Охорона Прав На Сорти Рослин Plant Variety Rights Protection

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    Original Paper Journal of Forest Science, 66, 2020 (6): 252–263 https://doi.org/10.17221/142/2019-JFS Green space trends in small towns of Kyiv region according to EOS Land Viewer – a case study Vasyl Yukhnovskyi1*, Olha Zibtseva2 1Department of Forests Restoration and Meliorations, Forest Institute, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 2Department of Landscape Architecture and Phytodesign, Forest Institute, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv *Corresponding author: [email protected] Citation: Yukhnovskyi V., Zibtseva O. (2020): Green space trends in small towns of Kyiv region according to EOS Land Viewer – a case study. J. For. Sci., 66: 252–263. Abstract: The state of ecological balance of cities is determined by the analysis of the qualitative composition of green space. The lack of green space inventory in small towns in the Kyiv region has prompted the use of express analysis provided by the EOS Land Viewer platform, which allows obtaining an instantaneous distribution of the urban and suburban territories by a number of vegetative indices and in recent years – by scene classification. The purpose of the study is to determine the current state and dynamics of the ratio of vegetation and built-up cover of the territories of small towns in Kyiv region with establishing the rating of towns by eco-balance of territories. The distribution of the territory of small towns by the most common vegetation index NDVI, as well as by S AVI, which is more suitable for areas with vegetation coverage of less than 30%, has been monitored.
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