Sam Richard Robertson

~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~Written Information~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Continuation of Spells, Abilities and Magic: Below is the continued evolution of different styles of elemental manipulation, magic development and categorizing of magic styles that already exist.

ELEMENTS: The development of controlling a set of elements with or without mana consumption. The more complex the element combination the more skill is required to create the element and modify it from its standard manipulation.

Willpower Contract: Contractor would have to learn the element as best as they can before learning a creature who can be summoned to start the ritual. The ritual will have the chosen element at the center that will be used as a medium to summon a creature to approve of the Will Power Contract. The contractor will have to show the ability of manipulation of the element before it will be approved or disapproved. More complex and pure the element is, the more likely it will be approved. Multiple attempts are allowed, but each one slightly less likely than the last to be approved if no major change has been seen between attempts.

Based on: Semi Control Creation - (Disclaimers and explanation) Willpower Contracts that allow the user to control the element that is chosen at a set skill, only other contracts with other elements will allow any modification to existing elementals like flame liquid by combining water and fire so fire has a liquid base while keeping the fire aspect. They are semi controlled if they are intelligent in some format and can’t be forced into unwilling action unless they had no thought to begin with. Creation of any intelligent creature is at a set time that won’t change unless time is learned.

Simple Elements: (Basic levels of all other elements within the list) Air = Starting element Chaos= Starting Element Dark = Starting Element Earth = Starting element Fire = Starting element Light = Starting Element Time = Starting element Void = Starting element Water = Starting element Abomination = Beast + Corpse + Reanimation Acid = Fire + Earth + Water A.I. = Computer + Life Air = Starting element Alcohol = Fire + Water Anthropomorphic Beast = Beast + Human + Time + Dark + Light Ash = Fire + Dust Bacteria = Life + Swamp Beast = Earth + Water + Fire + Air + Light + Dark Blood = Earth + Life + Fire Bomb = TNT + Metal + Time + Electricity Clay = Sand + Swamp Chaos= Starting Element Chimera = Beast + Philosopher's Stone + Life Coal = Fire + Wood Computer = Electricity + Metal + Light Corpse = Fire + Death + Earth Crystal = Light + Ice Cyborg = Beast + Death + A.I. + Laser Dark = Starting Element Darkness = Magic + Void + Demon + Dark + Death Death = Energy + Dark Demigod = Energy + Wizard + Time Demon = Beast + Dark + Darkness Dinosaur = Life + Fossil + Earth + Beast Disease = Medicine + Bacteria Dragon = Air + Fire + Dinosaur Dust = Earth + Air Earth = Starting element Electricity = Energy + Metal Energy = Air + Oil + Fire Explosive = Fire + Energy + Air Fire = Starting element Fossil = Time + Earth + Life + Death Ghost = Ash + Life Glass = Earth + Fire Golem = Life + Clay Grass = Earth + Life Human = Beast + Life + Blood Holy = Magic + Void + Light + Fire + Life Ice = Water + Dark Laser = Radio Wave + Fire Lava = Earth + Fire Life = Energy + Earth Light = Starting Element Magic = Beast + Energy + Earth + Water + Fire + Air + Light + Dark Magnetism = Metal + Electricity Medicine = Virus + Grass + Beast Metal = Fire + Earth Mud = Earth + Water Mutant = Human + Dark Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Radiation + Energy Oil = Coal + Water Philosopher's Stone = Demigod + Quicksilver Plasma = Electricity + Fire Plutonium = Radiation + Metal Poison = Snake + Metal + Glass + Fire Quicksilver = Metal + Water Radiation = Radio Wave + Energy Radio Wave = Electricity + Void Rainbow = Steam + Light Rat = Disease + Beast Reanimation = Electricity + Ghost + Fossil Resurrection = Soul + Corpse Rust = Water + Metal Sand = Air + Earth Smoke = Air + Fire Snake = Beast + Acid + Water + Earth Soul = Life + Beast Sound = Metal + Wind Steam = Fire + Water Stone = Water + Lava Storm = Air + Energy Sun = Void + Plasma Swamp = Earth + Water Time = Starting element TNT = Oil + Acid Tobacco = Fire + Grass Undead = Zombie + Soul + Life Vampire = Undead + Blood + Human Virus = Bacteria + Human + Dark Vodka = Water + Alcohol Void = Starting element Water = Starting element Werewolf = Anthromorphic Beast + Human Wizard = Energy + Human Wood = Earth + Water Zombie = Corpse + Life CREATED: (Recently created or developed / discovered) Based on: Willpower, Blessing, and Mana Effects: Targets or User or Both

Glow Orbs: Not much is understood, but the effects seems to be that the user emits white orbs that seem to multiply the magic that someone has by a compounding factor to the point that it seems to give the person that has absorbed at least five orbs a wish. However it does seem limited in aspects that no one wish can go overboard or be used for other wishes. The user usually does not give off, or show off any signs that there is magic, and usually can be users that don't even know how they got it. This style of magic is very rare and extremely potent because anyone nearby can use this user as a charm of sorts to empower there magic or to otherwise increase their own potential, however the user seems unaffected by the glowing orbs. Though there is signs that it seems to revive the user after any dead even if it was soul related. This part is unknown, and shrouded in mystery. Sacrificial Lamb: Sacrifice spells being the main theme, or pain is used in process to create or start a spell that comes from this style of magic. Most often the user has either pets or slaves that are used as material to create the spells needed, the sacrifice determines how powerful a spell is, the spells done without a sacrifice of any kind usually does harm to the spell caster in return. Usually this is not used exclusively by itself, but the ones that have usually have means to meet the requirements of the sacrifices constantly and therefor usually have a army or a lot of bodies to use for the spells. The main class of sacrifice is life, death, or curse related in most respects. In rare cases is this style used for good, or used to make something more powerful but when it is done right it often makes powerful creatures. Unstable Phasing: Going to or though items without control, or going through different planes of existence that are similar to the next. However the user can change where the direction of the phasing goes, and how far it goes but can only turn off the magic that is used to do this that will go to the existence the user had to start on. So a user can go to a next plane to avoid a massive attack, then fade back in however sickness is involved and can also mean that keeping attention through the phasing could affect paying attention. EvoFusion: The style of using magic to help evolve a user past normal means quickly, either taking minutes or to completely transform into the new stage of development, afterwards it takes a long time to transform back or is weakened if it is done too fast. Using species that are nearby to fuse evolve is usually the best way to use this style of magic but also can be stressful on the body if it is done to much or to quickly. Blood Mutation: The style of magic that covers a weapon in its welders blood and when it cuts someone or thing that has DNA will than mutate when it is dead or near dead and follow the commands of the mutator or will be given an enchanted set of commands to do when it rises. Absorption Transmute: The ability to transform or change ones body into a elemental type body, or by any nearby element that is across, This is also in a attempt to follow that of the transformers, but with a magical theme. This can mean the user can 'possess' the items nearby to form a new body but instead of having to protect the original body while the soul is not there, the body transforms or is absorbed into the thing the soul is possessing. Soul Carrier: Either letting something consume the soul, body or by otherwise transmitting the mind into the other subject and the original body's soul and mind are put into the back of the mind as if storing it. Most common is by 'willingly' getting eaten and allowing the digesting to happen, after that process the soul takes over the body first before attempting to take over the mind and soul. Either by rejecting the soul out of the body or consuming it so that the body is now either empty of a soul that the user now takes over, or makes the soul a part of itself. Most commonly to get a more powerful body to hold the soul is mainly the goal that is used with this process or to live for longer than the average amount that the user was to have, or to get out of a body that is ill. Flesh Sculpting: This is reflective on a necromancer's abominations where the user replaces parts of their own body with parts from another to take their power or to farther their life. Replacing organs and body parts on the fly without much ritual and processing so it can be done during battle. Though the brain is still fragile there can be a different brain in the body but it will not be of the same as the dominant mind unless the brain is processed by the user of this style of spell before it is taken into the body. Though the mind of the other will serve the user it will still have its own thoughts and mind from before. However the memories could also be altered if needed to keep the brain alive and the sanity of the mind complete. Soul Growth: By gaining a soul, or by stealing or eating a soul the user can convert the soul into a tree inside of the mind, the base being the basic knowledge that the soul had while in life. The more souls that are given to the tree inside of the mind the more powerful that tree becomes and unlocks the later and more powerful spells that the soul had in its past life. There seems to be a few limitations, like how many soul trees can be active while in combat, but other then that it has no limit other then how many souls the user can control inside of their own body, usually the other souls might try and take over the mind if there is an opportunity, and the original host then becomes a tree and is usually able to try and take the body back at a later date. Runic Dancing: Using all appendages or limbs to either dance or sway around an enemy mid combat and using either the arms and legs, or a weapon to create scratches or lines in the ground around an enemy until a runic pattern is completed. The rune usually is made active with the enemy in or above the pattern with the basic effects coming from different levels of elements, or magic. Advance magic requires more extensive runic symbols and means it takes longer to create it while in combat. Mixed martial arts and other forms that can be used while dancing is also a major skill needed for this as well as an understanding of how to create an active rune. The weakness of this style is that the enemy might know what is happening and will attempt to cover up or damage the runic symbol while its being made requiring the user to have to restart besides the fact that it takes a long while to do anything that is very powerful. Wild Drawing: Using incomplete pictures or drawings to quickly add power to a creature or take away a creature from battle without the use of a canvas. An example would be to draw a fire on an object with the intent that the user has to make the object catch on fire or be infused with the power of fire as long as that mark holds out. This can also be used as drawing chains on a person or a line around the wrists to make the limbs feel like chains and rope are holding the limbs in place. Usually the ingredient for this drawing is blood and ink where the blood can be from something more powerful than the user to have stronger effects. Channeled Creature: Using objects of different material and size as well as other traits that are made personalized to the user through art or decoration can be used as creatures or act as a living weapon as long as the user channels energy into the object. Things like weight and size determine force and health while other parts like the material the object is reflects how resistance it is to effects. Objects that are not made personalized run the risk of becoming uncontrollable or wild and will attack any creature in sight without the user putting any energy into the creature as it runs itself out of energy where it gets more wild as the energy depletes inside of itself. Usually a user will carry all of their different items with them rather than use random objects unless the intent is distraction. Imprinted Thought: Controlling a body with use of an object much like voodoo but instead this focuses on individual parts of the body and functions of the body rather than the whole thing all at once. So if an arm was put under control that becomes an independent part of the target's body and can't be easily controlled. It is much more effective if the creature had something taken and placed on the user rather than the user placing something on the creature. Sometimes triple differences on the effects power but this allows for mid combat tactics.

MAGIC: (Preexisting styles that are known in this world) Standard AD&D Magic - Controlling magic energy through incantations and gestures with or without material components or tools to complete the action. Wild Magic - Releases a burst of magical energy and shapes it while it is released resulting in more raw magic. Bonded Magic - Voluntarily allies himself with an extra-planar entity which is often evil, who provides the mage with power for spells. The side effect is that this magic uses souls to power it. So often the mage has to trap the victims and use their life energy. Defiling Magic - Voluntarily allies himself with an extra-planar entity which is often evil, who provides the mage with power for spells. The side effect is that this magic uses environmental energy to power it. So often the mage has to destroy nearby land to use their life energy. Imagery - Using mirrors to conjure images which can be reached into or extract elements from. Gem Magic - Store magic spells within gems and when a command word is spoken the spell that is prepared inside is released. Spell preparing usually takes a while however activation is instantaneous. Bardic Magic - Using musical instruments they make spells from singing or from the sounds that are played. Several spells affect areas rather than single targets with the music being the center of the area. Some are more focused to a target but generally they have to keep playing to have the effect continue. Elemental Channeling - Combining earth, fire, air, water, and spirit through channeling to create different spells determined by how much of each element is combined and which kind of elements. The Will and the Word - Using images and spoken word to carry the willpower of a user into reality, they have to visualize a desired effect then release the effect with a word than the desire effect happens. Trying to kill, or make someone fade out of existence will make it backfire and the user will die instead. Shamanism - Conjured spirits with added abilities or magical effects. These spirits may not always be visible. Which is better in some cases, because the spell caster is the only one that knows where their powers are coming from. Most of the time there is only one spirit per person however there are several that are known to have over ten spirits that can be used all at once. Druid Magic - Taking on the forms of animals or borrowing abilities they are often nature oriented and are able to become great healers. They often switch forms to achieve exact tasks like defense and sneaking. They are able to still do stuff in their original forms but usually its more spell caster effects than animal based effects. Inner Magic - They define magic performed by tapping the forces that come from within the caster. It uses internal forces to control the world around you. This force is called Han; there are two types of magic: additive and subtractive. Additive is the creation of magical events using the power within you to tap other elements to create the desired effect. Subtractive magic, a.k.a. destructive magic, is considered evil. This magic uses the power within to tap surrounding elements to cause destruction. To make a beard grow is +, while making a beard disappear is -. To create a fireball, you would extract all the heat from an area and then form that energy into a fireball. If an individual has both types of magic, then they do not have to use any external forces. They can just tap their own energies. These type of mages are very powerful, and are as rare as they are powerful. These wizards are known as War Wizards. They control their Han through their emotions. Runic Magic - By creating runes on objects they probe possibilities of things that could happen and when a possibility is found the rune is traced into the air or on an object. Raw energy flows into the rune making it operable. Another version is that they use runes of different complexity to create different spell effects that are activated through the user putting energy into it which causes it to activate and is also a way for traps to be set as well. Elemental Magic - Users draw solely from the elemental planes by using micro gates to the elemental planes to bring a fireball to the realm. This type is limited to natural types of magic that manipulate earth, fire, air or water. Shadow Magic - Summoning power based from the planes of shadows where all spells would be temporary and more like illusions until the user gets more powerful. The user would have their skin slowly turn more smoky and would be weaker in the light and more powerful in the dark. Linear Magic - Depending on the location the user would be able to pull off different kinds of powers of magic which is also why this style of user ventures around looking for more ley line intersections or areas that hold more unique powers. Artistic Magic - By using material to draw the user can bring life to their drawings, or sculptures. Most commonly it is using paper and ink to bring creatures to life or using landscape that they drew to trap victims inside. They can also use this style to bring words into creatures that will carry messages and when they want to read it the creature will land on paper and become the words as it is absorbed onto the paper. Channeled Magic - By channeling the energy of the universe they gave power to the ones they channeled to meaning that this is more than a single person that has to do this. The effects range on the intended nature of the channeler. This is more of a tag team system that has a channeler and a warrior that gives them the energy. Necropotence - This is all the magic styles that fall under necromancy which is magic drawn from the dead and from the realm of the dead. They mainly focus on ghosts but more powerful necromancy users usually have some form of army that is created through dead bodies or abominations that have been given life through ghosts or souls that they have collected and controlled with their will. Necromancy can usually be divided into three or four categories: spells that help or create the Undead, like Animate Dead; spells that hurt the Undead, like Disrupt Undead; spells that hurt other people, like Enervation or Vampiric Touch; and spells that manipulate life in order to heal, such as Regenerate or Cure Serious Wounds. Manduban Magic - Using a set of objects, usually cards that contain spells or monsters, this is a style inspired by Magic: The Gathering. This is like Gem Magic in that they prepare spells and instantly used. They can use cards that are from games to create the monsters within the games which is why these users are often collectors of game cards. Voodoo - Using voodoo dolls and witchcraft the user can collect items that represent a target and place them into a doll which will allow the user to inflict pain to the target from distances away. Some are dealing exactly with pain inflicting, others can control movements while others can completely change a person's composure (Ex, flesh into metal but still move and work like flesh). Animal Magic - Bonding with animals, speaking with animals and tasking them to do things and even to the extent of mimicking animals. Some are able to infuse animal traits into objects and use them with their own bodies to transform their bodies temporarily into a part animal hybrid which takes traits from their animal counterparts. Esper Magic - Users of this style are usually using items infused with Magicite that is a crystal form of Esper. The Esper comes from divine intervention or the mating of two Esper's. There is possibility of a cross breed of Esper where they retain a physical form but gain natural magic and can do special morphs while born Espers are battle magic or healing Esper's. They are approximately biological magical creatures that can be infused into objects. Abjuration - This school is focused on protective spells, as well as spells which cancel or interfere with other spells, magical effects or supernatural abilities, such as Break Enchantment, Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Magic or Remove Curse. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Abjurers. Alteration - This school is known as Alteration / Transmutation. Spells in this school alter the properties of their targets. Examples include Bull's Strength, Fabricate, Polymorph, Plant Growth, Move Earth, Water Breathing. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Transmuters. Conjuration - This school, known as Conjuration or Summoning is focused on instantaneous transportation, conjuring manifestations of creatures, energy or objects and object creation. Healing spells are also part of the conjuration school, however of the three core arcane classes, these spells are generally restricted to bards. Conjuration is divided into five sub-schools: calling (spells which physically transporting extraplanar creatures to the caster, as well as granting them the ability to return to where they were called from), creation, healing, summoning (teleporting objects to the caster's location and / or causing creatures to physically manifest at the caster's location) and teleportation (instantly transporting creatures and / or objects). Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Conjurers. Divination - This school is focused on acquiring information. Divination has one sub- school: scrying, spells within the scrying sub-school create invisible magical sensors which provide the caster with information, these sensors can be detected and dispelled. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Diviners. Enchantment - This school, known as Enchantment / Charm. Enchantment is divided into two sub-schools: compulsion and charm. Charm spells, such as Charm Person or Symbol of Persuasion, affect the targets' attitudes, usually making them act more favorably toward the caster. Compulsion spells such as Confusion, Dominate Monster, Feeblemind, Sleep, Suggestion or Zone of Truth, can force the targets' to act in a certain way or avoid certain actions, affect the targets' emotions or affect the targets' minds in other ways. The Compulsion sub-school also includes buffs, such as Aid and Heroism. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Enchanters. Evocation - This school is called Invocation / Evocation. Evocation is focused on damaging energy-based spells such as Fireball, Lightning Bolt and Cone of Cold. It also includes conjurations of magical energy, such as Wall of Force, Darkness, Light, Leomund's Tiny Hut and the Bigby's Hand spells. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Evokers. Illusion - This school is known as Illusion / Phantasm. It is divided into five sub-schools: figment, glamor, pattern, phantasm and shadow. Figment spells create artificial sensations with no physical substance. Glamor spells alter the target's sensory properties, and can cause invisibility. Pattern spells create insubstantial images which affect the minds of the viewers, pattern spells can inflict harm. Phantasm spells create hallucinations which can be harmful. Shadow spells use magical shadows to create things with physical substance. Wizards who specialize in this school are known as Illusionists. Universal - Universal spells have effects too broad to place into one class, or too useful for any specialist to consider forsaking. They often can perform multiple effects, or perform a very specific effect that does not fit into another category. The most famous of these spells is "wish", which can duplicate spells from all schools. As universal spells are not a school, per say, no one can specialize in them. Incarnum - It is a kind of energy based on the soul. By drawing upon the spirits of past, present and future the meld-shaper can become better at fighting, more skilled, or gain special abilities. To draw upon soul energy, the meld-shaper first shapes an item called a "soulmeld" out of soul energies which occupies a chakra on the body. In this system, there are ten chakras: crown, brow, throat, shoulder, arms, hands, heart, soul, waist and feet. After shaping a soulmeld, the meld-shaper can invest his own soul energy, called essentia, into it to make it stronger. A meld-shaper can also bind a soulmeld to a chakra to enhance its power and get even greater benefits from it. Psionics - Psionics is defined as the practice of using the mind to cause psychic phenomena. Telepathy, Precognition, Telepathy, Clairvoyance and various other different psychic abilities are within this school and it is partly based on research done on psi, by parapsychology. The methods of practice within Psionics act as a useful framework to help an individual learn how to take advantage of these skills and abilities. Some of the practical applications of Psionics can vary greatly, such as using remote vision to work out where you lost an object, using mind-body interactions to help you heal from an illness at an increased rate(you should never use this in place of a licensed medical practitioner), or using precognition to help determine the outcome of an event. Recorded Ancient Abilities, Skills, Tools or Magic:

These exist either in other worlds or by different realities that have to be crossed in order to experience these skills or abilities. Not are able to be replicated by Sam but he does know of their abilities to some extent and it may influence how he tries to create styles based on these ancient styles. More to add when they are discovered.

ANCIENT: (The information gathered is from Wiki's and other respectable sites)

