IBB Vol 05 1969

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IBB Vol 05 1969 VOL. 5 SUMMER 1969 No.2 ,, .' ' •' I -·,~ ~ MICROBIOLOGICAL. CORROSION OF METALS- MARINE WOOD .r· BORERS- RODENT ATTACKS ON STORED PRODUCTS- FOULING OF !' SHIPS BY BARNACLES- DETERIORATION OF STONE BY BACTERIA­ , ., ... ROTTING OF WOOD BY FUNGI- BACTERIAl:: BREAKDOWN OF ~ ,. ~ ASPHALT- MILDEWING OF LEATHER -INSECT DAMAGE TO BOOKS ' -BIRD HAZARDS TO AIRCRAFT- FUNGI IN JET FUEL TANKS­ • I TERMITES IN TIMBER- MICROBIOLOGICAL ATTACK ON RUBBERS ~• .. ~ ·~' PLASTICS AND PAINTS,- FUNGAL ETCHING OF GLASS .... ' ' I • ~ • 'f I I NTERNAT/ONAL I ' l •j •, BIDDETERIORAT/ON I .. ! t i; ~ i BuLLETIN l L ' _, '·~: •• if.' , ?..' • • , . ~ # A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF BIODETERIORATI ON '! ' ·. r . BIODETERIORATION INFORMATION CENTRE THE UNIVERSITY OF ASTON IN BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND ,. i ' CATOMANCE LIMITED manufacturers of mystox* for the preservation of , timber, textiles paper, cordage plastics and specialised applications *mysmx is the registered trade mark of Catomance Limited 94 BRIDGE ROAD EAST, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, HERTS., ENGLAND. Telephone: Welwyn Garden 24373/8 ' I VolumeS Summcr1969 Number2 INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION BuLLETIN I ' t l I ( I CONTENTS I t I I 37-38 j NEWS AND COMMENT THE USE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN FOOD PRESERVATION 39-61 I B. Jarvis and M. D. Morisetti EXPERIENCES WITH BIOLOGICAL TESTS IN THE FIELD OF BIODETERIORATION OF MATERIALS. 3. SOME PRINCIPLES OF THE TESTING OF MATERIAL PROTECTANTS. 63-66 H. J. Hueck THE INCIDENCE AND EFFECTS OF BIRD IMPACTS WITH AIRCRAFT 67-75 W. J. Forse USEFUL METHODS FOR ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF FUNGI ON WOOD 77-94 C. Grant and J. G. Savory LETTERS 95-96 BOOK REVIEWS 96-98 i l \ TABLES DES MATIERES Nouvelles et commentaires L'UTILISATION DES ANTIBIOTIQUES POUR LA PROTECTION DES ALIMENTS B. Jarvis et M. D. Morisetti EXPERIENCE AVEC DES ESSAIS BIOLOGIQUES DANS LE DO MAINE DE LA DETERIORA- 63-66 TION BIOLOGIQUE DES MATERIAUX. 3. QUELQUES PRINCIPES DES ESSAIS DES PRODUITS DE PROTECTION DES MATERIAUX H. J. Hoeck L'INCIDENCE ET LES EFFETS DU CHOC CAUSE SURLES AVIONS PAR LES OISEAUX 67-75 W. J. Forse METHODES POUR L'ISOLEMENT ET L'IDENTIFICATION DES CHAMPIGNONS SUR LE BOIS 77-94 C. Grant et J. G. Savory Lettres 95-96 Revues des Livres 96-98 INHALT Nachrichten ond Kommentar 37-38 DIE ANWENDUNG VON ANTIBIOTIKA IN DER LEBENSMITTELKONSERVIERUNG 39-61 B. Jarvis ond M. D. Morisetti ERFAHRUNGEN MIT BIOLOGISCHEN PR0FVERFAHREN AUF DEM GEBIET DER 63-66 ZERSTORUNG VON WERKSTOFFEN DURCH ORGANISMEN. 3. EINIGE GRUNDSATZE 1 FOR DIE PR0FUNG VON SCHUTZMITTELN FOR WERKSTOFFE H. J. Hucck HAUFIGKEIT UNO EINFL0SSE VON VOGELAUFSCHLA.GEN AUF FLUGZEUGE 67-75 W. J. Forse N0TZLICHE VERFAHREN ZUR ISOLIERUNG UNO BESTIMMUNG VON PILZEN AUF 77-94 HOLZ C. Grant und J. G. Savory Briefen 95-96 Bochbesprechungcn 96-98 CONTENIDO Noticias y comcntarios 37-38 EL EMPLEO DE LOS ANTIBI6TJCOS EN LA CONSERVACI6N DE LOS COMESTIBLES 39-61 B. Jarvis y M. D. Morisetti EXPERIENCIAS CON PRUEBAS BIOL6GICAS EN EL CAMPO DEL LA BIODETERIORACI6N 63-66 DE LOS MATERIALES. 