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11-17-1927 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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..cLUB J J. Zetterower IS spending the TRIANGLE BRIDGE Brown was hostess on I week 10 Atlanta on business. Mrs. E N. Week THE HEART OF THE HEART OF Social Happenings for Mr Luther Kinard and afternoon to the members GEORGIA, GEORGIA, t�e and Mrs Thursday club. Cut little son from Savannah, spent Sun- of the Triangle bridge "WHERE NATURE SMILES" "WHERE NATURE SMILES" TWIJ PHONES: 100 AND 25S·R. 10 which day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. flowers adorned the rooms her three tables were arranged At ]AKE'FINE,INc. 1_. M. J Kinard NEW5-STATESBORO M"SS (STATESBORO D A:lden was a visitor III MOlY Cherry of Macon IS the EAGLE) Mrs D. MISS Mattie and Mirs R. the conclusion of the game she of her Mrs. Dan Gould. Lively Friday guest aunt, selve� Statesboro, Georgia Savannah P were In Sardis Tuesday a salad course In Mrs. Stephens Adams was a VISltOI C L Gruver has as her guest BuIlodJ Tim•• Eootahl!lIhed r:Ol: MISS Juha of their CbDSOUeIated Jana8J7 17. 11117. aunt, GA .• NOV. 1927 Mrs. Gruver, from s». WHILE· AWAY CLUB StatHboro Newa, Elt.abU.hed 1I1ell } STATESBORO. THURSDAY, 17, VOL. 36-NO. 3'1 �r:.t�:�n�:eG;�s::�al atat•• Earle, Establlahl!d 181'l.....cODlIOlld.tad December 8, 1820. Sun. :=�n:ther, The While club met on Fri. boro, aMho�;etu::'Zlaxton spent as A,y;ay SavWa,olnl M I. and Mrs D DAdr en h a d Mrs Lou IS Moore here With I elatives. Mary Kennedy spend. day afternoon WIth Mrs J G day guests Monday M.,· and Mrs Dan several days With I elatives In Mrs R P. Stepheos spent 109 • o· as hostess. Lovely chrysanthemums Mr and I ri ar an Mtsses rarvcr CharI es P tc h d d KENNEDY AGAIN,OfFERS SAVANNAH VISITORS' MidVIlle formed the decorations 'for .the room .' INCREASE RECORD 10 Savannah. POSSIBLE TO ATTENDANCE 2 MONTHS ., IN ar JAIL acon GLEE 0 M MERCER '''aturday an Phd f F. d Jane rite ·Cl�B· Regis Mrs. Groover and children were ar- of Augusta spent the George In which her four tables Leo Temples Mirs. D. G. Lee and little grand- left for Atlanta to VISit After the end with hIS parents here. Thursday ranged 'for the game fOR CHAIRMAN Of BOARD POSTPONE THEIR COMING week (I BUgItlor, Dorothy W I I son, Ieft on several in relatives. salad course was served. SIZE OF LITTERS AT P,-To A. MEETING a MAKING Olhff spent days game COMING· STATESBORO "HOME BREI'� Bruce VI' ednee d for New York CitI t I ay • • Event The engagement of the Savannah K. P. DaVIS and Lonnie DaVIS yo. An thiS week on bUSiness spent Formal announcement of. R. J. Savannah •• Lee and Mrs. E. W. BEN VI.,t �Il Ruby HALLOWE'EN BIRTHDAY PARTY • COLLEGE BOYS WILL RENDER business men for a "Gat Acquaint­ MOONEy"ENTERS PLEA or I. spending several days thiS week 111 Barnesville as a tc succeed EXPERIMENT STATION SAYS STATESBORO IS HOST 'TO THE Mrs. J. W John.ton Kennedy cantlldllte GUILTY IN ;"a)oer. Little MISS Annette Franklin cele- PROGRAM HERE ON EVENING ed" VI It to Statesboro, which was to FEDERAL COURT. week In Atlanta. on business. himself as chairman of the board ..:>f WITH PROPER CARE LITTERS DISTRICT CONFERENCE HERE aeveral days thia Ml Mrs. Clarence Chance and IN SAVANNAH. and brated her bIrthday on FrIday NOVEMBER 29TH. have brought them as guests of the Pomdexter and Mr.. Dr R. J. Kennedy spent several eighth Unusual Importance! commleaionere WIll he ob­ MAY BE INCREASED. _LAST SATURDAY. Mrs. E L I!f countg L. - tluughter Marlo!1 Nell, Mrs. of her � Statesboro Chamber of Commerce 111 afternoon by flfty Thursday m days dur1l1g the week Savannah IIttl� invitlng served ID this iSsue. Though there Paul Jones spent �van- :; Chance and M, •• I "'rence was II 14 -With 111 the (Savannah Chance, httle friend. to The home Macon, Nov. maay The litter of IS the last night, was ecancelled early Press, Monday.) on business. play. Ga., Ii... been ·.some little talk 'Of spl'lng pigs (Savannah Morltlng News) Dah. of were the Sun- over posslbl, Ben S of :-:.,,,annah, guesta decorated n Hallowe'en colors and new features and Im}lrovements maker for the The First District conference of week by the prospective vtsttors, MooQey StstelbOIV. E. Mr and Mrs George Gould Jr. I there i. not 'so far money hog raiser, W. McDougald aPPaRition, allY Mr. and Mrs. of Mr O. '1927·28 charged F D. day Shuptrine. were of the same nature. She that of last year, the Me�cer to the the of Parent' Notice of the change of plans was by Dismukes, depaty tbe spent Sunday With his mother, games deftnite prospect 10 the field. Dr. generally speaking, according Georgia branch were visitcrs tn Savannah during an� M�s. '!: In and Club. WIll received Pete secre­ admullstrator of prohibition wltb.,.. had a cake Iced Glee Instrume'ntal Station which Teacher s which was held at States. by Donaldson, W. E. Gould. OCTAGON CLUB pretty bIrthday Kennedy has served' as board memo Georgia Experiment week. the Ing the source of 08111' her name was em- give their Initial performance of boro November In the tary of the Chamber of Commerce, supply 'for an- Mr. and H. S.Parrlsh had as yellow on wbich ber In for the says. Saturday, 12, Mol'S. Julian Groover Mrs LetHer DeLoach was hostess varying past beer Mr. and season at Qapacltle� for practically the entire bossed. The cake. held yellow Dubltn on Friday night, The best time to start school broke the at­ Monday The deciston to postpone count)' Novem. guest last week end Rawlston Mrs'jKin- eight ten years, • been .named breeding high building, a on on afternoon to the Oc- Presenting having nounce the bIrth of girl Wednesday ft,rst of Bulloch, entered a of served her httle Novefnber 25th. sows the around record of the and the CODling was because of the de. plea guilt,­ of Atlanta. candles. She guests on a board of five as successor to for spring \Itter is tendance district sey tagon club of which she Is a memo to of ber 6th. Dubhn IS the first of eight towns rnands now made the Sa. two charges the 'lUI­ Dr L. W. of I eskimo pie and cakes and gave candy Jake Smith who died. the November 10th This Will cause the the state pre.Ident, Mrs. P H Jeter bemg upon Violating has returned from a Wllhams Savannah, ber. Chrysanthemums were the Later Cone to the club men tional prohibitIOn act before Harry ftow.1 that WIll be taken by March of stated It was the vannah business It was de­ Judre 111 the of his as favol'lL law was the board pigs to be farrowed about Decatur, largest Fred Cone, guest Sunday ers used 10 her home. changed making visit, to hIS brother, decorating • • WIll the cided that Wilham H Barrett in the United father,; • on a ten-day tour which be she ever attended were 352 It would not be conven­ W Wllhams. consist of one member and Dr Ist, which I. a very good time .un- There �vas served a salad course. only Atlanta. 'She datnty BRIDGE FOR BRIDE that WIll be made lent nor to leave their States dtstrlct court by manufactlJr_ I fir.t of several by del' condltions for them to names on the register, profitable is Lester Dekle of Atlanta the m- was In the act GeorgIa of Vldette spent two tables of were are· Kennedy desIgnated MJss Beulah Shivers Only players Dan on business Ing "home brew," and was sentene­ Honoring Mrs. Blitch, the club Its annual Jaunts through a start The was called to order at places of for the proposed D. week end With his Mr and for one term. Later the law was get good meeting her 'Mrs. G. parents, vited. ed a of aunt, cent was the pretty bridge tour at this sea.on at a Monday to torm of two montha the guest bride, Georglal In obsrvatlons made at the Geor· 10 o'clock the di.trlct three·days' - D. Dekie. . .. • the con­ by preSident, Mrs R. ' agatn changed makmg body Brunson. luncheon Saturday at which Mra, at tIme' when wtnter trade ill to In jail. KARE KARD KLUB COATS FoUowlnJ 'performance Sist gla StatIOn It has been M.." who preSided In her ab�ut Mrs. James DaVIS Wed- KILL of three members and he was ExperIment Qttc Kolb, Burke of Macon spent A. spent W. J. J E Mrs Abram Fred and Mrs. Harry Dubhn, Ger musiCIans will reach IS active The change Anderson, attorney fro. [ The Kare Kard met on as one shown that proper care before breed· usual manner, a.slsted by stage Mrs. WIth her Mol'S Brooks I Kill Klub .Shearouse elected of the three and made pleastOg her nesday mece, last week end With sl.ter, Sffilth iWe're hosteases. The lit Vldaha November of IS announced as tern. State.boro, who appeared for the de­ Mrs. JOint 'play 0'1 26th; a sow Will IOcreue sIze of her Vice who are heads plans only In Leefield. Thursday afternoon wIth Fred chairman that he has tOg the preSIdents, FlOCh, which the Trimmed FollOWIng told the court client S. F. Cooper. home of Mrs SmIth, at Richly W,th Claxton, November Statesboro, different porary, the Savannah visitors hold. fendant, hiS T. LaDler as hostess. Two tables of 2'8th; been chBlrman almost the htter about twe pip. care of department•. of MI and Mrs. George Parrish of contmuously This he Dr. and Mrs. Powell Temples were was at· November Novem­ them.elve. In re.erve for a VI.,t ,wa. under the opinIOn had a ript guests entertamed, 29th; Swallliboro, consIsts BOW of was made 111g were present. She used yel. and hIS has mcreased .ill in feeding tbe about The address welcome week end WIth SylvanIa spent last week end With players popularity to manufacture the beer. He allo spent la.t decorated With yellow ber December 1; 111 the early part of next year. Plans Augusta 10 decorat1l1g tractlvely 30tiIJ, LOUISVille, the as he has In knowl­ ten days before on a rather by the preSident of the Statesboro hiS parents hete. low chrysanthemums years grown breeding told Barrett Mr. relatlves here chyrsanthemums An Itahan rose Beautl'a' FUN Thomson, had been made for a banquet at the Judge Mooney hall ,December 2; ration so that P.·T A. Mrs OrrlO Gresham of Talton of I and cartled out the yellow color ef. Wa��lfro, edge of county and road matter.. In heavy she WIll be L. of Tennille, spent LlOwood Augusta spent Bran· lost practically he had In Dan Bhtch, bowl was awarded Mrs. Lloyd Augu.ta or ,IIlllI.n on Decembet 3. Kolb Georgia Normal school at which the everythIng fect In her refreshments of the last election h" 1ra8 gaming weight at Waynesboro responded Mrs., of Mrs. With hiS parents, Mt. and' da1l1ty unopposed rap,dly br'leding the years 1�1·22 reason of end as the guest Friday score. The to Macon for Chamber of Commerce members by crop last week nen for hIgh George club ;,ilf'1A Y NIGHT Umted States distrIct told New York MISS Seven tables of were cer club IS as the attorney, City. Ft Iday eventng Margaret guest. players glee regarded more protein than usual IS recom· membel of the nll.tlOnal executIVe of Dubhn spent M,ss Om Frankhn of Brooklet Will Burt Parker The regulal meetlllg of the Cham. the court the home brew had an al­ MISS Ruth Dabney Wilitams of Savannah, who was VIS· tnvlted Priced- best 10 ItS history by Dr. mended A good ratIOn for the board, Savannah; MIS Lawrence thls'week·end With het bel of Commerce Will be held at the cohltc content of 5 cent WIth her Sister, Mrs spend mother, A Specially and Logan AWARDED GOLD MEDAL 50 per by last week end Itlng hel grandmother, Mrs. J. Richardson, director, purpose can be made as follows: Kelly, state auditor, Savannah, M,s MIS A J Frankltn. There always LS a reactIOn May. Georgia Normal school Fllday even· analysi. I ASSistant Admintstratcr J. H WhiteSide McDougald, gave a prom party to Bloodworth, plesldent Digester, tankage, 1 part; wheat OHm L. Gresham, Waynesbolo, and a student at Tech, be the kids of thiS generaLlon will was recent. at 7 30, at whICh time the report Dismuke announced the raid In which Monts and httle son, Ralph Mall81d, her New additIOns to the club's per· Announcement made 111g Mrs Rufus which she tnvlted fifty of young mlddhngs or shorts, 3 pal ts, corn othels last week end With hiS to make fOl of the committee Will be Mr and several others had Mr. and Mrs' spent pal ents, get enough spankng. up sonnel Since last season are Aaron Iy by the of awards of the nQ,JIlInatlllg Mooney of Pelham, ale VISlttng fllends DUring th e evemng the jury 01 corn 4 Mrs J E. vice president' ' meal, parts Dubberly, been �Il and MIS L M Mallard. those their pal ents failed to get fleshman from M,· Sesqui-Centenmal ExpOSItion that I eCCIved SUPI)er will be served at apprehended was the outgrowth­ R. M Monts, Sr. also en10yed danctng Parr, plalllst, a ThiS part of the