Bleach, Bounts - Immortality, by absorbing human souls and making it their own. Empowerment, they gain unique abilities and skills. Most of the time they have a special object that is encompassed by a human soul that can transform into a weapon. , Hollows - Like Shinigami, Hollows have a multitude of combat skills and abilities, most of which are usually unique to specific Hollows. The more powerful Hollows, however, have access to a range similar techniques of greater power or use than their own unique skills. Hollows usually acquire energy to power their abilities by devouring souls, but smaller ones can also ingest energy from the atmosphere when in realms with high concentration of spiritual energy, such as Hueco Mundo. Soul-Body Separation: Two middle class Hollow, Shrieker and Acidwire, have been shown using this ability. This technique allows a Hollow to forcibly extract a living spirit from his/her body. It is usually not used because Hollows tend to go after Pluses, who have no physical or living body to speak of. Acidwire used this on his younger sister, Orihime, so she could see and converse with him. Shrieker used it for more sinister means, causing the young boy Yūichi Shibata to be trapped within the body of a parakeet for three months while the Hollow chases him. The soul is still attached by the Chain of Fate and can be saved, but if it is broken (in Yūichi's case) then the soul can prevent the Encroachment so long as he/she is placed inside a soulless body or animal. Acidic Touch: Many Hollows, like Shrieker and Acidwire, have displayed this ability, although Rukia implies that all Hollows possess this power. When a Hollow grabs a Human with their hands, the spot where the person was grabbed is shown to get burned as if acid were poured onto it. This was shown when Orihime was grabbed in the leg and on the wound on Chad's back. These wounds seem to allow the Hollow's reiatsu to seep into the person, causing great pain to the victim. The wounds can heal if given enough time though, and it is unknown if this ability works on Shinigami or other spiritually powerful beings. Cero, sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash", 'Doom Blast' in the Viz translation is a highly powerful and relatively swift energy blast that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers. Only Menos, Arrancar, and Visored have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entities can use it more efficiently and forcefully. Cero also requires some time to be used effectively, so the enemy must be either not moving or busy with something else, or too badly wounded to even simply dodge it, with the exception of a few Cero techniques and users. Additionally, there exists quite a number of variations of Cero, which are usually unique to the Arrancar using it. Garganta, garuganta; Spanish for "Throat", Japanese for "Black Cavity" is how Hollows and Arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tōsen, Kisuke Urahara and recently Mayuri Kurotsuchi have also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway. Negación, negashion; Spanish for "Negation", Japanese for "Counter-Membrane" fields are used to rescue fellow Hollows. Only the Gillian-class Menos have shown the ability to use it. Espada have a special cube-shaped device called Caja Negación, kaha negashion; Spanish for "Negation Box", Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation") meant to simulate Negación fields, which are used to trap and punish their subordinates if necessary. High-Speed Regeneration, Chōsoku Saisei; lit. "Ultra-Fast Regeneration" is the ability that allows a Hollow to heal most injuries very quickly, with the exception of the destruction of the head or vital organs. Ulquiorra states that most Arrancar gave up Regeneration for far greater strength. Bleach, Arrancar - Humanoid Form: A Menos usually takes on a Human shape when it becomes an Arrancar. The only ones that will definitely get a 100% Humanoid form are Vasto Lorde- class Menos. For the remaining two levels, there are many who don't get a completely Humanoid form, despite becoming Arrancar. Therefore, the closer one looks to a Hollow, the lower its power of reasoning. All Arrancar retain a hole in them somewhere as well as fragments of their Hollow form (in the shape of protrusions and partial masks). Some Arrancar have claimed that they gave up their Human forms in order to obtain enormous power. While some Arrancar (e.g. Nnoitra Gilga and Tier Harribel) prefer to conceal the remnants of their past, others choose to hide their faces completely to escape unwanted attention. Most also have a colored marking of some sort on their face, although some only gain these markings upon the release of their Zanpakutō (Ex: Nnoitra, Szayel Aporro, and Harribel). A few cases that include visible markings without the release of a Zanpakutō include Ulquiorra's tear marks, Sun-Sun's pink dots, the dashes under Grimmjow's eyes, the marking which runs across Nelliel's cheekbones and nose, and the marks on Yammy's cheek bones. Physiology: Ury Ishida theorized Arrancar share not only the powers of Shinigami, but also their anatomy. During his battle with Cirucci Sanderwicci he aimed for the area where the Chain of Fate would be located, and upon striking it Cirucci immediately lost not only her release form and mask fragment, but seemingly all traces of her former power. Estigma: the pattern on an Arrancar's face. Potentially the remaining part of a mask. Unique to each individual. The pattern may appear when performing Resurrección for some Arrancars. Hole: one of the most distinctive characteristics of an Arrancar is the hole in their body. It is said to represent the lack of souls that is difficult to fill. Zanpakutō: The Arrancar seal the nuclei of their abilities within the form of a sword. It is entirely different from what Shinigami use. When they release their Zanpakutōs' seals, they unleash their true power and their true form. The combat efficiency of an Arrancar with a released Zanpakutō is increased several times over. Therefore, an Arrancar's release of their Zanpakutō is merely a temporary restoration to their former selves, granting them any powers their Hollow form possesses. The act of release is called Resurrección (Spanish for "Resurrection"), which is activated with a command phrase followed by the name of the sword. An Espada's Resurrección is claimed to be different from that of a normal Arrancar. Bleach, Vizard (Visored) - Hollow Mask: The Hollow mask which covers the head. Unlike the masks of the Arrancars, the masks of the Visoreds are undamaged. The Visored remain in complete control while wearing their masks (unlike Ichigo's early unstable transformations). According to Aizen, the fusion of the two spiritual entities allows these Shinigami to reach power levels far surpassing that of either a Hollow or a Shinigami. The Visored use their Hollow powers to augment their existing Shinigami abilities, granting them massive increases in speed, stamina, and strength. The only known side effect in donning their Hollow masks is the specific time limit, which varies from user to user. Fortunately, there is a remedy to this problem: Training (but to what extent is currently unknown); Most of the Visored appear to have a limit of three minutes after a century of training, while Ichigo has expanded his limit from 11 seconds to several minutes in a relatively short period of time, so the factors influencing the limits of the masks are still unclear. Every time their masks are used, the Visored's voices echo as a consequence of both their normal voice and their inner Hollow's voice speaking simultaneously. Enhanced Speed: Visored gain a great boost in their speed while Hollowfied. Kensei is able to throw a rapid amount of punches against a Gillian. Enhanced Strength: The Visored have shown great strength while using their masks. Love was able to rip a Gillian class Menos in half with his bare hands after the Visored first arrived in the Fake Karakura Town Cero: The Visoreds can fire Ceros just like the Arrancars. Though the origins of Arrancar and Visored differ, they may essentially be the same. Visored gain access to certain Hollow abilities, such as the Cero blast; However, only Shinji, Hiyori and Mashiro have been seen using it. Power Augmentation: With the acquisition of the mask through the subjugation of one's inner Hollow, Visored gain access to an additional and separate source of power - aside from the Shinigami powers they already possess - Hollow powers. The accumulation of both powers greatly augments their powers beyond what a Shinigami and/or Hollow alone would be capable of. Members of the Visored drastically increase their combat abilities by donning their masks and hollowfying. The length of time they can remain hollowfied varies with each person. Mask Protection: Body damage can seemingly be ignored while wearing their masks, as demonstrated by Ichigo's Hollow during his unwilling transformations. Reiryoku Enhancement: Visored have dual spiritual power of both Shinigami and Hollow, which enhances their abilities. While watching Ichigo fight with Grimmjow, Tier Harribel noted that the volume and nature of Ichigo's spiritual power made it seem like she was watching a fight between two Espada. Additionally, Ulquiorra Cifer commented that his reiatsu was almost exactly like an Espada's. Bleach, Quincy - Quincy Combat Archery: is the most used form of combat among the Quincy. Since they're still human, maintaining a distance from highly dangerous Hollows as well as launching numerous attacks on multiple opponents gives them a great advantage offensively and defensively. Gintō: A capsule-shaped tool used by Quincies to store their spiritual energy.It is an antiquated tool, but the use of it allows Quincies to perform certain techniques. Hirenkyaku: An advanced Quincy moving technique. It allows for high speed movements by riding on the flow of reishi created below the user's feet. Blut, burūto; German for "Blood", Japanese for "Blood Guise"): A Quincy ability that gives one inhuman defensive & offensive capability. By making reishi flow into their blood vessels they increase their attack and defense power drastically. Blut is significantly dangerous but it has one big flaw, the two forms of blut for attack and defense work using two different reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time. Rare Quincy Techniques To go with their bow, the Quincy have a number of rare special techniques to give them an edge in combat: Ransōtengai ( lit. "heavenly wild puppet suit", "disheveled paradise puppet" in the Viz translation): This is a high level technique that allows the user to control their body parts using strings of spirit energy controlled by their brain, forming lines or strings out of countless reishi. By using this technique, the user can control their body as one would a puppet, allowing them to move freely despite paralysis, broken limbs, or any other force that would impede normal movement. It was originally created to allow elderly Quincy to fight effectively, and is rare enough that Mayuri had never encountered a Quincy (out of the 2661 that he examined or studied) who could use it before Uryū. Mayuri stated it as "the most powerful technique for the Quincy," but he did not know of the Quincy: Letzt Stil, which means as far as Mayuri knew it was the strongest. Quincy: Letzt Stil, Kuinshī Retsutoshutīru; Japanese for "destruction sage: final form, Quincy", German for "last style", Translation, "Letz Stile"): is the last resort for a Quincy reached after removing the Sanrei Glove. It gives the user a tremendous amount of power, but at the price of loss of their powers upon its completion. Quincy: Vollständig, Kuinshī Forushutendihhi; German for "Quincy: Complete", Japanese for "Monk of Destruction: Complete Holy Form"): The Quincy: Vollständig is apart of Quincy evolution and is the answer to the drawbacks of the outdated Quincy: Letzt Stil. It is the easiest ability to understand, because their appearance and power changes evidently. Bleach, Soul Reapers - Longevity: Shinigami do not visibly age at the same rate as Humans and tend to maintain a youthful appearance for centuries. Shinigami can live for much longer than Humans, with some Shinigami, such as Retsu Unohana, being over two hundred years old and Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto being at least 2,100 years old. Enhanced Durability: While Shinigami can be injured and "die" like regular Humans, it takes considerably greater injuries to kill a Shinigami than it would in Humans. Decapitation is the only guaranteed method of killing a Shinigami. Reiryoku: Shinigami naturally possess high levels of Spiritual Power, which varies greatly in magnitude with the strength of a Shinigami. The more power a Shinigami has, the sharper their movements will be. A consequence of having Spiritual Power is that unlike powerless spirits, Shinigami need to eat. Zanpakutō: A Shinigami weapon, its shape is typically similar to a Japanese katana. Low ranking officers are issued an Asauchi sword, but high-ranking officers arm themselves with unique swords generated from their own souls. A Zanpakutō is a physical manifestation of this force concentrated into a blade. All Shinigami have a Zanpakutō, but not all of them carry one with them. Its shape differs depending on its owner. Bleach, Fullbringer - Fullbring Applications Fullbring-Induced High-Speed Movement High-Speed Movement: Fullbringers can induce states of high-speed movement through Fullbring. Such movements are accompanied by the flickering of a green luminescence called Bringer Light, Kangen Hikari (Buringā Raito); lit. "Full Manifestation Light"), which is the preliminary for each high-speed movement. This speed is achieved through a variety of different uses of Fullbring. By pulling on the soul of the ground beneath their feet, Fullbringers can increase its elasticity, greatly enhancing their jumping ability as a result. In addition, by Fullbringing the air around them, they can accelerate their movements. Doing so can consequentially strengthen the force of their blows. The ability to use this technique signifies that one is beginning to master Fullbring. Object Affinity: By developing an affinity for a particular object, a Fullbringer can alter its form, granting powers that vary greatly among individuals. This affinity can be defined by one’s love for the object in question, or simply by an overall fondness for it. As such, this power is usually awakened through a strong emotion associated with the object, such as pride. Using this affinity, Fullbringers pull out the object’s soul and boost it with their own, transforming it in the process. For example, Kūgo Ginjō can change the saltire pendant on his necklace into a large claymore. While Fullbringers typically have an affinity with one such object, it is possible to have many. While all Fullbrings are unique, they can be defined by different types. For example, Fullbrings that shroud their users with their power are called Clad-Type, Kuraddotaipu; lit. "Raiment-Type") Fullbrings. Final Fullbring: Once a Fullbringer has fully realized this power, its abilities cannot and do not change through growth. However, Fullbringers must progress to a certain level before they can use their unique abilities to their fullest. As such, a Fullbring’s various developmental stages can look radically different from its final form, and can thus be considered “incomplete.” When the Fullbring’s potential is fully realized and it progresses to its final form, it releases a violent burst of energy that can potentially damage its user’s body. Because of this, another Fullbringer is typically required to oversee the process, and to prevent the recently completed Fullbring from injuring its user by suppressing the explosion. In addition, a Fullbring’s growth can be promoted by exposure to the atmosphere of Hueco Mundo, as a result of its Hollow nature. A Fullbring’s unique power largely depends on the object that is used as a focus. In addition to souls, material objects also possess memories. As its holder experiences various events, the object experiences them as well; the memories are engraved onto its soul each time it is touched. Because of this, Fullbringers who had a considerable amount of battle experience prior to awakening their power have stronger Fullbrings. Power Transference: Fullbring is a product of Hollow power, meaning that it is essentially the opposite of its Human wielders. Because of this, it is possible for Fullbringers to transfer their abilities to individuals whom possess the powers of both Shinigami and Humans – namely Substitute Shinigami. By doing so, Fullbringers can rid themselves of their power, effectively becoming ordinary Humans. In addition to Substitute Shinigami, Fullbringers can trade and share their abilities amongst themselves. When doing so, they can establish certain boundaries as to how their powers can affect one another, posing voluntary limitations. Finally, it is also possible for a Fullbringer to steal the Fullbring of another individual, allowing it to be used to one’s own benefit. Bleach, Zanpakuto - Shikai Shikai ( Initial Release) is the second form (or first "upgraded" form) available to a Zanpakutō. To activate it, the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their Zanpakutō. This is not as easy as simply picking a name, as the living spirit of the Zanpakutō already has its own name. Therefore, the Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their Zanpakutō effectively, which requires being able to speak to the spirit within its world. The blade changes shape and gains special abilities by chanting a Kaigo, release incantation. Using the special phrase (incantation) followed by the name of the Zanpakutō actives shikai. It is crucial to memorize each phrase, as every Zanpakutō has a different incantation. The commands vary between users and range from a simple imperative verb to a short poem. They often relate to the Zanpakutō's signature ability, or hint at the nature of its spirit. This step may be bypassed by expert Shinigami who have learned how to use their Bankai. Sometimes the Shinigami who didn't learn Bankai can release their Zanpakutō only by saying its name. Achievement of the Shikai is a mark of control of a Zanpakutō, and it appears to be a requirement for advancement within the Shinigami ranks, as presumably most seated officers are capable of Shikai. It is also required in order to achieve the rank of lieutenant; as it is a requirement most captains look for. Bankai Bankai ( Final Release) is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakutō. To achieve Bankai, one must be able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakutō spirit. Materialization means the opposite of getting dragged into the Zanpakutō's inner world. Instead the wielder needs to summon the Zanpakutō's spirit into the physical world. It usually takes 10 years or more to achieve, plus the experience needed to master it. The power and forms of Shikai and Bankai are dependent on the Zanpakutō. They also vary according to the wielder's strength and training. But in general, one's power can grow 5 to 10 times greater. Only the strongest Shinigami can use it. It is also the ultimate technique of a Zanpakutō. Even the Four noble families, whose members are always exceptionally talented, have a member capable of Bankai only every few generations. Those who achieve Bankai always have remarkable roles in the history of Soul Society. and Kisuke Urahara are the only known individuals that have mastered Bankai through a far shorter, yet much more dangerous method. Using a special device created by Urahara, which forcibly materializes a Zanpakutō spirit (thus bypassing a large portion of the training), they were able to attain their Bankai within three days instead of the normal hundreds of years. After successfully testing the device and achieving Bankai, Urahara stated that training by using this method for more than three consecutive days could prove to be fatal, which is why Ichigo was also forced to achieve his own Bankai within three days. Weakness: A high enough level of spiritual energy can be used to disrupt the rhythm of a Bankai. The biggest flaw of Bankai lies in the overwhelming power it releases. Its power and form are often far beyond that of a normal weapon. This is the reason that in order for one to become capable of using it completely and effectively, one needs to train at least 10 years with Bankai. Any Bankai before that period of time has been reached should not be used in battle. Blaach, Shunko - Description It is an ultra-powerful technique in which one drives Kidō into one's arms and legs. The Kidō itself can also be controlled and fired at opponents from the body. Shunkō first appeared being used by Captain Suì-Fēng in her fight against her old master, Yoruichi Shihōin. Suì-Fēng states she invented the technique of combining Kidō and Hakuda so recently that she had no experience with it in battle, let alone enough time to give it a name. Yoruichi, however, reveals Shunkō is the technique's name, and that she invented and learned the ability long before Suì-Fēng. The keisen uniform has no back or sleeves because the fabric will rip apart when the user's back and arms are filled with Kidō. Though Yoruichi's Shunkō is perfected, unlike Suì-Fēng's version, she still has difficulties controlling it. It could be said that Shunkō is a secret technique used by the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia. The uniform worn when punishment is carried out is specifically geared for Shunkō. Naurto, Ninjutsu - Ninjutsu (Literally meaning "Ninja Techniques"), is a term referring to almost any technique and allows the user to do something that they otherwise would be incapable of doing, including the usage of weapons. Unlike genjutsu, which makes the opponent see illusions, the effects of ninjutsu are real. They vary greatly in purpose, with the simpler ninjutsu serving such tasks as transforming the user or allowing them to evade attacks. These techniques are often second-nature for experienced shinobi, who can use them at will. More complex ninjutsu manipulate one's surroundings or utilise the elements, respectively serving such tasks as healing others or manipulating nature transformations. Ninjutsu, most of the time, relies on chakra and hand seals to be effective. The hands are put in sequential positions that moulds and manipulates chakra in the necessary manner to perform a technique. This is not always needed, however, and some techniques become second nature to experienced ninja, after which they can perform them at will. An example of shape and nature manipulation combined. Additionally, there is the kind of technique that can be classified as a basic or advanced elemental technique, the basic type are techniques with specific elements (wind, water, fire, earth, or lightning), the advanced type combine two or three of the basics elements and creates a new one. Naurto, Genjutsu - Genjutsu (Literally meaning "Illusionary Techniques") are techniques that are employed in the same fashion as ninjutsu, requiring chakra and hand seals. However, the primary difference between the two is that the effects of genjutsu are illusory; instead of attacking the victim's body, like taijutsu or ninjutsu, genjutsu techniques manipulate the flow of chakra in the victim's brain, thus causing a disruption in their senses. According to the Second Mizukage, genjutsu fittingly falls under the broad category of Yin Release. This is often used to create false images or to cause pain from trauma (because the body is led to believe it is in pain); however, there are plenty of other uses depending on the situation. They are not used as often as ninjutsu because they don't physically harm the opponent, but several characters have made themselves well-known for their great prowess with genjutsu like Itachi Uchiha, Kurenai Yūhi, the Second Mizukage and Tayuya. Genjutsu can also be used to manipulate others, similar to brainwashing by feeding the victim illusive suggestions, the primary example being Tobi controlling Yagura. However, there exists at least one genjutsu, Izanagi, that has the opposite effects to normal genjutsu, by changing reality to illusion and vice versa. Genjutsu can also be used for other supplementary purposes such as interrogating an individual by breaking their will. Naurto, Taijutsu - Taijutsu (Literally meaning "Body Techniques") is a basic form of techniques and refers to any techniques involving the martial arts or the optimisation of natural human abilities. Taijutsu is executed by directly accessing the user's physical and mental energies, relying on the stamina and strength gained through training. It typically does not require chakra, though chakra may be used to enhance its techniques. Taijutsu generally require no hand seals to perform, occasionally making use of certain stances or poses, and are much quicker to use than ninjutsu or genjutsu. Taijutsu is simply put: hand-to-hand combat. Although it is used by nearly all ninja, some characters use taijutsu almost exclusively like Rock Lee and his teacher Might , are experts of many taijutsu techniques. Example of taijutsu techniques are Dynamic Entry and Leaf Whirlwind. The Hyūga clan's Gentle Fist, however, makes extensive use of chakra and demands great skill in its control. The taijutsu techniques are the right choices for those that want to save their time and chakra, or for those who rely on their physical attributes. It can also be used uniquely in collaboration with ninjutsu to create nintaijutsu techniques. Naurto, Sealing Jutsu - Fūinjutsu ( Literally meaning "Sealing Techniques") are a type of jutsu that seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fūinjutsu can also be used to unseal objects either from within something or someone. Naurto, Cursed Sealing Jutsu - The Cursed Seal of Heaven is one of the strongest of Orochimaru's cursed seals, the other being its counterpart, the Cursed Seal of Earth. The seal consists of three tomoe (the design known as mitsudomoe), similar to the Sharingan, which, when activated, spread flame-like markings across the user's body. Like all cursed seals, the user receives increased chakra levels and physical capabilities when the seal is active, to the point where with the second level, Sasuke was equal in power to Naruto's one-tailed form. The seal was applied at the left side of the back of both Sasuke's and Anko's necks. Anko received her cursed seal when she was a student of Orochimaru. She, along with nine others, were the first people to receive a cursed seal. She was the only one to survive the application, establishing the one-in-ten success rate for the procedure. Because she lacked the will to use it, her seal receded, and Orochimaru wiped her memory. Orochimaru was able to briefly reactivate the seal when they fought in the Forest of Death before the Third Hokage sealed it off again. It was fully removed when Sasuke used it as a medium to revive Orochimaru's consciousness and body via the Evil Releasing Method. The Cursed Seal of Earth: This is one of the strongest of Orochimaru's cursed seals, the other being its counterpart: the Cursed Seal of Heaven. This cursed seal is particularly strong even amongst the other already powerful cursed seal with Kimimaro being the only known user. It consists of three slightly curved lines, which spread in a rip-like pattern. The seal is located of the upper portion of Kimimaro's chest over his manubrium. When the second level of the seal is active, Kimimaro takes on a dinosaur- like appearance complete with a tail. Several large bones also protrude from his darkened skin. Like all cursed seals, Kimimaro receives increased chakra levels and physical capabilities when the seal is active. Naurto, Forbidden Jutsu - -Ones Own Life Reincarnation: A most powerful healing jutsu. It is even capable of reviving the dead in exchange for your soul. Only the Head Medic can use this. -Fury: Massive Destruction technique that could erase a whole village. -Dead Demon Consuming Seal:Summons a death god: Shinigami to take away the soul of your opponent in exchange of yours and seal it away. It can also be used to take the arms or other parts of the body away. -Chakra threads: Suicide jutsu where you connect a chakra thread to your opponents soul. What happens to you, happens to him. -Twin Snakes Mutual Death: Makes a single hand seal with both your hand and the opponents. Two snakes appear and bite both of them killing them with powerful venom. -Earth Release:Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil: Summons a large amount of dead ninja from the ground. They dont have the same abilities and are fairly easy to destroy. -Summoning Impure World Resurrection: In exchange for corpses you are able to resurrect people who have died already -Dead Soul Technique: Grants a corpse the ability to move and act as a living being for a time. -Chakra Injection: Makes a snake of chakra insert into the user and grants them the ability to cast S-rank jutsu in their 2 elements while adding 100 points to their chakra pool. Can be used only my head medics. -Izanagi: The ultimate genjutsu. It breaks the difference between illusions and reality. Grants you the ability of avoiding any attack for no matter the level but your character will be blind after that. -Mass Shadow Clone: Creating a massive quantity of shadow clones would be fatal to anyone who does not have a huge reserve of chakra at least a jinchuriki. This is a forbidden technique due to it resulting in the death of the caster Naurto, Reincarnation Ninjutsu - The Living Corpse Reincarnation is a technique that was developed by Orochimaru that allows him to transfer his soul to someone else's body. If periodically repeated, it grants the user immortality as long as they can find new host bodies and keep them alive. Orochimaru can only perform this technique once every three years. It also seems that when the three years are almost over, he is forced to move into another host, as the previous one begins to weaken and reject him. Presumably, if he had a proper container, he could stay in the host for a full lifetime. The fact that he wanted to prepare Sasuke Uchiha as well as several others for the transfer before performing it seems to reinforce this. To perform this technique, Orochimaru reveals his true form: a gigantic white snake composed of smaller white snakes, by abandoning his current host's body. Orochimaru then swallows the new host and takes him or her to a separate, mental plane where he envelops the mind of his victim. The snake body then dies and falls apart, and Orochimaru's soul dominates the body (though the Sharingan seems to be able to negate and reverse the process against Orochimaru). The souls of the hosts are kept alive within Orochimaru, leaving them "still alive", in a sense (albeit suppressed), and when Orochimaru switches hosts, the souls leave with him. Apparently if the host of these souls' chakra level falls enough it is possible for them to resurface in material form as seen with Orochimaru surfacing with his own body after Sasuke used up most of his chakra. After taking over another body, Orochimaru modifies it to suit his theme of snakes, in order to increase his survival capabilities, such as stretching and bending his body, reconnecting any severed parts, and shedding his skin to heal injuries. This ensures that if Orochimaru cannot transfer body within the three years' time, he can allow it to greatly heal and evade attacks, rendering him virtually immortal; Sasuke refers this as the "Power of the White Snake" ( Shirohebi no Chikara). Orochimaru also alters the face of his host body to look like his original form. Naurto, Sage Mode - Toad Sage Mode Advantages There are numerous advantages while using toad Sage Mode. These include: The user's physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and durability dramatically increase. The user's ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu become more powerful. The user can harness the natural energy surrounding them, turning it into an extension of their body, which increases the reach of their attacks. The user gains the ability to sense chakra around them. Disadvantages There are a few disadvantages while using toad Sage Mode. These include: If the user draws in too much natural energy in the attempt to initiate Sage Mode, they run the risk of transforming into a toad, then into stone. If the transformation is completed, it cannot be reversed. In order to gather enough natural energy to initiate the transformation into Sage Mode, the user must remain perfectly still. Because of that, the user can be an easy target for an opponent. Because the user needs to move during combat, the senjutsu chakra cannot be replenished, which means the user can't stay within this state for extended periods of time. The second and third weaknesses mentioned above can be bypassed through the Sage Art: Amphibian Technique, where one Sage gathers chakra for another or as in Naruto's case, shadow clones can be used for the same purpose. After Sage Mode has ended, the user appears to experience exhaustion. Snake Sage Mode Advantages There are numerous advantages granted while using snake Sage Mode. These include: The user's perception abilities, reflexes and speed dramatically increase. The user's ninjutsu becomes more powerful. The user gains further access to snake anatomy, such as their brille, which can be used to lock out light as well as stop visual-based genjutsu from affecting them.[4] They are also able to perform abilities that are characteristic of snakes, such as dislocating their jaw, although this is not exclusive to this mode.[5] Disadvantages Like Toad Sage Mode, Snake Sage Mode has similar flaws in that moving too much would disable the user from drawing in natural energy and that remaining still to gather the needed energy leaves the user open to attack. However, for his Sage Mode, Kabuto assimilated the DNA of Jūgo to replicate his clan's ability to passively absorb natural energy, thus allowing him to continuously collect the energy even while moving. Naurto, Space Time Ninjutsu - Space–Time Ninjutsu (Jikūkan Ninjutsu; Literally meaning "Time–Space Ninja Techniques") are techniques that allow the users to manipulate the space–time continuum. By manipulating a specific point of space, the user can warp anything targeted into a dimensional void and teleport it to another location instantaneously. Minato Namikaze, Obito Uchiha, and Tobirama Senju are all noted as skilled users of space–time ninjutsu. All summoning-based techniques are space–time manipulation related, as they warp the targets through a dimensional void to the summoner's location. Naurto, Tailed Beast Skill - Shukaku Shukaku using its Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet technique. Shukaku has been shown to be able to use Wind Release, which it uses to perform powerful attacks such as the Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet, and has the ability to manipulate sand it had infused with its chakra, using it as an effective weapon. Its jinchūriki, Gaara, also has the ability to move and levitate sand at will. Even after Shukaku was extracted and sealed by Akatsuki, Gaara still kept the ability to control sand, but as he was only seen using wind techniques when he was transformed into Shukaku, it was originally unclear whether or not this was Gaara's own ability or Shukaku's. Gaara's automatic Shield of Sand was thought to be Shukaku protecting Gaara (and in turn, itself) from harm. However, the Fourth Kazekage revealed that it was actually the will of the late Karura (Gaara's mother), who always wanted to protect him. Her will allows him to manipulate sand, even without Shukaku. Matatabi Not much is known about Matatabi's power, except for its brute strength and its ability to breathe fire. This was demonstrated by its jinchūriki, Yugito Nii, when she transformed into Matatabi. While in a "Version 2" transformation, she also uses Matatabi's claws to attack. Isobu Not much is known about Isobu's power, except that it can swim at high speeds despite its large size. It can also create coral. The beast can also curl up into a ball making use of its hard, spiky shells and roll at great speeds. In the anime, Isobu was seen using its chakra to send shock-waves that could create a massive tidal wave in any direction from its body, and fire water chakra blasts. It demonstrated the ability to create a mist that would cause the victims within it to confront their insecurities and either conquer them or be destroyed by them. Son Gokū Rōshi using Son Gokū's Lava Release. Not much is known about Son Gokū's power, except its ability to mix its earth and fire natures, and shoot lava from its mouth. In turn, its jinchūriki, Rōshi, was able to use Lava Release ninjutsu, such as spitting molten rock or covering his entire body with lava to make "armour". Kokuō Kokuō's jinchūriki, Han, after transforming into his Version 2 form, can create several chakra arms at once. After assuming his full Five-Tails transformation, he could use the beast's horns directly to drive into the opponent using a powerful charge. The amount of force used is so strong that such a blow is capable of sending Gyūki the Eight-Tails flying a considerable distance away. Saiken In the anime, Saiken's jinchūriki, Utakata, was seen using Saiken's chakra as a shroud, and was also able to send this shroud up to six tails without fully transforming, along with an ability to fully transform into Saiken, demonstrating an adequate control over it. In this form, he was able to absorb and nullify a technique as powerful as Fury with no ill effects. However, like most jinchūriki, Utakata could also lose himself in his rage and have Saiken take over. In the , while in "Version 2" form, he has displayed the ability to emit corrosive, alkaline substances. Chōmei It has been shown that Chōmei's jinchūriki, Fū, had the ability to fly by manifesting two of the beast's tails to use as wings. The more tails she manifested, the faster she could fly. In the "Version 2" form, she was able to bite her enemies. Gyūki The most powerful technique a tailed beast can perform, the Tailed Beast Ball used by Gyūki and its jinchūriki. Gyūki's abilities are largely unknown, but like other tailed beasts, it is able to fire Tailed Beast Balls. Due to its resemblance of an octopus, it can also use ink, and its jinchūriki, Killer B can use this ability to create more solid forms of ink. B can also transform himself into Gyūki and can access its chakra without losing control, being one of the three jinchūriki who is known to be able to fully control his tailed beast's powers, the others being Yagura and more recently, Naruto. Killer B is also on very good terms with Gyūki. The two act as a team in battle with the beast even disturbing B's chakra to break illusions cast from even a Mangekyō Sharingan. Also, while using Version 2, Killer B is able to use Gyūki's skull as a battering ram in a Lariat. It can also create massive winds which can easily level surrounding terrains. Killer B shows his skill of controlling Gyūki's chakra by moulding its chakra into solid tails and using them to grab and stack the loose rocks gingerly on top of one another. Kurama Kurama's chakra given to its jinchūriki. Kurama, being the strongest of the nine tailed beasts, is said to be able to create tsunamis and flatten mountains with just a single swipe from one of its tails. With its massive supply of chakra, it can turn its roar into a powerful shock wave that can repel and destroy anything within its radius, increase its physical strength and speed, and fire Tailed Beast Balls. In the anime, it was shown to be able to create twisters and breathe fire. In Naruto Uzumaki, to preserve its own life, it can rapidly regenerate any wound Naruto sustained, to the extent that a pierced lung can be healed almost instantly. Formerly, when Naruto tapped into Kurama's chakra, he could develop a chakra shroud around his body to greatly enhance his speed and power. Using Kurama's chakra, however, could be used to its advantage, as the more chakra it fed into Naruto, the easier it was for it to influence and control Naruto's body. After gaining control over Kurama's chakra, Naruto develops a new chakra shroud that resembles a silhouette of the Sage of the Six Paths, the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. In this form, Naruto exhibits exceptional speed and strength. Like his predecessor Mito he also gained Kurama's ability to sense individuals through their negative emotions, something not even the best sensor-type ninja are capable of. However, Naruto had initially failed to learn to control Kurama itself. Naruto can even use the shroud to create chakra arms, which helps him create his own version of the Tailed Beast Ball: the Tailed Beast Rasengan. He, however, hasn't completed it yet. During the Shinobi World War Arc, Naruto and Kurama have come to good terms and now with unhindered access to the beast's power has achieved a form known as the Tailed Beast Mode along with a new Nine-Tails Chakra Mode shroud. He is also able to use the Tailed Beast Ball. Ten-Tails Because the nine tailed beasts are merely byproducts of the Ten-Tails, it is presumed that the Ten-Tails has all of their traits, condensed into one body. It was shown having a single unique eye, but what it is or if it is a unique dōjutsu is unknown. Tobi claims that, when he recreates the Ten-Tails and become its jinchūriki, he will be able to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi from the moon to control the world, due to the beast's body residing there. Naurto, Blood Limit Jutsu - Byakugan Japanese name: Byakugan Used by: Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Hizashi, Hyuuga Hiashi, and other members of the Hyuuga clan. Byakugan, one of the Bloodline Limits the Hyuuga clan possesses. It’s a jutsu activated in the eyes, much like the Sharingan. But if we look at its ability of insight alone, it exceeds the sharingan. This jutsu allows the user's vision to see a full 360 degrees. Byakugan also has the ability to view the inner coil system of a person's body, and in advanced cases, the chakra holes. Because of this, Byakugan is used in combination with Hyuuga’s Style Taijutsu. Attacking the inner organs, disabling or even killing their opponent, without even hitting them. Cursed Seal Skill (Hyuuga) Japanese name: Juin Jutsu (Hyuuga) Used by: Hyuuga Hiashi A jutsu unique to the Hyuuga Clan. The seal is used upon the Hyuuga Clan's Branch house children at a very young age. It’s an absolute fear of death that the Main House forces onto the Branch House. The cursed seal symbolizes a caged bird and marks those who are bound within an inescapable destiny. It can easily destroy a Branch family member’s brain cells when acitvated. The seal will only dissapear after he’s death, sealing up the Byakugan ability. Its meaning referes to the fact that the Branch family only lives to protect the Head family and it does not allow the Branch family to go against the Head family. It’s an efficient system to protect Hyuuga’s Bloodline Limit, the Byakugan, forever. Cursed Seal Skill (Orochimaru) Japanese name: Juin Jutsu (Orochimaru) Used by: Orochimaru A jutsu unique to Orochimaru. Small marks are formed on the neck, caused by a bite from Orochimaru. The victim is put through intense physical and mental torture, in which they usually fall unconscious. If the victim is strong enough to survive the 9/10 chance of death, they are infused with the 'power' of the cursed seal. Its power, is in fact a forbidden jutsu, that becomes active during chakra usage. The mark on the neck grows and spreads across the victim’s body, forcing chakra to come out and at the same, making the person stronger. They lose control of their body, becoming controlled by Orochimaru, or driven into madness. Divination Field, 64 Strikes Japanese name: Hakke Rokujuu Yonshou Used by: Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hiashi, Hyuuga Hinata Using a highly advanced form of Byakugan, the user is able to see the chakra holes on a person's body. And by using Hyuuga’s Taijutsu Style, he then closes all main chakra holes with quick blows, stopping the flow of chakra through one's body. Divination Field, Heavenly Spin Japanese name: Hakke Shou Kaiten Used by: Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hiashi Another 'absolute defense'. At the exact moment when a blow is landed on the body, large amounts of chakra are expelled from the chakra holes around the body. With that force, the user’s body spins like a top. The combined efforts of the released chakra and the spin, first deflect the attack, then throw the opponent backwards. Hyuuga Style Taijutsu (Gentle Fist) Japanese name: Jyuuken Used by: Members of the Hyuuga clan. Hyuuga’s special jyuken-type hand-to-hand combat style, passed down from generation to generation. It causes damage by releasing chakra from the chakra hole in your hand, directly damaging the opponents Inner Coils System. It’s used in combination with the Byakugan since the inner coils system’s tenkutsus can’t be seen without some kind of special eyes. Even the most subtle blow can prove to be devastating. Meat Tank Japanese name: Nikudan Sensha Used by: Akimichi Chouji Used after Multi Size no Jutsu. This sends the enlarged body into a powerful ball capable of tearing the opponent apart, but it uses up a lot of calories and chakra. Secret Skill, Demonic Ice Mirrors Japanese name: HiJutsu, Makyou HyouShou Used by: Haku Using this special jutsu, the user creates a prison of mirrors made from ice around his opponent(s). The mirrors allow the user to transport between them at high speeds, or reflect themselves into all the mirrors. It is nearly impossible to see the user's movement between mirrors, so there is llittle danger of being hit. The speed of the user also makes it near impossible to dodge the attacks. From the user's point of view, the opponent(s) seems to be moving in slow motion. Secret Skill, Flying Water Needles Japanese name: HiJutsu, Sensatsu Suishou Used by: Haku A jutsu that freezes water into the shape of extremely sharp needles, which proceed to home in on the opponent. The needles crush the opponent in a sphere of needles, ripping their body apart. A user must be near water to perform this jutsu. Secret Tree Element Technique, Tree-World Construction Japanese name: Mokuton Hijutsu, Jukai Koutan Used by: Shodaime Hokage A secret jutsu only the First Hokage can use, it uses chakra to be converted into a source of life and enables the user to control plant life and create large plants to be used as a barrier. It's a jutsu only used by the 1st, the man who put an end to an era of wars and created Konoha. Sharingan Japanese name: Sharingan Used by: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito A pupil born technique, which allows the user to do to a large number of things. The Sharingan's first and most well known ability is to memorize any technique that it is a witness to, as well as register the movements of opponents. Second, it is able to hypnotize the opponent, giving an advantage to the user. It can also suggest movements to the hypnotized brain, and 'see through' any illusionary technique. Although it is a powerfull jutsu, it consumes a lot of chakra. The power of the Sharingan is judged through the amount of dots in the person's eye. Sharingan-Controlled Triple Windmill Blades Japanese name: Sofuushasen no Tachi Used by: Uchiha Sasuke Performed while using the Sharingan. Uses thin strings attached to many shuriken, kunai, etc. that the throw wraps around the opponent and renders them immobile. The Sharingan is used to find vital points in the opponents movement, and throw the kunai in the right location to trap them in strings. Usually followed up by another stronger jutsu. Bug clone skill Japanese name: Kikai bunshin no jutsu Used by: Aburame Shino Basically the kikai (or destruction bugs) turn into a complete and exact replica of the Aburame user. Spiked Meat Tank Japanese name: Nikudan Hari Sensha Used by: Akimichi Chouji A technique in which the user goes into the Meat Tank technique and then raps Kunai Knives on a special wire and wraps it around their body. The attack then uses high speed to crush and impale the opponent until they get killed. Dance of the Camellia Japanese name: Tsubaki no Mai Used by: Kaguya Kimimaro One of the Kaguya clan's 5 special dances that Kimimaro knows. It is an attack in which he forms a bone like a sword and thrusts it into the enemy. Dance of the Pines Japanese name: Karamatsu no Mai Used by: Kaguya Kimimaro This is another one of the special 5 dances of the Kaguya clan which Kimimaro knows, the attack is devastating to the opponent since he unleashes bone spikes all over his body which can stab through almost anything. This attacks can sprout all over his body and can also change direction and size by will. Dance of the Clematis Japanese name: Tessenka no Mai Used by: Kaguya Kimimaro This jutsu is one of the Kaguya clan's special 5 dances which Kimimaro knows. He focus's his chakra and rips out his spinal cord and hardens it to a degree which it can penetrate through anything. Kimimaro uses this just like a tail and can wrap it around his opponents and kill them and then pierces through their body. Double Wolf Fang Japanese name: Garouga Used by: Inuzuka Kiba, Akamaru A high speed tornado attack in which Kiba and Akamaru attack the opponent by scratching and clawing at high speeds in which they cut their enemies into pieces. The speed is so fast that ithe users cannot see, but that is no problem, Kiba and Akamaru's sense of smell leads them to their opponent. Even if they barely miss the target the extreme spin still slices the target, leaving them weak for one more shot. The technique uses a lot of chakra and energy, usually leaving the users very wiped out and tired after with a very low amount of chakra. Double Headed Wolf Japanese name: Sou-Tou-Rou Used by: Inuzuka Kiba, Akamaru The attack in which Kiba and Akamaru are both in the forum of a wolf which increases their power 10 fold. Their attacks are faster and harder and they are also impossible to stop when in this form though because this form is so strong it also requires a lot of chakra and after this renders the user useless and almost completely immobilized. This attack is usally a combo with the Garouga for maximum damage. Divine Illumination Jutsu Japanese name: Amaterasu Used by: Uchiha Itachi A strong jutsu which can brake through Ninpou and Gamaguchi Shibori, (Toad Mouth Enclosure.) This attack seems to be extremely strong, deadly and can only be put out with the Fuuin Jutsu Houin (Sealing Jutsu Law of Fire Seal).Although it can destroy almost any surface with its flames, it causes a lot of strain on Itachi. This jutsu, thus far, was only used by Itachi when no alternative method was avaliable. Illusionary Underworld Moon Japanese name: Tsukuyomi Used by: Uchiha Itachi A special technique that can only be used by the Uchiha clan who posses the Mange Sharingan. The technique creates an illusion which can reflect on the past or just create an illusion where Itachi does to the target whatever he wants (ex. stick swords into the enemy's body over and over again). This technique is used to attack the opponents mind and destroy his/her spirit. The events which go on in the Tsukuyomi are translated into 3 days (72 hours), while in reality only 3 seconds pass. 72 hours seems to be Itachi's limit with the illusion. This attack is another strain causer on the Itachi and if used more then once, it can tire him out. Dance of the Seedling Ferns Japanese name: Sawarabi no Mai Used by: Kaguya Kimimaro This attack is one in which the Kaguya clan forms bones into spikes and then bursting them out of their body making sure to impale their enemies with quick ease. Their also able to travel out in a huge area. The attack also allows the Kaguya clan to merge with the bones and travel to a specific bone and come out of that bone to create a surprise attack. Dance of the Willows Japanese name: Yanagi no Mai Used by: Kaguya Kimimaro One of the attacks which involve the Blood Line limit technique of of the Kaguya clan's Meta-Morphic bones which only Kimimaro knows. This is one of the special 5 dances in which he pulls out a sword made out of one of his bones and attacks extremely fast.The technique is a fast thrust technique but at the same time can be used to fend off attack from all around him by unleashing a huge wave with his sword in a circular motion. Finger Bullets Japanese name: Hessendan Used by: Kaguya Kimimaro A technique in which a Kaguya clan member shoots its finger tips like bullets at the opponent at high speeds. Partial Double Size Technique Japanese name: Buban Baika no jutsu Used by: Akimichi Chouji A technique in which the user increases the size of a part of their body to increase the power and range of the attack with that individual part of their body. Super Double Size Technique Japanese name: Chou Baika no jutsu Used by: Akimichi Chouji A bloodline limit technique in which the user increases their body size by double the size to become a giant like figure with unparallel human strength. Mangekyou Sharingan Japanese name: Mangekyou Sharingan Used by: Uchiha Itachi, Hatake Kakashi The Mangekyou Sharingan is the advanced form of the Uchiha clan's bloodline limit: "The Sharingan". It's the Uchiha clan's most powerfull eye-technique, if not the deadliest technique shown in Naruto so far. It's a very rare technique, and it's said only a true member of the Uchiha clan is able to obtain it. The only way to obtain it is by murdering your closest friend. In Kakashi's case it's slightly different, since Uchiha Obito sacrificed himself to save him. Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan also differs from appearance with Itachi's. It's obvious that the Mangekyou Sharingan surpasses the ordinary Sharingan, but there are some side effects. It puts a strain on the user's eyes, and if used too much the user can go blind. It also requires an enourmous amount of chakra, in Kakashi's case even more since he's not a natural Sharingan user. Once the Mangekyou Sharingan is activated the user can temporaraly render his opponent unconscious, and is able to use 3 new techniques. Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu and another yet to be revealed technique. The Tsukoyomi traps the target in a nightmare-like state, where the target is tortured for what feels like 72 hours (3 days) to him or her, but in reality is just 1 second. The second skill, the Amatarasu, creates black flames that can burn through any surface or object. Uchiha Itachi and Hatake Kakashi are the only ones we've seen it use so far, but there's also an unknown Uchiha Mangekyou Sharingan user that Itachi mentioned to Sasuke when he left the Hidden Leaf Village. Sasuke is the only other potential Mangekyou Sharingan user, but him possessing the Mangekyou Sharingan would involve killing his best friend, Uzumaki Naruto. Divination Field, 128 Strikes Japanese name: Hakke Hyaku Ni Ju Hashou Used by: Hyuuga Neji Basically the same as "Divination Field, 64 Strikes", only with more strikes, closing more chakra holes. Using "The Byakugan", the user is able to see the chakra points on a person's body. Utilizing Hyuuga’s Taijutsu Style, the user closes all main chakra holes with quick blows, stopping the flow of chakra through one's body. This technique delivers 128 strikes, instead of the normal 64. Closing 128 chakra holes instead of 64. Leaving the opponent with even less chakra if any. Neji's stance is also different then the stance he takes on with the "Divination Field, 64 Strikes". Divination Field, Air Palm Japanese name: Hakke Kuushou Used by: Hyuuga Neji A Hyuuga Style Gentle Fist technique. The user gathers chakra into the palm of their hand and thrust their palm towards the target, sending a blast of compressed chakra and air toward the target. Knocking back the target. Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Prison Technique Japanese name: Shoton: Suisho Ro no Jutsu Used by: Guren A technique that Guren uses to encase an opponent in her crystal style. If the crystal is broken the person inside will disintegrate as well. Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique Japanese name: Shoton: Suisho Meikyu no Jutsu Used by: Guren A nearly unbreakable crystal structure that traps anyone caught inside it. This technique is created by multiple crystal flowers that grow into a giant crystal structure. It is designed to confuse opponents as well as imprison them. Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon Japanese name: Shoton: Hasho Koryu Used by: Guren Guren uses this technique for offense and travel. Multiple dragons may be created and controlled at the same time as well. Susanoo Japanese name: Susanoo Used by: Uchiha Itachi This jutsu is the last ability gained by a Mangekyo Sharingan user and extremly rare for a Uchiha to unlock. This Jutsu uses it's users chakra to form a ghost like being that is indestructible and makes the user impervious to enemy attacks. Susanoo's final form wields both the Yata Mirror and the Totsuka sword. The Yata mirror is a shield that repells all jutsus. The Totsuka sword is the legendary sword that traps it's opponents in a genjutsu world forcing them to spend the rest of their life in a drunken state of mind unable to escape. Naurto, Sharingan - The Sharingan's abilities consist of two parts: the "Eye of Insight" ( Dōsatsugan) and the "Eye of Hypnotism" ( Saimingan). The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan itself gives colour to chakra, allowing the wielder to differentiate them. They are also able to tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular. The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognise genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user, allowing them to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body and counterattack or dodge without any wasted movement. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not always have time to react. The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to copy almost any technique that he or she witnesses, apart from other kekkei genkai techniques. The user can memorise ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as their own, or even modify them to create their own new techniques, much like Sasuke Uchiha's Lion Combo. In order to reproduce a copied technique, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. A prime example is Rock Lee's brand of taijutsu. While Sasuke was able to copy some of Lee's moves, they put a much more significant strain on him since he hadn't trained nearly as much as Lee had. In addition to physical skill and kekkei genkai techniques, the Sharingan cannot reproduce techniques dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with. The Sharingan's final commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through genjutsu cast by simple eye contact between both parties. More advanced Sharingan users can take the hypnosis ability even further to the point where a powerful summon like Manda or even a tailed beast may be controlled. When this was used against Manda and the Nine-Tails, their eyes took on the tomoe pattern of the users' Sharingan while under hypnotic influence. The hypnotic ability coupled with the other aspects of the Sharingan can make the user appear as if they can "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them. As with other genjutsu, genjutsu cast by the Sharingan are capable of putting an opponent to sleep, inducing paralysis, replaying memories to someone else, or creating various illusions to deceive someone. The potency of the Sharingan's illusion is dependent on the user's knowledge and skill with implementing genjutsu. Two Sharingan users are also able to free each other from other forms of genjutsu by first using genjutsu on each other, allowing them to enter their comrades mind and free each other from the genjutsu. In addition, more rarely used by the Uchiha clan, the Sharingan can allow the user to perform two very powerful and unique genjutsu: Izanagi and Izanami, which alters or decide one's destiny, respectively. Using Izanagi, the user can warp reality for a short amount of time, changing reality into illusion and illusion into reality, thus escaping death and rewriting destiny; although to make use of this technique to its full extent, the user must have the DNA of both the Uchiha and Senju. Izanami, on the other hand, is a genjutsu that traps the victim in an infinite loop disregarding their five senses; this technique was specifically created to counter anyone who would abuse Izanagi's ability to alter their destiny, by forcing the victims to relive the situation over and over until they accept it and cease using Izanagi. Both techniques have been labelled kinjutsu, because use of either causes the eye that performed Izanagi or Izanami to close forever. Although the Sharingan consumes the user's chakra while active, the chakra levels that the user must exert is so insignificant that they can keep it active constantly. In fact, Itachi Uchiha was so masterful with the Sharingan that he was able to keep it active for most of the time, only once deactivating it after using Tsukuyomi on Sasuke and Kakashi, as well as Amaterasu to escape Jiraiya, due to exhaustion. However, when a Sharingan is transplanted to a non-Uchiha, the chakra drain is significant, leading them to cover it up when not in use. This seems to be circumvented by acquiring Senju cells in order to boost their vitality. As mentioned above, the Sharingan, and particularly its evolved form, the Mangekyō Sharingan, can be used to subjugate the Nine-Tails. It has been stated in Uchiha lore and by Madara's declaration that the tailed beasts were destined to be controlled by the Sharingan. Strong users of the Sharingan can also use their abilities to enter the subconscious location within a jinchūriki to directly suppress their tailed beast's chakra, as Sasuke Uchiha demonstrated when he entered Naruto Uzumaki's subconscious and suppressed the Nine-Tails' chakra. Naurto, Byakugan - The primary ability of the Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the third thoracic vertebra. Upon activation of the dōjutsu, the wielder is granted an automatic 50 metre field of vision around themselves which can then be extended at the user's discretion. The second ability is being able to see through solid objects, as well as some degree of telescopic sight. The distance and the degree of telescopic sight varies from person to person, and can be improved. In Part I, Neji Hyūga was able to see an area of 50 metres, but he later increases his visual range to at least 800 metres, while Hinata Hyūga's range in Part II stretches at least as far as 10 km. However, the Byakugan cannot see through certain barriers, such as the Four Black Fog Battle Formation used by the Sound Four. Chakra Pathway System. The third and one of the greatest uses of the Byakugan is the ability to see chakra, chakra flow, the chakra circulation system inside the body with great detail as well as the colour of chakra. It is from this particular ability that the Hyūga Clan are able to employ their ultimate attack style: Gentle Fist. Unlike the Strong Fist, which is focused on external injuries, the Gentle Fist style focuses on internal injuries. Each strike, when placed correctly, strikes along the chakra pathway system, which is the network of vessels that carry chakra. This network is closely intertwined with the functioning of the body's organs, and so, when the keirakukei take damage, the organs suffer as well. There is no defence against the Gentle Fist, since one cannot train one's internal organs to become stronger. The only possible defence is to stop the Gentle Fist's hits from connecting. Like the Sharingan and Rinnegan, the Byakugan's ability to see chakra and its flow allows the user to detect chakra sealed barriers as well as determine when genjutsu is being used. It was shown in the anime that the Byakugan can also discern a transformation and a real person using the eye's ability to see chakra. Particularly skilled users of the Byakugan can take the Gentle Fist style one step further. Along the keirakurei are 361 pinprick-sized nodes called tenketsu, or chakra points, which only the more skilled users can see. When struck, the Byakugan user can choose to either seal, or forcibly open these tenketsu, thus giving the user complete control over their opponent's chakra system. So, with precision, all those points along the victim's body can be sealed, stopping the chakra flow to those areas. Able to strike without force, and yet do more damage to a ninja than some of the most powerful ninjutsu, the Gentle Fist has been labelled as the greatest taijutsu style known in all of Konohagakure. In the Search for the Bikōchū Arc, Hinata demonstrated two other abilities with her Byakugan: the ability to magnify and zoom, effectively seeing every small insect in the area and to see the infrared spectrum allowing her to detect things through their body heat. Constantly using the Byakugan over a very long period of time causes severe eye strain, as seen with Neji Hyūga, who at that point, could not tell the difference between Kiba and Akamaru. This however, is not permanent. Naurto, Rinnegan - It was admired as being able to bring forth all ninjutsu. The holder of these eyes can completely master all five basic nature transformations that form the basis of ninjutsu. It was said that in times when the world is in disorder, a person is sent down from the heavens to become either a "God of Creation" who will calm the world, or a "Destroyer" who will reduce everything to nothingness. The Rinnegan allows the user to use all of the six paths' techniques, as well as the seventh path — that is "beyond life and death". Like the Mangekyō Sharingan and Sharingan, the Rinnegan has shown the ability to control tailed beasts through the use of the Outer Path's ability with its chakra chains and receivers. Nagato's Rinnegan. The Six Paths of Pain were all reanimated corpses that Nagato gave the Rinnegan to through some unknown means. By doing so, Nagato could see each individual body's field of vision, coordinating the bodies with extremely precise planning. The animals summoned through the Animal Path also possessed the Rinnegan, so Nagato controlled and also shared a field of vision with them and the King of Hell with the use of the Outer Path technique. On its own, the Rinnegan allows the user to see chakra, including otherwise hidden barriers. It can also distinguish a shadow clone from the original, and decipher more of the Sage of the Six Paths' tablet than the Sharingan and the Mangekyō Sharingan are able to. Fairy Tail, Lost Magic - Dragon Slayer Magic Fire Dragon Slayer Magic God Slayer Magic Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic Sky Dragon Slayer Magic Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic Iron Dragon Slayer Magic Sky God Slayer Magic Ushi no Koku Mairi Poison Dragon Slayer Magic Black Arts Flame God Slayer Magic Arc of Time Arc of Embodiment Great Tree Arc Human Subordination Maguilty Sense Magic White Dragon Slayer Magic Fairy Tail, Holder Magic - Celestial Spirit Magic Angel Magic Requip Ushi no Koku Mairi Celestial Spirit Gate Keys Magic Power Finder Seal Flame Blade Magic Staves Magic Items Edolas Items Card Magic Sleep Magic Guns Magic Musica Sword Archenemy Human Possession Storm Magic Ring Magic Command Magic Slot Magic Plant Magic Pict Magic Perfume Magic Air Shatter Cannon Dog Whistle Magic Charm Ricochet Guitar Magic ColorS Magic Smoke Magic Personification Magic Fortune Telling One Piece, Haki - Types of Haki Haki is separated into three categories, or "colors": Kenbunshoku Haki, which grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities[19]; Busoshoku Haki, which allows the user to use their spirit as armor to defend against attacks or to make their own attacks more potent; and Haoshoku Haki, a rare type of Haki only one in a million can use which grants the user the ability to overpower the will of others. Most people who can use Haki tend to have a type they are better at and as a result focus on that type. However, a person can improve their abilities with all the types of Haki, it just requires more work. Kenbunshoku Haki Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. With enough skill, one can use this Haki to predict an opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief "premonition" of what the opponent will do in the user's mind's eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually "hits". It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict. Although, more skilled users can predict future moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not. Busoshoku Haki Busoshoku Haki allows the user to create a force similar to an invisible armor around themselves. Similar to Tekkai, this allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm. Only significant physical force can overcome this defense; for example, Luffy striking Boa Marigold hard enough with Gear Second techniques to send her reeling. Haoshoku Haki Haoshoku Haki is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training and only one in a million people carry it. It was first demonstrated by Shanks, when he used it to scare off a Sea King. Later on, during a meeting with Whitebeard, he used it to knock out most of the crew, which the few still standing attributed to his superior Haki. Luffy first displayed the effects of this type of Haki against Duval's bull, Motobaro, much to everyone's confusion. He displayed it again on Amazon Lily while battling the Boa sisters, knocking out a large portion of the audience observing the match, despite all of them being accustomed to regular Haki usage. This is also the first time it is referred to by name. Luffy's exhibition of it during the Marineford War was enough for the Marine admirals to be wary of him that they prioritized his elimination after that. One Piece, Logia Devil Fruit - Logia Devil Fruits allow a person to become a natural element, either in whole or in part; In their default state, they are neither completely human nor element. Because Logia users can turn their entire body into their element, they are virtually immune to physical harm by conventional means. Any attack will simply pass through or be absorbed harmlessly into their body which, depending on the type of element, can even cause the attack to backfire on the attacker. A Logia user can be shattered, split, or otherwise separated into multiple parts, sometimes down to the size of dust, and reform without injury. The only known exception to this rule would be with Blackbeard, whose Yami Yami no Mi powers actually absorb strikes and make them stronger doing even more harm to himself than normal. When ice and magma clashed, the island's weather changed forever. In addition to their ability to become their element, Logia users can generate near-limitless amounts of their element and control it at their whim, giving them fearsome attack abilities. A prime example of this class' destructiveness is when Kuzan and Sakazuki clashed with each other at full force, their Logia powers permanently distorted the weather of Punk Hazard, turning one half into a frozen wasteland, and the other half into a blazing inferno, or when Ace and Blackbeard destroyed Banaro Island during their confrontation. However, certain elements, such as smoke and swamp, are more suitable for capturing enemies rather than causing destruction. One Piece, Paramecia Devil Fruit - The Paramecia fruits grant users an ability that can be classified only as 'Superhuman'. The Paramecia fruits also contain the greatest variation of powers evident so far in the One Piece story. The largest advantage of this group is that even physically weak fighters can make use of this fruit class, as demonstrated by both Robin and Mr. 3. The primary focus on the fighting styles of users does not have to rely on the physical strengths or fighting skills of the individual themselves and is usually more focused on users creativity and initiative. The Paramecia group therefore can make fighters out of even weak individuals and the type of consumer likely to eat this fruit has proven to be much more diverse than other fruit classes. Although the abilities can be exploited and manipulated in a variety of ways, the extent of useful attacks or strategies depend greatly on the users themselves. Some consumers may encounter inspiration for a new attack after using a particular set of attacks for years, while others may never learn how to completely harness their skills. One such example is Brook, who although spent 50 years harnessing his Devil Fruits abilities to keep himself alive, he never discovered the full extent until his separation from his crewmates led him to attempt to explore his Devil Fruits full powers. One Piece, Zoan Devil Fruit - The Zoan fruits primarily improve physical abilities and allow the user to use his or her three forms to adapt to a situation during a fight to find the form that gives the biggest advantage. Zoan powers are usually utilized for their hybrid form, as this form enhances the physical statistics of the user by combining positive attributes from both the user and the physical-level equivalent of the Zoan species. Zoan fruits are thus favored among already strong users who prefer to enhance their physical abilities for the use of martial arts, such as Kaku; this as well as creating new fighting styles. Another rather minor advantage is that depending on the scenario, a Zoan user can go undetected by simply changing the physical form they have to one unfamilair to those around them. It also offers the element of surprise when the foe has little experience with fighting that particular form. In their hybrid form, Zoan users experience enhanced senses, as this form uses a combination of both the user's and the fruit's abilities. Skilled Zoan users are also capable of using their powers to shape-shift out of harm's way; this is particularly useful, especially when the Zoan's body has been restrained, as Chopper demonstrated so many times (such as Chopper switching from heavy point to the smaller brain point to dodge a strike). In addition to an increase in physical strength and enhanced senses, some Zoan users may have an ability affiliated with the animal their fruit is based off, such examples are Pell's bird type Zoan which gives him flight, Miss Merry Christmas' mole type Zoan which gives her a tunnelling ability, Boa Marigold's king cobra type Zoan which gives her venomous abilities, and Pekoms has a tortoise type Zoan which gives him a protective shell. This fruit type is also useful for applying to objects such as guns or swords, giving an otherwise inanimate object life and increasing its value to the owner of the item. The method of application is however, as of yet, unknown. Zoans could be considered amongst the seemingly least impressive type of Devil Fruits, as they primarily rely on brute force and some of them are physically very weak animals (such as a Dachshund). However, rare Zoans such as those labeled "Mythical" can be considered as impressive and as powerful as Logias and may even display some attributes of the Paramecia and/or Logia classes to generate rare and incredible powers combined in one person. An example is Marco's rare ability as a phoenix to instantly regenerate from any wound, making him more than equivalent to Logia users in damage tolerance as well his ability to generate his own certain element: the blue phoenix flames. Hitman Reborn, Dying Will Flame - The Dying Will Flame is described as high-density form of energy that is refined from one's own life-force. Due the way how it resonates with one's emotions, it has been regarded as a type of battle aura. However, unlike the aura, which is a supernatural phenomenon that can only be seen by a few individuals, the Dying Will Flame is in many ways more alike to a real flame, possessing even its own destructive properties. Dying Will Flames are graded accordingly with their purity, which has a direct relationship with the strength of an individual's resolve. Among other things, this rate of purity serves to indicate how much of the special characteristics of the Flames are being drawn out. Each Flame's attribute has its own special characteristic. There is proof of an eighth element called the Flame of Night, which Daemon Spade and the Vindice could control. There are two kinds of Dying Will Flames, Flames of the Sky and Flames of the Earth. However, there are also several special Flames that do no belong in any of those categories. Hitman Reborn, Family Rings - A set of rings that a family controls that enhance the power of their Dying Will Flame and enhance their abilities. The Vongola Rings are priceless, powerful Vongola treasures, and and are part of the Tri-ni-set (7³) policy, together with the Mare Rings and the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. The types of Flames emitted by Rings are named correspond to a color of the rainbow: orange for Sky, red for Storm, blue for Rain, purple for Cloud, green for Lightning, yellow for Sun, and indigo for Mist. The Vongola Rings are held by the Boss of every generation of the Vongola and the six people most suited to be his/her Guardians. The Boss is always a natural born Sky type, while his guardians have an attribute corresponding to their Ring. Hitman Reborn, Dying Will Flame Box Weapons - Box Weapons ( Bokkusu Heiki) are small cube-shaped boxes that store powerful weaponry inside. Though they are called Box Weapons, few actually come in the form of conventional armaments and the most are designed after animals. The greatest assets of these Box Animals, as they are called, are the special abilities born out of the unique traits of the Dying Will Flames that serve as their power source. The Vongola Box Weapons are seven specially made Box Weapons for the Vongola Boss and the Six Guardians and were given to Tsuna and his Guardians after surviving through Melone Base. Unlike most Boxes, these are the same color as the respective Guardian's Flame Attribute and each has the crest of their master on their forehead. They also function not only as animals to aid their masters, but they can also transform into actual Weapons. These Weapons are called Cambio Forma and are based on the Weapons of the Vongola Primo and his own Six Guardians. After Tsuna defeated Byakuran, Irie said they couldn't take back the Vongola Box Weapons because they didn't exist in the past. So, with Verde's help, they were made into Vongola Box Rings. Vongola Sky Lion Leone di Cieli ver. Vongola is the Vongola Sky Box, and the Box Weapon of Tsunayoshi Sawada. Its name is Natsu and it takes the form of a Lion Cub with a mane made of Sky Flames and wears a visor on top of its head. Like the Sky Lion of Xanxus, Bester, Natsu has the ability to make a roar that paralyzes other Box Weapons by using the Harmony trait of its Sky Flames. It is unique because it has two Cambio Forma. Its Cambio Forma is called Modo Difesa: Mantello di Vongola Primo and Modo Attacco: Mitena di Vongola Primo Vongola Rain Akita & Vongola Rain Swallow The Cane di Pioggia ver. Vongola and Rondine di Pioggia ver. Vongola are the Vongola Box Weapons of Takeshi Yamamoto and are named Jirou and Kojirou respectively. Jirou is an Akita Inu that carries three of the Swords Yamamoto uses. These Swords have Blades made of Rain Flames and Jirou can wield at least one of them in combat. Kojirou is a Swallow that has the Ability to create Rain infused with Rain Flames and perform combination Attacks with Yamamoto, as well as combine with Yamamoto's sword to perform the Cambio Forma, Asari Ugetsu's Four Irregular Swords. Vongola Cloud Hedgehog The Riccio di Nuvola ver. Vongola is the Vongola Box Weapon of Kyoya Hibari and is named Roll. It appears as a Hedgehog with a large orb on its back with larger, but fewer spikes and several floating orbs around it. Roll has the Ability to propogate itself, unlike Hibari's previous Hedgehog, allowing it to overwhelm the enemy and be used as projectiles. Its Cambio Forma is called Alaude's Handcuffs. Vongola Mist Owl The Gufo di Nebbia ver. Vongola is the Vongola Box Weapon of Chrome Dokuro and is named Mukuro (sometimes referred to as Fukuro) . The owl appears the same as the possessed Mist Owl, but has armor on its wings and possesses the ability to enhance the illusions cast by Chrome. Its Cambio Forma is called Daemon Spade's Devil Lens. Vongola Storm Leopard The Leopardo di Tempesta ver. Vongola is the Vongola Box Weapon of Hayato Gokudera and is named Uri. Originally a part of the Sistema C.A.I., Uri had the Ability the absorb Sun Flames in order to become a larger and stronger Box Weapon. As a Vongola Box Weapon Uri can absorb Flames to a much greater degree, adding to its Attack power. Its Cambio Forma is G's Archery. During Choice, it is upgraded to have all the Boxes on the belt of the Sistema C.A.I inside, being equipped by Gokudera when activated. Vongola Sun Kangaroo The Canguro del Sereno ver Vongola is the Vongola Box Weapon of Ryohei Sasagawa and is named Kangaryuu. It isn't an offensive type Box Weapon, but rather a supportive type. Originally, Kangaryuu had the Ability to infuse any item in its pouch with Sun Flames, giving them the Activation trait to increase the speed of healing. As a Vongola Box, Kangaryuu gains two large cannons on her back. These cannons can fire a burst of Sun Flames that increase muscle power for small periods of time. Its Cambio Forma is called Knuckle's Maximum Break. Vongola Lightning Bull The Bovino Fulmine ver. Vongola is the Vongola Box Weapon of Lambo and is named Gyuudon. it appears as a large armored Bull that can generate Electricity. This power is great enough that it nearly killed both Gokudera and Ryohei when Lambo first brought it out. Its Cambio Forma is called Lampo's Shield. Vongola Box Rings Tsuna's Vongola Box RingWhen they were going back to the Past, Shoichi said that they could not take the Vongola Boxes with them. However, when they're in the past, Tsuna says that Yuni and the Arcobaleno had given them so many presents. One of those presents was the Vongola Box Rings. Now they look like Rings and have a compact size. Tsuna hinted that the Vongola Box Rings were made by Verde's genius Abilities. Hitman Reborn, Cloud, Mist, Sun, Storm, Rain, Sky, Lightning Rings and Abilities - Sky (Cielo) Tsuna's Sky Flame Colour: Orange Characteristic: Harmonisation (Armonia) Japanese Translation: Oozora (大空) Ability: Petrification Known Users: Tsunayoshi Sawada, Byakuran, Iemitsu Sawada, Giotto, Timoteo (and all previous Vongola Bosses), Xanxus, Dino, Luce, Aria, Uni Description: It is said that users of the Sky Flame are very rare and hardly any are born with the ability to channel the flame, and it is said to be the most powerful flame type in the world. With it's characteristic of Harmonisation it can maintain the balance between the other flames and thus contains neither conflict or contradiction. Appearance: It is orange in colour, with the strongest shade in he center and becoming paler towards the edges and spikes. It oscillates and looks similar to the Rain Flame. Storm (Tempesta) Gokudera's Storm Flame Colour: Red Characteristic: Degeneration (Destruzione) Japanese Translation: Arashi (嵐) Ability: Degeneration Known Users: Gokudera, Fon, Zakuro, Rasiel, Belphegor, Bianchi, Tazaru, Nosaru, Baishana, G., Coyote Nougat. Description: Anything that touches these flames can break down and corrode, even other flames. Because of this, it has extremely high destructive capabilities. Appearance: This variant is almost opaque in it appearance. Having a concentrated red colour in the center, with a paler inner ring, and outward facing spikes being almost the same concentrated red as the center. In the manga, these flames are distinguished by their dark appearance. Rain (Pioggia) Yamamoto's Rain Flame Colour: Blue Characteristic: Tranquility (Calma) Japanese Translation: Ame (雨) Ability: Tranquility Known Users: Yamamoto Takeshi, Superbi Squalo, Basil, Asari Ugetsu, Hayato Gokudera, Colonnello, Lal Mirch, Glo Xinia, Bluebell, Olgert, Schnitten Brabanters Description: With the flames attribute of tranquility, they can weaken flames and other attacks. IE Illusions, causing them to become almost completely ineffective (depending on the purity and output of the flame). The stronger the resolve and flame, the weaker the enemies attack becomes, this type of flame can also slow down a targets movements and body. Appearance: The Flame is light blue in colour, with white sparkles throughout giving it the look of water. The flame is almost opaque, with a darker pale blue in the center with an even paler blue on the edge. It also oscillates. Sun (Soreno) Ryohei's Sun Flame Colour: Yellow Characteristic: Activation (Attivazione) Japanese Translation: Hare (太) Ability: Activation Known Users: Ryohei Sasagawa, Reborn, Knuckles, Lussuria, Daisy, Shoichi Irie, Ginger Bread, Brow Nie Jr. Description: With it's attribute of Activation, it can speed up processes to an incredible rate, although difficult to use offensively, the activation is usually to power up the user or use as a healing agent. However the exception to this being Ryohei's 3 minute power- up. Appearance: Sun flames very much embody the activation attribute, in appearance as well as power. It's yellow all the way through and shines circles around the flame. They appear to be moving constantly, some times spiking and other times flowing. Lightning (Fulmine) Gamma's Lightning Flame Colour: Green Characteristic: Solidification (Indurimento) Japanese Translation: Kaminari (电 ) Known Users: Lambo, Verde, Lampo, Ghost, Gamma, Template:Lin, Hayato Gokudera, Ganauche III Description: With the attribute of solidification, they can harden any object infused with the flames. The overall appearance is unique to this type of flame, because it too has been solidified and thus is make to look like electricity and as such it can be used to electrocute targets as opposed to burning them. Appearance: As the name would suggest, lightning flames have a lightning appearance to them. The center of the flame is slightly green tinted white, with the more solidified spikes a moderate green. They have a tendency to form round shapes with the sharper part flailing around, like how electricity is often times shown. Mist (Nebbia) Chrome's Mist Flame Colour: Indigo Characteristic: Construction (Costruzione) Japanese Translation: Kiri (霧) Known Users: Chrome Dokuro, Mukuro Rokudo, Genkishi, Kawahira, Torikabuto, Lal Mirch, Fran, Viper, Kyoya Hibari, Daemon Spade, Bouche Croquant Ability: Construction Description: Mist flames are not only restricted to making Illusions, but they can construct them into solid and real objects. Appearance: Mist flames have a large off white center, which gradually darkens to an Indigo colour towards the edges. They gently flow but do not disappear like normal mist. Cloud (Nuvola) Hibari's Cloud Flame Colour: Purple Characteristic: Prorogation (Propagazione) Japanese Translation: Kumo (云) Ability: Multiplication Known Users: Kyoya Hibari, Kikyo, Skull, Lal Mirch, Hayato Gokudera, Alaude, Nigella Beankabul, Visconti Description: Cloud flames or weapons have the ability to absorb flames in order to grow in size and multiply, if a human body is altered to attain the cloud flames, the human can also grow in size or multiply. Cloud flames can also be used as a sheild from attacks, as shown by Hibari during his battle with Genkishi. Appearance: Cloud Flames have a dark purple center, and a pale light purple for the rest of the Flame. Unlike Rain Flames, which have sharp oscillating spikes, Cloud Flames have small rounds of flame instead of points. Snow (Neve) Gelaro's 'snow' flame Colour: White Characteristic: Immobilisation (Immobilizzazione) Japanese Translation: Unknown Ability: Immobilisation Known Users: Gelaro Appearance: Snow Flames vaguely looks like Mist Flames, though are much lighter in colour. The margins of the flame are gradually turning into a light blue color, also, there are some "sparkling" elements inside the flame Hitman Reborn, Earth, Glacier, Forest, Swamp, Mountain, Desert Rings and Abilities - The Seven Flames of the Earth Earth (Terra) Earth Flame Known Users: Enma Kozato, Cozarto Simon, Tsunayoshi Sawada Description: While using this Flame, Enma can manipulate the local gravity to any extent that he wishes. This power was previously misconceived as a form of telekinesis due to his ability to manipluate objects by carefully maneuvering the gravity around it accordingly. Appearance: Earth Flames appear to be the Dying Will Flames of the Earth's equivalent to the Sky Flame, looking like actual flames in appearance (seen on Enma's forehead during Hyper Dying Will Mode as well as when shown from the underground Simon Castle). Forest (Foresta) Forest Flame Known Users: Koyo Aoba, Daemon Spade Description: Forest Flames have the ability to create and control plant life. These plants can be used to create barriers of wood or to create a barrage of razor sharp leaves. Unlike other flames, Forest Flames do not burn, but instead cut the enemy with its razor edges. Appearance: The Forest Flames look like leaves. Mountain (Montagna) Mountain Flame Known Users: Rauji Ooyama Description: The Mountain Flame penetrates and synchronizes with soil and sand and is said to have complete control over flamed earth and sand. Users of this Flame are capable of even making mountains grow from the earth. Appearance: The Mountain Flame looks like stones and magma covered in flames. Swamp (Palude) Swamp Flame Known Users: P. Shitt, Daemon Spade Description: The Swamp Flame has the ability to ferment any inorganic substance, causing it to decay and rot away. Appearance: When fermenting, the Swamp Flame looks like bog water, or the fermenting objects found in a swamp. Glacier (Ghiacciaio) Glacier Flame Known Users: Adelheid Suzuki, Daemon Spade Description: The Glacier Flame has freezing properties, as seen where the user was able to instantly freeze an entire waterfall. Appearance: The Glacier Flames look like shards of ice. Desert (Deserto) Desert Flame Known Users: Julie Katou, Daemon Spade Description: The Desert Flame allows the user to create illusions, although with un-told properties. Appearance: The Desert Flame has the appearance of sand from the desert.. Hitman Reborn, Hell Rings - Ossa Impressione It has been said that the spirits of those who fall into hell can reside into this ring due their intense attachment to the living world. The number of spirits that reside into the Hell Ring amounts to thousands or even tens of thousands, and on the occasion that the Ossa Impressione's user receives an attack, they turn into scapegoats for him by becoming afterimages in the form of skeletons. Its name means "bones impression." Possessed by Genkishi, together with the Nebbia Numero Due and the Spettrale Spada, it makes up what Shoichi describes as "Armamento da Guerra" (lit. Weaponry of War). When Genkishi uses the "War Potential Doubling," the Armamento da Guerra takes a monstrous aspect and he himself becomes a giant skeleton. Furthermore, during his fight with Tsunayoshi Sawada, he created illusions of Tsuna's Family that he claimed to be linked to the souls of the real ones, which was the true power of the Ossa Impressione Hell Ring according to him. How truthful that statement was is unknown, but a later comment by Gokudera regarding dreaming of attacking Tsuna implies a certain amount of validity in Genkishi's words. Segno Kawahira's Segno Hell Ring This Hell Ring is capable of temporarily taking away and erasing the "presence" and "killing intent" of an individual, and even drifting a "presence" into a space where there is nothing. However, as this is a forbidden black magic that controls the existence of life, its user will always be side by side with ruin. This Hell Ring was born from the sentiments of a woman who did not accept the death of her loved one. Possessed by the mysterious Kawahira, its name means "sign" in italian. Incidentally, Kawahira activates the Ring's power by inscribing signs (kanji to be precise) of Mist Flames with hand motions. This implies a certain degree of correlation with the ring's power and symbolism, but it might also just be Kawahira's own particular way of doing things. 666 This Hell Ring is also called by the pseudonym "Unlucky Ring" and it has been said that, after 666 times of misfortune have come to pass, it will be overturned and one time of fortune will be bring forth, but there is still no reports of a successful precedent. One would normally think of it as a high-risk ring, but an illusionist that considers misfortune as a way of thinking does not feel misfortune as misfortune, or simply has a personality that does not care about it might wear this ring willingly. Possessed by Flan, its name is pronounced "sei-sei-sei," which translates into six-six- six in Italian. Malocchio Those glared by this Hell Ring will have their body paralyzed and lose the ability to think. In addition, it is a savage, carnivorous ring and the iron claw that grows from it can consume a body with the size of an elephant in just a minute. There are various theories about the owner of the eye in the center of the ring, but the most prominent tells about an adventurer that never blinked ever since he was born, and who gouged his own eye out on his deathbed so as to continue gazing at the world. This ring is possessed by Mukuro Rokudo. It blast tentacles made out of Mist Flames. Its name means "evil eye" in italian. Vine Covered Orb Shaped Ring This Hell Ring is the one on Mukuro's ring finger. Possessed by Mukuro Rokudo. Horn Shaped Ring Nothing is known about it or its owner except that it is one of the six Hell Rings. Fullmetal Alchemist, Alchemy - Alchemy (Renkinjutsu) is, as it is understood in the Fullmetal Alchemist series, the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. This act is known as "Transmutation" and its sequence is usually described as: Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within. Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form. Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape. The proper application of this craft requires not only a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory, but also a sort of natural talent towards recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy are known as "Alchemists". There are many paths by which alchemists can transmute the various substances of the world, with some alchemists being said to transmute by way of the Four Classical Elements (Water, Earth, Fire and Air) and some by way of the Three Essential Principles (salt, sulfur and mercury), but the basic tenet at the very foundation of all alchemy is that of Equivalent Exchange. Equivalent Exchange The mystical practice of alchemy to create objects out of raw matter or turn one object into another is widely believed to be capable of anything - indeed alchemy is often viewed as magical or miraculous by those unfamiliar with the craft - but it is a science and as such is subject to certain laws and limitations, all of which fall under the concept of Equivalent Exchange: "In order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed." In standard practice, Equivalent Exchange is separated into two parts: The Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that energy and matter can neither be created from nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental nonexistence. In other words, to create an object weighing one kilogram, at least one kilogram of material is necessary and destroying an object weighing one kilogram would reduce it to a set of parts, the sum of which would weigh one kilogram. The Law of Natural Providence, which states that an object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be transmuted into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material. In other words, an object or material made mostly of water can only be transmuted into another object with the attributes of water. Rebound Since the alchemical forces being manipulated are not human in origin, but of the world as a whole, the consequences for attempting to bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange in transmutation are not merely failure and cessation. When too much is attempted out of too little, what occurs is called a Rebound, in which the alchemical forces that are thrown out of balance on either side of the equation fluctuate wildly of their own accord in order to stabilize themselves - taking or giving more than was intended in often unpredictable and catastrophic ways such as accidental mutation, serious injury or death. Transmutation Circle Additionally, though no machines or equipment is needed to produce the energy necessary for transmutation, merely understanding the sequence of transmutation and the limitations of Equivalent Exchange is not enough. Just as the processes of "Comprehension, Deconstruction, Reconstruction" and "In order to gain, something of equal value must be lost in return" are cyclical concepts, the circle itself is the foundation of alchemy. The Transmutation Circle designed by the Elric brothers for human transmutation. In order to begin an alchemical transmutation, a symbol called a Transmutation Circle (Renseijin) is necessary. A Transmutation Circle can either be drawn on the spot when a transmutation is necessary (in chalk, pencil, ink, paint, blood or even traced in dirt) or permanently etched or inscribed beforehand, but without it, transmutation is generally impossible and all Transmutation Circles are made up of two parts: The circle itself is a conduit which focuses and dictates the flow of power, tapping into the energies that already exist within the earth and matter. It represents the cyclical flow of the world's energies and phenomena and turns that power to manipulable ends. Inside the circle are specific alchemical runes. These runes vary widely based on ancient alchemical studies, texts and experimentation, but correspond to a different form of energy, allowing the energy that is focused within the circle to be released in the way most conducive to the alchemist's desired effect. In basic alchemy, these runes will often take the form of triangles (which, when positioned differently, can represent the elements of either water, earth, fire or air), but will often be composed of varying polygons built from different triangles. For example: the hexagram is a commonly used base rune in Transmutation Circles because it creates eight multi-directional triangles when inscribed and can therefore represent all four classical elements at once. Other, more esoteric runes (including astrological symbols, symbolic images and varying lines of text) are prevalent and represent a multitude of other, specific functions for the alchemical energy that is released. Transmutation Array The Grand Arcanum is one of the most prominent transmutation arrays in the first series.A Transmutation Array is similar to a transmutation circle in that it is used to circulate the energy used in a transmutation. However, unlike a transmutation circle, the runes are not confined to the circumference of the circle and may use the circle only as a small aspect of their function. In some instances, a transmutation array may not even be a circle at all, using different concepts to bring about the circulation or release of the energies involved. Transmutation arrays are often found as full body tattoos on alchemists due to the shape of the human body. It is also possible that the non-cyclical nature of transmutation arrays amplifies the 'destruction' stage of alchemy, as they are seen on places such a Scar's arm and the Grand Arcanum. Over the nearly 400 year history of alchemy in Amestris, great strides in alchemical research have been made by mixing these runes together to augment their power, converge their results and create entirely new pathways of utilization. Fullmetal Alchemist, Gate of Truth Alchemy (No circle) - The gate of "Truth" contains all the knowledge of alchemy and allows users that have seen it to form alchemy without using alchemy symbols but whoever visits this gate will have to pay an extreme price to see the truth. The cost is often the thing they seeked and prevents them from seeing or achieving the thing they want the most. For Edward Elric it was his leg and his ability to stand on his own. For Alphonse Elric it was his entire body, no longer able to feel his mother's warmth or the warmth of anyone else. For Izumi she lost her reproductive organs and her lower organs making her no longer able to have children. Roy Mustang lost his eye sight and no longer will be able to see what his nation will become. Supposidly the other side of the gate is the doorway into Earth and this universe and across the gate was their world. Fullmetal Alchemist, Humunculi - Homunculi all carry the form of human beings, albeit some of them with exaggerated features. Some of them have cat-like slits for pupils, pointed teeth, pale skin, and each are marked with an Ouroboros tattoo somewhere on their body. The placement of their tattoo is often in accordance with the sin they represent (Greed's is on his hand, Gluttony's on his tongue, and Lust's right above her cleavage). Although they are shown to eat, drink and sleep, it is not necessary that they do so in order to survive; they need only the energy provided them by the red stones they have consumed. Despite being replicate humans, however, homunculi are still aberrations of nature created by violating the flow of the natural universe, and as such, have no souls. This property gives them many physical dissimilarities to ensouled humans: Super-Human Abilities: Homunculi are physically superior to humans in every way. Their bodies are faster, stronger, and far more resilient than normal human bodies. They do not age (in most cases), are immune to all sicknesses and poisons, and can heal from any injury—even those resulting in death—as long as the energy from the red stones they consume is not depleted. Molecular Mutability: Because their bodies do not have souls, the constituent molecules that constitute the Homunculi's bodies can be rearranged to form other substances or to grant shape-changing abilities. The homunculus Greed is able to rearrange the carbon bonds in his skin to turn it into diamond-hard armor; Gluttony's saliva is acidic enough for him to bite, chew through and digest substances of any hardness; Lust is able to change the shape of her fingers and form them into long-reaching lance-like weapons; and Envy can change the shape of his body into the form of any person or animal, or even into simple weaponry. For some reason, this ability gives all of the homunculi the ability to create their own clothing. It is black and can either cover or remain beneath the red circle patterns that decorate their limbs. However, soullessness also acts as a disadvantage for the homunculi. Non-Alchemists: Because homunculi do not have souls, they are incapable of opening the Gate inside them and are thus unable to perform alchemy. The sole exception to this is Wrath, who is only able to perform alchemy because he possesses Edward Elric's lost limbs. However, Wrath eventually loses Edward's limbs, along with the ability to perform alchemy. Artificiality: Because the homunculi are creatures created to replace certain persons who have died, coming into proximity with that person's remains results in the homunculus becoming weakened to the point of immobility. Lust is shown to even faint when brought close to a lock of hair belonging to her original identity. Wrath is the only exception to this rule because he was actually transmuted from his own remains. Depleted Life Energy: If a homunculus is depleted of the energy of the red stones they consume, they are reduced to having a single life, making them as vulnerable as any other creature. This can be done by killing them repeatedly or by utilizing the Flamel transmutation, which causes the red stones in the homunculus to be regurgitated and then disintegrate, leaving the homunculus with only its original life intact. Homunculi reduced to this vulnerable state are no less dangerous than usual, however, but can be killed with one lethal blow, the same way as any human. Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Binding - Another terrible form of Human Transmutation is the manipulation of human souls. Though appearing on no official records, there have been experiments with Human Transmutation involving the extraction of souls from human bodies and the alchemical binding of said souls to inanimate objects usually by way of a rune drawn in blood on the object itself. Though not all the specifics of soul binding have been made clear, it has been explained that the iron in the blood bonds alchemically with the iron in the object (as most instances of soul binding has used metal armor as a vessel) and the blood itself remains bound to the soul of the person from which it was taken. The Blood Runes themselves differ based on the theories and style of whatever alchemist performed the binding, but the three different Blood Runes that have been revealed depict a spark or flame (presumably signifying a soul) hemmed in by other symbols in a blood-drawn Transmutation Circle that suggests a soul trapped within a container. In essence, these souls exist in the mortal plane without their bodies, are able to manipulate the objects to which they are bound and communicate verbally with beings around them but, of course, there are caveats. Despite the fact that these souls cannot feel pain or die by conventional means, since the "bodies" they now inhabit are not mortal, the act of binding two such different things together is only temporary, as the soul and vessel will eventually reject each other and separate.

