rd., 200240, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction

The program of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) in Shanghai School of Materials Jiao Tong University (SJTU) has been consistently remained in national top 5, especially No. 1 in Science and Engineering 2003, as evaluated by the Minister of Education. In 2007, MSE in SJTU was authorized as the first-class National Key Discipline. MSE program of SJTU Ranked 25 in 2019 Subject Fields Research Contents QS World University Rankings and Advanced Aluminum Alloys and Processing, High-performance Magnesium has been listed in the world top Advanced Light Alloys, Degradable Medical Magnesium Alloys, 0.1% discipline of ESI for years. Metal New Magnesium-based Energy Materials.

The School of MSE (SMSE) is autho- Aluminum-based Composite Materials, Titanium-based Composite Materials, rized to provide the following Morph-genetic Materials and Bionic Composite Materials, Composite postgraduate degree programs: Polymer-based Composite Materials, Materials > Ph.D. Programs in Materials New Functional Composite Materials, Science and Engineering; Nano and Energy Materials. > M.Sc. Programs in Materials Materials and Solidification Technology, Plastic Deformation, Science and Engineering; Powder Metallurgy, > M.Eng. Programs in Materials Materials Processing Welding Technology, Engineering. and Manufacturing Heat Treatment, Digital Intelligence of Materials Processing, High Temperature Alloy and Component, SMSE has about 300 faculty and High Strength Steel. staff members, and 1300 full-time students. Meanwhile, with a global New Type Energy Materials, Nano-materials and Electronic Information Materials, vision, SMSE offers the best learning New Functional Biomedical Materials, experience to the students, the Materials Special Functional Thin Film, most rewarding working environ- Magnetic Shape Memory and Magnetic Refrigeration Materials. ment for the faculty and staff mem- Design and Control Design of Super-microstructure, bers as well as the most effective of Supermicro Super-microanalysis, service to the industry and society. Structure Super-microstructure of Evolutionary Dynamics. Achievements

In the last five years, SMSE has made great achievements in scientific research. SMSE has witnessed a substantial increase in the research funding, a total amount of 140 million USD. More than 1400 SCI papers have been Renowned Professors published and almost 400 patents have been licensed during the last five years. Name Research Fields In addition, SMSE has achieved many academic honors nd and awards in the last ten years, including the 2 Prize of Jiansheng PAN Heat Treatment National Natural Science Award, the 2nd Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the 2nd Prize of Wenjiang DING Light Alloy Fabrication and Forming Technology National Technology Invention Award, the International Cooperation Award, and 25 provincial-level scientific and Liancheng ZHAO Photoelectric Information and Engineering technological awards. Liyuan HAN Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Under the guidance of the Teaching Committee, SMSE has established a full-English teaching system. At present, Ping XIAO Coating Materials SMSE is carrying out high-level education cooperation Tao DENG Micro and Nano Devices Energy with more than ten world-famous universities. The school and Sensing Materials has established dual degree programs with Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, Monash University, Xiaoqi CHEN Welding Automation Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble and so on. SMSE also has conducted exchange programs with Johns Hong WANG Materials Genome Hopkins University, University of Bremen, Norwegian Di ZHANG Metal-based Composite Materials University of Science and Technology, and University of and Morph-genetic Materials Manchester. Shanben CHEN Smart Welding

Haowei WANG Structure Function Integration Composite Materials

Baode SUN Precision Casting Forming

Hezhou LIU Nano-functional Materials

Jianguo LI Metal Solidification Theory and Solidification Control

Xiangyang KONG New Energy Materials

Tongxiang FAN Functional Metal-based Composite Materials

Xun SHI Information Materials

Xiaoqin Zeng High Performance Light Alloys, Materials Genome Initiative Platforms for Scientific Innovation

One State Key Lab The State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites National Engineering Research Center Three of Die and Mold CAD National Light Alloy Net Forming National Engineering Engineering Research Center Research Centers National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Shanghai Key Lab of Materials Laser Processing and Modification Three Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Shanghai Labs Magnesium Materials and Applications Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High-Temperature Materials and Precision Forming

Contact Phone: +86-21-34203097 Wensha HUANG Email: [email protected] International Affairs Office Address: Room 301, XU Zuyao Building, 800 Dongchuan Rd., School of Materials Science and Engineering 200240, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction

School of Mathematical Sciences, established in December, 2015, is a continuation of the old School of name “Department of Mathematics”. It features “Three Departments and One Center”, which consist of the Department of Mathematics, the Mathematical Sciences Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, the Department of Statistics and the Mathematical Education and Research Center. In the latest US NEWS rankings for mathematical sciences, SJTU Math ranked 29th Subjects Research Fields globally. The school has been included in the Representation Theory, Triangulated Category, Lie Algebra, and Algebra project “Network of International Centers of Vertex Operator Algebra, etc. ” (three in total nationwide), Geometric Analysis, Lower-dimensional Topology, Partial which facilitates its development in internation- Geometry & Analysis Differential Equations and Complex Dynamics of Several alization. Variables, etc.

Number Theory Analytic Number Theory, Algebraic Number Theory, and The School is providing the following degree Cryptology, etc. programs : Ph. D. programs in mathematics/statistics Partial Differential Hyperbolic PDEs, Mathematical Theory of PDEs in Fluid Equations and Dynamics, and Regularity Theory and Qualitative Behavior for (English/Chinese Program); Their Applications Elliptic Equations, etc. Master program in mathematics (Chinese Ordinary Differential Program); Qualitative Theory, Bifurcation Theory, and Integrable Equations and Theory, etc. Professional master program in applied Dynamical Systems statistics (Chinese Program). Continuous and Discrete Integrable Systems, Theory of Mathematical Physics Nonlinear Waves, Nonintegrable Systems, and Integrable In addition, the school aims to nurture high-lev- Systems and Orthogonal Polynomials, etc. el academic researchers by providing postdoc- Combinatorics Algebraic Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Complex Network, etc. toral programs in mathematics and statistics. Nonlinear Least-squares, Polynomial Optimization, Convex Optimization Optimization, and Image Processing, etc.

Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations, Mathematical Scientific Computation Modeling and Computation for Multi-scale Problems, Fast Solvers for Physical and Mechanical Problems, and Numerical Algebra, etc.

Applied Mathematics Physics Process in Biological System, Theoretical and in Biology Computational Nuroscience, etc.

Statistics, Probability Stochastic Analysis, Credit Risk Analysis, and Financial & Financial Mathematics, etc. Mathematics Research Achievements

In the past few years, the School of Mathematical Sciences has achieved rapid growth in research funds, including 25 new projects in 2018, among which 18 projects are from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2 projects are from Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 3 projects are from Postdoctoral Fund of China, and 2 projects are from the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. In the past five years, the faculty have had over 948 SCI papers published in many leading journals enjoying world recognition, including Journal of American Mathematical Society, Acta Mathematica, SIAM Review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Physical Review Letters, and Annals of Statistics, etc.

Platforms for Scientific Innovation > Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Scientific & Engineering Computing > Shanghai Key Lab in Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Computation for Multi-Physical Processes > Institute of Natural Sciences > Interdisciplinary Platform in Statistics International Cooperation

School of Mathematical Sciences of SJTU is one of the network nodes of American NSF, which now has 3 nodes altogether, including Cambridge University, Université Paris VI, and SJTU. Besides, the school has already established academic collaborations with Oxford University, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Konstanz, Indiana University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Northwestern University, National University of Singapore, Lomonosov Moscow State University etc.

Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, an international mathematical journal, is jointly issued by the Department of Mathematics (now School of Mathematical Sciences), SJTU, and the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. It has been one of SCI journals since 2009.

Phone: +86-21-54740173 Contact E-mail: [email protected] Lily Han Address: Room 105, School of Mathematical Sciences Coordinator of Graduate Students Affairs 800 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang District, School of Mathematical Sciences, SJTU Shanghai 200240, China Website: Introduction School of The School of Physics and disciplines of Physics and Astronomy, Physics and Astronomy with the former includes a number of secondary disciplines: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Laser Plasma Physics, Subject Fields Research Contents Condensed Matter Physics, Optics Study on the frontiers of Electron Transport and Superconductivity in the Theoretical and Science and Engineering, and two Condensed Matter, Soft Condensed Matter Physics, Complex Physics Interdisciplinary post-doctoral research centers of Systems, Theoretical Biophysics, Statistical Physics, Low-Dimensional Physics Physics and Optics Science. Condensed Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Field Theory and Phase Transition Theory. Matter Physics and Optics became state Study on the frontiers of Particle and Nuclear Physics Theory and Nuclear and Particle key disciplines in 2002 and 2007 Experiment, including Neutrino, Nuclear Structure, Quantum Physics respectively. In the 2017 first-level Chromodynamics and Dark Matter. discipline ranking of Ministry of Study on the frontiers of Physics and key technology of High Energy Education, Physics was ranked at Class Laser Plasma Density Matter, including Novel Particle Acceleration and Radiation Physics A, Sources, Novel Laser Fusion, Laboratory Simulation of Astrophysical Phenomena, and Ultrafast Dynamics of Physical Structure.