ratIOn should be PI eBlded ovet the department of 01. young people to of of Turnel and Mrs James A DaVIS and daughtel, and Ed solOist of the "Eight o'Clock" brand coffee was the usual price complaints of open Violations the al11l, Ford, ------11l1sses M81guerlte Punch was selved tlBoughout supplemented \Vlth a mmeral mix· gamzatlOn and the followmg re- and Ml and Mrs Lonme Da- FIR., the medal the prohibition law In near were v1s1tors 10 ElVie, club last year awarded gold handling Marlon Shuptlme evening Emory Ulllverslty glee tUI e and pasturage sponded With I el)OI ts WATERS ENTERS RACE VIS tn Savannah m beer and that I\tt was spent Tuesday Fan a With him Mme than forty ,ilon pounds Mooney op- Savannah Friday. blought reputatl�n Aftel the sow has been bled she Child Welf3le Day, M,s. J C FOR SHERIFF OF BULLOCH who consumed evel 01 a of conSiderable BlOwn of Savannah Homer Simmons, Is spendtng WATERS-CARTER as a class pianIst when he came I of thiS coffee IS y atihg distillery MISS Lorm high should be fed so as to keep hel galn- Guest, Magazlnd{!, Ml·S. Lawrence Joe N Watels, of the Hagm d,•• awhile m was at home ThiS brand of IS a proportions and the major of Dr and Savannah, Of COl dml to then friends was to Mercer thiS :.11 and he's regard. yeat codl'ee shpplymg was the guest Sunday Ing slowly until farrow109 time. AI- Kelly, PubliCity and BulletinS, Mrs tllCt, formally announces In today's a of BraZil as portion of the county fOI few days dUllng the week the of �Llss EUnice Lenola cd as even better than Ralph product and Iecognlzed Mr. E N Blown' malllage be111g ways aVOid haVIng n sow fanow III Robet t Majors papel as a candidate fol' sheriff. HIS �lIs IS Santos coffee 1m· Judge Bal rett told the defendant and Mrs E L Leona Ernst of Snvannah !III Fted Julius 'Tabor, who won admirers dur- the highest quahty Mrs HaIry Smith Watels to Carter, many thlll conditIOn Th,s does not mean PlOf Jack Lance made a motIOn entry 111 the I aCe Will be noted With 111to III view of the fact that thiS is his Savannah Wed· VISltlllg hel daughtels, MIS. LOlen, Fla which occulred at hiS fOUl y,ealS With the club pOtted thiS country Smith motOied to of Tampa 109 that she should be "rolhlW In fat" that the First district ask fOl a page 111t.. est by a Wide Circle of fllends o'Clock" filst offense, and that he made Durden and MIS B W. Rusttn. bllde's Mr Tabol IS now With Keith VaudeVille InCidentally, "Eight ,had nesday for the day the_home �f the' parents, An essentl8l to .uccessful litter m one of the papers or the J'SttlCt thloughout the county He IS a man IS a sell· beel Instead of hquor, and further Lehman BI unson {lorn Savannah on and IS on the same bill With Gene coffee populal pllced coffee lI{irs F P Register of Regl.ter and Mrs MOlgan W Watets, ploduction IS slack animals that are to call news of P·T A work tn of Wide acqua111tance and has many y that he h..d a spent last week end WIth hiS pal- noted ten to fifteen cents a pound un· lalge family depend­ the week of I Jones avenue at 8 30 o'clock on the Auston, composer of populal IIlg for the district the discussion IS now was the bred and fllends III etlon He guest duIing JAKE FINE,INc. ulllfollnly prolificacy Durm!!, every ent would make the bl nnds �offees. upon hun, he ents, Mr and MIS. J H Brunson A colol and Lew the actor del' many of package Mrs J E McCloan mOllllng of November 7th "Where and Value Predominate'" songs Cody, deSirable conformation, tn other ,,'hlCh followed the publicity chair. engaged In farming, Bnd IS recogn­ Style, Quality In the the an· penalty lighter than ordinarily, and and Mel- MIS Blooks Mikell, M,ss Nelhe Riley McKoy, who has been WIth maklllg awmd, Jury MlCSCS Sarah Thompson scheme of yellow, plllk uno:: green words, b,ed for big htters of de- man, MIS Robelt Majors and others Ized as a successful tiller of the loll nounced that It was on the then pronounced the sentence of two tn Sa- Lee and thell D. G Lee, the club fOI fOUl IS 111 given ba Dekle spent last week end father, was elffechvely used in decorattng glee years, slrable type Pure·breds meet these wei e asked to speak on the questIon FOI many yeal s he was attached to of months In Jail Mr Mooney made wele VISitors In Savannah Wednes- of the blackface acts thiS baSIS of the fineness thiS c�ee's vannRh With relatlVes the home Lovely chlysnnthemums -charge reqUll ements. No one can expec The matter was turned over to the the shellff's otHce under the late J. of t(l no direct statement. and year. has two as. quahty. Many the leading pack· Mr and Mrs J M Mitchell day beautiful roses and feathery fOlna: Lots of men have all the clothes It IS st"i ("mcult to tell when .ome McKoy capable stay HI the hog ralsmg bUSIness now- ;p'ublIclty chairman for action Z Kendrick and made an etHclent Mrs. V M BUlnett and slstants With hIm thiS in Dick age coffees of the country were ex· Mrs F F. Floyd were vIsitors tn Sa· son, together WIth stately palms plovlded they want, but you never saw a wo° gills ale plaYing the p,ano and when year adays and make a profit WIth scrub Mrs P. H. Jeter made an Interest. deputy. Before that he was chief of In a hlblted competitIOn at the Ses. have leturned to Mitcon after VISit , WigginS of and Hard. vannah the week an Ideal settmg fOl the bridal scene man who had. they al e only dustmg It .... Wadley, Ga, stock mg address 10 which she gave the pohce 111 Statesboro, and 10 that ca· during the medal METHODIST P{STOR OFF With het Dan and James man Jodes of Atlanta The latter qUI-Centennial and gold John Temples, a student at Teoh, blathers, over whICh unshaded tapets a Use sows that make good mothers tnfol matlOn that there were 33,000 paclty made many frlend.hlps H,s And If Silence was golden as they Did you ever notice how as It to a brand sold at Gould qUlcklya two are new men but have award, was, end WIth hiS parents, An altar With plenty sows will raise more members m the state and that connectIOn Is and his spent last week soft glow Improvised would man Heavy nursmg paymg family large say It IS, PreSident Coolidge knock., shuts up whe", the he a lowe.' price than these others M,ss Dessle Sam 'Of talent. was" TO ANNUAl CONfERENCE Kesslel, ?'pperervngll'[ was formed of and raise them thriftier D,s· the for thiS A P.T fllends are Dr and MIS A Temples a green background pigs slogan year legIon be richer than Henry Ford LS knock comes • more than 70 and O. D Kessler or M81low I 109 along? The of thiS year's club Blazil ploduces per Hubert Shuptrme of I\tlanta spent spent fern banked fashion Lead. plOgram cal d the clumsy sow that crushes A m Every School tn Georgia." She - pyramid cent world's coffee Numer. Rev J E Parker pastor of the MI H E. follows of the AKINS hiS Mr Sunday With and Mls. a ribbon aisle her stressed that Will be JAMES F. OFFERS Jast we�k end With parent., Ing from the altar was EVERYTHING PLEASES pIgs playgrounds Sta"'sboro Moth",dl.t 11eft Part 1- On the ous grades are Imported (lorn BraZIl qhurch, Kesslel CholUs, (a) F R and a FOR TAX COLLECTOR and Mr� W O. Shuptrme. marked at IIltervals with pedestals EDWARDS, eqUipped supervisor fl1rnlshed afternoon aN... but the finest IS that In Santo Tuesday for Valdosta to MI and From the moment enter our res­ (b) Comln' Through the grown In ISsue Will be .observed Bascom Rackley spent last week M,s Paul Jones, Mrs. baskets of yellow chrysan. you March, Alllmal Husbandman, Georgia Ex· so the children could play on the today's holding IT HAD TO BE GOOD Pau'o and IS known a. attend the sessIOn of the South Geor­ Leon Sanders Mrs E L Potn- taurant you will find tc Rye, solo, Ed Ford, mmiature min. popularly announeement of James F Akms for -end tn Jacksonville as the guest of lind themums. The musIc was everythmg perIment StatIOn grounds and have full advantage of wedding TO GET WHERE I TIS Santos Plactlcally all of the most glu annual conference which con­ dextel wele vlSltO'" In Savannah your hkmg The enVlrODl)lent, the stlel, featullng McKoy, Wlgglngs the for tax collector MI. Ak111S is a busl· Mr alId Mrs. Rupert Rackley furnished Mrs James G. Moore, eqUipment longer periods vened by coffees have Santos as there yesterday It IS at thi. the the the and solo expensive ness man and IS . napery, Jones, (8) openmg ChOlUS, than was of expellence fully Mrs Bowen and'son, M Saturday and Stella Duren via. For Letters of AdminiatratioD tables, chma, pOSSible If used duro George pianist ' MISS only confel ence that assignments are solo their base It IS an exceptIOnal Mts. W W. Wilhams returned serVICe, and above all, the excellence by Kirk Foster, blackface .act; co!. which Is qualified fOl the dutlCs of the office J. of Register, were guests hmst the GEORGIA-Bulloch County. BAPflSTS SEND BOXES Ing school hours, time very made Bowen, Immedmtely preced.n� fee for blend pUlposes because of for the comIng year. from D for of the food. Brmg her tOl1lght for by blackface solo by 109 to which he asp"es. In I ece t years -of Mrs. W H ElliS Monday Saturday Atlanta and Black Mts Charles B Mathews C. Jones havtng apphed Wllhalns, act, 11I1lIted ceremony a real dmner, moderatelv prlced ItS abundant and uch Rev Parkel hus served the church permanent letters of admll1lstration good Coo pel flavOl, body he has been assoclnted Vi Ith the boald Ernest of Mountam, N where she spent , finale; spllltuals-(a) Deep The chal manner of the state Mr and Mrs. Rackley C., "All Fat You," With the vlohn and ask her how she hkes It. We mmg hele fOI one year and I. uni­ sang upon the estate of Albert Fmch, late aloma TO GEORGIA HOSPITAl only summer R,vel, Hush Falth.1 of tax s of the county and hiS the are sure of your future (b) Hush, PI eSld nt has endeal cd her to the equallZel BtltnbrlCige ate vIsiting parents, obligato. To the strainS of the bridal of saId county, deceased, notIce IS patronage "Tl'e versally With his own ftock fuP' qualtet, Halwell, has thus had to popular, W. J. MISS Josie Helen Mathews, a stu· after one VIsit. Cooper, wOlkels m the Patent·Teacner speCial OPPOl'tUlllty Mr and Mrs. Ruckley. ChOlUS from Rev. W. 1'. hereby gIVen that s8ld apphcatlon The W M U of the A'i/!o· and other denominations as well. At;. Lohengrln, the Ogeechee famllIBllze himself matters dent at Shorter heard at office on the CITY CAFE Brooks, Cook, chorus, club, clUtlons ovel the state llue to the with tax Mrs James Dixon and Mir. Floyd College, Rome, spent of the First Will be my the sorvlce the fin. Granade, pa.tol Baptist Box CAPITAL POURS IN fOR RIvet ASSOCIatIOn plans to send mOllllng Sunday III 1927. (soldlel s' chorus) , of on the week With first Monday December, J. H. Proprietor "Soap absence of MIs J N n VIce the county. Mays of Millen were the guests wno officmted With the 1m. Covin,ton, Everson, anclal mattCl s of the church were church, ThIS Novemoer 10 1927 Specialty" Thanksglvlllg boxes to the GeolglB shoveraler paren s ere. 46 Ea.t MaiD Street MIS Fled 'Vessels, state Tuesday of Mrs Gordon Mays. datYShdurmg ceremony, entered and No· plesldent, blOught up to a finished state and I presstve ring A E TEMPLES, Ordinary Pal t II-Cho The Watel Mill. Baptist hospital, Atlanta, dUllng at Mer· an at Bhtchton us, BUilDING UP GEORGIA vIce PI eSldent, was nsked to preSide Burdette Lane, a student EnJoymg outing took hiS before the altar. He vembel the report completed which show. I place the J E Ram· Evel y local soclCty of thel club house were W. by club, xylophone, III the tment of extensIOn Mrs CHfVROlH SERVICf TRUCKS the week end WIth hiS par· durmg the week brides maids depal evel demand the church/met • ..,er, spent 'was followed by the Nov 14 IS otgnmzntlOn IS asked to send mdl­ y against sey, vocal soloIB3Iley, plano selec­ Atlanta, Go, -Capital W. o L GI esham and PI of. R j,i; Monts hiS MISS 0 black Vidual boxes as an of III full fOl the year P8ll­ Myrtice Bowen, wearing Aa) on 'Mel cet coming Into the South and Geolgla expreSSIOn D�lIng tIOn, Fall, quartet, make acid I esses on this line of Sa- �Ih�:��' J Ww ';ra����ach,. of velvet With splendid torate Rev Ml. Palket has been a en�'r D:n:�r��: �.Cpa�:��· and plllk combinatIOn IS a shale of thiS thankfulness WITH 4 SPffOS , Ed BBlnes gettlllg genelOus fQUlPPED' Hoi FOld, Bailey, Johnson, n to MIS L WmbUl was next as e Ursm F • Bo of R and thel e IS vannah spent Sunday th guest. M' gle Nashville" a hat of IS a tireless wokel not be­ close fitting gold brocade, Palt The MCicer­ capital, accOl dmg to Atlan .. a busmess Followmg list of Imens need· I IJI-O,chestla, and as two of hel