Though the manipulated soul is independent of its original body, the issues regarding the storage of knowledge and memory suggest that, for a soul binding to remain intact, the original body must remain alive somewhere. This creates another issue, as the soul and its original body will be inexorably drawn to one another. This fact is only stated in the manga and the 2009 series; the 2003 series makes no mention of the body still needing to be alive for the binding to succeed. The Amestrian government has experimented with soul manipulation and binding under the command of Father, but the case of Alphonse Elric's soul binding is remarkably unique as the only known instance of a particular human soul being purposely called back to the mortal plane from the Gate of Truth. Edward Elric, for performing this brand of Human Transmutation, let his right arm be taken as the toll and drew a rune using his own blood. It has been posited that this was only possible because the two brothers had been pulled into the Gate together and may have had their spirits crossed in the process. Additionally, the body of the soul-binding victim Barry the Chopper was infused with the soul of a lab animal and remains as the only known instance of a soul being bound to a living vessel. It is also unknown whether the act of transmuting the souls of Barry the Chopper and the Slicer Brothers resulted in a rebound or appearance of the Gate of Truth. Al's Blood Rune as seen in the movie. In the movie Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, based solely on 2003 anime canon, Alphonse Elric is capable of transferring a small portion of his soul into multiple suits of armor simultaneously while still maintaining his original body and consciousness. The explanation is that throughout his life, his soul was bound to differing objects - from his human body to the armor to the Philosopher's Stone to his human body once more - that it has been rendered unstable and can be manipulated more easily than other souls. Though when one of the suits with a portion of his soul is sent through the gate, his entire consciousness is temporally transferred to that suit of armor, and that suit of armor apparently had a blood rune. Fullmetal Alchemist, Human Chimera - Chimeric Alchemy is a branch of bio-alchemy that seeks to alchemically "marry" two dissimilar life forms into a new creature, but even though this science skirts the line of playing God, the prohibition of Human Transmutation forbids alchemists from incorporating human beings into the practice of chimera production. However, there are alchemists who flout this decree and step across the threshold into monstrous experimentation. Shou Tucker, the Sewing-Life Alchemist, was the first recorded alchemist to successfully create a Human Chimera, passing his crime off as a full- animal chimera capable of human speech until his second attempt was exposed to the military, but (as with Soul Binding) the Amestrian government has also been experimenting with this, having created several human-animal hybrids of increasing versatility. Death Note, Death Note - How to Use: I The human whose name is written in this note shall die. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person’s face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person’s name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds. How to Use: II The notebook shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world. The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of the original owner, i.e. a God of death/Shinigami. The human who uses the notebook can neither go to Heaven nor Hell. How to Use: III If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name. The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a Shinigami, even if the human is not the owner of the note. How to Use: IV The person in possession of the Death Note is possessed by a god of death, its original owner, until they die. If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days after he/she uses the note. Gods of Death, the original owners of the Death Note, do not do, in principle, anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note. A Shinigami has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it unless asked. How to Use: V A Shinigami can extend their own life by putting a name on their own note, but humans cannot. A person can shorten his/her own life by using the note. The human who becomes the owner of the Death Note can, in exchange of half his/her remaining life, get the eyes of the Shinigami which will enable him/her to see a human’s name and remaining life span when looking through them. A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with a gun. However, there are ways to kill a Shinigami, which are not generally known to the Shinigami. How to Use: VI The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human. The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the Shinigami, either. So, you must examine and find out. How to Use: VII One page taken from the Death Note, or even a fragment of the page, contains the full effects of the note. The instrument to write with can be anything, ((e.g. cosmetics, blood, etc.)) as long as it can write directly onto the note and remains as legible letters. Even the original owners of Death Note, Shinigami, do not know much about the note. How to Use: VIII You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calendar) in order to fill in a name. Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you can recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank. How to Use: IX The Death Note will not affect those under 780 days old. The Death Note will be rendered useless if the victim's name is misspelled four times. If the victim's name was misspelled on purpose four or more times, the user along with the victim will die. How to Use: X “Suicide” is a valid cause of death. Basically, all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide. It is, therefore, not something “unbelievable to think of." Whether the cause of the individual’s death is either a suicide or accident. If the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced. How to Use: XI Even after the individual’s name, the time of death, and death condition on the Death Note were filled out, the time and condition of death can be altered as many times as you want, as long as it is changed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time it was filled in. But, of course, this is only possible before the victim dies. Whenever you want to change anything written on the Death Note within 6 minutes and 40 seconds after you wrote, you must first rule out the characters you want to erase with two straight lines. As you see above, the time and conditions of death can be changed, but once the victim’s name has been written, the individual’s death can never be avoided. How to Use: XII If you lose the Death Note or have it stolen, you will lose its ownership unless you retrieve it within 490 days. The two fake rules If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the Death Note, once you lose its ownership. At the same time, the remaining half of your life will not be restored. How to Use: XIII You may lend the Death Note to another person while maintaining its ownership. Subletting it to yet another person is possible, too. This also allows the person in current possession of the note to trade for the eyes of the Shinigami. The borrower of the Death Note will not be followed by a god of death. The God of Death always remains with the owner of the Death Note. (although the Shinigami is not obligated to.) How to Use: XIV When the owner of the Death Note dies while the Note is being lent, its ownership will be transferred to the person who is holding it at that time. If the Death Note is stolen and the owner is killed by the thief, its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief. How to Use: XV When the same name is written on more than two Death Notes, the note which was first filled in will take effect, regardless of the time of death. If writing the same name on more than two Death Notes is completed within 0.06 seconds, it is regarded as simultaneous; the Death Note will not take effect and the individual written will not die. How to Use: XVI The God of Death must at least own one Death Note. That Death Note must never be lent to or written on by a human. Exchanging and writing on the Death Note between the gods of death is no problem. How to Use: XVII If the God of Death decides to use the Death Note to kill the assassin of an individual he favors, the individuals life will be extended, but the God of Death will die. The dead God of Death will disappear, but the Death Note will remain. The ownership of this Death Note is usually carried over to the next god of death that touches it, or is kept in possession of the human owner of the Death Note. How to Use: XVIII Only by touching each other’s Death Note can human individuals who own the Death Note in the human world recognize the appearance or voice of each other’s God of Death. An individual with the eye power of a god of death can tell the name and life span of other humans by looking at that person’s face. By possessing the Death Note, an individual gains the ability to kill, and stops being a victim. From this point, a person with the Death Note cannot see the life span of other Death Note owners, but they will not be able to see his/her own life span. The God of Death must not tell humans the names or life spans of individuals he/she sees. This is to avoid confusion in the human world. How to Use: XIX It is prerequisite for the Death Note used in the human world that a living god of death makes sure that the humans in the human world uses it. It is very difficult to consider that a god of death who has possessed a human could die, but if he should die, the Death Note that he brought into the human world will not lose its power. How to Use: XX In order to see the names and life spans of humans by using the eye power of the god of death, the owner must look at more than half of that person’s face. When looking from top to bottom, he must look at least from the head to the nose. If he looks at only the eyes and under, he will not be able to see the person’s name and life span. Also, even though some parts of the face, for example the eyes, nose or mouth are hidden, if he can basically see the whole face, he will be able to see the person’s name and life span. It is still not clear how much exposure is needed to tell a person's name and life span, as this needs to be verified. If the above conditions are met, names and life spans can be seen through photos and pictures, no matter how old they are. But this is sometimes influenced by the vividness and size. Also, names and life spans cannot be seen by face drawings, however realistic they may be. When a human dies, a Death Note owner with the eye's of a God Of Death can no longer see the deceased human's life span and name in photos and videos. How to Use: XXI Those with the eye power of the god of death will have the eyesight of over 3.6 in the human measurement, regardless of their original eyesight. How to Use: XXII The individuals who lose the ownership of the Death Note will also lose their memory of the usage of the Death Note. This does not mean that he will lose all the memory from the day he owned it to the day he loses possession, but means he will only lose the memory involving the Death Note. How to Use: XXIII When an individual with ownership of more than two Death Notes loses possession to one of the Death Notes, he will not be able to recognize that Death Note’s god of death’s appearance or voice anymore. The god of death himself will leave, but all the memory involving that Death Note will remain as long as he maintains ownership of at least one other Death Note. How to Use: XXIV The god of death must not stay in the human world without a particular reason. Conditions to stay in the human world are as follows: When the god of death’s Death Note is handed to a human. Essentially, finding a human to pass on the Death Note should be done from the world of the gods of death, but if it is within 82 hours this may also be done in the human world. When a god of death stalks an individual with an intention to kill them, as long as it is within 82 hours of haunting them, the god of death may stay in the human world. How to Use: XXV The god of death must not hand the Death Note directly to a child under 6 years of age (based on the human calendar). The Death Note must not be handed to a child under 6 years of age, but Death Notes that have been dropped into the human world, and are part of the human world, can be used upon humans of any age with the same effect. How to Use: XXVI If you just write, “die of accident” for the cause of death, the victim will die from a natural accident after 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time of writing it. Even though only one name is written in the Death Note, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim’s cause of death will be a heart attack. How to Use: XXVII If you write, “die of disease” with a specific disease’s name and the person’s time of death, there must be a sufficient amount of time for the disease to progress. If the set time is too tight, the victim will die of a heart attack after 6 minutes and 40 seconds after completing the Death Note. If you write, “die of disease” for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease. But the Death Note can only operate within 23 days (in the human calendar). This is called the 23-day rule. How to Use: XXVIII If you write, “die of disease” like before with a specific disease’s name, but without a specific time, if it takes more than 24 days for the human to die the 23-day rule will not take effect and the human will die at an adequate time depending on the disease. When rewriting the cause and/or details of death it must be done within 6 minutes and 40 seconds. You cannot change the victim’s time of death, however soon it may be. How to Use: XXIX You cannot kill humans at the age of 124 or over with the Death Note. You cannot kill humans with less than 12 minutes of life left (in human calculations). How to Use: XXX If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will see a person’s primary life span in the human world. The names you will see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. You will be able to see the names even if that person isn’t registered in the family registration. How to Use: XXXI The number of pages of the Death Note will never run out. This is so that the user isn't restricted to his/her killings and therefore making the notebook useless once ran out of pages. How to Use: XXXII If someone possesses more than one Death Note, by visualizing the victim, then writing down the name in one of the Death Notes and the cause of death in the other, it will take effect. The order however, is unimportant, if you write down the cause of death in one Death Note and afterwards, write the name in the other, it will take effect. This can also be accomplished by two Death Note owners working together. In this case, it’s necessary that the two touch each other’s Death Notes. How to Use: XXXIII If a person loses possession of a Death Note, they will not recognize the gods of death by sight or voice any more. If however, the owner lets someone else touch his Death Note, from that time on, that person will recognize the god of death. In accordance with the above, the human who touched the Death Note and began to recognize the gods of death’s image and voice, will continue to recognize it until that human actually owns the Death Note and subsequently loses possession of it. How to Use: XXXIV The owner of the Death Note cannot be killed by a god of death who is living in the world of the gods of death. Also, a god of death who comes to the human world, in the objective to kill the owner of the Death Note, will not be able to do so. Only a god of death that has passed on their Death Note to a human is able to kill the owner of the Death Note. How to Use: XXXV If a Death Note owner accidentally misspells a name four times, that person will be free from being killed by the Death Note. However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the Death Note owner will die. The person whose name was misspelled four times on purpose will not be free of death by a Death Note. How to Use: XXXVI There are male and female gods of death, but it is neither permitted, nor possible for them to have sexual relations with humans. The gods of death also cannot have sex with each other. How to Use: XXXVII When regaining ownership of the Death Note, the memories associated with the Death Note will also return. In cases where you were involved with other Death Notes as a well, memories of all the Death Notes involved will return. Even without obtaining ownership, memories will return just by touching the Death Note. The whole Death Note it can not be a piece or a page. How to Use: XXXVIII You will lose memory of the Death Note when losing its ownership. But you can regain this memory by either obtaining the ownership once again or by touching the Death Note. This can be done up to 6 times per Death Note. If the 6 times are exceeded, the person’s memory of the Death Note will not return and they will have to use it without any previous memory of it. How to Use: XXXIX Humans that have traded for the eye power of a god of death will see a person’s primary life span, and will not be influenced by the Death Note. If the victim is killed using the Death Note, the remaining lifetime of that victim will be provided to the god of death. How to Use: XL Whenever a god of death who had been in the human world dies the Death Note is left behind and is picked up by a human, that person becomes the owner. However, in this case, only human that can recognize the god of death and its voice is able to see and touch the Death Note. It is very unlikely, but if by any chance a god of death picks up the Death Note, that god of death becomes the owner. How to Use: XLI The names you see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. You will be able to see their names even if they aren't listed in a family register. The use of the Death Note in the human world sometimes affects other human’s lives or shortens their original life-span, even though their names are not actually written in the Death Note itself. In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original life-span and not the shortened life-span. How to Use: XLII It is useless trying to erase names written in the Death Note with erasers or white-out. If a Death Note is owned in the human world against the god of death’s will, that god of death is permitted to stay in the human world in order to retrieve it. In that case, if there are other Death Notes in the human world, the gods of death are not allowed to reveal to the humans that Death Note's owner or its location. How to Use: XLIII If the Death Note that the god of death owns is taken away by being cheated by other gods of death and so forth, it can only be retrieved from the god of death who possesses it at the time. If there is no god of death, but a human possessing it, the only way that the god of death can retrieve it will be to first touch the Death Note and become the god of death that haunts that human. Then wait until that human dies to take it away before any other human touches it, or whenever the human shows a will to let go of it. How to Use: XLIV As long as the god of death has at least once seen a human and knows his/her name and life-span, the god of death is capable of finding that human from a hole in the world of the gods of death. How to Use: XLV There are laws in the world of gods of death. If a god of death should break the law, there are 9 levels of severity starting at Level 8 and going up to Level 1 plus the Extreme Level. For severity levels above 3 the god of death will be killed after being punished. For example, killing a human without using the Death Note is considered as the Extreme Level. How to Use: XLVI Losing memory of the Death Note by passing on the ownership to another, or by abandoning its ownership will only occur when someone is actually killed using that Death Note. You will not lose memory of the Death Note, for example, if you merely owned it and had not written anyone’s name. In this case, you will not be able to hear the voice or see the figure of the god of death any more. You will also lose the eye power of the god of death you traded with. How to Use: XLVII The god of death will not die from lack of sleep. Moreover, gods of death do not really need sleep. The meaning of sleep for gods of death is essentially different from humans and is merely laziness. Especially gods of death living in the human world that have passed on their Death Note shouldn’t be lazy, as they are required to see the death of the human, but it is not that they are not allowed to sleep. How to Use: XLIII Only 6 Death Notes are allowed to exist at a time in the human world. Of course, the Death Note that the god of death owns does not count. This means only 6 gods of death that have passed on their Death Note to humans can stay in the human world. How to Use: XLIX One god of death is allowed to pass on Death Notes to only 3 humans at a time. It is possible for a single god of death to hand out up to 6 Death Notes, for example, by handing 3 humans 2 Death Notes each. In other words, one human could own all 6 Death Notes. How to Use: L However, if a seventh Death Note is owned by a human in the human world, nothing will happen even if used unless the shinigami gains one of the 6 death notes handed out then that death note is able to be used. How to Use: LI In the event that there are more than 6 Death Notes in the human world, only the first 6 Death Notes that have been delivered to humans will have effect. The seventh Death Note will not become active until one of the other 6 Death Notes are burned up, or a god of death takes one of them back to the world of the gods of death. How to Use: LII The Death Note will not take effect if you write a specific victims name using several different pages. But the front and back of a page is considered as one page. For example, the Death Note will still take effect if you write the victim's surname on the front page and given name on the back. How to Use: LIII In order to make the Death Note take effect, the victim's name must be written on the same page, but the cause of death and situation around the death can be described in other pages of Death Note. This will work as long as the person that writes in the Death Note keeps the specific victims name in mind when writing the cause and situation of death. How to Use: LIV In occasions where the cause and situation of death is written before the victim’s name, multiple names can be written as long as they are written within 40 seconds and the causes and situations of death are not impossible to occur. In the occasion where the cause of death is possible but the situation is not, only the cause of death will take effect for that victim. If both the cause and the situation are impossible, that victim will die of heart attack. How to Use: LV When you write multiple names in the Death Note and then write down even one cause of death within 40 human seconds from writing the first victims name, the cause will take effect for all the written names. Also, after writing the cause of death, even if the situation of death is written within 6 minutes and 40 seconds in the human world, the situation will only occur to the victims whom it is possible. For those where the situation is not possible, only the cause of death will occur. How to Use: LVI In the Death Note, you cannot set the death date longer than the victim’s original life span. Even if the victim’s death is set in the Death Note beyond his/her original life span, the victim will die before the set time. How to Use: LVII By manipulating the death of a human that has influence over another human’s life, that human’s original life span can sometimes be lengthened. If a god of death intentionally does the above manipulation to effectively lengthen a human’s life span, the god of death will die, but even if a human does the same, the human will not die. How to Use: LVIII A human death caused by Death Note will indirectly lengthen some other human’s original life even without a specific intention to lengthen a particular person’s original life span in the human world. How to Use: LIX After a god of death has brought the Death Note to the human world and given its ownership to a human, that god of death has the right to kill the human using his/her own Death Note for reasons such as disliking the owner. How to Use: LX Even if a new victim’s name, cause of death, or situation of death is written on top of the originally written name, cause of death or situation of death, there will be no effect on the original victim’s death. The same thing will also apply to erasing what was written with a pencil, or whitening out what was written with a pen, in attempt to rewrite it. How to Use: LXI Once the victim’s name, cause of death and situation of death have been written down in the Death Note, this death will still take place even if that Death Note or the part of the note in which it has been written is destroyed, for example, burned into ashes, before the stated time of death. If the victim’s name has been written and then the Death Note is destroyed in the middle of writing the cause of death, the victim will be killed by heart attack in 40 seconds after writing the name. If the victim’s name and cause of death have been written and the middle of writing the situation of death, then the victim will be killed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds via the stated cause of death if the cause is possible within that period of time, but otherwise, the victim will die by heart attack. How to Use: LXII No matter what medical or scientific method may be employed, it is impossible for humans to distinguish whether or not the human has the eye of power of a god of death. Even gods of death cannot distinguish this fact, except for the very god of death that traded his/her eye power with that human. How to Use: LXIII The following situations are the cases where a god of death that has brought the Death Note into the human world is allowed to return to the world of gods of death: When the god of death has seen the end of the first owner of the Death Note brought into the human world and has written that human’s name on his/her own Death Note. When the Death Note which has been brought in is destroyed, like burned, and cannot be used by humans anymore. If nobody claims the ownership of the Death Note, and it is unnecessary to haunt anyone. If, for any reason, the god of death possessing the Death Note has been replaced by another god of death. When the god of death loses track of the Death Note which he/she possesses, cannot identify which human is owning the Death Note, or cannot locate where the owner is, and therefore needs to find such information through the hole in the world of gods of death. Even in the situations 2, 3, and 4 above, gods of death are obliged to confirm the death of the first owner and write down that humans name in his/her Death Note even when he/she is in the world of gods of death. How to Use: LXIV In the world of gods of death there are a few copies of what humans may call user guidebook for using the Death Note in the human world. However, the guidebook is not allowed to be delivered to humans. It is perfectly okay for gods of death to read the guidebook for him/herself and teach humans about its contents, no matter what the content may include How to Use: LXV Some limited number of Death Notes have white or red front covers, but they would make no difference in their effects, as compared with the black cover Death Notes Hellsing Ultimate, Ultimate Vampire - Alucard demonstrates, in various incarnations of the series, an astonishing and overwhelming range of supernatural attributes; these include, but are probably not limited to: Immortality: This ability is rather ambiguous, as Alucard, himself has stated that immortality is a myth. However, what it most likely refers to is the human souls inside Alucard; it has been speculated that, when damaged by blow that would have killed or incapacitated him such as exceedingly holy weapons, the damage is instead directed to his reservoir of souls. Because this ability does not really grant him true immortality, it can be considered as pseudo-immortality. However, after "Monster of God" Anderson destroyed the rest of Level 0, Alucard was still able to regenerate on par with him. (This was on par with Alucard before releasing Level 0. This contradicts the souls being his supply of immortality and regeneration theory, because he had released every soul inside him to fight for, and with him, and yet was still able to regenerate, even after all the souls were defeated by “Monster of God” Anderson. Although, this ability is no longer the source of his immortality after he absorbed Schrodinger's soul, which did grant him immortality. Before he absorbed Schrodinger, Alucard states he is now "hungry,” and starts to absorb the dead city of London, after which his soul count was equal to three million, four hundred and twenty-four thousand, and eight hundred and sixty-seven. However, the "soul count" theory is just a fan theory, and has never been definitively proven. It was also stated by Anderson that this was the reason for him not being able to kill Alucard. Alucard may have kept at least a few souls in his body to use for regeneration after releasing level 0. Advanced Regeneration: Alucard's ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's. He has regenerated from a pool of blood and from being blown to shreds by gunfire, incinerated completely, etc. When damaged to an extreme extent, his body simply turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes. Exceedingly holy weapons have been shown to incapacitate him for a time, but even Anderson augmented with Helena's Nail could do no permanent harm to him. While regenerating against Anderson, he became a shadow entity at one point. Superhuman Accuracy: Alucard has been known to hit targets at great range using handguns while looking the other way. He does this by using his so-called 'third eye'. Superhuman Strength: The extent is unknown, but Alucard can physically rip humans and vampires apart with ease. He can slice through Tubalcain's card which are sharp, and strong enough to easily cut through a uranium shell propelled at it without the slightest damage to the card. He can rip right through body armor with ease and lifted a falling fighter jet with just his upper body and didn't use any of his arms. Superhuman Speed: He can move faster than the eye can see, he can quickly move up a large building while appearing as a glint of light, identical to how Luke was during his initial assault on Hellsing HQ. Superhuman Reflexes: He has demonstrated the ability to catch bullets (both Rip Van Winkle's and ordinary ones). He caught Rip Van Winkle's magic bullet, which punctured a SR-71 moving down at Mach 2.8+ speed several times in rapid succession before causing it to explode and intercepted missiles, with ease. Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects. Superhuman Agility: The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. He is also seen leaping impossible distances and can go up vertical surfaces. Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of shadows into physical form, which he can then use however he wishes. Shape-shifting: Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hell hounds, other human forms including a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms. Alucard has four known human forms, each with different characteristics and weapons. He also states that his form means nothing and that he can take any form that he chooses. Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle. Illusions: The ability to cast illusions, such as when he tricked Walter into seeing Luke Valentine as himself. Teleportation: The ability to disappear and reappear somewhere else. Telekinesis: In the manga, Alucard uses telekinesis to close a door on a fleeing SWAT officer. He also launched six SWAT officers into the air and guided them to flag poles where they were impaled. Alucard is later seen moving a broken down air-craft carrier from the Gulf of Italy to the Dover of London all in a little less than 40 minutes, only traveling at a few knots. Telepathy: Alucard can speak telepathically to his fledgling. Mind Reading Mind Control and Hypnosis: (fans sometimes call it the "Love Beam" after a remark from Pip). Precognition: As a standard for a vampire, he has precognition, the ability to see into the immediate future, which allows him to predict the movements of the humans he's fighting. According to Pip, a vampire can easily dodge a bullet with their ability to predict human movements. Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm around him as an army numbering in the millions. These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life, but Alucard can only use this ability when Control Art Restriction System Level Zero is released. His hell-hound seems to be his favorite familiar that seems to share a closer connection than the others, as it is not destroyed with the others in the inferno. Its name is a reference to the Sir Arthur Doyle novel "Hound of the Baskervilles" as Walter calls it simply Baskerville. It also seems to be able to absorb powers for itself as in the case with Luck Valentine, as Alucard states that it wasn't a complete waste to feed him to his dog after observing its speed and movements similar to Valentine's. Bloodsucking: The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. (He learns more about Millennium after absorbing Tubalcain). He can also absorb blood through his clothes and skin, as he does with Luke Valentine's blood after his hell hound had eaten Luke's body. Alucard can draw in blood over vast distances (at least throughout the city of London). Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking even the smallest bit of blood. Immunity to Vampiric Weaknesses: His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail (a nail, which was from the True Cross, which crucified Jesus Christ, and was blessed in his blood) but even that did no permanent, or even lasting, damage. Supernatural Sense: The ability to sense supernatural activity (In The Dawn, a prequel to Hellsing, Alucard knew the Captain was a werewolf the moment he saw him, and in the OVA, he could see the blessings on Father Anderson's bayonets). Combat Experience: In addition to his superhuman abilities, Alucard also possesses centuries of combat experience. While he usually relies on crushing his opponents with sheer power, he does at times use strategy. When he fought Alhambra, Alucard used shadow duplicates to distract him, allowing Alucard to close the distance between them and deliver the death blow. Schrödinger's Powers: At the end of the series, Alucard has acquired Schrödinger's quantum reality manipulation powers after absorbing him during the Millennium incident. This grants him the ability to exist wherever and however he wishes to. This enables him to be omnipresent at any given time. It is not known what Hellsing changed on Alucard's/Dracula's original powers. However, the ghoul army formed by the devoured souls in Alucard can be one of these. Dracula didn't use this ability against Prof. Van Helsing and his crew according to the flashbacks in the manga (and of course according to Bram Stoker's novel, which is a base of Hellsing). In addition, Van Helsing admitted that they had destroyed all of the vampire's servants (which means these servants can't re-appear in 1999). Maybe by some process the Hellsing Organization made advantage of the terrifying amount of the souls restored in Alucard, and made it possible to release them on the battlefield in Control Art Restriction System Level Zero. (In the ending of Hellsing OVA III, which is a trailer of The Dawn, it can be seen that some of the WW-2 German soldiers are impaled much like the Millennium and Crusader infantry in the battle of London. Also, the Major seem to know much about Alucard's release states. It's possible that Alucard may have not had this ability during Dracula, but naturally got them later on, without Hellsing's interference, as Alucard expected Luke to summon his familiars during their battle. This contradicts the theory that this is exclusive to Alucard. However, it is yet to be revealed in the ongoing Dawn-series whether these assumptions are true or not.) In connection with this, it seems like that Alucard can't (or maybe just doesn't want to) turn his same-sex male/non virgin victims to "walking" ghouls like other vampires. All the same-sex male/non virgin victims are restored as devoured souls, but they can be summoned on the battlefield. It's possible that a soul is taken in by a vampire only when the victim is allegible to be a ghoul, and that the vampire is required to order the ghoul to "rise", which Alucard may simply not want to do. The other possibility is that the ghoul-making ability of the Millennium's vampires is a weakened form of this soul restoration; they can't store the souls like their exemplar, Alucard, but they can use the zombified victims in combat. (This theory can be true for other vampires as well, if Alucard was the first vampire walking on the Earth.) Hellsing Ultimate, Ultimate Priest - As Iscariot's "trump card", he is the single greatest warrior the Vatican can bring to bear. Alucard noted that he was the only one who he'd let defeat him (in accordance to Alucard's own belief that only a man can slay a monster). Combat In battle, Alexander Anderson uses scores of blessed bayonets presumably made of silver as well as smaller blades which are held between his fingers like claws. He wields the bayonets in close-combat (one in each hand) like swords and can also throw them with alarming accuracy (especially considering that he often throws the bayonets in large numbers, usually holding them between his fingers). It is possible that Anderson can control the bayonet's trajectory after he throws them, ensuring that they hit their target. An example of this is in OVA I when Anderson was able to impale Seras with multiple bayonets, while walking down the stairs from the upper level which was around the corner of the hallway. Some of the bayonets are shown to have hand guards in the manga and TV series. The type of he uses most appear to be Austrian sword bayonets, with custom hand grips for an easier hold. The power of the bayonets against vampires seem to vary. In Volume 1, the bayonets irritate and sting vampires, but in Volume 6 they are so powerful that vampires literally crumble around them. One possible explanation for this would be that he never stabbed Seras Victoria in the heart when he attacked her in Volume 1, as he wanted to enjoy his "hunt." Seras was severely wounded and kept from regenerating but she could not be killed unless her heart was pierced; so Anderson may have simply stabbed the vampires in Volume 6 right through the heart in order to kill them quickly rather than just wound them like Seras. Another explanation would be that Anderson is simply equipped with more powerful bayonets by Iscariot for more dangerous situations. In Volume 8, Anderson hurls a chain of bayonets that seems to explode and destroy swarms of Alucard's familiars in an instant. In the Japanese version of OVA VIII, Anderson calls this device a (bakutousa, literally "exploding sword chain"). Superhuman Strength and Speed Anderson possesses extraordinary strength, speed, and reflexes, far above what is considered normal for a human. He also possesses a great deal of dexterity (as he can skillfully wield bayonets easily in either hand), agility, coordination, balance and stamina. In the anime, Anderson slices a subway car in two using only his bayonets. In the manga and OVA series he has fought even Alucard to a standstill, and had enough strength to throw his bayonets through a tektite composite in order to allow Level 0 entrance of Maxwell's shield. Anderson must have a great deal of strength, being able to stagger a being such as Alucard with a single punch; especially considering Alucard takes high caliber bullets to the chest standing up and is barely fazed. Anderson can easily throw bayonets with enough force to pierce human skulls and, as shown in the TV series, can cut through steel pipes with little effort. His speed and reflexes are sufficient enough to dodge bullets (not that he would need to thanks to his regeneration) and take even Alucard by surprise. It is unknown if these abilities are a byproduct of his regeneration or are some other form of artificial enhancement. Anderson's skills, like Walter's, may simply be a combination of natural skill and years of fighting experience against supernatural foes (during their , Alucard states how impressed he is with how Anderson had kept his body in top fighting condition for so long, which is similar to how Walter has maintained incredible skill even in old age). It is most likely, however, that Anderson's strength and speed are a result of bio- technological treatment in order to make him more equal to the vampires he hunts, as Integra notes when she locks swords with him in Northern Ireland. Holy Barriers and Consecration Anderson was capable of using small bayonets in the TV series to affix pages of scripture onto the walls of a building, in order to "purify" the house and prevent any usage of black magic. In the manga and OVA, this ability is referred to as a "barrier," the pages are stapled to walls using nails and act more like a ward against vampires. Seras, specifically, could not escape through a door or window blocked by this barrier. Anderson can also use Bible pages to teleport, though how far he can travel has not been made official. In the TV series, Anderson was also shown to use Bible pages in order to trap Alucard. Specifically, he used them to entangle Alucard's arms before slicing his head off. Regeneration Father Anderson is a "Regenerator," meaning that he is able to restore body parts that are lost and heal himself. This is clearly demonstrated in Episode 3 of the anime; Alucard's bullet enters Anderson's head, but he recovers quickly and appears unscathed. This has raised some confusion over why Anderson retains the scar on his left cheek. The most likely explanation is that he received the scar before he received his regeneration ability (he was also shown in a flashback in the TV series without the scar, further proof of this). Thanks to his healing, Anderson is very durable. He is able to shrug off automatic-gunfire and even Alucard's explosive silver bullets with ease. Anderson claims that his ability is "the divine gift of God," but later states that it is due to "man's technology." In the manga he calls it a "technique" while Integra calls it bio- technological regeneration (possibly some form of nanotechnology meaning he is cybernectically altered). In certain adaptations, Integra claims Anderson's regenerative powers surpass any known nanotechnology, possibly being divine. Anderson is often considered not entirely human due to this augmentation , and Integra goes so far as to call him a "thing" or a "monster" while in the TV series Alucard states that Anderson is less than human and a "failed science experiment." Still, in the manga and OVA it appears that Alucard considered Anderson human enough to fight monsters (Alucard believes that only humans can destroy "monsters" like himself). This is shown when Alucard becomes enraged at Anderson for choosing to use the Nail of Helena on himself, truly becoming a "monster" rather than a man. Though much stronger than the regeneration of average vampires, Anderson's healing is not without its limits. Using the Jackal, which was specifically designed for use against strong regenerators like Anderson, Alucard is able to shoot out a chunk of Anderson's arm which doesn't seem to be able to regenerate. A similar event occurred in the original TV series, during a battle in a subway. Alucard shoots off both of Anderson's arms with the Jackal and they don't regenerate (or regenerates much slower than usual). Anderson is forced to flee, and he is not seen again until the final episode where he is in a crowd watching Alucard fight Incognito. At this point, his arms have been restored. Another possible weakness to Anderson's healing might be the inability to restore vital organs. Anderson's eventual demise comes when Alucard rips out Anderson's heart, which is pierced with Helena's Nail. It may simply be, however, that the only reason Anderson couldn't regenerate is because once his heart had been pierced with the Nail, removal would inevitably cause death (or because much of his body was destroyed when Alucard performed the attack, making healing after such a devastating attack impossible). It appears that Anderson's healing, like his bayonets, can be "upgraded" by Iscariot (in the OVA, Integra mentions that Anderson's healing has been upgraded when they first meet, meaning that it is better than what she had previously heard) for more challenging situations. The Nail of Helena Alexander Anderson receives "Helena's Nail" from Section III Matthew, the Vatican's relic retrieval division. It is supposedly one of the nails from the 'True Cross' discovered by Constantine's mother Helena, and upon ramming it into his heart, Anderson became, in the words of Alucard, a "monster of God". Anderson displayed some peculiar plant-related powers, and has shown himself to be powerful enough to stop the Jackal's bullets with his thorns. Also, it appears Anderson's blades were now powerful enough to affect even Alucard's immortality. Anderson was able to regenerate himself using thorny vines, while similar vines grew from the nail embedded in his body. Alucard noted a relationship between these thorns and Christ's Crown of Thorns. In addition, these vines can wrap themselves around his foes and cause injury, and instantly ignite all things "unholy" or "satanic," causing them to erupt in flames. Anderson's face and likely all of his fleshy body were transformed into a humanoid mass of thorny vines. The use of the Nail prompted Alucard to officially label Anderson a monster rather than a human. Alucard states that the monster who acknowledges God is no different than a monster who doesn't, they are both one in the same: monsters. Alucard would have been proud to die at the hands of a human, but Anderson was no longer human after the Nail was embedded into his heart so he had to be destroyed like any other monster. Akira - Universe Creation - Evolution is seen by the doctor to be a cyclic pattern. God begets man, Man evolves, Man becomes god. With this in mind, and the repeated mentioning of the Big Bang looking very simlar to what happened When Akira lost it, it seems to me that when the evolution goes haywire, Akira and Tetsuo (akira first, then later tetsuo) become god's. God's govern their own galaxys, and thus the shrinking of the energy field is the bringing together of matter to form a new universe, of Tetsuo or Akira's own creation. This would explain the scene of Tetsuo (assumed) to be zooming through space. he is viewing his own creation, his own universe he will govern as god. it would also explain Akira's ability to return from the dead. he wasn';t dead, his body was dead. he himself was actually governing the universe that was crated for him at the point that he destroyed old tokyo. this way, it makes you think that this cycle will continue over and over, man evolving to god, creating new universes, for all time. Akira - Ultimate Telekinesis - Tetsuo and Kei fight atop Akira's cryogenic chamberSimultaneous with the burgeoning of his power, Tetsuo's mind becomes unhinged, and he is plagued with visions of the mysterious Akira. He comes to develop a vicious misanthropic streak, most keenly expressed in his sudden hatred of Kaneda, whom he still idolizes, but whom he also blames for his feelings of inadequacy and insignificance. Tetsuo rampages through Neo-Tokyo in a quest to discover the identity of Akira, destroying much of the city along the way and triggering a civilian uprising against the corrupt government. Eventually, he discovers the remains of Akira in Neo-Tokyo's Olympic construction site which, following the end of World War III, were gathered and frozen in an underground military installation. Tetsuo gathers that he shall share the same fate, bringing untold destruction prior to his own death. This epiphany further unhinges him. At this point Tetsuo is confronted by Kaneda, and the pair engage in combat. During the fight, it appears that both of them view their fighting much as a childhood game; there is much exchange of taunting throughout, and both of them keenly dislike outside interference. Tetsuo loses his right arm during the fight due to the Colonel's intervention with the laser satellite SOL. Using his psychokinesis, he constructs a new one from mechanical parts scattered in the wreckage of the installation; despite this remedy, the wound has inflicted a great deal of damage, and his mental deterioration accelerates. Deprived of the stabilizing drugs he needs to control his powers, his body begins to mutate, growing uncontrollably to a monstrous size, attempting to assimilate all organic matter nearby. During the process, he accidentally absorbs and kills Kaori, his girlfriend, which further unhinges him (even as he kills her he assimilates the pain her dying body experiences) and sends him tumbling into madness. Kaneda is nearly killed but manages to escape from Tetsuo's grotesque, swelling body, which has assumed the shape of a fetus, colossal in size. Code Geass, Geass - Geass (ギアス, Giasu) is a supernatural ability which certain people can bestow upon others; C.C. is the most prominent character who grants the power of Geass. The Geass manifests differently in each individual, possibly related to their inner desires and personality. The power of Geass increases with use, and should the user lack the willpower, they may be consumed by it, which was the case with Mao. C.C. calls Geass the Power of Kings, and though she is unable to use the power herself, she is immune to the power being used on her. In the final episode of the second season, Lelouch states that the Geass is a form of wish (referring to himself and C.C.). However, people who have Geass are not immune to the Geass effects of others. The Geass is represented by a glowing, bird-shaped symbol. Every Geass, while powerful, has its own unique set of restrictions, limitations, or idiosyncrasies. These factors allow a Geass to be defeated, or its power limited, by someone who is aware of its characteristics. All Geass abilities that have thus far appeared within the canon of the television series have been related to the mind, influencing such things as will, thought, memory and perception. Geass abilities in the alternate universe manga Nightmare of Nunnally have no such limitations. All Geass, regardless of user, appear in only one eye in the initial stages. Eventually, assuming the user lives long enough, the Geass will eventually begin to grow until it shows on both eyes, seemingly as a result of repeated use, or pushing the Geass to exceed its own limits. However, overuse and/or mental instability can lead to an affliction known as "runaway Geass" that causes the user to become unable to control their Geass, making it become permanently active. The only case of a person that manifested a "perfect" Geass is Charles zi Britannia, who shows the ability to activate his Geass at will, yet possesses Geass in both eyes. Once the Geass evolves to two eyes, the person who gave the Geass can grant the user his or her 'Code', thus removing the Geass and making the user an Immortal and immune to all Geass, and the person who gave them the Geass usually dies after granting a person his or her 'Code', though in both cases shown, this has been a result of fatal wounds - V.V. had yet to regenerate from the wounds he received when his Siegfried was destroyed, and the unnamed nun in the flashback apparently committed suicide. Following the assault on the Geass Directorate launched by Lelouch and the death of the other remaining Geass users, Lelouch became the only person still having the power of Geass, other than Rolo, while C.C. became the last human still having the Code after Charles is absorbed by the collective unconscious, and V.V. is killed by Charles. There is only one instance of a person overcoming the effects of Geass, which is the case of Nunnally - Lelouch attributes this to a very strong degree of will power, which may have been helped along by Charles being dead by then, though there is no mention of her recovering the lost memories of her mother's death, which was Charles' "primary" ability. According to an English edition of Newtype, the power of Geass has something to do with the very existence of humankind, and it may be used to destroy or transform just about anything. This is because the "gods" of the Geass universe are actually a collection of subconscious and will that are always in conflict, and one with a powerful Geass could influence it, as Lelouch does in the series, and Charles seemingly does, and with a proper system, can also influence reality, which is the concept behind the Sword Of Akasha. "Geass" may be an intentional corruption of the word geas or geis, a term for a type of magical contract in Irish mythology. Code Geass, Mechs - Code Geass Knightmare Frames Knightmare Frames often have a humanoid shape and are usually between four and five meters tall. In addition to the standard range of bipedal movement, Knightmare Frames are equipped with Landspinners, self-propelled roller skates attached to the ankles of the machines, which allow them to achieve high mobility and speeds on most terrain. Visual data is gathered through Factsphere sensors, which have thermographic capability and an array of other data-collection functions which are collated in real-time. Factspheres are commonly protected under a layer of armor which can be retracted to improve system sensitivity. Knightmare Frames are piloted from a cockpit set in the protruding 'hump back' in the unit. The cockpit is a self-contained control center which can be ejected in case of emergency. 3rd Generation - Archetype The 3rd Generation Knightmares were combat-effective platforms that used Sakuradite. It also marked the creation of the Ganymede Prototype, made by the Ashford Foundation. The test pilot was Marianne, who was famous for her piloting abilities. The Ganymede The MR-1 4th Generation - Implementation The 4th Generation Knightmares were the Glasgow which was the first mass production weapons platform. This is the reason why Britannia got Japan so easly. They eventually moved on to become the baseline unit for the army, and are used by Cornelia and her group. Some Glasgow units are still used as Knight Police for law enforcement and some countries have used them as a base in their own knightmare frames. The Burai Burai Kai The Portman The Glasgow The Portman II The Gunru Knight Police 5th Generation - Implementation Following the success of the Knightmare Frames against conventional weapons of war, attention was turned to creating Knightmare Frames intended to destroy similar weapons, including other Knightmare Frames, reflecting the Chinese Federation and the EU's development of their own equivalent units. The Sutherland is the result of this. Second Princess Cornelia and her bodyguards make use of the Gloucester, a Sutherland variant designed specifically to combat other Knightmare Frames. The Sutherland The Gloucester Gallery Included 6th Generation - Evolution The Sixth Generation featured almost no improvements in Knightmare Frame technology, earning it the moniker "Missing Generation" The most visible member of the Sixth Generation is the experimental Gawain, but most of its technologies are not mass- adopted. The Gawain The Gekka 7th Generation - Continuation The creation of the Seventh Generation experimental Lancelot marks the first significant innovation since the mass adoption of Knightmare Frames, being the first Knightmare to employ electromagnetic shielding and MVS weaponry. The Lancelot becomes the template for the mass-production Vincent, which bears many similarities in design to the Lancelot but lacks many of the more-experimental technologies. The Seventh Generation also sees the mass adoption of Float Systems (first innovated in the Gawain) via modules that can be fitted to the backs of different Knightmares. The Lancelot Gallery Included Lancelot Air Cavalry Lancelot Conquista Lancelot Frontier Vincent Ward Akatsuki Jikisan Gallery Included The Gareth The Akatsuki The Vincent Gallery Included Vincent Commander 8th Generation - Continuation The Eight and Ninth Generations represent the highest level of Knightmare technology seen in the series. Britannia's efforts are led by Camelot heads Lloyd Asplund and Cecile Croomy while Rakshata Chawla produces advancements for the Black Knights. The Knights of the Round use mostly eighth-generation Knightmares, as does Lelouch when he acquires the Shinkiro. The Ninth Age sees the introduction of the Energy Wing, a Float System giving unrivaled agility and allowing for blinding speeds; but being highly difficult to control. Only two Ninth Age Knightmares are known: the Lancelot Albion and the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. The Shinkirou Gallery Included The Galahad Gallery Included Knightmare Frame Mordred Gallery Included Knightmare Frame Percival Knightmare Frame Tristan Gallery Included Tristan Divider 9th Generation - Aspirations The Eight and Ninth Generations represent the highest level of Knightmare technology seen in the series. Britannia's efforts are led by Camelot heads Lloyd Asplund and Cecile Croomy while Rakshata Chawla produces advancements for the Black Knights. The Knights of the Round use mostly eighth-generation Knightmares, as does Lelouch when he acquires the Shinkiro. The Ninth Age sees the introduction of the Energy Wing, a Float System giving unrivaled agility and allowing for blinding speeds; but being highly difficult to control. Only two Ninth Age Knightmares are known: the Lancelot Albion and the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Guren S.E.I.T.E.N Eight Elements Lancelot Albion Guren Models - Guren Models The Guren Mk-II was orignally a prototype Knightmare Frame model designed by Indian engineer Rakshata Chawla, manufactured by Japan, and built by the Kyoto House. It is radically different from its Britannian counterparts, and its technology is on par with most seventh generation Knightmare Frames, a fact that is a source of pride for its manufacturers. The later Gekka models were based on the Guren's technology. Unlike Britannian made Knightmare cockpits, the Guren Mk-II features an unconventional pilot seat shaped in the form of a motorbike seat, and a helm-like outgrowth surrounding its retractable head. The only existing unit is in the possession of the Order of the Black Knights and piloted by Kallen Kozuki. Guren MK-II Gallery Included Guren Flight Enabled Guren S.E.I.T.E.N Eight Elements Lancelot Models - Lancelot Models The Lancelot was originally developed by Lloyd as an experimental model. As the show progressed, the Lancelot was upgraded, further enhancing its capabilities, allowing its pilot, Suzaku, to excel in combat, and eventually, even surpass the skills of those of the Knight of Rounds. The Lancelot Gallery Included Lancelot Air Cavalry Lancelot Conquista Lancelot Frontier Lancelot Albion Shen Hu Models - Shen Hu Models The Shen Hu was a Chinese-based model developed in secret by the government. It was designed to be a top-notch killing machine, but it was tossed aside because no one could pilot it. Xingke proved to be an exception to the rule. The Shen Hu Gundam/Zoids/Armored Core Mechs - The Japanese word "mecha" is derived from the Japanese abbreviation meka for the English word "mechanical". In Japanese, mecha encompasses all mechanical objects, including cars, guns, computers, and other devices. In this sense, it is extended to humanoid, human-sized robots and such things as the boomers from Bubblegum Crisis, the similar replicants of Blade Runner, and cyborgs can be referred to as mecha, as well as mundane real-life objects such as industrial robots, cars and even toasters. The Japanese use the term "robots" or "giant robots" to distinguish limbed vehicles from other mechanical devices. One prominent example is the anime Maziger Z, where the term "Super Robot", features in the Japanese theme song. Mecha typically does not refer to form-fitting garments such as the Iron Man powered armor (although larger powered armor is considered mecha). Mecha tend to be much larger and bulkier than the wearer and the wearer's limbs may or may not actually extend completely into the respective limbs. Despite this, it is often difficult to distinguish between mecha and powered armor. An example is seen in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 which feature both "hard suits" and "K-suits". Despite both technologies being called "suits" (implying they are worn), the K-suit is much more bulky, and does not fit the form of the person inside. In most fiction in which they appear, mecha are fighting machines: essentially armored fighting vehicles with a body instead of a vehicular frame. Some stories, such as the manga Patlabor and American wargame BattleTech, also encompass mecha used for civilian purposes such as heavy construction work, police functions or firefighting. Mecha also see roles as transporters, recreation, advanced hazmat suits and other R and D applications. Some science fiction universes posit that mechs are the primary means of combat, with conflicts sometimes being decided through gladiatorial matches. Others represent mecha as one component of an integrated military force, supported by and fighting alongside tanks, fighter aircraft, and infantry, functioning as a mechanical cavalry. The applications often highlight the theoretical usefulness of such a device, combining a tank's resilience and firepower with infantry's ability to cross unstable terrain. In other cases they are demonstrated with a greater versatility in armament, such as in the Armored Core series of video games where mecha carry a wide range of armament spread across 4 "hard points" (both hands and 2 backpack sockets) albeit on a much larger scale. Another example is the anime Mobile Suit Gundam in which military forces have mecha known as "Mobile Suits", the series signature mecha being the RX-78 Gundam. In some continuities, special scenarios are constructed to make Mechs more viable than current-day status. For example, in Gundam the fictional Minovsky particle inhibits the use radar, making long-rage ballistic strikes impractical, thus favouring relatively close range warfare of Mobile Suits. Mecha have been used in a fantasy convention, for example in the anime series Aura Battler Dunbine, The Vision of Escaflowne, Panzer World Galient and Maze. In those cases, the mecha designs are usually based on some alternative or 'lost' science- fiction technology from ancient times. In case of anime series Zoids, the machines resemble dinosaurs and animals, and have been shown to evolve from native metallic organisms. Dragon Ball Z, Super Saiyan 1-6 - 1 False Super Saiyan A pseudo-Super Saiyan form resembling a glorified Kaio-ken, with a orange-yellowish surge of aura. 2 Super Saiyan the standard Super Saiyan transformation. It is achieved when a Saiyan has a lot of anger, as shown by Goku when Frieza killed Krillin, Vegeta when Goku surpassed his abilities, and Future Trunks when the Androids killed Future Gohan. Broly's Super Saiyan has blue and/or purple hair due the use of a Mind Control Device; his hair has the regular Super Saiyan hair color without it. 3 Ascended Super Saiyan This stage appears similar to that of a Super Saiyan, with subtle differences. The flowing, golden hair becomes slightly more rigid and pales in color. Muscle mass also heavily increases, but not enough, however, to weigh the user down and reduce mobility (unlike the next stage of Super Saiyan, Ultra Super Saiyan), and the Saiyan retains their agility. As a result of the muscle increase, the Saiyan's outfit pertaining to the upper torso area will also end up shredded apart, as evidenced by Future Trunks' transformation into the form while fighting Broly resulting in his jacket being torn to shreds. The aura increases in size and becomes more jagged, accompanied by bio- electrical discharge during transformation or when preparing a massive attack such as the Final Flash. The aggressive, remorseless behavior of the initial transformation is magnified; any control over emotion brought on by increased proficiency of the Super Saiyan transformation is canceled out, and energy requirement to sustain the state becomes enormous when compared to the regular Super Saiyan state, thus reducing its effectiveness. This deficiency forced Goku, and in turn, Vegeta and Trunks, to discard the form. 4 Ultra Super Saiyan In this stage, the Saiyan is similar in appearance to the Legendary Super Saiyan form. The skin of the Saiyan may become slightly redder due to increased blood flow, and muscle size is increased to the point of impracticality. The Saiyans hair grows and spreads in different directions. The aura no longer flows upward, but flails outward, with surges of bio-electricity becoming more frequent and prominent. In the series, the Ultra Super Saiyan form is discovered as an advanced stage of Ascended Super Saiyan (itself an advanced stage of the Super Saiyan transformation) that further increases the physical strength of the Super Saiyan form. However, due to this form being so muscular, whatever speed boost the power up could have given is negated, making the form useless against foes who were faster than the Saiyan to begin with. In addition, the Saiyan's energy rapidly depletes due to the effort needed simply to maintain the transformation. Altogether, the negatives of this stage outweigh the positives. 5 Full Power Super Saiyan In the real world, athletes who train in aerobics for extensive periods of time experience heightened states of rest: heart and respiratory rate are much lower than that of a normal person. This Super Saiyan form follows a similar fundamental concept: by remaining transformed for extended periods of time, the Super Saiyan can desensitize themselves to the negative effects of the transformation. Their wild emotions are kept in check, resulting in a more strategic fighting style, and ki consumption is reduced to negligible amounts. Energy radiation is reduced in tandem, and the aura takes on a smoother, flow-like appearance. By mastering the transformation, the Super Saiyan is able to retain transformation almost subconsciously. In requiring less ki to contribute to maintaining the transformation itself, the maximum amount of ki can thus be focused into attacks and stamina use, with no adverse effects present in the Ascended and Ultra forms. Vegeta notes the incredible side effects of the transformation by stating "They look like Super Saiyans... but I don't feel the energy...! It's like... it's their natural state...". The key to this state is energy conservation rather than boosted energy output. This results in a Saiyan who is able to fight longer and more efficiently than with the Ascended and Ultra stages of Super Saiyan, and can even remain transformed for days without powering down as long as they do not expend too much energy, essentially making the transformation the Saiyan's base form. Following the creation of this concept and the introduction of Super Saiyan 2, the Ascended and Ultra stages are rendered obsolete. Because the Full-Power Super Saiyan form was a learned state of being, and not necessarily a typical transformation or power stage, it was used throughout the remainder of Dragon Ball Z by Goku and Gohan. Appearance Whether there are intended to be physical differences in a Full-Power Super Saiyan from those of a standard Super Saiyan is debatable, because most of the physical differences can easily be explained as changes in Akira Toriyama's artwork as the series continued. The only confirmed difference is that the Saiyan's facial features exhibit less tension and ferocity than the regular Super Saiyan form, which can be explained by the mastery over the ki consumption and the emotional restlessness that the regular Super Saiyan transformation causes. The aura is also somewhat different: whether or not it was by accident, the aura is seen to be less violent than the second and third grades of the Super Saiyan, but not as gentle and flame-like as the original form as seen in the manga series. When relaxed, the user's hair appears more of a yellowish white, but when powered up, the golden glow seen often in the original transformation returns. 6 Legendary Super Saiyan The Legendary Super Saiyan's appearance is quite distinguishable from the regular forms of Super Saiyan. The legendary Super Saiyan's hair color is greenish-yellow. When he reappears in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming movie, his hair color has a slightly greenish-yellow tint; much less of a tint than in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan due to the fact that he is no longer under the control of his father, Paragus. This would mean that the latter is the form's natural hair color. In this form, Broly's pupils and irises become seemingly invisible, making him look much more maniacal than he already is. The most noticeable difference between the form of the Legendary Super Saiyan and the regular Super Saiyan is the body size. When Broly transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan, his body grows in height and his muscle mass greatly increases, making it similar in appearance to the Ultra Super Saiyan transformation. However, unlike the Ultra Super Saiyan form, Broly's immense size does not affect his speed, as demonstrated when he effortlessly evaded rapid physical hits by a joint effort from Goku and Piccolo. His skin also becomes very pale in color. 7 Super Saiyan 2 The golden hair brought on by the original transformation becomes longer and rigid and stands up even more. Increased energy radiation causes the aura to take on a jagged, fierce flame-like appearance rather than smooth or flowing. Because the energy output and radiation is higher than that of a Super Saiyan, the aura pulses at a higher frequency. Muscle mass is barely increased, but energy output is multiplied manifold; such that greater amounts of the Saiyan's increased energy capacity can be used at once for much more powerful energy attacks without losing too much energy and feeling exhausted later, and even speed is increased porportionally, unlike the Ascended and Ultra Super Saiyan states which cause the muscle mass to swell and thus impede the user. Another notable feature of the form featured in almost all Dragon Ball Z video games and some scenes of the show as well as pictures from the manga, is the electrical aura, many electrical sparks (normally blue, gold in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3) that constantly surround the body, especially when charging up. However, they are not always present (especially in the anime; Gohan and Vegeta are not the only ones who lack the trait completely in some episodes), and some fans sometimes mistake a charging Super Saiyan for a Super Saiyan 2 due to the lightning sparks, such as for Vegito (in the manga, they never reappear in his aura after his final transformation). 