Property of the Watertown Historical Society T* V'Y •'•" '•• ;"^f"'? - * * WATBRTOWN. CONN, FRIDAY. MAY 31, 1929 TWO DOLLARS PER YEA*. ———-r——rr- ' i LANDMARK REMOVED TO POOR PORTS SHACKLE NEW YORK BARITONE OAKVILLE CMC GROUP 22 DOGS, 3 CATS | CONSULT STARS TO ! MAKE WAY FOR STREET COMMERCIAL FLYING TO SING AT CONCERT DRIVE FOR MEMBERS KEPT BY RECLUSE AVO'D SEA WRECKS •——•— Old Red Burn Was Built When Nails Automobile Hbtorjr Repeated •• Frederick Baer Secured by George Association to Facing Financial Pres- All Housed in One Room by ; Were Cut From Wrought Planes Advance In Efficiency Morgan Taft School Music sure Saya President Graver C. Give Attrologers Chance to ' Iron Beyond Ground Equipment Baldwin^-Oakville Notes New York Woman. Supervisor k Do Their Stuff. Rochester, N. Y.—Police and a Hu- Ttie red barn on Nova Scotia Hill By the time it was twenty-five Frederic Baer, New York baritone Plans for a membership canvass of ad wh ch yean old, the automobile industry the entire village were discussed at a mane society representative have re- Berlln.-Xow It can be told. The ™ , l , formerly belonged to has been secured by George Morgan leased 22 dogs and'three large Per- thrif.....t of shippin. g men,-.thei..r. reluc. - < ^li«i>>ln« Kelley'KttllAtr'as Walnut Grovf!rnvne farmfarm, was producing earn so advanced in supervisor of music at Taft-school and meeting of the civic association *t ts being removed. design and efficiency that old-fash- the upper hall of the community house sian cats from the home of a woman tance i<> pay out good money for as- director of the Choral club concert-to recluse at No. 208 Sclo street, after trologers on their staff, Is responsible This old barn which is over 100ioned roads cramped th«ir style. To- be given on Tuesday, June 4. Monday night. There will bi a breaking Into the house In an effort for dl.'.'i.stcrs at sea. years old, was made of hand sewed day the aviation industry, in 'he The Choral club has 55 voices in meeting of the board of governors to serve a nuisance warrant on the •Ships that have met with disaster timbers and framed with-wooden pins. twenty-fifth year of human fli; ht, and the association on Wednesday faces a parallel situation. the chorus and a sustaining member* occupniL The woman was absent. were launched at an unfavorable mo- The nails are all iron cut as wire nails : ship of 44. Each sustaining mem- evening of next week. At that ment—from an astrological point of I were unknown in those day*. Billions have been .yient tn prov de time it is hoped to have the member- in a single room for several modern highways for the mor^-rn ber will be entitled to two tickets. weeks, the anlmuls were wild when view, that is. And It would have been j The barn is being removed to make ship campaign plans' well in hand. so easy to have selected more pro- wajT for a street which will be built car.. More million? must b«> -p<.-nt Tickets for Ihe concert may be ob- Motorcycle Policeman Louth and the before the horse-and-buptry ein of Uined from members of the Choral Pres. Grover C. Baldwin told the Humane* society representative walked pitious hours for the launchlngs, or in the near future.directly south of association members that unless more at least to have avoided unfavorable the lard owned by S. McLean Buck- roads will have ended. Smooth, h ird club or at Sullivan's drug storet Into' their quarters. Xtie menagerie roads are imperative if the efficiency Mb". Bear's refutation was first interest is evidenced in the activities had shared the room with their hours. A well-paid, first-class astrol- ngham. This tract ta now known as especially the finances, of the associ- oger would never have permitted a of present day automobiles \a to be gained by the artist when he was an mistress. She, In turn, used It as Beach Acres and will be broken upcapitalized. ation that he will recommend to the kitchen, dining room, bedroom and launching to take place if, for in-nto building lots none of which will uccountant and his firm was contem- The airplane, now so advanced in plating the purchase of a much ex- board of governors that the bowling parlor, say police. stance, there Is a new moon In the be less than one acre in size. alleys, chairs and other equipment sign of the "Afeasha-Tatwu," or if efficiency that it compart* favorably tolled accounting machine. He was After 'a merry chase In which one Buell Heminway of Main street has with other automobile vehicles, is be sold, all bills paid oft*, and the Satunms Is under the sign of thepurchased the bungalow on Northfield