Study on the frontiers of Topological Insulators and Topological Condensed Matter Shanghai in September 2012. Superconductors, High-temperature Superconductivity, Semiconductor Physics Physics, Surface and Interface Physics, Soft Matter Physics, Condensed Matter Spectroscopy, Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Optoelectronic Device Physics, and Solar and Energy Physics.

Optics Science and Study on the frontiers of Optical Physics, including Nonlinear Optics, Engineering Nano-photonics and Quantum Optics, and on the application of Optical Fiber, Optical Waveguide, Optical Instruments and Solar Cell.

The research interests mainly focus on the formation and evolution of stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters and large scale structure of the universe.

Astronomy and Astrophysics X-ray and Gamma-ray, including the physical properties and spatial distribution of baryons and dark matter particles, black hole and its

stars and the re-ionization of the universe, etc. Achievements

In 2017, the School of Physics and Astronomy made remarkable achievements in base construction, major Renowned Professors research. In the evaluation of the key laboratory of Name Research Fields control laboratory was excellent. Three “National key research and development program”, one “National key LI Jiaming Atomic and Molecular Physics research and development youth program” of Ministry of Science and Technology, one NSFC innovation research LEI Xiaolin group program, one NSFC distinguished young scholar program, and one NSFC key program. The research fund ZHANG Jie Laser Plasmas received by the school was more than one million in the PAN Jianwei Quantum Physics recent five years. Two scientific achievements were awarded first prize of natural science of Ministry of WU Xiangping Cosmology education. The Outstanding Scientific Research Team JING Yipeng Cosmology Award was obtained by strong field laser gruop led by Prof. Zhang Jie in September 2018. Moreover, 49 high- quality papers were published in top journals like Nature series, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, and Astrophysical Journal, among which 26 papers were the school as the CAI Shenou Theoretical Physics first author or corresponding author affiliation in 2017.

LIU Ying Superconductivity Nano Physics JIA Jinfeng Surface Physics ZHONG Dongping Femtobiology & Biomolecular Interactions Platforms for Scientific Innovation KU Wei Strongly Correlated Materials

• Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA CAO Jianming Structural Dynamics • Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas, Ministry of Education ZHENG Hang Condensed Matter Physics • Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and SHEN Wenzhong Solar Photovoltaic Science and Technology Cosmology YAO Xin Crystal Growth and Mechanism • Key Laboratory for Particle Physics, Galaxy and Cosmology, Ministry of Education (under construction) JIA Jinfeng Surface Physics • Artificial Microstructure Science and Technology SHENG Zhengming Laser Plasmas Collaborative Innovation Center • National Key Laboratory for Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks WANG Bin Theory of Gravity • Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (Collaborative) YANG Xiaohu Astrophysics ZHANG Pengjie Cosmology

ZHANG Weiping Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics ZHAO Yumin LIU Jianglai Particle Physics CHEN Liewen Theoretical Nuclear Physics QIAN Dong Surface Physics

Contact Phone: +86-21-54743250 WANG JIAMING E-mail: [email protected] Address: Room 619, Physics Building School of Physics and Astronomy 800 Dongchuan Rd., 200240, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction School of Life Sciences School of Life Sciences and and Biotechnology Biotechnology (SLSB) was established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) with joint efforts of the Chinese First-level Discipline Domain of Research Academy of Sciences (Shanghai Branch) In February 1997. Microbiology, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biophysics, SLSB owns two first-level disciplines. Bioinformatics, Biochemical Engineering. Sub-disciplines include Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Developmental Biology, Synthesis Bioengineering, System Biological Engineering, Bioengineering Bio-catalysis and Biotransformation, Biological Medicine, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, Bioengi- Biological Resources, Environmental Engineering. neering, etc.

SLSB boasts two state personnel training bases for Life Sciences and Biotechnology, and Biological Science Overview of Faculty and a Municipal Life Science Experimental Teaching Demonstration SLSB has a proficient and competent team of teaching and research including 55 Center. Biotechnology and Bioengineer- professors and 33 associate professors, among whom two are members of the ing belong to special majors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one is recipient of the , seven Ministry of Education. are Cheung Kong Scholar chair professors, seven are winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, three are Chief Currently, SLSB has 275 undergraduates, Scientists of the Major National Basic Research Project (973 422 master students and 452 doctoral Project), and one is National students. Sub-disciplines, such as Outstanding Teacher. Biology and Biochemistry, Molecular A number of scholars with Biology and Genetics, Microbiology, outstanding academic Animal and Plant Science, have been in achievements are pioneers top 1% in ESI International Rankings. of scientific research. Achievements

Publications In the past few years, numerous SCI papers have been published in main periodicals such as Cell, Renowned Professors Nature Genetics, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, PNAS, Developmental Cell, Genes Name Introduction & Development, Plant Cell, Journal of the American DENG Zixin Chinese Academy of Sciences Member Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie HE Lin Chinese Academy of Sciences Member International Edition, PLoS Genetics, and Molecular Microbiology etc. MA Xiaojing Member of the Thousand Talents Plan of the ODCC Distinguished professor of Chang Jiang Scholar ZHONG Jianjiang Awards Winner of Outstanding Young Investigator Award SLSB has won many academic awards including the Distinguished professor of Chang Jiang Scholar ZHANG Dabing 1st prize of the Natural Science of Ministry of Winner of Outstanding Young Investigator Award Education, the 2nd prize of scientific and Distinguished professor of Chang Jiang Scholar SHI Yongyong technological progress of Ministry of Education, Winner of Outstanding Young Investigator Award Shanghai MuDan Award for Fundamental Science, XIAO Xiang Winner of Outstanding Young Investigator Award He Liang He Li Award and Shanghai Meritorious LIN Shuangjun Winner of Outstanding Young Investigator Award Staff Award, etc. LI Baojie Distinguished professor of Chang Jiang Scholar International Cooperation LV Hui Member of the Thousand Talents Plan of Shanghai SLSB has been making great efforts to enhance FENG Yan Distinguished Professor, SJTU international cooperation with many world famous WU Ji Distinguished Professor, SJTU universities, such as establishing “3+1+1” Bachelor- Master Dual Degree Program with Yale GUO Xizhi Distinguished Professor, SJTU University (USA), Master-Doctor Dual Degree XU Ping Distinguished Professor, SJTU Program with the University of Adelaide (Australia) ZHOU Ningyi Distinguished Professor, SJTU and Bachelor-Doctor Dual Degree program with the BAI Fengwu Distinguished Professor, SJTU University of Nottingham (UK). Platforms for Scientific Innovation

> The State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism > Education Ministry Key Laboratory for studies of Genetics of Developmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders > Joint international research laboratory of Metabolic & Developmental Sciences > National Center for Molecular Characterization of Genetically > Modified Organisms > Bio-X Institute > Mechanical Biological Institute > Marine Microbiology Institute > Cellular Immunology Institute

Contact Phone: +86-21-34204770 WANG Xiaoying E-mail: [email protected] Teaching Affairs Office for Postgraduate Address: Room 2-119, Bio Building School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology 800 Dongchuan Rd., 200240, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction School of Biomedical On April 8, 2011, the School of BME was established by the merge of SJTU Med-X Research Institute, an institute dedicated Engineering to interdisciplinary research on Medicine and Engineering/Physical Sciences, and the former SJTU Department of BME. With the combined resources, the School of BME has reorganized its research and educational programs with great emphasis on translational research and internationalization as its key develop- mental strategies towards international excellence.

