J Neurol Neurosurg : first published as 10.1136/jnnp.49.1.52 on 1 January 1986. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1986;49:52-57

Paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations: ne-w entity or variant of preexisting syndromes?

TODD E FEINBERG,* ARTHUR K SHAPIRO,t ELAINE SHAPIRO,t From-the Departments ofNeurology, * and Psychiatry and Tourette and Laboratory and Clinic, t Mount Sinai School ofMedicine, New York, USA

SUMMARY From among 1377 patients with movement disorders, four patients had an unusual characterised by paroxysmal bursts of involuntary, regular, repetitive, rhythmic, bilateral, coordinated, simultaneous, stereotypic and vocalisations, often associated with tonic symptoms, interference with voluntary functioning, presence of hyperactiv- ity, attention and learning disabilities, and resistance to treatment with haloperidol and other drugs. This symptom complex may represent a new disease entity, referred to here as paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations or a variant or combination of other movement disorders such as Gilles de la Tourette, myoclonic, or dystonic syndromes.

Between 1965 and 1983 we have examined 1377 cusses the differential diagnosis. The possibility of aProtected by copyright. patients thought to have a-. Although new diagnostic entity is considered as well as the most (82%) were diagnosed as having Gilles de la possibility that the symptoms represent a spectrum ,' 23 31 (2.3%) patients were varying between or the coexistence of Gilles de la diagnosed as having an atypical movement disorder Tourette, myoclonic, and dystonic disorders. because they did not fulfill DSM I12 or other34 criteria for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome or any Methods other- known movement disorder. We recently reviewed the history, signs, symptoms and clinical Each patient had a comprehensive. two-hour diagnostic evaluation which included completion by the patient and course to ascertain whether there were common fac- review by AKS of a detailed Movement Disorder Ques- tors or similarities among these patients. Several tionnaire and previous medical and psychiatric records, patterns emerged suggesting new movement entities interview of the patient, spouse or parents, and screening or atypical forms of other movement disorders. This physical and neurological examination. The data derived paper focuses on one such entity referred to by us as from the Movement Disorder Questionnaire comprise paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations. demographic, family movement disorder and medical his- These patients had a movement disorder charac- tories, birth, developmental, and patient past and current medical histories, psychological, social, academic and

terised by paroxysmal bursts of involuntary, regular, http://jnnp.bmj.com/ repetitive, rhythmic, bilateral, stereotypic and occupational functioning, and symptom and treatment his- severe myoclonus with vocalisations often associ- tories. Patients diagnosed as Atypical Movement Disorder did ated with tonic movements, and which interfered not fulfill criteria for any movement disorder known to us, with-voluntary behaviour. These patients also had such as Gilles de la Tourette syndrome; simple, chronic or mild attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, learn- multiple motor ; transient tic of childhood; focal, seg- ing disabilities, and resistance to treatment with mental of generalised torsion dystonia; stereotypic move- haloperidol. This paper describes the signs, symp- ment disorder; Huntington's ; tardive ; myoclonic epilepsy; of adolescence or adulthood;

toms-and clinical course for these patients and dis- on September 26, 2021 by guest. myoclonus; essential tremor; etc. The diagnosis required agreement by the three authors. The records of these Address for reprint requests: Arthur K Shapiro, MD, Mount Sinai patients were reviewed repetitively, and selected patients School of Medicine Tourette and Tic Laboratory and Clinic, were reinterviewed. In addition to from the Annenberg Building, Room 22-72, One Gustave L Levy Place, reconstructing New York, New York 10029, USA. patients history and records the onset, progression and nature of the abnormal movements, we had the opportun- Received 27 April 1984 and in revised form 29 January 1985. ity in two cases to videotape examples of the movements. Accepted 23 March 1985 We include here the results of the videotape analysis, in 52 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.49.1.52 on 1 January 1986. Downloaded from

Paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations 53 addition to historical accounts, because we feel the exact- typically involved a muscle group and its synergists, while ness of such an analysis supplements and at times exceeds tonic movements simultaneously involved agonists and what the patients are aware of or observers can record with antagonists. Movements were bilateral and of large amp- the unaided eye. litude, generally moving a limb through 900, or the head through 30°-40. Myoclonic jerks were seen in isolation or Case descriptons superimposed on tonic spasm of the same muscles. Move- ments of the arms were bilaterally synchronous or assyn- Case I is a 21-year-old white male. Family medical and chronous. The muscle paroxysms occurred synchronously movement disorder histories, perinatal period and with guttural grunts and nasal exhalations in a nearly one- developmental milestones are non-contributory. The first to-one relationship. Movements and vocalisations were symptom of a movement disorder began at age 8 years with highly regular, rhythmic, and stereotyped, and tended to a loud inspiratory and expiratory throat clearing that was be regularly repeating, in 2-5 minute bouts separated by a longer in duration than a, typical tic. A repetitive, rough, variable period from 1-20 minutes. Analysis of individual guttural, inspiratory coughing sound occurred at age 10, myoclonic jerks revealed an initial excursion of the head, followed at 14 by a repetitive tonic back-bending or opis- neck or limb of 125-150 ms duration with considerable thotonic movement, insertion of finger in the throat and consistency. The muscle group may be held tonically in this external throat touching. At age 18 he developed a tonic new posture for a variable period of time to a maximum of flexing of the arms at the-elbow with superimposed repeti- 1-2 s, or rapidly returned to its initial position and toni- tive myoclonic jerks, and a year later developed a tonic cally held, again for a variable period. The changing dura- movement of the neck to the right and horizontally with tion of the tonic postures gave the movements a somewhat superimposed repetitive myoclonic movements. Repetitive varying frequency of 1-3 Hz, though successive move- sounds included throat clearing, , grunts, barks, ments tended to be regular. A typical movement might screams, and high-pitched spitting sounds. Occasional cop- involve sudden simultaneous opisthotonic arching of the rolalia was described as involuntary but was characterised back with the arms held in front bent at the elbow with by the repetitive and regular utterance of the same word rapid, regular, rhythmic and bilateral flexion and extension more slowly than is usual in Gilles de la Tourette syn- of the arms. A coarse 6-8 Hz tremor of the hands was

drome. The symptomatology has a waxing, waning and noted with the arms in extension. The movements occurred Protected by copyright. fluctuating clinical course. Symptoms partially decrease in at rest and with action. They interfered with movement the presence of strangers and with non-anxious absorption and made some simple actions, such as wiping the nose, in a task in the manner of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. nearly impossible. There were no stimulus triggers. But the movements, unlike those in Gilles de la Tourette Case 2 is a 10-year-old white girl. Family history of move- syndrome, were the sanw in school as in the presence of ment disorder, general medical history, perinatal history the family, could not be voluntarily stopped, and would and maturational milestones are all non-contributory. The interrupt non-anxious absorption in tasks such as building history of the movement disorder began at age 8 years with models, when objects would be dropped owing to the tonic squeezes of various muscle groups with superimposed spasms. The patient had unsuccessful therapeutic trials myoclonic jerks. Over the course of the next six months with haloperidol and other neuroleptics, reserpine, ben- and continuing to the time of examination the patient zodiazepines, sedative-hypnotics, antiseizure medications, demonstrated tonic twisting and rotation of the out- clonidine, clonazepam, psychotherapy, behavioural stretched hands with superimposed, regular, rapid, myoc- therapy, and relaxation therapy. The general physical lonic movements. She had tonic movement of the torso to examination was unremarkable except for a fine distal tre- either side with superimposed rapid clonic jerks. Myriad mor bilaterally on finger to nose test, slightly clumsy fine vocalisations occurred, including repeated (4-5 times) finger and rapid alternating movements, and one or two hicupping, sneezing and barking noises, and unintelligible beats of clonus at the ankles bilaterally. The patient had a sounds such as " hihiahiahia" and woody woodpecker normal EEG, CT scan and lumbar CSF. Copper studies noises. Sounds were often associated and synchronised http://jnnp.bmj.com/ were negative. Psychological tests done at age 18 revealed a with head, arm, leg and torso myoclonic movements, tonic low average IQ of 88 without VIQ-PIQ discrepancy, nor- movements, or both myoclonic and tonic movements. She mal Bender;-Gestalt and MMPI, slight depression of had vocalisations such as "dummy" and "shut-up," regu- short-memory and academic skills, evidence of attention larly repeated 4-5 times. There has been some waxing and deficit disorder, hyperactivity, and serious learning dis- waning, but no remission of symptoms. Although the abilities. There was no evidence of , although the movements are increased by stress and academic pressure, patient was dependent and immature. they occur quite spontaneously in neutral situations. The Videotape analysis. The initial two-hour interview was spasms may last up to half hour and then suddenly disap- recorded on videotape. The videotape was intensively pear. The movements cannot be voluntarily suppressed on September 26, 2021 by guest. reviewed by TF and AKS. Real time, frame by frame, and and interfere with ongoing voluntary activity. The patient freeze-action analysis eaabled precise measurement of the had a brief trial of methylphenidate, 5 mg qd, for attention movement characteristics. Proximal and distal muscle deficit disorder and hyperactivity for several months prior groups were, involved in all movements, with proximal to the onset of the movement disorder. Clonidine and groups demonstrating more tonic and distal groups more haloperidol were ineffective and were discontinued. The myoclonic movements. Movements were predominantly in general physical and neurological examinations were non- muscles of-the neck, dorsal trunk, shoulders and arms. Few contributory. An awake EEG was reported as "border- movements were noted in the legs. Myoclonic movements line" due to excessive slowing in the theta range of unde- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.49.1.52 on 1 January 1986. Downloaded from

