Property of the Watertown Historical Society T* V'Y •'•" '•• ;"^f"'? - * *

WATBRTOWN. CONN, FRIDAY. MAY 31, 1929 TWO DOLLARS PER YEA*. ———-r——rr- ' i LANDMARK REMOVED TO POOR PORTS SHACKLE NEW YORK BARITONE OAKVILLE CMC GROUP 22 DOGS, 3 CATS | CONSULT STARS TO ! MAKE WAY FOR STREET COMMERCIAL FLYING TO SING AT CONCERT DRIVE FOR MEMBERS KEPT BY RECLUSE AVO'D SEA WRECKS •——•— Old Red Burn Was Built When Nails Automobile Hbtorjr Repeated •• Frederick Baer Secured by George Association to Facing Financial Pres- All Housed in One Room by ; Were Cut From Wrought Planes Advance In Efficiency Morgan Taft School Music sure Saya President Graver C. Give Attrologers Chance to ' Iron Beyond Ground Equipment Baldwin^-Oakville Notes New York Woman. Supervisor k Do Their Stuff. Rochester, N. Y.—Police and a Hu- Ttie red barn on Nova Scotia Hill By the time it was twenty-five Frederic Baer, New York baritone Plans for a membership canvass of ad wh ch yean old, the automobile industry the entire village were discussed at a mane society representative have re- Berlln.-Xow It can be told. The ™ , l , formerly belonged to has been secured by George Morgan leased 22 dogs and'three large Per- thrif.....t of shippin. g men,-.thei..r. reluc. - < ^li«i>>ln« Kelley'KttllAtr'as Walnut f!rnvGrovne farmfarm, was producing earn so advanced in supervisor of music at Taft-school and meeting of the civic association *t ts being removed. design and efficiency that old-fash- the upper hall of the community house sian cats from the home of a woman tance i<> pay out good money for as- director of the Choral club concert-to recluse at No. 208 Sclo street, after trologers on their staff, Is responsible This old barn which is over 100ioned roads cramped th«ir style. To- be given on Tuesday, June 4. Monday night. There will bi a breaking Into the house In an effort for dl.'.'i.stcrs at sea. years old, was made of hand sewed day the aviation industry, in 'he The Choral club has 55 voices in meeting of the board of governors to serve a nuisance warrant on the •Ships that have met with disaster timbers and framed with-wooden pins. twenty-fifth year of human fli; ht, and the association on Wednesday faces a parallel situation. the chorus and a sustaining member* occupniL The woman was absent. were launched at an unfavorable mo- The nails are all iron cut as wire nails : ship of 44. Each sustaining mem- evening of next week. At that ment—from an astrological point of I were unknown in those day*. Billions have been .yient tn prov de time it is hoped to have the member- in a single room for several modern highways for the mor^-rn ber will be entitled to two tickets. weeks, the anlmuls were wild when view, that is. And It would have been j The barn is being removed to make ship campaign plans' well in hand. so easy to have selected more pro- wajT for a street which will be built car.. More million? must b«> -p<.-nt Tickets for Ihe concert may be ob- Motorcycle Policeman Louth and the before the horse-and-buptry ein of Uined from members of the Choral Pres. Grover C. Baldwin told the Humane* society representative walked pitious hours for the launchlngs, or in the near future.directly south of association members that unless more at least to have avoided unfavorable the lard owned by S. McLean Buck- roads will have ended. Smooth, h ird club or at Sullivan's drug storet Into' their quarters. Xtie menagerie roads are imperative if the efficiency Mb". Bear's refutation was first interest is evidenced in the activities had shared the room with their hours. A well-paid, first-class astrol- ngham. This tract ta now known as especially the finances, of the associ- oger would never have permitted a of present day automobiles \a to be gained by the artist when he was an mistress. She, In turn, used It as Beach Acres and will be broken upcapitalized. ation that he will recommend to the kitchen, dining room, bedroom and launching to take place if, for in-nto building lots none of which will uccountant and his firm was contem- The airplane, now so advanced in plating the purchase of a much ex- board of governors that the bowling parlor, say police. stance, there Is a new moon In the be less than one acre in size. alleys, chairs and other equipment sign of the "Afeasha-Tatwu," or if efficiency that it compart* favorably tolled accounting machine. He was After 'a merry chase In which one Buell Heminway of Main street has with other automobile vehicles, is be sold, all bills paid oft*, and the Satunms Is under the sign of thepurchased the bungalow on Northfield asked his opinion of the efficiency of small dog -sank his teeth through tho Capricorn. handicapped at the beginning and end machine and he answered: building turned back to the holding leather glove of the policeman, the road, next to the Riding and Hunting corporation to be sold for a ware- All of this knowledge we owe to of every flight by flying fields that, "I will prove to you in competition' animals were rounded, up and taken to Wllhelm Becker, who confesses be Is club from Mrs. Ernest J. Steere of in general, are still typical of the days with this machine that I can, do more house or garage. the pound, where William J. Boylnk, Annisquam, Mass. The Watertown when flying was limited to dare- The motion picture" theatre will close an eminent astrologer. If the ship- work than the machine is cap-hie of. superintendent, took charge of them. ping uuiimutes of the North German Reality company are shingling the devils and fighting men. It deliv- with the understanding that if I wi/i on June 9 and so far no arrangements They ranged in size and value from Lloyd line had heard about him exterior and making extensive re- ers reliable performance with amaz- after a three-day test I Bhall receive have been completed for continuing a large white collie to a small white earlier, lite; might have been spared pairs for Mr. Heminway before he ing economy in operation at speeds a substantial increase in salary." pictures in Oakville. Pres. Balwin Pekinese, Including a few Intermediary the loss of their new giant vessel occupies it for the summer. two and three times greater than the His employer agreed to these terms told the association that he would take types of mongrels. Europn, which was almost completely motor car can attain with anything the contest was begun and carried tono further steps to continue opera- The woman Is said to be Mrs. John destroyed by fire recently In Hamburg like relative safety. . tion of the building until after next Bradley-Blansfield a successful conclusion by Bner who Smith, concerning whom nobody knows harbor. "Keep Off the Ground" week's meeting. At that time he anything except that she keeps dogs. thereby found himself the recipient What Wllhelm 8ays. But pliine5 cannot always be in the of a heavier pay envelope. will decide whether to recommend The warrant was Issued on complaint If you won't believe It, listen to A pretty wedding took place Mon- s selling the equipment or continuing of Piisqanle Snreceno of No. -200 Sclo day mnniiiiir u; '.':.'