
Notes of Technology, Fabrication And Testing

June 2012

Abstract Physics of Semiconductor materials, p-n junction, MOS , Silicon technology (fabrication, or front End), packaging and assemply (back end),

1 Contents

1 Physics of Semiconductor Materials 3 1.1 Genesis ...... 3 1.2 Band Model of Solids ...... 4 1.3 Crystal bonding model ...... 13 1.4 P-N junction ...... 15 1.5 ...... 16

2 Silicon Technology (fabrication) 26

3 Testing and packaging 52

4 Conclusion 55

2 1 Physics of Semiconductor Materials 1.1 Genesis At the basis of modern micro electronics, which is the basis on semiconduc- tors, devices there is Quantum Theory developed at the beginning of nineteen Century. In 1900, Planck came up with an equation that described the curve of radia- tion wavelengths at each temperature for a black body radiation 1. No matter what the material shape or shape of the container's wall, the results were the same; the shape of the graphs depended only by temperature. Planck posited that the surface of anything that was radiating heat and light  such the walls in a black body device, contained vibrating molecules or harmonic oscilla- tors. These harmonic oscillators could absorb or emit energy only in the form of discrete packets or bundles. These packets or bundles of energy came only in xed amounts, determined by Planck's constant, rather than being divisible or having continuous range of values.This principle can be see again in the the photoelectric experiment, which showed that the energy of the ejected electrons was proportional to the frequency of the illuminating light. This showed that whatever was knocking the electrons out had an energy proportional to light frequency. The remarkable fact that the ejection energy was independent of the total energy of illumination showed that the interaction must be like that of a particle which gave all of its energy to the electron! This t in well with Planck's hypothesis that light in the black body radiation experiment could exist only in discrete bundles with energy. Photoelectric eect was known since the end of eighteen century but Einstein was the one who given the correct interpretation, and by the way his studies of this eect was the reason for the Nobel price the great physician got in 1925. In another words we can see the photoelectric eect in this way: when we increase the frequency of the light the emitted electrons sped out with much more energy. Then, when we increase the intensity of the light by using carbon arc light that could be made brighter by a factor of 1000. The brighter, more intense light had a lot more energy, so it seems logical that electrons emitted would have more energy and speed away faster, But that did not occur. More intense light produces more electrons, but the energy of each remained the same. This was something that the wave theory of light did not explain. Today we know that the behavior of the black body can be applied also at atomic scale range. Each electron of an atom can absorb or emit energy at specic frequency only at discrete values following the quite famous formula

E1 − E2 = hν (1.1) where E1 − E2 is the energy jump of the electron in the atomic model of Bohr 1A black body is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation regardless of frequency or angle of incidence. It can be done with a small hole when electromagnetic radiation enters a cavity which walls reect inside and the radiation does not exit. From the external world is like if the external radiation has been completely absorbed by the hole, which represents the black body. A black body in thermal equilibrium (that is, a constant temperature) emits electromagnetic radiation called black-body radiation.

3 Figure 1.1: Black Body radiation as satellite of the atom nucleus,ν is the frequency of the radiation, and h is the Planck constant. When an electron absorb this packet of energy it emits an elementary particle called photon which exibits wave-particle duality (follows maxwel's equations as well otpical rules!)

1.2 Band Model of Solids Let consider electrons in an isolated atom. We know that an electron acted on by the Coulomb potential of an atomic nucleus may have only certain allowed energies ( Figure 1.3 )

4 Figure 1.2: Bohr Atom and energy jump

Figure 1.3: Allowed energy levels of an electron acted on by the Coulomb po- tential of an atomic nucleus 5 In particular, by quantum mechanics theory, the electron can occupy one of a series of energy levels below a reference energy taken as 0.

2 4 −Z m0q (1.2) En = 2 2 2 8oh n The electron carries charge −q so that q in 1.2 is a positive number. At low temperature, when more than one electron are associated with the atom, the electrons ll the allowed levels starting with the lowest energies. By the Pauli exclusion principle, at most two electrons (of opposite spins) may occupy a new energy level. Let us now consider the electron in the highest occupied energy level of an atom and neglect the lower lled levels. When two isolated atoms are separated by a large distance, the electron associated with each atom has the energyEn given by 1.2. If two atoms approach one another, however, the full atomic core of the rst atom exerts a force on the second electron.The allowed energy levels for this electron are modied due to this interaction (there is a change of potential).

An energy level En, can contain at most two electrons of opposite spin. When we approach the two atom for the same energy level En cannot cohabit four electrons! When the two atoms are brought together to form one system only two electrons can be associated with the allowed energy level En. The two other should go in a dierent level quite close to En. In reality what happens is that the allowed energy level En of the isolated atoms splits into two levels with slightly dierent energies in order to retain space for a total of four electrons. This principle is valid for all electrons of Atoms not only the last two in the energy level En.As more atoms are added to form a crystalline structure, each of the original quantized levels of the isolated atom is split many times. When N atoms are included in the system, the original energy level En splits into N dierent allowed levels, forming the so called energy band which may contain at most 2N electrons (because of spin degeneracy). Since the number of atoms in a crystal is generally large-of the order of 1022cm−3- and the total extent of the energy band is of the order of few electron volts, the separation between N dierent energy levels within each band is much smaller than the thermal energy possessed by an electron at room temperature, and electron may easily jumps between levels. Thus, we may speak of a continuous band of allowed energies containing space for 2N electrons. This allowed band is bounded by maximum and minimum energies, and may be separated by a so-called forbidden-energy gaps, as showed in (Figure 1.4) or it may overlaps other bands. Electrons in one band can easily jumps in the levels of this band, but their thermal energy at room temperature does not allow them to jump the forbidden gap, so the name comes from this constraints. The fact if these bands overlaps each other, or form small gaps or very large gaps determines the proprieties of a given material as conductor, semiconductor or insulator. The allowed energy bands does not have the same depth. Electrons at high energy levels (far from the central nucleus of the atom) are less tightly bound and