54 Feinberg, Shapiro, Shapiro termined significance. A CT scan was negative. Prior has had normal EEGs, CT scan, lumbar CSF, blood screen psychological testing indicated the presence of mild atten- and copper studies. The patient has had documented diag- tion deficit disorder, hyperactivity and learning disability. noses of attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, learning Although she does poorly in school and requires tutorial disability, and dyslexia since age 6 years. At age 7 the help, she is described as having no psychosocial difficulties. patient had a three-week trial of methylphenidate, dose Videotape analysis. Analysis of the videotape of a unknown, which exacerbated the hyperactivity and move- several-hour interview revealed prominent vocal and ment disorder symptoms. Although the patient has per- motor symptoms. The vocalisations consisted of prolonged formed poorly in school and is described as somewhat of a grunts lasting 1-2 seconds followed by clonic 2 Hz grunts. loner, there is no evidence of psychosis in major psychiatric Five sneezes at one per second occurred in succession later disorder. followed by three hiccup sounds. In one typical sequence, a Case 4 a 9-year-old white male. Family medical and complex sequence of movements and vocalisations, which movement disorder histories and developmental mile- might be described as a single burst or flurry, lasted 4 stones are non-contributory. He was delivered by seconds. In it, a sneeze was followed by a hiccup; a tonic, Caesarean section and has a history of allergies. The first somewhat opisthotonic, arching of the back was followed symptom of a movement disorder began at age 6 1/2 with a by simultaneous symmetric tonic extension of both arms in nose twitch, followed in 3 months by wide stretching of the pronation. Slower supination occurred in both hands, mouth, and head nodding. Symptoms disappeared for 4 through 450, followed by eight bilateral, rhythmic, months followed by return of an up and down head shake, superimposed myoclonic jerks of the hands, each jerk last- a shoulder tic, and fast stamping. At age 9 he developed ing about 200 ms. The entire episode was accompanied by severe, regular, rhythmic, repetitive and thrashing clonic a loud tonic gutteral sound in synchrony with the move- movements of the trunk, limbs and neck together with a ment pattern. Other common movements were isolated loud "ump"' sound. These movements occur in paroxysms tonic arching of the back lasting 2 seconds, and tonic back lasting for about 5 seconds and cannot be interrupted. A arching with clonic jerks of both legs at 1 per second. prodromal sensation is described as a hot sensation in the Bursts of movement were separated by variable periods of tip of the big toe which travels up to the head in about 30 seconds to minutes, generally 1 to 2 minutes. Movements seconds. Symptoms are the same inside and outside the could not be voluntarily inhibited and interfered with home, decrease with non-anxious absorption in a task, and ongoing activity. They occurred with rest or action, and do not vary in response to stress or anger. The symptomsProtected by copyright. had a highly stereotyped form. There were no stimulus have a waxing, waning, and fluctuating clinical course. The triggers. patient has had an initially good response to haloperidol, Case 3 is a 17-year-old white male. Family history of but severe symptoms were not adequately controlled on movement disorder, family medical history, perinatal 10 mg/day. Psychotherapy has been ineffective.The stan- period, general medical history and developmental mile- dard neurological examination was normal, as was the gen- stones are negative and non-contributory. At 3-4 years of eral physical examination. Awake and sleep EEG and CT age the patient developed repetitive tapping of the floor scan were normal. Blood screening and copper studies with pencils. Between ages 4-8 he developed a stereotypic were normal. The patient has a history of hyperactivity and "wo" sound lasting 1-2 seconds, and licking of objects an attention deficit since age 6, and is said to be a discipline between 6-9 years of age. These early symptoms were problem. characteristic of stereotypic movement disorder. At age 15 he had the insidious onset of twisting tonic movements of Discussion the torso, arm and face, lasting several seconds, occurring 12 to 14 times a day. Within a period of months, the tonic Atypical characteristics displayed by these patients movements were noted to have superimposed jerks of the include (1) paroxysmal bursts of regular, repetitive, face and head, and violent thrashing of his arms between rhythmic, stereotypic, coordinated, simultaneous

