Directions: Use this reading to identify the following details: , Trade, Social Class, Culture, and the Demise of the Civilization. You should label the appropriate sections of reading with these labels. 15.2 The

How did the become so powerful with such speed?

The Earliest Days of

Who were the Aztec people?

The beginnings of the Aztec civilization occurred in the desert of modern-day Mexico. As you will read later, eventually the Aztec civilization grew to become a great empire after Itzcóatl took power in 1428 CE.

The origins of the Aztec people are uncertain. None of the earliest people of called themselves the Aztec; this name appeared only later, after the Spanish conquest. According to Aztec legend, the Empire started around 800 CE and spanned most of what is now Mexico and . One group of people ruled by the was the . When the collapsed, around 1150 CE, the Mexica were forced out of their homeland, which they called Aztlán. The name Aztec developed in part from Aztlán, the name of their homeland. Though part of Aztec legend, historians believe that these events are historically accurate.

The Mexica or Aztec had a reputation for savage warfare and therefore were unwelcome wherever they went. As a result, they lived as nomads, looking for a permanent place to settle.

Another Aztec legend was the story of Copil and his uncle, the . Copil resented and tormented the Aztec because they were Huitzilopochtli’s chosen people. Copil was also angry at Huitzilopochtli because he believed the god had treated his mother unfairly. Copil planned to ambush Huitzilopochtli, but before he could do so, Huitzilopochtli killed Copil. Huitzilopochtli cut out Copil’s heart and threw it into a lake. Later, Huitzilopochtli told the to settle where Copil’s heart could be found. They would know the place when they saw an eagle perched on a , eating a snake.

While the Aztec were roaming around the marshes surrounding , they saw the cactus and eagle and stopped on the spot to build their empire. In 1325, they settled on an island in the southwestern portion of Lake Texcoco. They named this place Tenochtitlán.

Today, the ruins of Tenochtitlán lie in Mexico , the capital of modern-day Mexico. During the time of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlán was a large city that had layers of defenses protecting it from any invading tribes. In the end, however, these defenses would be overcome by the Spanish conquistadores, or conquerors.

The Aztec Build an Empire

How did the Aztec people become united?

Itzcóatl was the fourth leader of the Mexica, or Aztec, people. The Mexica called their leaders , which means . Itzcóatl came to power in 1428 CE and created a powerful empire by joining with two neighboring peoples to form the Triple Alliance. The three allies were the leaders of the of Tenochtitlán, Texcoco, and . Rather than fight each other for supreme power over other local towns and peoples, they agreed to share power. The three rulers worked together to defeat the powerful Empire from Atzcapotzalco in central Mexico, which had previously controlled the Aztec. During their empire, the Tepanec had a large city located on the northern side of Lake Texcoco. Since Itzcóatl’s city of Tenochtitlán was on the southern side, defeating the Tepanec meant that the two sides of the lake were united politically under one ruler.

The Aztec, or Mexica, gained large areas of land with the defeat of the Tepanec. This gave Itzcóatl much power in the region, and the empire became centralized under his rule. Conquered peoples could choose to leave the land in search of a new home, or they could pay , a special tax paid to the Aztec emperor. This tribute helped to increase the wealth and resources available to Itzcóatl. These resources helped him to continue the conquests of new lands, which in turn brought further wealth and resources

Further Expansion

How did the Aztec Empire continue to expand under the rule of Itzcóatl?

The collected from the conquered lands made Itzcóatl a powerful and wealthy man. As part of the tribute, every six months, 800 large white mantas, or woven blankets, had to be delivered to Itzcóatl. Additionally, every year, a tribute of two warrior costumes and shields, six bins of (corn), two bins of beans, and four bins of herbs were also given to the emperor. Conquered regions also sent and enslaved people, the latter to be used as labor or as , to the Aztec leader as tribute. While the Triple Alliance divided material goods and resources taken during the conquests of new lands, only the Aztec were given the tributes.

As the empire continued to expand and Itzcóatl’s power increased, he ordered that the existing history of the Aztec be destroyed, because he believed it was inaccurate and contained lies. As a result, the empire was given a shared history that was more closely related to the legends of the Aztec. This new history presented the Aztec as a culture that had always been powerful and emphasized Itzcóatl’s importance.

Itzcóatl spent his reign expanding his empire beyond the and into the surrounding areas by adopting the conquered tribes into his territory. Under his leadership the empire spread quickly. The leaders following Itzcóatl took over additional territory, making the Aztec Empire the central block of Mexico and a powerful entity.