8 Super Saiyan 3 The transformation causes some stark changes in physical appearance. The trademark characteristic of the transformation is the user's hair: the rigid hair of the Super Saiyan 2 state becomes flowing and smooth again, and grows down to or sometimes passes the user's waist. The eyebrows vanish completely, making the forehead and eye ridges appear larger and revealing a more prominent brow ridge. A small increase in muscle mass is evident, and muscle tone is sharply defined. Energy radiation is so great that the aura pulses at an extremely high frequency, almost to the point where it seems static; the sound of the aura is also pitched even higher than that of Super Saiyan 2. Bio-electricity, like in the Super Saiyan 2 form, is again constant, and may reach further outward from the body than before. The Saiyan's voice may become slightly deeper, though this is obviously a feature only found in the anime. If the user of the Super Saiyan 3 form has a tail, it turns yellowish gold. There is no personality change, as no emotion is required to initiate the transformation (Goku acted stoic to intimidate Babidi and Majin Buu, and Gotenks acted as he normally would). Another notable change is that the user seems to "glow" while in this state, more so than before, where the skin and clothes color were lightened, but not as much as the color change of this form (this mostly applies to training gi; when Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3, his training gi appears to be rather Gold and blue instead of orange and blue). 9 Super Saiyan 4 In this form, the Saiyan's hair color differs, the same goes for the tail and the body is covered in red fur. A Saiyan in this form also possesses a shadow trim around the eyes and over the eyelids that varies in color, such as crimson. The hair is lengthened, but not nearly as long as a Super Saiyan 3's. The aura in this form loses the arcs of electricity and replaces it with sparkles and also becoming pure fire. In the case of the Fusion Dance warrior Gogeta, the coloration of the aforementioned features seemingly switch, as Gogeta's hair became a bright shade of red whereas his fur became a dark shade of brown and the trim around his eyes were black instead of red. The massive power and speed enhancements brought on by this form easily make it the strongest Super Saiyan form in the entire series. For example, while Goku's Super Saiyan 3 form was almost unable to even faze Baby Vegeta, as soon as Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan 4, their roles in power became polar opposites, with Baby Vegeta being almost unable to hurt Goku at all. The users of this Super Saiyan transformation have signature techniques. For example, Goku develops an attack he calls "10x Kamehameha", as it is ten times (10x) stronger than the Super Kamehameha Wave, while Vegeta, in his Super Saiyan 4 state, uses an attack he calls the "Final Shine Attack", which is a more powerful version of his Final Flash attack (although, Vegeta is first seen using this attack against Super 17 with one hand while in his first Super Saiyan form). Unlike the Super Saiyan 3's strain due to the utilization in ki, this form does not require as much energy consumption as Super Saiyan 3's, allowing the user to stay in the state at a much longer duration. It also appears that the form makes the individual larger in height and muscularity. In scenes with Goku standing next to others such as Gohan, Goten and Trunks, Goku appears much taller and bulkier than all of them, even though in his normal state, he is relatively the same size. A highly debated subject, many fans believe the Super Saiyan 4 form to be the true form of the Original Super Saiyan, first spoke of by Vegeta in the Namek Saga. Vegeta states in his monologue, that "the Super Saiyan could only maintain his maximum power in the transformed state". Also, Elder Supreme Kai appears to know of the Super Saiyan 4 form, cementing the thought that Super Saiyan 4 has existed before Goku attained it, most probably by a previous Super Saiyan. The Super Saiyan 4 form even has enough power to break through a wish made with the Dragon Balls, as it turned Kid Goku into an adult again. Dream Eater Merry, Aura Perception and Dream Prediction - Merry Nightmare (Merī Naitomea) Voiced by: Ayane Sakura (Japanese), Hilary Haag (English) The main female protagonist. A dream demon from the dreamworld, who allegedly came into the real world 10 years ago without any memory. Unlike the other dream demons, she doesn't need to possess a human to enter the real world, as she has her own body. Searching for a door to come back to the Dreamworld, she falls on Yumeji one day, who wants to help her to find her way back home. At first reluctant, when a daydream occurs and when she saves Yumeji's life, she accepts his help. She is able to break the daydreams in order to get back in the real world. She can't eat spicy food or drink carbonated soda, but she loves doughnuts above everything and likes video games a lot. She currently works at the Tachibana restaurant. Merry's distinct features include horizontal slit-shaped pupils similar to that of sheep and a scar on her right arm, in the same place where Yumeji used to have his. Yumeji Fujiwara (Fujiwara Yumeji) Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (Japanese), Blake Shepard (English) The main protagonist of the series. He has the ability to look at a colored aura of people and then be able to predict what dreams they are going to have. Though his normal predictions are hazy at best, he can clearly identify when someone is destined to have a nightmare. When he looks in the mirror with that ability, he sees the colors for nightmares, and indeed, in the opening episode, he has a recurring nightmare where he is being hunted down by a gang of cats.[1] He is a lazy, yet strong-willed and determined person with a heart of gold, who is always ready to help others. He is also a member of a writing club at his high school, and is a big fan of the superhero called Guricho. Information about his family is unknown, but it has been said that his parents are away due to work and is currently under the care of Isana's family until they get back. It is also interesting to note that he had a scar in the same place as one Merry has on her arm, although this is not alluded to in the anime. Darker Than Black, Contractors - Contractors are individuals who have gained superhuman powers due to the appearance of the Hell's Gate and Heaven's Gate. The existence of Contractors is kept a secret from the general public by most governments around the world, but they are well-known to the higher echelons of society and in the criminal underworld. Contractors possess two other traits that give them a rather sinister reputation: the need to perform Obeisance, which is a bizarre, obsessive compulsive "payment" for the use of their powers, and a generally pragmatic, logical world view. This is described by the Contractors themselves as a lack of emotion in general, but not much evidence exists to verify this claim. Many Contractors exhibit at least some forms of emotion, including love, joy, guilt, and sorrow. Later in the series it is explicitly revealed that Contractors are fully capable of experiencing emotions, but that those feelings do not play a prominent role in their thought processes. They are described as being totally rational, and totally amoral. The general rules seems to be that they feel no guilt, and they cannot form or retain social bonds. A normal Contractor cares, in essence, only about their own well-being, and everything is reduced to a cost/benefit analysis: Any other issues like laws, emotions, or the question of the sanctity of human life are irrelevant. How a person becomes a Contractor hasn't been revealed. Shion Pavlichenko was born as contractor, and Suou became one after she absorbed Hei's powers, and, in the Darker than Black: Shikkoku No Hana manga, a character named Harvest has the ability to make people Contractors, but all other Contractors, such as Tanya, have become what they are via unknown means. In Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden it is revealed that Contractors are defects that emerge when humans are unable to become Dolls. Contractors Animal Possession Name: Mao Obeisance: Unknown (Contract Fulfilled by Mao) An ability which is particularly useful for spying and scouting missions. By being able to transfer between the bodies of different animals, the user can gain the abilities of the said animal (including flying, speed and agility). The downside to this technique is that a server has to be created between the user and the animals brain, as an animal's mind is not as complex as a humans. Losing contact with this sever will allow the animal to be free again, until the user can re-establish the connection. Atmospheric Pressure Operation Name: April Obeisance: Drinking Alcoholic Beverages April is able to change the weather dramatically, creating hurricanes and heavy downpours. This ability synchronizes well with November 11's ability to solidify liquids, through the process of freezing. She also seems to be able to manipulate the weather, showing the ability to control the direction and strength of wind and even attempting to drown Hei in a bubble made of her rainwater. Blood-Induced Matter Transportation Name: Wei Zhijun Obeisance: Spilling His Own Blood This technique allows the user to disintegrate anything his/her blood spills upon. Since Wei's obeisance is also spilling his own blood, he fulfills his contract while using his technique at the same time. Brain Asphyxiation Name: Ilya Sokoloff Obeisance: Drawing This technique allows the user to completely restrict the flow oxygen to an opponent's brain, essentially killing their victims via 'turning off' the brains of their targets, until they die from lack of oxygen. Chronokinesis Name: Amber Obeisance: Aging Backwards Amber's ability includes temporal freezing and the rewinding of past events, to an unknown degree. Elaborate usage of her power enables her to gain knowledge of future events, and then respond to them accordingly. Once time has been frozen around her, she can also pull other people out of the frozen time stream, while those still under her ability's effect will no longer detect her presence or movement. Her remuneration is aging backwards, making her appear frequently younger. Amagiri has warned her that she cannot use her ability flippantly, saying that she can only pay off her contract to a certain extent. Concussive Blasts Name: Amagiri Obeisance: Consumption Of Boiled Eggs Amagiri is able to project concussive blasts with his palms. This technique is especially useful for mid to long range attacks. Cutting Grenade Name: Unknown Syndicate contractor Obeisance: Unknown Used by an unknown syndicate contractor. They seem to be able to coat ball shaped objects, such as golf balls, in a black energy, and throw them. At some point during the throw, the balls explode, sending out a disk shaped cutting force, able to slice through concrete. Cutting Elongation Name: Unknown Syndicate solder Obeisance: none A victim of Harvests black flower, this soldier gains the ability to lengthen the cutting length of a bladed weapon, forming, in effect, an invisible sword. Harvest notes that the invisible blade will not harm anything that is not moving or in motion, and will only cut moving objects. This is shown when an agent that was standing still was unharmed by the attack. Disintegration and remodeling by breath Name: Bill Art Obeisance: Unknown Used by an unknown contractor. Shown on the list of contractors Kirihara used to find Harvest. He is registered as being killed in South America. His messier code is EG033. Displacement Orb Name: Unnamed Contractor Obeisance: Neck-cracking This ability allows the contractor to take an orb-like object and ignite it remotely as the focal point of a sphere of displacement that extends a certain amount of feet from its origin. Anything with the extended area of influence is displaced into an unknown area. Doll Specter Capturing Name: Itzhak Obeisance: Writing Poetry Itzhak has the ability to capture dolls within his range. Once captured, it is possible to track the doll to a limited extent. Electrokinesis Name: Nick Hillman Obeisance: Placing Victims Shoes Upside Down An ability which allows the user to control electricity. The user can easily kill or stun opponents they come into contact with, depending upon the specific amount of electricity released. Fog Generation Name: Unnamed Syndicate soldier Obeisance: none An ability gained by the Black Dandelion. Harvest infected a number of solders during his attack on the syndicate headquarters. An unnamed Syndicate soldier was infected and made to do Harvest's bidding. His ability is to generate a thick fog from his body, allowing no one to see. Force-Field Name: Unnamed Contractor Obeisance: Unknown This ability allows the contractor to create an invisible force-field able to withstand and reflect outside force. Gravity Nullification Name: Luise, Unknown Contractor, Unknown Contractor #2 Obeisance: Breaking His Own Fingers (Luise Only) This technique allows the user to manipulate gravity. If done correctly, the user can fly temporarily or even immobilize an enemy, by using a substantial gravitational force to completely restrict movement through the massive increase in the opponent's weight. Heat Generation Name: Unknown Syndicate contractor Obeisance: Unknown Used by an unknown syndicate contractor. They seem to be able to generate concentrated heat in their hands to attack. The attack was powerful enough to damage concrete. Induced Hallucination Name: Abigail Obeisance: Unknown Abigail has the ability to cause anyone near her to hallucinate to the extent of being unable to move, incapacitating anyone in range. The hallucinations usually manifest as warped and shifting vision. Information Absorption Name: Luke Price (CD Drama-only Contractor) Obeisance: Singing Karaoke This ability allows Price to absorb information and memories about varied things from the corpses of people that he's killed. Insect Manipulation Name: Tanya Obeisance: Ripping Her Own Hair Tanya has the ability to control a significant amount of insects completely, allowing her to use them to swarm and subsequently attack any desired enemy. Liquid-Induced Cryokinesis Name: November 11 Obeisance: Smoking A limited form of cryokinesis, that results in the user being able to freeze liquids according to their will. The user can create sharp objects to stab a victim, or if the victim is wet, to freeze them as well. April's ability to create downpours and November 11's ability to freeze said liquid, has been shown to be a deadly combination. Magic Name: August 7 Obeisance: Revealing The Secrets Of Magicians' Tricks August 7's abilities allow him to conduct numerous magical feats, where the effects are real rather than employing simply trickery. This includes the instantaneous production of various weapons, such as swords and shotguns, from the inside his coat. He also demonstrates a form of intangibility; allowing multiple objects to pass through him without harm, even absorbing a large quantity of bullets, before subsequently reflecting them back moments later. Material Manipulation/Absorption Name: Genma Shizuma Obeisance: Moxibustion A limited form of manipulation, that allows the user to construct a rudimentary form of armor out of the surrounding materials available, including concrete taken from buildings and the metal from the side of trains. Despite it's appearance, the armor is capable of protecting the contractor from bullets. It can also be manipulated offensively to increase the user's destructive force, due simply to the considerable bulk/mass that they now wield. Disintegration Name: Harvest Obeisance: Swallowing round things Harvest has the ability to nullify the intrinsic field of any object, disintegrating it. The resulting substance seems to have a similar consistency to sand. Matter Holes Name: Unnamed Contractor Obeisance: Unknown This ability allows the contractor to displace the mass in a large area in the shape of circle. This ability has been shown to make something reminiscent of an instant sink hole. Molecular Manipulation Name: Bai, Hei Obeisance: Sleeping (Bai Only) A powerful technique, which allows the user to manipulate electricity on various scales, even to the molecular level. The technique can work with all possible ranges. As long as an object is a conductor of electricity, the technique can be passed through it, making indirect attacks possible. Possession Name: Unnamed Contractor (The Gardenia Gives Off Fragrance in the Early Summer Rain...) Obeisance: Smelling His Own Socks Obeisance unknown. The user's original body had been previously destroyed, causing the contract paid. He sniffed the sock because it was worn by his original body, and thus contained his own scent. This ability allows the contractor to jump bodies between humans. The downside of this ability is that the contractor's original body is empty and unconscious during the techniques use, so if the body is harmed the contractor must keep living with the body he possessed. He needs to intentionally activate the jump again to return to his own body. Once the contractor loses his original body, through the said method, he also pays off his contract. Projectile Enhancement Name: Unnamed Contractor Obeisance: Unknown This ability allows the contractor to shoot rubber bands as energy projectiles that have the force of armor-piercing ammunition. Pyrokinesis Name: Mai Kashiwagi Obeisance: Humming A Song A powerful form of pyrokinesis, which allows the user to both create and control fire. Incinerating an enemy can also be preformed using this technique, as long as the target is within range. Remote Spontaneous Combustion Name: Maki Obeisance: Drinking Hot Milk A technique which allows the user to explode any object they have previously "marked", achieved simply by placing their hand upon the intended target. This technique is particularly useful for destroying targets from a distance, without bringing attention to the contractor. This ability is powerful enough to be mistaken for bombings. Rupture Internal Organs Name: Shihoko Kishida Obeisance: Regaining Of Human Emotions This power is capable of destroying the internal organs of an intended individual without any outwardly visible indications of the inflicted damage, except for blood pouring forth from the victim's orifices. Shape-Shifting Name: Alma Obeisance: Aging Allows Alma to change her appearance and impersonate others. Sniper Rifle Materializing Name: Suou Pavlichenko Obeisance: Constructing Origami In combination with the amulet around her neck, Suou has demonstrated the ability to produce a large sniper rifle and the corresponding shells (1 in the weapon, and 6 in her pocket). Sonic Kicking Name: Azusa Tsukimori Obeisance: None Azusa gained this ability through the Black Dandelion. She has shown to have super strength and speed in her legs, able to run, jump and kick at super human levels. She has shown the ability to dismember limbs and impale people with kicks. Sound Resonance Manipulation Name: Bertha Obeisance: Ingest Something And Then Vomiting It With this ability it is possible to control objects, as long as the user knew the right frequency of sound-waves. With the production of the correct frequency, it is even possible to make someone undergo cardiac arrest. Spacial Teleportation Name: Parcel Obeisance: Wearing fake animal ears Parcel is able to emit a black orb from her body which encompasses a spherical area. She can then remotely open another black orb in another location, creating a spacial link between the two, in which only parcel can travel. She is able to teleport people and objects with this ability. Matter Substitution Name: Jean Obeisance: Arranging Things Methodically And Ruining It A technique that allows the user to substitute matter at will. This can also include body parts, like the heart. The user places his hand on a random item and a light helps him aim at the object the user wishes to be substituted. Super Speed Name: Goran Obeisance: Eating Burgers This ability allows Goran to move at extremely high speeds, which are capable of even reacting to shot bullets. The speed is so great that if the Contractor gets hit by any object while he's using the technique, he's likely to get severely injured. Even simple rain hitting the body while using this ability is enough to kill him. The speed also appears difficult to control as the user seemingly finds the process of stopping and altering direction challenging, often resulting in crashing into any object within his path. Physical item copying and Telepathy Name: Shion Pavlichenko Obeisance: Not Making Use Of One's Legs (Contract Paid) Shion has demonstrated the ability to communicate telepathically with anyone he needs to. Also creating a copy of his sister Suou, giving her false memories. It is believed that he managed to pay his contract by being wheelchair bound for numerous years. Teleportation Name: Brita, Unknown Teleportation Contractor (OVA) Obeisance: Kissing Someone (Brita), Inability To Keep Secrets (Unknown Teleportation Contractor (OVA)) A useful ability that allows the user to teleport themselves wherever they want. Brita's version of the technique had the added benefit of being able to teleport anyone she has physical contact with as well. Since Brita's obeisance was kissing someone, she combined the two together, successfully fulfilling her contract while using her powers at the same time. She is only able to teleport organic matter, and does not work with inanimate things such as clothes etc. Uber-Sense Name: William Barry Obeisance: none William Barry was the syndicate squad commander. He had gained this ability due to the Black Dandelion compound the syndicate had developed. This ability allows him to process his senses at super-human levels, giving him near flawless reflexes. With this ability, he is able to easily dodge bullets, and see through enemy attacks. Vacuum Creation Name: Havoc Obeisance: Drinking Blood Of Children Havoc was said to have the extremely deadly power of being able to create vacua at will. With this ability, she became one of the more violent and widely feared contractors. Water Manipulation Name: Michiru Obeisance: Cooking Michiru is able to detect and control water. She can use this ability to sense the enemy's presence and then attack using the water. Weapon Energizing Name: Mina Hazuki Obeisance: Kissing Men or Women This ability allows the contractor to seemingly "energize" objects, more specifically wood (as a weapon), in order to increase the materials properties and so maximize its capabilities, such as sharpness. Wind Manipulation Name: Luco Obeisance: Creasing the corners of book pages Luco has the ability to manipulate wind, solidifying it into daggers, whips and spears possessing lethal cutting ability. Dolls Tracking (water) Name: Yin Her power lies in tracking and eavesdropping with water acting as her medium. Tracking (glass) Name: July July, as a doll, can send out tracking specters to see anything near his medium. July's medium is glass. Tracking (plants) Name: Champ Champ, like all dolls, can send out tracking specters to perform surveillance. His specter medium is plants. Darker Than Black, Heaven's Gate and Hell's Gate - The Heaven's Gate is a chaotic area of space that appeared in South America and disappeared five years before the beginning of the series, along with everything in a 1500 km radius around it. Its exact nature at this point is unknown in the series. Its appearance apparently started a large-scale war, one that Great Britain and Argentina participated in. It also seems that Amber, Havoc, Hei, and his sister Bai, were involved in the War and were adversely affected by the Heaven's Gate's sudden disappearance. The area where the gate was has become inaccessible. Interestingly enough, Heaven's Gate and Hell's Gate are located on opposite ends of the globe. However, it is revealed later in the first season that, despite the Gate's apparent disappearance, Dr. Schroeder, a scientist studying the Gates, believes that, due to no person being able to enter the area where the gate formerly was, combined with Lancelnopt synchrotron radiation still being detected there, the Gate still exists in some form that is invisible and intangible. The Hell's Gate is a mysterious and chaotic area of space that appeared in Tokyo ten years before the start of the series, giving rise to Contractors and Dolls. Overview. Within the area of Hell's Gate, the laws of physics are void. A huge wall was built around the affected area. This wall keeps civilians and any other interested parties out of the Gate. Several countries, including Japan, are cautiously conducting research on the Hell's Gate, exemplified by the top-secret PANDORA research facility built next to the Gate's perimeter wall. PANDORA works in and around Hell's Gate itself, sending both manned and robotic expeditions into the area. When Contractors get near the gate they become restless. The gate can also give Regressors their powers back, as seen with Havoc. It is a key area in the finale of Darker than Black: The Black Contractor, as Hei, Yin and Mao enter it in order to face Amber. It is here that she sacrifices herself for Hei's sake, using her powers one more time to allow him to shut down the particle accelerator that would have destroyed the Gate, apparently erasing herself from existence in the process. Trigun, Heaven Breaker Gun - Vash has a cybernetic arm fitted with a hidden gun. In both the series and manga, it is initially a powerful semiautomatic pistol that is later upgraded to a fully automatic submachine gun. In the series, within Vash's trademark revolver lies the catalyst needed to activate his "Angel Arm". The use of three guns to create destruction is what makes up the title "Trigun". The Angel Arm is Vash's ultimate weapon. Upon activation, his right arm transforms into a weapon powerful enough to destroy entire cities with a single blast. Vash fears the Angel Arm's potential for destruction, and knows little about how to use it. In the manga, the Angel Arm is a natural feature of a plant's body, and can be manipulated into various shapes to create a number of effects beyond destruction. His power using the Angel Arm is limited: like a battery, it contains only a certain amount of energy, and when that energy is gone he will die. Vash's Angel Arm typically takes the shape of a large cannon weapon, which uses a tremendous amount of power. As a meter of spent energy a plant's hair color gradually darkens as their internal power is spent until reaching a final color of black when fully depleted. To illustrate the power of the Angel Arm, Vash's hair began to darken after the second time he fires it, using enough energy to blast a hole in the moon. Throughout the manga, Vash learns to gain better control of his power to form smaller cannons and defensive feathers, though his hair continues to grow darker until almost completely black. By the final volume, he has only a small lock of blond hair left. Yu Yu Hakosho, Spirit Gun and abilities - -=-Yusuke Urameshi *Shotgun : Fires multiple Spirit Gun bullets at the same time. However it is not as powerful as the Spirit Gun though it is useful against most agile opponents (such as during Yusuke's rescue of Yukina) or when facing multiple enemies at once. *Spirit Wave Orb / Spirit Gun Mega: The energy of both spirit and body are concentrated into a single, mass force in the shape of a sphere. It is used during the Dark Tournament once by Yusuke during his battle with Toguro after Toguro kills Kuwabara. (Toguro didn't really kill Kuwabara, who survived by positioning himself to protect his vital organs, he just faked the death to get Yusuke to get angry enough to use the Spirit Wave.) *Spirit Gun: Fires a bullet made of concentrated spirit energy. This was Yusuke's first attack, taught by Koenma, and still remains his most commonly used. In the beginning, Yusuke can only use the Spirit Gun at limited amount of times each day, but as Yusuke continues to train as spirit detective, he is able to use the Spirit Gun more often as well as fire more powerful shots (more specifically, Yusuke's limit was one before training with Genkai, then it became four by the Dark Tournament Saga). However, after being reborn as yokai, Yusuke switches to using his Demon Gun attack (also known as his You Gun) though in the battle against Yomi, Yusuke used his Demon Gun so many times that his Yoki or demon energy disappeared, leaving only his spirit energy and in other words his Spirit Gun to remain for the fight. *Spirit Gun Double: Same as Spirit Gun, but fires two massive shots in rapid succession. Similar to other Spirit Gun variations it was used only in the Dark Tournament (specifically against Chu of the Jolly Devil Six Team or Team Rokuyukai). *Spirit Wave: This was used against Jin before he received Genkai's orb. It's essentially a larger version of the Spirit Gun, but more versatile. It spreads out as it travels, allowing one to hit several targets, but it loses its potency. However, it can be concentrated in the hand and released upon impact for maximum effect. -=-Kazuma Kuwabara *Spirit Sword Double: Creates two spirit swords. It was used both in his training before the Dark Tournament Saga and his fight against Rinku of Team Jolly Devil Six (or Team Rokuyukai) *Spirit Sword: Creates one sword constructed of concentrated spirit energy (usually size is depended on usage of spirit energy) and is most commonly used attack. Kuwabara first discovered this technique during Genkai's tournament where he held a broken sword piece from a special spiritual sword used by Musashi the opponent he was fighting. As the manga goes on, Kuwabara becomes better in using the sword. *Spirit Shuriken: Creates a shuriken composed of spirit energy. It was used only once when Kuwabara became angry at Elder Toguro who made fun of Genkai's death *Enhanced Spirit Sword: A spirit sword (see above) produced from 's (former leader of Team Uraotogi) trial sword hilt that makes the spirit sword stronger than normal. It was used in his fight against Elder Toguro and increases Kuwabara's offense and defense capability . *Spirit Fly Swatter: An attack where Kuwabara changes the shape of the Trial Sword (see above) into a giant spirit paddle-like weapon. It was used against Elder Toguro as it could strike Toguro's whole entire body so that Kuwabara did not have to worry about Toguro's ability to move around his organs. *Power of Love: Kuwabara's love for Yukina gives him renewed strength and energy. Seen first in his battle against Risho during the Dark Tournament when Yukina's arrival gives Kuwabara enough energy to defeat Risho in one blow. *Dimensional Sword: A special spirit sword used to cut into any dimensional area or psychic territory. This attack was gained in the Chapter Black Saga when Kuwabara regained his powers after his body began preparing for the Chapter Black Saga after the tournament. Also known as the "Jigen-Tou" by Shinobu Sensui. -=-Hiei *Jagan: literally Evil Eye, same name used in the Poltergeist Report dub and the English Manga: Hiei had this demonic eye implanted in his forehead years ago for two purposes - to find his birth tear,for it is all he has from his mother, and to find the land of his mother ,in order to exact revenge on those who tried to kill him. The Jagan gives Hiei a few psychic abilities, including remote viewing, minor telekinesis, telepathy, mind control (for humans, ghosts, and minor demons), and memory alteration. The Eye has also helped Hiei master a very powerful martial art with several flame techniques, among others. *Extreme Speed: velocity is one of his most well-known abilities. Hiei is so fast that when running, he's invisible to the naked eyes of mortals and can even leave behind after-images of himself to trick his opponent. It's this ability that makes many believe that his speed is due to teleporation. *Jagan Henshin: "Evil Eye Transformation" is when Hiei transforms into his demon state, he becomes greenish with eyes covering his entire body. These extra eyes merely amplify his Jagan eye, giving him more power and speed, but it disorients him if his Jagan is blinded. It was only used once during his first encounter with Yusuke. Hiei also briefly transformed into this form during his battle against Raigo in Poltergeist Report when Raigo tried to take control of Hiei with his own Jagan Eye, but Hiei was able to resist and reverted back after killing Raigo by using the Black Dragon Wave. In this form, Hiei can summon multiple Dark Flame Dragons. *Ja-ou En-satsu (Evil-King's Blazing-Murder Style): Hiei's personal style of fighting, and the most feared martial art in Demon World due to the fact that all who tried to master it died. Usually the power was too great for them to control, or if they tried to use it at all, it would consume them. The most common method of death for those who attempted this style was when they tried to summon an actual Black Dragon for its ultimate technique, it would devour them. Hiei is one of the few known to have survived this style, and the only one to have mastered and lived to tell about it. *Rengoku Shou (Purgatory Scorch) Also referred to as "Fist of the Mortal Flame" in the dubbed anime, is a fire-based attack that, unlike the Dragon and Sword, Hiei utilizes the crimson flame of the human world, making the attack not as powerful. He first used this attack against Kuromomotoro of Team Uraotogi. By surrounding his fists with combustion, Hiei sends rapid punches that engulf the enemy in a raging inferno. *Ensatsu Ken (Blazing Sword) Known also as "Sword of the Darkness Flame" in the dubbed anime, and "Blazing Sword of the Overlord" in the translated manga. It is a blade made up almost completely of the same dark flame as the Dragon. This attack was first used against Kuromotoro of Team Uratogi who had the ability to not feel pain because of his special millet dumplings (steaming spheres) attack. When Hiei became cornered with his Fist of the Mortal Flame useless and his sword broken, Hiei resorted to invoking demonic flames, but instead of summoning the Dragon, he partially infuses some of its flames within his sword. However he does not use this attack often for two reasons: first, as it resemble's spirit sword and throughout the series Hiei was never fond of him; second, was because he found it cowardly to transfer such great power into a sword which made it easier to control. *Flare Burst: Hiei unleashes a burst of flame out of his palm. Not much is known about this technique since it was used only during the final opening. *Kokuryuha (Black-Dragon Wave): Also called the "Dragon of the Darkness Flame" in the English anime, and "Black Dragon of Hellfire" in the English manga. However, its most common name comes from the dubbed "Poltergeist Report" movie, which called it Black Dragon Wave. It's an extremely powerful attack in which Hiei summons a black dragon created from the fiery demon energy of the deepest pits of the Demon World and is controlled by his Evil Eye. However when he first uses it against Zeru of the Jolly Devil Six (or Team Rokuyukai in the anime/manga) the attack severely injures him, leaving his right arm crippled. Eventually, he can release the dragon from a tattoo on his arm, which prevents this drawback. *Dragon Absorption: Hiei's level of control over the Black Dragon Wave is so great that he can actually absorb the dragon into his body, vastly increasing his speed and power. After he does this, however, he must rest, due to the exhausting nature of this technique. -=-Kurama *Yoko Kurama: The first time he transformed was by accident when Ura Urashima used the Idunn Box on him. Then before the finals, Suzuka gave him a potion containing the fruit which was used to make the vapors in the Idunn Box, which he could use to produce the same effect. The duration was less each time he used it. However, he was gaining more of Yoko's power with each use, which is how he managed to survive his fight with Karasu. In his fight with Sensui in Demon World, he transformed again, but this time it was because of the increased demon energy, and even then only his appearance was changed.However, during the fight with Shigure, he vowed never to transform again, and managed to defeat Shigure as Suichi. * Whiplash: Deadly slices using the Rose Whip *Rose Whip Thorn Wheel: Spin of the Rose Whip in a complete circle which sends piercing waves of energy outward from it. *Seed of the Death Plant: Infectious seed used to place in enemies to make their insides explode in a flowery death. *Petals and Thorns: A whirlwind of petals that are sharp as blades and can cut an enemy into pieces *Blood Sucking Plant: A plant that sucks blood from an open wound killing the person it is attached to. *The Sinning Tree: Powerful death plant used to latch onto an opponent and make them hallucinate until their energy is depleted. Was first used against the elder Toguro brother who had taken over the body of Gourmet. Due to Toguro's regenerative capabilities, it was impossible for him to be killed. Instead he was doomed to be attached to the tree for all eternity. *Okunenju Root: A type of tree that is controlled by Kurama used as an attack. Very similar to cherry trees. *The Binding Fist of the Demonic Vine:A vine blade wrapped around his arm as a weapon. Only used once against Sensui in Demon World. Demon Fox Kurama/Yoko Kurama *Death Tree: It attaches to Yoko while he controls it. Each branch of this tree has a mouth and each mouth of the branch has saliva that will melt bones under a minute but the pain makes every second seem like it's an eternity. *Ojigi Plant A plant that can sense movements as insignificant as a muscular spasm and it has a mind of its own. It eats whatever it grabs and even it's summoner if it is not careful. It was used against Karasu in the Dark Tournament, although it did not have the wanted effect as it broke Karusu's binding mask unleashing his power -=-Yukina *Freeze Surroundings: Yukina has the power to freeze her surroundings at will, as she is an ice apparition from Demon World. *Yukina's Tears: Yukina has the powerful ability to create jewels when she cries. Because these jewels were very valuable, she was kidnapped and became the target of many greedy corporate leaders (specifically the crime lord Tarukane) who forced her to cry to produce jewels with the hired help of the Toguro brothers, the Triad, as well as other demon mercenaries. However, later on she was rescued by Hiei (her brother), Yusuke, Botan and Kuwabara. *Spirit Healing: Throughout her life, Yukina has studied the art of spirit healing and has become very experienced in it. -=-Genkai *Spirit Wave Orb/Spirit Gun Mega: As mentioned above, in this attack the energy of both spirit and body are concentrated into a single, mass force in the shape of a sphere. It was first mastered by Genkai and was later on taught to Yusuke in his training after winning her tournament and defeating the demon Rando (who had disguised himself as the child-like Shorin). *Superhuman Strength/Agility: After training for decades, even though seemingly aged, Genkai still has almost superhuman-like strength and agility that even amazes her pupil Yusuke. She is shown using this ability throughout the Dark Tournament Saga as the mysterious masked fighter, constantly aiding Yusuke and the other team mates. *Spirit Light Mirror Reflect Charge/Spirit Reflection Blast: Genkai absorbs her enemy's spirit energy and uses it to attack her enemy. *Spirit Wave/5 Major Fists: Pinnacle of discipline: Genkai uses this for the first time against En, Ryo, and Kai of Team Ichigaki to free them of the Blood Control Nodes. After mumuring a few incantations, Genkai Shouts "Light!" , freezing the targets. She then uses two fingers to pierce each of their hearts. After that Genkai says "Purify.", and lands on the ground shouting "Judgment!". The Pinnacle of Discipline judges the soul. If the soul is evil, then the flesh is destroyed. If the soul is pure, then the soul is given the power to act and purge itself of evil. -=-Jin *Tornado Fist: Jin forms a mini tornado around his fist. This was used against Yusuke in the Dark Tournament Saga. *Double Tornado Fist: Jin forms mini tornadoes around both fists. This was also used against Yusuke in the Dark Tournament Saga. *Air Lift: Jin uses the wind to lift his body into the air *Wind Barrier: Jin creates a spinning barrier of wind that can block several attacks *Tornado Explosion: Jin unleashes a destructive tempest that is charged with lightning. Jin learned this technique while training with Genkai. -=-Touya *Frozen Hell: Touya freezes his surroundings. The frozen battlefield gives Touya an advantage since this technique makes it difficult for the opponent to move and freezes weaker foes. After, training with Genkai, Touya is able to absorb demonic energy when casting this spell. *Shards of Winter: Touya creates small hailstones around his palm and blows them toward his foes. A rapid and deadly long-range attack. *Ice Cutlass: Touya forms a sword of ice around his hand; a close-ranged but nevertheless a powerful attack. -=-Suzuka *Rainbow Cyclone/Rainbow Cyclone Redux: Suzuka unleashes beams of colorful Demon energy that have the effect of truly being hit by a cyclone. After his training with Genkai, the cyclone had an aftereffect the whole stage is covered with bright lights and is renamed Rainbow Cyclone Redux. *Strength Enhancement: Suzuka increases the size of his muscles, temporarily increasing his attack power. *Master of Disguise: Suzuka is a master of disguise. He is seen pretending to be an old man named Onji. *Black Hole: Suzuka summons a vortex that teleports the victim to a different dimension. Even Suzuka does not know where the victim is headed. -=-Risho *Clay Armor: Risho forms a hard armor composed of clay around his body. This was used against Kuwabara in the Dark Tournament Saga. However Risho was quickly defeated when Kuwabara regained his strength when Yukina arrived to the Tournament (see Power of Love above) *Earthen Arm: Risho surround his arm with clay which enhances the strength of his arm. Used on Touya when the ice-master tried to tell Risho that honor is more important than winning *Spiked-Clay Armor: Risho's strengthens his Clay Armor with spikes, making his attacks more powerful. -=-Ura Urashima *Fishing Pole: Ura Urashima uses his fishing pole which he carries on his back as his main weapon. It was seen used against Kurama in the Dark Tournament Saga *Idunn Box or Reverse Treasure Box: The Idunn Box releases a vile mist that if breathed will cause the person to transform into a helpless baby. Ura Urashima used it against Kurama after using his Sob Story technique. Instead of transforming Kurama into a child as intended, it transforms Kurama into Yoko Kurama, his original demon form. -=-Bakken *Superhuman Strength: Bakken has a large amount of strength, which he uses to take advantage against Kurama while he was unconscious and defenseless, but it isn't much compared to the strength of Hiei or Yusuke *White Mist: Bakken creates a cloud mist from his sweat from his body so that he can stay hidden when he attacked. -=-Shishiwakamaru *Cape of No Return: Shishiwakamaru uses a large cape that, when touched, will send the target anywhere. *Banshee Shriek: Shishiwakamaru's main technique in the form of a large sword that has veins covering part of the hilt and emits a demon-like shriek. It releases and calls upon ghosts to attack his enemies. This was given to him by Suzuka, who later gave it to Kuwabara. It's true name is the Sword of Trials, and Banshee Shriek is only Shishiwakamaru's version of it. *Smothering Skull Gush: An attack of Shishiwakamaru's Banshee Blade. Shishiwakamaru jumps up and hits the floor with his sword. The sword then releases a large number of skull-shpaed ghosts that wipes out the target, and can also harm, or kill, several nearby spectators. *Restraining Wall of Screams: An attack of Shishiwakamaru's Banshee Blade. Shishiwakamaru spins his sword over his head and creates a circular wall of screaming ghosts to cave in him and anyone else he desires. -=-Yuu Kaitou *Power of Taboo : With this power, Kaitou can open up a perimeter around himself where he can create his own rules. Anyone can enter and leave his territory whenever they want, but when someone is in it, they must follow the rules or face the consequence. Kaitou will remove letters or words from the alphabet, making them Taboo and whoever speaks the taboo words will lose their soul. Kaitou must follow his own rules as well. If he is tricked into breaking his own Taboo, his soul is removed and all others who lost their souls are restored. Kaitou himself remains helpless until his soul is restored by a psychic, such as Genkai he cannot restore himself and his soul will dissipate within an hour if not restored to a body. -=-Asato Kido *Power of Shadow : With this power, Kido has the ability to step on someone's shadow and paralyze them, rendering the person immobile. From there, Kido can do whatever he wishes to his opponent. He can also make his shadow do his bidding, by making it move on its own and writing important info. -=-Mitsunari Yanagisawa *Power of Copy : With this power, Yana will be able to become the exact twin of whoever he touches, having all their memories, abilities, dna, etc. No one can tell the difference between the real person and the copy cat unless if Yana were struck hard to reverse his transformation. -=-Shigeru Murota *Mind Read : Murota can read the thoughts of those around him, knowing what and when an individual will do. This gives him a great advantage in boxing, as he can predict what his opponent will do. Unfortunately, he was consumed by Gourmet and is forever doomed to share his fate, suffering, attached to the sinning tree for all eternity. -=-Rinku *Serpent Yo-yo : Rinku used this attack when he faced against Kuwabara in the Dark Tournament. By sending his Demon Energy through the Yo-Yo strings that are attached to his fingers, Rinku is capable of moving them around through manipulation and stike in many different directions. *Quadruple Serpent Yo-Yo's: Same as his regular Serpent Yo-Yo's except that Rinku also uses his feet for this attack. Rinku becomes capable of this after training under Genkai. -=-Chu *Drunken Boxing : Chu uses this technique to confuse enemies by his swaying movements. He then attacks quickly with punches, kicks and headbutts. Works better if he is actually drunk. *Spirit Ball : Chu focusses his demon energy into a large ball and hurls it at his opponent. -=-Kurama Bamboo Plant: An unnamed technique used in the Poltergeist Report movie by Kurama to stab a Netherworld demon that had taken the form of his old partner Kuronue by growing it from underneath the ground to finish off the demon in the same way of how the real Kuronue died. -=-Tournament Tactics Hiei *Dragon Summoning : Summons a large black dragon, which rises from the ground and breathes fire upon those in front of Hiei. -=-Yukina *Frozen Wind : Yukina blows a surprisingly strong frozen breeze of wind on an enemy in front of her. *Healing Ring : Yukina heals those in a circle around her. *Rallying Strength : Yukina heals those in a more widened circle around them, increasing their Spirit Energy as well. *Frozen Tears : Yukina produces frozen tears to attack those in near her. *Hero Healing : Yukina heals all of the other characters the player is playing as, no matter what their location. -=-Rinku *Poison Strike : A poisoned yo-yo for close-ranged attacks. Using this does not cost Spirit Energy. *Serpent Calling : Rinku shoots three yo-yos at the enemies in front of him. *Yo Yo Shock Bite : An electrified yo-yo for close-ranged attacks. *Serpent Calling : Rinku summons a giant cobra to attacks all those in a circle around him. -=-Touya *Frozen Fist Combo : Toya produces a freezing energy around his fists while punching his enemies. *Cold Spires : Toya produces a cross-shaped row of ice spikes in front of him. *Ice Driver : Toya connects both his hands with a large icicle that he stabs his enemy with, splitting it into two sword to slice through those oppsoing him. *Icicle Falls : Summons a cloud of cold wheather above the enemy, from which human- sized icicles fall to scewer Toya's enemy. -=-Jin *Wind Punch : Jin punches the enemy with the power of wind in his fist. Not to be confused with Tornado Fist. Using this does not cost Spirit Energy. *Tornado Raid : Jin throws a miniature tornado at his enemy as a ranged attack. *Fly By Kick : Jin flys into the air and kicks the enemy and whatever lies behind it. Using this does not cost Spirit Energy. -=-Chu *Crusher Kick : A powerful kick which, surprisingly, uses up Spirit Energy. *Headbutt : Attacks a single enemy in front of Chu with a headbutt. Using this does not cost Spirit Energy. *Power Shot : A large ball of energy which damages five opponents in a row in front of Chu. InuYasha Abilities and Items - InuYasha #"Kotodama no Nenju" (necklace of subjugation) : The necklace of subjugation is introduced in the very first manga as a spiritual device to control InuYasha. Given to Kagome by Kaede, it was intended to keep InuYasha from killing or hurting Kagome. Afterwards, it becomes an outlet for slapstick comic relief. When Kagome says "Osuwari" or "Sit", InuYasha is immediately thrown to the ground. InuYasha is unable to remove it nor destroy it, although it broke off in the third movie but was fixed and placed back on Inuyasha's neck in the epilogue. The Kotodama no Nenju consists of a number of round beads (estimated at between 42 and 49 in number) and between seven and ten magatama beads which are often mistaken as claws. Note: a good way through the series in the episode "tragic love song of destiny" (#147) when Kikyo is shown creating the necklace she says, "Now for the beads, what is a good command word? Beloved? Yes, I think that is a good word" indicating that Kikyou wanted to use the word beloved as she loved Inuyasha, if he she needs to calm him down or perhaps use it if he is out of control. She doesn't give it to him since she trusts him. The necklace has been shown to be able to break controlling influences, as it both frees Inuyasha from his demonic transformation when his sword breaks or become out of reach, and also allows him to overpower Souunga's possession (This happens in the Third Movie and hence, is not canon). #Robe of the Fire Rat: The Robe of the Fire Rat was given to Inuyasha's mother by his father(To escape a burning structure). Sometime after it was given to Inuyasha who adorns it to this day. It has been seen to be capable to stand up against extreme amounts of heat, as well as weaker youkai-poisons. Inuyasha has also allowed Kagome to wear the robe for protection against fire-breathing of poisonous enemies. #(Iron Reaver Soul Stealer) : InuYasha's basic attack, he slashes an opponent with his claws. He uses his youki ("Demonic power") in his claws. Known in the English-dubbed anime as "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer", or just "Iron Reaver". #Hijin Kess (Blades of Blood) : InuYasha's special attack. By dipping his claws in blood he is able to use an attack similar to Sankon Tess (Iron Reaver). He flings the blood from his claws which forms flying razors, cutting his enemies from a distance. #Tetsusaiga ('Fang') : InuYasha's sword, made from one the fangs of his deceased father. Tetsusaiga has 5 attacks. #Kaze no Kizu (Wind Scar(s)) : Special attack that can kill 100 kai with one strike. InuYasha accidentally used it while fighting Sesshomaru, but he learned it while fighting that weird dragon thing to take the weight off his new Tetsusaiga. #Bakuryha (Backlast Wave) : Tessaiga's ultimate attack, caused by trapping the enemy's spirit in the Kaze no Kizu & making it flow the opposite way and multiplied. InuYasha discovered this ability while fighting Rykotsusei, a giant dragon kai who even InuYasha's father was unable to defeat completely. #Kongsha (Adamant Barrage) : This power was given to InuYasha by Hsenki to defeat Naraku in the boundary between this world and the next.Hosenki has to give his life to bless the Tetsusaiga with the adamant powers. #Ryrin no Tessaiga's technique : A currently unnamed technique from the manga that allows the Tessaiga to absorb a kai's energy. InuYasha learns this technique after breaking the Datsuki, a weapon forged from a dragon scale. However in the later manga chapters it is revealed by that because InuYasha's fang was used to reforge the Tessaiga, it can only absorb a limited amount of ki. If InuYasha were to absorb too much ki then the blade were to turn black and it would cause him immense pain. #Meid Zangetsuha : Meid Zangetsuha is an ability that creates a path to Hell (or a Meid) through which to send an opponent; its perfected form is that of a large black sphere that resembles a hole in space. It can either be cut open or thrown like a projectile. InuYasha's father stole the ability from a kai named Shishinki with the aid of Tessaiga. However, because of the danger associated with such an ability, Tenseiga was created out of Tessaiga to bear it. It was recently acquired by breaking the Tenseiga and absorbing the attack, thus returning the Tenseiga back to a healing sword. #Tessaiga has six forms so far: #Rusty Tessaiga : Tessaiga's basic form. It has no special power at all. InuYasha can't transform it into any of its other forms when he is in his human form. #Transformed Tessaiga : When wielded by a han (like InuYasha), Tessaiga transforms into a larger version of itself, roughly resembling a large falchion. First used against Sesshomaru, it wasn't until the following battle against the kai Tsukumo no Gama that InuYasha learned how to control the Tessaiga's transformation. After being repaired when it was broken by the kai Goshinki, for a short time it was too heavy for InuYasha to wield. When InuYasha defeats Rykotsusei not only does he gain the ability to able to use the Kaze no Kizu at any time, Tessaiga becomes light as a feather. #Red Tessaiga : When InuYasha saved Shiori from her grandfather, she gave him an orb that, when cut, gave Tessaiga the power to break any kai barrier. Naraku eventually is able to create a barrier that cannot be shattered by this after becoming a kai at Mount Hakurei. #Ryrin no Tessaiga (Dragon-scaled Tessaiga) : By breaking the Dakki, a weapon forged from a dragon scale, the Tessaiga has gained the ability to absorb kai energy. The blade looks like the regular Tessaiga except it has a few dragon-scales on the non-sharp side of the blade. Inuyasha is eventually taught by sai's friend, Yourei Taisei how to use this technique properly by looking for the enemy's 'Youketsu' which is the enemy's concentrated youki and slicing at it. #Black : A form recently acquired by InuYasha during a battle with Sesshomaru. It takes the form of a Meidou and is now capable of the Meidou Zangetsuha. Kagome Higurashi #Hama no Ya (Purifying Arrow) : Kagome's and Kikyo's attack, known in the English version of the anime as "Sacred Arrows". They concentrate their holy power into their arrows and shoot them at kai to destroy them. Kagome almost destroyed Naraku in his powerful form (after Hakurei) by using an arrow Kikyo had mixed with Onigumo's burial soil. This ability is one of the strongest attacks employed by InuYasha's group, to which even InuYasha admits that Kagome is likely the most powerful member of their group. It is likely that Kagome's holy powers are the only ones that can destroy Naraku's soul. Kagome's recent quest for a sacred bow from Mount Azusa may have increased this power or made it more versatile. Whatever it has powers or not, it is obvious that this longbow is a powerful relic. #"Osuwari" ('Sit!') : A voice command that causes the rosary around InuYasha's neck to take effect and brings InuYasha crashing down into the ground. This is used as comic relief throughout the series. The Osuwari at the beginning was meant to keep Inuyasha in his proper behaviour for as long as possible. However, it should be noted that as Kagome later also uses it in her jealousy about Kikyo and as InuYasha's relationship progresses, the rosary is used less and less. It is scarcely used later in the series. It is a formal command as given to a dog, but for dubbing reasons it was translated into 'Sit, boy' in English. The rosary was never ever used again during the last four episodes of the series and also had shattered in the 3rd movie because of the So'unga;but was later put back to one piece and back on to Inuyasha. #Shikon no Tama (Jewel of Four Souls), also known as the Shikon Jewel : The Jewel that started the whole story and a driving force in it. It was embedded in Kagome's body at the start of the series. This Jewel was the item that made Kikyo seal Inuyasha to the Goshinboku 50 years before the time of main events in the series. When Kagome arrived in the feudal era, she accidentally shattered the jewel into tens or even hundreds of shards. It holds tremendous power inside it and, one shard inserted into a kai increases their power considerably. The Jewel is what brings InuYasha's team together and keeps them together for so long, along with Naraku's demise. Sango #Hiraikotsu (Boomerang Bone) : A huge boomerang used by Sango as a weapon. It is made from the bones of kai. She also carries a sword that she occasionally uses instead of the boomerang in close combat. #Hidden Blades : Sango has a hidden blade under the armor on her arms. She uses this in case her weapons are taken away from her. #Hidden Medicines and Poisons : Sango has hidden poison and medicine under her shoulder pads. Used in a couple episodes to draw out demons from hard to find places and protect scars from bacterial infections. In the fourth movie, she uses a special poison to disintegrate the demons. In recent chapters, Sango reveals that one of her deadliest poisons is corrosive enough to dissolve large amounts of bone within a moments of contact. Such as Hiraikotsu. #Knowledge of gases : Sango uses her knowledge of herbs to make a gas to draw out demons from wild areas or for exorcism. #Mask : Sango uses her mask to protect her from harmful miasmas or other poison gases but cannot protect her from extremely powerful miasmas such as Naraku's. Shippo #Foxfire (Kitsune-bi) : Shippo's Foxfire is a part of his kitsune heritage. It is used to burn weak or dead enemies, but has absolutely no affect on stronger ones. It can also be used to ward against normal fire, and was once used to remove a lizard kai's illusion. Shoots green/blue colored fire when used. It is not used as much as his illusion attacks but may grow stronger over time since his father's Foxfire was much more powerful. #Leaves of Illusion : Shippo uses his magical leaf to create illusions and change his shape. Also notorious for his giant bouncing mushrooms, chestnuts, and other oddities. #Shape-shifting or Transform (Henge): Shippo has powers of transformation, though he often gives himself away because his tail does not morph most of the time. Though they can be quite helpful, his transformations often look completely ridiculous. #The Heart Scar (Kokoro No Kizu) : Seen in episode 130 of the anime; Shippo attacks his enemy by biting down hard and tenaciously holding on. This technique is used twice: once upon a Lizard kai and the second upon InuYasha himself. #Kendama : A Japanese toy, that grows larger to attack enemies. However it Only annoys the enemy. It does no more than a scratch or 2. #Spinning Top : A top used by Shippo which grows into a giant spinning top. He first used it (as far as the anime, manga shows) on InuYasha in Episode 9 ("Enter Shippo... Plus, The Amazing Thunder Brothers!"). He is also seen using it on InuYasha in the 3rd Opening song. Miroku #Kazaana (Wind Tunnel) : Kazaana is a powerful vortex in Miroku's right hand which sucks everything in the vicinity into itself. It is a curse given to Miroku's grandfather by Naraku, and eventually it will grow to consume him, as it did to Miroku's father and grandfather. This attack's weakness comes in the form of Naraku's poisonous insects called , which, when sucked in, poison the attacker. Miroku will not use this ability if it endangers innocent lives. #Shakujo : With his staff Miroku can create a small protective barrier for a short period of time. It is an effective tool for slaying demons and was originally wielded by his grandfather, the monk Miyatsu. In the second movie, Kagome was able to combine her holy powers with those of Miroku by using a broken piece of his staff and shooting it like she would one of her spiritual arrows. It is also quite durable as seen when InuYasha could not cut the staff in half with his sword. #Sacred Sutras : Sacred and powerful scrolls that can emit flames, destroy illusions or stun their enemies. #Spiritual barrier : Through meditation, Miroku is able to focus his own spiritual energy to create a temporary barrier about himself and those in close enough radius to himself. The barrier, itself, can be difficult to hold up. However, its power to repel demonic energy is second to none. Sesshomaru #Tenseiga ( "Heavenly Life Fang") : Sesshomaru's sword. Rather than killing 100 people, like Tessaiga's Kaze no Kizu, it can heal 100 people. It is a blade that cannot cut the living, but it can slay creatures related to the afterlife. Sesshomaru resurrected Rin with it when she was murdered by Koga's wolves. Sesshomaru genuinely disliked this sword, until its usefulness was proven. He would have preferred to have inherited the Tessaiga, which is destructive rather than constructive but he renounced the Tessaiga when he knew that it was indispensable to InuYasha for controlling his demonic blood. After his other sword, Tkijin, was broken, sai reforged Tenseiga to be used as a weapon. Its one attack, Meid Zangetsuha, an attack originally owned by the Tessaiga, is supposedly capable of dragging a foe directly into the underworld (and therefore instantly killing it) when Sesshomaru fully masters it. He nearly mastered the attack in chapter 470 after purifying many dead bodies, but had yet to create the full circle as of chapter 491. When Sesshomaru discovered that his father had intended for him to bequeath the Meidou Zangetsuha technique to the Tessaiga, he let go of it, returning Tenseiga to a simple healing sword once again. #: Sword forged from Goshinki's fang. It possesses a strong ki and the sword was forged from the very teeth that broke Tessaiga. Tkijin itself was broken on the armor of Mrmaru, the armor created by Akago(The Infant) and Hakudoshi. #Bakusaiga : A regeneration-taking sword that appeared in manga chapter 518 during Sesshomaru's battle with Magatsuhi. Sesshomaru used it to kill Magatsuhi's borrowed body. Later on Naraku has Rin kidnapped because of the corrosive effects of the powerful sword, which would nullify his regenerative abilities and consequently kill him. #Dokkas (Poison Flower Claws) : Sesshomaru's hands can release deadly poisonous gases and acidic liquids. #Whip of Light : A very handy weapon that looks like a whip made of pure energy. It is summoned out of his index and middle finger and has no boundaries of length. It appears only in the anime. #Souryuuha (Dragon Strike) : Sesshomaru's ultimate attack. By concentrating a tremendous amount of his youki into the blade of either the Tkijin or the Tenseiga, it can unleash a massive energy strike powerful enough to destroy any foe. It is only used in the 3rd and 4th movies, however, and never in the anime or manga. In its debut in the 3rd movie, the blast proves to be so powerful that it even defeats InuYasha's Backlash Wave. The Tenseiga version was used in combination with Tessaiga's Bakuryuuha, and being an attack from Tenseiga, it can only attack beings from other worlds, on that one and only occasion, Souunga. Rather than an attack from the Tenseiga or Tokijin, it appears to be a manifestation of Sesshomaru's youki, with the sword acting as the conduit for the attack. Jaken #Nintojo (Staff of Two Heads) : This is the staff that Jaken carries most of the time. In an episode of the anime, it is claimed that Sesshomaru gave the Staff of Two Heads to Jaken after Jaken chose to become his servant. The Staff is used to discover the site of Sesshomaru's father's grave. The heads are of an old man & woman. When the women opens it means it's not the site. When the Old man's head open it means the gate to the grave will also open. The old man head can blast fire at enemies. In Buddhist legend, the Nintojo is used by ("king of hell") to measure the weight of sin in the dead. In the English version of the anime it is known as "The Staff of Two Heads". Kikyo #Hama no Ya (Purifying Arrow) : Same as above with Kagome, only Kikyo uses a long bow. #Fin no Ya ( Arrow of sealing. She used this arrow to seal InuYasha to Goshinboku after Naraku tricked her into believing he had betrayed her. #Shinidamach (Soul Collector or Soul Skimmer) : Soul collecting insects used to collect the souls needed to help Kikyo sustain her life. #Shikigami : Kikyo can fashion shikigami to serve her. One was a partial image of herself as Hijiri-sama that she used to attract the attention of InuYasha and help him defeat Abi-hime's birds. She also created 2 servant shikigami, Koch and Aska, who led Kagome to her to help purify Naraku's and continue to help her by acting as messengers. Tsubaki also uses Shikigami. #Shikon no Tama : Kikyo, like Kagome, can see the shards of the Shikon no Tama, even when hidden in a demon's body. Kohaku #Kusarigama: Kohaku's weapon of choice. It is a sickle with a chain, made up of parts of youkai that Kohaku's clansmen had slain (Similar to Sango's Hiraikotsu.). Early on in his training, Kohaku was shown to make mistakes in wielding the Kusarigama. However, over time Kohaku has honed his ability with it and wields the weapon with expert proficiency. #Mask: The trademark mask of the Demon Slayers. It serves as a protection against various poisons spewed by youkai. An example would be when Sango adorns the mask when Naraku expels Miasthma. #Katana: Kohaku's secondary weapon. While Demon Slayers use weapons forged of the parts of vanquished demons, it has been shown that they keep a secondary weapon, in most cases a Katana. #Kikyou's Light: Kohaku was in Naraku's clutches, who was attempting to extract Kohaku's shard of the Shikon no Tama when suddenly the light which Kikyou had imprinted into the jewel transfered into Kohaku's shard. Thus, Kohaku obtained a inadvertent ability to purify Naraku when he comes into contact with Kohaku's shard. However he later loses this ability when Magatsuhi(The evil spirit within the Shikon No Tama) used an artificial body to extract the shard from Kohaku. However Kikyou's Light stayed within' Kohaku in order to sustain his life. Naraku #(Miasma) : Naraku's special poison gas. #Kugutsu (Puppet or Dummy) : Naraku makes a clone of himself to attack his enemies by distance. A small wooden doll, also known as a golem with a strand of Naraku's hair lies at the center of the puppet and when destroyed, the clone is destroyed. A similar wooden doll is kept with the real Naraku and controls the puppet. #Mimicry : This ability does not have an official name. Naraku copies someone's body and voice, becoming an exact copy of that person. He used this ability to breed hate between Kikyo and InuYasha and to curse Miroku's grandfather with the Kazaana. After his castle was destroyed Naraku has stopped using this technique. #Shape-shift : By transforming his entire body into a weapons he can attack foes using claws, spikes, thorns, diamonds, etc. He can also infuse miasma in his attacks to do severe damage. #Saimsh : Naraku's poison insects, or insects of hell. Resembling wasps, they are mostly used to spy on InuYasha and the gang and to poison the Miroku's Kazaana rendering it useless. Demonic Spawning: Using the power of the Shikon no Tama, Naraku has the ability to create "incarnations" using his own flesh. Naraku has spawned, eleven incarnations of his own flesh the eldest two being Kanna of the Void and Kagura of the Wind; the youngest being Byakuya of the Mirage. Naraku has also been shown to have the ability to create weapons using this ability, once creating a spear for Princess Abi. Kagura Kagura uses a special fan to summon her wind attacks. The fan itself is quite durable and made from the bones of Naraku. #Fjin no Mai (Dance of Blades) : Fires off multiple spinning blades made of wind. #Shikabane no Mai (Dance of the Dead) : Allows Kagura to manipulate dead bodies or bodies whose souls have been drained by Kanna's mirror. #Ryja no Mai (Dance of the Dragon) : Creates many small tornadoes. Kagura also has a feather that can increase in size and be used as transportation. Kanna #Magical Mirror : Allows her to steal someone's soul and keep it inside her mirror so that Kagura can take complete control over their bodies. When her mirror was filled by souls from Kagome's arrows, it began to crack and Kanna had to release the souls to save the mirror. The mirror will reflect an enemy's attack back at them, whether physical or made of ki. The mirror can also used as tool for scrying, an ability employed usually by Naraku and once by Kagura. #Mirror Monster: Kanna is able to transform her Magical Mirror into a giant monster. When using this technique, the monster is able to copy any attack, and has been seen to be able to create weapons(Case in point, when the monster copied Tessaiga itself.). The draw back to this technique, however, is that Kanna receives any damage that would harm the monster. This ultimately causes her death. Koga #Goraishi(Five Thunder Fingers): The weapon Koga obtained from the Wolf Demon tribes ancestral burial ground. The weapon consists of a bracelet with is held fast to his wrist, long cone-shaped claws which Koga's finger fit into, and chains which hold the claws onto the bracelet. The Goraishi has been shown to be able to manipulate thunder by using thunder based attacks. The weapon can be used to slice an opponent while releasing a stream of electric Youki to enhance the strike. When not in use, the Goraishi lyes dormant within Koga's right arm, for him to summon at his leisure. #Katana: He hasn't been seen using it much, however Kouga keeps Katana at his side. He can be quoted as saying that he "Stole it from some human he killed, it's mostly for decoration". #Shard Based Abilities Koga for a time held three shards of the Shikon no Tama, one in his right arm and one in each leg. Even after losing the shard from his right arm, Kouga's demonic power was still increased dramatically. Being an expert in had to hand combat, Kouga has been shown to be able to drench his fist in Youki, using it in various ways including; Melee strikes, as well as creating a shock wave by punching the ground(Similar to InuYasha's Kaze no Kizu or Wind Scar). The shards also gave Kouga unnatural speed, which Kouga used to his advantage, often sprinting for days at a time. He can be quoted as saying he "Can keep running for three days without rest".

