500-09-027501-188 Court of Appeal of Québec Montréal On appeal fram a Judgment of the Superior Court, District of Montréal, rendered on April 18, 2018 by the Honourable Claude Dallaire, J.S.C. No. 500-05-065031-013 S.C.M. KEITH OWEN HENDERSON APPELLANT - Petitioner v. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF QUEBEC RESPONDENT - Respondent -and- ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA MIS EN CAUSE - Intervener -and- SOCIÉTÉ SANT-JEAN-BAPTISTE DE MONTRÉAL MISE EN CAUSE -Intervener APPELLANT'S BRIEF Volume 2 : pages 43 to 395 Dated October 9, 2018 Me Brent D. Tyler Me Stephen A. Scott 83 Saint-Paul Street West 3644 Peel Street Montréal, Québec Montréal, Québec H2Y 1Z1 H3A 1W9 Tel. : 514 966-2977 Tel. : 514398-6617 Fax: 514842-8055 Fax: 514398-4659
[email protected] [email protected] Attorney for Appellant Counsel for Appellant THÉMIS MULTIFACTUM INC. ~.,~ 4, rue Notre-Dame Est, bur. 100, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 188 • Téléphone: 514866-3565 Télécopieur: 514 866-4861 'il": • 1.:.1. •
[email protected] www.multifactum.com 500-09-027501-188 Court of Appeal of Québec Montréal Me Jean-Yves Bernard, Ad. E. Me Claude Joyal, Ad. E. BERNARD, Roy (JUSTICE-QUÉBEC) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1 Notre-Dame Street East Complexe Guy-Favreau, East Tower Suite 8.00 200 René-Lévesque Blvd. West Montréal, Québec 9th Floor H2Y 1B6 Montréal, Québec H2Z 1X4 Tel. : 514393-2336, ext. 51467 Tel. : 514283-8768 Fax: 514873-7074 Fax: 514283-3856
[email protected] [email protected] Attorney for Respondent Attorney for Mis en cause Attorney General of Canada Me Marc Michaud MICHAUD SANTORIELLO AVOCATS 5365 Jean-Talon Street East Suite 602 Saint-Léonard, Québec H1S 3G2 Tel.: 514 374-8777 Fax: 514 374-6698
[email protected] Attorney for Mise en cause Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal THÉMIS MULTIFACTUM INC.