3. CIERTOS PRINCIPIOS DE LA PRUEBA DE LOS PROTECTORES DE LOS MATERIALES H. J. Hoeck FRECUENCIA Y EFECTOS DES CHOQUE DE LOS PARAJOS' CONTRA LOS AVIONES 67-75 W. J. Forse METODOS UTILES PARA AISLAR E IDENTIFICAR LOS HONGOS EN LA MADERA 77-94 C. Grant y J. G. Savory Cartas 95-96 Revistas de Libros 96-98 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO SUSTAINING ORGANISATIONS Financial support for the International Biodeterioration Bulletin from the following organisations is gratefully acknowledged: ALBRIGHT & WILSON (MFG) LTD., Oldbury Walden, Essex; makers of agricultural chemicals. Division, P.O. Box 3, Oldbury, Warley, Worcs. Research on control of weeds, plant diseases, AVON RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED, Melk­ spoilage organisms, and agricultural and livestock sham, Wiltshire; manufacturers of tyres and mis­ pests. cellaneous rubber products. FORESTAL INDUSTRIES (UK) LTD. Incorporating BEECHAM GROUP LIMITED, Toiletry Division, Dearborn Pittam and Feedwater Specialists. Both Beecham House, Great West Road, Brentford, companies are suppliers of industrial water treatment Middlesex. service and chemicals, including a wide range of BORAX CONSOLIDATED LIMITED, Borax biocides for control of micro-organisms in cooling House, Carlisle Place, London, S.W.l. (Tel. VIC­ water. _ toria 9070); miners, refiners and suppliers of borax, GAGLIARDI RESEARCH CORPORATION, East boric acid, boron ores, boron products and allied Greenwich, Rhode Island, U.S.A.; sponsored in­ chemicals. dustrial research in textile chemical dyeing and B.D.H. CHEMICALS LIMITED, Laboratory Chemi­ finishing products and processes. cals Division, Poole, Dorset; manufacturers of GALLOWAY & BARTON-WRIGHT, Haldane laboratory chemicals, biochemicals, industrial fine Place, London, S.W.18.; consultants in industrial chemicals and microbiocides. microbiology and microbiological deterioration. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDERS CABLES GEIGY (U.K.) LIMITED, Simonsway, Manchester, LIMITED, 38 Wood Lane, London, W.l2. 22. THE BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANY J. R. GEIGY S.A., Basle, 21, Switzerland; manu­ LIMITED. facturers of dyestuffs, industrial chemicals, pharma­ B.X.L. PLASTICS MATERIALS GROUP ceuticals and agricultural chemicals. LIMITED, Tyseley, Birmingham. GLAXO LABORATORIES LIMITED, Greenford CADBURY BROTHERS LIMITED, Bournville, Road, Greenford, Middlesex; manufacturers of Birmingham; manufacturers of cocoa, chocolate, pharmaceuticals, industrial enzymes and fine chemi­ cake and milk products. cals. CATOMANCE LIMITED, Welwyn Garden City, ARTHUR GUINNESS SON & COMPANY Hertfordshire; manufacturers- of speciality chemi­ (DUBLIN) LIMITED. cals for the textile, paper, timber, leather industries, HICKSON & WELCH (HOLDINGS) LTD., Jugs etc., including fungicides, bactericides and insecti­ Lane, Castleford. cides. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CENTRAL LABORATORY TNO, Delft, The LIMITED, Agricultural Division, Billingham, Co. Netherlands; research, analysis and testing facilities Durham. in materials science and technology, including hie­ ARTHUR D. LITTLE LIMITED, with offices at deterioration and marine research. Sponsored by Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, government agencies and by international industries. W.l., and offices and laboratories at Inversk Gate, CHRIS FOREIGN FOODS WHOLESALERS LTD., Musselburgh, Midlothian; independent sponsored Stories Mews, Stories Road, Camberwell, London S.E.5.; tropical foodstuffs importers. research organisation. CIBA