!(> o'clock in theair. The eros -cnuntry flier must As an artist, Frederic Baer supplies what Wlllu-lm Meeker had to say In stop for fuel and to transact the bus- the «nme method of intensive work. to operate the building. street, owner of the house. Snreceno the periodical Astrology, way back In St. Mary Mngdiil--'ii.-*s .parsonage of told- police that Mrs. Smith \VOB at Oakivlle when Mi.-.- Margaret May iness which has sent him on his This capacity for concentration, added Septi'iiilii-f,. 102S. Then he cast the flight. Unle.-" in hold,* resolutely Archers Meet. home'nt three o'clock In the morning liorosmpi) for the Europa, and al- P.lansfield, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. to his extraordinary musical talent and left again at 3:30 o'clock. to the one or two well beaten air and vocal resources, has made his . The Rainbow Archery club met last though he did not predict the confla- John Mansfield of Kockdalc avenue A check-up with city authorities [trail-! of the country, he must heed artiste progress as advanced us it ishight"with Mrs. Grover C. Baldwin ifraQoiriie declared that things did ,'! Department of Commerce warnings on Coulter street. Louis Beres gave showoil the woman had u kennel not ni!-!ir too well. • F!iy»dk'.v <>f Branfonl. Rev. today. . to keep live blooded dogs, but •M the landing conditions here, In the word* of The Worchester,the girls instructions in archery. At the time of the launching of the Cumin, pastor »f St. Mary Matfdnl-';;;•;," ^Vwne're are "hazardous", no puiicrs were vnllable to show any Europn nn August 15, 1028, at 5:15 Mass., Daily Telegram: "Baer puts There' were nine members present, of the df>;:s hurl pedigrees. The others ene'- ch»ch nffics.ted. '•prohih^W'. ,„„•oo„d onl.,...y, dry only one being nbsent. The club p. m.. i !n-' Juxtaposition of the helm . land- that extra bit of work into his solos were tailless. Five of theni were small Becker wrote WHS as follows: 'I he -bride \.-if attired in a «iiv*s of.| wcathf, ••• ,„. <„, tl mporaiy that that raises him from the ordinary expects to have a lot of fun-this sum- of fusia flat crepe with hat, v.->--, _ •. , | ,.;. ,K.-only nn gigroun" d puppies. I'd Ice say the woman hud "Tlji-n; wsrs'n how. moon In the sign mil's ami pan velvet ruat to ( ; c s F'wiii Iliennnn is secretary- The bride was attended by Miss Anna persons. Col. Lindberj;:; was.mir-.'d Jury Finds Karl Evans Not (Juilty Old clothing, burlap sacks and blan- what is mure, the' former was In 're- Wilson, who wore a dress of dore uvasuier. kets h:id been nulled up to the win- at an eastern port the other day and ceiling' ii|>i.nsltiii|i to Mars, while the gray erope fuehia flat crejiu with needed the help of all the men avail- Karl Evans of Main street, chaired dows to inulio it Impossible to sec Into qwulr:mt o'f Venus dwelt In the eighth Library Association. the rooms. Although she hud rented hut, accessories pan velvet cunt, with'able to get his ma^h'ne oh firm with reckless driving-was'found not 'house*." ' a corsaire of salmon color sweet peas.'ground. Even so he got into the The annual meeting of the Oak- the whole house, the woman had fur- • This may mean little or nothing to . iruilty by a jury in the Criminal Com- nished only the room where the dogs The bride's gift to her ' bride.maicl,' air only after six. attempt, Commer- mon Plens Court in T.itchfield on last ville Library association was held you. But tho export oyo of Wllhelm lived and furniture there was meager. ;saw"at onoe th:w,this kind of Juxta- was a sU-ing of crystal beads. The iical-pilots, airmail fliers, department ri Thursday. The -«se went to theMonday evening at the library rooms best man wfcs »EdSvard N'cwer- of of commerce and government offi- in the South school. The cuts were perched on. high fur- position YVIIS extriMiiely unfavorable, |' jury at 4 p. m./and" at 9:05 the jury niture out of reach of the dogs. not to say sinister, for, so Wllhelm Branford. cials, owner-njlots-all f«ce the same reported a verdict of not guilty and All officers' were reelected for the Despite their dark quarters and claims, It sonified that "five planets Followinglhc ccicmor.y, u wedding unocrtah-y. : OJ,«v*-£i!y are in the the defendant was discharged. ensuing year. close confinement, all the animals were In the house of death." breakf list was served at the home of'air, their work i» easy. But it's "Keep It was claimed Evans was involved The most interesting report of the seemed well fed and in fairly good the bride's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ber-'off the ground" until a modernized in an auto accident in Oakville on tvening was made by the librarian, May Be Avoided. nard Marcoux of Center street. Wa- port is reached. health, said Superintendent Boy Ink. . Wllhelm Becker added that he did Is Aviation Backward? Jan. 19th when Lucius Arrington of Miss Carrie E. W. Woodruff. The total not want to'give--away to "Cussandrlc tertown. Only members of the im- Oakville was painfully injured. Evans circulation last year was nearly 17,- mediate families were present. They Many skeptics ask, "If flying is Cries," but that, nevertheless, he felt efficient, why is it that commer- Was arralnged before Justice Hun- 000 books, with a daily average of Blinded War Hero on It his duty to recall a similarly un- wtrwere as followsfollow.,: Mr. and Mrs. Ed-.Ed, ' _ a via tlon n gerford in the local court and re-176. The library has,860 borrowers. Long Walk for Sight favorable horoscope, that of the •111 ward Bradley, and daughter, Mar*a.