The School of Biomedical Engineering offers the Ph.D. and Master's degree programs of Biomedical Engineering and Biology in the following areas: Biomedical Instrumentation, Neuroscience and Engineering, Medical Imaging and Informatics, Nano Biomaterials, Biological Sciences and Diseases, Systems Biology and Medicine. Achievements

Our faculty members have received numerous accolades and honors, including membership in the National Academy of Engineering of China, Distin- guished Professorship by both the national and municipal Thousand Talents Program, National Outstanding Young Investigators, and Cheung Kong National Distinguished Professorships. Among our faculty members, there are two Chief Scientists of “973 Project” National Basic Research Center Grants, which belong to the most significant center grants in China. Our faculty members have also been elected as the fellows of several major professional societies, including AAAS, ASME, AIMBE, and SPIE. A number of the faculty members have served as associate editors or members of the editorial board of international Courses Offered in English journals such as Nanomedicine, Stroke, Journal of Cytometry Part A, and IEEE Trans. Neural Control of Movements Cell Biological Photonics Biomedical Optics Systems Biology: Concepts, Methodologies and Applications More Information: Biomedical Signal Processing Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Advanced Digital Image Processing Techniques for Neuromodulation An Introduction of BME Bioheat and Mass Transfer Computer Vision in Renowned Professors Biomedical Engineering Neuroimaging Molecular Sensors and Nanodevices: Program Admission Principles, Design and Applications in Biomedical Engineering Scholarship Application Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering Recent Advances in Cancer Dual Degree Program Seminar Series Development and Diagnosis I & II Introduction to Bioinformatics Physical Biology: Principles and International Exchange Techniques I & II Nuclear Medicine Imaging Principles and Technology of Pore-forming Toxin

Phone: +86-21-62932076 Contact E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Hanqun WANG Address: Room 212, Med-X Institute, Secretary of International Affairs 1954 Huashan Rd., Shanghai, China School of Biomedical Engineering Website: Introduction School of Humanities

The School of Humanities currently offers Subject Fields Research Contents doctoral program of Comparative Comparative The Comparison of China Foreign Literature and Culture, Cultural Literature and Cross-culture Study; Literature and Theory and Literary Criticism, Literary Anthropology and Aesthetic master programs for three first-tier Cross-culture Study Anthropology. disciplines: Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Philosophy; Theory of Literature and Art, Ancient Chinese Literature, Literary and Chinese Language Aesthetic Anthropology, Contemporary Chinese Literature, Comparative one professional master program: and Literature Literature, Language Philology, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. International Chinese Language Education; one English-taught master Chinese History Ancient Chinese History, Contemporary Chinese History, Specialized History. program: Modern Chinese Studies.

Philosophy Foreign Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy. The School of Humanities is endeavoring to construct a number of high-level and Master of Teaching Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language, Second Language Acquisition, Chinese to Speakers specialized disciplines and several Introduction to Chinese Linguistics, Study of Classroom Teaching, of Other Languages domestic-leading disciplines with Cross-cultural Studies, Educational Psychology, Language Testing and etc. (MTCSOL) international features.

Modern Chinese Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Studies (Taught in and Chinese Philosophy. English) Achievements

In the last seven years, the School of Humanities has successfully obtained 49 projects of National Social Sciences Fund (15 are major projects) and 37 provincial or ministerial level projects. Also, the School of Humanities has hosted Shanghai philosophy and social innovative platform base once; compiled the collec- tion of three CSSCI journals and three foreign journals; published about 792 papers on SSCI, A&HCI, CSSCI, and over 350 books (edited authored and translated); obtained 11 provincial or ministerial levels academic honors. The research on Tokyo Trial and Anti-Fascist War aroused important influences on the world academic field, which has frequently obtained the instructions from the state leaders.

Renowned Professors

Name Research Fields

GAO Xuanyang Contemporary French Philosophy, the History of German Philosophy, Contemporary Social Theories, and Contemporary Art Criticism WANG Ning Modernity, Postmodernism, Globalization and Culture, World Literature, Translation Studies YE Shuxian Comparative Literature, Literary Anthropology LV Tongling Contemporary Chinese Culture and Marxism Studies, Cultural Criticism and Film Theory, Platforms for Scientific Innovation Studies of the History of Anti-Japanese War CAO Shuji The History of Chinese Migration and Population, the History of Environment and Diseases, Social Research Centers Economic History, and the History of Modern China > Institute for War Trials and World Peace CHEN Jiaming Epistemology, Modern Western Philosophy, > Institute for Mythological Studies Modernity and Postmodernity > The Anti-Fascist War Research Center CHENG Zhaoqi Consequences of the Sino-Japanese War > The Tokyo Trial Research Center CHIU Peng-Sheng The History of Chinese Institutional Economics > Research Center for Local Archives Studies and Legal System > Institute for Advanced Study in European Culture DUH. Bau-Rui Neo-Confucianism, Daoist Philosophy, Zen > Research Center for Left-wing Culture Buddhism, The Book of Changes > Research Center for Ancient Classics and Chinese Culture GUAN Zengjian The History of Science and Technology, the > Leuven Sino-Euro Culture Research Center History of Metrology, the History of Physics > Research Center for Contemporary Chinese Literature and Culture LIU Shiyong The History of Contemporary Medicine and > Research Center for Literary Theory and Criticism Medical Treatment, the History of Public Health > Institute on the History and Society of Northeast China and International Health in the Twentieth > Research Center for Life-Writing Century, East Asian Environmental History > Research Center for Overseas Chinese Character Culture YANG Qingcun Ancient Chinese Literature, Song Dynasty Prose, Literary Classics Studies, Classical Poetry YU Wanli Confucian Classics and Historical Literature, Practice Base Traditional Linguistics > Oversea Internship Center for MTCSOL Masters at University of Auckland (New Zealand) ZHANG Zhongliang Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Anti-Japanese War Literature, Comparative Literature > The University of New South Wales

Contact Phone: +86-21-34206521 ZHANG Yihan E-mail: [email protected] Secretary of International Affairs Address: Room A2, Third Floor, School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao School of Humanities Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China Website: Introduction School of The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (SCCE) was founded in 1928 as the Chemistry Department of Chemistry and Chemical SJTU. After years of development, SCCE has grown into a college pioneering in many fields with Engineering cutting-edge technologies, and has done an excellent job in world rankings. In terms of Essential Science Indicators, SCCE are among the top one thousandth; in terms of QS Degree Programs Rankings, ranked top 100 in Chemistry Chemistry and in Chemical Engineering and Bachelor Degrees Chemical Engineering and Technology Technology. In 2017, 2 disciplines of Chemistry SCCE, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, were selected in the Master Degrees Chemical Engineering and Technology “Double First-Class” selection. The Materials and Chemical Engineering main building of SCCE covers a Chemistry floorage of 20,000 m2 and accommo- Ph.D. Degrees dates a variety of state-of-the-art Chemical Engineering and Technology equipment and facilities. With its vibrant faculty and diversified programs, the School has been one of the long-standing educators in the Students and Faculty field of chemistry and chemical Undergraduate Students 287 engineering, featuring the combina- Master Students 273 tion of mature degree programs and Number of Students abundant resources of a world-class PhD Students 344 university. Here you could see International Students 58 outstanding senior professors guide Professors 46 both undergraduate and graduate Associate Professors 61 Number of Faculty students. Assistant Professors 25 Staffs 190 Department of Chemistry Three Departments Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Polymer Science and Engineering MOE Scientific & Research Center Revolutionary Molecules Scientific Center (Preparing) Shanghai Key Lab of Electrical Insulation & Thermal Aging Shanghai Key Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Chiral Drugs Provincial Key Labs Self-Assembly and Functional Materials, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Shanghai Electrochemical Energy Devices Research Center Electrochemical Energy System and Application Research Center of Universities in Shanghai Central Analytical Lab Supporting Facilities Experiment Education Center Administration Office

Research Fields

> Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative Chemistry > Materials Chemistry > Inorganic Nano-Materials and Chiral Mesoporous Materials > Supra-Molecular Chemistry > Organo-Metallic Chemistry > Asymmetric Catalysis and Synthesis Chiral Ligands > Bioanalytical Chemistry and Metabolic Chemistry > Molecular Modeling and Computational Chemistry > Method and Application of the Quantum Chemistry of Heavy Atom System > Density Functional Theory Method and Application > Polymer Self-assembly > Polymer Rheology > Rubber Processing and Product > Polymer Composites > Electrochemical Engineering and Energy Storage Battery Technology > Catalytic Reaction Engineering and New Energy Chemical Industry > Green Chemical Technology > Metal Corrosion and Protection Technology Development > Environmental Protection and Comprehensive Utilization

Contact Phone: +86-21-54742893 Xiaoke HU E-mail: [email protected] International Affairs Coordinator Address: 301 Chemical Building A School of Chemistry and Chemical 800 Dongchuan Rd., 200240, Shanghai, China Engineering Website: About ACEM and MIB Program Antai College of