6 Figure 1.4: Broadening of allowed energy levels into allowed energy bands sepa- rated by forbidden-energy gaps as more atoms inuence each electron in a solid; on the left (a) one-dimensional representation; on the right (b) two-dimensional diagram in which energy is plotted versus distance

7 Figure 1.5: Energy band diagram: N electrons lling half of the 2N allowed states, as might occur in a metal may wander farther from the atomic core. If the electron is less tightly conned, it comes closer to the adjacent atoms and is more strongly inuenced by them. This greater interaction causes a larger change in the energy levels and this is reected in a wider energy bands for higher energy electrons of the isolated atoms. We can see this in the Figure 1.4 where (a) is the one-dimensional sketch. However often is useful to use a two-dimensional picture (b) where the vertical axis still represents the electron energy while the horizontal axis represents position of the electron in the crystal. The formation of energy bands from discrete levels occurs whenever the atoms of any element are brought together to form a solid. So all solid in nature will have this energy bands representation. We told that the distances between these gaps cause dierent electrical proprieties of solids. Let's take one metal, the alkali. Each Alkali atom has a free valence electron in the outer shell. Let's take a piece of Alkali of N atoms. As we discussed before all these atoms when get closer to form the metal crystal structure split the allowed energy levels of electrons from N (isolated atom) to 2N (all atoms together). The N valence atoms of the metal will occupy the rst N energy levels but they can easily jump by thermal energy at room temperature to one allowed level (N+1, N+2.... 2N). So when we apply a potential dierence at the two side of one metal, electrons excited with more energy can jump of some levels and carries current. Metals solid are characterized by partially lled energy band and are hardly conductive (as in Figure 1.5). In nature there are other materials which external valence atoms of the outermost shell completely ll the 2N energy band with 2N electrons and there is an energy gap to the next band. In this case if the gap is sucient high (with respect the thermal energy of one electron which is some tenths of eV or less) the material has good characteristic of insulator (Figure 1.6). In an insulator even if we apply potential dierence we do not see sensible current to ow, at least if we increase a lot the potential dierence in order to provide quite a lot

8 Figure 1.6: Energy-band diagrams for an insulator. A completely empty band separated by an energy gap Eg from a band whose 2N states are completely lled by 2N electrons.

9 Figure 1.7: Electron motion in an allowed band is analogous to uid motion in a glass tube with sealed ends; the uid can move in a half-lled tube just as electrons can move in a metal.

Figure 1.8: No uid motion can occur in a completely lled tube with sealed ends. of energy to some electrons who can jump the gap. In any case this does not happens at room temperature. In good insulators the Eg is greater than 5 eV (in SiO2is 9 eV for instance). We can do an analogy with horizontal glass tube with sealed ends which represents the allowed energy states and the uid inside representing the number of electrons in a solid. In the case analogous to a metal, the tube is partially lled (Figure 1.7). When a force (gravity in this case) is applied by tipping the tube, the uid (= the current in the metal) can easily move along the tube. In the situation analogous to an insulator, the tube is completely lled with uid (Figure 1.8 ). When the lled tube is tipped, the uid cannot ow since there is no empty volume into which it can move; that is, there are no empty allowed states! have band structures similar to insulators. The dierence between these two classications arises from the size of the forbidden energy gap and the ability to populate a nearly empty band by adding conductivity- enhancing impurities to a semiconductor. In a semiconductor the energy gap separating the highest band that is lled at absolute zero temperature from the lowest empty band is typically in the order of 1 eV (silicon: 1.1 eV; germa- nium: 0.7 eV). In an impurity-free semiconductor the uppermost lled band is populated by electrons which occupy all the allowed states, as before, but as the energy gap Eg is not so big with respect the thermal energy of electrons, it could happen that some electrons from the lower band jumps the forbidden

10 Figure 1.9: Energy-band diagram for a semiconductor showing the lower edge of the conduction band (Ec) , a donor level (Ed) within the forbidden gap, the Fermi level (Ef ), an acceptor level (Ea), and the top edge of the valence band (Ev) energy gap and go in upper band. The uppermost lled band is populated by the electrons of the outermost shell, the valence electrons. For such a reason this band is called valence band. When an electron jumps the forbidden gaps go in another band where it is completely free to move, and this cause possibility to conduct some current. For such reason the upper band is called conduction band. This structure is shown in Figure 1.9 . At any temperature above absolute zero (0° K = =273.15° Celsius), the valence band is not entirely lled because a small number of electrons possess enough thermal energy to be excited across the forbidden gap into the conductive band. Obviously the higher is the temperature the more are the electrons which jump the gap. Since only a small of electrons exists in this band (only the ones at the top level or the valence band), however, the current for a given eld is considerably less than that in a metal. The material behaves between a conductor and an insulator and for such a reason is called semi-conductor. When electrons are excited from the valence band into the conduction band, left empty states in the valence band like a bubble in a liquid. If electric eld is applied to the material the electron in conductive band move to the positive eld causing current in the opposite direction and the hole left in the valence band moves as well (in reality all others electrons moves little bit giving the impression that is the holes which moves). The concept of holes can be illustrated by our analogy with tube lled with uid. The semiconductor at absolute zero temperature appears as two sealed

11 Figure 1.10: Fluid analogy for a semiconductor. (a) and (b) No ow can occur in the either the completely lled or completely empty tube. (c) and (d) Fluid can move in both tubes if some of it is transferred from the lled tube to the empty one, leaving unlled volume in the lower tube. tubes one completely lled, and the other completely empty (Figure 1.10(a) ). When we apply a force by tipping the tubes, no motion can occurs (Figure 1.10(b)). As said at higher temperature some electrons (the uid) jumps the level. Is like if in our analogy some uid is moved in the empty tube. The liquid in partially lled tube moves as the tube is tipped and the bubbles left in the almost completely lled tube at the bottom due complementary movement. The liquid movement is the currents caused by electrical force (in our example the gravity). Bubbles in the lower energy are called holes and exists only in the valence bands and only in relation to a conductive electron in the conductive band.

