Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 6-9-1994 Innovator, 1994-06-09 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1994, June 9). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Polygon PuXlles Crooklyn & Fitzees Blues Fest pg.2 pg.5 pg. 7 �SL(A SBo· to Affordable Health Care Now Available by Tommy Dascenzo A special program of affordable health care is available to elig�ble Governors State students. 111C SuOOrOOn PrimaryHealth Care Council's "Acxcss to Health Care Program" provides primary health careto services elig�bleSllbtuOOn Cook County residents. l11Cprogram offers doctor'svisits at $5 andprescriptions for $4 to $10. Labtests and X-rays are $3 each This program has sites throughout the SllbtuOOn Cook County region. Call the Office of Student Life at 534-4550 for intake site locationsand add itionalinfonnation: or call thecen tral diredJyoffice at 531-0680. l11COf'fi<x! of Student Life isattempting to reach asmany as students poss1 ble with thisin fonnation. Pleasetell fellowclassma tesand ask them to passthe information along to others. A water slide is just onefX the attractionsat Urm·ersity Park's new ffickokAquatic Cen ter. SreWater Park story on page5. '94 Graduation by KathieGodfrey/Marlene A Madison Picnic Follm\ing Broder's renwks, Lori Clancy McKinney, theCOE student speaker, gavea This JXlSl\\�end's graduation ceremonies IllO\<ingaddress that told of here.xpcrtences as were highlightoo by distinguished speakers - an unfulfilled adult Me Kinney said a few Washingtonoolumnist Past 03\-id Broder and )'eai'S back, whenshe \\'35 33 )'eai'Sokl some U.S.