As the first China-based business school Economics and Management triply accredited by EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB, Antai College of Economics and Manage- ment (ACEM) is one of the best business schools in China and even in the world. According to 2017 Financial Times worldwide Structured Curriculum rankings, ACEM's Master in Management Chinese Language ranked 32 and among the world top 50 for Chinese Culture eight consecutive years. MBA program Chinese Economy Foundation Courses ranked 34. EMBA program became the world International Economics Management Thoughts and Leadership Arts top 6, and ranked No. 1 in Asia. Research Methods in Business and Management Financial Management Master of International Business (MIB) Business Law in China intends to create a community of diverse Introduction to Banking Industry in China cultures, and aims to train and develop Doing Business in China Module: talented students to have a comprehensive Core Courses (1)Organization Behaviors (2)Human Resource Management understanding of global business and a deep (3)Marketing insight into Chinese dynamic business (4)Operations Management environment as well as knowledge about (5)Investment (6)E-commerce Chinese history, culture, law, and policy. Business Economics Macroeconomics MIB is a 2-year English program tailored for Accounting for Managers international students. Since its launching in Elective Courses Data Model and Decision Making 2013, MIB program has developed into one Cross-cultural Management Strategic Management of the biggest and best similar programs in Applied Statistics China. In the first academic year, MIB Business Consulting and Change Management students will focus on the well designed courses and have a field study. In the second Internship & Industry Projects and Intern Exchange International Exchange academic year, MIB students can also have Study Tour internships, join international exchange programs, and culture experience. Research & Seminars Dissertation Dissertation WHY MIB

Global Mindset China Context

Field Study Culture Experience

Industrial Contact 2017 MIB

South America Africa 8% 4% North America Asia 10% 12%

Europe 66%

North America Asia South America Europe Africa

Contact Phone: +86-21-52301031, 52305272 LIU Fred, Howard Wu E-mail: [email protected] Teaching Affairs Office Address: Room B301, ACEM Building, 1954 Huashan Rd., 200030, Antai College of Economics and Management Shanghai, China Website: Antai MBA Program: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE+ MBA - Antai College of CHINESE FOCUS Economics and Management The MBA program at ACEM is unique in that it offers students a global perspective with a Chinese focus, utilizing foreign professors, exchange programs and courses taught solely in English. Our program attracts top domestic applicants who learn alongside international peers and exchange students. The IMBA is ideal for MBA candidates seeking to grasp both Eastern & Western standards in business, a key advantage as our world becomes increasingly smaller and intercon- nected. ACEM boosts of many connections and cooperation with universities through- out the globe, backed by the century-long history of SJTU, which prepares our IMBA graduates to meet the needs of economic globalization with both solid professional experience and modern managerial theories. INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK

> Diverse student body and faculty members from over 30 countries. > Dual-degree programs IE, ESCP, Rice and Tulane, and exchange programs with over 50 other leading business schools across six continents, students are encouraged to enrich and diversify their undergraduate learning experience. > Free weekly Chinese courses not only provide students with language skills to be adaptable to Chinese business environ ment, but also integrate essential knowledge of Chinese culture and business practices into the curriculum.

Contact Phone: +86-21-52302513 MBA Center, Antai College of E-mail: [email protected] Economics and Management Address: Room B305, Antai College of Economics and Management, No.1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai,China Website: School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)

Guided by the motto of “Wisdom, Integrity, Diligence, and Harmony”, the School of International and Public Affair (SIPA) has been committed to student training, academic research, international cooperation and coordinated development. With public administration and political science as its preponderant disciplines, SIPA has made great headway towards internationalizing its programs. The school's core competitiveness and social influence are constantly improving, and we are now moving steadily towards a world-class university with Chinese characteristics.

The SIPA faculty team is comprised of highly qualified and experienced teachers with outstanding academic records. SIPA's honorary dean is General XIONG Guangkai, expert in international issues and problems, and former deputy chief of staff for the People's Liberation Army of China. Our honorary professors include Nakasone Yasuhiro, former Prime Minister of Japan, and Robert D. Putnam, former Dean of Harvard Kennedy School.

Academic Programs

Program Major Teaching Language Study Period Tuition Fee Politics English 2 Years 50,000 RMB/ Year (China’s Politics and Economy) Public Administration English 2 Years 50,000 RMB/ Year M.A. (China’s Public Policy) Politics Chinese 2.5 Years 28,900 RMB/ Year Public Administration Chinese 2.5 Years 28,900 RMB/ Year Ph. D. Public Administration Chinese/English 4 Years 45,500 RMB/ Year

Scholarship opportunities are available. (see more at ) Research Collaboration

SIPA faculty are active researchers, with works appearing in top-ranked international and national academic presses as well as Chinese and English-language scholarly journals such as Chinese Social Science, Public Administration Review, Asian Survey, and International Organization. Over the past five years, SIPA faculty have published more than 60 authored, co-authored, and edited books, around 500 articles in SSCI, CSSCI, EI, and A&HCI indexed journals, not to mention innumerable research reports and conference papers. Two journals, Social Science Research and Urban Governance Research, were started in 2015 and 2017 respectively. With focus on city governance and empirical research, SIPA established the China Institute for Urban Governance in cooperation with the Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government in 2016. Many high-level symposiums are held at SIPA each year. The Global Cities Forum, Consulars' Forum and Deans` Forum for Public Policy/Affairs were successfully organized.

International Cooperation

SIPA has been actively engaged in international cooperation while focusing on China's realities. We have signed cooperation agreements with over 30 world-renowned universities so far, including Harvard University, Waseda University, Monash University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

SIPA at a Glance

> Excellence: SIPA’s Public Administration program is rated as a Type A discipline by the PRC Ministry of Education in 2017. > Professionalization: >600 MPA program students. > Internationalization: Over 45% of our faculty members possess a PhD degree from overseas institutions; >200 international B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. students; >30 global academic and research partners. > Research oriented: 20 research bases and centers.

> Premier location: Situated in downtown Shanghai, Xu Jiahui, one of the most vibrant cities in the world with easy access to all of East Asia.

Contact Fax: +86-21-6293 3096 Administration Office Useful website: School of International and Public Affairs Online application: R302, Xin Jian Building, No.1954 Huashan Road, 200030, Shanghai, China MA Program: Email: [email protected]; [email protected] SIPA: Tel: +86-21-6293 3095 SJTU: Introduction

The School of Foreign Languages consists of School of Department of English, Department of Japanese, Department of German, Depart- ment of Translation. SFL boasts a contingent of Foreign Languages high caliber faculty working in these depart- ments. Its brilliant and talented faculty members are actively engaged in a wide array Programs Linguistics English Literature Translation Studies of research fields including theoretical and applied linguistics, second language acquisi- Doctoral Theoretical Linguistics: British and American Translation Studies, Programs Syntax, Semantics, Literature, Narratology, Corpus-based tion, English and American literature, Austra- Pragmatics, Morphology; Western Literary Theories, Translation Studies and lian literature, translation studies, to name but Second Language Comparative Literature, Language Contact, a few. Their works appear in distinguished Acquisition; Language Literary Criticism, Poetic Translation, international journals as well as in books Testing; Psycholinguistics; Translation of Literature, Cognition in Translation, published by leading academic presses. Corpus Linguistics; Contemporary English Trans-hermeneutics and Neurolinguistics; Discourse Novels, and the Ancient Bilingual Lexicography, Analysis; Forensic Greek and Roman Poetics Modern Fiction The dedicated faculty seeks to achieve the Linguistics highest standards of teaching and learning in humanities and social sciences with emphasis Master Theoretical Linguistics: British and American Translation Studies, on critical and creative thinking, to serve the programs Syntax, Semantics, Literature, Narratology, Corpus-based needs of the society by enhancing its intellec- Pragmatics, Morphology; Western Literary Theories, Translation Studies and tual life and contributing to the development Second Language Comparative Literature, Language Contact, of the nation. Of its 70 plus professors and Acquisition, Language Literary Criticism, Poetic Translation, Testing; Psycholinguistics; Translation of Literature, Cognition in Translation, associate professors, 15 are advisors for Ph.D. Corpus Linguistics; Contemporary English Trans-hermeneutics and candidates and 40 are advisors for MA Neurolinguistics; Discourse Novels, and the Ancient Bilingual Lexicography, candidates known for their innovative Analysis; Forensic Greek and Roman Poetics Modern Fiction teaching and award-winning research. Linguistics

Following SJTU’s fine tradition of intellectual excellence and critical enquiry, SFL is commit- ted to providing a learning and teaching experience of the highest quality for its students, who are taught and guided by inspiring academics, making its graduates highly sought after by employers in various sectors. Achievements

