News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to Egypt

. Disclaimer:

“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances are regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines  Domestic Scene

 Calls for Civil Disobedience in Tahrir  Bloody Street War between Security Forces and Protestors  Hundreds Injured In Tahrir Bloody Clashes  Massive Demonstrations Call for Ending Military Rule  Egyptian Protestors Besiege Interior Ministry  Two Detained American Tourists Are Released  Investigative Judges Ban LaHood from Travelling  Men Behind Port Said Massacre  Clashes Erupt in Suez  PA’s Fact-finding Committee Hides Facts


Newspapers (04/02/2012)

Pages: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 Authors: Ali Sham, Hossam Zayed, Sameh Lashin, Seham Abd El-Aal, Ayman Farouk, Amr Ghanimah, Ismail Gomaa, Nader Taman, Mohamed Kamal, and Aisha Abd El Ghaffar.

Calls for Civil Disobedience in Tahrir

In the wake of Port Said riots, demonstrators flocked to calling for a civil disobedience all over the country. They accused the Military Council of having a hand in Port Said disaster. The Day also witnessed a million-man demonstration calling for electing a president before drafting the constitution. Whereas, twenty-eight political parties and coalitions declared a state of mourning. There were demonstrations all over the country against Military rule calling for retribution for those who died in the riots. After a night of attack and retreat in Mohamed Mahmoud Street, clashes cooled down before Friday Prayers, however, they broke out again right after the prayers. Tear gas was heavily used against protestors. Another group of protestors tried to form human shields to stop the clashes. Nevertheless, others insisted on hurling rocks at police forces that in turn used extreme force. Clashes tragically escalated when some protestors insisted on reaching the Interior Ministry’s gate, but when they came 5 meters short, they were faced by Central Security armored vehicles. Those clashes lasted less than 30 minutes but left over 40 injured. Protestors set the building that houses the Tax Authority on fire, which is located near the Interior Ministry. Fire workers were unable to reach the building, thus leaving the building ablaze until the early morning. The paper also stated that some protesters collected butane cylinders from inside the Tax Authority building and threw them at security officers. Assistant Health Minister, Adel Adawy, announced that five died and 2332 were injured since the eruption of the clashes between protestors and CSF in Port Said, Suez, and Cairo.


On Friday, 586 were injured in the interior Ministry clashes in Cairo, while 56 were injured in Suez, and only one was injured in Port Said. An army lieutenant died after a security vehicle ran him over by mistake, the Health Ministry announced. A security source told the paper that the Interior Ministry has reported that 138 police officers got injured on Friday. Sixteen soldiers were also injured by shotgun blasts, the source added in a statement read on Egyptian state TV. Cairo’s Appeal Prosecution conducted a visit to the scene of the clashes, which revealed that there were elements planted among protestors to instigate clashes and attack Police Forces. The Public prosecutor barred six officials from travelling; the names included Port Said’s resigned governor, Port Said’s former Security Chief, and Sameer Zahir, Football Association chairman. Amr Ghanimah, Ahram reporter, followed the clashes in Port Said, which he described as “street wars.” Suez Security Chief, Adel Refaat, revealed that his assistant, Atef Shalaby, received a pellet shot along with 2 officers and 18 recruits. Suez Security Forces used over 120 tear gas bombs to disperse protestors. In Port Said, protestors took to the streets chanting, “Port Said is Innocent” in football deadly riots. They denounced the military regime accusing it of framing them in the disaster. The People’s Assembly formed a fact-finding committee that travelled to Port Said to examine the stadium and collect evidence. Forensics Head, Ihsan Kameel stated that only one body from the riot victims was autopsied in Port Said, the rest were transferred to Zeinhom’s Morgue. “No bodies show any gunshot wounds,” he added. The Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) stressed that the country is going through one of the most crucial stages in its history that requires unifying all efforts to nip in the bud attempts of foreign parties to escalate the situation in the country. It called on all political powers to adopt positive initiatives and assume their national role through effective intervention to heal the rift and restore security to Egypt. Head of the Advisory Council Mansour Hassan, pointed out that the current situation in Egypt indicates that the problems and crises became more complex, but we have an opportunity to cross this stage within a period of time ranging from five to ten years.


