lanaewoDd 1972

(festival of (Contemporary zJfrCusic

August 4 - August 10, 1972


in cooperation with the FROMM MUSIC FOUNDATION '


A special double issue for 1971 featured a 175-page arti- cle entitled Stravinsky (1882-1971): A Composer's Memo- rial, with pictures and reproductions of Stravinsky man- Benjamin Boretz/Editor uscripts, including those for The Rite of Spring and Elaine Barkin / Associate Editors Requiem Canticles. Copies of this issue may still be S, Howe, Jr. Hubert / purchased.

Articles in the Spring/Summer 1972 issue include:

Compose Yourself—A Manual for the Young (in part)

J. K. Randall

Stravinsky by Way of Webern: The Consistency of Syn- tax (in part) Henri Pousseur

Notation for Piano Aloys Kontarsky

Multiple Order Functions in Twelve-Tone Music Philip Norman Batstone

Stockhauscn's Mikrophonie I: Perception in Action Robin Maconie

Webern and Luigi Nono: The Genesis of a New Com- positional Morphology and Syntax Gundaris Pone

PUBLISHED BY Conversation with Max Deutsch Niel Sir PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS $7.50 a year $13.00 two years $18.75 three years p.o. box 231 $5.00 single issues • $.25 a year foreign postage PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540


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SEIJI OZAWA, GUNTHER SCHULLER, Artistic Directors / , Advisor

The Berkshire Music Center

Joseph Silverstein, Chairman of the Faculty Daniel R. Gustin, Administrator Aaron Copland, Chairman of the Faculty Emeritus Jean L. Lower, Assistant Administrator James Whitaker, Chief Coordinator

Festival of Contemporary Music

presented in cooperation with The Fromm Music Foundation

Paul Fromm, President

Fellowship Program Contemporary Music Activities

Bruno Maderna, Acting Head Jacob Druckman, Elliott Carter, and Earl Kim, Guest Teachers Tibor Pusztai, Assistant

The Berkshire Music Center is maintained for advanced study in music

Sponsored by the Symphony Orchestra William Steinberg, Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas, Associate Conductor


1 The Oldest and Largest Record Company devoted to CONTEMPORARY MUSIC

is proud to offer the following FROMM FOUNDATION COMMISSIONS:

Milton Babbitt: VISION AND PRAYER CRI SD268 Mario Davidovsky: SYNCHRONISMS No. 2 CRI SD 204

INFLEXIONS (forthcoming)

David Del Tredici: I HEAR AN ARMY CRI SD 294 (fall release) Charles Dodge: FOLIA CRI SD 300 (fall release) Donald Martino: CONCERTO FOR WIND QUINTET CRI SD 230 John Maclvor Perkins: MUSIC FOR 13 PLAYERS CRI SD 232 Roger Reynolds: BLIND MEN CRI SD 241 Phillip Rhodes: AUTUMN SETTING (forthcoming) Harvey Sollberger: CHAMBER VARIATIONS CRI SD 204

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exclusively on CRI

200 records available


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In 1940, the Berkshire Music Center was established at Tanglewood by the Boston Symphony Or- chestra in fulfillment of the dream of Serge Koussevitzky, its Music Director, to provide an environment in which young musicians could continue their professional training and add to their artistic experience through the guidance of eminent musicians. The Center was developed under Koussevitzky's leadership until his death in 1951, when he was succeeded by Charles Munch. became the next Music Director in 1963, to be succeeded in 1970 by a tripartite directorship comprising two Artistic Di- rectors, and Gunther Schuller, and Leonard Bernstein as Adviser.

Since the founding of the Center, one of the principal sponsors of composers and contemporary music at Tanglewood has been the Koussevitzky Music Foundation, established in 1942 by Serge Koussevitzky, then Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, in memory of his wife Natalie.


The Fromm Music Foundation is dedicated to the furtherance of contemporary music and commis- sioning new works, as well as sponsoring the study, performance, publication and recording of new music. The Foundation also sponsors the yearly Festival of Contemporary Music at Tanglewood.

This year the Fromm Music Foundation is celebrating its twentieth anniversary. On this occasion it begins a new era, becoming the Fromm Music Foundation at . On the premise that a foundation must be able to exist independently of any one individual, the programs of the Foundation will henceforth be directed by a committee of three: The Chairman of the Harvard Music Department, Tillman Merritt, Gunther Schuller and Paul Fromm.