Since 2009, School of Foreign Languages has Renowned Professors achieved a substantial rise in the number of Linguistics published journal papers. More than 450 papers Name Research Interest have been published on CSSCI. More than 200 papers were published on A&HCI and SSCI. Some Yan Jin Language Testing Hongwei Ding Cross-linguistic Studies, Phonetics, Prosody, and Speech Synthesis papers won municipal and national prizes of Bingjun Yang Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies Philosophy and Social Sciences. Zhenhua Wang Systemic-functional Linguistics, Discourse Semantics, Language and Law, Courtroom Discourse, Language of Education, Language of Evaluation During that period of time, the School of Foreign Hui Chang Second Language Acquisition and L2 Chinese Syntax Languages set up a Language Cognition Lab, a Zheng Xu Morphology and its Interfaces, Word Formation, and Chinese Linguistics Xu Xu Cognitive Linguistics, Concept Representation, and Individual comprehensive base for the empirical research in Differences in Language Processing Linguistics, Literature, and Translation. The School Fuyun Wu Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Adult Sentence Processing had reached an international cooperation agreement with the Translation and Cross-Cultural English Literature Studies Center, University of Manchester, UK and Name Research Interest the Language Cognition Lab, University of Qinglong Peng English Literature, Translation, Applied Linguistics Minnesota, USA. It collaborated with the Central Biwu Shang Narratology, Ethical Literary Criticism, Contemporary British and Compilation and Translation Bureau in setting up American Literature the Research Center of Translation and Circulation Weiwen He Early Modern English Literary Criticism, Contemporary English Novels, and the Ancient Greek and Roman Poetics of Marxism in China and the west. The center was Feng Yang Comparative Literature, Translation Studies and Applied Linguistics classified as one of the specially funded research Xiaofei Wei British and American Literature, Jewish American Literature, History of American Civilization base of humanities, SJTU. The School set up the Laurent Milesi Modernist and Post-modernist Literature, Critical and Cultural Theory Research Institute of Corpus and Cross-Cultural (deconstruction, post-structuralism, postmodernism, posthumanism), Strategy by integrating research teams of Corpus Digital Theory, Game Studies, Translation Theory, Genetic Criticism Lanlan Du Comparative Literature; Feminist Theory and Criticism; Contemporary Linguistics, Corpus-Based Translation Studies, English Fiction Second Language Acquisition, Functional Linguistics, and British and American Literature. By Translation Studies combining the various resources, the center aims at promoting academic projects and encouraging Name Research Interest academic publications. With its excellent achieve- Kaibao Hu Translation Studies, Corpus-based Translation Studies and Language ments, the center hopes it can contribute to the Contact Huawen Liu Poetic Translation, Cognition in Translation, Trans-hermeneutics and advancement of the School of Foreign Languages, Bilingual Lexicography the state, municipal government, and the Chinese Jing Yu Translation Studies, Literary Translation Studies and Translation History Arleen Ionescu Modernist Fiction, Comparative Literature, Critical and Cultural Theory society. (memory and trauma studies), Holocaust Studies, Translation Theory, Humanities Research Evaluation Yifan Zhu Translation and Contrastive Linguistics, Corpus-based Translation Studies, Translation and Intercultural Studies Platforms for Scientific Innovation > Center for Cross-Linguistic Processing and Language Cognition > Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics > Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies > Institute of Corpora and Intercultural Studies > Center for Australian Studies > Center for Multicultural Studies and Comparative Literature > Editorial Office of Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies > Centre for Creative Writing and Literary Translation and Culture > Research Center for the Global Image of China > Speech-Language-Hearing Center > Mobile Post-doctoral Stations

Contact Phone: +86-21-34204723 Casey/ Yiheng Zhang E-mail: [email protected] International Affairs Coordinator Address: Room B110, The Main Library, 800 Dongchuan Rd., School of Foreign Languages 200240, Shanghai, China Introduction of SAB, SJTU SAB 2020 Doctoral Degree Established in 1959, School of Agriculture and Biology was Programs in English formerly known as Shanghai Agriculture College. In September 1999, Shanghai Agriculture College, for International Students with 40 years of history, was incorporated into Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and thus became the School of Agriculture Doctoral Degree Programs and Biology (SAB). SAB has 4 Doctoral Degree Programs in English, as: SAB consists of 4 departments, Doctoral Degree Program in Ecology (071300) namely the Department of Plant Doctoral Degree Program in Ecology(Animal Science and Engineering)(0713J5) Science, Department of Animal Doctoral Degree Program in Horticulture(090200) Science, Department of Resources & Doctoral Degree Program in Horticulture(Food Safety and Nutrition)(0902J4) Environment, and Department of Food Science & Engineering, and a number of academic and research centers.

SAB has 227 full-time faculty members, among whom there are 55 professors/researchers, 61 associate professors/researchers. Till September of 2019, SAB has 1034 full-time students, including 498 undergraduate students, 536 postgraduate students (including 214 PhD candidates), among whom 53 are international students. Program Requirements

1. Study Duration 4. Dissertation

The study duration of full-time Doctoral Degree The dissertation should focus on the research field and Programs is generally 4 years. PhD students can extend meet the requirements as follows: innovative research their study period by 1 to 2 years after applying for subject, reasonable experiment design, advanced meth- approval. There is no any correlation between extension ods, reliable data, clear structures and in-depth discussion. of graduate date and scholarship. The PhD dissertation defense will be organized and reviewed according to the rules of SJTU Postgraduate 2. Curriculum and Credits Dissertation Defense and Degree Application.

PhD students are required to achieve at least 16 credits in total.

3. Academic Papers

PhD students should reach the school and college academic papers published requirements set by SJTU. Before participating in the dissertation defense, at least 2 first-author or SJTU as first unit papers should be published or accepted by SCI-included journals.

Contact Phone: +86-021-34205933 WANG Dan Email:[email protected] Program Coordinator in International Office Address: Rm 0-202, Bldg. A, School of Agriculture and Biology, School of Agriculture and Biology 800 Dongchuan Rd. 200240, Shanghai, China Introduction School of Environmental The School of Environmental Science and Engineering (SESE) was established in Science and Engineering September, 1999. From then on, SESE has a thought of structuring public environ- ment-friendly base aimed at improving our Subject Fields Research Contents surroundings. The faculty, students and Water Pollution alumni of SESE have been always putting the Lake and Reservoir Eutrophication Control; Control and Migration, Transformation and Modeling of Emerging Contaminants in Environmental effort on it. The discipline of Environment and Water Environment; Ecology was ranked among the top 1% Modeling in River Basin Point Source Pollution Control and Resource Utilization. globally since 2011. The discipline of Environ- mental Science has been ranked among the Platform for Simulation of Air Pollution Monitoring and Coordinating Air Pollution Control top 100 (from 51 to 100) by QS since 2012. and Regional Air Control Technology; Quality Modeling Composite Air Pollution and Climate Change, Innovate the Research SESE has a high-level education and research Method of Air Quality Simulation, Evaluation and Early Warning System. team with a multi-disciplinary background of E-waste Treatment and Recycling; science, engineering, and management. All Solid Waste Treatment and Sludge Treatment and Disposal; the faculty members hold doctorate degree Resource Recovery Landfill Processing and Organic Waste Resources Recovery through and over 80% of current faculty members Hydro-thermal Reaction. have at least one year overseas study Soil and Soil and Groundwater Contamination Remediation; experiences. Ground-water Modeling and Polluting Remediation of Groundwater; Contamination Biologically-based C Sequestration and its Eco-environmental Effect; Tracing international frontiers and addressing Reclamation Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment. the needs of China’s national strategies, our academic research mainly focuses on water Photocatalystic and Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants; Noise Pollution Control and Equipment Research; Environmental pollution treatment and control at the river Electrocatalysis Pollution Control; Functional Materials basin level, regional air pollution control and Energy Technology and Functional Materials; treatment, solid wastes treatment and safe Pollutants Separation Adsorption Material, Environment Conscious Materials. disposal and recovery, soil-underground water Regional Circular Economy Model; contamination repair and restoration, Resource and Environmental Eco-industrial Park Design and Management; environmental functional materials, resource Management and Regional Resource Accounting and Efficiency Evaluation; and environmental management and climate Climate Change Waste Management; Mitigation change policies, etc. Regional Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Policies.

CO2 Conversion, Conversion and Utilization of Biomass and Waste; Meanwhile, with extensive international Clean and Renewable Energy Photocatalytic Materials Synthesis; cooperation and exchange, SESE has carried Novel Solar Cell Preparation, Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials. forward strategic partnership with world top universities and institutes of different states. Novel Environmental Sources Identification and Behaviors Evaluation of Environmental Contaminants; Contaminants Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Human Health; Identification Environmental Biotechnology; Environmental Toxicology. Achievements

SESE has been involved in many important environmental strategic decisions and events with significant achievements. Our research outcomes have made great contributions to protecting Erhai river basin, treating wastewater with higher organic concentrations, and recovering valuable metals from waste electronic and electric equipment. These achievements provide technological support to solve China’s major environmental issues and promote the country’s sustainable development, receiving national leaders’ confirmation and appraisals. For instance, both President XI Jinping and Premier LI Keqiang highly commented our water project in Erhai.