1WO _ GOOD FOR MEN ALSO COUNTY SCHOOL NEWS �1t;11iui ,UP �hir[.s p!��le�����'sth�fet;U��tiS...: Iii Y POLITICAL, know it IB rood for meR also. Yeo. PURE.L ,..".our 10ttN and I can keep friend husband stronll: --....L.-" L.L II e had chance I will .... him a a , last week I if you gI glaBS � During bealth¥ FOR SOLICITOR CITY COURT W. F. Key says he knows some The milk we if':"'" ORDINARY. more than one thousand of our milk regularly. FOR to observe find an The cream at tbe Voters of Bullocb County: To the Voters of Bulloclt County: uf men who would rather argu- sell is pure and rich. ;To children at work in the schools, am a for the office of of the bottle proves this. I hereby announce my eandiduey I candid,,:te ment than 11 k tb k the top of ordi- or this county. Most of our schools bottle and -1or re-election to the office solicitor of the clt.y court­ p�c.: 0.0. Get an extra every day to to the rules have children interested In their UBe for JIar}' of Bulloch county, subject. boro, subject .,gov�rnIng "A beautiful girl," say. Walter it drinking. governmg the prrmary. to ObSOl". Sweet sweet cream, butter and Ute rules and regulations approaching _DemocratIc work. It is interesting "is a joy forever, if the milk, I will be McDougald, at all ... Democratic prtmary. appre- Your support apprectated. to concentrat'. buttermilk. Special delivery t· the ability of children and dye don't wear off." the support you have u:iven me, D. C. JONES. paint hours of the dav elate after been taught for a :few • • • solicit a continuation having THE CITY DAIRY COMPANY pd earnestly some COURT months a teacher. Our sen- Paul Franklin says ,",omen the same. Yours truly, FOR SOLICITOR CITY by good, Plioae Z69 pf at first while old I A. E. TEMPLES. 1'0 tho Voters of Bulloch County: iorhigh schools are good, but several believe in love sight \F announce as a candidate are maills believe in love at first chance, CLERK. S\:JPERIOR COURT I hereby of our junior high school. doing FOR • • • t (or 'solicitor of the city court of er- �i-�tiMaiiiiiiDiiSitrieiieitiiiii.isit·i·iti·biioirioi'IiGi·i·piiii£�;;ji��ii!�iPii�ii e t � the Voters of Bulloch County:. mighty good work. A grad rna. for re-electton Statesboro subject to the coming "1. ,I �SD't take more than a JII0Rt� am a' candidate is the and the I to be held Feb­ ed each year slogan, of au­ Democratic 'primary for a to realize how the bride'. to the office of clerk Buljoch less groom 16tb, 1928. Your vote and children are going after nothing »erior court subject to tile approach­ ruary father came always in debt," say. record support will be appreciated. than a complete 'grade per school ll1C Democratic primary. Mv Percy Averitt. known to each W. G. NEVILLE. a. clerk is well an.d year. _ • • and citizen of this county, .If Box suppers are coming regularly, "Times have says A. '1IT1llry FOR SOLICITOR CITY COURT changed," such a record as will wan-ant It, ,it II Last week end Alderman and Middle Deal. was swallowed by your sup- To the White Voters of Bulloch M. r"Jonah I will greatly appreciate that Ground gave box suppers w�re a whale, but the J onahs nowadays port. Respectfully, County: DAN N. RIGGS. I hereby announce myself a candi­ enjoyable occasions. In a financial get investigated." re-election as solicitor of • date for way ""tisfactory results were ob- ,. p Ji'OR SCHOOL, SUPERINTENDENT the city court of Statesboro subject . Raymond Proctor wants know.f Bulloch white tained. '�o the Voters of County:, to tho rules of the approaching the old the board of education who can remember good the of our 1I desire to serve peo­ I have tried to The county �ays Store 'Havin� Democratic primary. when HWhoa, Emmto." was eonslder­ Throngs People am offer­ Expressed by those Visiting. I salaries of Ie of my connty, again make you a faitbful and fair public doea not fix the for school fnl myself as a canmcate servant, and I hope that mv efforts teachers who teach in local systems. ed a funny expression? of Bulloch county, with and .uperintendent have met your approval, This matter is left entirely in 1Ihe the of the benefit of W. B. tha;; tIIany ..ubject to rulin� fort�­ that you will give me the Moo;e ;ec1:res WlII hands of the trustees' of the local I we this If elected a rab­ Since influence ion this cam- man who acts like Event eominr primary. � your vote and a married Unique of began Selling time to the duties The board my entil'e Respectfully, systems. county when to his wife, Weare in to offer the retail mer-chants '1rive the paign. budg�ts bit talking roars, position .to the office. 1 will appreciate FRANCIS B. HUNTER. to the bonded treasurer and he, of honor..sup- w.'th like a lion when talking down town. shell in cases- of assorted lind yo,;,r • ) for thts ' gun load�, of the voters salarIes.. �Ize port his fellow trustees, fixes the • • • same offered by [obbers' in Respectfully, FOR SHE�IFF own choice, the price IN EVERY RESPECT. THE Teachers in local systems are paid "There would be fewer divorces," PROVING A SENSATION OPENING DAY WAS THE EWELL T. DENMARK. 1'0 the Voters of Bulloch County: unbroken cases. to teach for "if it was as I am a candid'ate for sheriff of what they agreed by asserts Judge Proctor, who have heretofore FOR SCHOOLSliPERINTENDENT Bulloch county subject to the .usual contract with local trustees. easy to cut out dad's foolishness aSI This will enable merchants Voters of Bulloch County:' shall to a com­ • LARGBST DAY'S SALES OUR HISTORY. PEOPLE CAME HUNGRY FQR the Dmnocrntic primary. Ii appre­ man who does Willie's adenoids and the loads and sizes , To It is usually the it is to cut out stocked only popular carr� SINGLE IN herewith submit Tn)' candIdacy of voter in ' 1 ciate the support every school that most with no additional outlay of invested coun­ not want any gives tonsils." plete assortment to the white voters of Bullocn the county, and pledge my best en­ our school When to succeed myself as county if elected to faithfully serve trouble in system. capital. ty school ergies Barne says he wouldn't BARGAINS AND THEY COULD NOT HELP BUT MARVEL AT THE ASTOUNDING m Aye�itt for ennstderuuicn ,the people. Respectfully, you hear'; man knocking the schools, ,euperintendent to see radio become so Terms Cash. to be held Februury 16, H. WYMAN ROCKER. time. be surprised St�ictly the primary you can locate your man every . your trust and III t th t the! 1928. I appreciate He is opposed to public education. popular a. at the st have our confidence as expressed polls FOR SHERIFF. willyebar.egmortr,,:oYlllg ta0 op PRICE VALUES OFFERED. We gone through and men lire stock, we find who re-arranged 1924. If I am allowed further Occasionally Jn Voters of Bulloch County: rta�.eformers(' Co. at your To the to schools or any- opera Hardware service as superintendent opposed public lon.. '. • Johnson I hereby announce my candidacy ) will be very glllteful. else that the a hands, for the office of sheriff of Bulloch thing requires expend- Mayor Everett says it would be Store marked numerous items to make NEXT SATlJRDAY an Respectfully, \ 17re WINCHESTE'R even greater day! to the rules of the iture of money. Some want no more for the ambitious lad to B. R. OLLIFF. county, subject fine thing Your Democratic primary. support than "f'ree schocl." Unfortunately, bear in mind that well-digging is milch will be very appreciated. as a free school . FOR CHAIRMAN, CQMMISSIONER there is no such thnig only business in which you can ������������������������������ NEW AND CHARMING MODES MEN'S SOX the Voters of Bulloch Respectfully, has rJ :ro Cou�ty: or u Iree anything that any at the the for re-clectton to J. G. TILLMAN. begi� top. £' Half Charm III the Well am a candidate I • • • � We are our entire value. Bef'ore can be free, I'the � offering of chairman and clerk of anything the odfice to make for some one. Prof. Monts says one way \\" stock of Wilson Bros. half hose the Board of Commissioners of Ronds FOR SHERIFF 'it must be paid by and mad Ladies' Misses in of free school we have ever the average father begin \ this sale at special prrces, .and Revenues Bullo'ch county, To tho Voters of Bulloch County: The only '.S t? Dressed Woman Demo- smart child 18 Depends to the approaching off'er as u candi­ known was made free taxation. telling 'bow your . subject r hereby myself by wl�h­ One lot regular $1.50 I urn this an .eratic primary. making date for sheri\l1' subject to the forth­ 'I'he f'ree is free be- out fh-st giving oppcrtunity and only government ,him Silk Sox, sale price , , 49 C race on my record, pl'?nllSe YOll, Democrntic primary. In ask­ and coming cause of raised by taxation. on Her faithful am ful­ money Jlillinery if elected, COUl'tCOtlS,. ing you Jor your support J One lot 15 dozen service. J Will greutiy up­ Let us support our schools; not try ;;,;to;";b;;,r;;:ng;";a;,;b;,;o,;u,;,t",h,;,l",s.===",,,=,,,,:,= pairs .efficient ly mindful of the importance of the Tax Collector'. Last Round _""I C preciate yom' support. office to which I aspIre. For five to destroy them. I will make my la�t round for the Sex, going at, per pair 8 COATS In hats as in gowns, the mode demands metal and velvet, Respectfully, y",\I'S under the late J. Z. Kendrick I have alrendy notified the citizens collection of 1927 state ana county I R. J. KENNEDY. and for four I'served IlS deputy, of the county I am obliged The science of yesterday styles that are always accepted as "smart." The usual of to, 28. ns , yem's wus marshall of the city that. f����v�� Tuesdav November MEN'S TIES FOR COUNTY COMMISSION,?R be out of thIS office almost every leaves but a picture.que relic Statesboro. In those capacities I '45th distTict, R�gister, 8 to 8:10; 'l:hll season's latest mpdels, splendid variety of lovely felt and velvet chapeau, frequently combined with At the solicitution of many of my Should A. our hud to learn something day except Saturdays. yOll 44th court ground, 8:35 to 8:45; for our appreciation. One group of Men's Ties, sold I have decided to enter the opportunities I 'riends a n conference with me' 9 :15 in at­ is here and in the new silks in Bul­ of the duties which fall to sheriff, wish to have 180S'rd district, Nevils station, profession progreuea to range of addition, smart, ducky l'ace commissioner of in the very newest colors. Styled in front flare, up $1.00, big pat­ for county to setve styles, and I ·feel that my ability about matter, be sure to make to 9 :30; 1340th district tainment we further re- loch cOllnty, subject to the rules �f uny co.urt gl'_ound plan terns, good value included are youthf�1 models with large head i!� well known. I shall npPl'cciatp 10 to 10:10; 47th ;;};";;pes, you an or come on Sntur- (hstrlc_t. our the white e�ga"ement� Sllso�, 6nementa for C approaching I!emocratlc the of every voter and Brown's store. 11 to 11 :10: 15231(1 straightline and jabot, trimmed with luxurious furs of Special at, -each 25 sizes. of If elected I Wll1 do my support Variety colors, styles, sizes for Madame and primary. a faithful of days. 11:45 to 12 noon; . Brooklet, the of the peo­ pledge penormancc �he di.trict, best to serve interest� selllor and duties of the offi e if honored WIth The teachers of the J547th court ground. 12:20 to 12:30; Madamoiselle. Especially priced- of the entire county. I win ap­ high quality. Materials are Broadoloth, Duvbloom,' ple suffrage. schools of Bulloch met 48th district court 2 :20 to STAtESBORO UNDE'RTAiUM6, 10 the pl'lmary YOUl' junior high ground, FTeciate your support JOE N WATERS. 1575th district court NIGHT LADIES LISLE HOSE .. Prof. Henderson ani Prof. 2:30; ground DAY F"UNE�L OlREC.TORS election of Febt'uary 16th. with Cord in fox, foxpaw , '., 8 to 3 :10; 46th dIstrIct court gl'ound Suede, Duvmere, elaine, etc., wolf, Respectfully, TAX COLLECTOR Mathews of the Georg18 to PHONE LADY ASSIS"r'ANT 10 white lisle hose to FOR 3 :40 to 3 1716th district, Bank dozen pairs DeLOACH. N01.mal :50; T� W . W. ("BRUD" rules and to P1OM/�'E 'fo the Voters of Bulloch County: j'ormulate l'egulatlOns of 4 :20 to 4 :40. �O STATESeO�O.G�. of in nice sold $2.95 $5.95 evils District.) Portal, and pointed fox furs. The workmanship is highest quality, (N a candi­ I hel'eby offer myself as gov�l'n field day, which will be held MRS. S. J. PROCTOR, for 75c, going at, each 9 C date for tax collector of Bulloch This Tax Collectol·. E. Brook­ FOR TAX'RECEIVER enrly next spring. meeting (17nov2t) _ with FOR SALE-Geo. Wilson, J ESTRAY One black heifer quality, youthful styles, silk crepe and brocade linings. of Bulloch County: county, in the con1ing primary. home and farm, 500 acres, Voters . Normal last Mrs. :1'0 the held at the Saturday. GRINDING-Beginning on white pieds, bobbed tail, left let, Ga., . PUBLIC a candi­ will appreciate your support. was'\ and SHIRTS HATS gl'eatly a 93-acre 50 cleared WILSON MEN'S I am offering myself WI'11 b e '11 Smith's farm the last of or farm, n� A. C. McCORKEL. the schedules puo- Saturday, 5th. we Carter see to the Shortly Nov.ember w.' u wire fence You will expect to pay much more when you the date for tax receiver, sublect Fin d er not'f1 'y J . s'umped,, three LADIES' SILK HOSE in t h e han d s 0f be rea'd t'0 d for th e pl.ubI c June. Reward. hO".ses, All Wilson shirts are marked shal! lished und placed y grill at once. These are and Democratic nomination. I ap­ Route D and good land. WrIte �I regular $5.00 Will your patronage. T. W. ALLEN, Statesboro, .• in this we are offer­ the votes of the people of FOR TAX' COLLECTOR the teachers appreciate Full all new .down saie, all preciate (200ctltp) __ quality of these coats, All sizes, styles, materials- fashioned, colors, $6,00 hats, good shapes, will Voters of Bulloch a Broadcloth the county, and, if elected e!,· To the County: I am info�med that" will not be now- ing regular $2.25 some • !W�.�L�A�N�E�,�R�0�u�te�C�,=S�tga�t�es�b�0�r���(�1�t�(?�_0�0�c�t�2���)������������������������ $1.50 values, Mallory's- us Will announce as a to render such sel'V1CC I hereby myself us shirt at-- deavor now before tfoe state will let • for tax collector of Bul­ long Per pair 95 C Special $2 95 serve the county's interests. candidute • best w to for the term of Sale 45 , kn whut expect price $1 R. HOYT TYSON. loch county, subject to the app!'oach­ from the sta e $12.95 '$14.95 in"! Dem-ocrutic primary. 1. WIll ap­ 1.927-28 department I $8.95 MEN'S SHIRTS FOR TAX RECEIVER preciute your support and mfluence. of education as Bulloch's shul'e of HANDKERCHIEFS Voters of BullOCh County: J'OEN DEAL. board has had MEN'S Shirts of Broadcloth, in white To the public money. Om' Others Going to One lot of five dozen LADIES' ] hereby announce myself u and collar attached. �un­ to go so far by guess because we to now- striI1es, recolver FOR TAX COLLECTOR _ $5.00, 10c value, didate for the oft'ice of tax at from $19.75 $59.75 Regular All new have known what to in a patterns- hav� expect __ Bulloch subject to the After cHreful considcl'R ion I not Special at :...______89 C each _ 4c of county, going at, each C of February 15, 1928. If decided to enter the race for tax col­ definite way in the way of support Special, 79 primarv Lo honored with this office J promIse locLor of Bulloch county, subject from our state fol' our public schools. administrat.ion. Your the Democratic primary of Febl'lHl1'Y nn cffi�iellt The Portol high school is coming MEN'S OVERALLS SILK BLOOMERS nnd influence wil! be appre­ ] 5t.h. I will appreciate your vot� MEN'S WORK SHIRTS support this yoar. Other senior high and promise a faithful and con­ si)'ong cioted. 25 dozen Men's Overalls regu- I'll all sizes, colors, sold. for ELI J. BEASLEY. scientiolls sel.'vice. schools will have to "eep eternally This is a real value-$1.25 .,._ will " F. AKL S. lar value- $1.50, be sold " JIM niter their students to beat the en­ value, while they $1.?0 New Prices FOR TAX RECEIVER per C of the PortHI _ �ale 95c fol', pair 98 rollment and avernge at pnce _ Pol,ey last, going 79c To the Voters 0 fBulloch Cou�ty: FOR TAX COLLECTOR to his yenr. Some of as good work I am n candidate for To-electlOn 1"0 the oters of Bulloch ounty: high to be is in Portal. the office of receiver subject am a candidate for the o!fice of ns is to found, ,. CHILDREN'S SOX UNION SUITS J LADIES' HATS NEW STYLES-NEW MODES the Democratic primary. 1 am grate­ tux collector of Bulloch COUllty, sub­ B. R. OLLIFF, Supt the for their support Democratic , in and Men's union suits, ful to, people ject to the fot·thcoming For all children, any size, Boys The ever t.hat popular felts and '0 in former yeat's, and hope my pl'imul'v :lnd will npPl'erintc your plain, colors and $1.25 value, will be JUST ARRIVED services in office have been such vole. 'If electer! I an effi­ ' formerly J_ls promise now for ------79 C ve!vets, If Special 12 C sold .to merit your a.pproval. a�l\tn cient und faithful administration of WARNOCK SCHOOL NfWS stripes. prlced $5, now _ 69 C honored with the office it shall be the office. render scrv� A succssful call of the ·my highest aim �o 811cl� J. G. WATSON. meeting conhdcncc ice as shall justify yOUI' P.-T. A. was held Friday, Nov. 11, I LADIES' WOOL HOSE New Winter Dresses in me. Respectfully, FOR TAX COLLECTOR. SPECIAL,S and plan� ure now well under way to 1 SHOE JOHN P. LEE. '1'0 the Voters of Bulloch County: Hose that sold up to a in our school ronci to $2.50 for tho fence ground No. I.-We have left a few Ladies' Ox- I lIlll asking your support Group pair will be sold in this lot in As the mode more of FOR TAX our as in Football grows varied, the cljoosillg yetiI' campus, ' tux beautify -- . oflice of coWector �f Bull?ch In Automobiles fords in ties and that will be sold for 25c Voters of BullochREC�IVER. • straps, all colors for- To the Cou!'ty. county subject to the forthcomIng Our last match game with Middle n •. 2 and and material a I am offering Group. No 3-E/very wanted Sale C "frock becomes more test of your again .myself n� ol'irnul.'Y. I shan appreciate the sup� Ground' has 'been and the s�yle price 69 exacting judglJlllIt for played and heels. Shoes subJect voter and to the ··"All-American'isthe Word I including straps and pwmps, low hIgh .;andidate t�x r_eceJver. I port. of every pledge 1:0 the DemocratIc prImary be held sCOI'e was 9 to 2 in favoI' of War� sold of "chic." That and to �o best of my ability to render prollljlt that seld for $8.00, good toes, good style. We.have MEN'S NECKTIES 'your ability but' thr,ifcy of the 15th. I am V\'e are to have a I February glateful �o and fuithful to the If nack, going game thnt wel­ in 1M AIl­ more out eervice people ••• stamina Oak(land lots of shos from these groups but we have put friends III On the An-America� All ties in all tbose sUPPol·ted .lIle elected. LEWIS A. AKINS. with Esla afternoon. It will comes the American Six. regular $1.00 newest is a canaet wh? Friday team •.. tho roughest ceme 500 to desilJlls quite problem. Yeu go wro:.g ln of £0(11)[111 these so and IJE!t yours. pairs, former race, I Tbe of lJ,t prices, new are llly w�lch falle(� be a double-header and we are hop­ tnIcn t Ameri­ grind. qualities patterns goin.g fast, receIving the 11Igh­ greutcst LOW PRICFS selection from- election, though FOR TAX COLLECTOR Am.erica's gJ:idiron atars NEW pick your so a to win a share of the honors, can col1cgc fields pro­ come and get your ties now � choosiJlg frock like these-models that for fint I shall ing 2-Door 4-Door . depeni vote in the • of this brilliant -est prlmury. wish to announce myself a can­ in the All­ •• IlUd I duce. Aud •• Sed.n •• IIMS Sed.n IIUS for the support of at Miss· Riggs was called home this car" Thanksgiving appreciate �vel'Y O1;C, didate fol' your next tax col1ectOl' American Six ••• tho faIthful dIS­ �erlcan .....;d.a Cab- 51.00 '$1.95 their d