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Foundation, a special concert will take place this sum- mer as part of the Tanglewood Contemporary Music Festival. It will feature two major works previously commissioned by the Foundation, Elliott Carter's Double Concerto and Luciano Berio's Circles, as well as two newly commissioned works by Mr. Maderna and Mr. Schuller, both premieres to be conducted by their respective composers.

Perhaps no foundation has used its resources to such optimum effect in the service of contemporary music as the Fromm Foundation. Its commissioning project alone — having produced some ninety works in its first twenty years — is an example of the importance of its role in American and world music. Tan- glewood is proud to continue its association with this unique foundation. CONTEMPORARY MUSIC AT TANGLEWOOD

The Contemporary Music Program at the Berkshire Music Center comprises two kinds of activities: the study and performance of contemporary music and instruction in composition for a limited number of composers whose previous studies and experience have prepared them for work on an advanced level. The program has for many years been headed by Gunther Schuller, President of the New England Con- servatory of Music. During Mr. Schuller's leave of absence, the student composers are receiving instruc- tion from this year's guest teachers, Bruno Maderna and Jacob Druckman. The young composers also participate in a series of seminars conducted by, in addition to Mr. Maderna and Mr. Druckman, Earl Kim and Elliott Carter. Compositions by the student composers are performed at various Berkshire Music Center concerts and are presented this summer, as are the concerts of the Festi- val of Contemporary Music, under the supervision of Mr. Maderna. THE FESTIVAL "The Festival of Contemporary Music was initiated in 1963. The generous support of the Fromm Music Foundation has made possible this week-long encounter with contemporary music — an institution at Tanglewood, a festival within a Festival.

"Its purposes are manifold. It provides a forum for new ideas and directions in music, and as such has become one of the most important annual events in the vital task of keeping the lines of communication open between composer and public. It also reaffirms the position that music can only survive in our society through the careful nurturing of the creative mind. But creation (composition) and recreation (perform- ance) are inextricably linked; the one cannot survive the other. The emphasis on museum policies possible in the other arts, particularly the visual arts, can only lead to attrition in music for the very simple rea- son that, unlike a painting which exists and can be viewed at leisure, a composition has to be performed in order to exist. It ceases to exist, except as a memory, the moment the performance has ended. It therefore becomes the obligation of every performing musician to keep the life-stream of music — composition — going and moving forward. The young men and women who come to Tanglewood as Fellowship students, performing in addition to 19th century music a wide variety of contemporary music, are meeting this chal- lenge as a part of their professional commitment to music in all its breadth and depth. "The Fromm Music Foundation and the Berkshire Music Center provide a stimulus to these activi- ties by annually commissioning a number of works by young composers about to establish themselves in their field. "The Festival does not claim to be comprehensive or all-permissive, but has presented over the years a wide sampling of contemporary music, ranging from young 'unknowns' to the well-established 20th century figures." — Gunther Schuller I


Friday, August 4, 7:00 p. m. Music Shed, Tanglewood All-Copland Prelude Concert

Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson (1948-50) Soprano — Phyllis Curtin Piano — Aaron Copland Piano Variations (1930) Piano — Michael Tilson Thomas

Vitebsk, Study on a Jewish Theme (1929) Violin — Joseph Silverstein Cello — Jules Eskin Piano — Aaron Copland

Friday, August 4, 9:00 p. m. Music Shed, Tanglewood Boston Symphony Orchestra Michael Tilson Thomas, Conductor

Ruggles Evocations for Orchestra*

Copland Eight Poems of Emily Dickinson Soprano — Phyllis Curtin Wuorinen Concerto for Amplified Violin and Orchestra** Violin — Paul Zukofsky Stravinsky Sacre du Printemps* BALDWIN PIANO

* Performed in memory of the composers, Carl Ruggles (1876-1971) ; Igor Stravinsky (1882- 1971). ** Commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation in celebration of its 20th Anniversary.

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Nfe»*; 2v Acoustic Research Contemporary Music Project

Presenting a series of broadcasts and recordings of music by living American composers.