|«"> . . , '. ^ wrong? ceived a fine of $25 and costB. Through A gift of 100 new books by Mr. and Berlin. — Wllhelm Heger, veteran fated Titanic, the plant vessel which Miss Gertrude Seai-le and Edwa-rd ">ow in developing? his attorney he posted bonds and ap- Mrs. Albert J. Blakeslee of Water- trouper who before the. war thrilled foundered In mUlocean after smash- Newer of Branford, Mrs. E.. Allen of Jgj °£™^ Jf 1 ;aled the case to the Court of Com-bury was announced. Jgj thousands of audiences In all parts Ing Into an Iceberg one dark night 1B Willimantic, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bergers plane, large or small, is far ahead of m ->n Pleas. Wm. T. Keaveny, Jr., The secretary and treasurer read of the world as "Texas William," a the middle, of April, 1912. <>f Meriden, Dr. and Mrs, Edward of Waterbury was attorney, for Evans. their usual reports. Donations last the 1929 airport. Some of the circus athlete, Is now penniless and And all Oils disaster may be avoid- Farley of Middlebury, Mr. and Mrs. planes of today are huge and elabor- . . The entire affair appeared rather year were not quite enough to meet blind, and walking to Vlenua In hope ed. It Is only necessary to select the Oliver Blansfield of Waterbury, Mr. ate affairs but they cannot be gen- oi'eer. as if an attempt was to be made current expenses and about $250 will of regaining his sight most propitious hour for the launch- and Mrs. John Blanfield and daugh- erally untilized because there are t'> receive redress from Evans or his be needed this year to take care of Heger was wounded 11 times.during Ing of a vessel. Launching hours are ter, Corfnda, Miss Anna Wilson, few safe havens for them. Five i:.surance company for the accident. this item. The annual canvass for the war, once suffering a fractured equal to the birth of a child, Wllhelm Kenneth Fischer of Oakville, Mr. and six tons of relatively fragile Evans was following closely behind subscriptions toward the library's skull A silver plate was Inserted In: Becker claims. end Mrs. Bernard Marcoux and daugh- machinery and cargo cannot safely another car which. struck Arrington, support will be held shortly. bis skull. ter, Jane and the Misses Marcoux Se- be across rough, soggy or soft causing injuries which c6nfined him An accident after the war damaged , |Jges Bodies of Foes mone and Celcile of Watertown. ground. Or, if a heavy plane does : to the hospital for some time. An Dies Suddenly the silver plate,; however, and injured ed with cut flowers and following use such terrain, a few trips cut up Attempt was made to prove that Charles McDermott, 32 of 6 Cle- the visual nerve, causing blindness. as Cannon Projectiles The home was beautifully decorat- the turf so badly that even the light- Evan's car also injured Arirngton and matis avenue, died suddenly Monday Berlin doctors were unable to repair London.—Baclia Snkao, the brigand ed with cut flowers and following est toughest little ships cannot oper- caused most of the damage but the morning of acute indigestion. The the damage and'suggested that he go king of Afghanistan, has disposed of the breakfast, a social time was en- ate. jury decided Evans was not guilty. bcdy was taken to New Haven. to Vienna and consult the specialist four of his eneniles by having them joyed. Later in the day the bride New York, Detroit, Glendale and Funeral services were held on Wed- there who performed the original op- shot from thp mouths of cannon, the and groom , Mr. and Mrs. Melville R. Long Beach, Calif., St. Louis, Mil- nesday morning at the Church of eration. Dally Mall's Lahore correspondent re- Bradley left for a motor trip after waukee and a number of other cities LOCAL NEWS tlie Sacred Halt. j Without funds for the trip, Heger ported recently. which they upon their return will beeither have met the situation or are Mr. McDermot was well known et out walking. The king claimed the men were at their new home on Main street, preparing to meet it by installing here, where he had lived for two years leaders of a plot to kill him. A rummage sale under the auspic- Following up his attempt to en-Stony Creek. * hard paved runways. The Ford port, ies of the Auxiliary of Leroy G. Wood- Ho was employed as service manager .Roosevelt Plans Hunt trench himself firmly In the. kingdom Mrs. Bradley is a very popular just outside Detroit, saved the day for the E. M. Jennings Co. for pilots visiting the recent Detroit ward Post of the .American Legion in "Forbidden Land" he seized from Ainanull:ili. Baclia cal. girl and graduted from the Wa- was held in Community Hall on kFri- Sakno offered n larse rowanl for tertown high school where she hadlajr show because Ford had put in day. Attends College Picnic Shanghai.—Kermlt Roosevelt and Nadir Khun, minister of war Inmany friends and is very well known concrete runways. And under the Miss Marjorie Wildnian was a guest Amnnullah's government. in town. \vet weather conditions that prevail- The Waterbury High School base- c ed, those runways alone afforded ball team left on Thursday for a three at the college picnic on Sunday at Amnnullnh nl o was desirous of ar- o resting Nadir Khan, the Dally Mall .*afe landing and takeoff facilities. day trip into Massachusetts where acorrStorr*s boyv Mrwr.. a«anud Mrs».-.. -»-Claud-e V•. • bor(fer, ,,„ Tlbet !n search of the dispatch said, l&r the reason was not I.ewin-Johnson To be succc.'-'sful, commercial avia- they will oppose some of the BuBadgeBadgy er oof Wolcott for their daugh- nn"fhoP nnil (lf,lpr -.„.„ nn!nmla given. It wn«s repmted lust February tion must be an all-weather, all- State's best High School nines. ter. Miss Isabel Badger, Miss Wild- ((f ,(](JS d that Nndir Khan wns preparing for an Invitations have been received for season proposition. Planes, equip- A son was born recently at theman and Badger are students at nunters attempt to seize the throne for him- ihe marriage of Miss Katherine Wood- ment and men are available to 'do the Waterbury hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Connecticut Agricultural college. The natives, according to the ward, daughter, of Mr. and Mrsjob.. But America cannot take to Harry Humiston. I spondem. -have refused to al field, Mass., after visiting at the oatonl mdmattai Is to break the feet Sunday school attendance for 10 the nice warm summer weatner in case they should see any suspended lain ot nature and nation, sajt fbe home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bron- Get busy in your garden, Sum- /days. :son of De Forest Street. imer is here. driven.operating motor vehicles.' Atehbon CHob*. years.