12 Figure 1.11: The diamond-crystal lattice characterized by four covalent bonded atoms. The lattice constant, denoted by λ is 0.543 for silicon and 0.356 for diamond.

1.3 Crystal bonding model The concept of holes and electrons in semiconductors can be also viewed in terms of the behavior of completed and broken electronic bonds in semiconductor crystal. We consider the diamond type crystal structure that is common in silicon (Figure 1.11). Each atom of silicon can create four covalent bond with four nearest neighbors by covalent bond with the external electrons, one from each atom. The lattice structure is then repeated and this creates the crystal. At absolute zero temperature, all electrons are held in these bonds and therefore none are free to move about the crystal in response to an applied electric eld. In this state the semiconductors behaves as an insulator. As the temperature become higher than absolute zero, thermal energy breaks some of the bond and creates nearly free electrons which can then contribute to the current under the inuence of an applied electric eld. After a bond is broken by thermal energy, the freed electron moves away leaving an empty bond behind which can be replaced by another electron from an adjacent bond. The empty spaces behaves as a bubble which in semiconductor theory is called hole which moves in opposite direction with respect the electron.

13 Donors and Acceptors In a pure semiconductor material the number of electrons n in the conduction band equals the number of holes p in the valence band. Such material is called intrinsic semiconductor and the densities of electrons and holes in it (carriers −3 cm ) are usually sub-scripted i, as ni and pi. However, the most important uses of semiconductors arise from the interaction of adjacent semiconductor materials having diering densities of the two types of charge carriers (the p-n junction for instance). As told intrinsic semiconductor is very bad conductor and in order to improve his conductor characteristic we should nd a way to improve the number of carriers (electrons in conduction band and holes in valence band). We can do this by adding some impurity to the semiconductor crystal. Let's take the example of the Silicon: his atoms have 4 covalent bonds with the neighbors. If we introduce some small quantity of atom with 5 covalent bond (5 valence electrons), such as phosphorus, it create 4 covalent bond with one Silicon atom leaving the fth electron practically free to move (only very small quantity of energy is necessary to move this valence electrons from the phosphorus core). Such atoms which provide one electron as additional free carrier in the conduction band are called donors. In complementary way there are atoms with three covalent bond which can get one electron from a Silicon atom and are called acceptors. In the rst case the current is really caused by the donated electrons. In the last situation the current is created by moving of the holes. Without entering in details it is intuitive to understand that is more easy for the fth electron of the phosphorus to be free (i.e to jump into the con- ductive band) than for an electron of the Silicon. Physically this means that it requires only a small energy to excite the electron from the donor atom into the conduction band, while a much greater amount of energy is required to excite an electron (of Silicon) from his valence band to the conduction band jumping the energy gap (even if we have seen that the energy gap for silicon is less than the energy gap of an insulator). Thermal energy at temperatures greater than about 150 K is generally sucient to excite electrons from the donor atoms into the conduction band. If we introduce impurity with 5 electrons in the last energy level, as we have seen we will inject electrons. The total number of the carriers in the silicon atom doped with these impurity are

n + ni + pi = n + 2ni

Where n is the electron from the donors and ni = pi= intrinsic carrier. (Note than n is  ni = pi). In this case, we say we have created semiconductor of n-type where electrons n+ni are the majority carriers. A graph showing the conduction electron con- centration versus temperature for silicon and germanium is sketched in Figure 1.12. Intrinsic holes density is equal to intrinsic electron density and we see here than electron, for room temperature below 300 K till 600 K are fare more numerous than holes in Silicon.

14 Figure 1.12: Electron concentration versus temperature for two doped semicon- ductors: (a) Silicon doped with 1.15 × 1016arsenic atoms cm−3, (b) Germanium doped with 7.5 × 1015 arsenic atoms cm−3.

1.4 P-N junction When we put close together semiconductor of p-type with a semiconductor of n-type we creates the so-called pn junction. This junction has the fundamental propriety to be able to allow current in one direction when a specic electric eld is applied and show constant voltage drop. How it is possible is easy explained (Figure 1.13) A p-doped semiconductor is relatively conductive thanks to majority carri- ers which are holes, positive charged, in the valence band. The same is true of an n-doped semiconductor, relatively conductive by electrons which are major-

Figure 1.13: p-n junction

15 ity carriers in the conduction band. When we approach close together p-type semiconductor with n-type semiconductor some electrons migrates from the n- type to the p-type semiconductors. When the electron's concentration at the boundary gap increase, an electrostatic voltage is creates which stop electrons migrating from n-type to p-type semiconductors. The migrated electrons inside the p-type semiconductors easily combines with the holes and creates a zone, exactly on the boundary where carrier density is almost zero. This zone is called depletion region as no carriers are present. The electrostatic voltage which has been created due the electrons migrated from n-type to p-type semiconductors prevent others electrons to move in that direction. But it is sucient to apply a negative voltage to the n-type semiconductor to push other electrons in the p-type semiconductors and to create a current ow. For the specic structure of the system the voltage drop is almost constant (in the order of 0.7 volt) and current quickly increase if voltage is increased. On the other side, if opposite voltage is applied (positive to the n-type semi- conductor) this depletes again more the depletion region and prevent current to ow (if reverse voltage is not reaching a level called of breakdown which cause high current to ow). We have so created a system which allows ow current only in one direction and not in another. The p-n junction is the basis of semiconductor's devices like diodes which can be used to rectify alternate current for instance. In digital electronics p-n junction in forward-bias mode can be considered as closed-switch.

