Mining for Gold

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Mining for Gold !"#"#$%&'(%)'*+% !"#$%&'(")%*%+,"-,."/012+$-(%+,"%,(+"('3"/**3,(%-2"4-(5$3"-,."65$1+*3"+7"('3"#'%88'5,%" 9-,&'-"%,"('3"!,:%3,(";30(*"-,."<%=3*"+7"('3"4+>23"?,3*"-,."#$+5&'("(+"<%73"" ('$+5&'"<%=%,&"('3"65$3"-,."63$73:(3."@+2A"<%73"%,"('3"B+.3$,"C+$2." ,-%.--/%0/12//*'3/%42"3325#"% % % % 6#1('+571"'#% % C'3,"D3.%(-(%,&"+,"('%*"1-13$">37+$3">3&%,,%,&"%(E"F"*3("DA"%,(3,(%+,*"7+$"('3"7527%22D3,("+7" WKHSXUSRVHRIWKH%XGGKD·V6DVDQD³+5$"7$33.+D"7$+D"*5773$%,&"-,."('3"G327-$3"+7"-22" 2%=%,&">3%,&*H"";'3!"#$#%%&E"+$"%D-&3E"('-(":-D3"(+"D%,."G-*"+7"'&(&³('3"'3-$(G++.E"+$" 3**3,:3H""" " F"$3D3D>3$3."DA"+G,"%,*1%$-(%+,"(+"5,.3$(-83">'%88'5,%"2%73":-D3"G'3,"$3-.%,&"('%*" SKUDVHLQWKH3DOL7H[W6RFLHW\·V"($-,*2-(%+,"+7"('3")*#++*,"#!-#.*&"/&I"´$EKLNNKXQLLV 8998#1"/*:µ%;"";'3"#5..'D·VWHDFKLQJDQDORJLHVRIKHDUWZRRGJ"-,."$37%,%,&"&+2.K"-$3"2-D1*" ('-("%225*($-(3"('3"D3-,%,&"-,."&+-2"-*"G322"-*"('3"D3-,*"+7"('3"1$-:(%:3H""L+,*52(%,&"G%('"-," 32.3$"B-'-('3$-"D3,(+$"+7"D%,3"%,"('3"#'%88'5"9-,&'-"+,"G'-("G+52.">3"5*3752"(+"1$3*3,(" (+"('3"M%$*("N2+>-2"L+,&$3**"+,"#5..'%*("C+PHQKHUHSHDWHGWKUHHWLPHV´PLQLQJIRU &+2.µO";'5*E"('3"(%(23"-,."('3D3"+7"('%*"1-13$"-113-$3.H" " ,QODWHUUHIOHFWLRQ,UHDOL]HGWKDW´6DUDµ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´'KDPPD PHVVHQJHUVµ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