In 2018, SESE has published 173 SCI papers in many leading journals, including PNAS, Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hazardous Material, Water Research, Applied Energy, etc.

The collaboration on palm oil mill effluent zero discharge treatment system has been verified successfully and effectively, which was awarded Palm Oil Industry Award and Sustainable Technology Award by IChemE, and 2015 Frost & Sullivan Malaysia Excellence Awards by Malaysia, International Diamond Prize for Excellence in Quality 2015 by European Society for Quality Research. NRF CREATE (Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise) program, in collaboration with the National University of Singapore to work on Energy and Environmental Sustainability Solutions for Megacities (E2S2), makes incredible progress which contributes to SESE’s fame.

Platforms Renowned Professors

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Environmental Protection Big Data & Intelligent Cao Xinde Shen Zhemin Decision Making Cheng Jinping Sun Tonghua State Engineering Center for Environment Protection on Waste Electrical & Cheng Zhen Wang Fu Electronic Products Recycling and Disposal Dong Huijuan Wang Tianfu Geng Yong Wang Xinze SJTU-Yunnan Research Institute Huang Jungchen Wu Deyi STJU-Malaysia Palm Oil Bureau Joint R&D Collaboration Center He Yiliang Xiao Huayun SJTU-National University of Singapore Joint Research Centre for Environment He Shengbing Xu Zhenming and Water Jin Fangming Xu Xiaoyun SJTU- Shanghai Xin Jinqiao Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. Industrial Waste Jin Qiang Yan Naiqiang Recycling Joint Research Center Jia Jinping Yuan Tao Shanghai E-Waste Recycling and Assessment Engineering Research Center Li Liang Zhao Yanbin SJTU-Jiangsu Utilization of Waste Household Appliances Research Center Liu Jingyu Zhang Kun SJTU Environment Protection Equipment Collaborative Innovation Center Li Jinhua Zhong Heng SJTU Nano-Environmental Technology Research Center Long Mingce Zhao Yue SJTU- Institute of Marine Aquaculture Joint Lab for Ecological Lou Ziyang Zhang Bo Recovery and Blue Carbon in Littoral Zone Qiu Hao Zhao Yixin Qian Xufang Zhan Lu Union of Safeguarding Safe Drinking Water in Shanghai Qu Zan Zhao Ling SJTU-Shanghai Laogang Wastes Disposal Research and Education Base Shen Yanwen Zhou Baoxue Shao Jiahui Zhu Nanwen

Tel: +86-21-54741065 Contact Fax: +86-21-54740825 Chenjing Bao Email: [email protected] International Affairs Coordinator Address: Room B105, Environment Science Building School of Environmental Science and Engineering 800 Dongchuan Rd, Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China Website: Introduction

The School of Pharmacy has a primary mission in educating and training the next generation of specialists in pharma- School of Pharmacy ceutical sciences. The School has built a strong research and teaching faculty with international training background and is one of the national fastest growing Majors Supervisors Contact Information pharmacy schools within multi-disci- plinary universities. The School is authorized by the Ministry of Education JING Lili [email protected] (MoE) to award Bachelor, Master and Pharmacology ZHAO Bo [email protected] Doctoral degrees in Pharmaceutical QIAN Feng [email protected] Sciences. There is also a MoE-approved postdoctoral training base. The School is GUO Shengrong [email protected] ranked A Level in China by the MoE based SHEN Qi [email protected] upon the overall performance in pharma- Pharmaceutics XU Yuhong [email protected] ceutical sciences. ZHANG Xueqing [email protected] The School of Pharmacy offers opportuni- ties for graduate study in a wide range of LIU Delong [email protected] Medicinal contemporary areas of pharmaceutical Chemistry SUN Zhankui [email protected] sciences, including Medicinal Chemistry, ZHOU Huchen [email protected] Chemical Biology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and CHEN Daijie [email protected] Biopharmaceutical Engineering. In many Microbial and LU Huili [email protected] instances, faculty members collaborate Biochemical Pharmacy ZHANG Baohong [email protected] with colleagues in pharmacy and other ZHU Jianwei [email protected] disciplines on research problems.

JIN Huizi [email protected] Pharmacognosy LI Xiaobo [email protected] QIU Mingfeng [email protected] Doctoral Degree Program of Pharmaceutical Science

Graduate study stresses the unique needs of the students. Basic course and examination requirements are deliberate- ly kept to a minimum, so that each candidates can maximum the flexibility in fulfilling individual research interests. Graduate students are usually engaged in research by the second semester of their first year.

Due to the confidence the School has in its selection of candidates for admission to international graduate study, no comprehensive examinations are required. The only formal test requirement for incoming international students is to display proficiency and breadth in pharmacy at the level of a traditional advanced undergraduate curriculum. Before the Fall semester, a set of qualifying examinations is taken by the incoming class of internation- al graduate students. If there are any deficiencies identified, an additional opportunity to pass the examinations is offered before the start of Spring semester. As soon as all qualifying examinations are passed, possible research problems are discussed with individual faculty members. Subsequent course work and other requirements are largely determined by the student and research advisor(s). A student may pursue the degree of Doctoral of Medicine The School is making efforts to enhance and expand through a customized balance of coursework, directed its international collaboration and exchange research and thesis research. Core curriculum in interna- programs. In recent years, we have actively hosted tional graduate program includes Principles of Medicinal and sponsored influential international conferences Chemistry, Introduction of Pharmaceutics, New Technolo- to broaden our international vision. We have also gies in Drug Discovery, Pharmacology Guide, Biotechnolo- established extensive research collaboration and gy: Basic Concepts and Techniques, and Presenting Science. scholar exchange with many world famous institu- tions and pharmaceutical companies, such as Stanford University, Cambridge University, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Chinese Universi- ty of Hong Kong, University of Michigan, University of Illinois, National Cancer Institute (USA), Zengen Inc., BioPharm Solutions Inc., F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, DSD Corporation Limited, Genzyme Corporation, Nippon Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. (Japan), Pfizer Inc.(USA), Jeju Provincial Development (Korea), BioPharm Solutions Inc. (USA), and Genzyme Corporation (USA).

Contact Phone: +86-21-34204462 XU Rong E-mail: [email protected] International Affairs Coordinator Address: Room 5-405, School of Pharmacy School of Pharmacy 800 Dongchuan Rd., 200240, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction

The history of the Law School of SJTU can be traced back to the Teaching and Research Department of Law, which was established in 1986. In 1996, the Law Department was KoGuan Law School established, which acquired the right to confer Master Degree in Law in 1998. The Law School was established on June 8, 2002. The interna- tional programs at KoGuan Law School were launched at the end of 2009 and functioned as Subject Fields Research Contents a catalyst for internationalization of legal education. Law and Society Study of Competition of Different Institutions, Law in the Risk Society, Judicial Reform, The goal of international programs at KoGuan Legal Profession and Legal Ethics, Law and Economics, Law and Culture, Legal Anthropology, Law and Development, Law School is for domestic law students to Law and Psychology, etc. bring home international knowledge through overseas study experiences, and for interna- Oceans Law and Policy Analyze and Explain Rules of Domestic and International tional students and legal professionals to gain Oceans Law, Plan Strategies for the Development of Ocean fundamental knowledge in Chinese law. Economy and Technology, Design Marine Environmental Protection Construction Projects, etc.

The School determined to build an institution International Law Private International Law, International Commercial that promotes both broad and deep interna- Arbitration, International Financial Law, tionalization of the legal education. We will Law and Economics, etc. expand the international dimensions of the Intellectual Property Computer Science and Laws (especially Intellectual Property curriculum, increase the opportunities for Law, Science and Technology Law, etc. study and research abroad, and enhance the interactions between international and Economic Law All Issues Relating to Economic Law - with a focus on the Chinese students and scholars. Our interna- General Theory of Economic Law, Competition Law, tional reach is aided by collaboration with Tax Law, Financial Law, etc. foreign educational institutes all over the Competition Law Research, and enforcement of Competition Law world. and Policy and Policy, etc.