Pages: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Authors: Ahmed Shalaby, Mohamed El-Snahoury, Hamdy Gomaa, Gamal Nawfal, Fathia El- Dakhakhny, Ahmed Shalaby, Hamdy Gomaa, Gamal Nawfal, Yousry El-Badry, Ahmed Abd El-Latif, Haitham El-Sharkawy, Ibtessam Taalab, Alaa Sarhan, and Sara Sanad.

Bloody Street Wars between Security Forces and Protestors

Cairo and Suez are witnessing fierce clashes between angry protestors and Security Forcers after Port Said bloody clashes that resulted in two deaths -one protestor and one army officer, while 1482 were injured around the Interior Minister. In Suez 2 died and 302 were injured.

After Port Said bloody disaster, hardcore Al-Ahly fans -Ultras Ahlawy- were enraged. They joined Zamalek Club Ultras and a number of Tahrir protestors and surrounded the Interior Ministry’s headquarters from Mansour and Mohamed Mahmoud Streets demanding retribution. Protestors on the one hand were using rocks to break into the Ministry, while soldiers on the other used tear gas bombs to disperse protestors.

On page 4, the newspaper reported the details of the clashes in Mansour, Rehan and Noubar Streets that lasted over 10 hours. Truce and negotiation attempts failed for three times. Six protestors were detained for attacking Security Forces. A Central Security vehicle killed a recruit “by mistake” after backing over him.

Masry Youm reported that a Coptic activist with the Maspero Youth Union, Boutros Youssef Abdel Massih, age 31, was transferred to Qasr al-Aini Hospital where he underwent surgery. Members of the Coptic group have reportedly retrieved the casing of the bullet Massih was shot with.

Yesterday, the Public Prosecution, Abdel-Maguid Mahmoud, ordered the detention of 52 suspects in Port Said riots accusing them of mobbing, vandalism, attempted murder, and


possession of white weapons. Abdel-Maguid Mahmoud also ordered taking contents of cameras in the central control room in Port Said Stadium, which displayed and recorded all the match events.

Egypt’s Forensic Medical Authority announced that only two bodies remain unidentified, while the rest were identified and received by their families.

Political forces and parties demand the withdrawal of trust from Kamal El-Ganzouri’s government after the events. Whereas, members of the National Association for Change announced that they are starting an open sit-in until their demands are met.

After being rejected at the funeral of Port Said victims that took place in Mostafa Mahmoud mosque, Amr Moussa, presidential potential candidate, issued a statement saying that he understands the sentiments of Ultras members who were concerned Moussa’s presence was a campaign stunt.

Over his Twitter account, Mohamed El-Baradei, stressed that Egyptians are paying the price of the “messy” transitional phase. El-Baradei offered his condolences to the victims killed in the past few days, reported Ibtessam Talab, Masry Youm journalist.

Exactly a year after (The Camels Battle) when pro-Mubarak thugs on horses and camels attacked protesters arrayed in Tahrir Square, the newspaper dedicated page 9 to publish an account of all attacks conducted by Military Forces against protestors, which all resulted in martyrs and were characterized by brutality and violence.

Freedom House organization called the American administration to place conditions on the aid to the Egyptian Army to ensure that effective steps are taking place towards democratic transition to a civilian authority. The US gives $1.3mn in aid to the Egyptian Military.


Pages:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 16 Authors: Ahmed Gomaa, Khaled Moussa, Essam El-Awamy, Intessar El-Nemr, Mahmoud Nafady, Nesrein Azab, Mohamed Abd El-Hamid, Farid Ibrahim, Mohamed Zein El-Abdeen, Amr Abd El-Gawad, Ahmed El-Dawy, and Ahmed El-Rawy.

Hundreds Injured In Tahrir Bloody Clashes

Violent clashes continued for the second day in a row, between thousands of protestors and Security Forces in Mansour Street. Hundreds fell injured while others suffocated after being exposed to tear gas. Dozens of MPs arrived to the square, in an attempt to convince protestors to leave the Interior Ministry vicinity and return to the square.