tion ' the Ear­ DEPARTMENT CONDENSElD STATEM'ENT 9reat Through. Home," RESEARCH GEORGIA NORMAL NEWS lie Love j !long, audience; dismissal, Lamar Lin erick. ' , . THEA'lRE AS MARKETING AID of Statesboro Dr. W. T. 'Granade, pastor of'-bhe Plans are being made for a series of Bunk: First; Baptist church' of Statesboro, World Fellowship programs to. be .BtANCHE MOTION , RING PICTYRES I, GEORGIA visited given at Novem­ Ga., Nov. 12.-ReaJizing STATESBORO, the college Wednesday morn­ vesper, beginning Athena, bel' Stateaboro, Georgia and to ssudents 20th, by tho members of the Noted Star of that tho splendid results obtained in ing spoke the dU1'­ <. the - . Stage • /> At the close of business. November 16, 1927 nnd W. C. A. and the boys of y., ... scientific ing chapel. . Georgia A OMEDY investigation touching " Normal., . .J President H. I along farm product.ion lines should , Resources GuY, Wells, motored writes: November 17_18 �' The THURSDAY and FRIDAY, be supplemented by equal educa­ .J Loans and Discounts ., $542,865.96 to Midville, Swainsboro and Wadley George-Anna stalif for this "The an actress with iarm economics where he talked wus composed of the life of ,. .. NOW" tional off l'� Overdrafts -\-______212.34 Thursday morning, �veek follo\�­ W E'R E I NTH E N A V Y I ,/ one nerve-strain. 1M students : of the tr stees of the United t the students at .. lng Mac Cumming, editor; If and marketing, States Bonds �------\32,500.00 chapel and from the her wOTTies are 'With Wallace Berry .Ha�ton; Dr. and Mrs. Thoma. S. Ernest sings, also, Raymond State of Agriculture Other Bonds and Stocks _�______'Clay of K�.nnedy, assistant editor; of Gcorgia oilcgc 28,982.14 doubled.' Her audieftca story by Monty of a Savannah motored Elizabeth Hodges, Claudia Riner and '. original Bnc�. co�e�y have authorized the creation House _ Saturday for,Ad ,Banking 42,000.00 for reflect her moocU. 1M" the seas with pnze rings aft, Miss Cur'rle A. G. edit­ If high and. �n� divicion in agr-icultural economics Othej' Real Estate ._:" ..:_.:. "-.!._ Law Clayup.and Miss Mary Middleton, contributing Strikemtllgue:up the 14,603.66 I mentallyrired,shecannoc and tangled amidships. car or love ungainly gobs effective 1, Personal Hill, These ladies ; typist, 'l'rnwick Stubbs. and January ,______a sor­ marketing " Furniture and Fixtures' 15,139.49 returqed Sunday but . her the though they appeal' , help convey fa,. band-here comes sailors; .' The announced Dr. An­ urtc.I:noon., 4 junior class had charge of them to be most 1928, it was by Cash jn Vault and with. Other Banks ��6,026.55 tigue to those out in looking pair, you'll find chapel last Wil­ fronc ry enough drew M. Soule, president. I Mr. .and Mrs. H. A. Woodle had Saturday morning. and a the result is a landlubbers ever to "See the world through Afo.oonte fama B�lle hughable The of the new division will as their guests last week Mrs.'�"rank lie_ Waters, vice-president, pre­ Hatton and Berry duty CRT Owners $1,002,330.14 of ennui on both siJu of hole." There's gobs of laughter. C. sided, lind Ada Lou Rowe port be to carry .forward t.lte work that Liabilities' Mattison and children, Mrs. T. M. leading the life and we're to say footlights. I haWli' says, It's a rough right her� tl�at the teachers and Law and children of the devotional. A dialogue, !'What done _ Greenville S. has been by willlBg -..; � __ .l! __ a sure cure nu:h 'Capital .---,..------$100,000.00 found for this stuff about occupied . there's nothing in gobs ha�II1'g in and Doli You Bnshful ?" was of the . lIfrs. Woodle's Mean, extension people college owners Surplus J '- 75,000.00 C., father, J.' W. 'given on the in 'I'his is a of the high You would be astonished to know how many fatigue, part of. real' pews 1911. comedy seasvwith intensive and also of Luneil Bell: who took the of , _ by u more manner, Undivided Profits COthl'U11 Spartanburg, S. C. On part the is a ar \ 40,350.73 player, good dga,. a colorful life of the world' gob tangled or more cars leave their cars at horne, the and amldshl�; to co-ordinate the research, teach­ of two larger Reserv:e for ..:______Thursday Mrs. Woodle and her girl, Dorothy 'I'homns,: who reeee, For I sailor. "A Depreciation 4,504.2!J �ars hcWe. Rise ami shine, tt was no or took the of the The ren­ PRODIGA:L and extension phnsea, sacrifice comfort visited Savannah. part ·boy. . BRID,EGROOM,re on ing \ to drive the Essex' for they Deposits '- 782,475.12 guests smokedLuckyStrikesan4. make you your . a comedy that will you think D. dition of- the was hu­ pointed out. thei: give, and en­ N. Barron motored to Swains­ dialogue' both the mental balm and honeymoon. to the teach­ larger car� <;:an they. boro to morous and entertaining,' hatle It is - several of the having d, I • • • • • planned expand performance $1,002,330.14 Friday carry enjoyment 111 ease and handling, .. been made of work in both agricultural eco­ definite advantages driving Emanuel county students to ttle fair. up "wise cracks" that drom them hatle }tel A ROMANTIC DRAMA ing joy nomics and farm marketing with And these same advantages appeal to every owner, Mr: and Mrs. Z. S, Henderson 'vis- sent the aduience into gales of laugh-' j me manlelowly. InSit" SATURDAY and MONDAY, Novem�r 19-21 the of the session of CARD OF THANK.S • BOX SUPPER ited Olaxton Thursday, where Mr. tel'. from the applause and tion they haw protected beginning no matter what his car Judginll: previous experience, Essex We this methoa of later from ooice. to add two' research work- take thanking Henderson served 8S referee for a oomm"ttt� teachers, the my 114le 110, other .. PAR TTl M E WI F E 1928-29; THE a of the people of Register- and especial­ There will be a box at was is supper . brand." one of whom has already been ownership progressive satisfactions .football game. program indeed a success from the discovery Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Davis of With Alice Calhoun and Robert Ellis; story by of ly Nevils High School on Wednesday leI'S to work on the much need- and possession and H. J. W. Kiser, superintendent of directed "The Part employed enjoyments grow with "Brooklet for their ;kindness extend: Sale Under Peggy Gaddis; by Henry M�Carty. that evening, November 23rd. Mr. Mor­ the Claxton Power in Security Deed problem of marketing peaches; IS but an Item. ed to us during the alckness and schools, visIted the col­ Time Wife" wil you a real thrill. It's a romance which performance Waters will the auctioneer­ l-give , gan be and to furnish to the death of our prescious little George, lege Friday. He was one of GEORGIA-Bulloch County. stars. 'Tis led county agents the of- with a new twist acted a cast of glittering Jr. richest be this a time for all. Under of the of. by and furmers the assistance May God's blessinga means good ficials for the Brewton-Parker Insti­ authority power a I orgnnized the story of a woman who gave lip fame, bestowed on each of you. Everybody cordially invited. sale contained in that certain secur­ fortllnE;! and of two specialists in marketing. tute-Georgia Normal game. the MR. and MRS. D. BRANNEN. • NEVILS A. ity deed given to me Melbrum glorious profession for the love of a ThIS .IS GEO. P.-T,. by 1?001' m.ail: Prof. J. W. Firot, state agent in A of the Normal Love on recorded an inside meeting Georgra March, 20,. 1920, first motion picture production to offer glimpse in marketing, has been appointed head executive committee, which is com. book 62, pall'e 30, in the office of of behind the scenes in modern screenland. Come, see I the clerk of Bulloch this new etffective Jan­ ESSEXSujJer-Sir posed of S. W. Howell superior court, division, Lewis, Cone, fL,al be "THREE I on the first what was the results, you'll surprised. E. wi!!:. Tuesday in De­ uary 1, 1928. Mr. Lloyd E. Farmer, - J. McCroan and President Guy H. FOOLISH WEEKS" is another tonic. 2-paS8. Speedabout $700 4-1!3SS. Speedster cember, 1927, within the legal hours laugh - - - .- a of the State Col­ -- Sedan was held in the • • ••• graduate Georgia Coach $735 Coupe $735 $$883355 Wells, presIdent's of sale, before the court house door war excise ta.. eash office 10flege of Agriculture, has recently .11.11 .. ,. o. b. Detroit. plus Tuesday. in S'tatesboro, Bulloch county. Geor­ A ROMANTIC DRAMA p,.lce Specials for mar­ sell at to been appointed field agent In President Wells delivered an �d­ gia, public outcry the high­ est bidder, for the TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, November 22-23 I keting. Mr. R. M. Middleton, also dress before the First Disrtict P.-T. cash, following Statesboro. Ga. 'F'RI1JAYand SA·TU'R1JAY described land, as the property of n of the college has been MAYS C&\ OLLIFF, Association at graduate Saturday murnlng the the said Melbrum conveyed in "DANCE MAGIC" I II Love, appointed as research worker in as­ Statesboro high school bufldtng. said security deed, to-wit: Ben directed Victor With Pauline Starke and Lyon; by sociation with a Purnell project now A special Armistice That certain tract or of CALUMET BAKING POWDER Day program parcel from the novel Clarence with was land and in the 1547th Halperin; adapted ;by. B�dding­ being cavried on in co-operation held in the Georgia Normal au­ lying being as I can _ Bulloch Kelland. "Dance is as and as 5-pound $1.35 district, county,' Georgia, ton Magic" big bnght the Georgia Experiment Statton and ditouium Friday morning at 10 :30 of Broad­ I containing 79lh acres, more or less, She danced into the heart time to the • o'clock. right • Broadway. i all of his '" is � potted and ,', - Lovely devotinr: ... -.-. , �. � • ,- '.t.- plants bounded north by lands of Bessie " " .' t ...... � TWIN-IDA FLOUR "The Beat" licln't have a henrt. ... , ...... found that .. \ ". -::� wily-then Broaclway problem of marketing peaches. , .' � the American flng added much to the Frederick, east by lands of Levy The white she had seen in her dreams was 24- tb sack $1.29 MADE OF gay way I "\V c believe we nrc nn­ beauty of the auditorium. The first Love, south by lands of Bud Bran­ I tnking loneliness and Tho. e who dance non, S. C. Allen and Levy Love, and THE CREAM OF hokum, SINcopation. lothol' slep ·forwRrd in eJ''I1phnsizing numbel' on the program was the na­ t west 'THE,TOBACCO is a drama of and FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE by lands of F. E. Flma Co., said CROP mURt pay the piper. �his bl'igh� lights fal'111 economies find I'nnrketing. The tional anthem, "The Star I Spangled tract comprisinlr two tracts. one can­ broken hearts-of a girl who danced to fame behll1d the of and of fnl'm 10 pounds _ 65e UUBiness aide farming Bannel'," played by the Georgia Nor_ taininlr 57 a of which is the acres, plat footlight�-and a boy who saved her from paying of more mal orchestra. recorded in i1nal'keUng prosents problems T A number of �amil­ book 59, pages 361-362, the "PATHE No. real news. TOMATOES in the office of the clerk of Bulloch price of piper. NEWS, 92," imporlance as lhe farming industry iat' songs were sung. H, A. Woodle "The Kick" and the other con­ "The Plastic Drop and commerce No.2 'can 10e nn superior court. Age" I in Geol'gin develops gave interesting talk on "The taining 22 LA. acres, being the north­ inc1'eases in complexity," it was • of War." Another feature P. G. Meaning ern half of a 45-aere tract, a plat of WALKER, Manager in OLD DUTCH CLEANSER . slaled by Pl'e!;iclent com- of the program was a duet by Loy which is recorded with said security I S?ule, . m· 2 cans _ 1 e ml'nting on the expanSIon of the 5 Wllte!,s and Joe Pritcha�d, "Till We deed. I and Meot Said sale is to be made for the :; Hlituiional work in In Again." The audience was ������������������������������ i econ.omlcB TOILET SOAP "a one" purpose of enforcing payment of the I marketing. Dr. Soule sald furt.her, good dismissed after repeating the Lord's indebtedness secured by the said se­ Notice to Debtor. and Creditor. For Letteu of Adminiatratioa "We ftl'lnly believe that the college 6 cakes � _ 25e prayer. IN PREPARATION FOR THE curity deed, amaunting to $1763.65, All persons indebted to the estate GEORGIA-Bulloch County. research work the teacher and the A football between and ! game Bre�,'­ principal interest, computed to of Mrs. Louisa Davis, deceased, are D. C. Jones havIng applied for • the VVANTED- exlension specialist have important " ton-Parker Institute and Georgia date of sale, and the costs of this notified to make prompt settlement permanent letters of administration proceeding, all of which is now due with the and all the duti a and opportunities in helping Normal College, or I Blue Tide, was undersigned. per­ upon estate of Albert Finch. late and unpaid. A deed will be made sons claims alrainst said of tMse of on the holding "aid COUllty, deceased, notice iIJ to solve pressing problems played Georgia Normal field to the pu"chaser, conveyin� title in estate are required to present same hereby lI'iven that said and economiC'13 through $2.00 5-GaI. PUMP OIL CAN afternoon at 3 :30 appl!catloD marketing Regular Priday o'clock. fee simple, within the time law. be heard at AM IN THE MARKET FOR CATTLE AND prescribed by will my office on tbe HOGS, exact study to develop sound princi- and 5 Gallona.of KEROSENE, All for This is an annual event on Armistice This 1, 1927. This first '$2.00 INovember &llptember 22, 1927. Monday in Docember, 1927•. WARNOCK. and conclusions, through the Day. The Georgia Normal team won R. H. BANK O� STATESBORO, This Noyemoer 10. 1927. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET . CORN, AND men for Grade SUGAR CORN 25 to 7. (10nov4tc) (22sep6tc) Administrator. A. E. IPlest.ruining of college taking Good TEMPLES, Ordinary. 'j, ,places in marketing farm products; 2 No.2 eans ______25e A number of improvements have PRICES CASH. Ford nnd in the irnmediatc needs 'New been made at Normal. i meeting Georgia The the county and ex­ heating which is instail­ through agents WHICH IS REALLY FRESH CABBAGE PLANTS EVERY DAY. plant, being I tension specialists." ed by the Seeley Company of At­ NOW! .••You'll Own a Radio! BRING US YOUR EGGS, FRIERS and PECANS. lanta, is nearing completion, ana P. c. PARKER lovely new lights have been installed Special Prices and Terms on 'pYROIOLIS OFFERED on the buttresses in front of the Stables 368 Phones: Residence 149; administration building and on the w. G. GROOIIER semi·circles on the tront campus. RADIO (270ct4tp) TO GEORGIA FARMERS Soon ATWATER KENT These lights help to make the yards Coming Phone 124 16 South Main Street more beautiful at night. Pyrotol is a government explosive I OFFER THE REMAINING STOCK OF SECOND HAND CARS AT SPECIAL The new home of President and from left-over war ma­ prepared Mrs. Wells has just been completed. terial. It is distributed to the farm­ PIUCES UNTIL SOLD: It is a lovely little home on the east MAN ers of Georgia for ag;'iculturnl pur­ ONE side of the campus. Mr. and Mrs. poses only through the agents of the Well� .'expect to. move Into their State College of Agricul- IN A HUNDRED Georgia home some time this week. ture, Athens, Ga. Picric acid and 2 FORD TOURING CARS I A large picture machine has just man in ten sodatol were distributed In the same Gets rich by investment-one been purchased from the Intel'l1a- and about way. Twenty carloads of these ma­ This sale on ATWATER thousand gets rich by accident Projector At­ ;t;>ional CorporatIon, FREE! ... I KENT on With the pur­ been distribu­ I FORD ROADSTER RADIO ends one man in a million gets rich by specu­ terials have already lanta. The pictures have been much November 26th. Don'l chase of any rad i 0 set ted and 15,000 ·acres I lation. approxiniately better since the machine arrived. miss this chance to join during our lale we will of land cleared of it give, ab80lutely free, a stumps, making A most dinner was the "Univcrsity of the All other men who become rich at rfol­ COUPE enjoyable given newly .tyled �adio lamp. all, possible to use improved machinery I FORD Air"! There'8 n set at Wednesday by Miss Ruth I Comes in three road which evening our store to suit .. lovely low the old, straight, safe tc you greater advantage. Coleman and Johnnie design8. never a failure. That ��iss Clyde and .your pur8e. showed is, by regu­ nre made Many inquiries being by Riner in the home economics and en­ I FOUR·DOOR- SEDAN lar, persistent, systematic saving farmers at the time about FORD present ment for Mr. and Mrs. of those to bank l Guy Wells, trusting savings a savings pyrotol. One hundred mid seven� at four cent. interest. Mr. and Mrs. Z. S. Henderson, Mr. pel' teen thousand pounds have been or­ depal't-I I HUDSON COACH' and Mrs. Pete Donaldson, Miss Eliza­ dered within the last thIrty days. BE ONE-OF THOSE MEN beth Bruce and Miss Mary Hill. The We feel confident that we will use dining room was beautifully decor­ I before he Christmas holidays the en­ I CHEVROLET TOUR,ING �ted with cut flowers and a yellow tire allotment of 175,000 pounds a coloI' scheme was carried out. whieb the government has allotted Have Green Lawn SEA ]$LAND 1JANK 1I1iss Ruth Coleman sp�nt the past this ' Georgia year. week at We 4 Per On end hel' home in Graymont. Pay Cent. Savinga We have asked that our allotment and TIRES TUBES the Year Round The Glee Club, under the direc­ increased to at least 'be 250,000 tion 111 of Miss Evelyn Coleman, head Ba(lance in 12 months so as to take care of the 30x3% TUBES, (regular price, $1.15) $14.11 Down, i N�thing Add. More to the At.tractivenees of the music department, is planninl!' ������������������������������!poundsneeds of our farmers this season. ATWATER KENT---MODEL 35 of the Home Than a Beautiful to put on II 1)1instrel the first part of 'fhose wishing to secure some of RED LION DESK CABINET --- NO. 35 78e Each December. The Glee Club put on a this should get combines the of util­ very cheap explosive number of entertainments This handsome desk cabinet qualities J .. enjoyable in to.uch immediately with their Green Lawn ity and luxury. It is built to house only the Model 35. Yet, "8" LAYING MASH 219 30x3% RED TUBES 97 29x4.40 TUBES last year with the assistance of Miss �&���'S county agent or' write the Extension there's room for writing material, books, papers and mag­ Coleman. Everyone is looking' for­ Division, Georgia State College of zines. Speaker Unit is built-in. Cabinet is of walnut veneer Succeaaful lawn making depends on ae­ word to the minstrel. Gobel'S Great "8" Laying Mash contains a large amount Agriculture, Athens, Ga. F.ach finish. Priced at $141.10, complete with all equipment. 972 $1'.07 Each lection of ·the of The students and fa�ulty were de­ Wheat right variety Graase., of Oat Meal, Yellow Feed Meal, finely.ground lighted to have M",s. P. H. Jeter, proper pre�a�ation of the aoil, frequent Bran, Flour Middlings and the very best Meat Meal, A FURTHER REDUCTION ON ALL STANDARD, GUARANTEED FISK CASINGS president of the Georgia State Par­ application of the right kind and amount Bone Meal and Alfalfa Flour that the market affords. Capital's Police Women ent-�eacher Associnti!ln, speak to INNER TUBES MY. PRESENT STOCK LASTS. ALL POPULAR AND ,WHILE of food. .them on .For the B'ix-tube ATWATER KENT Model For1the ATWATER KENT Model 33 and in before hens at all times. Stand High in First Aid plant Saturday. Mrs. Jeter told Keep hoppers your 30. In a solid fin­ the Model H This IN STOCK. BUY NOW AND S AVF. MONEY. "several amusing stories and then in mahogany ca,binet, Speaker. compact SIZES to ished in a rich dark brown. , in­ set l\iith. six tphes is small enough Members of the Women's Bureau WE HAVE THE Her manner talked on the Pri\!e, . . We a other iliteresting also' have liberal stock of' feeds-Start­ 01 Model E and all bat­ The· combination, the District 01 Columbia police duty of good citizenship. It is ai­ clnding Speaker fi� mOllt ·anywhere. Scratch Feeds, department tho teryequipment, $144.20. compll1te, Mtteries and tubes, $14!i.20. ing Mash, Growing Mash, Dairy Feeds, recently completed .ways a pleasure .to have Mrs. Jeter Red Croll IIrst aid course. This I •• . . .• Shorts, Meat Yellow Corn Meal and Grass Seed and �isit the Bran, Scraps, ' ,'fe.rtilizer college. perhaps the first women's group of\ i . j' Ground pats, Rye. the kind to b. awar

