OSTOMY NEWS United Ostomy Support Group, Ottawa, Inc. P.O. Box 11134, Station H, Nepean, ON K2H 7T8 November 2011 Affiliated Member of United Ostomy Association of Canada Charity Registration #11927 7192 RR0001 Volume 41 #9 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW.OSTOMYOTTAWA.CA

Mission Statement The United Ostomy Support Group, Ottawa Inc. November is a volunteer, charitable organization dedicated to helping all persons, including families and November 17 at caregivers, who have been affected by ostomy 7:30 pm surgery. Our Mission is to provide practical support and encouragement to all ostomates by Ostomy Trivia Evening visiting them at home or in hospital, holding monthly meetings, publishing a monthly newsletter Come and join the fun as we learn more and operating a lending library of ostomy literature. about Ostomy. OUR MEETINGS (7:30 pm) Christmas Dinner - Please send an email to are held on the third Thursday of each month, [email protected] or call any board member. except December, June, July and August. The proposed location is Yang Ming Restaurant, December and June are other dates and 1547 , Nepean. locations. The meeting room is located at; Dates are Mon. Dec. 5, Tues. Dec. 4, Wed. Dec. 5 or Canada Care Medical Building, Mon. Dec. 12, Tues. Dec. 13, Or Wed. Dec. 14. 1644 at (Behind Canada Tire Store) Let us know your thoughts and date preferences. Lots of free parking. Wheelchair Accessible. For more information about our group, call our CAR POOLING ? Hotline 613-447-0361 or visit our website If you need a ride to meetings, please call www.ostomyottawa.ca one of the directors, and we will arrange for someone to pick you up. NOTICE: When in doubt about meeting cancellation during bad weather, call any director. TO OBTAIN HELP FROM A TRAINED VOLUNTEER OSTOMATE VISITOR Call our 24 hour hotline (emergencies only between 9 pm and 9 am) Answering machine at times when volunteer is unavailable. Your call will NOT be ignored 613-447-0361


BOARD OF DIRECTORS You'll never President: Doug Graham 613-829-6332 walk alone.

Email: [email protected]

Vice-President: VISITING CO-ORDINATOR: Ian MacNeil 613-558-2653 LIBRARIAN: Treasurer/Membership: Donna Cheetham 613-591-0627 Alice Alexander 613-747-9904 Recording Secretary: NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Alice Alexander 613-747-9904 Deborah Lalonde 613-836-1791 Directors: NEWSLETTER MAILING: Ray Desjardins 613-825-2318 Ken Zomer 613-824-1530 Deborah Lalonde 613-836-1791 Dorothy Toop 613-257-8085 Brenda Denike 613-737-2892 MEDICAL ADVISOR Shirley McSavaney, Enterostomal Therapists RN, DPhN, ET Andree Bonhomme RN, ET Centre Hospitalier de Gatineau…………………….…………..819-561-8100 UOA of CANADA INC Sylvie Chomyshyn, RN, ET, Carefor, Ottawa…...…………....613-749-7557 Suite 501, 344 Bloor Street West, Dawn Christensen, BScN, RN, ET, KDS Professional Consulting Toronto, ON M5S 3A7 ………………………………………………………….613-738-2721 Phone: 416-595-5452 Fax 416-595-9924 Marilyn Dixon, RN ET, Brockville, ON……………...... 1-613-345-0630 Diane Dutrisac, RN, ET, BScN, Carefor Ottawa………...…….613-749-7557 Toll Free: 1-888-969-9698 (Courtesy of Hollister) Natalie Fournier, RN, ET, BScN, CHEO Email: [email protected] Debbie Howe, RN,ET, Saint Elizabeth Health Care…..….…..613-738-9661 Website: www.ostomycanada.ca Vida Johnston, RN, ET, BScN, KDS Consulting……..…...... 613-738-2721 Kim LeBlanc, RN, ET, BScN, KDS Consulting…………..…....613-738-2721 COLORECTAL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Virginia McNaughton, RN, ET, McNaughton Consulting …….613-596-4972 613-745-8048 Email: [email protected] Brian Meloche, ET, Canada Care Medical ………………...….613-234-1222 FRIENDS OF OSTOMATES WORLDWIDE Shirley McSavaney, RN, DPhN, ET………………………...... 613-824-7115 Natalie Nault Website: www.fowcanada.org

