Probe Targetf“**.^"*I]Y[Acmillan W a Rn S R U Ssia Interference Berlin

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Probe Targetf“**.^ The Weather Average Daily Net Press Run Foreesat of C. S. Wosther lereea For tho Weak Ending Frbrunrj- *1, 1059 Fair, not *o cold tonighfc 1S-S5. ConaldomMo clondine**, oo«- 12,886 ttniied mild Friday, rain develop- Member of the Audit ing at nlgbL, High In 40*. Bnrmii of Ctrentatlon. Manchester— City of Villnge Charm PRICE FIVE CENTS M ANCHESTER, CONN., TH l RSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 19.)9 (Cla««lfled Aovertlalng on Page 19) VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 125 (TWENTY PAGES) Probe Targetf“**.^"*i]y[acmillan W a r n s R u s s ia Himself In H -Plant Hangs j Aldermaston, England. Feb. W oat Oran ire N J F eb 26'» storage do*ot a* she opened the 126 (iP)— A violent explosion 1 7 Berlin west urange, , >. o ., r ^ u . .«.inm«n became hy*- Interference door. Mrs. Zwlllman became j rocked Britain’s big H-bomb (/P)— Abner (Longie) Zwill- terical. 'research base bere today af- man, who ama.ssed a fortune Half a bottle of bourbon and an 'ter somebody tlrtfpped an ex- as a bootlegger and later be-, empty glass were found m the Tw o men were cam e the target o f several big- cellar. Steinbach said hi* step-IP - . ^ . fimp p Httip T»rohp«; was found father never had more than two ; Talks End, time Clime prooes, u brandy and then only | Offirial-s nnnonneod there u a.«s Nikita’s Speech hanged today in his £f6-room with company. i nc radioactivity hazard to the0 * mansion. ' Although linked with the rack- staff or the general piililic. Hi* wife, Mary, whose finishing various law enforcement The explosion set doors and Seen Bnildingi Both Sides BChool background contrasted with agencies and officials for years. window.i rattling in the village of Aldermaston. two miles away. Zwillman’s early life in Newark'.s I ^willnian aprved only a single slums, found the body in a base-: priaon sentence - six months for \ here ."OO people live. P'irc engines Crisis for May ment storage room at their fash-; assault and battery in IB28. screamed throrgli the village Stand Firm ^ lonable home. I Only last week a grand jury streets. Bi t the-e was no panic. By .lOHN M. HIGHTOM KK Zwillman's stepson. John Stein-; indicated several persons in con- 'We ,.fet iiscil lo living clo.=e to W'a.shiiiKlon. Fell. '26 </T)— > \ Bv IU)NAIaI> THOMWIN this Ihi'ig.'' .saiil in-yoar-old Wood- >1 Kiev, USSR, Feb. 26 (/P)— prohibition era figure had been de- j\iroi's on the deadlocked panel Icy Thomas, a clcrlt at the ivy- W csle n i feiir.s tif a (lanK'‘ i " 'i ' i Prime .Minister Macrnillan pressed since s Senate Rackets that tried Zwillman for incom e I covered Post Office. ! Berlin cri.sis late .spring Committee began delving into the tax evasion in 19.56. He was ac- .Nn Radiation Daiigdf are lieginning to Iniilrl up ended liis talks with Nikita coin machine industry. j cused of evading the payment of 'I'hc Brili.Mi .\tomi' .'.nergy again tintler tlie impact ol .Ni- Khrushi'hev today with a chil- Zwillniisn owned the Public .Serv- 538,911 in income taxes for 1917 Commi.-.eif.n said the accident or- ling warning. He told the So- cim'ed as the explo.sive was he- kita Kliruslu'hev's oratory. ice Tobacco Co., which handled cig- and 1948. I'nless the Soviet government in.g cnlisHfled fron a vehifde. The viet i>remier any attempt to arette machines. Steinbach said Zwillman's mood- can he drawn into h'gh level iiego- vehicle v.a.- destroyed and a fire interfere with the West's Police said that last night Zwill- iness took a particularly serio\is tiat ons on German issues in the broke, out. dai laginc a nesrhv rights in Berlin ‘'wotild lead nian advised his wife to lake a turn when Jerry Catena of South iie.xt two or three months, aiitliori- building e-;ten.sively. The fire '.vns sleeping pill she had Orange, a partner in the P.unyon ties here are not sure v.h.'t may i t ' III a dangerous situation.” trouble falling asleep, although he Vending Machine C o , wa.a called .soon put mit. hapi'ep. Rut they .' e^ nn increasing .\iinounclnp this after Macmil- "'1 he ex’do.sive ua.s of a con- normally frowned on barhiluates. before the McClellan Committee possitiilily that in hi-' pies.