. can Crosl of ' In token comple· , .. ,, R�d . .• . , E .,. \ Wednes?ay �.JI�ning. G .. (}:'llAI tlon 01 tho even­ , .. - training. The service Sunver PEEL" Jar ------.:t_.::f7c deman9.0 litat a 0th e1"1'eadOTS wetc FI 'do ed use of the private autOMobile and ,:: ,,,��L�MON, riiI .• ' killed while there , the father had been ae to tbe need lor an n· G� up . '1 Vo poInting reJII'l.�' orl., CO '27 West- Main street, Sta�s­ sense fire rules evening, Department and,.tlle follow- prevention t�rflll r�ddYliter. • 'North' and South motor bus. But a far les. diBcu88ed Healtl .".CI.!ACE'CrnoN ,�-oZ ------The Alabama, Ant the com .', )ar 17c .. aero"" a railroad track. creased to ald' In _ . . memberBblp carryIng· _ . I ma"�ltch Mrs., driving, ;bor�.. �",tfc) 't, WE CAN'T' ��mY'E;��.to r.eJl�.rted: Chile! .. otber �arohna ,I' SELl; All THE COAL of the A1Janta ex­ illg, hYlrie!,e" that railroad tbe growing responBlblllty In thlslleld. Arnong one and insurance: angle situation, to the she BRA''.' NUTS lb. court holds FOR aay.. __ supreme !lnd Texa�.· "!�_es r�p_ SALE-Cboice,mllk Co"'s; carey 'enough water, Th!\t .social hy�e;' IIr... T.. C. -'---:'_,--.;.�-;..------_..: 31e ,;, ecutives i. the .... made' ge�, Egl,liff; ,�IL, tho "For Beveral years our'membersblp resented 'on' the guest reg"t"at1811' fresh in. R. LEE' BRANNEN, claim, .,ror. on muot be eompan'iea are not to blume for yung ,ellla. the'backseat was lb -, SO SELL THE BEST. .. a little :n ' bas' at· more tban ... rou.te WE, manageme!l' tb.e An·,i'IInou�c'm,ent. .MIJ��J).�.!IfUTS; -..:.."'�;....�-.,.:.----��---��'_.�-, ..... A, railroad Bar�rqn. ' ---.--;&3c'" r�malned pmme 3152, Stateslidro"Ga; by son •. '. in �e­ .• a motorist hit boo]j'are'Tennessee,'LouiBiana:Mi sed. .Well not • or of yur�. mllll " M�·"H. death of ' _. " Kizer_ .olay-� r: injury ,Thl' madl,lthat' ''' •• j be Bald. ,'1,1 of .' ?, , Ill! . WALNU-'\'" . t __ long-distance ·,,1. he' � Thi. i. velopment through 'h8 __ the S,OOO,OQO adult,S," :"w,e a�e, issipJ,i, 'Virginiil,'Pennsylvania, Macy_ l.��_���.2..!p)_._._. your acency But It. (In �Il)"lb' .... acrOS8 it. track during mltey It haJ>- had,· agreed,t.<> fill in ",. : driving proud of thlB' memberBblp. �Jt Is'. ',WANTED-Will pav'cash for. corn that of the bu.­ kWl"ll� n�ar t�n a.';.oacancy '.' ",.'. ,---:------�- ,--� California Ohio Mas- of the Hartford Fire namely, part ... hours. The blame rests en­ iand Illinois, traftlc, to be daw.ter. ,this . the lb 01 our choice, but there PHONE pen� . ". �1D .' daylight body spirits, velvet beans at market prices, 3S3 to m� ·�epartment. �M()�DS, she,ll) -----_.�-.:.------:.:-;--39c' New York Ar'- �nd Inaurance which belongs ' '. sach�sett. :iness e88entially , Kentucky ComJNIny. .. declares was 'here .. tirely on the auto driver, are many more 01 like spIrit wbo '..' '. say We have what you need to build with. Oak Flooring prepared play �5c nbout otb.ers O.ur I kneed it every day to buy food and , subtle I I. I as many dlfferences that marie so there is no waste interesti,ng': game. fl,'st rew days volunteers. Tbe total " , is and grooved side and end, at" us enclosed. Both sleles of my tongue keep CIS one ., is to attend the number of nurses in the MissIssippi it of the We would to a'l. We also do local for the Everyppdy inv�ted old and I cun't SU3- outstanding style lilce show the i i dressing. public. parents ,are very you , Roast box Round" !Iood was 200. I supper Priday Nov.' 18. lb. 'valley approximately achievements of the season. "American" evening, 25(1 from ther.1 my 1ll0- in brown or tan or Plant located near the Central of Ga. R. R. pect anything 'In overy major disaster the services Depot. � ; A good' time is 'Promised " ' t,/'every ther has been: ill ed tllirteen yeal"S of Red Cross Durses are lend. Oxford or some other shades needed, I� gray OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. one ....ho attends. Plenty of .refresh_ same or and WOll't to The man whOSe interest in , with the doc she added dothes ,." , ... lug hrjportance enro_lI�d, which Fashion has . ,I", 'I .tb�_ _'. decreed for ments �nd go�d music., ')1 ,,,\'I . Ro��t:, hus1land In the res"rYe whlcb now numbers more tban, t Is 1.· ...... • .Ib,. take but who a .,.1 , I has .. Chufk " ,., My 1 1 ., '; �' men'. this Fall QUIDA HUIE, 01,\" if_. � ';,_I .t ...... 'f ,I ,nurses non-prof�onaJ, r Cross nurses. ' apparel 45,000 Hod Tbese ' , '. oJ•• i " of spittoon. Do! get any " ,�. ! " charge , . f I . �;;;;;�;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;���;;;;;;�I �NIE BELL ·are nvallnble for any emer'gEmCy, j BRANNEN, am Please \� ' more than I going to get? J : Bacon' -_. - Reporters. '\Vhite send me a lett.,,. and tell me if j,. "'"'J;�., ! 1· lb� my ���uf: '.. ��;::a�r�r��tI���y ��e�o���t:�I�' •• LOANS y' , husband for a wifo and application tuto tbe reserve 01 tbe Army andi .�. me a form child and please send wife llurse corJ18 10 time c:il war. Navy i to fill out. J have alreaGy written BesIdes emergency duty, Red CrOS8 Mr. Wilson and got no answer, and nurses assisted ma\erlally In ml>ny I make-t·loa.a 0.. real i: , We 'improvitcl serv.lce., to II if I don't llear from you I will wl'ittj Iqcal Chapter r�porl8 �a· '.'tlenal i ( to Uncle Sam about you ana hIm. :;, Hoadqyrter. d�n!lI!l"te. I . ." l"- .atate'·.aBuJloch �oUDtil'., meveulli' A'IIfnfllI"ftoll'i!.Jall III tbe 'Red' . . Very tru,y, "'i 'I" .' : :,.. .f r. _ Cross, 11 to III. ' '�' 24, ._, , " , ,I. , Iro�ovell1ber ,�. P. I�, {t lf1 S'-��'Y..hU8b!1nd •.for ...... ' '",V .�y$ �slJs .' 1l0InOC