asked his opinion of the efficiency of small dog -sank his teeth through tho Capricorn. handicapped at the beginning and end machine and he answered: building turned back to the holding leather glove of the policeman, the road, next to the Riding and Hunting corporation to be sold for a ware- All of this knowledge we owe to of every flight by flying fields that, "I will prove to you in competition' animals were rounded, up and taken to Wllhelm Becker, who confesses be Is club from Mrs. Ernest J. Steere of in general, are still typical of the days with this machine that I can, do more house or garage. the pound, where William J. Boylnk, Annisquam, Mass. The Watertown when flying was limited to dare- The motion picture" theatre will close an eminent astrologer. If the ship- work than the machine is cap-hie of. superintendent, took charge of them. ping uuiimutes of the North German Reality company are shingling the devils and fighting men. It deliv- with the understanding that if I wi/i on June 9 and so far no arrangements They ranged in size and value from Lloyd line had heard about him exterior and making extensive re- ers reliable performance with amaz- after a three-day test I Bhall receive have been completed for continuing a large white collie to a small white earlier, lite; might have been spared pairs for Mr. Heminway before he ing economy in operation at speeds a substantial increase in salary." pictures in Oakville. Pres. Balwin Pekinese, Including a few Intermediary the loss of their new giant vessel occupies it for the summer. two and three times greater than the His employer agreed to these terms told the association that he would take types of mongrels. Europn, which was almost completely motor car can attain with anything the contest was begun and carried tono further steps to continue opera- The woman Is said to be Mrs. John destroyed by fire recently In Hamburg like relative safety. tion of the building until after next Bradley-Blansfield a successful conclusion by Bner who Smith, concerning whom nobody knows harbor. "Keep Off the Ground" week's meeting. At that time he anything except that she keeps dogs. thereby found himself the recipient What Wllhelm 8ays. But pliine5 cannot always be in the of a heavier pay envelope. will decide whether to recommend The warrant was Issued on complaint If you won't believe It, listen to A pretty wedding took place Mon- s selling the equipment or continuing of Piisqanle Snreceno of No. -200 Sclo day mnniiiiir u; '.':.'!(> o'clock in theair. The eros -cnuntry flier must As an artist, Frederic Baer supplies what Wlllu-lm Meeker had to say In stop for fuel and to transact the bus- the «nme method of intensive work. to operate the building. street, owner of the house. Snreceno the periodical Astrology, way back In St. Mary Mngdiil--'ii.-*s .parsonage of told- police that Mrs. Smith \VOB at Oakivlle when Mi.-.- Margaret May iness which has sent him on his This capacity for concentration, added Septi'iiilii-f,. 102S. Then he cast the flight. Unle.-" in hold,* resolutely Archers Meet. home'nt three o'clock In the morning liorosmpi) for the Europa, and al- P.lansfield, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. to his extraordinary musical talent and left again at 3:30 o'clock. to the one or two well beaten air and vocal resources, has made his . The Rainbow Archery club met last though he did not predict the confla- John Mansfield of Kockdalc avenue A check-up with city authorities [trail-! of the country, he must heed artiste progress as advanced us it ishight"with Mrs. Grover C. Baldwin ifraQoiriie declared that things did ,'! Department of Commerce warnings on Coulter street. Louis Beres gave showoil the woman had u kennel not ni!-!ir too well. • F!iy»dk'.v <>f Branfonl. Rev. today. to keep live blooded dogs, but •M the landing conditions here, In the word* of The Worchester,the girls instructions in archery. At the time of the launching of the Cumin, pastor »f St. Mary Matfdnl-';;;•;," ^Vwne're are "hazardous", no puiicrs were vnllable to show any Europn nn August 15, 1028, at 5:15 Mass., Daily Telegram: "Baer puts There' were nine members present, of the df>;:s hurl pedigrees. The others ene'- ch»ch nffics.ted. '•prohih^W'. ,„„•oo„d .,...only, dry only one being nbsent. The club p. m.. i !n-' Juxtaposition of the helm . land- that extra bit of work into his solos were tailless. Five of theni were small Becker wrote WHS as follows: 'I he -bride \.-if attired in a «iiv*s of.| wcathf, ••• ,„.
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