Gomhoria reporters, on pages 4, 5 and 6, followed the anti-SCAF demonstrations that took place in almost all Egyptian governorates united in their demands which are topped by ending the Military rule, a swift handover of power and retribution for all martyrs and massacre victims.

A source from the Ministry of Interior announced that a number of protestors tried to climb the Ministry’s wall, Security Forces used rubber bullets to disperse them. The source added that protestors broke into the nearby Tax Authority building, throwing butane cylinders and Molotov Cocktails at the forces responsible for securing the building. The source denied rumors that Police Forces retreated from Maspero building. The Interior Ministry announced that the number of causalities among its personnel mounted to 211 officers and recruits.

An unnamed Military source revealed that all the roads leading to the Ministry of Defense are totally blocked and secured calling all protestors to exhibit full self-restraint. Major General, Ismail Etman, denied making any comments over the army’s intention to


participate in securing streets and vital buildings, which took place last year during the revolution.

After 143 MPs held Interior Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, responsible for the death of 73 Ahly fans in Port Said riots and accused him of failing to avoid such a disaster, Ibrahim stands tomorrow before the People’s Assembly General Committee, headed by El-Katatni to share the investigation results.

Khaled Moussa reports from Port Said, that city residents caught a thug who participated in the massacre. The thug, called Mahmoud El-Sayed, was beaten, and admitted that a number of former NDP leaders hired him to execute the massacre for 150EGP.

A number of thugs broke in to Marg’s police station in an attempt to smuggle a number of dangerous detainees. Around 50 detainees fled the premises, after a fire was started for distraction, but police forces were able to prevent 25 more from escaping.


Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Authors: Iman Ibrahim, Ahmed Ghonim, Karim Alham, Mostafa Abd El-Nasser, Mohamed Faisal, Samar Nabih, and Sayed Abdellah.

Massive Demonstrations Call for Ending Military Rule

Yesterday started with three massive marches heading towards Tahrir square from Istikama, El-Nour and Al-Azhar mosques. The marches were part of “President First Friday” where demonstrators held banners that read “The President first Then the Constitution.”Participants stressed that they did not plan on breaking in to the Interior Ministry’s building but their stand is a means of protest on the current conditions.

Thursday clashes witnessed tearing down the first concrete barrier built by the Interior Ministry in Mohamed Mahmoud Street. The intensity of the clashes escalated when residents from nearby areas joined protestors after one of their own died, named Anas, age 14, who is considered the youngest victim so far.

Sayed Abdellah, Dostour reporter, followed Suez’s latest updates as thousands took to the streets chanting, “We will either get their rights or die like them.” Clashes occurred between protestors and CSF leading to 3 deaths and 82 injuries that resulted from gas suffocation and rubber bullets. Sources from Suez Governmental Hospital reported the death of two victims with gunshot wounds sustained during the clashes. Whereas, Adel Refaat, Suez Security Chief, stated that the Security Forces used only tear gas to disperse protestors, indicating that those who fired at protestors are outlaws.

A Health Ministry source was reported saying that the clashes in Cairo, Suez, and Port Said left 3 dead and over 1690 injured.


Mohamed Ibrahim, Interior Minister, defended the decisions he had taken during the recent clashes saying that the Ministry received information there will be attempts to set the building on fire. “The law gives me the right to protect the Ministry,” he adds.

Al-Ahly Ultras, hard-core football fans, published a statement on their Facebook page denying participating in any event in Tahrir. They said they are not by any means connected to what is currently taking place in front of the Interior Ministry.

Former Port Said Security Chief, Essam Samak, who was removed from his position in the wake of the riots, revealed that he refused ordering Security Forces to interfere, adding that if that had happened, it would have led to worse consequences.

Deputy Head of the Advisory Council, Sameh Ashour, told Dostour newspapers that the Council is holding an urgent meeting today to reach recommendations regarding Port Said events, which will be presented to SCAF afterwards.


Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13

Authors: Mahmoud Badr, Yassmine El-Geyoushy, Ismail El-Weseimy, Ahmed Ewais, Mahmoud Abdullah, Ahmed Abu Taleb, Shamiaa Matar, Hala Eid, Heba Sobeih, Hagar El- Tohamy, Ameera Gad, Khaled Warby, Ahmed El-Barnawy, Faten Helmy, Iman El-Bosseily, and Ahmed El-Samany.

Egyptian Protestors Besiege Interior Ministry

Clashes between protestors and Police Forces intensified after they threw dozens of tear gas canisters on protestors in Mansour Street. They also fired a number of pellet rounds in the air, this all enraged protestors who responded by throwing rocks and setting a number of car tires on fire to prevent CSF from advancing. All truce attempts failed, due to the Ministry’s insistence on using tear gas with protestors.

Protesters laid siege to Egypt's Interior Ministry on Friday, pushing their protest against the military-led government into a second day in a show of anger triggered by the deaths of 74 people in the country's worst football disaster. For the first time since Mohamed Mahmoud clashes in November the Ministry, abandons its attack strategy, and resorts to defense in protecting its headquarters.

Muslim Brothers were remarkably absent from the clashes. A few days ago, they formed human shields to protect the people’s Assembly. They were totally absent from the scene around the Interior Ministry, taking no part in securing vital facilities. MB Leader, Ali Abd El-Fattah said that they did not expect the clashes to escalate that rapidly. While, Political Expert, Nabil Abd El-Fattah maintains that the Brotherhood works primarily on securing its interests before all.


Revolution Preacher, Mazhar Shahin, warned Egyptians from more massacres since retribution did not take place. He said during his Friday speech that as long as no one is held accountable Egypt would not safe from other massacres.

Gurdian Newspaper commented on the events by saying that “Egypt football violence is hooliganism on the surface, state thuggery underneath.The deadly battle of Port Said may be another attempt to make a return to a police state the most attractive option for Egypt.”

Massive masses were staged in Port Said yesterday, calling the day “Vindication Friday.” Participants maintained that the riots were not started by Port Said residents or Al- Masri fans but were part of a plot to create chaos. On pages 8 and 9, the newspaper reports the demonstrations staged in numerous governorates condemning the massacre.

A source from the Medical Syndicate announced that Tahrir makeshift clinics receive around 70 victims per hour. Ambulance vehicles failed to enter the clashes zone, thus, residents of nearby areas used motorcycles and three-wheelers to transfer victims from Mansour and Mohamed Mahmoud Streets to the nearest makeshift clinic. They played a huge role in saving lives.

Al-Ahly Club contacted the Ministry of Interior asking for forces to protect the Club from expected riots. Nevertheless, the Ministry denied the request for fearing any confrontations with Al-Ahly fans. Despite issuing a statement on their page that they are not part of the clashes, Ultras Ahlawy members were seen in Mansour and Mohamed Mahmoud Streets. Some Ultras members participated in the clashes; however, they do not represent the entire group.

Potential Presidential Candidate, Mohamed Selim El-Awa, stated that Port Said massacre was planned and called for banning visits to former regime figures in Tora intensive security prison because a disaster erupts after each visit.


Page: 1 Author: Hamada El-Shawadny and MENA

Two Detained American Tourists Are Released

Egypt’s Minister of Tourism, Moneir Fakhry Abd El-Nour announced that the two American tourists kidnapped by Bedouin gunmen in Sinai Peninsula on Friday, were released. “They are in good health,” he added.


Page: 1 Author: Mostafa Eid

Investigative Judges Ban LaHood from Travelling

The two investigative judges appointed by the Ministry of Justice decided not to allow Sam LaHood from leaving the country. Lahood is Egypt’s director of the Washington-based International Republican Institute (IRI) and son of the US Transportation Secretary. The judges also refused the IRI’s request to open the Institute’s headquarters, which was closed in a raid last December.


Pages: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Authors: Mohamed Salem, Mamdouh Hassan, Ahmed Attayia, Ahmed Adly, and Aliaa Hamed.

