Affordable Health Care Now Available

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Affordable Health Care Now Available Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 6-9-1994 Innovator, 1994-06-09 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1994, June 9). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Polygon PuXlles Crooklyn & Fitzees Blues Fest pg.2 pg.5 pg. 7 �SL(A SBo· to Affordable Health Care Now Available by Tommy Dascenzo A special program of affordable health care is available to elig�ble Governors State students. 111C SuOOrOOn PrimaryHealth Care Council's "Acxcss to Health Care Program" provides primary health careto services elig�bleSllbtuOOn Cook County residents. l11Cprogram offers doctor'svisits at $5 andprescriptions for $4 to $10. Labtests and X-rays are $3 each This program has sites throughout the SllbtuOOn Cook County region. Call the Office of Student Life at 534-4550 for intake site locationsand add itionalinfonnation: or call thecen­ tral diredJyoffice at 531-0680. l11COf'fi<x! of Student Life isattempting to reach asmany as students poss1 ble with thisin­ fonnation. Pleasetell fellowclassma tesand ask them to passthe information along to others. A water slide is just onefX the attractionsat Urm·ersity Park's new ffickokAquatic Cen­ ter. SreWater Park story on page5. '94 Graduation by KathieGodfrey/Marlene A Madison Picnic Follm\ing Broder's renwks, Lori Clancy McKinney, theCOE student speaker, gavea This JXlSl\\�end's graduation ceremonies IllO\<ingaddress that told of here.xpcrtences as were highlightoo by distinguished speakers - an unfulfilled adult Me Kinney said a few Washingtonoolumnist Past 03\-id Broder and )'eai'S back, whenshe \\'35 33 )'eai'Sokl some­ U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun and the one asked herwhat her dreams wereand she firstc\'Cr � of a vaulted marquis tent that \\'35 stunned when she realized she didn't kept the rooord groupof graduates and their haveany. This fC\'Clation leadto herdecision guests comfortablyshaded fromthe hot JWlC to return to school. Me Kinney's cl09:Xl her swt heartfelt spca:h by saying that what might Saturday's gatheringof BPA and COE seem like the end ofeducation, at graduation, graduates and their guests were treatoo to a isreally beginning, the txx:ause learning ncver )Erof stirringfirst spccches,the from Broder, really ends. whorai!m the specterof the50th anniversary At Sunday's ceremonies, Senator Carol of D-Day two days hence and admonished Moseley-Braun brought her message to new grads to help solve the nation's woes. graduates from the CAS, the CHP, and the Broder likened the class of '94 to the young BCXJ Bachelorof Arts dcgrcc programto let generation that partici� in World War ll them know that they have an "opportunity to that made many sacrifices to save the world ,mticipttein theAme ricanDream" from the Nazi threat Broder quoted retired Senator Moseley-Braun. who receivoo a General Colin Powell who said, "America's Doctor of umareH Lcucrs at this)'Car'S com­ problems areyours to fix, not to curse." and mencement, CXl)laincd her\'Crsionof the enjoinOO this yeats graduates to usc their de­ American dream and how that dream slnlld grres to help tha;e still tl'aJliXrl in C)'Clcs of be preserved f'O\'Cftyand violence. "What I want to suggest to )'OU is that the Broder. a Bloom High School alwnnus and [American] dream really isfar frombut dead; winner of the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for distin­ what it docs require is regular nourishment quishcd commentaiy, has CO\'CI'Cd C\'CI)' na­ from each generation ofAmericans commit­ tional campaign since 1960 and \\'35 namxl ting� to preservingthat dream" "Best Nen�r Political Reporter'' by 1k American dream that has beenpopu­ WashingtonJournalism Review. In addition larizedas a kindof 1950's sit-corn. whereOz­ to his workas a political reporter and colwn­ zicand Harrietm'C in a nice house,in a place nist for l11C Washington Post. Broder is a \\ith no crin1C. no drugs, no uncmplO)Trellt, Madeline Ben-y adjusts her daughter Tracy's mortarboard at Saturday's graduation. commentator on CNN's "Inside Politics" and no real problems-in short an un<tchiC\:able, Tracy,who has cerebral palsy, rccen'ed a B.A in psychologywith a perfect4.0 GPA a regularguest on NBCs"Meet the Press." (Graduation continuedon page3) Page2 GSU INNOVATOR June9, 1994 From the Net .. IDOTWants New Ways To Escape by CraigS. Hunt South Suburbs Children of lllinois JU>lic universityemployees may be able to get tuition wah.ers for undergraduate education from anyof the 12 llli­ by StacieYoung of O'Hare and Midway to provide Thoughthis portionof therail might commuterscats. not builtbe initially, building the noispublic university i n thefuture a if bill JllSSCSa lllinoisSenate � third Theposst bilityof a third airport and BIU\\n said despite the prrolcms of woold thedemand for comingvote. airport increase high sprerlrail in the as the 0\'Cr the past air­ a BIU\m concluded the The