his legs, in bursts lasting from minutes to hours. Repetitive and bilateral myoclonus and vocalisations often with http://jnnp.bmj.com/ grunting noises were associated with the movements. The tonic symptoms; (2) presence of hyperactivity and symptoms have become more severe, requiring hospitalisa- tion, and they now include the previously described attentional and learning disorders; (3) interference movements in addition to severe repetitive myoclonic of symptoms with voluntary functioning; and (4) flexion of the entire upper trunk and head. The symptoms ineffectiveness of haloperidol. have had a marked waxing, waning and fluctuating clinical A consideration of various disorders displaying course. The movements are entirely non-suppressible and myoclonus, dystonia, and tics can serve as back- make normal activities impossible. There is no consistent ground for a discussion of the differential diagnosis

change in the severity of symptoms with social stimuli for these unusual cases. on September 26, 2021 by guest. except for slight decrease while concentrating on televi- Many different forms of primarily myoclonic dis- sion, a movie, or reading. There were unsuccessful trials of described since the of haloperidol, clonidine, thiordazine, diazepam, orders have been description clonazepam, carbamazepine, and reserpine. The general "paramyoclonus multiplex" by Friedreich in 1881.5 physical examination has been repeatedly negative. The Myoclonus, which occurs in numerous conditions, neurological examination was negative except for some has been subject to multiple classifications,6 discus- clumsy fine finger coordination and rapid alternating sion of which is beyond the scope of this paper. movements, and poor arm swing with walking. The patient Basic to all movements characterised as myoclonic, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.49.1.52 on 1 January 1986. Downloaded from

Paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations 55 however, is their brief, shock-like nature. The onset in childhood, of dystonic posturing of the arms movements can be unilateral or bilateral, rhythmic with frequent, superimposed, flinging, semirhythmi- or dysrhythmic, synchronous or asynchronous, cal jerks. One of the two cases responded to a com- elementary or complex. Many of the idiopathic bination of an anticholinergic with levodopa. forms are familial.7 Other authors have noted the occurrence of myoc- The various manifestations of pure myoclonic dis- Ionic or tic-like phenomena in otherwise classical orders differ from the cases here described. First, dystonia muscularum deformans. Thus, Wilson'4 and perhaps most importantly, vocalisations and noted that the dystonic movements might be clonic words are not a manifestation of myoclonic disor- or tic-like, and Fahn and Eldridge'5 noted that dys- ders, regardless of type or aetiology. In a review of tonic movements may be "repetitive, jerky, or even various aetiologies and types of myoclonus8 and in tic-like." None of these descriptions, however, descriptions of essential familial myoclonus7 9 no include vocal tics as part of the symptom complex. vocalisations were reported. Another distinguishing Shapiro and Shapiro' 16 indicated that 7% of their characteristic of the movements of these four patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome have a patients was the tendency of the myoclonic elements combination of fast and slow symptoms. of the movements to be superimposed upon tonic Recently, Obeso et al'" described 14 patients with posturing of involved body parts, or for the clonic a combination of idiopathic torsion dystonia and phase of the movement of trunk or extremity to end myoclonic jerks, termed myoclonic dystonia. These in a tonic posture which was held for 1-2 seconds. patients, without a family history of movement dis- This combination of myoclonus and dystonia is dis- order, were characterised as falling within the group cussed in further detail later in this report. of idiopathic torsion dystonia but having myoclonic Moreover, the repetitive, bilateral, and synchronous jerks in addition to dystonic symptoms. The myoc- nature of the movements in our patients is not Ionic symptoms tended to be of short duration (50- characteristic of, or occurs rarely in, most forms of 250 ms), occasionally longer, irregular, and gener- myoclonus. Finally, the absence of family history, ally of large enough amplitude to interfere with Protected by copyright. seizures, associated neurological deficit, or known activity. Frequently the same muscles were involved causes of myoclonic syndromes such as anoxia, sys- in the myoclonus and dystonia; however, myoclonus tem degeneration, infections, provides no basis for tended toward distal distribution while the dystonia classification of this condition with other myoclonic was most evident proximally in the neck and shoul- disorders. der muscles. Myoclonus and dystonia occurred at The occurrence of myoclonic features or tics in rest in most patients, and were stimulated by action the dystonias or disorders classified as primarily dys- in all patients. This resulted in the impression of tonic in nature has been noted for over fifty years. myoclonus superimposed on the dystonia. In two Davidenkow4 described two siblings who at age 40 patients, the myoclonic jerks were reported to occur years developed a transient syndrome termed regularly ("rhythmic myoclonus"). The movements hereditary myoclonic dystonia, characterised by were recorded by EMG in one of these patients and repetitive contractions of truncal musculature, par- found to occur at a frequency of 3 to 4 Hz with each ticularly the neck, with simultaneous dystonic post- burst lasting about 100 ms. There were no time- uring in the same muscle groups. Movements were locked EEG events before the jerks. Age of onset in seen primarily with the patient at rest and, unlike these patients ranged from 5 to 47 years, the symp- the movements of our patients, abated with voli- toms generally developing over approximately five http://jnnp.bmj.com/ tional movement. Other tics of the neck and facial years with little subsequent progression. One patient muscles are described as well.'0 Zeman et al" sug- had a prolonged remission. No abnormal vocalisa- gest that tics, may occur in isolation as "formes tions were reported. frustes" in individuals within families with strong Thus, the overlap between these movement syn- histories for idiopathic dystonia muscularum defor- dromes is great. It becomes a matter of distinguish- mans. Benedek and Rakonitz'2 describe a family ing the predominant movements and noting interre- with the combination of nose deformity and involun- lationships between movements in the index case, tary abnormal movements termed myoclonic torsion then comparing them to prototype forms of each on September 26, 2021 by guest. dystonia. The authors described the movements as syndrome, and finally viewing them within the con- myoclonic (varying combinations of isolated text of history and associated features. The cluster of arrhythmic contractions of muscle groups that did rhythmic, coordinated, global, and bilaterally sym- not cause limb movement) and dystonic (prolonged metric movements is not described in classic dys- neck and truncal movements causing rotating and tonia or myoclonus. In addition, most cases of dys- bending of involved parts). Finally, Guggenheim tonia are characterised by the prolonged sustained and Dodge'3 described two unusual cases, with the nature of the movements, and myoclonic features J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.49.1.52 on 1 January 1986. Downloaded from

