U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, MAGNACIDE S SLIMICIDE, 11/16
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~I . .' .. lo/ol-/t. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY NOV 1 6 1989 11,5. llalina Caravello Baker Perforc.ance Chemica Is, Inc. 3920 Essex Lane Bous ton, TX 77027 [Jear :~3. Caravello: Subject; l'.!nend;nent - Revis"," Lab(>ling /.lagnacide S Slimicide EPA Registrat.ion No. 10707-16 The labeliny referred to above, ~uL!'l.itted in connection \.,T1th registration und'.!r the Fe~et'a 1 Ins(~cticide, F'unl)icide, and HoJentlC"1 (";.~ Act, is acceptabl(> provided that. you: 1. Change • CORROSIVE. CAUSES EYE 1II1D SKIN DAM.\GE.· to read ·CORROSIVE. CAUSES EYE DAI-1AGE AND SKIN BURI!S.· A stamped copy of the lal""l is enclosed for your records. Sincerely yours, , r, \ .yr'\ n . \." '{ Joann" I. Hiller Acting Product Hanager 123) Fungicide-Herbicide Branch Registration Division (H750SC) Enclosure 50678:I:RObbins:RD-l :KENCO:ll/14/89:12/23/89:KA:sw:vo:ka COMCUItlIIMaS ~ .................................." ................ ..................................................................................... ~ ......••.............•...............•.•••••••...... ................. ...............•• ...•........•.... ............... - ................ ,. 132001 (12-70) OPFICIAL FILE COpy · -.. .' ~ ---.;:.....-'-..~-'-'-'-. - _. ... .. ~ .... limicide (Acrolein, Inhibited) EPA Reg. No. 10707 - 16 NDER PRESSURE EPA Est. 10707 - CA-5 RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE POISON For rClail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators or ,jcrsons under their direct supervision and only for those ACH OF CHILDREN uses covered by the Certified Applicator"s certification. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS WARNING SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Liquid Magnacide S SlimiciCk! is absorbed by the skin and is oartlcularly Irrilaling to any lesion and to the eyes. The vapors act prinCipally on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tracl. Because of the extreme lachrymatory warning effect. the.!=oncenlrahon toll!rable by man IS lar below the minimum lelhal ":oncentration. TREATMENT: Treat ey.posad area as a chemical burn. Thoroughly flush the ey-e's Witt: water and 'rc.1I sym;uomallcally. Persons exposed to Magnacide S SlImlc.lde vapors have a delayed reaction and experten-;e Ifu:ahon ot 1he respiratory tract. In severe cases. this may progress to pulmonary edema. Tht:refore. It IS advisable to keep persons e";>oscd 10 Magnacide S Slimicide Uf-,der observation for 24 hours following exposure. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. MAGNACIDE S Slimcide is a water S\lluble material for the control of slime-forming organisms In pa;>er rmll pult> and white water. A!I non· recirculated water must be held for 48 hours bef1ue disposal. Apply only In aCcordance with dlfections in the Magnacide S SlimiClde Handbook under the supervision ot the trained personnel ot licensed applicalofs STORAGE AND DISPOSAL STORAGE OF MAGNACIDE S SLiMICIDE TANKS Full tanks of acrolein should be stored in a COOl. shady. we:1 ventilated ;,rea w~ich is protected from the weather and away from other chemicals. (No alke-lies or oxidiling materials shoul/! be near.) The storage area preferably should be remotely located and should be of fireprncf construction. An open shed type structure is suitable. All electrical equipment should be explosion prcof and all equipment properly grounded, Do nol reuse empty contain'!r Return empty containers to Magna Herbicide Division. DISPOSAL Pesticide wastes are acutely hazardous, Improper disposal of excess pesticide. spray millr.ture. Or rmsate is a violation of Federal Law. If these wastes cannot be (hsposed of by use acconJing to label instructions. contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency. or the Ha~ardou$ Wastl! representattve at the nearest EPA R~ionai Office for guidance. NOTICE OF WARRANTY" BAKER pEcnFORMANCE CHEMICALS. INCORPORATED MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCI~Y FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. OR OTHERWISE. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ccncerning thIs produutk Iilftisi!So,tmSh extend beyond t .... e use ot the product unoer :"Iormal conditions In ac.cord with the statements rbadiHol) \tl.~-J~b~I:.:-_.d: NET WEIGHTS Cylinder-370 Ibs. Skid Tank- 2450 Ibs. NOV 1 6 1989 tO/89 - NCORPORATED 3920 Elisex Lane, Houston, Texas 77027 ST AVAILABLE COpy .