“We've Agreed to Mobilise Opposition”

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“We've Agreed to Mobilise Opposition” No323 K10 www.diggers.news Thursday December 6, 2018 To allay public speculation that President Lungu was recently evacuated to South Africa for medication, State House released these photos yesterday (courtesy of Salim Henry), showing the Head of State working out, 2 days after his return from ‘vacation’ HH, CK TEAM UP “We’ve agreed to mobilise opposition” By Mukosha Funga and resolved to mobilise “illegal” salary increments Hakainde Hichilema yesterday other opposition political for ministers, among other visited Chishimba Kambwili parties to demonstrate against activities. To page 5 We’ll pay beneficiaries of stolen Social Cash Tranfer Funds - PS By Sipilisiwe Ncube Transfer funds to the intended beneficiaries. Community Development and Social Dr Mutale said this when she and her Services PS Dr Liya Mutale says the Ministry predecessor Dr Howard Sikwela appeared will pay the misappropriated Social Cash before PAC yesterday To page 3 ZNFU Mumbi Phiri turns Hakainde Hichilema visited Chishimba Kambwili at his house yesterday where the two leaders warns heat on Kambwili agreed to work together in mobilising the opposition against PF - Picture by Tenson Mkhala By Mirriam Chabala against PF deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri says if those ZICTA lacks legal backing to clamp being demonised by Chishimba Kambwili wanted to politic, they could accuse him of being rich because GMOs his children make money by posting pornographic down on Social Media abuse - Dora Story page 2 pictures on the internet. To page 10 Story page 2 2. Local News www.diggers.news Thursday December 6, 2018 ZNFU sounds alarm over GMO foods By Stuart Lisulo government authorities. non-GMO country, and Zambia National Farmers’ Most of them do any manoeuvres towards Union president Jervis not mean well to the legitimising GMOs Zimba has condemned country’s growth agenda. will have far-reaching ongoing manoeuvres by We are aware of some of implications than we can some quasi-government the people propagating comprehend. As ZNFU, institutions to re- this. ZNFU will fight and we shall not subscribe to introduce Genetically- thwart all efforts bent on GMOs and shall reject Modified foods (GMOs) legitimising GMOs. This processes that seek to into the country. country has made huge sneak into the country In a statement, Zimba sacrifices to reach this far or dump GM foods on revealed that the and the Union will not our market. The sector Union was aware of sit idly by while wrong that will be hurt most the manoeuvres being things are being done,” if GMOs are allowed is propagated by some cautioned Zimba. the agriculture sector. quasi-government “It is important to note Farmers will be the worst institutions, but warned that this country is a affected.” against re-introducing the GMOs as it will have devastating consequences on the local market. “ZNFU is aware of ZICTA has no legal backing yet to manoeuvres by certain quasi-government authorities that are trying to propagate the importation of clamp down social media – Dora Genetically Engineered By Sipilisiwe Ncube legal framework to address financial fraud cases in the just government,” said about more than 5,000 jobs Foods into the country. Chief Government this matter. ZICTA is country, Siliya insisted that Siliya. and the Economic Facility These authorities are Spokesperson Dora Siliya there as the authority the authority did not have Meanwhile, Luapula Zone will be sitting on the trying to scheme ways of says ZICTA does not yet in terms of technology the legal backing yet. Province Minister Nickson 500 hectares piece of land,” legitimising Genetically have the legal backing provision in the country. “I believe ZICTA did Chilagwa said the results said Musanga. Modified Foods in the to clamp down on social but as government, we are not have the right legal of the provincial expo had “Then apart from that country at the expense of media abuse that has seen providing for cyber laws backing because clearly, already started showing. after the expo, we have what we have safeguarded many citizens defrauded. to also address issues of prosecution is a matter for years,” Zimba “As a result of the expo, we had investors wanting to And Siliya says government financial transactions. How disclosed in a press release for the police but even the have over 70 companies put their resources in the is concerned that some many Zambians have been issued, Wednesday. police did not have the legal that are at various stages energy sector. We will be young girls are using defrauded electronically? “We are aware that some framework to prosecute of investing in Luapula upgrading the Lusiwasi Facebook as a platform Including on Facebook authorities are trying to such cases. It is why now Province. We have over ten Hydro Power station that to market themselves to where people have been reintroduce the topic of the Ministry of Transport who are already present