•4* *f• * *o ." .1 Property of the Watertown Historical Society

watertownhistoricalsociety.orgat Sommer Wear toal^owntoaElo 19M coat Itself ta nwdL n.p»e and full length, and the which to jathewd softly at the Has Day, hangs closely over the ahoul- SeWtoO. walstlto. and ta edged with large flat roses made of the vel- t TOI ,» — — — - JeT ThSe ot tbeae flntah the neck rived. It has been weed again ud at the back. •gain by French modistes, and pot Cape-Coat to Be Popular. forward la attractive models of differ- Even though velvet ta the favorite of ent sons. But velvet as somethlns the hour, at least for American wom- warm and luxurious has so long been en, other beautiful materials axe. associated with winter wardrobe* tltat shown In the advaace models. Some women have accepted only the occa- of the French bouses appear to have sional Jacket cr some chic accessory, tweeter until this aoason Now, however, since chosen one 'particular fabric, or per. haps more, as their special marks. Wext ttme.a coated *•••* JJJJ fur Is less fashionable for the summer, breath, or acrid akto gives endenes the velvet wrap la to be ultra smart, Loulaeboulanger to using heavy rep silk with a rich, dull surface which of sow itomacb-try Phillips UUk t. says a fashion writer to the New York |fl t Times. It Is an utterly different fabric she trims with marabout, always ta a«tm«ln t that la used, one almost literally trans- the same tone, and sometimes with a Get acquainted with this perfect an. parent, wltl/a surface almost aa deli- bit of embroidery. Lnden Leloni tl-add that helps the system keep cate as that of a butterfly's wing, and pins his faith to velvet, using mud sound and sweet That every stomach because of Its fragile texture more needs at times. Take it whenever a suitable for'wraps than for gowns. hearty meal brings any discomfort. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won At a recent fashion review of un- medical endorsement. AndJ»nvtaeed usual brilliance evening wraps, nine- miUlons of men and women they dldn t tenths of which were made of velvet, bave indigestion." • Don't «!£ "« drew special attention. They were don* suffer; Just remember Phillips. soft dinging creations of several de- Pleasant to take, and always effective. signs, on the whole exceedingly sim- The name Phillips to important; it ple, but In no wny commonplace. Some Identifies the genuine product "Mi* bad deep flounces that swayed and Washington--Mrs. Alfred J. Bros- of Magnesia" has been the U. 8. regis- rippled about the figure or.were fin- tered trade mark of the C^** =• •rail, former president general of the ished with other details that gave Daughters of the American Revolu- Phillips Chemical Co. audits pre- them grace. Whatever trimming was decessor Charles H. Phillips since 1875 Won le shown receiving an American used went Into the scheme of the silk flag from «••• Betsy Ross, dl- wrap, and there was an absence of rect descendant of the designer of the ornaments and tackles. Stars and Stripes. Miss Ross repre- wnted the boys and girts of the United The triumph of the collection was a cape coat of white velvet made States In the Amsdcan Flag Assocla* with long, moderately wide sleeves, tion'a contest The flag is the «*•*•"• which were gathered in a cluster of made entirely from American silk co- snlrrlngs u> give a mousquetalred ef- coons. • fect from the elbow to the band— which was covered to the fingertips. By ELMO SCOTT WATSON The wrap was cut three-quarten S FLAG DAT, 192U. approaches length on the Unea of a plain dolman It is interesting to note cape, but appeared shorter aa It was that this year marks the wrapped about the figure and held at fortieth anniversary of one side. The bottom was finished the series of events wblch with a flounce deep at the back and ta- Masahwahlp •«« led. to the establishment New York.—The photograph shows pering toward the front, and a row of June 14 as a day for a belongs to New York City and to the of huge roses of the velvet across the New York Press. . (left to right) Catherine H. Dodge, Tomato Accident national observance In grandniece of Francis Scott Key. and back of the neck took the place of The year 188» was many years prior Little Sully, age five, said to her T - honor of the Stars and Mrs. Laura Brisk, mother of Flag day, to the agitation of Flag Day; andI long | a collar. mother: "Do you 'spose we will have Stripes. The story of how a New before Samuel Adams published hU on the mall In Central park where the - Ideal Wrap for Bride. any more of those 'tomato acddentsT Xork newspaper bad a part In bring- delightful volume entitled "The Dra-One Hundred and Fourteenth birth- The Impression made by this model Unable to think of anything that re-1 Ins this about Is told by George u. matic Story of Old Glory." day of Old Glory waa celebrated with was that It would be an Ideal wrap sembled such a catastrophe, her moth-l Brennan In a letter to Editor and Pub- This movement to display the flag patriotic music and Impressive cere- tor a bride. It was shown In several er asked what she meant She saldrl Usher as follows: . ., •• .„,. on every federal building bad the In- monies last year. The observance of Slag Oar th" dorsement of President Anjnmln Har- variants using new colors, particularly "Why don't you 'member when thatl year has revived the mooted question rison who later had a lending part In .' • • *"> the "off shades," one of cool char- Formal Wrap for 8ummsr of Coral rain and wind knocked down all those •rtto?rla*i ot the P"**"J>*dSS£uuLa^ another patriotic gesture connected treuse being lined with pale gold, an- Velvet Nsw Cape Top Is Used. bouses and killed those peoplei" the national color, on pubUc building, triotic duties of American citizen- other of aquamarine blue with silver; and on public •choota of the Onuea with the flag. By a joint resolution State*. Who WM responsible for thl. approved June 29. 1802. congress re- ship." apricot, peach and a symphony In color black,. and Molyneux 1s making de- What the world also suffered from solved. "That the President of the The state superintendents of educa- borrowed from the garden nasturtium, lightful evening wraps of georgette, 100 years ago was bad Jokes. Bead f United States be authorized and di- tion held their meeting that year In all yellow, orange and brown. with many frills. the old almanacs. ttslrtsSSSii to .tt-mPt «.-: rected to Issue a proclamation rec- Brooklyn. N. Y. They appointed a com- Only one wrap shown In that revue A material that Is generally accept- awer In your columns as to who start- ommending to the people the observ; mittee of five to. prepare a program was fur-trimmed—one to a soft shade ed to crepe satin. Some sweetly pretty id the patriotic ball a-rolllne; and the ance In all their localities of the four for universal use on October 21. Foor of beige with a collar of beige fox— wraps are made of this, with the satin ntrfoUo flags a-Oylng. It Is Just thlrty- members of this committee were state llst years ago this summer since the hundreth anniversary of the discovery which Indicates that a roll collar, a side out In the ruffled cape model, of America, on October pi. 1802. by superintendents; the fifth was Francis scarf of the material and trimming with usually a scarf neck arrangement public demonstrations and by suitable Bellamy, member of the editorial staff of large fabric flowers are considered The roost pretentious styles show clev- exercises In their schools and other of the Youth's Companion. more modish. Yet some of the prom- er uses of both the lustrous and the places of assembly."