1.5 Transistor If we add another layer of semiconductor we can creates the so-called n-p-n or p-n-p junction, which are the basic brick of transistor. A transistor is composed by one input, one output and a control gate. The control gate is the one where if applied appropriate voltage can make transistor working in dierent zones. The transistor dependently how is powered (or polarized) can act as a signal amplier or a switch. When we apply sinusoidal signal to the input of a transistor which has been correctly polarized, the output signal is amplied. We can see this as an analogy with a lever which can rotate in the vertical direction by a fulcrum pin which is not put in the middle. If we consider the transistor's output as the lever's motion at the end we can see this being amplied (Figure 1.15). Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) are used typically as ampliers in analog electronics. For instance in Figure 1.16 is shown typical conguration of one transistor amplier common-emitter. Digital electronics must manage digital signals. Digital signals are numbers codied in binary code. So they are a series of 1 and 0. Physically number 1 can be associated as the higher voltage level and 0 as zero voltage level at the output of an electronic system. In digital electronics so, all the signals are in discrete form as series of ones and zeros. The most important component in digital electronics is the Metal-Oxide Semiconductor transistor (Figure 1.17). Without entering into too many details we can see that main advantage of MOS transistors with respect BJT are

16 Figure 1.14: charge density in the p-n junction boundary

17 18

Figure 1.15: Transistor as amplier in analogy with a lever rotating on a fulcrum pin Figure 1.16: BJT as amplier

Figure 1.17: nMOS Transistor's layout

19 Figure 1.18: nMOS bias arrangement (a) and Drain current function of Drain- Source voltage when increasing the Gate-Source voltage

ˆ Near ∞ input resistance looking into gate vs. base current for BJT (better buer on input side)

ˆ Lower noise for high RS signal sources Better analog switch; ˆ truly ohmic at origin of VDS-ID plot (sample & hold) ˆ Compatible with digital CMOS (process cost advantage) ˆ Comes out of non-active operating region more quickly (BJT slow out of saturation) ˆ More robust current sources (gentler "crash" than BJT into saturation) In order to simplify we can consider MOS transistor as switched which allows passage of current or not dependently of the voltage applied in the gate. When a specic voltage dierence is applied to the gate (in a n-channel MOS must be positive) it is possible to create a n-channel just close to the gate junction and so, when voltage is applied to the other two gate there is a current ow. The input entrance of the current is called source, where the output is called drain. The current/voltage characteristic between drain and source can be see in Figure 1.18. MOS as all transistors need to be bias with opportune bias circuit to the voltage source (Figure 1.19) Then in order to work as a digital switch in closed position (allowing cur- rent to ow from Souce to Drain) it is necessary to create a specic channel between S and D. If we consider n-MOS transistor this is obtained by apply a

20 Figure 1.19: nMOS with bias circuit positive voltage on the Gate (greater than a specic treshold voltage indicated as V t). If the gate-source voltage is increased to a valueVGS > V t, an inver- sion layer is estabilished (you can imagine holes in the p-type layer immediately under the gate are push out). This create the n-channel in n-MOS transis- tor (Picture 1.20). If there is voltage dierence between Drain and Source the current IDS can ows. If VGS < V t this voltage is not sucient to create an inversion layer, no channel exist and this cuto the transistor. The MOS as digital switch is open (no current ow)2 With n-MOS transistor is very easy to fabricate the basic bricks to do digital operation. As we have told microcomputers understand only number as series of low voltage- high voltage status (zeros and ones).This universe with one digit number is called Boolean algebra, and Boolean operation can be dened. The basic one is the INVERTER. It is easy with MOS transistor to make a circuit which execute such operation (Figure 1.21 ) . Another fundamental operation in the Boolean algebra is the NAND which can be shown in Figure 1.22 . We will see in the next chapter the basic manufacture steps from a single crystal silicon wafer to make MOS transistors. In order to be able to make all the algebraic operation in Boolean algebra is necessary to use two dierent of MOS, p-type and n-type. So the fabrication process will make on the same single- crystal silicon wafers a lot of transistors of n-type and p-type close together, what we call Complementary MOS systems (Figure 1.23 ).

2Actually there is always a leakage current between Dranin and Source but at this stage can be ignored.

21 Figure 1.20: Channel creation in n-MOS transistor.

Figure 1.21: nMOS as inverter (NOT)

22 Figure 1.22: nMOS as NAND circuit

23 24

Figure 1.23: Cross section of CMOS inverter in n-well process Semiconductor's companies like NXP are specialized in the manufacturing of a lot of transistors in the same single crystal wafer. But, how many transistors? It is quite known now the famous Moore's Law :Moore's law is a rule of thumb in the history of computing hardware whereby the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. The period often quoted as "18 months" is due to executive David House, who predicted that period for a doubling in chip performance (being a combination of the eect of more transistors and their being faster), Figure 1.24.

Figure 1.24: Moore's law

This means that technology improvement give the possibility to put on a same single-crystal wafers, more and more transistors. Technology limit is de- ned by the smallest part of CMOS transistor which litographic and chemical etching processes described in the next chapter. Most critical part to build are the holes for metal connection, metal deposition and channel's lenght. Today state of the art technology in smart card semiconductor's market reached a range between 40 and 90 nanometers (1nm = 10−9m). We will see in the next chapter the basic fabrication's steps to make billions of MOS transistors on a silicon wafers of some inches.