Gamal Mubarak Men Behind Port Said Massacre

Clashes around the Interior Ministry continued yesterday during the entire day. They stopped briefly during Friday prayers only to resume right after it. Clashes also erupted in Suez, Port Said, and Cairo. Demonstrations were staged all over the country demanding retribution.

The Interior Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, asked the Public Prosecutor to send a team of District Attorneys to follow the situation around the Ministry, which is witnessing around- the-clock clashes with protestors. The Interior Minister ordered the forces to exhibit full self- restraint and warned against killing any protestors. An official source inside the Ministry denied the presence of Commando Forces to protect the Ministry’s headquarters.

The fact-finding committee formed by the People’s Assembly examined the Stadium and listened to eyewitnesses. The testimonies of eyewitnesses reveal there were three buses that had arrived to Port Said five minutes before the game started. The buses carried thugs who entered the stadium through the back gate, which remains closed most of the time. One of the thugs was caught. He admitted he was paid 30,000EGP by a former NDP close to Gamal Mubarak and fugitive business tycoon, to instigate riots.

The Public Prosecution ordered the detention of 52 suspects for 15 days pending investigations. The suspects denied all charges asserting they were randomly apprehended by Security Forces. The Front to Defend Egypt Protestors observed that 19 out of the 52 suspects are minors, under the age of 18. The Front pointed out there were casualties among the Security Forces present in the stadium that day; 2 death cases, and 5 officers and 15 recruits were injured.


On pages 4 and 6, the newspaper publishes a detailed account of what happened the day of Al-Ahly and Al-Masri match, narrated by survivors from the massacre and families of victims. On page5, the paper provides coverage for the demonstrations staged on Friday in Cairo and Port Said, and the clashes that took place in Suez.


Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Authors: Mohamed El-Haly, Ahmed Hassan, Mohamed kamal

Clashes Erupt in Suez

An informed source reported that Prime Minister, Kamal El-Ganzouri refused the Interior Minister’s resignation during the Ministerial Security Committee on Thursday. The Prime Minister did not hold Mohamed Ibrahim, Interior Minister responsible for the events.

Demonstrations were staged in Suez in a number of areas like Martyrs Street, Arbien Square and near Suez’s Security Directorate. The area surrounding the Security Governorate turned into a war zone. Hundreds gathered to hurl rocks at the Security Directorate to express their anger over the death of two protestors during the clashes and one Ultras fan during Port Said massacre. Security sources maintain that the young men who died in the clashes were trying to break in to a bank and were thus shot by Police Forces.

The presence of the Third Field Army was noticeable in Egypt’s city of Suez yesterday, as dozens of Army cars and vehicles roamed the streets. They were carrying hundreds of recruits to protect the vital buildings in the city.

Presidential hopeful, Mohamed Selim El-Awa, held protestors responsible for all the destruction taking place right now, as he described it. He said that they are demonstrating without setting clear goals or demands.

On pages 4 and 5, the newspaper reported the demonstrations that took place in all Egyptian governorates.


Pages: 3 Authors: Nabil El-Tafahny, Ahmed Dawoud

PA’s Fact-Finding Committee Hides Facts

The Fact-finding committee organized by the People’s Assembly commenced its work in the city of Port Said yesterday. PA Speaker, Mohamed Saad El-Katatni has earlier allowed a number of Parliamentary reporters to accompany the committee and publish the facts discovered. However, MP Ahraf Thabet, PA deputy, did not allow the reporters to attend the committee’s meeting in Port Said.


TV Coverage (03/02/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-An (News) Channel: Al-Hayat Host: : Yassmin Said Four deaths in clashes between the police and protestors; a police officer and three demonstrators. Demonstrators flock to Tahrir Square to take part in the mass demonstration today. Armed and security forces retreat from Maspero. The People’s Assembly’s fact-finding committee arrives in Port Said. Demonstrations in Menia, Arreesh and Alexandria to protest the Port Said incidents.

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom (Talk Show) Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Lobna Assal and Sherief Amer Clashes renew between protesters and the security forces around the Ministry of Interior after Friday Prayers.

SCAF denies the Armed Forces’ alleged withdrawal from Maspero neighborhood.