ENTEROSTOMAL THERAPISTS (Serving Hospital Patients Only) UOA 20/40 YOUNG ADULT GROUP 819-647-5632 Diane Gregoire, RN, ET, BScN, CHEO (Spina Bifida) 613-737-7600 x2583 Sue Sarrazin, RN, ET Ottawa Hospital, Civic ……….613-798-5555 x16312 SASO - Spouses and Significant Others Christine Murphy, RN, ET, Ottawa Hospital, Civic ….613-798-5555 x79494 905-387-6662 Email: [email protected] Connie Schulz, RN, ET, Ottawa Hospital, General….613-798-5555 x79494 PELVIC POUCH & ILEOSTOMY SUPPORT GROUP Are you going to move or have Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. you already moved? Don’t forget 416-586-4800 Extension 8349 to send us your change of address. Also, don’t forget to let HAVE YOU RENEWED us know if you change your email YOUR MEMBERSHIP? address. Some members have yet to send their Returned newsletters WILL NOT be forwarded. If renewal. If you are unable to pay, please the newsletter is returned as undeliverable, and contact Donna at 613-591-0627. we have not received any notification, the name will If we don’t hear from you, you will no long- er receive the newsletter. be taken off the mailing list. November 2011 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS Page 3

From the President’s Desk: Dear Members, Family Supporters and Friends:

This report will include comments from both Vice-President Ian MacNeil and me. Mem- bers and friends that attended the regular membership meeting on October 20th will be aware that Astrid and I are attending a meeting in Tehran, Iran and that Ian coordinated the regular membership meeting. Board of Directors Meeting, October 13, 2011 Your Board of Director’s met on and discussed recent challenges and opportunities and began to develop a priority list.. Challenges and Opportunities In a recent conversation with Doctor R. Boushey, Civic Hospital, General Campus he agreed to be our medical advisor. Your Board of Directors unanimously approved this appointment. We have an opportunity to improve our activities with the hospitals. Our challenge is to ensure we have the members available to respond to requests from the hospital for visitors and to have interesting and informative regular meetings for our members and first-timers. Vice-President Ian MacNeil has maintained the hot line these past few months and he has done and continues to do an excellent job. The number of calls we have received indicates a growing numbers of people are becoming aware of our Group and are interested in learning more about us. It also presents us with the challenge of ensuring that our hot line is maintained by knowledge people that are prepared to answer questions to ensure pre and post surgical persons and their families that their quality of life will improve and that they are not alone. To increase the number of members available to maintain our hot line we will provide a special module on the requirement of the hot line in our next visitor’s training program. We have a growing number of members interested to become visitors and a training program in the near future is one of our priorities. Thirty-five members and visitors attended Thursday’s meeting. Our guest speaker, Dan Hache, was quite informative. Not only did we get an overview of Convatec’s current and upcoming products, Dan shared some of the chemistry behind the products. Thanks Dan! The fellowship after the meeting was enjoyable, lively and well attended. Our thanks to Brenda, Joan, Tracey, Anne, Ken and Betty for Set up treats, coffee etc. As a reminder, Canada Care, Convalaid, and Shoppers Home Health Care offer monthly free ostomy clinics. Some sponsors have been disappointed with attendance lately. If you are having issues with your appliances , please take advantage of this resources .

On my return, we will continue to pursue these opportunities and seek others. Please provide feedback on the proposed location for the Christmas Dinner; Yang Ming Please keep well. Restaurant in the Emerald Plaza, 1547 Merivale Road. The dates of choice are: Monday, Decem- Doug Graham ber 5 to Wednesday December 7 or Monday De- President cember 12 to Wednesday December 14. We 613-829-6332 welcome any other suggestions you may have [email protected] please forward your comments to [email protected] or call any of your board members.

“No Scent is Good Sense” Membership Thank You Corner In consideration of others, Welcome New Member(s): G. Black, J. Johnson, do not wear perfumes, colognes, J. Riordan deodorants or any heavy scented Thank you for your donations: E. Boucher, D. products to meetings. Chisholm, M. Grubb, H. Holitzner, B. Denike Page 4 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011

A sweet grandmother tele- phoned Mt. St. Joseph ’s Hospi- tal. She timidly asked, “Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?”

The operator said, “I’ll be glad to help, dear. What’s the name Ostomy Supplies Available and room number of the pa- tient?”