25 2 Silicon Technology (fabrication)

Silicon C-MOS fabrication steps and Masks fabrication stages. All begun with the growth of the pure Silicon crystals. Silicon is the common element founded in sand. 28% of Earth Crust, second only to Oxygen! The silicon from sand is rened and puried as poly silicon chunks . The puried silicon is then heated to a molten state. A small solid pieces of single crystal of Silicon called seed is gently loaded in a rotate vap (quartz crucible) of molten silicon (Figure 2.1 ) .

Figure 2.1: From poly-silicon to single crystal silicon

Using the cubic atomic structure of the seed a new crystal is created as the symmetrical extension of the seed (Figure 2.2 The hot liquid silicon in contact with the seed becomes cool and solidies and is gently raised from the molten region. As it is raised it cools, and material from the melt adheres to it, thereby forming a larger crystal. Under the carefully controlled conditions maintained during growth, the new silicon atoms continue the crystal structure of the already solidied material. The desired crystal diam- eter is obtained by controlling the pull rate and temperature with automatic feedback mechanism. In this manner cylindrical single-crystal' ingots of Silicon can be manufactured (Figure 2.3) The cubic atomic structure of silicon consists of atoms with four electrons in the outer electron orbit (covalent bond) Figure 2.4, and Figure 2.5 In a perfect crystal and in a low temperature each silicon atom bonds with is neighbors, there are no free electrons to conduct currents. At room temperature however, the silicon crystal has enough small thermal energy to free a small number of electrons (electrons that bypass the forbidden

26 Figure 2.2: Cubic Atomic Structure

Figure 2.3: Single crystal silicon coming from furnace

27 Figure 2.4: Silicon Atomic Structure

Figure 2.5: Silicon four covalent bond

28 Figure 2.6: Silicon with Phosphorous dopant gap). These free electrons conducts current as the holes left by them. This conductivity can be increased by adding impurities called dopant (Figure 2.6 Dopants elements are atoms which are similar to Silicon in Atomic structure like phosphorus. There are two types of dopants: n type like As and P that have one more valence electron than Silicon and p type as B have one less. Depend by the impurity added you can create n type or p type silicon. For instance with B we create p-type Silicon. After 48 hours of growth a single crystal results from the liquid melt. The ability of Silicon to be poor or good conductor by ne controlling the dopant concentration makes Silicon member of material called semiconductor (pure silicon is an insulator!!). A curve diamond edging blade saws the ingots into wafers that are as thinnest as possible without be too fragile and dicult to handle. The Wafers are screwed and edges are rounded o. The wafers are then ground smooth on both sides and treated in order to have consistent atness and thickness from wafers to wafers. Then they are chemical etches to remove surface contamination. The nal polish is done only on one side of the wafer. Then the wafers are measured for resistivity which is a function of doped concentration. Then wafers are packaged.

The Digital Design Meanwhile a team of engineers work together to design circuits that will be fabricated on the wafer's surface. Hundreds of specialists (digital engineers, analog engineers, test engineers. . . ) are necessary to design next generation of commercial . The organization of a design team corresponds of the organization of a complete chip. architects working on the highest level of abstraction to dene overall function of the chip. They establish the micro architecture, which regulates the timing and sequences of instructions

29 Figure 2.7: Wafer Screwed

Figure 2.8: Wafer Rounded

30 Figure 2.9: Wafer resistivity measurement that tell the microprocessor what it has to do. The design is divided in area that performs specic functions. Each unit is assigned to a designer that works at logic leve3to create detailed specications and establish hardware needs. Each unit is sub divided into functional blocks. Each block is assigned to a circuit designer who works at transistor's level . The circuit design consists to connect transistors in specic way. At digital level the transistor works like a controlled switch. It can switch hundreds of millions time in a second. The number of switching in a dened period denes the operation frequency of the unit. Electrical information is digitized in 0 and 1 that corresponds to the machine language understandable by the next abstraction layer of the digital system. How a transistor works? The most commonly used transistor in the digital world is the Complementary Metal oxide Semiconductor Transistor (CMOS, Figure 2.10

The n-channel transistor has two heavily n-type doped silicon region, sepa- rated by an electron's poor p type substrate. The edge region called SOURCE and DRAIN becomes ends of electronic switch that is normally o. The gate electrode is close too, but electrically insulated by the p-type region. The ap- plication of small positive voltage create a small positive charge on the gate. This charge attracts the electrons from the drain to source region turning the switch on. When the gate voltage return to zero the transistor is again OFF.

3dierent abstraction level can be dened depending what we denes as the basic design brick. At physical level we consider the basic elemend the Atom. At analog level the basic brick is the MOS transistor. At digital level it is the NAND or equivalent gate which is a group of MOS transistors.

31 Figure 2.10: CMOS layout

The p-channel works in the same way with inverted current carriers. It is pos- sible to fabricate p-channel and n-channel transistors on the same wafers by doping section of the wafers (note that the doped zone I some micrometers with respect the total thickness of the wafer which can be hundreds or nowadays tens of micrometers) This technology is known as Complementary MOS transistor because a gate voltage which turns a p-channel transistor on, turns an n-channel transistor o. Design requires SW and HW tools called Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering. After circuits designers completes each block of circuitry, the computer checks for accuracy based on geometrical and electrical design rules (Figure 2.11)

Masking A MASK designer (the layout step of the design) takes the circuit's schematics and manually lay out the channel in each level of the mask and generate some master blueprint. These drawing are using four or ve hundreds time the actual size of the chip and enable engineers to visually check for errors. This informa- tion is then electronically fed into beam machine. In an ultra clean environment a electron's beam will nal etches the patterns and does a series of crowns plates and glass plates. After the glass plates are etched they becomes the so-called  MASKS that are used to transfer the circuit patterns into wafers. Each mask is inspected to assure the masks are good. The masks go in a nal wash in acid before they are carefully packaged. The rst mask create a wall doping so that neighbor n-type and p-type substrates exists on the same wafer. The p and n