- Upon the request of James P. Op-inent designers are adding a touch of dull surface, which Is most attractive ham, one of the proprietors of the fur to their evening wraps; usually a In* coats with cape collars. As this is SJiKbrar,. K-A.7 wSTaK Accordlngly. President Harrison Is- collar, although sometimes a buna shown to a plstache model, the coat ished at the conditions of public neg- sued a proclamation dated July l. Youth's Companion, Bellamy wrote the lect tlierln set forth and the unanimity words which are now variously known around the bottom, as Redfern trims Itself and the cape are made with of distinguished public opinion de- 1802. designating October 21 (not Oc- the bright side out, and a wide band veloped in the nag propaganda of ttoe as the "Pledge of Alleglnnre to the some of his wraps whatever the mate- Flag." the "Flag Pledge." and the "Sa- rial of which they are made. on tbe dull side to stitched around the -rht New York Press was then owned lute to the Flag." The pledge as writ- One of the most striking wraps cre- bottom of the cape. This model, with by a grou* of which James Phillips. Jr.. Our Sttunleu Flag . ten by Bellamy is: ated by Lelong for his spring eol- the snme contrasts of fabric, Is also oTS.fchburg. Mass; *}«»»,*• J£*e* attractive in the quieter shades, such of New York, and George west ui O'er battlcmmts ml rm»prm»psrts » «» *• "I pledge allegiance to my flag,an d lection might easily be Included for Ballston •» Y, were leading figures. dayd * off beabtt and strifestrife. the autumn, for it Is made of black as beige, corn silk and the soft yel- £* PWillp. had induced Clement M l d la swaddUnS to the Republic for which It stands: lows, greens and grays. Hammond, assistant managing editor one notion Indivisible, with liberty Old CIOCT waived. aD radlart with tri- One evening coat of frencb gray of the Boston Globe, to becom Xork eP man1> s - and Justice for all." aging director of the New ,f " , l; velvet Is printed with a pattern of and Mr. Hammond had brought with No ^iluH^rw^i^rhtU o b« fold. t. According to Bellamy's own story, graceful plumes in pastel blue, mauve niro Thomas C. Qulnn. also of the Bos- mar her IcwUniss. . he wrote the pledge at the office of V^eak After ton Globe, as managing editor of the And b.arU alljm. •»«• PMstas, •" and green, and trimmed with finely Press. Fred F. Burgin was *liy_ editor the Youth's Companion one evening etched lines of steel bends, and has a of the Press, and Louis J. Lane. in August, 1802, while Jnmes P. Op- coilnr of blue fox. The sleeves ore Operation S, biographer of Thomas C. Plajt. without a stain t ham waited outside the door for him long, with the fashionable cluster, of and now a valued member of Mr. to do it. This Incident probably gave Hearst's forces, wa. acting Washing- shirring to guther fullness toward the '{About five months ago, ion correspondent. t Tno1' tyrants still tapsrll tovsrfm oso- rise to the story that Opham himself following an operation for I pics as of yore, . wrote the .pledge. After appearing in bottom. . As I was aware at tjie time, ttie Several of the new velvet evening appendicitis I did not gain •at display Idea was Mr. Quint.'., and The- fo« of taw an* ordsr would unleash the program prepared by the state su- strength enough to be up and tb? work of convincing the Washing- i perintendents for use on Columbus coats are lined with satin of precisely Sn authorities for official sanction a. day. 1802. the pledge wus approved the same shade, and hove wide fac- about. My mother aruisister to public buildings was Mr. Lang s. it in tfas bncn ings down the front of metallic cloth, advised me to take Lydia E* The propaganda encompassed the en- And huHs osftan." at th. autooraU hv many patriotic organizations and tire country with expressions of exult- Was llnally adopted In schools through- which Is used also to line the neck Hnkham's Vegetable Cona- in? co-operation from Bovernors con- out the United States until it Is now scarfs. This treutment of the neck \ I have taken five gressmen, clergymen, school teachers, ( i And'btmrts an.V» with passion for serves as a trim finish for the plain and other Influential characters of the regarded as almost an official part of ooccies and it has helped me to Say. in July. 1S89. William Wlndom. oar public school procedure. coat model, on which no fur or other get strong so I can do my own secretary of the treasury, and John 00 widMwTa strtnl trimming Is used. Many educators later objected to housework now. I have recom- Wanamaker. then postmaster general, Oh may the tlortaus Stars and Stripss Rich Color Effects. mended it to several friends were^convmced. and from that day to "my flag" In'the pledge.'With the large Evenlnp emn-mbles In which the new this tne Stars and Stripes have been f orovor and S day number ot foreign-bora pupils In our who have been weak and run* delayed on every public bulWI«« ta To.worthy dsrds oi rWitoousi— and lustrous velvet wrmis, are the high the United States every day during . honor Uad tbt way, school* that phrase, says the United down."—Mrs. Oscar Oman, I And may our children's chOdmi Uara t* light offer the possibility of artistic Box 74,ThiefRiverFaUs, Minn. office hours. In the rules of the Navy . ~.m-M mmA orian States Bureau of Education. Is clearly creations between wrap and gown. The 4 Department there had been from early ia»anncs a»u ?"*• ambiguous. Consequently the pledge artistry appears hirgely In the selec- times a rule for the display of the pndou. fHt «"•««•*- hns been inlormal>y revised.. The ver- flag on public buildings of that de- it tion of colors, in the new collections partment but this rule had fallen Into sion now most widely used is: are countless ensembles In which tne morTor less dlsobservance following i;t »1 pledge allegiance to the Flag ot gown, wrap nnd wni|» Hnlnc lire all to without a stain! the United States of America and tq ""such" dirsimllar characters as Rev one tone. This combination In a cos- Dr McArthur and Father MeClynn —FrodVrfcsi TUo*w« Bastal. the Republic for which It stands: one tume all ot pale gold-the gown of were aroused to leadership for the die- nation Indivisible, with liberty and luce and chiffon nnd the wrap of trans- tolier 12) as a Rcneral ho:iday. justice for all." parent velvet llnpd with satin- thtit diiy," said fie President, "let the The next step In the story of the de- produces a poetic creation, nnd the KlJV^3Sr-2-«r-T.hTa:-rS people, so" far as possible, (vuse from velopment of Flag day Is the story Krlieme Is w|iuill> felicitous to other That the then board of education of the toll und devote themselves to such ex- of Mrs. Laura B. Prlsk. known as the ensemoles of pnstel shades and of the city at first carried out Its flag Id.-.. ercises as may best express honor to> ••Mother of Flag Dny." In 1016 Mrs. *.IP on Tuesday. September 10. 18«. ITlsk. who was editor of the Patri- vivid colors. „__—«. tt. day Ifter the opening "tttoM* the Dlspoverer end their apr*eciution The quiet colors—grays and browns that year. tl°0<>t