The grandmother in her weak, Carleton Place IDA Drugmart * 613-257-1414 tremulous voice said, “Norma Stittsville IDA Pharmacy * 613-836-3881 Findlay, Room 302.”

The operator replied, “Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse’s station for that room.” After a few minutes, the Sales & Rental * Open 7 days a week operator returned to the phone and said, “I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her blood pres- sure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged to- morrow.”

The grandmother said, “Thank you. That’s wonderful. I was so PAY YOUR worried. God bless you for the good news.” MEMBERSHIP

The operator replied, “You’re more than welcome. Is Norma DUES !!! your daughter?” The grandmother said, “No, I’m Norma Findlay in Room 302. No one tells me sh*t.”

Health Care Specialists November 2011 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS Page 5

Ostomy Clinics Articles and information DO YOU KNOW OF ANY printed in this newslet- ter are not necessarily CLINICS THAT ARE NOT endorsed by United Ostomy LISTED HERE? Support Group and may not PLEASE LET US KNOW. be applicable to every- one. Consult your Doctor or ET nurse for the medi- cal advice best for you. If you wish to attend a clinic please call for an appointment. Ottawa Ostomy Outreach ConvalAid 2600 Lancaster Rd, Ottawa 613-738-2721 Every Month, please call for appointment. St. Elizabeth Ostomy Clinic 30 Colonnade N Suite 225 613-738-9661 Ext 6615. There is a fee charged unless you are under the care of the CCAC. 2 days a week. Please save unneeded This clinic is sponsored by ConvaTec ostomy supplies and Canada Care Medical 10 am - 2 pm bring them to any 3rd Thursday of month 1644 Bank St, Ottawa monthly meeting. 613-234-1222 Or you can phone Following clinics are sponsored by Coloplast Astrid Graham Mulvihill Drug Store 9:30 am - 1:30 pm 613-829-6332 Nov 7 1231 Pembroke St W, Pembroke 613-735-1079 Medical Supply 1100 Algoma Road, Ottawa. 613-244-8620 TEMPORARILY CANCELLED Good and Welfare Shoppers Home Health 9:30 am - 1:30 pm UOSG is a caring community. Nov 24 Westgate, 1309 Carling Ave, Ottawa 613-725- Many members and friends 0608 have been reaching significant Oct 27 1675 Tenth Line Rd, Orleans milestones: - 85th birthday 613-834-3070 - 50th wedding anniversary Further dates to be confirmed for 410 - marriage - death of a loved one Hazeldean Rd, Kanata 613-831-6505 - birth of a child - illness - recovery from illness If you are, or know someone who wishes to receive a card, Ostomy Trivia: or be acknowledged in the What percentage of water remains in waste after passing newsletter for these, or any other reason, please tell a through ileum in Ileostomates? member of the board. Find the answer on the bottom of page 15 Page 6 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011

HINTS FOR NEW UROSTOMY PATIENTS Via Evansville, via Ostomy Association of Long Island

Train yourself to shut the pouch valve as soon as you have emptied the pouch! If you forget, the resulting disaster within the next 10 minutes could ruin your day. Be sure to have a plastic washbasin and clean measuring container, they are very helpful as you establish a daily rou- tine of washing your night time equipment. Gallon bottles of white vinegar and cheap liquid detergent make the daily washing up an inexpensive chore. If you change the pouch first thing in the morning, there is less chance of the stoma misbehaving as you do the change. Irrigate the pouch daily with a solution of 4/5 water and 1/5 vinegar. The plastic wash basin an ideal container for supplies when travelling and can be used to hold the night drainage bag. In the morning, it is handy for washing up wherever you are. It fits nicely into most carry-on bags and is not heavy. In most cases, urostomy patients enjoy a completely normal diet. Cranberry juice, yogurt or buttermilk will help combat urinary odours. Asparagus should be avoided by urostomates as it produces a strong odour in urine.

Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have the time to do something about it November 2011 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS Page 7

ADHESIONS Via: Evansville, via Health Central, via Memphis (TN) An adhesion is a scar tissue that binds abdomen can occur after any abdominal together two anatomic surfaces that are operation, they are more common after a normally separated from each other. They are ruptured appendix. Most adhesions cause most commonly found in the abdomen, where no problems, but they can obstruct the they form after abdominal surgery, I intestine in about two percent of all patients. nflammation or injury. Lysis (Destruction or These obstructions can occur several years dissolution ) of adhesions is a surgery later. The adhesions can also block the performed to free adhesions from tissues. ends of the fallopian tubes, possibly causing Although sometimes present from birth, infertility. Adhesions can occur elsewhere adhesions are usually scar tissue formed after and can be the cause of other disorders - for inflammation. The most common side of instance, they can lead to glaucoma when adhesions is the abdomen, where they often located in the eyes and when located around form after peritonitis (inflammation of the the heart can result in pericarditis. abdominal lining) or following surgery, as part Here are some questions to ask your doctor of the body’s healing process. Abdominal adhesions infrequently find together loops of How do you know the problem is the intestine resulting in intestinal obstruction. The adhesions and not some other growth or conditions is characterized by abdominal pain, condition? nausea and vomiting, distension, and an Is surgery recommended to remove increase in pulse rate without a rise in adhesions? temperature. Nasogastric Intubation and What is the procedure? suction may relieve the blockage. If there is Will the adhesions redevelop? no relief, an operation is usually required to cut the fibrous tissue and free the intestinal loops. Although scar tissue within the

MEMORY LAPSES Via Evansville Via Oregon Ostomy Assoc.

Part way through a sentence, your mind goes How memory works blank. You search frantically for the words, Memory is not a single process. Declarative but memory fails. It can be one of the longest memory is a source of actual information moments of your life. If those memory lapses that included vocabulary and life events. seem to occur more and more often, it proba- About one-third of healthy older people have bly isn’t what you think. Forgetfulness has some difficulty with declarative memory. been associated with mental loss due to Alz- This is ARML. ARML does not interfere heimer’s disease. But most people remain with other important mental functions such alert and able as they grow older. A minor as reasoning, imagination, insight and ab- decline in memory in healthy seniors is re- stract thinking. Non-Declarative Memory ferred to as age-related memory lost (ARML). allows us to recall skills and procedures. A It’s annoying, but ARML does not entirely disa- person with dementia will have difficulty with ble memory. both Non-Declarative and Declarative memory. Cont’d page 8 Page 8 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011

MEMORY LAPSES - cont’d from page 7

When not to worry use it. A rusty memory can be salvaged. In People with ARML and those with diseases one study, seniors who such as Alzheimer’s or other dementias have did mentally stimulating different experiences. Normally, aging people, activities such as prac- may sometimes have trouble remembering ticing music and play- words; doing daily activities or their own; re- ing board games re- membering important events and conversa- duced their rist of de- tions; feeling as comfortable socially as they mentia. Evidence also always have. In contrast, people in the early suggests that aerobic stages of dementia may have trouble recalling exercise sharpens familiar words; neglect their safety, hygiene memory skills. Even believing in your abil- and nutrition; have difficulty driving and shop- ity to remember things may have some ef- ping and are unable to follow directions; be- fect. When seniors were given a memory come lost in familiar places. If you feel that performance test, those who believed they these symptoms apply to you or someone you would do well on the test did better than love, consult a doctor. those who thought they would do poorly. Use your brain The best thing you can do for your brain is to Page 9 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011 Questions found in “The Phoenix”. The magazine produced by UOAA.