Board of Advisors Program Committee Milton Babbitt David Epstein Elliott Carter Earl Kim Aaron Copland Donald Martino Gunther Schuller Seymour Shifrin Roger Sessions

Production and annotation of the broadcasts are by Leo Treitler.

Acoustic Research has provided a group of composers with the funds and technical support to enable them to make recordings and produce broadcasts of music composed by their colleagues and themselves. The first series, which is now complete, consists of fourteen broadcasts and six records. The records produced by the project are available only by mail from Acoustic Research, at a cost of $2 each. They are manufactured by Deutsche Grammophon GmbH and are packaged in exactly the same way as commercial releases.

A complete description of the project, including a list of recorded works and a copy of Professor Treitler's introduc- tory broadcast, is available upon request.

K^M Acoustic Research, Inc. 24 Thorndike Street Cambridge. Massachusetts 02141, Dept.

Please send information on the AR Contemporary Music Project, as well as a copy of Professor Treitler's introductory broadcast, to




Berkshire Music Center Vocal Department John Oliver, Head Dennis Helmrich, Head Vocal Coach

Saturday, August 5, 2:30 p.m. Chamber Music Hall, Tanglewood

Earl Kim Letters Found Near a Suicide ( 1954) Soprano — Susan Larson Piano — Leann Hillmer

Elliott Carter Two Robert Frost Songs ( 1942) Dust of snow The rose family Mezzo-soprano — Nancy Lee O'Brien Piano — Philip Morehead

Mel Powell Haiku Settings ( 1961 Soprano — Karen Komar Piano — Dennis Helmrich Charles Ives Six Songs The Greatest Man (1921) Walt Whitman (1921) Disclosure (1921) from 'The Swimmers' (1915-21)

Soliloquy, or a Study in 7th's and Other Things ( 1907) The One Way (1923) Tenor — Alexander Stevenson Piano — Dennis Helmrich intermission

Jacob Druckman Dark Upon the Harp (1962) Mezzo-soprano — D'Anna Fortunato Conducted by the composer

Leann Hillmer and Philip Morehead are members of the Berkshire Music Center Faculty BALDWIN PIANO

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publishes with pride works by these distinguished composers

Amram Ferneyhough Kagel Panni Smith Babbitt Finney Kay Parris Smith Br indie Badings Fiser Kelemen Peeters Stevens Barati Fisher Kolb Penderecki Stout Bassett Flanagan Kolman Pinkham Stravinsky, S. Becker Fukushima Korn Pisk Sydeman Berberian Globokar Ligeti Porter Takahashi Berger Griffes Loudova Raxach Takemitsu Cage Hampton Luening Read Tcherepnin Cardew Hannay Lybbert Reck Townsend Chihara Harrison Macero Reynolds Trimble Chou Heider Mamlok Rhodes Ung Cowell Helm Mayuzumi Riegger Verrall Crumb Helps Mellnaes Riley, D. Villa Lobos Dahl Hovhaness Monnikendam Rorem Whittenberg Delden, van Huggler Moran Schoenberg Wilson Denver Hutcheson Nilsson Schwantner Wolff El-Dabh Ichiyanagi Osborne Serebrier Wolpe Englert Ives Overton Shifrin Wuorinen Feldman Jones Ozawa, H. Siegmeister Yuasa

C. F. PETERS CORPORATION 373 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10016

(212) 686-4147 HH^BHHi^HKi


Music Theatre Project Ian Strasfogel, Head

Sunday, August 6, 8:30 p.m.

West Barn, Tanglewood

THE YES-MAN (Instructional Piece)

Music by Kurt Weill

Libretto by Bertolt Brecht (from the Japanese Noh play 'Taniko', adapted into English by Arthur Waley)

English translation by J. M. Potts Production by Ian Strasfogel Conducted by John Neschling Settings by Douglas W. Schmidt Costumes and Make-up by Jeanne Button Lighting by Joseph Pacitti Musical Preparation by Martin Smith, Dixie Ross Neill & Paulette Houpt-Nolen

Gordon Davis, Assistant to Mr. Strasfogel

Cast The Teacher Lenus Carlson The Boy Douglas Ahlstedt

The Mother Ariel Bybee

Three Students William Neill Roelof Oostwoud Willard White

School Children and Teachers Boston University Choral Institute INTERMISSION CHOCORUA*