Values That Please

"I was In .a bad atate of health and was going through a critical time of my Ufe," saya For FRIDA rand SATIJRDA r, Mrs. Ella Scarborough, R. F. D. 5, Dothan, Ala. "80vei'al dif­ ferent things were recommend­ ed to mo, but 1 did not get CASH ONLY 2 Steel double 60c o. Traps, jaws, regular price any real relief until 1 began to per dozen $4.00 take Cardui . "I was just as weak aa could No. 2'.2 clln Largest size galvanized 'Wash Tub, No.3 83c BI,Homln., be. My logs were ahaky, and 'would totter Air Rifles _ $1.30 often I just Daisy Crushed , No. 2 can · mund the house. I 1Ina1Jy Bot Llbbr's PlneapP'e Carryola Master Phonographs $16.85 110 bad that I was In bed 89Vor­ ai_aka. Cherr'es 3-oz.Jar 10e 5-oz. Jar 18e Dandy Portable Phonographs -'__ $9.85 "It was thon that I began to 26-piece Set Rogers Silverware $5.89 taka Cardui I kept it up for qulte a while. and at last I re­ ',,'sh Potatoes 10 pounds 29,; $2.49 Black Hawk Corn Shellers _' gained my health. Cardul was Dull. Certainly a friend to me In time .. ,,.. Mar 29x440 Balloon Tires $5.95 need. eas 21,; Immense and 'I of aarusn P Blu. Labe. No. 2 can An Display imely 'Selling of Quality Aluminum French Fryers 98c "My health Ie IIplendid now, and I aeldom have to ule for 10c Ink Tablets, (59 leaves to ta,blet) 3 medicine" but 1 gladly say a • 10 49.: -- Rice Slight ., Bmllen, pou"". 'word about Cardw 11' henever this __ nerchandise Unprecedented 'Communit}, Kitchen Slicers, 75c value ·�_:_.:' '__39c for I lind a frienCi going throll8h nnr No� 2 American-Field Fencing, 20-rod the lIBIDe,luJl'er!ng which I en. June Peas Silted can MISSES AND COATS 1346-6-i1ich Stay 3.11: OF WONDERFUL VALUES AWAIT ALL THRIFTY SHOPPERS-HUGE ARRAY OF LADIES', CHILDREN'S' AND'DRE:lSES: dured." Fancr HUNDREDS _ roll, at _ $10.75 FINE ALL PIECE DRY GOODS AT MOST SENSATIONAL all HUNDRED OF FINE SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF SHOES. GOODS, For 1IIIl.,by cJruaIIta. I-t.. value .: 79c OF THE YEAR. FOLKS THIS IS ¥OUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Wire Dish 'Drainers, No. 2 2 lor 29,; PRICE REDUCTIONS. EVER BEHELD FOR THIS SEASON $1.10 TAKIE Corn can, Barn and Roof Paint $1.35 No'vernber- at CARDUI Just. Reeell/ed 'n,red'ent. 'or �,.,,'t Calle Friday, 18, Buy from UI with confidence-we handle only A PIIRELY Beginning •• Advertiaed Good ;vEGETQLE'IONIC Nationally f W�A�N!!!T!!!!l!El!ID�-!!!A�m!!!b!!!it!!!IO!!!U!!!!!!!,!!!I!!!n!!!d!!!us�t�rl�o.!u,j ALDRED BROS. Hundred to introduce 'and PHONE 472 47 EAST MAIN STREET WE DELIVER Sale Clothing Five person supply of Johnson Hardware @. the demand for Rawleigh House­ finest Immense hold in W. fine suits of the Coats Products Bulloch county. Nearly 800 consisting Fine Visplay of rJresses Stu- • IJ"HS ftORB Make of �!50 to $600 a month ar- on road assortment of Young Men's, Conservatives, WlNC6I,saA Jlale, OUR HOLIDAY goods are_ now LOST-Sma)) tan handba.r MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS the season's most authentic styles, or more. methods wanted Presenting Hundreds of the newest and most desirable Rawleigh get room we are between Leeflold and Savannah dents, Stouts, Slims, Stubs in every "STRICTLY CASH" riving and to make I am soliciting subscrlptolnl, both colors and shades in Ladies' and HOUSE DRESSES business everywhere. No selling on predominating CEORCIA to closo out all cut glass and highway, T'uesady morning ,No­ new for all tbe lead­ color and style, featuring the best known , crepe back satins, silversheens, Bung­ STATESBORO We goin" and renewals, fabric, Misses fine coats of Bux experience required, supply china at and below vember 8. Suitable reward for re­ Velours, Wyandotte, values to Home line of tub guaranteed fast hand-painted in" magazines, and will appreciate a brands in the country today­ lows, Jerseys, woolens, etc., $19.50 Happy frocks, products, sales and advertising liter­ turn Times guaranteed Cloth cost. RAINES HDW. CO. (3nov2tc to office. (10nov1p call from my friends in that lIne. Skin, Vernice, Suedes, Coats, handsomely divided into two this sale. Full cut sleeve dresses. nture and service Town, Franco-Medal, Devon­ big groups during colors. long Regular methods-every­ LUCY McLEMORE. Griffon, College - MISS fur-trimmed, neatly tailored in every size from -need. Profits increase ESTRAY-Red hound with FOR SALE Frost proof English cent. satisfaction $1.98 values. Sizes 16 to 52 stout. Special- thin" yOU d0lr. shire-100 per guaranteed feet. for fall and winter (7juI4tp) 13 to 52 stout, at drastic price sacrjfices-c- and every month. Lowest prices. best white on breast, tail and peas planting, suit. here's you are- - 321-acre with nny advertlsed Men, values; most complete service. \V. Left my place on October 12. Re­ 30 cents per pound. R. H. BRAN­ FOR SALE OR RENT $3.95 $7.95 W_ T. RAWLEIGH CO., Dept GA 7122. ward for return to S. E. MOORE, NEN, Stutesboro, Ga., Phone 116-M. farm. Appll' to J. WRIGHT, to 7.95 Jj Ivanhoe, Gu. $8.95 $12.95 'I'enn. mps, ,Ga. (270ct2tp) (10nov2tp) , $ Announnement l Memphis, (60ct4tp) (130ct4tp) , $12.95 $27. 75 CLOSING OUT ALL GOOD $14.95 $19.50 DRESSES, included in this wonderful 75 SUITS and OVERCOATS Every dress in stock CHILDREN'S DRESSES Satin Back SHOE SALE HAS BEEN A COMPLETE in offering. Finest Satins, Crepes, THE BIG Broken lots or odd size single-breasted, gnaranteed tub fast Ladies' and all individual Ginghams, Prints, Woolens, actual values to Crepes, Georgettes, models, every THE double-breasted, box back, up Wool Entire stock FOR WHICH WE WANT TO THANK Values from 1ii.00 to Flannels, Crepe. Serges. SUCCESS, select ae--' becoming fall shade. � $25.00. Come early and yours Misses' Hats at tremendous price sacrifices. 1 to 14. $35.00. Choice of stock- S!zes BUYING PUBLIC. WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE and This department overflowing with the largest NOVEMBER 26. and to IT ONE WEEK, CLOSING OUR SALE $7.95 $9.85 assortment of snappy and chic models in street : BAR­ or dress new metalics, $12.95 $14.95 69c, &9c $2.98 TABLES ARE PILED HIGH WITH NEW hats, felts, velvets, spring . OUR OVERCOATS Satin combinations in every fall shade. Shapes GAINS-ALL SIZES TO SELECT FROM AT PRICES to suit every individual from the smallest Miss Boys', Youths', Student and Men's Overcoats in to extra head size. Price reductions that afford HEARD OF BEFORE- Griffon and other brands. Hundreds to select 'Piece Goods at Remarkable NEVER you savings of 50c to $3.00 on a hat below corn- � ,Savings trom, Buy yours now- petitive prices. Selling with a determination- 14c 40-inch washable Flat new 3G-inch Long Cloth Crepes, shades $1.95 $6.00 to $8.00 LADIES' SHOES $2.95 $4�95 95c $1.45 $1.95 Fast color I\roadcloth 25c Yard-wide Flannel ------19c to Soisettes, all colors 33c 54-inch all-wool and Flannels $1.95 and up to

------$ 7.95 $24.50 $2.95 Best quality --- 23c All-wool Flannels $1.49 $1.95 36-inch Pajama Checks 17c Se.ges ------15c

all colors ------25c New Fall $1.50 value 69c BOYS' CLOTHING Sateens, Woolens,

French ----- s Coats 50c Curtain Draperies 25c Serges, $1.00 values A9c $7.00 to $8.50 MEN'S SHOES Suits in 4-piece. one Children· Huge stock Boys' l�ngiQs, Plain and colored Curtain Scrims lOc 1 lot Dress Flannel ------23c suits in any desired material or and two-pants Children's and Misses' fine Velours, Bux Skins, Fine Marquisettes ------39c 36-inch Silk Rayons ------39c We are tremendously overloaded in this style. in the leadirlg tans, blues, handsomely fur-trim Cretonnes, extra value 19c Extra quality Table Damask ---- 49c and in this slIle- $3.95 line slashing prices med, assorted models. Values to $15.00- Japanese and Plisae Crepes :-::._19c. 32-inch Outings ------17c

to Madras Shirting ------23c Cheviots, all brands ------15c and 17c COME IN AN,D GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY '$2.95 $iO.95 $7.95 27-inch Red Star Diaper Cloth, 10-yd. bolt $1.48 Bed Tickings ------lOc to 19c