Dr. CSMMII ins •OBstipaUoB for 47 ITS foUy to suffer long from n«*« that •TsMttsr fcow cars of their health, dM ud jweto •ritis, neuralgia, or headaches when ittoaiio* win oeear from time to BUM. tdief is swift and tore, with Bayer wCTtapwtaa^ti^ls tay to totrt Aspirin. For a8 years the medical it when it MOM. iSrTOaMwell always profession has recommended It It was in fawr of ***** •• aatara a* poeeible, ksac* Us remedy for cwst> •fees not affect the heart Take it pattoais » mild vegetable compound. It for colds, rheumatism, sciatica, STnU h*nn the^ost deliosC system lumbago. Gargle it for a sore throat and is not haWt forming. or tonsilitis. Proven directions for The Doctor never did approve of dras- tie physics and purges. Be did not believe) its many uses, in every package. they were good for human beings topu t An dreg stores have genuine Bayer into their system. Use Syrup ftpsjn for Aspirin which is readily identified yourself and members of the family in MANENTWAVE cmstipatton, biliousness, soar sjrienmpy by the name en the box and the stoms^Tbsd breath, no appetite, head- Bayer cross on every tablet aches/and to break up fevers and colds. Get a bottle today, at aanny drugstore and observb e thesthee three rules of health rr^Kp the head cool, the feet warm, tte bowels ^ASPIRIN open. For a frea trial bottle, just write "Syrup Pepsin," D«pt BB, Monticello, Illinois. DoYauWmnttm GabiWclfMf Bites, Stbf of Beet S to U 1b*.in OM nvanfetB in eaay enjoyable way, wna> ^dVmmmhud* Mtft^U|MnfAa]« HAMPORiyS B¥«*" OP MYRRH vouwewUl mall .yon fug •> llWbatkf«Sistb*«l*lr»*s«ttedllWbatkf«Sistb*«l*lr»* . tntmUn. 'formation In plain envelope, if yon will let of know TOUT present Originated Dating System Weight. Height The custom of dating events from and Acs. the blrtb of Jesus Christ originated •with a learned monk of Rome, Dlo- nyslus Exlguus, who compiled and Wri* ~ CmM computed the paschal cycle. Dlony- THE GAINWEICHT COMPANY slus lived In the Fifth and Sixth cen- HNNEY OF THE FORCE A Lot With Perpetual Care turies, dying about 553. tl lafayatto AVMNM