Hair Removal from the stoma just in case your are sensitive to it. If the problem persists or worsens, I have been having skin irritation under my please see your ostomy nurse to have your faceplate. The hairs seem to be especially appliance evaluated and your physician for irritated. I have been shaving the hair so it recommendations. Other skin infections may won’t rip out for every pouch change. I’m con- need to be considered such as candida. sidering laser hair removal as the skin is get- ting worse. Fiber Phobic Thank you for submitting a question that can be a concern under the faceplate for many I was advised to avoid high fiber foods be- ostomates. This is especially common when cause of my new ileostomy. I know not to eat hair around the stoma is frequently shaved foods with seeds, but what else? causing a problem called “Folliculitis”. Follicu- Avoid raw fruits, raw vegetables with peels, litis occurs when the hair follicles become in- nuts popcorn, corn, mushrooms, food con- flamed. Inflammation may occur from appli- taining large seeds, meat casings, dried fruit, ance removal, shaving, cleaning at the site of some cereals, pineapple, raw celery or other just from being covered by the wafer. In se- foods that may be fibrous. Some people find vere cases the hair follicles enlarge and can that they must be careful with oranges, form pustules along with redness. These in- grapefruit too that may have a lot of mem- flammations are most commonly caused by brane or pulp. an organism common to the skin called staph- ylococcus aureus which is not the MRSA Keep high fiber foods to a minimum, the first staph which is the far more serious type. 8 weeks or so after surgery. Then as permit- Sometimes people who wear the wafers for ted by your surgeon, increase foods in small an extended period or have other risk factors amounts one at a time to be sure you can such as diabetes or a weak immune system tolerate them. Still avoid foods difficult to di- experience problems more commonly than gest, chew well, eat slowly and drink ade- other people. quate fluids. Fluid loss with a new ileostomy can be high so observe for fluid and electro- The best initial treatment for folliculitis as with lyte imbalance. many issues is prevention. Be gentle with cleansing, change wafers as recommended, Ileostomies typically function for 500 to 750 use adhesive removal products as indicated, cc of fluid a day so unless contra-indicated, carefully trim or clip hair around the stoma, you may need to replace it with up to 10 to 12 and shave the area sparingly. If severe, see a glasses a day. Just go slow. physician who will want to see and probably culture the area to select the appropriate treatment. Remember to take a spare appli- ance and avoid medicated ointment around the stoma to prevent non-adherence of the wafer. In general, sometimes, it is recom- mended using an antibacterial soap or cleans- er around the area. If using thing new, be cer- tain to try it for a few days on an area away Page 10 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011 Page 11 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011

Think Before You Drink!! Via Vancouver Ostomy Highlife

As the holiday season fast approaches with all the parties, I thought this was appropriate. When an alcoholic beverage is consumed, varies among individuals and. In general, the vast majority enters the bloodstream after the consumption of one standard drink, through the walls of the small intestine. the amount of alcohol in the drinker’s blood Alcohol is water soluble and the bloodstream peaks within 30 to 45 minutes. (A standard rapidly transports the ethanol throughout the drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 6 body where it is absorbed into the body ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof tissues in proportion to their water content. distilled spirits, all of which contain the same Liquor is greatly diluted by the body fluids. amount of alcohol.) Alcohol is metabolized For example, a 1-ounce shot of 80-proof more slowly than it is absorbed. Drinking whiskey, which contains 0.4 fluid ounces of coffee isn’t going to sober you up — it will just ethanol will be diluted in a 150-pound make for a more alert drunk! human, producing somewhere in the Factors Influencing Alcohol Absorption neighborhood of an 0.02% blood alcohol and Metabolism. concentration. In a smaller drinker with say one half of the water weight in his or her Food. The amount of food in the stomach, body than the individual in the prior example, what kind of food it is, and how fast the stom- that same 0.4 fluid ounce of ethanol would ach empties into the small intestine all have likely produce an alcohol concentration at or an effect on absorption. The higher the near 0.04%, twice the amount. dietary fat content, the more time emptying will require and the longer the process of How Alcohol is Eliminated from the Body, absorption will take. One study found that or, How You Sober Up subjects who drank alcohol after a meal that Metabolism is the body’s process of included fat, protein, and carbohydrates converting ingested substances to other absorbed the alcohol about three times more compounds. Metabolism involves a number slowly than when they consumed alcohol on of processes, one of which is referred to as an empty stomach. (maybe that’s why a oxidation. Through oxidation in the liver, typical pub meal is a burger and fries!) alcohol is detoxified and removed from the Gender. Women absorb and metabolize blood, preventing the alcohol from accumu- alcohol differently from men. They have lating. A minute amount of alcohol escapes higher Blood Alcohol Concentration’s (BAC) metabolism and is excreted unchanged in after consuming the same amount of alcohol the breath, in the sweat and in urine. Until all as men. The difference in BAC’s between the alcohol consumed has been metabolized, women and men has been attributed to it is distributed throughout the body, affecting women’s smaller amount of body water, the brain and other tissues. The liver can likened to dropping the same amount of metabolize only a certain amount of alcohol alcohol into a smaller pail of water. An per hour, regardless of the amount that has additional factor contributing to the difference been consumed. The rate of alcohol metabo- in BAC’s may be that women have lower lism depends, in part, on the amount of activity of the alcohol metabolizing enzyme metabolizing enzymes in the liver, which Cont’d page 12 November 2011 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS Page 12