Hit-and-run battles between the security forces and protesters in Suez, said Adel Iffat, director of the Suez Security Directorate in a phone call.

Guest: Nader Bakkar, spokesman of al-Nour Party:

What’s going on now is a plot, and SCAF is responsible for the incidents with the Ministry of the Interior. The People’s Assembly is able to lead Egypt to safety and stability.

Guest Issam Shahiha, member of the supreme body of al-Wafd Party: Revenge is the protestors’ sole trigger to break into the Ministry of Interior. SCAF is responsible for all the latest violent incidents.

Guest MP Bassem Kamel: the Port Said incidents are a plot against SCAF who is not completely out of the responsibility.


Program: Masr Tantakheb (Talk Show) Channel: CBC Broadcaster: Majdi al-Jallad and Imad Adib (talk show) Guests: Gen Hamdi Najib (security expert), MP Bassem Kamel and MP Mustafa al-Jundi The two abducted American tourists and the accompanying tour guide were released in South Sinai. Clashes in the Security Directorate neighborhood and injuries amongst the demonstrators have been reported.

Fire breaks out in a building of the Tax Directorate due to riots near the Ministry of Interior.

News All Day Channel 1”Natinal TV” Broadcaster: 05:00 p.m. On the “Friday of handing over Power,” demonstrators call for an immediate handing over of power and the dismissal of Ganzouri.

Ahdas 24 hours Channel 1”National TV” Time: 25:00:00

Clashes renew between protesters and security forces in front of the Security Directorate in Suez.

SCAF calls on political players to intervene to ease the tension.


Radio Coverage (03/02/2012)

News All Day Channel: Radio Masr Demonstrators flock to Tahrir Square, calling for the handing over of power. (17:00) Demonstrations in Cairo, Port Said, Alexandria and Suez on the “mourning Friday.” ( 17:00)

SCAF calls on political powers to intervene to ease the tension. (23: 00)

Muhammad Badei, general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood identifies the culprits who incited the incidents in Maspero and Muhammad Mahmoud. (19:00)

Demonstrators flock to Tahrir Square to participate in the “Mourning Friday” and denounce the Port Said incidents. (12:00)

Clashes continue between the security forces and protesters in the Interior Ministry neighbourhood and the number of casualties inseases. (12:00)

Clashes around the Security Directorate headquarters and injuries amongst protestors. (03:00 p.m.) News All Day Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat Clashes renew between the demonstrators and the security forces in the Interior Ministry neighborhood. (23:00)

Clashes renew between demonstrators and the security forces in front of the Security Directorate in Suez and in front of Alexandria Security Directorate.

People’s Assembly’s Committee of Defense and National Security is to hold an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss the escalating incidents. (22:00)


Internet Coverage (04/02/2012)


We are all Khaled Saeed

A stand in protest of the killing of Mahmoud Soliman, an active youth of the “Life Makers” association during the Port Said events. snc7/s720x720/398603_340273909355813_104224996294040_813426_1745272203_n.jpg

Nader el-Sayed chants in Tahrir Square:

Videos are swarming Facebook about a thug arrested by the residents in Port Said and confessing to have being paid to perpetrate the massacre. Regardless of the veracity of the information, the idea of having people doing the task of the prosecution is unacceptable. Anyone has any piece of information should report it to the prosecution or the fact-finding commission formed by the parliament or even hand over the suspect.

We want real stability. We want a state. We want a good life. We want a president.


Wael Abbas:

I am back home safe.

On my way to Tahrir, I stopped by Carrefour. People are buying LCD televisions. I do not why, will they watch on it the matches or the protesters. How stupid are the people!

I saw someone bleeding from his mouth. I found myself mentioning unconsciously God. I am still a believer!

Please people do not be that happy because Nile News reporter, who said there were no gunshots, was shot in the eye by birdshot pellets. We cannot be happy about things like that!!!

A generation with no morals.


The protesters did not call for the redistribution of Tora prisoners!!! They called for SCAF’s departure, you thick-headed morons.


My support and solidarity to Syria may all martyrs rest in peace, your blood is making us free. #Egypt #Syria My video from tonight’s battle with police on Fahmy Street. Another video of mine from last night’s battle front lines: Protesters fight back. Don’t put too much hope on this #GeneralStrike on #Feb11. A general strike never comes from a facebook event. Today is the memorial anniversary of the greatest Egyptian singer Om Kalthoum. May she RIP, but her music still lives with us. Can we just get rid of sexism!!!ugggghhhrrr For those who keep saying stop the violence? The police always is the one who starts!! #MOI #Egypt The police are shooting the tear gas at buildings up high. Police attacked pushing protesters out of Mansour St. #MOI The screen on TV is completely covered in tear gas smoke can’t see even the ground from how opec it is. Fuckin bastards. #Mansour #MOI The whole area was flooded with tear gas, most of everyone ran escaping suffocation, yet Mina Daniel’s flag is still waving and not moving. Another tear gas attack. Very nasty!! #MOI They just turned off light completely on Mansour St. now firing. :

So what, let them build a barricade around Egypt and prevent the opposition from entering it??? Building a barricade in the street every day?? Is that the solution?? This is Mahmoud el-Qersh page. He was beaten up along his friends by the Interior Ministry while forming a human shield at the ministry. 8%A9-%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AF- %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%B4/379721298724374?ref=notif¬if_t=fbpa ge_fan_invite


The youths trying to contain a fire that erupted after security forces threw something on a building.

Tear gas again.


Iyad elbaghdadi:

#Homs is being shelled very heavily right now, it's as if the regime is on a mission to level it to the ground before morning. #Syria

Shelling is concentrated on Khalidiya district, where 20+ were killed and over a hundred injured. #Homs #Syria Latest reports talk about 50+ dead and 400+ injured in Khalidiya, #Homs; and the shelling continues. #Syria Bodies being piled on top of bodies in Khalidiya makeshift hospitals in #Homs right now. #Syria Reports of shelling in #Idlib as well right now. Seems Assad is trying to reoccupy the entire country before UNSC. #Syria Perhaps #Libya can solve its unruly militias problem by sending them to fight in #Syria. With all of last night's #Syria tweets, only two pro-Bashar eggs blocked. Impressive. Assault on #Homs is starting to remind of the opening salvo of the Gaza war. AlArabiya reports 300+ dead and 1000+ injured so far. #Syria AlArabiya now reporting that the makeshift (field) hospital setup in Khalidiya has been "destroyed". #Homs #Syria


New on Arabist: The football protests, day two 5 dead so far in football clashes – 02-03/egypt-riot-deaths/52955686/1 Are Syrian Spies Operating on U.S. Soil? | PBS: No, more like rat informants. 200 killed in government assault on city of Homs in Syria - The Washington Post: Single deadliest day.

Wael Ghoneim:

Captain Mostafa Younis: Thank you!


. Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian Arabic language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ………………………………………………………………………………….……………………3-18

Ahram Newspaper Calls for Civil Disobedience in Tahrir 3-4 Masry Youm Newspaper Bloody Street War between Security Forces and Protestors 5-6 Gomhoria Newspaper Hundreds Injured In Tahrir Bloody Clashes 7-8 Dostour Newspaper Massive Demonstrations Call for Ending Military Rule 9-10 Tahrir Newspaper Egyptian Protestors Besiege Interior Ministry 11-12 Shorouk Newspaper Two Detained American Tourists Are Released 13 Investigative Judges Ban LaHood from Travelling 14 Gamal Mubarak Men Behind Port Said Massacre 15-16 Youm7 Newspaper Clashes Erupt in Suez 17 Akhbar Newspaper PA’s Fact-finding Committee Hides Facts 18

TV Coverage………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………19-20 Al Hayah TV Channel ……………………………………………………………..….………….…………………………….19 CBC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………20 Channel 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…20 Radio Coverage……………………………………………………………………..…………..…………….……………..21 Radio Misr……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….…21 Al Shark Al Awsat Channel……………………………………………………………..……………….………………….…..21 Internet coverage………………………………………………………………………………...………...…………………22-24 Face book………………………………………………………………………………….…………………...…………….22 Twitter…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………22-24