It Ain't Human Not To I "He's a wall-eyed llur." "What makes you think thatr BOYS AN« aiRlii ".fle says when he Is In front seat Could you UHB IS a day for the next J o no matter how reckless the driver Is, WffkK? If so. send a dlmu fur a novelty and Mamlon,4/* CUmaUi-Coo/ Wlntef dfois HoWb-Tooilag t he'never tries to put on the brakes." !SujKi.SrtaaS3e 784. ROCHESTER. ». T. CSldid R««d^-Cow>ou« MooaUia ATTENTION. Rnpld Unlveriwl. 8plf-AdJu»t- alilo wrench. Wholo kit wrvnelu-a In one. NMM AK«-ntH wantnl. fampln half prlce_ $1 only. 8CHULTE8 CO.. WEST NEW, YORK. N. J. aim P CA Ooldni Butam Hwert Corn Hc«I. 9«% germ- It May Be MKN - ^M 0^ROa Ja-p. 1 S Send two ddllara or live dollar* to HAR- MONY, BOX 227. 8TKU13ENV1LLE. OHIO. LBABN 8HOBTIIAND In five ea*y lewon*. i Rapid, accurate. ca«y to learn at home. Com- PATENT rOB SALE plete course by mall. $10 monpy order, case Automatic pocan nut cracking <"•«>"•• School. 6241 Orand River. Detroit. Mich.. Wrlto for lllUBtratcd elreular: Jle O-U1S. COTTON MILLS—AWHJ8TA, OA. For sale; A-l bld«B. w«'ll oijulpped: «,t00 «plndli«. $231,000. Ter*I"iElilS

Wood and Coal Boabmai eitabllihed «0 bFFi^ ^pVLkETSTOBj? yeara: railroad property and huilneiia for Leadlns biulneaa In Naibvllle. Tenn. $7,600. Barry & Conrad, Ltd.. Broken, it* Confederation Bid*. Montreal, Quo. Oenrml Store, In very pro»perou« town. Province of Quebec: net profit of 13.000; ISS^SSSSST annu.?,y?o;Wnr &S will roll for $18,000. inclndlnB propertlej. Price 161.000. Pronpertun. File O-ltlT. Barry A Conrad. Ltd.. Broker*, 424 Con- DBIJO 8TOBE OPPOBTOMIT*; federation Bids., Montreal, Que. . > atores 100% local Ions proiperoua KentseKr General Store, entabllahed • yeara; maklna; city: eat. 24 yra.; owner retlrlni. aaer. bata bhjturnover annually; will acll property for " P*> Weat 42nd 8t.. N. T. • ptcklea; gro*» aalea average $J,000.000 an- nually: autwtantlal prollts: excellent op- Excellent Comer Location, Tucka- portunity for national advertlyed food hoeT^oInK $700 weekly; «ood J-aae; real products concern to acquire. Write) for bargain.' Empire Broker*, 162 Wc»t 42nd Illustrated proiipcctus under file O-11SS. Wntnyour St., M. T. . • ' THE APPLE-COLE COMPANT BEDBUGS, ANTS, lOOt TranaportaUon Bid... Detroit. M*. ROACHES KILLED A BCSINESH OPPORTUNITY, enter real Children Oy eatate buslneaa. Unlimited earnlhga. Sand QUICK, EASY WAY for particular*. Dept. N. Y.. Real B*UtaJ»«. itltule. 116 Townsend, New Haven. Conn. •.Roschts.Anta.AUe far ft I quart. AUo liquid lea or mailed direct WHAT IS LIFE AND ' Castoria is a comfort when Baby Is fretful. No sooner taken than the little 3., CincinnatitJ,Ohlo. . HAPPINESSWORTH? Are you or your children tired «n *f"l»«|» one la at ease. If restless, a few drops the morning? Doe* your back acheT Byna soon bring contentment No barm dona, $6 for Personal Scientific Testing Set toDe - tect Bright* Disease and Dlabetea >n •arti- for Castoria Is a baby remedy, meant That Proves They Were No Good Jor Constipation. est and curablo .stage*. Use quarterly m lor babies, Perfectly safe to give the more frequently. Good for sixty teat*. • THE FEATHERHEADS INTERNATIONAL LABOBATOBIBS youngest Infant; you have the doctors' Liver Disorders PEEKHKILL - - - - - NEW TOBK. word for that! It Is a vegetable pro- Dry Goods Store, established 17 y«an: do- duct and you could use it every day. XVMSSftVlNS BOOTH-OVLRTON ing $26,000 annually: Important reason for sale. Barry at Conrad, Ltd., Broken, 4M But It'B In an emergency that Castorla «* BACK AT MB Confederation Bide., Montreal, Qua. means most Some night when consti- AX^60tt Saab aad Door Factory, near Montreal ea- pation must be relieved—or colic pains RMAU.Y Sbltahed since 1»13; ~ll property. :naoUa- TABLETS ery. for $«,600 ca*h. Barry * Conrad. 1M- —or other suffering. Never be without Brokers, 424 Confederation Bid... Montrea* It* some mothers keep an extra bottle, Sold by Druggists Que. unopened, to make sure there wlU al- Hotel and Carasv, will sell property eaS) ways be Castorla in the bouse. It Is «gularSiie, 100 tablets 60c SSod wm for$«!oOO. Barry J> Conrad. MJ- Brokers, 424 Confederation Bldg., Montreal. effective for older children, too; read Medium Sixe, 40 " 30c. Que. the book that comes with it Grocery. SO mile* from Montreal, established 14 years; will sell for $8,600. Barry * Con- rad' Ltd!, Brokers, 424 Confederation Bid*-.. Montreal, Que. CWCHESTPS PILLS Garage and Sales Agency, on main hlgfc- way; annual turno««>, -•-,-"• — v-v*^ BRAND able offer refusedturnover. Barr, $76,000y * Conrad: no . Ltd- CASTORIA Brokers, 424 Confederation Bldg., Montreal, One. Bilious ? for CHt-CHn-TKB; S IIX8 in R«o_and/ «W>b Yoa'n ba "fltand fiM" farmornin* —tonano char, headache tone, appetHa tack, bomb acting pleasantly. UHoa at* tackfbrgotfn. Forconstlpatkn. too. Bet* ter than nf.n tH BY ALLDRU66ISTS EVERYWHERE »' W. N. U., NEW YORK, NO. 22AV9. For Baby'* Tender SJkin i-ootV 35* Cutieura locked; will a*U reawmably: Including building, property: containing S rooma and TALCUM «atn: all lmprovenenta. Empire Broken. 1ES West 42nd St. N. T- • The Ueal powder forhi s daily tojBets^ sSSeds^ V cools and comfads tender skins. 'ft^tectdinBe.