Think Before You Drink!! Cont’d from page 11

ADH in the stomach, causing a larger proportion of the ingested alcohol to reach the blood. The combination of these factors may render women more vulnerable than men to alcohol- induced liver and heart damage. How Alcohol Gets From the Blood into the Breath Ethanol transfers from the blood into the alveolar air sacs in the lungs. (This occurs in much the same way that As a rule of thumb, the average person can carbon dioxide leaves our bodies via eliminate 0.5 ounces of alcohol per hour. So, it the lungs). As a result, it is possible to would take approximately one hour to analyze an alveolar breath sample, eliminate the alcohol from a 12-ounce can of determine the breath alcohol concen- beer, or 6 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of tration (BrAC) and predict with a high hard liquor. degree of accuracy, the blood alcohol concentration at that same point in Via Vancouver Ostomy HighLife time. Eating mints will freshen your breath but it won’t fool a breathalizer.



1231 Pembroke St. West 88 Cornelia Street West, Unit F Pembroke, ON K8A 5R3 Smiths Falls, ON K7A 5K9 613-735-1079 613-284-1058 Free Delivery/Ostomy Supplies OSTOMY SUPPLIES AVAILABLE November 2011 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS Page 13

Ottawa Ostomy Centre

Enterostomal Therapist on Staff. Brian Meloche, ET Please call 613-234-1222 to make an appointment, or to inquire about our free monthly Ostomy Clinic. “Ontario and Quebec’s most complete ostomy supplier. Now with 4 local locations to serve you.”

Ottawa-Bank Street Les Entreprises Medicales de Les Entreprises Medicales de Medi Sante (Behind Canadian Tire) L’Outaouais (Hull Sector) L’Outaouais (Gatineau Sec- 867,boul.St.Rene Ouest 1644 Bank Street 179, boul St. Joseph tor) 361, boul. Maloney Ouest Gatineau, QC Ottawa, ON Gatineau, QC Gatineau , QC J8P 3X2 Phone: 819-243-1717 K1V 7Y6 J8Y 3X2 Phone: 819-643-5363 Phone: 613-234-1222 Phone: 819-776-5363

Featuring the: Canada Care Classic Ostomy Systems And products by: Hollister, Coloplast, ConvaTec, Welland, For life.

*We offer free parking, wheelchair accessibility, mobility equipment, stockings, service & rentals available onsite* Page 14 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011

Introducing Trio Diamonds Super-Absorbent Gelling Sachets

Odour Control Ballooning Control

Comfort & Confidence Reduces Leakage

Less Pouch Noise Less Emptying

“It kills every odour going, no matter what!”

For more information or samples contact: Request for Perfor- mance Consulting


The Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday MATURE CITIZENS’ morning at 10am. All ladies are invited to BUMPER STICKERS lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done. The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visi-  I asked my wife if old men wear boxers or tors to make calls on people who are not af- briefs —- she said, “Depends!” flicted with any church.  I was at the beauty shop for two hours —- The Pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of that was only for the estimate! the congregation lend him their electric gir-  Sometimes I wake up grumpy —- and some- dles for the pancake breakfast on Sunday times I let him sleep! morning.  I’m not getting old —- I’m chronologically gift- For those of you who have children and don't ed! know it, we have a nursery downstairs. The eighth-graders will be presenting Shake-  One good thing about Alzheimer’s — you get speare's Hamlet in the church basement on to meet new people every day! Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited  My wife always gives me sound advice —- to attend this tragedy. 99% sound, 1% advice!

Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles,  You know you’re getting old when happy and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will hour is a nap! be used to cripple children. November 2011 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS Page 15 S E T Y L O R T C E L E G A M I Y D O B L S O F T D I E T Q A W E R T Y U E I E A O P A S D K I D N E Y S F G H J P K S N L Z X C L O O P V H B U R E T E R S O A N M Q U W C E R T R Y U I O P A E S P O I D F R N H G H J R K L R Z X C S V H E B R N O O M Q B W A E E R T Y U S I A L R E E S L O P O A I D O U B L E E S G I I T D T O F G W H D J K L Z X C D V U B O C N O C M Q E A H C A M O T S G A S W V N E M R A T L Y U I O P S D L F E G H R I R Y J Y B U R E T H R A K A L G S M E H U N F B V C X Z M U T C E R Z A U Z S P O I L E O S T O M Y Z Z Q E W N P R E S D R I N K F L U I D S T Y N U I P I R I D O P A S S A G E B O W T I P A O Q C O L O S T O M Y Z X H T U O M M R R A N U S R T Y U N O I T C N U F S Y D T OSTOMY WORD SEARCH