32 Figure 2.11: CAD layout of front end digital design channel regions are specied and electrically isolated by the growth of silicon

Dioxide SiO2 SiO2 is an insulator which creates on the surface of the silicon exposed to the air (oxidation). Next the gate electrodes which turn the transistor ON and OFF are formed. Masks number four and ve dene the SOURCE and the DRAIN regions of the n-channel and p-channel transistors. The next masks denes the contact holes which will enable the aluminum wires used to interconnect the individual transistor to contact the source , the gate and the drain region of each transistor. Most of integrated circuits use several numbers of masks (between 30 and 40 in the current CMOS90 technology for smart cards) depending on the com- plexity of the circuit and the type of process4. From start to nish a complete process may involve hundreds of individual operations and may take several weeks to complete. To handle successfully silicon runs, controlled contamina- tion is extremely important. It takes just few microscopic particles in the air to drastically impact the level of impurity allowed and nally to drastically re- duce the nal yield of a semiconductor wafer. Yield of semiconductor wafer is the ration between the number of total working chip (= circuits designed = interconnection of transistors) into a wafer divided by the non working chip (this will be discussed later during the test). The gas and chemical substances that come in contact with silicon wafers must also be of highest purity and free of contamination. To start C-Mos fabrication p-type wafers with a specic re- sistance are selected. All type of IC including C-MOS is fabricated using four

4there are dierent type of MOS which can be created. High power MOS for power supply applications. Floating gates for non volatile memories. Extremely high frequency frequencies MOS for other applications. . . each steps introduce a new mask in the design!

33 Figure 2.12: Mask insertion

Figure 2.13: Diusion impurity

34 Figure 2.14: Silicon Dioxide as insulator layer

Figure 2.15: Gate's electrode poly-silicon's maided

35 Figure 2.16: Metal interconnection

36 basic techniques (in sequence) 1. Formation of thin layers of silicon dioxide 2. Introduction of dopants atoms 3. Deposition of a variety of insulating and conductive (metal) materials

4. Precision pattering of each of these layers Before the process begins the laser scribed identication number of each wafer is recorded. We start by cleaning the p type of the wafer in hot acids. HCl, ammonium hydroxide are necessary to remove all the organic and metal's con- taminants. This cleaning procedure is repeated sometimes to make sure the surfaces of the wafers stay absolutely clean. The wafers are then put into DE- ionized water and dry in spun dried in ltered nitrogen gas. In a vertical furnace high temperatures will be used to growth layers of silicon dioxide. SiO2 is glass- like insulator which protects the silicon's substrate. Pure oxygen reacts with the silicon surface in hot furnace, to growth on a thin layer of silicon dioxide. This is similar to the oxidation of the car paint which is brilliant at the beginning and become dark at the end for the oxide formation. In the car's paint the oxide formation is a process which allows also protecting metal in case paint is partially removed. The silicon dioxide layer will be etched with a stencil and creates some windows where to dope specic region of the wafer. But rst the pattern of the stencil is applied to the silicon dioxide through a photographic technique called photo-lithography.

Photo-lithography and etching The rst mask pattern will be transferred into the wafer using photo resist, a material which is sensitive (i.e can be removed by) light. The wafer is transferred in heating plates and baked low temperature to evaporate the solvent living a thin layer of photo resist. The wafer then enters in a computer controlled machine called STEPPER. Inside the wafer is positioned under selected mask's patterns. There are two type of photo resist: negative and positive. A negative photo resist hardens when exposed to light and remain on the wafer when the wafer is developed under light. A positive photo-resist when exposed to UV light is removed on the other side. The region of silicon dioxide unprotected by photo-resist is then etched (Figure 2.17 ).

Acid dissolve silicon dioxide but as it can dissolve in all direction can creates under cutting that cause inexact transfer of the mask (Figure 2.18 )

37 Figure 2.17: Etching

Figure 2.18: Acid dissolution

When critical ne etching is needed wafer goes through a DRY etching pro- cess called PLASMA etching. In a PLASMA chamber a chemical reactive gas provides the uorine atoms which react with exposed silicon dioxide to leave short vertical walls. Highly magnication of microscope photograph shows precision of this etches regions (Figure 2.19 )

The harden resist is then removed in a dry process by using oxygen plasma which may include uorine followed by hot acid baths. This leaves the silicon dioxide layer as insulator (for insulation purposes). Photo-lithography will be used by each and subsequent masks of the process.

Figure 2.19: dry etching

38 Figure 2.20: Mask one

Patterning We are then at the last stage: precision patterning of each of these layers. This technique allows insulating microscopic region of the wafers and constructing components of the electronic circuit. In this way the transistors and the circuits are gradually built a layer at time. Doped ions will bombard the wafers to create n-type regions. The depth of the ions implantation depends on the amount of energy used. Doped ions are separated by other elements and accelerated in high speed in a strong electric eld. The ions are then driven into the wafer implanting exposed silicon's regions (mask 1, Figure 2.20) . The silicon dioxide layer blocks the dopants for unwanted regions.

Because in our examples these wafers are p-types, phosphors' ions which are n-type dopant are implanted. Exposing the wafer to higher temperature diuse the n-ions into deeper in the Silicon substrate (Figure 2.21 ).

This create the wall of n-type substrate where the p-channel (well) transistors will be build. In the wafer where n-type boron has been implanted to create p-wells regions to create n-type transistors.

39 Figure 2.21: diusion of n-ions into deeper in the Silicon substrate

Deposition of Variety of Insulator and conductive materials In a deposition furnace a layer of Silicon nitrate is deposited over the oxide layer. This prevents the additional growth of the silicon dioxide and protects the region when the transistors will be built.