4*ir-l J-rf»«* ^1. .•-..•/..'- '. Property of the Watertown Historical Society •V :-J?^>*-:-^--.

TWWi Pnb&riwd weekly oa Friday* watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBy Dunkd P. O. Box 22S Watertown, Conn. w & Carl Fischer Publisher FrancU P. Flynn. Assistant Editor Subscription—$2 yearly in advance

Entered aa 2nd class matter at thi STARTS SATURDAY Watertown postoflice under act c>f March 3, 1S79.

FRIDAY, MAY 31. 1929 The World's Greajcst Manrd at tke Art of Witt Ttke Wtterbury Aadteaces by Stem Satarday! VARIOUS KINT)S OF GROWTH

Most of the towns in Connecticut are earnestly desirous of making com- EVERYBODY IS GOING WILD OVER HIM IN HIS FIRST munity gains, of attracting more population and gaining more busi- SINGING TALKING ANLV DANCING PICTURE ness and trade and keeping up with advantages. Our people here hi .Canaan share that sentiment strongly HEAR MAURICE QffiVAUER so it is important to consider what kind of gains we wish to concentrate The AL JOLSON of Paris, Ameriea'a New Thrill tpon. THISMONTM In some eommunites, the boosters IT-L B& IM YOUC EMPLOV seem' eager, for population growth VEAOS- IN more than anything else. Any kind 01 a new industry is welcome, even if it employed the rawest kind of un skilled labor. Anything that wil n enable them to take a higher posi- Innocents of Paris tion in the census of • 1JK5O will be thankfully accepted. But there are *many towns tha are not so eager for growth in COMEDV TEAJ4 quantity a.* in quality. They want D'UJXE- to see business more successful, so CAMINE 6. f that better wages can be paid, which FEUME. The means that people can improve, thei i» E. A. BEERCE homes. and so that the people can WATERBURY easily afford to pay more tnxes and MOVOrOAND constribute by private subscription ti OENEBAL TBUOEINO GAS LIGHT needed in*>rcv«?»no?its. TOO MUCH PUBLICITY They are anxious for more beauti When in need of service CO. ful home grounds, more and better Publicity is a wonerful thing, and Ford Foresees A Utopia in my line, get my Cknr. Center ft Leavenworth kept parks mid playgrounds, better it is revolutionizing business, but price first schoolhouses. more gem'rous suppor Streets there can be too much of it in pri- WATEBBURY, OONN. of .-chools. a' public library if thevate life. There is a growing feel- Phone 66-2 same is lacking. A town might.' make, that Col. Lindbergh and bis in- PHONE 5564 very remarkable 'gains along such tended bride are getting a little* too line", even if it did nut succeed in much' of -pu'Oi-.- "ttonticn. u! lliat any rapid population growth. they are eir.itu*'!. during their i-:v As a usual thing, population growth Kagemcnt and honeymoon, to a little does bring some or many of thesi of;the that seclusion that makes the gains, because then- arc move people charm of this roseate period. Watertown Office to bear the burdens. ' But the two The Ann i.e. •, pf.-pln admire these most important things are to pro- two young ''ol'. MI nidch'tha: they METROPOLITAN CLEANERS and DYERS Inc. mote the spirit of taste and can want tu kiur'v i-vci-y single thing they among the citizens that shall en do, but we i-iusi not let our interest Main Street. PHONE 270 courage beauty. and order, and, to in th<>m spoil this period of romance. promote business enterprise, which shall lead to energetic measures to WE CALL AND DELIVER The Law Enforcement Commission. develop trade. A town where thes ideas prevail. is going to make it Open From 8 A. M. — 6:30 P. M. President Hoover's commission on self very attractive to the most i law enforcement has received its in- telligent and successful people. Saturdays Till 8 P.M. structions,' and it faces some job. There are some things it can do, and JUNE BRIDES some things it can't. Utopia which he pictures is not so The thing that it can do is to sug- ENRY FORD, who completed ^and delivered the millionth ol far fetched. The commercial can-. The month of marriages is here. 0 gest a series of changes that will »C his ne\v "A" cars morjj th:in a hrries of today have reduced the course every month is a month qi speed up the administration of the month ago, thirties that there is too time it is now necessary to devote marriage, but une seems especially laws, and cut out futile technicalities much drudgery in the home. Per- to the preparation and cooking of to abound with^them, and'there'has and make justice more prompt and haps he wants people to have more food in the home to a minimum. always been an additional halo of ro- sure. But no commission, no mat time for motoring. At any rate, he That the housewife appreciates this HOWLAND-HUGHES manace over marriages that take ter how learned and able, can accom writes in his new book, "My Phi- help is proved by the (act that one place in June. plish these changes alone. Then losophy of Industry": , ' billion' more cans of processed foods BANK STREET WATERBURY, CONN. "The great problem in the home were produced and sold in 1928 than That is as it should be, for Juni must be a powerful demonstration of in the previous year. WATERBURY'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE public feeling in tavor of such changes todayis too much drudgery. It may is in itself beautiful and romantic, tb sound like an astonishing proposi- The canneries have not yet solved Store Hours 9 to 6. Saturdays 9 to 9. . Telephone 1175. glorious month of roses. - strong, enough to induce the legis- tion to advance, but we shall i.inn the problem of delivering the food What better time to wed than whe latures of the various states to taki find a way to do much of the cook-: hot, but they have eliminated such the fields are abloom with flowers, needed action. ing outside an'J deliver it in a Ivt a vast amount ot the washing, peel- and the sweet song of birds is in th and appetizing condition at meal ing, stoning and seeding of fruits air? DEDICATE TREES time at ho greater cost than and vegetables, the boning and skin- NEW WHITE FELT HATS which it is now bcins? prepared, in ning of fish and the picking of fowl, What • bett-v » month for honey FOR CAPTAIN MOLLY the workman's home." . to say nothing of the Ion? hours $1.95 to $3.95 moons? women formerly spent cooking over Yuung man—young lady—if you Five cedar trees forming the back- Not So Far Fetched / a hot stove, that the American The perfect all-occasion hat for summer. wear—in tiny brimless are engaged: or expect to be shortly ground for the grave of Margaret . Like most of his theories, as his Inusewife has acquired a new free- cloches, small brim models that go so well with the light summery —why not seize the opportunity to own personal success indicates, this > dom.* • Corbin,—"Captain Molly" of Revo- costumes—comfortable and smart. All head sizes. , mak" a Tuna wedding of it? lutionary fame,—in. the military And while we are • on the subject cemetery at West Point _\vas dedi- GOSSIP CALLED MAN'S gossip'to be a heritage to man from let's not forget the brides of form cated on May 28 • by the New York jungle aAcestc}'s. "Men delight in er years. Remember ..those who State Officer's Club of the Daughters HERITAGE FROM MONKEY spreading evil tales because they WHITE and PASTEL SUMMER COATS married in June.' of the past with of the American Revolution. At the haven't the' courage to use poison gas tokens of your affection—perhaps, in- same time a memorial wreath was The genesis of gossip was the $15 and $16.50 or iirearms on their enemies," he deed, your mother too was a "June laid on'the grave.- \ • jungle, Dr. Edward Amhei-st Ott has Bride." >ai or half line . . . tailored for all-occasion wear. Transparent buried at Highland Falls but in April of the monkey chattering about the INSTRUCTION IN ADVERTISING. velvet coats of coral, brown and navy—fully lined with silk crepe. 1926, her remains were reinterred in lion because he isn't big enough to Ideal for summer evening formats, as well as street wear. the West Point Military Cemetery fight him physically." ' ' Rather than take out me insur- It would be interesting to see by the New York State Conference, ance policies to protect his employes, Sizes 16 to 38 figures, informing the public how Dr. Ott, president of the Educa- F. R. Brown of Enniikillen, Ireland, P. A. R. - The cedar stump which tional Extension Service, believes many schools there are in which in- marked her original grave has been elected to go to prison. struction in advertising is given as a regular course. Our guess would made into gavels for presentation purposes by the Officers' Club. "Miss Marie" ' be that there are thousands of Dresses for Summer — Frocks of Exquisite Charm — schools and classes where this in- The dedication program was opened struction is being given. with patriotic airs by the West Point or Sophisticated Smartness Anyway, it', is one of the common- Military Band. The Rev. Arthur B. at $16.50 ' est features of business education. Kinsolving, U. S. Army chaplain, gave The people who take charge ef pre- the invocation and M.ajqr General Dainty printed crepes, novelty woven The trees were dedicated by Mrs. Charles White Nash, president of the $1.00 to $2.95 THREATENING LETTERS New York State Officer's Club, D. A. Straightline styles and two-piece effects of flowered materials R. "Trees," Joyce Kilmer's poem, set Wbne JJndyand Am* MayjMm The practice of sending blackmail- and prints—trimmed with shirring, ruffles, lace and embroidery. to music by Oscar Rasbach was sung Short sleeve and sleeveless for hot summer days. Sizes 7 to 14. Tig letter.-, to prominent or wealthy by the West Point Officers' Quartet. people, demanding large sums of The service concluded by the Star money, and making dire threats if ~pangled Banner, played by the West I the same are not delivered, seems Point Military. Band and Taps sound- DIMITY AND SHEER VOILE SUMMER DRESSES to be becoming more common. Few ed by Corporal Frank Matthews, U. people could receive such letters with- for little tots 2 to 6 out suffering anxiety, even though S. M. A. the person who sent them may not Immediately after the ceremony at $1.00 to $2.95 be anyone who should be taken seri- the grave a memorial wreath was placed on the Corbin memorial tablet Pastel color voiles—and prints—lace and embroidery trimmed. ously. • *, Also little ensembles in plain coats and printed dresses. If such threats are made wi(h any in th,e Church of the Holy Innocents serious purpose of extracting money, at Highland Falls. Mrs. Nash spuke SECOND FLOOR it makes, one shudder to think that again and the wreath was placed by such vile persons are at large among Mrs. Parker. Prayer was offered by us. . Such letters may be the work the Rev. Henry Lowndes. Drew, rec- of people of loose mentality, but peo- :or of the church. ple capable of making such threats The memorial committee was tom- need to be behind the bars somewhere. osed of Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Lev- HOWLAND-HUGHES Anyone who can offer any 'nforma- erett F. Crumb, representing the club tion helping to detect them should and Colonel E. J. Timberlake, U. S. gladly contribute it. A., representing West Point. Property of the Watertown Historical Society

ites has jumped another inually. it is more necesi er to know juit how to hai iny kinds of food that c< form. It's the simplest f world to handle, but on oblems which.the houso p against is to know just v in of any particular food If your recipe calls for or instance, of §ny partic jrou want to know what n contains nearest to t. The contents of most > ated in ounces on the V, *- •!«•« mm fiv mimberfi Property of the Watertown Historical Society

Attest. fairly HANDLESS WOMAN POUCE HELPED AS NAVAL EVE TO dy calBBly rocking to berfawwlte chair. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgSbe glanced op in surprise. -Why. where yon beenr she In- Stub* Serve a* Arms, But She's Two Wwslts OB • RENEWED quired mildly. "It was so hot that 1 Holdup decided not to go far. Just over to Expert Pilot. ROMANCE Mis* TottonV in Fight, .Dies Twice. Los Angeles.—With stubs only sh Washington.—Plans tor giving each, Milly tank upon the couch, over- ot the

"Quiet Life" Bore* : Chicago.—Declaring the "quiet life" FREE PRESENTS to the first 50 Ladies jthey led was too much for her, Mrs. ,Alexander Scharlog, of Chicago, has ,sued her husband for divorce. The |coople have had no spoken word In (ton years.

r * tt i . i - " -I 5f