bill, sponsored byRepm;entatives VICkie Moseley (D­ sooth subwbs, airlines da:adc, such scrYice. \\'Cll asthe state's plans to developand line business hascontinued to . high speed rail presentationby S3}ing Springfield), Mike Curran (D-Springfield) and Mike Weaver (R­ grow maintain highway S)'Sierns in the area BIU\m confident that airlines the scrYicc ''ould be fmancially feasi­ Ashmorc),has passedthe lllinoisHouse on a voteof 108 to 2, acoord­ was ing a May 9 BGU Chancellor News.Thebill providestuition wai\'Crs \\'CfC thefocus of a recent presentation would commit to a third south subur­ ble through federal and pri\'ate fuOO­ sponsored b} the Matteson Area ban airport He the idea that ing that it \\ould be an for undergraduateeducation to children ofempl oyeeswho have been stressed and a:onomic Chamberof Co the airport would not be built ,,;thout for employed an aggregate ofseven years. Currently, the \v.U\ers can l1lil1Cit:C. asset lllinois. ''Planes. Trains and Automroiles." priorcommit01Cntst fiom airlines. Assets for lllinois in the 1995 high­ only be used at the universities in thesame system in which thecm­ wasa speoal presentation on transpor­ the the most imprcssi\e wayprogram include an m'Crall $150 plo)'CCis employed. Thisyear, 239 ·waiverswere prcl\idcd in theBGU For crowd tation in the figures\\ere projcdingthe boom million 0\'Cr last includ­ systemThe bill now togoes thelllinois for Senate action. sooth sulxuban region those increase year heldJW\C 3 at OlympiaFields Coontiy in employmentgenerated by an airport ing $95 million in \\inter damage re­ Club. for the region Will County led the pairs and a continued clfort in local Kirk BIU\\1\, SecrctaJythe of lllinois pack witll 13,225 projectedjOOs, with benefitsprograms. Department of Transportation the city of Chicago and sooth Cook BIO\m also spent time discussing Future Counselors (1001), g<J\'Cthe keynoteaddress. He.. Coonty follO\\ing nith 7,298 and tl1C Interstate355C.'\.1cnsion. 1-355 will along with Don GoD: Chair of the 3,20-trespcx:tively. be C.'\.1endcd fiom Interstate 55 to In­ Third Airport Alliance, emphasized In addition to the third airport, terstate 80 regardless of tlte future of Inducted the need for a third airport and tl1C BIU\\n presented infonnation regard­ thethird airport The ad\'Cnt of a third state'ssupport such of an effort ing high speed rail running fiomSt airport would increase the posstbility by Cr.UgS. Hunt Although another study must be Louis to Chicago. The proposed sys­ ofcx1cnding1-355 furtherfiom 1-80to completed beforetheFederal Aviation tem woold travel at 125 miles per I-57. "We're in the motivation business," said Dr. 1bomas Sweeney,e.x­ Administration will consider funding boor, reaching its destination in three He also said State High\w:y 394 cculi\'Cdirector of Chi Sigma lola, to thirteen membersofGove rnors another airport,agraph showed that andone half boors, asoppos00 to five would be cx1ended incre01Cntally to State University's counseling program who"'Cre inducted Thursday tl1C $184 million in federal fuOOs ac­ andone half by hours car . tl1C counzy line, as needed, to set\'C May26, 199-t. "We helpclients � goalsand not OOstacles." count for only ten pcrren1fC\.'Cnuc of Initial capital costs of up to $355 development Theinduction ceremony into theGSU chapterof Chi Sigmalola, a traffic demands.� sourcesin theinitial phase. Booo sales million \\OOld be increased furtherby plans would likely take place within national counseling honorsociety, for was held in the Hallof Go\'Cr­ \\'Cre the primary TC\'COUC source, ac­ the costs of grade crossin�. The cost. tl1C re..xt foor or Ji\e year, though norsat 7 p.m. counting for $1,441 million. Brown of constructing those structures. in­ BIU\vn said the lllinoisToll Authority Tite new inducteesand guests listenedto opening remarks fromthe also contendsthat tl1C $184 million is cludingbridges and gates. is estimated is responsiblefor imple01Cntation CSI President MiriamRothberg and inlroduct.ionsby Dr. Jon Carlson, onlysmall a percentage $1.4 oftl1C bil­ at $90 million BIO\vnsaid such cross­ BIO\m closed by S3}ing he was theCSI facultyadvisor. The speaker,keynote S"-eency, gavea pow­ lionavailable through federalfunds. in� would not interfere nith aa:ess hopeful about the future of transporta­ erful and motivational spen;h on whyit is important to stayacti\'C in In an array of graphs, BIU\vn illus­ withincommunities. tion in lllinois, and he assured the csr andnew n dcvelop01C ts ofthe counseling profession. trated the demand for a third airport A rootc alternative for the high audience that lOOT \\ould do its best Counselors should help clients pTC\'COt OOstacles and help build His figures sho\\'Cd the increasing de­ speed rail line would allow travel be­ to serve thetransportation needsof tl1C dreams, Sweeney said "Yoo have madea sacrifice" to go to school mand forair carriers at O'Hare, pas­ tween Chicagoand the proposed third area.
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