So'unga The So'unga is a fictional sword appearing only in the third movie, InuYasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler, as its primary villain. History Also known as the Sword of Calamity, So'unga was the former property of the great dog general (Inu no Taishou), InuYasha and Sesshomaru's father. Unlike Tessaiga and Tenseiga (InuYasha's and Sesshomaru's swords, respectively), this sword, which resembles a Zweihänder, was not forged by the sword smith, sai. Not much is known of So'unga's history other than the dog demon acquired it on his own and it's said that he was the only of few who could wield it without being possessed by it. In the third movie, sai commented that the only person alive who could wield So'unga safely was probably Sesshomaru. Either way its true power can only be used by demons or those with demon blood. (Takemaru was only able to use Sounga’s true power by wielding Sesshomaru’s lost arm) During InuYasha's time, only Sesshomaru is able to use and wield So'unga without being possessed by it by overcoming So'unga with his own demonic power. It was known that Sesshomaru desired the swords Tessaiga and Sounga in his quest for power. After Inu no Taishou died in his attempt to rescue his human wife Izayoi and his son InuYasha, it was clear that he had passed instructions on what to do with his powerful swords to his loyal friends. It was vital that the swords, especially Sounga do not fall into the hands of evil-doers as they would bring untold destruction unto the world if misused. Mga, Saya (the spirit of the sheath of So'unga) and sai followed their lord's instructions with regards to the three swords with Mga sealing Tessaiga along with their lord's body in the boundary between the living world and the dead and sai leaving Tenseiga for Sesshomaru. However, Saya had clearly forgotten Inu no Taishou's instructions on what to do with So'unga and in the end, they threw the sword down the Bone-Eater's Well where it was known that demon remains thrown down the well mysteriously vanished. It was decided that Saya would seal the sword's malicious powers for at least seven hundred years although five hundred years was lost during the transition to the future where it ended up in Kagome's shrine. With demonic powers far stronger than the Tessaiga or Tenseiga per se, the So'unga is incredibly dangerous. Like Tokijin, So'unga is double-bladed, but it is much narrower than Tokijin but longer to compensate. Sesshomaru was able to easily block So'unga's physical attacks with Tokijin, but its length eventually allows Takemaru to knock Tokijin from Sesshomaru's hand. So'unga attempts to possess anyone who tries to wield it. After possessing InuYasha and unleashing the terrible power of Goukuryuuha (dragon twister in the English dub), InuYasha sought solitude to keep his friends safe. Soon after, Sesshomaru showed up and attempted to claim the sword. Kagome interrupts the battle and manages to remove the Souunga's control on InuYasha by shouting 'Osuwari'. After leaving Inuyasha's body, the sword possessed one of its ogre zombies and retrieved both Sesshomaru's lost arm and revived Takemaru. It then urged Takemaru to destroy both Sesshomaru and InuYasha, using Takemaru's hatred of the Inu no Taisho. In reality, the So'uunga was only using Takemaru to further its own ends and destroy the only threats to its existence, the Tessaiga and the Tenseiga. After Takemaru's defeat, it used Sesshomaru's arm and Takemaru's leftover zombie flesh to make itself a one-armed body with an arm with a blade much like Tessaiga's transformed one. So'unga then fought with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru itself, using its demonic attacks to fullest effect possible, but with Tessaiga and Tenseiga nearby, it couldn't use its true power. So'unga was later defeated by the combined powers of Tessaiga and Tenseiga. Having opened the door to the underworld, when So'unga was defeated, it was sealed in the portal that it itself opened and the threat that it presented was gone for good. Only one of So'unga's demon attacks is known: Gkuryha (Infernal Dragon Wave or Dragon Twister). The attack takes the form of a gigantic purple tornado with its center glowing pink/light purple. Information from InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler reveals that So'unga's has the special ability to resurrect both human and kai. All enemies slain by So'unga become its zombie slaves.