56 Feinberg, Shapiro, Shapiro

are minimal. The reverse is true for classical myoc- isations which are involuntary and stereotypic and lonus. Myoclonic dystonia as described by Obeso have a waxing, waning and fluctuating clinical et al, and other atypical cases, show features of both course. All four.patients in this report had atten- movements; however, again, rhythmic, coordinated tional, hyperactive and learning disorders which and global features were generally not noted, and in occur in 23 to 58 per cent of Gilles de la Tourette particular in none of the aforementioned were vocal- syndrome patients.3 16 However, unlike Gilles de la isations a major feature, as they are in the patients Tourette syndrome, the symptoms of paroxysmal we describe (table). myoclonic dystonia with vocalisations include pro- Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is characterised by longed bursts of regular, rhythmical and repetitive the onset of clonic tics and vocalisations during clonic movements and vocalisations often superim- childhood and occasionally during adolescence. The posed on tonic movements that cannot be inhibited, motor and vocal tics are typically involuntary, fast, interfere with voluntary motor behaviour, and do abrupt, ejaculatory and stereotypic clonic tics not respond to haloperidol and other neuroleptics or involving synergistic muscle groups. They usually chemotherapy. The relationship of attentional, occur irregularly as single discrete tics, occasionally hyperactivity, and learning disorders to the unique in bursts of several tics, but are not rhythmically form of the abnormal movements suggests a com- repetitive. The symptoms have a waxing, waning mon pattern of symptoms among these patients and fluctuating clinical course. Symptoms can be (table). suppressed completely for short periods and partial The small number of patients described here inhibition of symptoms is always present. Occasional limits the generalisations that can be made when patients have tonic symptoms, lasting 1-3 seconds, comparing this group with all other patients with which are voluntary in response to a disturbing sen- unusual . However, at least two other sory stimulus in the muscle part or a need to feel the patients in the atypical movement category had a muscle.' The dystonic symptoms, occurring in about similar history and pattern of signs, symptoms, and 7% of patients, can be voluntarily inhibited more clinical course. Since videotapes were not made at Protected by copyright. readily than the clonic tics.' 16 The symptoms and initial evaluation and the patients were unavailable clinical course for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome for reevaluation, reliable assessment was not pos- are identical to chronic multiple motor tic except for sible and they were excluded from this report. the absence of vocal tics, and to transient tic of In summary, although individual clinical features childhood except for complete remission within 1 demonstrated by these four patients are found singly (or 2) years. All of the tic symdromes usually in the other mentioned disorders, the clustering of respond to haloperidol and other neuroleptics.3 16 these characteristics in the fashion described seems Paroxysmal myoclonic dystonia with vocalisation unique. This suggests a number of possibilities. resembles Gilles de la Tourette syndrome because These patients may represent an atypical form of the age of onset is similar, and the symptoms include Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome or the simultane- clonic and occasionally tonic movements and vocal- ous occurrence of that syndrome with myoclonus, Table Comparison offive types ofmovement disorders* Dystonias Myoclonus Myoclonic Gilles de la Paroxysmal dystonia Tourette movement disorder

syndrome with vocalisatons http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Tonic contractions ++++ +/++ +++ + + ++++ Abrupt contractions +/++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++++ Rhythmic + + ++ + ++++ Bilaterally symmetric + + + + ++++ Stereotyped +/++ +I++ ++ ++++ ++++ Paroxysmal +/++ ++ variable + ++++ Interference with voluntary movement + +++++ +++ + ++++ Vocalisations + + + ++++ ++++ Family history may be familial may be familial non-familial 8% with Gilles de non-familial la Tourette on September 26, 2021 by guest. syndrome 42% with other tic disorders Treatment response variable variable variable Good response Poor response to haloperidol to haloperidol * ++++: always present or clincally prominent. +++: usually present or of moderate clinical importance. + +: occasionally present or plays minor clinical role. +: rarely present or clinically insignificant. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.49.1.52 on 1 January 1986. Downloaded from

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