S13 PI ********'*CAR-RT LOT**rniq * 1 “ STFIELD memorial library 550 E BROAD ST SWerry WESTFIELD NJ 07090-2116 36 (Jopulos. lion Status. fltrutmnius (908) 232-440" ISPS 6JMKI20 Thursday. December 25. 2IHI3 PuhlnM t'tr< I hurwtj' n»ik « 1 !PW I II W l I M S <)l K 114th SI A k ISSI t; NO. 16-114 Periodical - Postage Paid at Westfield. NJ. w w w .goleader.com press goleader.com Bill Sheppfltd foi Th0 Westfield Leader B*n Corbin for The Westfield leader NO VI * K11 FOOl Jason ( arle »l L*u r*n S P»«* lex Tf>0 W ettfi+ld L»»d*r MIMK)\\ ASkIN ON l( I ...UistriildiTs look their in- skalis and lev hotko equipment to Mindoua'kin Pond in ( VI | TO |)l IV In I ehruan. fire departments from around I nkm (ounty ()utra\ichi\\ \nimnls gives Mountainside residents a close look at Westfield in Jsimuin. Pietiired, abate, lee liw ket platers wait for the missing puck. This was the lirst time the pond was respHMletl to a fire on Ki ten ale ( ourt in Scotch Plains. Flu* fire was started b> workmen his Burmese pvthon. opened for skating since 1984. in tin* apartment eom|4ev Pictured altose ar\‘ Westfield firemen venting tlu root. WF Chooses Redevelopment Agency; SP Begins SID Process; Board of Ed. Budgets Pass in All Towns in First Half of 2003 watch lot 2*' years ol service to the Saving that 2fM)3 "ssill lx* the most I he Scotch Plains council up vcar contract Details ol the jitney bus shuttle By KIMBI HI V V BKOADVVI I I . borough at Mountainside's monthly II 1/ \BI I H ( OK ID I I I \l IONS. difficult budget year lacing Scotch proved .i resolution authorizing the Westfield KciHiblk.m Chairman scrv ice were discussed at a I aiiwood PANS and FRED ROSSI Plains' m his 23 years on the job. signing ol an agreement with Jon Hrainmck won his hid lor the council meeting, including person­ meeting An ouluiance was passed banning lownship Manager Thomas Atkins Fanwood to formalize the operation Assemblv seal vacated bv loin Kean nel and advertising advertising on municipal vehicles in l.ditni s note I hr follow on. is .. ss .li ned the council that, in order to ot the long awaited shuttle bus set Ji Kavmond Mantra. Fanwood Di icetoi ot Public Works, celebrated I an wood rerap <>t the lop new of tin In si Imlf .isoid significant property tax in vice between the I an wood tram sta Ihe Scotch Pl.iiii- PuMk I ibrary I he Fanwood mavor and council <>l 200d for Westfield S< oh h I’hnns, cieases to finance this year's mumci lion and various points in Scotch was slightly damaged by a I ehniary 40 ve.irs of emplovtnenl with the belli a meeting w ith l omeasi to dts Mountainside and hinwootl I he pal budget, it might base to consider Plains and Fanwood It w .in cxjvcted 2b fire that led to its closing tor two borough euss late uxleases and piogiammmg set ond half ol ?OOd will he Imlnreil possible reductions in services and that the service would be operational weeks and allected the building's M arch in next weel s < dition within a few months, but at year s heating system changes potentially mandatory workforce re In advance ot the introduction ol end. matters were still m limbo ami Hie Fanwood council announced April ,h u m an ducfions the 2003 municipal budget. Scotch further decisions will lx- carried ova plans to lease borough properly lot M aun Gregory McDermott ills Flic Westfield lossn Council de Plains Mayor Marks warned resi / In Westlield I e,nh t and / he into 2004 $27,000 per vear to a eommumea cussal the need tot parking, pedes cided to postpone a vole on the trails dents they were lacing "one ol the Si i>tth I'ltimx ianw m nl limes re­ File* Scotch Plains council also lions company that would construct trian sal els and Held improvements fer of a liquor license, which was largest, il not the largest, tax in leased last edition I torn the F.l in Street gave brief consideration to a pro and use a communications tower during Ins aniui.il Stale "I the fown previously held by Sinclair s Restau­ creases m Scotch Plains history, office posal that would charge local non Mountainside Board ol I ducation Address lie announced that eight rant. and ssas being sought for pur­ saying that the rise m the munietp.il Ihe Scotch Plains council intro profit organizations a user lee for members Frank Geiger and M.uy firms had answered the lossn sKFQs. chase by I ujiama Mama. portion ot loe.il property taxes was duccd its 2003 municipal budget, their sewer use Hut the initiative Beth Schuumberg announced then and they would he inters iessed this lossn Attorney Robert Cockrcn likely Ur lx* a