Are you still receiving this newsletter in hard-copy? If you have internet access, you can help us save money and go green by joining our digital email list. To try the electronic version, send an e-mail request to: [email protected] We won’t remove you from the mailing list until you let us know that you can receive the digital version successfully. You will need Acrobat 7.0 to open the newsletter. This program is free by downloading it from the following web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/

Answer to question 30 % whereas waste from a colon for colostomates only has about 10% on Page 5 Page 16 OTTAWA OSTOMY NEWS November 2011


Canada Care Medical - Ottawa Ostomy Centre - 1644 Bank St., Ottawa, ON ...1-800-267-8855 613-234-1222 Fax 613-234-7806 Ottawa Hospital, General Campus - Lobby 501 Smyth Road Ottawa, ON…...... ………….………………..…..………...613-737-8844

Carleton Place Drugmart (IDA) - 47 Lansdowne Avenue, Carleton Place, ON ….……..……..………..………….…. 613-257-1414

ConvalAid - 2600 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, ON…………………….……..……..1-800-267-8883 613-738-2721 Fax 613-738-2704

Les Entreprises de L’Outaouais/Ergo Sante -179 boul. St. Joseph, Hull, QC...…………..……..……………....…….819-776-5363 Les Entreprises de L’Outaouais - 361 boul. Maloney Ouest, Gatineau, QC…...……..……………...…….….………..819-643-5363

Medi Sante - 867 boul. St. Rene Ouest, Gatineau, QC……………………….……..………………………….…………...819-243-1717

Ontario Medical Supply -1100 Algoma Road, Ottawa, ON……………………..……...…..….…...….1-800-267-1069 613-244-8620

Respircare -1000 Thomas Spratt Place, Ottawa, ON …………………………….…….……….....…...1-800-267-1315 613-737-7711

2Care4 Medical - 88 Cornellia St. W. Unit F, Smiths Falls, ON…….…………...…..….…...….……….….….……….….613-284-1058

Harding's Pharma Save - Deep River, ON……………………………………...……….…….………..……….….………..613-584-1116

Mulvihill’s Pharmacy -1231 Pembroke Street West, Pembroke, ON……...…..……….…………..………...…….….….613-735-1079

Shoppers Home Health Care Fallingbrook Mall, 1675 Tenth Line Road, Orleans, ON….……………………………….…..…..……………….……….. 613-834-3070 Westgate Mall, 1309 , Ottawa, ON………………..….…...………………....…...………………..….……..613-725-0608 410 , Kanata, ON………………………………………………………………..…………………….….…. 613-831-6504 (Shoppers offers a 20% discount last Thursday of every month , Ostomy supplies 20% all through the month)

Stittsville IDA Pharmacy, 1250 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON………………...……………………….….…..…..613-836-3881

A thoughtful and useful way to honor or memorialize a loved one or friend by helping Ostomy rehabilitation. Send tribute card to:______Address:______


In Memory or the name of:______

From Donor:______Address:______

Make Cheque Payable to: UOSG, Ottawa, Inc. P.O. Box 11134, Station H, Nepean, ON K2H 7T8

A receipt for income tax purposes will be issued.

Membership Application for United Ostomy Support Group, Ottawa, Inc. (New & Renew) Membership is open to all ostomates, family members, medical and health care professionals, ostomy equipment suppliers and any other interested persons.


City: ______Prov.: ______P.C. :______Telephone # : ______

Email: ______Would you like to receive your newsletter or invoices by Email ___YES___NO

O NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP $40 Includes 1 year membership in the Ottawa Support Group, a monthly newsletter, membership in UOAC and 2 issues of the Ostomy Canada Magazine (Spring and Fall)

O CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP $20 Includes 1 year membership in the Ottawa Support Group, and a monthly newsletter,

CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: O New member O Renewing member O Colostomy O Urinary Diversion O Continent Urostomy O Ileoanal Pouch O Ileostomy O Continent Ileostomy O Female O Male O MD, ET, Supplier, Spouse, Etc. O I am unable to pay at this time, but would like to be a member

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Make cheque payable and mail to : United Ostomy Support Group, Ottawa, Inc., P.O. Box 11134, Station H, Nepean, ON K2H 7T8 Tax receipts will be issued.