BLANKETS 36·inch Unbleached Sheet in I, extra I - -quality, sale price, 10 yards for 98 C Extra quality mixed wool double-blankets, regu­ SHOES! SHOES! Jones Shoe ·Co. lar $6.95 values-- too A. T. JONES Cat �r her. PRESENTING THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF FINEST LADIES' 10,000 yards Outin�, Gingham I $3.95 and Bed Ticking, per yard , 'C NOVEl:. DRESS WORK SH PLAY SHOES IN BEST KNOWN 1 0 (}t.. TIES, SHOES, OES, homes there are now two automo­ In thousands of American that there mav be tranlportatlon BRANDS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. WE MUST SELL DOWN A biles-ua car for her, too," tIO Double-Bed buslness, the while "he" delves to 9-4 and 10-4 Sheeting finest grade -- for family BLANKETS GREAT PORTION OF THIS HUGE STOCK. PRICES WILL ASTOUND. $1.95 such an Infinite degree of bleached and unbleached, per -yard 48 C And the family car has running downtown, takl�gulefulneht e \ DRESS SHOES. Any dsired style in straps, LADIES' and MISSES' SHOES. Thousands of ncighborhood shopping, additional AT COS'I afternoon calls-and many to school, ties. Finest makes Arnerican of. .new low and covered children t�e Men's extra OVERALLS 98c oxfords, Lady, pairs oxfords, military , of s work; heavy that must be made as part every day Hum De in and ties. Cloth, 25c 32 inches trips ilton-Brown, Centrul, Brown, George heels, straps Every pail' guaran­ Play quality, It Is 10 drive and ••• because 500 Witt. Satisfaction with teed. assortment ever carried here-- It is so easy to park guaranteed every pair Largest wide, Dress _ Because RIBBED UNDERWEAR Ginghams special '19c OUT MY ONE AND today's Chevrolet il an I AM CL SING decidedly smart and comfortable. Oft to women drivers everywhere--prov 69c to 950 CQST. standing favorite among CHILDREN'S UNIONSUI'l'S WAGONS I '.;. that TWO·HORSE AT � the safety, charm and elegance $3.45 $4.95 $2.95 ing in abundant measure, Silk Stockings. All over silk second. AND WHITE in their personal cars. 690 I HAVE THE WEBER wo:nen demand WORK SHIRTS Pointed You'll WORK Morse WORK SHOES. heels, all shades, pair _ C Chevrolet models. SHOES. Hamilton-Brown, & Ladies and Misses Stitch­ 19 Come-and see the beautiful HICKORY WAGONS. IF YOU with the ricfi� guaranteed, conceivable style. downs. Men's leather or paracord soles. associated White and colored Broadcloth Dress Shirts 950 Rogel'S Every scouts, you have always hl�helt quality find owncrshlp il aPIwa,. Moccasins any style. Big savings- Boys' fine work shoes- A GOOD WAGON NOW IS automobiles--and you'll Chcvro�et (. NE�D has more than one even when the family to 950 Bed Room Shoe,s- ••• Shirts �nd Blouses 690 to cconomical Boy's THE TIME-TO BUY. $2.25 $3.95 $1.98 Per pair 49c automobile. Men's Hats, new fall shades _: $1.95 .- at these Low Prices! MEN'S DRESS SHOES. Oxfords and high CHILDREN'S SHOES. .For infants, boys and The Sport and to 95c Men's Boys' Caps new Kr.inkle extra Cabriolet· �5c shoes in bal or bluchers, black, En. girls. -Dozens of styles in tweedie Spreads, quality, $715,_ tan, brown, twinkles, orTheTourlna'525Roadltcr full dicott-Johnson, Hamilton-Brown, guaranteed- oxfords, etc., for dress and school. A new size, each _� � _ Short Pants and __ AS. to $ 1.95 $1'.39 Boys' Longles free ftlr cause of dissatisfaction. •• $595 r!':1.":.perlat'$745 pair every Cecil W. Brannen �ch The on to to DRESS PANTS $1.95 $4.95 • $395 MEN'S '_M '$2,.95 STREET Coupe. $625 .Tc�_!Onrucl,k Turkish Bath To;".", Extra WEST MAIN �69c $2.95 : heavy, The 4-Ooor 1-Ton Truck , to • MEN'S WORK PANTS $2.95 • C...... ,,""', $495 �1.l9 large size, 50c value, special _ Sedan $695 Newest Hamilton-Brown Styles-The finest line 25 C-- Mich. All prien '0 0. b. PUnl. I of shoes in the country the ARCH SUPPORT SHOES. In and kids. PrieN I I BATHROBES for all $2'95 to $4.95 today. Assuring patents Check Chevrolet and foot. two and nd 'aalldatl i correct style fitting for any Satins, One, three straps. Oxfords and ties in Include •• They thJ!='!:lr�{:. \. • 950 Ladies' hand-made GOWNS patenllS and kids in black and brown, Priced the famous Constant Comforts, etc., all sizes TRUNKS r· from- from to elsewhere to $10.00, going at AA EE' widths. Satisfactio" for all- $7.00 tei $15,00 values 39. to 950 and BLOOMERS . T�D& to a�d to LUMBERJACKS, __ 9�0 to $4.95 '$2.95 $4.95 . S�EATERS, '$,4.95 )$3'.9.5 $3.95 '$8.95 MULES

Averitt Bros.. Auto Co. I have just receiyed a car­ B., V.·· .COLLINS' OLD Statesboro, Georgia ,STAND Tenaessee Mu es. " load of

East'.:Main St.�:tSt�,tesboro�,• Ga. Q.·,U�A L • ....•. "�'.,� . .. _'.- � ';" - 'OJ ':.'1-;-,·. :;j;' '.,,""I..,�j.,""""'" ,�;\O� ,.:... ·�I)<...tH .�/ THURSDAY, NOV 17 THURSDAY NOV 17 1927 NoHce of S.I. Uader Deed to See.r. Uader Power. In Secur t1 Deed Sal. Debt PETITION FOR CtlARTER AT W E NesmiUi of Bul WAR WORK NOT Whereas GEORGIA-Bu loch Gounty loch Georgia by h • warran t: county To the Super or Court of said County deed to. secure debt dated Novem of ty The petit on IIf B A Weber END FOR RED CROSS 15th recorded n the land ber 19)14 Bul oeh county Georgia Georlr!! D Bulloch county Georgia records of aters Bulloch connty Georgta 1924 W on the 15th day of November �f of Clilitham Demands for Service to Disabled and Johll M Harmon n book No 74 page 298 conveyed shows county Georg a-4.. respectfu y Bank of S atesboro a corpor Veterans Last Year Cost o the 1 That they des re for themeelves on he fo ow des bed real to lie u ng the r a..oc ates and successors 000 000 coun Geo Nearly $3 es a e n.Eu och y g a:C; • Incorporated lind made a body pol of it e under the name an(l style for NILE COFFEE SHOPS INC the penod of twenty yean 2 The pr ne pal office and pace I be of bus ness of sa d competlY" sha afo e n Statesboro state and county re the sa d but pet aoners des rlCht to estab sh branch o:fIIces lind places else of bus ness w th n th s state or the where whene er the ho dera of Style major ty of ts stock Ulay 10 deter that women mne 3 The object of sa d corporat on to se t and ts d e s i r e r 'f is pecun ary ga n Durability shareholders 4 The bus ness to be a ed on that men that of a res by sa d co po at on s taurant uneh room and coffee shop and demand together w th the r ght to buy BUICK se character se merchand of every lines dent and car­ Fleet, graceful and k nd ne to usually , coffee shops lind for lustrous DUco colon r ed by restaurants 1 ke establ ohments sa d cor luxunous doted 5 The cop tal stock o


Weare at I se ng pec n trees an I are eady to serve the publ c needs n good ha dy trees t r ght pr ces h We a e a so b y ng pecans a are pay ng the ghest narket p ces


E M BOHLER & SON.. Statesboro Georg a (?70ctBtp)


You are interested in The Dictator's records 01 mileu20minute speed lor Z4 hours, because:

When the Studebakell' lctetos.-, IfUnlUng under the supervision established 11 new 01 the AmCl'l!Cfl!lll Auu:omobaie P.-.saoClat!OIl, that l'ecord.s iC)!' st;l)ek eaes liBstli!'l� aRdEll' $1400, It proved

.. oli steel and OUll �et tile lmtglil{l",t Il!uabty �t� elr lm!!2tel'l!os S m � DIctator o"",e�lsion manulacture yC'l1l get Ii !ll! V�iIl'JUIl", lilm a Ii) fl\tate� and y®'l1l get \the mJl0st p'�iftstaking ellpen '\vo!'kmmnsiup DR a l)lct8tor sound In a YOlll get �rlllhant but design Dlctetor Dictator you get vast exeess power I.. a

leatures have ...,... And the abovEl records prove that these 110 combined tbat The Dictator wW &lve you

thrilling performance long life economical operatioa

cated at 1 SOO-ml!e ntervals So well bu It s the St lebaker D ctator lubr only ven m les Getbeh ndthewheelofaD ctatortoday­ that every car m y I e dr 40 t new dr ve II know you have per hour from tI e d: y you buy tanhourandyou found theworld sgreatestmotorcarva!ue. After he fi st I ous nd m les the motor 2500 And back of every car 18 75 years of o I need be changed only at honest manufacturmg and sell ng n Ie nterval s The cl aSB B eed be NEW LOW PRICES The Dictator 'U95 4-<100 1:1195 1:1195 1195 1:1191 1:141


