Volume 112, No. 32 March 12, 1999 DAILY One Washington Square
[email protected] San Jose, CA 95192-0149 Serving San Jose State Uniuersitv Since 1934 Ya'ari takes small steps for peace By Heidi Marie Ortniann Staff Writer Visiting Israeli journalist Ehud Ya'ari Id !hal 11. unpk-aunt Wirt recounted a time when the enemy was friendlier token, t ittnple *to smoke than his own government in a public lecture And spit onoprentht get Thursday at San Jose State University. the gum need at ko.ot three "In November of 1977, Egyptian President rids gum tout It \ trent. Anwar Sadat was visiting Israel, where thou- sands of Israelis were waiting to greet him, and I was covering the story for Israeli television," It the blontistMen ihrtittgliigo Ya'ari told the crowd of 150 in Washington or holtA rant ol ngogne, the Square Hall. I on 1611111e <kw 111e pJlt "I made the decision to fly back to Cairo to ILK k tem or light ttgaelle, interview him there," he tonne intone It din, il, said. glenn yak It A mon at-attain' But there was a prob- lem. Ya'ari told the audi- ence that before 1992, end !nett. and norm.. fig Israeli journalists were Iht10,,M ,vmploni, and on t. legally prohibited from oling tot inhaling .i gratin. contacting Arabs. He said time 00 a null tgimetil when he arrived at the lit Nine inhaler mere 1,,me airport in Cairo, Egypt, I, abstinent Itom t mangle the customs agent didn't irnimilln in the motith recognize his Israeli pass- port because he'd never Ehud Ya'ari seen one.