Religion of the Aztec

What role did play in ?

Religion played a large role in the daily life of the Aztec people. The was a combination of many beliefs and practices from other Mesoamerican cultures. The Aztec believed that the current world was one in a series of four worlds, called , which had existed before it. They believed that each of these worlds had been completely destroyed before the new world began.

Aztec religion was polytheistic, meaning the Aztec believed in many . Chief among these gods were Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of war; Quetzalcóatl, the feathered ; and Tonatiuh, the god. Considerable time and resources in the form of religious ceremonies were devoted to worshipping these gods. These religious ceremonies were dictated by the Aztec , which was the one used in much of , and was made up of separate containing 365 days and 260 days.

Many of the religious ceremonies performed by Aztec priests were intended to please the gods in an attempt to protect their civilization. For example, the Aztec believed that the sun god needed sacrifices of human hearts to ensure that the sun rose each day. Some of the sacrificial victims were enslaved people, but most were prisoners of war. Many of those chosen for were believers in the religion and thought that they would go to the gods. The important role that priests played in these ceremonies meant that they held a high position within the rigid social structure of Aztec society.

Daily Life in the Empire

What was life like in the Aztec Empire?

As the Aztec expanded their empire and centralized control, a class system developed. As new lands were conquered, control of that land was removed from the conquered people. Itzcóatl gave large areas of land to his allies and friends. This class system greatly affected the daily lives of people in the empire. Classes were strictly divided—and the upper and lower classes of society never mixed. As the empire grew with each new conquest, the divide between the classes grew larger as emperor gave more lands to the nobles and wealthy members of society. When the Spanish explorers arrived in the , they found that the lower classes of the Aztec society were not even allowed to enter the .

All Aztec children, male and female, attended school in some form. However, school and the type of the children received were different for each social class and gender.

The education of males in Aztec society depended on their class. All boys received training as warriors. They learned fighting techniques and strategy, history, and religion and important , as well as the correct social behaviors for their class. Children whose parents were skilled warriors or wealthy merchants were allowed to join the upper class school. Members of the upper classes were trained to become priests or government officials and were responsible for leading the next generation of Aztec people. As a result of this, they learned the laws of the culture. Upper-class boys also learned writing, medicine, engineering, and religion, including important songs and dances.

School for young women of all classes in Aztec society was different from that for young men. Young women were educated for their roles in the home. They learned how to weave, sew, and cook. They also learned about their religion and how to sing and dance.

Despite the increasing size and wealth of the empire, there was unrest within the Aztec civilization. The poor classes did not like the restrictions placed on them by the emperor, such as the need to pay taxes and tribute to members of the upper classes. There were also many tribes who were unhappy about being a part of the empire, and as a result, there were often rebellions against the Aztec emperor. The tribes did not like having to pay tribute, because it meant they had fewer resources for their own people. This restlessness in the empire paved the way for the Spanish conquest of the region.

Montezuma and Cortés

How were the Spanish explorers initially received by the new emperor?

In the early 1500s CE, the Aztec Empire stretched from the to the coast of the . All of central Mexico was ruled from the capital city of Tenochtitlán.

Moctezuma Xocoyotl or Montezuma II, the king we know today as Montezuma, came to power in 1502. He ruled over a vast empire. Over 15 million people in 38 provinces paid tribute to the new ruler in Tenochtitlán. Montezuma would be the last emperor of the Aztec Empire. He followed his uncle to the throne after being schooled in religion, science, and art. Like the leaders before him, Montezuma worked on expanding the Aztec Empire. He also led improvements in Tenochtitlán, enlarging the palace and creating a . In 1519, Spanish soldiers led by the explorer and conqueror Hernán Cortés landed on the shores of Montezuma’s empire. Montezuma sent messengers to Cortés with gifts. Some historians believe Montezuma was convinced by the Spanish sailing ships and pale skin that the newcomers were gods. However, he also had his messengers warn the Spanish to stay away from Tenochtitlán and asked the temple priests to use charms to send them away. Montezuma was concerned that the men would endanger his throne.

As Cortés arrived in Tenochtitlán, Montezuma remained undecided on whether to treat the Spanish as enemies or potential allies. In the end, Montezuma decided to welcome the Spanish and invited them into his palace. This invitation set in motion events that would end in the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Spanish conquistadores. Despite its eventual fall, the Aztec Empire had been a powerful force in the region. The Aztec conquered and controlled large areas of the regions, established a lasting culture, and built advanced cities. Their impact can still be felt in the region today.