LIMITED, 4000 Basle 7, Switzerland. MAY & BAKER LIMITED, Dagenham, Essex; COALITE AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS chemical manufacturers. LIMITED, P.O. Box No. 21, Chesterfield, Derby­ RECKITT & SONS LIMITED, Hull. shire; manufacturers of chlorinated and alkylated RENTOKIL LABORATORIES LIMITED, East phenols, phosphate plasticisers and bactericides. Grinstead, Sussex. Extensive research work and development carried REVERTEX LIMITED, Harlow, Essex. out in all these fields and customer service facilities SCIENTIFIC CHEMICALS INC., 1637 South Kil­ are available for bactericides. bourne Ave., Chicago, lllinois, 60623, U.S.A.; COMMERCIAL PLASTICS GROUP OF COM­ leading manufacturers of industrial fungicides and PANIES, Industrial Division, Berkeley Square bactericides who maintain substantial research and House, Berkeley Square, London W.l.; specialists development facilities to assist customers in the in the production of film and sheeting in PVC, development of final products geared to meet polythene and high impact polystyrene for all government and industry standards. types of applications. SHELL INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL COM­ COURTAULDS LIMITED, Coventry. PANY LIMITED. CUPRINOL LIMITED, Adderwell, Frome, Somer­ STAUFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY RICH­ set; manufacturers of preservatives for wood, tex­ MOND RESEARCH CENTER, 1200 South 47th tiles, cordage, paper, adhesives, paints, leather, Street, Richmond, California 94804, U.S.A. plastics, and paint driers. VINYL PRODUCTS LIMITED, Butter Hill, THE DUNLOP COMPANY LIMITED. Carshalton, Surrey; manufacturers of synthetic FARBENFABRIKEN BAYER A.G., Leverkusen, resins, specialising in emulsion polymers for ad­ Germany; manufacturers of dyestuffs, industrial hesives, building, paper, surface coating and textile chemicals, synthetic fibers, pharmaceutical and applications. agricultural chemicals and preservatives for wood, YARSLEY LABORATORIES LIMITED, Clayton foodstuffs and technical products. Road, Chessington, Surrey; independent research FISONS LIMITED, Cambridge Division, Saffron and testing facilities. iii INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION BuLLETIN Editor Dr. H. J. Hueck, Central Laboratory TNO, Sch~ makerstraat 97, P.O. Box 217, Delft, The Nether­ Dr. H. 0. W. Eggins, Biodeterioration Information lands. Centre, Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Aston in Birmingham, 80 Coleshill Dr. A. M. Kaplan, Fungicides and Germicides Street, Birmingham 4, England. Laboratory, Pioneering Research Division, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, Mass. 01760, U.S.A. Editorial Board Monsieur Y. Le Grand, Centre d'etudes du Bouche!, Mr. G. Ayers!, Department of Biology, College of Vert-le-Petit, (S & 0), France. Technology, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Mr. A. 0. Lloyd, Catomance Limited, 94 Bridge England. Road East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts., England. Professor G. Becker, Bundesanstalt fUr Material­ Professor R. W. Traxler, Department of Microbiology, prufUng, Berlin~Dahlem 45, Unter den Eichen 86/87, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Drawer 1007, Germany. USL Station, Lafayette, La. 70501, U.S.A. Dr. D. S. Belford, Hickson & Welch (Holdings) Dr. R. Zinkernagel, J. R. Geigy,
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