MerryMerry ChristmasChristmas Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 25, 2003 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 114th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 16-114 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] FIFTY CENTS Bill Sheppard for The Westfield Leader Lauren S. Pass for The Westfield Leader Ben Corbin for The Westfield Leader NO APRIL FOOL…Jason Carle of MINDOWASKIN ON ICE…Westfielders took their ice skates and ice hockey equipment to Mindowaskin Pond in CALL TO DUTY…In February, fire departments from around Union County Outragehiss Animals gives Westfield in January. Pictured, above, ice hockey players wait for the missing puck. This was the first time the pond was responded to a fire on Rivervale Court in Scotch Plains. The fire was started by workmen Mountainside residents a close look at opened for skating since 1984. in the apartment complex. Pictured above are Westfield firemen venting the roof. his Burmese python. WF Chooses Redevelopment Agency; SP Begins SID Process; Board of Ed. Budgets Pass in All Towns in First Half of 2003 By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL, Saying that 2003 “will be the most The Scotch Plains council ap- year contract. Details of the jitney bus shuttle watch for 25 years of service to the ELIZABETH CORRELL, LAUREN S. difficult budget year facing Scotch proved a resolution authorizing the Westfield Republican Chairman service were discussed at a Fanwood borough at Mountainside’s monthly PASS and FRED ROSSI Specially Written for The Times Plains” in his 23 years on the job, signing of an agreement with Jon Bramnick won his bid for the council meeting, including person- meeting.