/ili ilia News of BED DANK- liiitl Swrwundliig Towns GUI PART Tify* Told [fearlessly vaU Without Bias.

IBSUSII Vfeskly. Entered an Second-Clais Hotter ot tho Fost- Subscription Price: One Year JI.SO PAGES 1 TO 12. VOLUME LVI, NO. 42. ofTica st n«d Bank, H. J.. under tho Act of March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11,1934. Six Months 81,00, Sinyle Copy 4c, JCDGE ACKEKSON PRESIDENT. OPENING OF KIT KAT INN. Scobeyville Acre Curtailed Mail Elected Head of tho Holland Society Floor Show and Special Numbers To Of New York Last Friday. B« Featured Saturday Night. Tho annual meeting and election Tho formal opening of Kit Kat Inn, overlooking the Shrewsbury river at Entire New Board of Trustees of ofllcera of tho Holland society of Justice Announces Candidacy Department of Works Carrying No Proof A$ to Who Owns Afternoon Service DicoalSn- Big Billboard May be Put Up New York, of which Prcsldont Roose- tho Red Bank end of Cooper's bridge, Properly Where Boy Scouts of ued Until July 1 aa Result of Bearing the Words, "Please Elected at. Presbyterian Con- velt is a member and one of tho for Democratic Nomination on Project Discontinued by •111 bo held Saturday night, April 14. Tho affair will be featured by enter- Atlantic Township Planned to the Passage of the Economy Don't Judge This Town by gregational . Meeting — No board of trustees, woo held at tho for Mayor at Primary Election Civil Works Administration— Changs in Elders. Hotel Afltor Friday night. Circuit Nest Month. Ninety Men Working. tainment, a lunch and dancing. The Build Their Clubhouse. Act. Its Railroad Station." A now board of trustees wan elect- Court Judge Henry K. Ackerson, Jr., entertainment will consist of a floor show, featuring "ten little dears" of Due to a misunderstanding, it. Red Bank, In common with the rent f ed at tho annual congregational of Keyport win elected president for Charles R. D. Foxwell. iustlco of Tho work of grading and other- Ofllclals of Ileil Bnnli, I alr Haven tho ensuing year. Members In at- the peace for many years, last Thurs- wise improving tho grounds of the Red Bank and surprise vaudeville was rr-ported that the conflistory of of the United States, ia beginning to "ml rtumson and representatives of meeting of tho Presbyterian church acts. Urn Reformed church of Colt's l^cclc net iiccuatoined to cu I tailed postal of Ruinson last Wednesday night. tendance from Bed Bonk at the bus- day afternoon announced his candi- Middletown township high school at various organizations met at tho iness session and dinner wero Har- dacy for tho Democratlo nomination Leonardo Is now being carried on Kit Kat Inn was formerly River- had taken action to make, a gift of service. For 3