Special Attacks ====Gkuryha==== The Infernal Dragon Wave is the ultimate attack of So'unga, which summons a dragon (or dragon spirits) from hell, and releasing it as an attack that is more powerful than Tessaiga and Tenseiga by themselves. It takes the shape of a huge orb of demonic energy, formed in the middle of the rotating sword generating a huge mass of hellish winds wrapped around it. Its power of destruction is more than several times stronger than even the Tessaiga's Bakuryha. When InuYasha (under the sword's influence) unleashes it the first time, it utterly devastates a valley in its path, leaving nothing standing for miles. A difference of power that can be seen in the movie, as the Backlash Wave could barely withstand, let along repel, the Gkuryha. In fact, in some cases, it could not even be formed by InuYasha due to utter power of So'unga's suffocating demonic aura. However, it is notable that when in close proximity to both the Tessaiga and Tenseiga, its power is weakened. Thus as long as both swords exist, and are within its presence, the sword's attack can never reach its full potential. Some say that both Tessaiga and Tenseiga were made to suppress So'unga. *Gkuryha is translated as Hell Dragon's Wave. In the English dubbed version and English translated subtitles, it is called Dragon Twister. 100 Zombies Anything killed by So'unga comes back as highly poisonous zombies and are under So'unga or the wielder of So'unga’s control. The only way to destroy them is to damage them beyond their abilities to regenerate, such as setting fire to their flammable bodies, or use of a holy item (like Kagome's Sacred Arrows). While Tessaiga could take 100 lives away and Tenseiga could bring back 100 lifes, So'unga raises 100 zombies from the underworld. It should be noted, that the zombies being of the underworld, could be cut and killed by the Tenseiga. Demonic Control So'unga is said to contain the soul of a horribly evil demon (possibly a dragon from Hell), and has the power to possess and control its user, manipulating them. The sword is sentient and possesses its own voice, and possessing a violent, bloodlusting personality and a desire only for war, destruction, slaughter, and self-preservation. When touched by any being less than a daikai the sword's power causes tendrils (possibly the victim's own veins or arteries) to grow from the being's hand and coil around their arm, making it next to impossible to dislodge. The sword's own will then proceeds to possess the user's mind, sending them on a killing spree. Since So'unga's lust for bloodshed is unsatiable, the user is endlessly compelled to kill, and will continue to do so unless the sword is temporarily drained of power (as was the case when a possessed Inuyasha used the Gokuryuha the first time), or is removed by an outside power. So'unga, in a sense, is not unlike Tkijin in its powers of possession and their being swords of evil except that it is far stronger and more self-aware than the latter. Only Inu no Taishou, Sesshomaru and other daikai (possibly) are able to resist this power outright. The worst thing that could have happened was for So'unga to fall into the hands of a human. Humans are (supposedly) the most selfish of creatures and have the deepest desires for power; if a human holds So'unga, he would not stop even for centuries until the world is destroyed in his mad conquest and left with absolutely nothing left to kill or the user itself is killed by something. So'unga also has the ability to control anything that it kills. Hell Spikes In the movie So'unga had fired several large black spikes from within his armor. Opening the Underworld Being the sword of Hell, So'unga has the power to open the doors to Hell, which would merge with the world of living and cause every living thing in the world to perish. Others Bankotsu's Banryu Banryu is a unique variation on the giant halberd wielded by , leader of the Shichinintai (Band Of Seven) . The origins of the weapons are never revealed. In the anime, Bankotsu claimed that he had long ago made a wish upon his weapon in order to become strong. Since he was born human, he was not able to possess divine powers by bloodline alone, yet he did not have the desire to train in order to obtain supernatural powers. What he wanted but did not have was demonic powers. In order to fulfill his promise to Banryu, he had to kill 1000 warlords and 1000 demons. Once fulfilled, Banryu transformed into a demonic weapon capable of releasing blasts of heat energy at opponents in a similar fashion to that of the . However, such events never occurred in the manga. Attacks achieved before the completed transformation *Banryu Flash - surrounds Banryu in a pinkish purple aura capable of repelling attacks *Dragon Thunder - levitation, cloud formation, lightning manipulation. *Dragon Hammer - energy blast similar to InuYasha's Wind Scar. *Banryu Bash - Banryu glows pink and bashes against the ground with tremendous force. Attacks achieved after the completed transformation *All of Bankotsu attacks now have a bright red color; this represents his hatred. *Hatred Ball - Large formation of ki formed by spinning his Banryu. Nuetralized by Inyuasha's Backlash Wave; this kills Bankotsu. *Heat Wave. Naginata of Kenkon The Blade of Heaven and Earth is a double-sided Naginata forged by from 222 demons. In the English dub of the series, the weapon is also known as the Naginata of Kenkon. The weapon was wielded by the kai ninja Hoshiyomi, who had commissioned the blade in order to protect his lover, the priestess Tsukiyomi. The weapon itself is forged of many many kai so that it possesses a demonic aura of its own, enough to possess Hoshiyomi. Fearing that Hoshiyomi would destroy all that they had fought for, under the blade's possession, Tsukiyomi sealed him away with the intention of freeing him after dealing with the weapon. Unable to destroy it, she broke the weapon into two parts: the Ken blade, placed under the protection of the family on Mount Fuji, and the Kon blade, which was sealed in Mount Hakurei. Tsukiyomi died shortly afterwards before freeing Hoshiyomi, as she spent a lot of energy breaking up the weapon and sealing Hoshiyomi. Hoshiyomi would return decades later to reclaim the two blades and seek revenge for Tsukiyomi's supposed betrayal. The blade is eventually destroyed, along with its demonic wielder, when the powers of Tessaiga's Bakuryuha (Backlash Wave) and Kagome's Hama no Ya (Sacred Arrow) combined to combat it. Attacks *Necro Eclipse: after assorbing Tessaiga's power, the Kon blade releases a wave of dark energy ten times stronger than the Wind Scar. *Dark Hole: an abyss which sucks away all the energy within an area, be it ki, sacred, etc. *Red Orb: a large red orb is fired from the blade, destroying all in the orb's path. *Barrier: creates a barrier, which protects its wielder.