-'iit lan-4 arrival in Kiev, a British When she awoke this morning, recently and asked a series of I type and no radioactne cm ky. conrid"nt mood the Soviet spnk^-sman declared the prime she went to the ba.semrnl to get questions about Zwillman. ' i-'alerial.s were involved, ' the ipicmicr may tr,\- some extremely mmivier in a mectmsf in the Krem- ' commi.-'.sion .‘. aid, ''There is no ra- ' »ome cleaning tissue. | lin thi.s nnnuimp "made very clear nsk\* moves. Zwillman's body fell out of a ( (Continued from Page Ten) dioactivity haz.ird to staff or to t'nited States officials still cling the strong feeling of the West on i the general public.'' tn the hope that Khrushchev will the mat tor of West Berlin and I Tu‘0 en’pioyo.s of the Los Al- (iermnny amos, N.M.. atomic lalioralor.\ (t.'onllnued on l‘Rge Ten I "Hut Khru.shrhev is not budginjf were killcil ' Tiic.^day in an ex- an in- h. ' he added, "and Macmil- plo.sion of nonradioact ive n-a- lan is not huflg’ing: an inch, either. Atom Industry Safe, terial. i Make of that what you will." The AIder ma.sto.i lies up •Another Hnlish source aaid a leafy lane near the village and Murder Count Macmillan was so stunjf by the is .sereened b.v trees, Soviet Premier Nilcila Khrushchev and BrUisli Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and their aides Soviet leader's blast at. the West Hesir'enls of this town 4.7 miles Dropped, Kish appeared in humor as they paused for pholograpluM s before a conference in Moscow s Krem- Tuesday that he had considered Church Parley Told west of London lan out of their lin The warm atmosphere of this meeting Imnod quite mM at subsequent g:athenngs. Seated packing? up and flying: bark to homos when the big blast came next to Khni.'ilirhev are r^eputy Premier Anastas Mlkoyan, Koieign Minister Andrei Cromykf) and l»ndnn. and reeled fearfully toward the Faces Another .laiot) Malili. Soviet amha.ssador to Britain. (Al* IMiolofaxi. "But Mr. Macmillan came here Hartford, Feb. 26 .'Pi Rea.s-* great era.” he declared, "''''ever .smawli"), base. to have talks with the So\det lead- gurance to those living in an before has the world liad in its 'I'CiOma.s said he was at woi'k in ers and to see the cmlntry." the Bridgeport. Feb. 26 76’' - One atomic age came today from a grasp the power of wiping out the the Post Office at 9;.3(l am. when British official oald. "He haa had of two murder warrants against nieellng of the National Council of cesspools of ill health and ill hi«s- "the wnt'le plate was shaken b.\' the talks, and he decided he might ing. We have the know-how and the one Inge hang " Louis Kish, 41. of the Golden Hill Chtirches execulives Ribicoff Set to Veto GOP Bid as well sec the country.’' tool.s in reach. it not t said I'nlil 't was reitain there was Hotel, in eonneelinn with the Feb. A scientist, a medical doctor, a Macmillan had raised with We did not rare and did not use ro ladiat.on danger, pilots of aii- 6 death of his 4-year-old son. Al- labor leader and a churchman, Khrushchev the question of the these tools lo meet these pressing r.neis r..'-ing into Ivonuon airport lien BroadbeiU Rotzal, was dis- testified in a panel discus.sinn this timing of the Soviet leader's Krem- morning that the atomic industry need.s ' w’eie warned to keep clear of the missed today Other speakers were Edward A AlderuM.-lon area. The warning lin speech apparently rejecting the Is one of the safest in the world. Coroner Edgar W. Krentzmaii. To Save Trial Justiee Courts West’s proposal for a foreign min- Dr. .Shields Warren, a patholo- WiggiiV'df .New Ti’ork, manager of later was leseitided. at tlie eomlusioii of a 28-niimite Technical .‘“lervices for Atomic In- The .Uomic Energy Aulhoiity isters meeting on Germany, gist connected for five year.s with inquest into the death of the boy, he declared that he would fight for equal justice In the court.'^,'* he ! final Talks Monday said a ''OHid of inquiry will he set By BILL BENDER the Atomic F.nergy Commission,! said "There is not siiffieient evi- rovirt rrfni m tlini ensures ‘equal .said. A final meeting between the two (ConHniied on Page Two) up to -eek the of the ai ci- Hartford. Fell. 26 '.P' Gov. Stated that only four men in Hie ! dence to warrant the fiirlliei hold- ju.slice for all ’ as Ufng as hr is Hu Saul the case.** invoive<i five leaders is scheduled at the Krem- deril. 'h( .sixth incident at the Ahrahnin RihicolT, lashing out at world iiave been killed and 59 in- ing of Louis Kish on a coroner's povernor men bound over from Clinton .I;is- lin next Monday.
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