WHILE AWAY CLUB 'Mrs Lloyd Brannen was a VISltO' CPME TO Week I Mrs J N Norrts delIg�tfullY en In Savannah Saturday .. Social the Happenings for tertained the member. or the WhIle Mors E u Smith was called to i BULLOCH COUNTY, I club last Thursday afternoon Davisboro Tuesday because of the TWu PHONES 100 AND 268 R Away THE HEART OF GEORGIA, In with FINE'S at her home on South Main street death of a .rother law GOing and "WHERE NATURE SMILES'! ! her were qunntittea hei were hei Messrs Olin AdOlning sons, a n visited rela BULLOCH Mrs Bland Wit! VISitor TIMES Grady of pretty chryeanthemums Four Harry Smith week tives m Stilson Monday Savannah the Brunswick NEW�-ST dUllng tables of playe rs ,were present a"nd Mrs J W Simmons of (STATESBORO ATESBORO EAGLE) MI and MIS W D Anderson M,s P MAnders n ot Cluxton she SCI ved a sweet course Ml and MIS J \V Simmons • vistted 10 he utur spent Monday at Milledgeville ctty day I Jr of Sylvania were the guests Bullodt &tallHahed 1�9� MIss Janie Wllnuck Satui Tim., • MIss Inez spent lust week spent lund ConllOlldatecl JanolU'f 17 ' 11117 Key ELECTI�N �F ·DECONS of MI and Mrs Jamos Sim Btatelhoro N.,.., Establiahed 1991 } GA, NOV 24, 1927 In Suvannnh with friends Sunday STATESBORO, THURSDAY, with hot sister MI s J II Pelot day Th e member s of the I 1917-ConllOftdated December 9, 1920 Baptlst Bidou evar lItatelboro Eagle, ElltabIlahod mons on C 0 IIege SPECIALS MIs Lester Brannen was a VIsitor I was a business • five-Day C M Cummings ch UI C h at e Intel csted III tae election week In S avanna h the week VISltOI In Atlanta dUlmg the durll1g lof a score 01 more of decons at the U 0 C MEETLNG MIS Don L stei visited Mr and MIs Emmit COOPCl were weight I 1tlr 'and sr rvrce Sundny mornlng All the The regular monthly meeting MEN'S UNiON SUITS, winter HARnSTlNG ORANGE CROP PROGRAM:IS ANNOUNCED In VISltOIS Snvannah _ WORK ON fAIR PAY 10 Savnnnnh the Fridny was Nov OFfIC(RS Telatlves to the U D C held Friday at 65e IMPORTANT CHANG(S FI dur-ing members ale present 00 -ELECTED urged be, $1 values, gomg COMMfNC(O MI �SSOCIATION and M,s Durnnce week Kennedy I The election WIll take p!::.ce aftel 11 at the home of r.. rs 0 B Tur Elizabeth and Irma were VISIt01S III Savannah the was Sizes 26 to 34 INTEREST DAY Misses Smith during tho Illollllng worship Fuends of ner A very attracttve program CHILDREN'S SWEATERS, AN FOR UNIVERSITY week WAREHOUSES 10 PER DIVIDEND _ LAWS TOBACCO C(NT CHAMB(R OF last week end In Sa wei for obsor vance of ArmIS IN AUTO lAG COMlfl1l Waters spent I the church and strangers are presented $1 00 values, gorng' at 75e EV�F I MI and MIS Frank WillIams visit vannah come Day The home was beautifully I In November 29th IS the date defi­ Tuesday, November 29th, having of Savan ed elutives Metter the • • • In and srzes Dr Julian Quattlebaum during decorated bunting begonias MEN'S and WOMEN'S SWEATERS, TWO NEW SCAhE FEES IS VERY STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT MEETING OF STOCK. of REVIEW ... OF YEAR'S Woalt II week PROM PARTY OF set for the and ship ANNUAL been set asIde by the chancellor a Visitor In the last motif of red and _ nitely harvesting nah was city loses The color 36 to coat S5e AT 46, style INTRICATE AND REQUIRES TOTAL COST OF APPROXI' HOLD,ER.S WEDNESDAY VOTES of as Univer PRESEN'I'ED AT FltIDAY EVL Mr and Mt.. VISIt A was on Friday of Savannah's first commercial the Unlvel'lllty Georgia -week end I B H Ramsey prom party given white was carried out 10 every detail ping I SOME MINUTE STUDY MATELY ,25,000 TO Cmr1'INUE OPERATIONS and In NINC'S MEETING. ed relutivea 10 Savannah the at the pretty home of M.s of Satauma grown by Slty Day, banqueta programs, MISS Olfie Smlfh of 5.""nnah was durmg evening After the program a deilghtful salad MEN'S and WOMEN'S SWEATERS, sizes crop orangea, -- from Ath. week S F Cooper on North MaIO street Mills B Lane on hie Lebanon planta­ eluding a radIO progrom of Elizabeth Smith the cornmtttee _ the MISS J course was served by 95 values __ L The contract of At the guest 36 to 46, $1 $1.45 Atlanta, Ga, Nov 21 -Motonsta for the erection The the Bulloch Frlda;-;;;;;;Ing ot Rev at which BIll John Everitt tion out Savannah on stoekholdel'll of ens, will be held In practically every m.etln� I and M.s J E Parker VISIt Cooper, members were nme miles of last week About aixty present new motor two tobacco warehouses for State the Stateaboro Chamber of 1(;_ take notice Georgta's Will receive Parker H C and • Those are Coun� Fair A_elation In the state Walter of Savannah cd relatives 10 Claxton the Cone, Jr, Harry the Ogeechee road who city M,s Hendrix during MEN'S and LADIES' SWEATERS, shaker­ not In­ boro has been awarded to S J Proc whIch WIl8 held at the Vehicle regtstration law only a ten on meree, GeoriIa­ Lee Akins were hosts About PROGRAM OF JUNIOR G A hand pel cent dIvIdend their The program to be broadcuted last week With hor D. week fifty Interested in "bservlllg at first spent fBlher, knit-In pockets, all wood, $500 value $3.75 creases the of the correct tor and work has been commenced Normal College, the annual .1.... knit, difRculty III of the school set were invited The Junior G A will rmeet at the cor­ stock tlme for their Christmas from tbe State of Agrlcul· M Mrs H F Hook and Mrs Jesse high the merIts of this Industry are College .M LIvely but-and th,s IS The contract ;pnee Is said to $12,900 of ollkers was The nomlD­ your car _ hel4' I Punch was served tho church Nov at rating 01 invited thu demon­ 8tocklng account about December ture to W S the Atlanta Jour. Jr last week 0 Johnston motored to Savannah throughout Baptist Sunday, 20, dIally to attend B, I V SImmons spent I I MEN'S OUTING PAJA.MAS, w1l1 be to each and the contract calls for the tlons were preoented a commltt. Important-you required 20th a 3 30 o'clock The following program stration At 1 o'clock several short Th,s W1III decided upon at nal, Atlanta, Ga IS under the au•• by In Savannah With hIS Rev Tuesday evening end _ uncle, I $1 25 gomg' at $1.00 obtam 1928 number one month comp'letlOn til the first bUildIng be- Mr WIll be rendered A QuestIon values, your will made mdlvlduals 1t!eetmg of the stockholdprs In the plces of the alumm society Silas Jobnson I and Mrs Walter Groover and TOPIC, addresaes be by SPEND ....r n did fore February 1st and the commence. THE'i>A;' PARTY eul tlia you last year court house Plans were under for a ban· �:e1>:�� t�:P:::! f;� t��e= I Sara Rem WIth the various mornIng way MISS Turner vlsltod choldren were Visitors In Savannah Ing People song, prayer, well acqualtlted Wednooday Marguerite "I.u,tt e M ISS Jamce Arundel enter MEN'S OUTING GOWNS The new law that all mo­ ment of work upon the aecond WIthout a dillSenting vote th t e ews requlrea At same time It was voted to and for Statesboro, Th urs prayer at h J of th,s - tile quet program Mrs Herbert In Portal a few d ay mgton song, phases Industry Harvestmg I _ er Kingery t d h d th e d 00 at 7Sc tor vehIcles must be reguttered and mediately there The ofllcers named were PraI­ aspen ay party I come know Jesus our $1 values, gOing contiiue the fair association as an when It was learned that the Mercer to frIend, take last week Mrs W W WIlliams spent 8 few may and packmg operatIons Will days d Mdsses numbers obtained 'on or be­ C W chaIrman of the dent, Fred T vIce ,ain; wltd Margar.t Jones license Brannen, acti", InstitutIon and were be­ Glee Club I. to here on the eve Lanier, prelldea'-, A and days during the week WIth relatIves �ry Xenlil'dy, devotIOnal, place both before and a'fter the hour plans play Mr and Mrs C SullIvlln In board of IS a man of en Frew W CeCil W �IatheeWBnes.;ymlly and Marlon LADIES' HOSE, all Silk, full fashioned foot, fo e the first day of February dIrectors, next in to Hodges, BranOft, at MettCl IIttl� John 3 1 16 ElIzabeth Fletcher set for the addresses Those who at­ gun tor another big fair fall nlng o( the 29th, so, falrne._ lIttle were VISitors to So I daughters thuslasm and WIll and Jesse 0 I _ lend anIer occasion out every energy L The o� beIng !n cele what the famous brand, "Arcy�' SOc eaeh year" .... pointed today by I The of the d,s. Mercer the alumni of the Johnston, seeretarJ, I Preston Waters and Robert Coi" Who are these people and ques tend Will be IIlVlted to mspect the report secretary the boys, IVannah Sunday b fifth Hon McLendon of towards up the work Mr Pete Donaldson I of birthday Her Answered ten S G secrtary speedIng closed that there was in hand a bal­ have beot to call sey vIsIted froends In Athens last tlOns do they ask? by grove and the older trees The University thought Mr and Mors Arthur Turner and I young the Is At th,s same a committee b rat��nay ca:ere trimmed In pink rose FEATHER 8-ounce, good value at 25c state Proctor, contractor, quabfled ance of 200 from meeting week end G A girls Story 'I he Cobbler Fmds TICK, WIll be conducted un­ approxlmlately $1 off their banquet Jlttle daughter, JulIanne, motored to atten demon�tratlon to handle the In workmanlike was appointed to cbn!er with a co.... _ also called b'rds was as a centerpIece to at 19c Mr MCUendon Job last month's fair A cent FOl the benefit of who IIfr and IIfrs J E McCroan hIS country, EmIly AkinS, .ong, close SpeCial der the superviSIOn of the develop ten' pel any may Savannah spent manner no In mlttee from the Saturday e d lOner ta Ie and con tlon to the fact that the new law ..e­ and there WIll be hItch Statesboro Woman'. t� usedb Games WIth sentence WIll reduee thIs balance to deSIre to hsten In on the program, several the "eek In I prayers ment department of the Seaboard dlvld,nd M,s. Lessle who is teach dlllYs during I WIth to Frankhn, tests were the afternoon fast the prOV1810n which based h the work from the begtnmng to the Club reference the propoae4 NAOMI Press Reporter LAD-LASSIE CLOTH, guaranteed col{)rs, pealed and about $600, whIch 18 belIeved to be the folio" IIlg program IS to be trans at last end Sa,annuh HAGEN, AIr LIne Raliway representatIves lng Graymont, spent week enJ�ye� In. cense the N C C horse being erection of a JOInt club house ThItl worth _ feea upon A east I 25c, speCial at 19c of that WIll be on hand onough for a margIn for operatIons mltted from 8 00 to 9 30 " m WIth hOI here Mrs F N GrIme. and Mrs Ed THANKSGIVING SERVICE man dreads the when department parents Every day � of the and now requIres �o�tetlonUI IS on thThte• racbUktldlfngthnowG0 e eorgta commlttoe was as follows W E Me­ power engine the Sat next fall ern standard time WIn Groover were 'vlsltors In Savan Rev E Parker will the are not hIm to conduct vIsItors through Mrs F M Bogle has returned to J be people who kin to begin am and FlorIda raIlroad near their new H Wells and D B. 54-mch that all passenger cars, busses, was Olches Dougald, Guy Big assortment FLANNEL, suma on Mr Lane's Secretary Akms dltected to S 00 Ulllverslty Bulldog 'her In Tenn after nah Tuesday th,s at the annual hIm' uncle" plantlllgs plant Turner home NashVille, Ilreacher year bulances and hearses shall a fee depot site and It IS understood that The committee from tM I c�llIng all-wool, retail price $2 speCIal at _ pay Issue checks to stockholders and to tra 75, $2.25 atlon a VISIt here Mr and Mrs E T Y')ungblood servIce at the to froends ThanksglV1ng BaptIst of "50 cents hundred pounds, the second WIll be bUIlt near by The Woman's ClUb consists of Mrs E H. see for per lequire that all persons stock 8 10 Address-Chancellol C chIldren III I I We can't much In sight One of the outstandmg factors holdong and were vIsItors Savan Aiter a VISIt to h,s J H church ThIS period of worshIp on the to Mrs S C Groo­ fathe�, m • Ot major frnctlOn theleof gross payment subSCrIptIOns Kennedy, chaIrman, the who wants a that he can WOOL SUITING, 40 mches, fancy and IS whIch may not be properly transfer SnellIng nah been 1n all the boy Job favormg Satsuma orange growmg IDonaldson CharlIe Donaldson left Saturday particIpated by nUnimum the has been called fOI ,er, M,s D B Turnel Mrs Harry has, of fee, capItal stoc� - a of 50 at _ weight vehicle, red the book. make ploper 815 Add,ess Dr Andlew MISS KIttle I eturn loaf eIght hours day mstead plam patterns, $1 values, speCial $1.19 the return on the mvestment upon .Monday fo. Bainbridge Donaldson has churches In the city and this year qUIck and practIcally all of It has been W SmIth and lilts A A Flanders $11 25" paId transtel at once Checks WIll be State SIX \ A In 1927 would YIeld Soule, preSident GeorgIa Agll Mt and Mrs CeCIl er! to PulaskI after a VISIt to Mrs us Will b. a umon servIce \ grove p'llnted At a Kennedy spent always "ThIS means that the III The second payment Will be due the Fllday evening meetlng I PEGGY ANN fast colors gloss weIght I fOI dlstrlbutton on December cuitul al Math Donaldson PRINTS, guaranteed a commercIal crop m 1931 Each eady College last week end 111 Athens with theIr We have many thIngs to be grateful Great Brotaln seems to be heartily tOl IInmedlately after the of b'lCf I epol t of the year's actiVIties of each car IS the bas!s fixlI.g completIon "hlch WIll the secletary 8 20 Instrumental G,oover big assortment, 40c values, speCIal at 31 C succeSSJve yeal the Yield would be 20th, give Novelty .nephew, EdWin McDouguld and fOI and let us JOin WIth the best In favol of uny disarmament plan the warehouse was submitted 10 the presentutlon the lIcense fee, and not the engme nccessaJ Franc",s • heavler until leaches Its the y tIme to obtatn com Hunter \\Ole bUSiness VISltOIS In Sa of the natIOn In thiS OUt na t.he grove M,]s Dan BlItch MISS LIla Blotch I people that WIll leave her WIth the blgge,t horse SaId Seci of In the meantIme the prospects for of whIch Seci etal y Donaluson and powel" etary I ccords of stock Addl e""-Dr Frank K ,annuh I SATIN BACK CREPE, all colors, twelfth yeal of development At plete outstandlllg and MIS Rosa Edwards were vIsItors Saturday tlonal Day navy IS a tobacco III Bulloch next Plesldent AIf,ed 00. man both took ThanksgIVing State S G McLendon, who also l81ge crop dllectols _ The board of land Alumni MISS Bland • • • $2 50 values, speCial at $1.95 thIS the trees me cupable of letlllng preSIdent Society In Savannah the Arline and �llss Julia' age t It was shown that the dIsburse dllling ,�eek motOl vehl('le commissioner In or yea, are glOWong broghtm dally J pm ten to twelve half "as Ie elected and follOWIng thIS, 8 36 quartette Mr Bell lttlebaum wele vIsItors ,n PHILATHEA CLASS PARTY Yielding stlaps pel UnIVetSlty ments of the fOI vat lOus CaU8el!l and MI& Ho\\ell Cono and Qu der to the fee III 1928 C Hurdle who hnd of the m clUb fix cone�t charge the same officel s Wel e chosen COl the 8 46 olehes • FLAT all estImated the cost of Bulldog The Phllathea class of the Metho 1""""'======" CREPE, colors, • tree It IS that Unlvelslty •• little daughter, Anna were VISltOlS Savannah SatUlday A dustl III the last yea I dUllng the yeRl amounted to ..ppror all questions on the applicatIOn y cllleRy county Hmton Booth tla happy _ YCUl prest or same contmg M,.. James and son dlst school met $140 value, speCIal at $1.19 trees and the Cate thlOUgll 1n week stmmons Sunday Wednesday 500 dll ected to. Savannah during the blanks must be answeteo If one WIll have aSSOCiated With him next IInately $1 largely D B rUIner vice plCSldent Those who hsten In Ule lemmded ames I a a ftel noon at thell class wltn the fifth yea. would be approxImate dent, Mr. Ernest Brannen had as hCl J spent few days last th0u ht and under hiS not wal d plomotlOn of the Interests of g questIOn only IS left unanswe.ed It year supervlsion the 'J SIX LeWIS A Akms seC1CLUl y managel that a teleglUm to the stud,o of week In Mrs Alfled Mrs A ,\ Iy $24476 pel aCle F,equently the week her MIlledgevIlle Dorman, fewer han five or SIX to the o.mal school as "ell u guests during mothel, may be neccssal y to 1 etul n the ap competent Geolgla � old on a Geol gl" State College of Agllculture Groover In Flanders, MIS A B G.een and MISS and eIght yeat glOves YIeld fOI \11110U5 aCtiVities of HollIngsworth, of Dover Geolge spent Sunday berOi c bacco demonstmtors WIll be commumty plicatIon proper registration They \\ ould be LOUIse In baSIS that nets the pel lIPPlecltlted as hoste-ses JJ glower $800 ._---- Mrs W JIl and little Atlanta \\ Itil hIS famIly who llle Hughes An 111 to careful attentIOn Intet est Hegmann ,. can be made POSition gIve NESMITH MEErS DEATH am wa3 I acre are her vlsltmg relatIves there terestlng Thanksglvmg plOgl to all the III thelt care and It was I epol ted also at th,s meet- daughtel, Doroth) vlsltmg INC. All FOld passenge. cals model T acreage I thousand acres of Satsumas I MISS stu MISS MIS J E T,\o contI ncar thiS week JIlmy Dean Andelson a planned by Hughes I ecol that acts had been let lor .motber, Stillmore, I JAKE FINE, and all Chevrole