Photo resist again is evenly spread over the wafer and baked in preparation for the next mask. Using a computer aided machine each new mask is perfectly aligned on the pattern over the wafer. The second mask used to dene the actual transistor's region is also exposed across the surface of the wafer. The wafer again is developed to remove the second photo resist and baked and plasma etched. The free uorine atoms react with the exposed nitrate (the insulator created in the previous step). After the photo resist is removed the wafer goes back into the oxidation furnace for the growth of new silicon dioxide layer. A thick insulator layer of silicon dioxide known as Field Oxide (FOX) will be grown when the nitrate has been etched. To growth this thick layer of Oxide, Oxygen combined with hydrogen is introduced into a wafer as steam. This insulation reduces the electric eld between the surfaces and the underlines regions (Figure 2.23)

This region through the microscope FOX looks like white boundaries. It will avoid current leaking between devices allowing thousands of transistors to coexist in the small area (Figure 2.24)

The remaining nitrate layer is then removed by a combination of dry and wet chemical etching. The wafers are then implanted with Boron's ions which penetrate the Silicon substrate and through the thin Oxide layer (FOX).

40 Figure 2.22: Deposition of Silicon nitrate

Figure 2.23: thick insulator layer of silicon dioxide known as Field Oxide (FOX)

41 Figure 2.24: FOX microscope

Figure 2.25: Boron's ion implantation

42 Figure 2.26: Gate electrode

This will provide the uniform electrical characteristic in the region when the transistor will be built. The FOX is removed and new Silicon Dioxide is grown in the gate area. In the vertical furnace the gate electrode will be formed with the p poly-silicon which will consist in many small grain of electrically pure silicon doped with p to make more conductive. With photo-lithography p poly-silicon is then etched to create gate of poly which will turn transistors ON and OFF (Figure 2.26)

The poly Silicon is dry etched to carefully control this gate's fabrication process. The depth of this gate denes the distance which separates the Drain by the Sources and ultimately the speed of the circuit and the technology size. The gate becomes the rst conducting layers connecting dierent transistors.

After Mask 4... Mask number 4 allows implantation of n-channel regions highly concentrated of n type dopant (n+) to form the highly conductive source and drain regions of the n-channel transistor. Mask number 5 will create p+ regions of p-type transistors. Photo resist is removed and again wafers are cleaned.(Figure 2.27)

The wafers are put in a furnace and wafer's defects created by ION implan- tation are repaired. Next a thick insulator glass layer is deposited. All previous layers are covered with this depth glass layer. Surface then must be planarized

43 Figure 2.27: Creation of p+region to ensure that every part of subsequent mask layers are transferred in sharp focus. Planarization is done by chemical / mechanical methods which is used to polish out a tick surface layer on the wafer's surface./ This creates the at surface for high resolution patterns (Figure 2.28)

The Mask number 6: Always by photo lithography will be dened the open- ing holes where the metal wiring will be used to interconnect (in the way dened by the circuit design) the source, the drain and the gate of each transistor. Con- tact holes are created on silicon dioxide by plasma etching (Figure 2.29).

Through the microscope these holes are seen as small dots (Figure 2.30)

Metal layer Metal will be lled in holes to ensure solid and good electrical connection. Tung- sten metal layer is deposited over the surface to complete the ll of tiny holes. Then metal is etched and polished. Now source and drain of each transistor are connected with this metal (Figure 2.31) A layer of aluminum silicon alloy is deposited on the surface to become the rst level of circuit wiring (Figure 2.32)

44 Figure 2.28: Opening holes for metal interconnection

Figure 2.29: Mask 6

45 Figure 2.30: Metal holes showed as small dots through the microscope

Figure 2.31: Injection of tungsten meta

46 Figure 2.32: Deposition of aluminum layer

Mask number 7 patterns the aluminum. This is the rst level in which the single transistors are connected together to form complex blocks of circuitry. The aluminum alloy is removed by using dry etching and photo resist is removed (Figure 2.34)

It is impossible with only one layer of aluminum to connect transistors in all the complicated way required by the circuit design. Several subsequent additional level of aluminum wiring are often produced on the same circuit. For instance in the picture 2.35 (Scan Electronic Microscope photograph) it can be seen the connection with two metal layer. The picture 2.36 show cross section of 5 metal layers.

Each next metal layer typical requires TWO additional masks and the fol- lowing process step: 1. Deposition of Silicon Dioxide (to electrically insulate on the subsequent metal wiring level) 2. Photo-lithography masking and etching

47 Figure 2.33: to open the contact holes between the top metal layers and next layer to be de- posited 3. Deposition in the contact holes of another tungsten plug: this insure a good electrical connection between wiring levels and more planar surfaces 4. Deposition and patterning of the new upper level of aluminum alloy

Pads After all the desired level of metals interconnects are in place, a nal level of silicon nitrate is deposited to protect the fragile aluminum alloy connect. In the nal photo-lithography step only the nitrate on the top bonding plates is etched away. Aluminum pads are the places where contacts from/to the external lines to/from chip are done. The wafers are then stripped of photo resist and the run is complete! 9Figure 2.37)

Go to Test Finally the wafers are ready for electrically testing and packaging. If the digi- tal design corresponds to embedded micro-controllers with ready only memory (ROM) which contains hardwired microprogammed code, this is done during the very last metal masks of the silicon runs. Wafers with non programmed ROM are called partially diused and when ROM is microprogrammed (masked) wafer is fully diused. Typically the ROM contains programs which does not

48 Figure 2.34: Mask 7

Figure 2.35: Two metal layer connection magnied by microscope

49 Figure 2.36: Cross section of ve metal layers

Figure 2.37: PAD magnication

50 need to be changed once the chip is designed (low level routines for the behavior of the micro controllers, operating system etc. . . ).