Raigekijin The Raigekijin is a spear wielded by Hiten, one of the Thunder Brothers. It has the power create destructive lightning bolts and massive balls of energy. This weapon is also called The Thunder Pike.

===Hakudshi's Spear=== A naginata that originally belonged to Entei's previous rider, Rengokuki. While the weapon has no power itself, Hakudshi has been seen releasing a shockwave from it.

Naraku's Spear A trident that Naraku had created from his own bones and had lent to Princess Abi , in order to use against anyone that interferes with her mission to acquire more human blood for her mother; which, indirectly, helps Naraku gain passage to the Underworld, where the final shard of the Shikon Jewel resides (in Hosenki). This Spear is rumored to have killed 10000 humans and only 1000 demons. As you can see, Naraku designed it for his evil purposes. Attacks *Barrier: since it is made from Naraku's bones (which was fused with Mt. Hakurei's soil), it creates a barrier protecting its wielder. *Miasma: the spear has shown the ability to shoot a miasma from its tip. Kinkas Fireshell Only seen in the manga. This is a seashell horn wielded by Kinka as a weapon against his own sibling Ginka, whom he is cojoined since birth with. It is an elemental weapon affiliated with heat and fire. Kinka can release limitless amount of flames from the shell's horn by blowing hard from the other end Ginka's Trident Only seen in the manga. This is a one-handed trident wielded by Ginka as a weapon against his own sibling Kinka, whom he is cojoined since birth with. It is an elemental weapon affiliated with lightning and thunder. Ginka can release limitless amount of lightning from his weapon's prongs and direct it at targets "Becoming one with the Forest" - Becomes super human or "Intensified Human", but more they use the power the quicker they end up as trees as their bodies are extremely powerful and able to call the forest within themselves to create larger arms and use them as weapons. It is progressive before the entire body becomes something like the trunk of the tree that grows around them. It is the power of everything connected together like the forest and humans. Light Play - a new energy source that is based on nuclear energy while being able to use this defensively to shock people nearby or to heal people that are contained within a golden light with the person given this ability to play an instrument that otherwise could not be played. The user can also "See the wind" and fly in the air, while being able to talk to other creatures and animals.

:City of Roses Description: City of Roses

At your feet is a path made of nearly golden petals, the feeling of something softer then silk under you and thickly over the ground. The many petals constantly moving to keep the path clean of dirt the wind being the sweeper of the city. To the sides of the path are green vines, with roses growing on them. Along the path are three twisting vines that grow upwards and overhand over the path. A rose hanging at the end of the vines like a lamp post, the rose itself glowing lightly as the smaller roses along the pole of the lamp post glow a dimmer gold color, the sides of the path shown with vibrant colors of red and gold. A line of blue roses acting like it was a pen that had made a line on the sides of the path leading to the city. The path meeting up with others that connect into a massive pattern of interconnected and intertwined paths. Grouping up and growing upwards into the sky, attacking the sky to get there spot growing higher and higher until the clouds themselves part from the assault on them. The vines tightening up and turning into beams and structures that resembled items of man, fusing the elements of man and nature as the walls are made and floors given life; the structure seems to light up inside from the dim lighting of roses that seem to nearly glow off a gentle light. Nature fused into the structures as the buildings continue to rise one by one. Building itself as lamp posts of twisted vines shoot up higher along the sidewalks, leaving roses on the post itself as the single rose at the end glows and lights the golden path. The alleyways between the buildings made of a dark red colored rose that breathes life into the normally lifeless part of a city from the smell it provides, enticing who walk past and soothing who only get a hint of it. On the outskirts of the city, the buildings seem to move with the wind constantly. Never stopping to rest as the roses that cover the building themselves move with the wind and the buildings sway with the wind cradling to the people inside of there. The tops of the cities having a single huge rose on the top that shines light into the sky. Seeming to write into the sky of peace and welcomeness; along the lines of ‘The dreams that people forgot.’ in the sky. The glass of man with tints of silver and gold held by the green vines of nature with roses covering the edges to fuse the look that man and nature live together in harmony. The glass seeming to shine and reflect the majestic look of roses everywhere around it, providing its own golden glow from the inner lights to the outside world. The center piece of the city was a fountain that seems to be as huge as a single story home, and two stories tall; roses floating in the air all around the fountain as clear crystal water runs down the veins of the structure till the water falls off the cascading sides; landing into the pool of rose petals that cover the bottom of the fountain in colors of blue, red and gold. The mist of the water around the fountain making the roses glisten and glitter in the near rainbow light that was given off in that center piece. the roses all around the city having dew on it making the rainbow effect travel all over the city. The entire city showing that nature can work with man, the colors of red, green, blue and gold shining off the cities view with the just setting sunset behind the city encasing this area in a never ending scene where animals and humans live and share. The city having all the expected things, when you enter the area its starts off with the small shops like a barber and working its way to a super market and then a supply place for items like wood. The place farther into the city being more like a super mall and then a high rise for people that work and then others that are like hotels or rental areas. Several of the people in the city that actually work there live inside of the high rises as well. All the buildings made of vines and roses that seem to shower the people near it with a gentle smell. A subtle hint of sweetness and soothing that relaxes and soothes away the pains of being singled out. People and animals and even anthropomorphic animals filling up the area as they fade into the area, seeming to be there the entire time as they work to keep the area up and lit. Feeding the plants and even opening up and supplying people with food and services. Smells of sweet food and the sounds of entertainment small but there, somehow not interrupting, but complementing. The sounds of life in the city not bothering and annoying, but only peaceful and soothing.

~*Walking within the city*~ At first small shops and stores of magic and food even some small supplies like medical and medicine even in stock. The walls all of a deep green vine that was barely shown, the roses covering the entire area. The fountain water leaving drops of water on the pedals of roses near the buildings and sometimes even in them giving a glitter effect. People, humans and anthro alike walking past others, greeting new faces and people that have come into the city. The fountain shimmers in its own light that comes from the rainbow that was above the fountain. The fountain had many petals on the water surface like mini boats that was in a winding current that went around the cascading water. The gold blue and red petals chugging along in the water it seems as they floated. Several petals that had sank under the water having coins on them. However the petals did not rot or damage the fountain, only showing how long nature could last in the right care. The silver lining that entangled the vines that made the fountain shimmering with the lights that reflected off the rainbow and water that was around and in the fountain. Walking past the fountain the buildings started to go into the more bigger stores that had supply homes and bigger jobs; super markets and a super mall that was five stories high and even had a basement for the more hard to find items. The mall supporting travel for all kinds of races and sizes so there was no need to wear yourself out unless you wanted exercise. All of it in roses, the glass that was in the buildings looked like the glass had fused with the vines. The ground gave away to the touch of paws and feet, the ever soft and clean pedals covering the ground. Pleasant smells reaching and enticing you to smell it as you walk by them. A pie store having fresh pies to cool off in the window as people jog pass. The super structures of skyscrapers that went past and claimed parts of the sky as theirs. More glass in the skyscrapers that glowed a nearly golden glow off from the inside lights. The roses swaying in the wind and the building coxing who look at it to sway with them. lulling people to sleep as the days end and the recharge begins. In front of a massive building was a hotel it seems but in the theme of a rose skyscraper. The rose on the top of the building nearly not seen from as it hides in the clouds. but golden shimmers of light from the tops shining in the cloud. Shining like a light house saying 'we are here!' to encourage people to find this place. The pillars of twisted rose vines of blue and gold rising to meet the structure and hold the weight up of the superstructure. The doors having nearly all glass, vines acting as hinges and moving parts for mostly everything. Going inside a desk of red and black marble with rose pedals infused into it, the lights overhead glowing with red and yellow roses that gave a faint natural glow. chairs that had been made of the finest of cloth and wood. Pedals woven into the fabric making the feeling smoother then silk. The rugs that covers parts of the floor woven with fine vines and the pedals of the roses on the rub making patterns and shapes. One of the rugs next to the desk showing a waterfall into a lake that had floating petals on the lake water. To the right of the desk was a hall that lead to elevators. Six of them that managed to go over 120 stories. When inside of an elevator it had only gold for metal inside. All of it even the mirror has a form of gold, the roses even inside of there, embedded as if they were growing in gold, over 100 stories up the elevator could go. A soothing sound of water and violin playing gently as you wait. Soon going up and then down a hall that had clouds made of petals and roses on the ceiling where the floor was all vines. The roses on top of the ceiling shining brighter up here, going to the end of a corner; a turn of a key and then it happens... A corner room, glass on two sides of the wall that had a light blue gold film on it and an overhang to be outside of the sky scraper, the clouds underneath the room being at the one hundredth floor. The golden lights shining below from the inside of the building. The smell of nature everywhere and roses everywhere. The bed structure made of vines and the un-moveable objects made of vines like the kitchen that was a tad big for even this room with glass etched with roses with a gold dust inside of the glass where it was etched the marble that was for the top of the kitchen was a black marble that had gold and blue petals inside of it. A large television that did work off of electricity. The building wired but self sufficient in its electricity usage; there were switches, but that power is diverted to others in use when they are switched off, that is why it was nearly sustainable and almost no electricity was needed as a main source of power. A mini bar refrigerator next to the bed as well as a desk to put your items on it. The wood made of red wood and vines from roses. Walking along the petal covered floor, of gold, blue and red. Walking till you were next to the bed that could hold an elephant or more. The five pillows of silk and the thick bedding providing relief to a stressed body. The warmth that came off of the bed as if it was self heated somehow, yet not a single plug for the bed. The bed made of silk and had roses over it, pedals on the first day of use and a single half gold bar’s worth there, but of coins that were imprinted with a rose. That were stacked in such a way that almost looked to be a rose. The bathroom nearly all gold and sliver stained glasses with roses making the ceiling walls and floors. A little to no give when strong winds push at the building, the swaying of the building almost like a lullaby should be sung here. Down below, was a sea of never-ending roses and all of them acting like it was waves; that was the city that was moving in the wind, pedals showering off and cascading down in a strong breeze but the building did not move, better and stronger then letting a wind push it to fall. The lights shinning of gold almost onto the roses that were on the wall. Somehow growing inside even if there was little to no light on them most of the time. The roses seeming to be connected to everything; everyone and everything having a place a belonging to be at and welcomed at.

"This room is for you, this area is for the souls I have touched. This environment is for the peace I want. This idea is for fixing the damages of war and separation." ~ Quote from Sam Richard Robertson Soul's and Connection Lists:

-8 Godly presences or controllers connected to him -86 Extremely powerful demons -380 demons of varying rank -73 Extremely strong angel -7 very strong angels -21 varying rank angels -341 People he met -9,453 intelligent furry -26,540 varying small animals from mice to small deer -21,547 varying large animals from walrus to elephants

Sub Total: ~ 58, 446 Spa Lodge employes; 270x15,000 = 4,050,000 Total: ~ 4,108,446 Connected or souls he holds

Each soul adds to the power that Sam can potentially use to defend himself with or to attack with. The souls are not harmed but just add to the total pool of mana and regeneration that he has, not all souls are equally shared towards Sam's power but each one does make a significant increase in his abilities. When Sam reached 10,000 souls he was considered the level of demi god, 150,000 for god level. He is already past that level now as he reaches past 4,000,000 souls total within his connections. With this many souls he has converted the excess power to create a much more stable version of his afterlife and continues to put effort into making it as stable as possible. The more souls invested into Darthirony the longer and stable it will become and it won't lose any of its power regardless afterwards because it unlocks its internal features that will keep it stable.


Darthirony Collection of Characters

Copyrighted to Darthirony Productions By: Paul Robertson

Contact's: [email protected]