is to increase the capacity the opposite sex through acting as ministers or other GMOs. But why now? and Communication and on the ground and they of electricity supply for posting of their nude people in society and say These mushrooming even the Ministry of Home are doing wonderful the various investment pictures. ‘pay money to this account authorities are causing Affairs and Justice, we things and others are in opportunities that we have Meanwhile Central, and you will get a job? headache to the farming are saying we need new various stages, some in the in Central Province under Luapula and Northern How many people have I community.” legislations to provide for acquisition of land, some in the energy sector, tourism Province ministers have had here at my office with He advised government these new crimes that were the sorting out of the paper sector just to mention a few. shared their achievements bank deposit slips and say to be wary against re- not thought of before there work which takes a bit of Then after the investment from the recently held ‘minister, you asked me to introducing GMOs were cell-phones, crimes time but are set as Luapula expo we are talking about tourism and investment deposit K14, 000 and I did back into the country as that were not thought of Province. We believe that construction of a 120 expos in their respective this morning [and] here is it would have adverse before there was Facebook, in three to four years time, Mega Watts solar power provinces. the bank slip?’ I have no effects on local producers WhatsApp calls and so on,” Luapula will not be the plant in Mumbwa. This is Siliya said this at a idea what they are talking and thwart Zambia’s Siliya explained. same and it shouldn’t be also underway. Actually joint press briefing at about because of the many growth agenda. And Siliya says government the same,” said Chilangwa. the investors came on her ministry in Lusaka fake Facbooks in my “Government should be was concerned that some And Central province board after the successful yesterday. name,” Siliya said. wary of the intentions young girls were using Minister Sydney Mushanga hosting of the Investment “What we have has been Asked why ZICTA was of some of these quasi- Facebook as a platform highlighted some of expo. And also there is an an absence of the right failing to detect all mobile to market themselves to the projects which had intention by the Indian the opposite sex through emerged from the expo. investor to construct a posting of their nude “A lot has happened in 750 bed capacity hospital pictures. Central Province and first a in the province. We are “This is an issue [of social ground breaking ceremony thinking of having this media abuse] worldwide, for the China Jianxi Multi- hospital constructed we are all challenged Economic Facility Zone between Chibombo and on how do we protect was done by His Excellency Chisamba because Kabwe children, how do we and this took place just two General Hospital has since protect women? We have weeks ago. And the actuall been turned into a Central seen here in Zambia on slot investment we are talking hospital.” of insults against women about is US $300 million Meanwhile, Northern especially in leadership. where we are going to have Province Minister Brian Most of my colleagues tell more than 36 companies Mundubile said the whole Quality household furniture for sale: Leather lounge me the number of girls and these 36 companies world had acknowledged seats, dining suite, LG upright fridge/freezer, who believe that Facebook will assist in employment that World War one ended entertainment center, display cabinet, coffee table and should be used for creation. During the in Zambia and that this many more. For viewing: Chamba Valley Left turn on posting naked pictures of construction stage, 2, 000 was after the just ended Zambezi road at Lusaka Apex medical university, after themselves or advertising employment opportunities tourism expo which themselves to the male will be provided for the was held simultaneously third hump Grey gate on the left hand side. Phone gender, [and] families local people then after the alongside WW1 centenary 0977790479 should be concerned, not construction we are talking celebrations. Thursday December 6, 2018 www.diggers.news Local News .3 By Sipilisiwe Ncube Community Development and Social Services Permanent Secretary We will pay back stolen Social Dr Liya Mutale says the Ministry will pay back the misappropriated Social Cash Transfer funds, which did not reach the intended beneficiaries. Cash Transfer funds, PS tells PAC Speaking when she and her During the deliberations, bank. I think since the the suspicion was that there not want to jeopardise the that NATSAVE was keeping predecessor Dr Howard a missing cheque worth first letter was written in could be someone in the ongoing investigations on for the Ministry was finally Sikwela appeared before K99,600 was identified, December, 2017, over the Ministry or under the bank the matter.
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