51 3 Testing and packaging

In testing the wafer slides are put in probes machines, where thin metal probes makes contact with thin metal pads of circuitry for testing the ow of electrical current (gure 3.1) A computer keeps tracks of which circuit has failed. A special machine ink dot or marks the failed circuits (Figure 3.2) (today this is done by an electronic ink process where the ink-dot map is recorded on a magnetic or optical disc provided with the wafer). Each chip did not pass the test is marked.

Figure 3.1: chip testing

Then wafers are mounted in a sticky tape to keep them intact as the indi- vidual circuits are separated (Fig. 3.3) An optical scanner aligns wafers by specic points. Then in soap water diamond sock cuts the silicon wafer without cutting the tape: this is the process to create the so-called `swan wafers. Today the cut can be done via laser techniques (laser sawing). Then each dice is picked and placed in container which constitutes the pack- age. The dice's pads should be connected with the package's I/O pins. This process is done with a process called wire bonding: thin gold wires are used to electrically connect the dies to the so called LEAD FRAME (Fig.3.4 ) This pins or lead ngers of the frames are now attached to the microscopic circuitry of the integrated circuitry to protect the circuit and its fragile wire bonds. The devices can be nally encapsulated in hard plastic (the package). This requires two sided mold. Between each operation the bottom mold is

52 Figure 3.2: Wafer ink-dotting

Figure 3.3: Sawn wafers mounted on sticky tape (Film Frame Carrier)

53 Figure 3.4: Wire Bonding brushed and cleaned. The cylinder cavities will be hold pieces of plastic ma- terials when heated the melted plastic will ow to small channels and ll the rectangular cavity which will hold the device. After several minutes the encapsu- lation process is completed. The remaining plastics are removed from the mold. The leads are now prepared for plating. Inside one machine under high pressure sands and impurities dusts are blasted away. In ovens the plastic molten is fully cured. In the plating process the strips are loaded on carriers and depth in a series of chemical and water's washed baths. Packaged chip can then pick and placed on printed circuit boards (PCB) where special cavities are created where to x the chip (the socket). Individual chips are removed from strips, the lead cut from the frames and bent into the nal conguration. Before be mounted the chip must to be tested, they are in this case loaded in to a burning boards which will be placed into ovens. These boards consist in many electrical circuits which allow electrical contact with circuits to stress the chip in several conguration and under several mechanical and temperatures constraints. The number of the input/output pins of a chip is normally quite bigger in this conguration (where the Device is Under Test) with respect the nal phase where the chip is put in productions: a lot of pins are created just for test purpose and will be cut out in production (this also for security reasons). In these boards the chips are stressed far beyond their normal conditions. Each chip is forced to fail prematurely. This stress which can continue for several hours encourage potential defects to occur faster. Other tests expose chip to

54 extremely temperature changing conditions. All these tests are used to dene the Product Characterization (a series of electrical measures done on the chip under several temperatures and environmental condition) which make possible to check if the chip works under the specied range of the design (typically these range are indicated in the last part of the chip data-sheet). After this test the chip are packaged for nal shipment.

4 Conclusion

To terminate this quick overview on VLSI manufacturing process, let's consider a very simple visual analogy to summarize the wafer fabrication and the dif- ferent masking processes. If we consider our as the equivalent of rough sand, this is the initial step for the fabrication of a single crystal semiconductor wafer (Figure 4.1). Polycrystalline silicon (poly-silicon or briey poly) is puried sili- con extracted from sand, but still composed of many small crystals with random orientation. This mix of purity and disorder can be represented by our! (Fig- ure 4.2). The process to fabricate a single crystal silicon ingot is due to some physical and chemical reaction which happens inside the furnace. We can make an analogy with the process rising of the our with water; in actual fact in our pizza-making analogy the growth is generated by forces inside the mixture whereas in the growth of single crystal silicon is mechanical pull by an external force (Figure 4.3). Once created the single crystal silicon ingot (in our example the raised pasta) a single crystal wafer is created. In our example this can be represented by a single layer of pasta which is the common element for each pizza (Figure 4.4). Diusion 1 is the creation of the circuits for a specic design. If we are design a micro-controller this means the diusion 1 will dene the micro-controllers blocks and interconnection but we still do not dene eventually any content for the nal ROM (the metal layer). We can consider this process quite generic. In our pizza world diusion 1 is when we put a rst layer of tomato on the pizza (we can argue not all pizza are tomato maiden, of course! As not all wafers contains !): Figure 4.5. Finally (Figure 4.6) the diusion 2 is the customization of the product which dene the very last metal layers. In this case we decided to customize the pizza-wafer like a margherita. Before shipping the circuits it should be tested (Figure4.7) and eventually sawn (Figure 4.8) (it is not mandatory as this can be a stage for a sub contractor), and nally the products are shipped to the next fabrication step, very likely the assembly (Figure 4.9) And hopefully on time!

55 Figure 4.1: The sand like wheat

Figure 4.2: poly silicon

Figure 4.3: Single-Crystal Growth

56 Figure 4.4: Single-Crystal wafer

Figure 4.5: Diusion-1

Figure 4.6: Diusion-2

57 Figure 4.7: Test!

Figure 4.8: Sawing

Figure 4.9: Transport to assembly

58 References

[1] John P. Uyemura, Fundamentals of MOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Addison-Wesley, 1988

[2] Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamis, Device electronics for integrated cir- cuits, 2nd edition: John Wiley & Sons, 1986 [3] J. Milman, A. Grabel, Microelettronica, McGraw-Hill, 1994 [4] Walter Isaacson, Einstein his life and universe, Simon & Schuster, 2007

[5] Giuseppe Montuschi, Imparare l'elettronica partendo da zero, Nuova Elet- tronica, 2000 [6] Ruth Carranza, Silicon Run I/II, 1996, http://www.siliconrun.com