double-digit hike which called for a F2 percent in stalled four months later, after tig candidacy tor reelect ton against year stated that there were issues w ith the The Westfield Town Council ap crease in spending and an IH point ures provided to the township coun­ Finda Fsemplarc. Patricia K node I "I anticipate that there ssill he .i license and Town Code He said that hike m the munieip.il portion ol local cil showed that the costs it* the town and Pauline (lenakos. Two open seats proved a tentative 2003 budget ol shovel m the ground iliis seal Inn it the code prohibits alcohol to be served projXTtv taxes lownship officials ship and more specifically, the tax were available $275)90,304. which included a tax will not he for a parking deck it ss ill at a counter, and because the restau­ increase of 3.86 cents |x*r SI(K) ol said the steep lax rise was neeessi rant lias a sushi bar and service bar. payers were less than anticipated Twentv inches of snow that fell on he lor a structure that mcorpoiates assessed home value. On the average taled by a stale aid freeze, rising this would not comply with the axle Robert Fairchild, a resident of the Presidents Day shut down the state the varied economic and aesthetic assessed home of $180,000. this m Fixed costs, declining revenue, low Mountainside resident and Presi­ Horough of Mountainside, donated a The Fanwood I and l Ne Ordinance elements that best seise the needs ol crease came out to $69.50. returns on investments and the gen dent of the Mountainside Hoard of defibrillator to the borough in was amended to restrict use of deco­ this community now and in the sears A resolution was passed allowing entity weak economy. Lducation. Richard Kress, had been memory of his wife. Josephine rative lights by retailers to come." the mayor said. Mountainside Borough employees Former Union County Prosecutor At the annual Reorganization notified that he would be called to Fanwood N Mayor Jung stated that Fight Westfield candidates com to receive financial incentives by CON1INUEDON PAGE H the downtown revitalization project pc ted for a chance at one of four seats Meeting held on Ness Yeats Das at appear be tore the Supreme ( ourt waiving their employee health cov­ Fanwood Horough II.ill Joel Disciplinary Review Hoard tDRB). would remain the administration’s on the Board ol lducation lop priority for the year Also listed The three year terms up lor grabs erage. Whitaker was reelected as Council I he Westfield Hoard of Lducation John M organ was hired as Panera Bread heard from several residents, who as a priority were the borough s two had belonged to l)t Carol Molnar. President, and Mavor Louis Jung West Field 's second Parking Director staunchly supported the reinstate­ parks, with planned renovation and Kimberly Rhodes and Anne Riegel administered the Oath of Office tor CHS MatketWatch, in a survey ment of middle school sports Others expansion of the Forest Road Park Vying foi those three seats were Is Robbed three members ol the l ire Depart based on an analysis of census, hous­ merit, including f ire Chief Richard spoke about finding room in the bud­ building for senior and general pub incumbents Mrs Rhodes. Mrs Riegel lie use. and possible realignment ol and Beth Cassie. who was filling in ing. education and other data, named Kcgenthal. hirst Lieutenant Mark get lor funding ol the ice hockey and Scotch Plains as the nation’s most girls' lacrosse teams. the ball field and improvement of for the un expired term of Lisa Alter At Gunpoint Lttore and Second Lieutenant Steve undervalued town. At this tune, the board drew some operations of the skate park at Dr Molnar decided not to run for Szanto Alter winning reeleetion m Westfield Town Administrator By I At REN S. PASS November. Councilman Stuart Kline heal, as a few members of the public LaGrande Park reeleetion. having served the com­ ill, WrlHen !■■> I h. ». ,<fi.i,l Ir.uU i munity lor 15 years as a member of James Giidea announced that he re­ began his seventh year on the council voiced concern that the board was February t hree men robbed Panera Bread the school board ceived a letter from Westfield Me while Councilman David liumpp not paying attention to them. One on Last Broad Street Monday night, Former Scotch Plains Treasurer However, joining the incumbents mortal Library Director Barbara continued in Ins position, alter sen Westfield resident pointed out that after confronting an employee at William Polidore.
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