Currently, the international programs at Human Right & Constitutionalism and Human Rights, International Human Humanitarian Law Rights, International Humanitarian Law, Selected Human KoGuan Law School include the S.J.D. Rights, Chinese Human Rights and Labor Issues, IHL Moot Program, the LL.M. Program, the Summer Court, etc. Programs in Chinese Law, the visiting scholars/students program, and student Constitutional and Legal Framework for Regional Cooperation, Urbanization Administrative Law and Law, City Planning Law, Legislation, exchange programs. Anti-discrimination Law,etc. Achievements

On June 8, 2002, the School was established with an initial endowment of 25 million RMB. The School acquired the authority to offer first-rank master Renowned Professors degree in Law and J.M. Degree in later years. In January 2009, in the third National Ranking of Academic Disciplines published by the Degree and Name Research Interests Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Justice, the School was raked the 10th in LIN Yan Constitutional and Administrative Law the general ranking of law. The first special class in law ZHU Mang Constitutional and Administrative Law in the School was launched in September 2010, which marked the beginning of the reforms for training YE Bifeng Constitutional and Administrative Law high-level legal professionals. XU Donggen International Law

HU Jiaxiang International Law In 2012, the School was enlisted as outstanding legal education institution by both the Ministry of Educa- XU Xiaobing International Law tion of the national government, and the Shanghai SHOU Bu Intellectual Property Municipal Government. Since 2012, the School has been placed as top 100 law schools by the QS World LIU Yongpei Intellectual Property University Rankings for three consecutive years. In HU Binbin Intellectual Property 2013, the National Maritime Strategy and Interest Research Center was accredited as Leading Think Tank WANG Xianlin Economic Law by the Shanghai Municipal Government. LI Jian Competition Law and Policy

Also in September 2010, the English LL.M. Program in HOU Liyang Competition Law and Policy Chinese Law was launched successfully. It was a solid SUN Weiping Human Rights and Humanitarian Law step for the internationalization of legal education of the School. To train international-orientated and LI Xueyao Human Rights and Humanitarian Law excellent legal talents, the English courses in the HU Jiaxiang International Law School were also offered to domestic students. The School has signed collaborating agreements with SHEN Wei International Law several distinguished law schools in the United States, Europe, and Japan to send students to study and visit there.

To further increase the quality of teaching and strengthen academic research, the School is actively setting up high-end academic platforms and estab- lishing a number of interdisciplinary research institutes directed toward specific issues in frontier areas of law, such as Risk Society and Rule of Law, State Ocean Strategy, Finance and Judiciary, Competi- tive Order of Investment and Trade, Medical Law, and IP Protection of Cyberspace. The Law School is seeking to strengthen teamwork and international academic collaboration.

Contact Phone: +86-21-62934433 ZHOU Xinyu E-mail: [email protected] International Affairs Coordinator Address: Room 104, KoGuan Law School KoGuan Law School 1954 Hua Shan Rd., 200030, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction

Established in 2002, School of Media and Communication (SMC) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University consists of three depart- School of Media ments, including Journalism & Communi- cation, Film & Television, and Cultural Industry Management. It offers a series of and Communication undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs in these fields. Currently, SMC has 400 undergraduates, 200 master students, and 100 doctoral students. Our journalism and communication major Programs Core Courses ranks top 5 in China, and was in top 100 of M.A. in Journalism and Communication: History & Theory of New Media, New the QS World University Rankings by New Media Studies Media Research Methods, Advanced Subject in both 2012 and 2014. (taught in English) Topics in New Media Studies, New Media Applications in Business

Ph.D. in Journalism and Communication: History & Theory of New Media, New New Media Studies Media Research Methods, Advanced (taught in English) Topics in New Media Studies, Readings in Experiment Research, Brand Management and Communication

M.A. in Journalism and Communication History of Journalism & Communication, (taught in Chinese) Communication Research Methods, Computational Journalism, Public Opinion, News Reporting, Cyberspace Governance

Ph.D. in Journalism and Communication Communication Theories, Communication (taught in Chinese) Research Methods, Media Economics and Management, Cultural Industry and Policy Achievements

International Students: There are currently 287 international students in the Renowned Professors school. Among them 109 are master or doctoral students who come from 58 countries including the Name Research Interests U.S., the U.K., Russia, France, Egypt, Thailand, Sweden and etc., covering five continents of the world. Some Innovative Interfaces for Group Collaboration; Alexander IVANOV international students even graduated from world Cultural Psychology and Theories of Motivation; Advertising prestigious universities like University of Chicago, University College London, University of South California, Moscow State University and University of Michel DUPAGNE New Communication Technologies, Media Economics, and International Communication California-Los Angeles.

Publications and Research Projects: GE Yan Media Psychology, Data Mining, Experimental Studies, Art and archaeology In the past five years, more than 200 journal articles and 150 books have been published in Chinese or Environmental Journalism and Climate Change English. In addition SMC faculty currently holds 7 Key Kanni HUANG Information National Social Science Projects and more than 11 regular National Science Projects granted by the HU Huilin Cultural Industry Policy, National Cultural Security Central Government, plus 28 ministry-level research projects, with a total funding of around 15 million JIANG Jinzhang Media Management, Knowledge Management RMB. LI Benqian Media Economics & Management, Computational Communication Academic Ranking: Our Journalism and Communication discipline was in top 100 of QS World University Rankings by Subject LING Jinzhu Cultural System, Public Cultural Policy, in 2012 and 2014 as well as in top 10 of Chinese Cultural Industry and Copyright Ministry of Education national ranking by subject in 2015. LIU Shilin Aesthetics, Chinese Poetics, Urban Culture Studies

SHAO Guosong Internet Politics, Internet Law

SHAN Shilian History of Aesthetics, History of Cultural Ideology

TONG Qingyan Media Management, Creative Industries, Communication Theory

XIE Jinwen Journalism, Communication Media

XIE Yungeng Public Opinion, Crisis Management

XUE Ke Branding Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Advertising & Public Relations

YAO Junxi Communication Theory, Visual Communication, Development Communication

YAO Xinbao Journalism Theory and Practice, Media Development Strategy Public Relations

ZHANG Guoliang Communication Theory, Empirical Studies, International Communication

Contact Phone: +86-21-34208622 ZHANG Lutong (Ms) E-mail: [email protected] Address: Room A102-2, School of Media and Communication, 800 Dongchuan Road, 200240, Shanghai, China Website: Introduction USC-SJTU Institute of The USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI) is the outcome of the strong partner- ship between University of Southern California (USC) Cultural and Creative and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) that was forged more than a decade ago. As a joint institute between USC and SJTU, ICCI will draw high quality Industry (ICCI) resources from both mother universities in fields of cultural industry to ensure that it will be a true innovator in delivering top class education, research, training, and social services focused on culture-relat- ed industries, as well as an interdisciplinary platform Cultivation Characteristics for diverse international cooperation and industrial collaboration. As a problem solving and programs oriented school, ICCI would integrate global resources and form new course systems and Currently ICCI sets up a professional Master Degree educational programs based on the industry’s value chain instead Program for the major of Cultural and Creative of traditional majors and disciplines. The supervisor group system Industry Management. This program aims to consists of academic supervisors, industrial supervisors and integrate the resources of the two universities and international supervisors. Students in their two and half years’ study develop future interdisciplinary talents in the would have internship chances in well-known culture-related practical management of culture-and-creative-relat- companies, including new media, art, finance, film, network and ed industries through teaching basic theories and many others. methods in economics, management, and culture.

The program lasts for two and half years. On comple- tion of the required SJTU courses and thesis, and the payment of tuition and fees, the students will be awarded the Master Degree of Journalism and Communication by SJTU. On successful completion of the required courses of USC and the payment of USC tuition and fees, the students will be awarded the degree of Master of Management Studies (M.M.S.) by USC. Faculty

ICCI has attracted outstanding scholars and researchers to teach at SJTU campus, including Professor John Hartley, founder of the ARC Center of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation and Director of the Center of Cultural and Science Technology Center at Curtin University, Professor Titus Levi, the former faculty from University of Southern California and Hong Kong Baptist University, Professor Bin Zhou, Chairman, United Association of Calligraphy, NGO Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Association, the instructor of Chinese Calligraphy of the former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Renowned Professors Platforms for Scientific Innovation Name Research Interests

Baizhu CHEN Finance ICCI is devoted to becoming the innovation leader for teaching, research, and social services in David CRAIG Entertainment Industries Studies culture-related industries. The ICCI New Media Management Research Center has been founded to Shantanu DUTTA Marketing integrate resources from USC and other internation- Yan GE Communication Behavior al collaborative institutions, as well as industry partners. Other centers, including the Cultural John HARTLEY Creative Industries Studies Industry Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneur- ship Research Center, Special Effects, Animation and Wenshing HO Raw Metadata Recording Technology New Media Technology Engineering Research Ben LEE Organizational Communication Center, and Cultural Industry Development Strategy Research Center are also underway. Titus LEVI Media Economics, Industrial Organizaion

Francis PEREIRA Clinical Information and Operations Management

Sunghan RYU IT Innovation in Cultural and Creative Industry

Sha YANG Marketing

Kai YU Technological Audio Content Analysis and Application

Mingyang YU Brand Strategy and Public Relations

Bin ZHOU Chinese Calligraphy Creation

Contact Phone: +86-21-34205059 Vera CHEN E-mail: [email protected] Academic Affairs Manager Address: Rm.305, A8 Bldg., Zizhu International Education Park, 155 Tan Jia USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry Tang Rd., Shanghai, 200241, China Website: Introduction

The UM-SJTU Joint Institute ( JI ) was jointly established by Shanghai Jiao Tong Univer- UM-SJTU sity and the University of Michigan in 2006. It is located in Shanghai, China. The goal of this partnership is to build a world-class Joint Institute teaching and research institute in China for nurturing innovative leaders with global visions.

