LITTLEWORTH COMMON SSSI 1 MANAGEMENT PLAN 20122022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank the many people who contributed to the production of this management plan. Either through the provison of expert advice and information or from the many comments arising from the technical and public consultation exercises. South Bucks District Council Environmental Services Andy McVeigh, BCC Denham Julia Wise, BCC Buckinghamshire Helen Read, City of London UB9 4LH Andy Barnard, City of London Douglas Wallace, Natural England Cllr Bill Lidgate and members of the SBDC 01895 837200 Environment Policy Advisory Group Councillor Jennifer Woolveridge, SBDC Keith Shearman, SBDC Tim McKenzie, SBDC Prepared for South Bucks District Council by; Chris Marchant, SBDC Simon Gray, SBDC The residents of Littleworth Chris Gledhill BSc DMS MTS AIEMA Environmental Director Maps South Bucks District Council LD3 8YT Original Artwork
[email protected] Kate Thelwell 01874 638 979 LD3 Photographs Chris Gledhill 2 CONTENTS Introduction 4 Site Description Ownership and designations 7 SSSI site status 7 Present Land Use 7 Physical Features Geology 8 Landscape 9 History and Archaeology 9 Access and Visitors 12 Habitats and Biology Heathland and Woodland 13 Ponds/Open Water 13 Rare Species 14 Protected and Notable Species 15 Species Records 1617 Objectives and Methodology Our Vision 18 Aims, Objectives, Actions and Targets 18 What we would like to see our work achieving 19 Conservation 21 Ponds 22 Lowland Heathland 23 Native seminatural woodland 25 People 27 Resource Management 28 Capital Projects 29 Figure 1 Location of Littleworth Common SSSI Part Two: Management Prescriptions 30 Appendices 35 3 INTRODUCTION Littleworth Common Site of Significant Scientific Interest (SSSI) was once part of a much larger area of Heathland landscape covering South Buckinghamshire.