1 Authors: Alejandro Pozo (Dir.), Camino Simarro and Oriol Sabaté Research assistance: Carles Revenga Project coordination: Felip Daza,
[email protected] , @fdazza Photography: Germán Caballero (cover photo-Spanish National Police) www.germancaballero.com Hamza Burnat (photo page 23) Active Stills (photo page 40) www.activestills.org Jordi Borràs (photo page 98) www.jborras.cat Pau Fabregat (cover photo – Confiscation Wall-checkpoint in Qalandia-Palestine) Cover, design and edition: Pau Fabregat, designer and journalist @Pau_Fabregat Translation: Catalan version: Lea Feliu Pujol English version: Raffaella Bagnara The authors and coordinator would like to show their gratitude to all those people who have collaborated in this publication. This research is framed in a research raising awareness and education program coordinated by: With the collaboration at the research level of: And the financial support of the Catalan Agency of Co-operation for Development and the Barcelona Council for those expenses related to design, edition, layout, photography, translation and printing of this publication. This work can be copied, distributed, publically disseminated, translated and modified, detailing their non-commercial purposes and its authorship through the following text: POZO, A. (Dir.), SIMARRO, C., SABATE, O., Defense, Security and Occupation as a Business. Military, armaments and security trade relations between Spain and Israel, (2014). DEFENSE, SECURITY AND OCCUPATION AS A BUSINESS Military, armaments and security trade relations between Spain and Israel Alejandro Pozo (Dir.) Camino Simarro Oriol Sabaté 4 DEFENSE, SECURITY AND OCCUPATION AS A BUSINESS MILITARY, ARMAMENTS AND SECURITY TRADE RELATIONS BETWEEN SPAIN AND ISRAEL // ABOUT THE AUTHORS Alejandro Pozo (Dir.) Researcher and PhD on peace and armed conflicts.