First Performance

Music by Robert Selig

Scenario by Leo Bonfonti

Text by Richard Moore

Production by Ian Strasfogel

Conducted by John Miner

Setting by Douglas W. Schmidt Costumes and Make-up by Jeanne Button

Lighting by Joseph Pacitti

Musical Preparation by Martin Smith, Dixie Ross Neill & Paulette Houpt-Nolen

Gordon Davis, Assistant to Mr. Strasfogel


Chocorua ' Timothy Nolen

Old Chieftain Willard White

Leverett, an English settler James Hooper

Abigail, his wife Barbara Hocher

Chocorua's son Raphael Sbarge

Hobbomocko, unseen God of the Land William Neill

Tribeswoman Ariel Bybee



* Commissioned by the Berkshire Music Center and the Fromm Music Foundation


Monday, August 7, 8:30 p.m. Theatre-Concert Hall, Tanglewood

Mario Davidovsky Synchronisms No. 2 ( 1964)**

George Crumb Madrigals (Books 1 and 2) ( 1965)* *** Tibor Pusztai Nocturnes ( 1971 ) Conducted by the composer

Jacob Druckman Valentine for Solo Contrabass ( 1969) INTERMISSION

Olivier Messiaen Le Merle Noir ( 1952)

Lukas Foss Time Cycle (1960)

I We're Late (W. H. Auden) — Moderato II When the Bells Justle (A. R. Housman) — Scherzando III Sechzehnter Januar (Franz Kafka) — Agitato IV O Mensch, gib Acht (Friedrich Nietzsche) — Lento

Members of COLLAGE Frank Epstein — percussion Joan Heller — soprano Ronald Feldman — cello Christopher Kies — piano Paul Fried — flute Ronald Knudsen — violin Ina Hahn — dancer Felix Viscuglia — clarinet Lawrence Wolfe — contrabass BALDWIN PIANO

* Commissioned by the Koussevitzkv Music Foundation ** Commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation *** First performance of revised version


Concert Honoring the 20th Anniversary of the Fromm Music Foundation

Tuesday, August 8, 8:30 p.m.

Theatre-Concert Hall, Tanglewood

Luciano Berio Circles (I960)* Soprano — Barbara Hocher

Gunther Schuller Tre Invenzione ( 1972)** Conducted by the composer

First Performance INTERMISSION

Bruno Maderna Giardino Religioso ( 1972)** Conducted by the composer

First Performance

Elliott Carter Double Concerto for Harpsichord and Piano with Two Chamber Orchestras (1961 )* Piano — Gilbert Kalish Harpsichord — Ursula Oppens Conductor — Gunther Schuller


* Commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation ** Commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation in honor of its 20th Anniversary

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Wednesday, August 9, 8:30 p.m.

Theatre-Concert Hall, Tanglewood

Andrew Imbrie To a Traveler ( 1971

Anton Webern Vier Lieder op. 13 ( 1914-18) Soprano — Carolyn Weber Conductor — TlBOR PUSZTAI

Earl Kim rattlin' on . . . (1970) Soprano — Joan Heller Conductor — Charles Darden


Donald Erb Three Pieces for Brass Quintet and Piano (1968) Conductor — Charles Darden

Bruce Mather Madrigal II (1968) Soprano — Rebecca Hayes Contralto — Patricia Stedry Conductor — BRUCE HANGEN



Berkshire Music Center Orchestra


Thursday, August 10, 8:30 p.m.

Theatre-Concert Hall, Tanglewood

Anton Webern Variations for Orchestra Op. 30

Alfred Lerdahl **Chromorhythmos

First Performance


Jacob Druckman Windows (1972)


** Commissioned by the Berkshire Music Center and the Fromm Music Foundation

The Berkshire Music Center acknowledges the manufacturers of BEYER MICRO- PHONES, REVOX TAPE RECORDERS, ACOUSTIC RESEARCH, and ADVENT SPEAKERS who generously provided equipment for the 1972 session.


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Berkshire Music Center Fellowship Program -1972

VIOLINS Linda Schiff (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Stafford (Far Rockaway, New York) Rochelle Abramson (Southfield, Michigan) Judith Linda Walton (Norwalk, Connecticut) Carlotta M. Dreyfus Fellowship National Commercial Bank & Trust Company Fellowship Laurel Carrington (Pittsfield, Massachusetts) John Daverio (Sharon, Pennsylvania) CELLOS (Detroit, Michigan) Carolyn Edwards Martha Babcock (Somerville, Massachusetts) Stanley Home Products Fellowship Fromm Fellowship Greitzer York, York) Deborah (New New Christine Carlsten (Des Moines, Iowa) Arthur M. Abell Fellowship Lionel J. Livesey, Jr. Fellowship Indiana) Jean Harris (Fort Wayne, Susan Cohen (Roslyn Heights, New York) Fellowship Stanley Chappie Beinecke Fellowship (Salem, Massachusetts) Judy Johnson Janice Fischer (Indianapolis, Indiana) Kristine Kullberg (Cape Girardeau, Missouri) Berkshire Bank & Trust Company Fellowship Chanin Fellowship Mr. and Mrs. Henry Michael Gelfand (Bayside, New York) Ronan Lefkowitz (Brookline, Massachusetts) C. D. Jackson Master Award Fro Fellowship mm David Hutchenreuther (Detroit, Michigan) Stephen A. Marvin (Newtonville, Massachusetts) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship (Springfield, Missouri) Nancy McAlhany Woo-chung Kahng (Schenectady, New York) Gerald Mordis (Roslindale, Massachusetts) WCRB, Boston Fellowship Stuart Haupt Fellowship Esther Mellon (Bronx, New York) Kristina Nilsson (Anoka, Minnesota) Edgar Stern Memorial Fellowship Berkshire County Savings Bank Fellowship Deborah Thompson (Boston, Massachusetts) Barbara Nord (Westwood, California) Young Artists Awards: Susan Glover Hitchcock Fund Koussevitzky Music Foundation Fellowship Erica Whipple (Riverside, California) Steve Ognavic (Rochester, New York) Selly A. Eisemann Memorial Fellowship Fromm Fellowship Ann Ourada (Buffalo, Minnesota) BASSES Janet Packer (Dallas, Texas) Jack Cousin (Springfield, Massachusetts) Mary C. Rendleman (Charlotte, North Carolina) Robert Goodlett (Frankfort, Kentucky) Beinecke Fellowship Kimberly-Clark Foundation Fellowship Michael Sand (Oakland, California) Anthony Knight (New Castle, Indiana) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Sandra Lake (Somerville, Massachusetts) Marjorie Sibley (Tallahassee, Florida) Izolde Lamont Fellowship Paula Sisson (Hood River, Oregon) Dan Stabler (New York, New York) Terri Sternberg (Miami, Florida) Jeffrey Tomkins (West Haven, Connecticut) Ada Holding Miller Fellowship — Mead Corporation Fellowship National Federation of Music Clubs Sharon Wood (Seattle, Washington) FLUTES Leo L. Beranek Fellowship Kathleen Berens (Kingsley, Iowa) Ellen Yafet (Maplewood, New Jersev) David Cramer (Cleveland, Ohio) VIOLAS Stephen and Persis Morris Fellowship Susan Deaver (Cheyenne, Wyoming) Charlet Allshouse (Santa Fe, New Mexico) Maquette Kuper (Berkeley, California) William C. Whitney Foundation Fellowship Fromm Fellowship Jennie Congleton (Brookline, Massachusetts) Fenwick Smith (Rochester, New York) Young Artists Awards: Susan Glover Hitchcock Fund Beinecke Fellowship Anne Johnson (Moline, Illinois) Heidi Moss (New York, New York) OBOES C. D. Jackson Master Award Frank Charnley (Framingham, Massachusetts) Lynne Ramsey (Falls Church, Virginia) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Peter I. B. Lavan Fellowship ' Susan Dahlberg (Wheaton, Illinois) Phyllis Rosen (North Merrick, New York) Adams Supermarket Fellowship Gay Rossiter (East Meadow, New York) Richard Dorsey (Oxon Hill, Maryland) Fromm Fellowship Augustus Thorndike Fellowship

IBL HRHBI § pHKfJH9^HKaHI^U!uH3P Eileen Gibson (Oakland, California) Jonathan Taylor (Larchmont, New York) Lee Savings Bank Fellowship South Texas Development Company Fellowship Pamela Pecha Woods (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) TUBAS CLARINETS Mark Evans (Ann Arbor, Michigan) David Eisler (Bass) (Woodbury, New Jersey) Fro mm Fellowship Richard Hancock (Hillcrest Heights, Maryland) Gary Ofenloch (Addison, Illinois) Victor Sawa (Montreal, Quebec) Fro mm Fellowship PERCUSSION Ethan Sloane (Springfield, Massachusetts) Ron Brown (New Hyde Park, New York) David Stern (Great Neck, New York) Lenox School of Jazz Fellowship The Berkshire Eagle Fcllowsllip Benjamin Carriel (South Nyack, New York) Fro mm Fellowship SAXOPHONE Gary DiPerna (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) Stephen Keller (Berkeley, California) David Johnson (Newhall, California) BASSOON California Percussive Arts Society Fellowship Neil Nichelson (Baltimore, Maryland) Judith Bedford (Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts) Fro mm Fellowship Fromm Fellowship Wetzel (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) Vincent Ellin (McLean, Virginia) Thomas Arthur Fiedler Financial Aid Fund Fellowship HARPS Nancy Goeres (Lodi, Wisconsin) — Adriana Anca (Boston, Massachusetts) Ada Holding Miller Fellowship Fromm Fellowship Federation National of Music Clubs Nancy Freeman (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) Marlene Mazzuca (Allentown, Pennsylvania) Kathleen Hall Banks Fellowship Beinecke Fellowship Frank Morelli (Massapequa, New York) KEYBOARD HORNS Guity Adjoodani (Watertown, Massachusetts) Wulsin Fellowship Richard Cohen (Roslyn Heights, New York) Karen Follingstad (Minneapolis, Minnesota) Koussevitzky Music Foundation Fellowship Wulsin Fellowship Richard Decker (Oneida, New York) Jack Gedzelman (Brighton, Massachusetts) John Milner (Fayetteville, New York) Wulsin Fellowship Fro mm Fellowship Ed Nord (Los Angeles, California) William Pencke (Paoli, Pennsylvania) First Agricultural Bank Fellowship David Reiswig (Arlington, Virginia) Judith Norell (hpsi) (New York, New York) Union Federal Savings Fellowship Schwann Fellowship George Sullivan (Villa Park, Illinois) Amy Rubin (New York, New York) Fro mm Fellowship Wulsin Fellowship Gail Williams (Houghton, New York) Claudia Stevens (Redding, California) TRUMPETS Asher J. Shuffler Memorial Fellowship Ron Christianson (North Attleboro, Massachusetts) Mordecai Shehori (New York, New York) Ed Hoffman (Park Ridge, Illinois) Paul Sicular Fellowship C. D. Jackson Master Award Ken Ziegenfuss (Palo Alto, California) Ray Mase (Meriden, Connecticut) Fromm Fellowship Beinecke Fellowship Calvin Price (Milmont Park, Pennsylvania) CONDUCTORS Massachusetts) Stanley Chappie Fellowship William Costello (Haverhill, Antek Fellowship — James Tinsley (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Memorial Jersey Symphony Orchestra Leonard Bernstein Fellowship New Charles Darden (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) TROMBONES Dr. Merrill H. Ross Memorial Fellowship John Ashby (Bass) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Ivan David Gray (, England) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chanin Fellowship Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Sheldon Ginsberg (Bass) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Bruce Hangen (Rochester, New York) Fro mm Fellowship Koussevitzky Memorial Fellowship James Kraft (Atlanta, Georgia) Phillip Lehrman (Los Angeles, California) John Schulenburg (Boston, Massachusetts) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship

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John Miner (Cambridge, Massachusetts) Carole Stevenson (Boston, Massachusetts) Gertrude R. Smith Fellowship Marilyn Thomas (New Orleans, Louisiana) John Neschling (, Brazil) David Tiffany (Redwood Falls, Minnesota) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship MUSIC THEATRE PROJECT — VOCAL SINGING PROJECT — PERFORMANCE Douglas Ahlstedt (Willard, New York) D'Anna Fortunato (Charleston, South Carolina) National Opera Institute Fellowship Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Ariel Bybee (Hollywood, California) Rebecca Hayes (Overland Park, Kansas) National Opera Institute Fellowship Joan Heller (Cambridge, Massachusetts) Lenus Carlson (New York, New York) Fro mm Fellowship National Opera Institute Fellowship Karen Komar (Newton Highlands, Massachusetts) Joyce Castle (San Antonio, Texas) C. D. Jackson Master Award National Opera Institute Fellowship Susan Larson (Somerville, Massachusetts) Jan Curtis (Groton, Massachusetts) Young Artists Awards: Susan Glover Hitchcock Fund National Opera Institute Fellowship John Miller (Winchester, Virginia) Barbara Hocher (Houston, Texas) Nancy O'Brien (Van Nuys, California) Fro mm Fellowship Berkshire Life Insurance Company Fellowship James Hooper (Montclair, New Jersey) Carolyn F. Smith (Norton, Massachusetts) National Opera Institute Fellowship

High Fidelity/Musical America Fellowship J. William Neill (New York, New York) Patricia Stedry (Cambridge, Massachusetts) National Opera Institute Fellowship Marian Voorhees Buttenheim Fellowship Timothy Nolen (New York, New York) B. Alexander Stevenson (Boston, Massachusetts) National Opera Institute Fellowship Seven Hills Fellowship Roelof Oostwoud (San Francisco, California)

J. Daniel Urton (Allston, Massachusetts) National Opera Institute Fellowship Maurice Millimet Fellowship Willard White (New York, New York) Carolyn Weber (Topeka, Kansas) National Opera Institute Fellowship Robert Woods (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) Frederick Brandi Trust Fellowship MUSIC THEATRE PROJECT Evelyn Zuckerman Siegel (accompanist) TECHNICAL (Belmont, Massachusetts) Gordon Davis (New York, New York) Koussevitzky Music Foundation Fellowship National Opera Institute Fellowship SINGING PROJECT — STUDY PROGRAM Paulette Houpt-Nolen (New York, New York) National Opera Institute Fellowship Phyllis Brill (Lawrence, Kansas) Dixie Ross Neill (New York, New York) Emme Broughton (Wellesley, Massachusetts) National Opera Institute Fellowship Jeanne Brown (Atlanta, Georgia) Henry Burroughs (Washington, D.C.) COMPOSITION Maria DiPalma (Wayne, Pennsylvania) Ralph Jones III (Buffalo, New York) Phoebe Flewelling (New Castle, New Hampshire) American Society of Composers, Authors and Susan Goldberger (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) Publishers Fellowship Kathryn Groobin (Valencia, California) Louis Karchin (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Frances Kadinoff (Newton Centre, Massachusetts) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Michael Kaiser (New Rochelle, New York) Eu-gene Lee (Elmhurst, New York) Cheryl Keller (Watertown, Massachusetts) Margaret Lee Crofts Fellowship Mary Jo Klank (Washington, D.C.) Max Lifchitz (Mexico City, Mexico) Deborah Lancman (Roslindale, Massachusetts) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Patricia Lust (Newton, Massachusetts) Robert Rodriguez (South Pasadena, California) Leslie Luxemburg (New York, New York) Margaret Lee Crofts Fellowship Gregory Mercer (Nashua, New Hampshire) Sheila Silver (Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts) Cheryl Meyers (Brainerd, Maine) Koussevitzky Music Foundation Fellowship Sheryl Overholt (Miami, Florida) Curtis O. B. Curtis-Smith (Kalamazoo, Michigan) Patrice Pastore (North Caldwell, New Jersey) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Margareta Peregoy (Baltimore, Maryland) Ira Taxin (Scarsdale, New York) Katharine Pusztai (Watertown, Massachusetts) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship Holly Rudin (Poughkeepsie, New York) David Winkler (New York, New York) Gail Shulman (Cambridge, Massachusetts) Leonard Bernstein Fellowship


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«2S Accompanist to Boston Symphony Orchestra

Berkshire Festival • Berkshire Music Center and to these Tanglewood 1972 artists

Leonard Bernstein • Aaron Copland • Arthur Fiedler •

Seiji Ozawa • Peter Serkin • Michael Tilson Thomas • Earl Wild