The joint institute upholds a unique Majors Research discipline group educational philosophy of “Internationaliza- tion, Interdisciplinarity, Innovation, Quality”. Mechanics Over the past decade, JI has explored an > Design, Manufacturing, and Systems effective approach to build a world-class Mechanical > Solid Mechanics institute in China and shaped a famous set Engineering of development models through fusing the > Thermal Fluids Sino-US educational philosophy and Power Engineering and characteristics. Engineering Thermophysics > Material Science & Engineering As a successful example of international Electronic Science and > Circuits and Devices education cooperation, JI has been at the Technology forefront of China’s higher education > Electromagnetics, Optics, and Photonics reform. All courses are taught in English by Information and world-class faculty recruited from global Communication Engineering leading universities. Students not only > Communications, Signal Processing, and Control acquire knowledge of their academic fields Control Science and but also gain soft skills, such as creativity, Engineering > Computer Science and Engineering teamwork, communication, and leadership. We also provide students with abundant Computer Science opportunities to study abroad at our and Technology partner universities around the world. Graduate Program

JI is characterized by a multi-cultural atmosphere: many international students, faculty, and staff create a unique environment that fosters international education and cooperation. Graduate students are encouraged to partici- pate in international conferences, short-term study abroad programs, and multi-national research projects. The academic requirements are similar to those found at major U.S. universities.

Ph.D. Program JI’s Ph.D. program promotes cutting-edge research and emphasizes disruptive technologies with paradigm-shifting approaches. It seeks collaboration with research projects sponsored by government and industry to achieve interna- tional impact. It also encourages international exchange through short-term study abroad programs or international conferences.

Master Program JI’s master program provides rigorous science and engineer- ing education in breadth and depth which serves as a base for developing students’ abilities to conduct research in various engineering fields. Distinctions & Partners

JI’s unique academic environment allows the faculty, visiting scholars, and students to keep up with the frontiers of technology. The location of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Minhang Campus First-Class Faculty provides a strong potential for JI’s graduate students to apply their research to solve real world problems. The campus sits nearby Zizhu JI adopts the tenure system and its faculty appointment, National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone which was listed as assessment and promotion are all conducted with reference to the municipal-level hi-tech industrial development zones by the the requirements of the first-class university in the U.S. During the State Development and Reform Commission. past thirteen years, a large number of professors, doctors, and The leading industries of the zone consist of microelectronic post-doctors, from top universities and research institutes around technology, software technology and digital media technology, the world, have come to apply for faculty and research positions including well-known multinational companies such as Intel, in JI every year. There are more than 50 incumbent faculty Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Yamaha, Omron, Shanghai First Aircraft members, of whom 100% engineering faculty obtained Ph.D Technology, National Tissue Engineering Center and Shanghai degrees from world-class universities. Clean Energy Research Center.

Contact Phone: +86-21-34206045-4511 Graduate Education office Email:[email protected] UM-SJTU Joint Institute Address: Room 451, Long Bin Building, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, 200240, China Website:

Introduction China-UK China-UK Low Carbon College (LCC) was established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) with the joint efforts of the University of Low Carbon College (LCC) Edinburgh (UoE) in May 2017. We are the first college in China that pioneers in low carbon research and education.

The vision of the college is to become a Program Overview world-leading higher education institution with Our master programs are dedicated to professionals in the field of low carbon international influence, providing a platform for technologies, carbon finance and carbon management. The interdisciplinary graduate education, scientific research, executive nature of the programs integrates the elements of low carbon technology and training, and innovation and incubation in the social science on the basis of Environment Engineering and Power Engineering. low carbon field. The programs are delivered on-campus full time over 2.5 years. Students are LCC provides graduates with a range of offered opportunities to get a double master degree at the University of professional and transferable skills that enable Edinburgh. them to pursue successful careers in the fields of energy and environment, including climate change consulting, carbon trading, energy-related or environment-related project development Academic advisor and business, policy or regulatory roles within government and NGOs. Double Advisory System Industrial advisor 1st year 2nd year Last semester *mainly from industrial partners of LCC SJTU UoE or SJTU SJTU Curriculum Master Programs Compulsory Course Featured Courses

Technology of Air Pollution Control Environmental Technology Course Technology of Water Pollution Control > Decision-Making for Low Carbon Low Carbon Environment Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Management ( taught in English) Environmental Economics > Carbon Accounting Environmental Social Science Course Environmental Law > Carbon Economics Environmental Management > Business and Climate Change

Advanced Heat Transfer > Carbon Resources Cycle Power Engineering Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics > Building Energy Saving and Solar Technology Course Advanced Fluid Dynamics in Engineering Energy Utilization Low Carbon Energy Advanced Combustion Theory > Energy Clean and Cascade Utilization ( taught in English) Basic Principles of Sensors and Mechanical Power Engineering Frontier Course Measurement Systems > Cities and Sustainability New Energy Systems WHY LCC


LCC currently has 20 full-time faculty and 40 adjunct faculty.

Our faculty members are world- leading experts in the area of climate change and all obtained PhD degree from world-leading universities with education or research backgrounds overseas.

Platforms for Scientific Innovation

> Research Center for Carbon Finance and Carbon Management > Research Center for Smart Energy and Big Data > Research Center for Renewables and Energy Storage > Research Center for Low Carbon Combustion and Engine System > Research Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage > Research Center for Sustainable Technologies and Waste Resource Utilization > Research Center for Low Carbon Design and Manufacture Industrial Partners

Student Experience

Shanghai Context Interactive Learning Innovation Events Cultural Experience

Contact Information Tel: +86-21-80160860 (ext.803) Cara Liu Email: [email protected] International Affairs Coordinator Address: Room A427, China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai China-UK Low Carbon College Jiao Tong University, 3 Yin Lian Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China WeChat: sjtuLCC Website: Introduction

School of Design was founded in Decem- ber 2017, which amalgamated three School of Design departments and establish a new discipline cluster named "innovative design". Over the past 30 years, the design disciplines at Shanghai Jiao Tong have Research Areas pursued a harmonious communion of There are three departments in School of Design, which is accredited to provide humanities, arts, science and technology these following research areas: for educating elite talents in the built environment, art and design fields, - High-end equipment and intelligent design; distinguished by their social conscience, Design - Information design leadership, cosmopolitanism and - Interaction design truth-seeking spirit. Their accomplish- ments in education, research, practice, - Sustainable architecture— history, theory and technology; Architecture social service and international reach have - City/Rural planning and built heritage conservation earned worldwide recognition. In the QS subject ranking, “Architecture and the Built - Sustainable landscape— history, theory, planning and Landscape Environment” at Shanghai Jiao Tong in ecological restoration; Architecture recent years has been ranked in the top - Landscape planting resources and application group in both China and globally, whilst “Art and Design” in 2015 and 2016 made the top 50 in the world. Innovative Design Institution School of Design also has a new Innovative Design Institution named Neo Bay International Cooperations

School of Design is accredited to provided master programmes of Architecture, Design and Landscape Architecture, and doctoral programmes of Design Science and Engineering CORE COURSES

Architecture Design Landscape Architecture

Architecture Forum Introduction of Design Research Method of Landscape Architecture

Design and Research User Study Principle of Ecological Planning and Design

Urban Design and Planning Administration Design Practice Spatial Narrative and Experience

City and Architectural Programming Internet Production Innovation The Classical Chinese Garden Analysis

Contact Phone: +86-21-54742134 Ju Huang Email: [email protected] Address: Room 218, Yifu Science&Teconology Building, School of Design, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, 200240. Website: