Boston University British Programmes Health and Wellness through the Lifespan SAR HP 522 (Elective B) Spring 2011

Instructor Information A. Names Professors Stephen Clift and Claudia Hammond B. Day and Time Mondays, 1.15-5.15pm C. Location Wetherby room, 43 Harrington Gardens, SW7 4JU D. Telephone 01277 711698 (messages can be left) E. Email [email protected] and [email protected] F. Webpage G. Office hours By appointment

Course Objectives This course aims to explore concepts of health and wellbeing and to examine important social, cultural and psychological factors impacting on health and wellbeing across the lifespan. Particular attention will be given to issues and research relating to the UK but discussion will be set within a wider global and European context. Efforts will also be made to link reading and discussion within the course, to students’ on-going experiences in their internship placements.

Assessment There are two aspects to the assessment of this course:

1. A paper of 2,000 words (50%) based on the issues addressed during the course Deadline: 5pm, Monday 18th April to the Student Affairs Office 2. A two-hour exam (50%)

The title of the paper should be discussed and agreed with the course tutor.

The Examination Section 1 of the examination will involve discussion of an individual case study drawing on the conceptual frameworks outlined in key texts on the lifespan perspective on health and wellness.

Section 2 will involve answering two questions, one related to the issues covered on the course and one related to the visits undertaken.

Grading Please refer to the Academic Handbook for detailed grading criteria, attendance requirements and policies on plagiarism:

1 Course Outline Session 1 Introduction to the course: Health and well-being across the lifespan – Monday concepts, theories and methods I 21 February Stephen Clift

Recommended Reading: Ben-Schlomo, Y and Kuh, D. (2002) Halfon and Hochstein, (2002) Kuh, D., Ben-Schlomo, Y., Lynch, J., Hallqvist, J. and Power, C. (2003) Ryff, Singer and Love, (2004)

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Session 2 Health and well-being across the lifespan – concepts, methods and theories II Monday Discussion of Sarah Graham’s life story 28 February Stephen Clift

Recommended Reading: Ben-Schlomo and Kuh (2002) Halfon and Hochstein, 2002 Kuh, Ben-Schlomo, Lynch et al. (2003) Ryff, Singer and Love (2004)

Social Determinants of Health and Current public health policy in England

A major preoccupation of health policy in the UK over the last 15 years has been ‘health inequalities’. We will consider the key contributions to the debate about health inequalities in the UK and the contribution of Sir Michael Marmot.

Look at the website of Sir Michael Marmot’s Centre before the session and learn about the work of the ‘Strategic Review of Health Inequalities post 2010’: Download the executive summary of his latest report to read.

We will also examine the Coalition Government’s Public Health White Paper: Department of Health (2010) Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our Strategy for Public Health in England

Session 3 The Development of National Wellbeing Indicators Monday 7 March The Coalition Government have asked the Office of National Statistics to develop indicators for assessing national wellbeing. We will examine the issues involved in this initiative, and respond to the public consultation that is currently underway.

BBC Radio 4 In Pursuit of Happiness, Claudia Hammond

Arts and health and research on arts in hospitals Stephen Clift and Rosalia Staricoff

Reading: Clift, Camic and Chapman et al. (2009)

2 Staricoff (2004) Staricoff, Duncan and Wright (2003)

Session 4 Arts and health – visit to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Monday Rosalia Staricoff 14 March 1.15-2.15pm Discussion of papers distributed 7th March

2.30pm leave to visit to Chelsea and Westminster Health Charity and Hospital Meeting with Anna Matthams, Arts Assistant and tour of the hospital 3.00pm South Kensington Tube to catch the No. 14 bus 3.30pm Arrive at Chelsea and Westminster Health Charity 4.30pm end of tour

6pm Joining in with the Chelsea and Westminster Pregnant Mums Singing Group (OPTIONAL)

Thursday The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability open lecture 17 March London, 17th March 2011 Special 4.30-5.30pm, De Lancey Lowe Room Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, West Optional Hill, London SW15 3SW Event 'Why Music? Using music to improve the quality of live for people living with neurological problems.'

Wendy Magee, International Fellow in Music Therapy will be the speaker. Free lecture open to all interested people, professional and lay. Please see the attached flyer for full details and contact Phili Denning on 020 8780 4500 x5140 or email [email protected] if you plan to attend as places are limited.

Session 5 Climate Change as a Public Health Issue Monday 21 March 4pm Climate Change and Transport Choices – findings from a national survey, Ben Savage, Senior Research Officer, Social Research and Evaluation, Department for Transport

Session 6 The Fetal Hypothesis – the work of David Barker Monday 28 March This session will examine the work of David Barker, which highlights the profound significance of our experiences in the womb before birth for health and wellbeing across the lifespan.

Before the session, visit David Barker’s website and familiarise yourself with the claims made by the ‘Barker Theory’:

Reading Barker (2003) Barker (2005)

Obesity as a major public health issue

Visit the Department of Health webpages on obesity for information on current government thinking:



Chopra, Galbraith and Darnton-Hill (2002) WHO reports on obesity

7-8.30pm Choir with No Name – choir for homeless people (OPTIONAL)

Session 7 The health and wellbeing of children and young people – mental wellbeing Monday and sexual health 4 April Claudia Hammond

Film: Kimberley: Young Mum Ten Years On

Reading Visit the website of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV for details of current developments in sexual health in the UK: HPA (2008) HPA (2011) UNICEF (2007)

Preparation to visit Kid’s Company 11th April

Listen to Camila Batmanghelidjh founder of Kid’s Company on her response to the Marmot report:

Visit the Kid’s Company website and learn about their work:

Session 8 Visit to Kid’s Company Monday 11 April MEET GLOUCESTER ROAD TUBE STATION AT 12.30pm

Today you will be visiting a remarkable project that provides help to some of the most disadvantaged and neglected children and young people in London today. Session 9 Adult Mental Health Monday 18 April Video: No Health Without Mental Health – Paul Burstow introduces the current government strategy:

Reading Department of Health (2011) Royal College of Psychiatrists (2010)

Challenges in Social Care in Old Age

Visit the website of the Health Ombudsman to find out about their role:

BBC news report on the Ombudsman report: 12466226

See more on the report here: including a radio interview with the Health Ombudsman, Ann Abraham.


Reading Health Ombudsman (2011) Department of Health (2010)

Exam Final Examination Thursday Exam times and locations will be posted on the BU London website and in the 21 April Student Newsletter two weeks before exam dates.

* Contingency Class Date: Wednesday 20 April. Students are obligated to keep this date free to attend class should any class dates need to be rescheduled.

Students must check their email and the weekly Student Newsletter for field trip updates and reminders.

Readings Course reading will provided on CD or will be readily available in the library.

Additional readings may be posted on the course webpage: (you must be logged in to view materials).

Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan – Concepts, Theories and Methods

Ben-Schlomo, Y and Kuh, D. (2002) A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32, 285-293.

Donovan, N. and Halpern, D. (2002) Life Satisfaction: The State of Knowledge and Implications for Government. London: Strategy Unit.

Halfon, N and Hochstein, M. (2002) Life course health development: an integrated framework for developing health, policy and research, The Millbank Quarterly, 80, 3, 433-

Hird, S (2003) What is Wellbeing? A Brief Review of Current Literature and Concepts. Edinburgh: NHS Scotland.

Kuh, D., Ben-Schlomo, Y., Lynch, J., Hallqvist, J. and Power, C. (2003) Lifespan epidemiology – a glossary. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57, 778-783.

Reeves, R. (2003) The Politics of Happiness, London: New Economics Foundation.

Ryan, R.M. and Deci, E.L. (2001) On happiness and human potentials: a review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 141-166.

Ryff, C., Singer, B. and Love, G.D. (2004) Positive health: connecting well-being with biology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B, 359, 1383-1394.

Health and Wellbeing – Policy Documents

Department of Health (2010) Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our Strategy for Public Health in England, London: Department of Health.

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Department of Health (2010) Our Health and Wellbeing Today set/dh_122238.pdf

The Barker Hypothesis on the Foetal Origins of Disease

Adair, L.S. and Prentice, A.M. (2004) A critical evaluation of the fetal origins hypothesis and its implications for developing countries, Journal of Nutrition, 134, 191-193.

Barker, D. (2003) The midwife, the coincidence, and the hypothesis. British Medical Journal, 327, 1428-1430.

Barker, D. (2005) The developmental origins of well-being. In Huppert, F.A., Baylis, N. and Keverne, B. (eds.) The Science of Well-Being. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Huxley, R., Neil, A. and Collins, R. (2002) Unravelling the fetal origins hypothesis: Is there really an inverse association between birthweight and subsequent blood pressure? The Lancet, 360, 659-665.

Kim, S.Y.S. (2004) Fetal origins of adult disease: the Barker hypothesis revisited – 2004. Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Disease, 11, 192-196.

Lucas, A., Fewtrell, M.S. and Cole, T.J. (1999) Fetal origins of adult disease – the hypothesis revisited. British Medical Journal, 319, 245-249.

Health and Wellbeing of Infants and Children

Barnes, J. and Freude-Lagevardi, A. (2003) From Pregnancy to Early Childhood: Early Interventions to Enhance Mental Health of Children and Families. London: The Mental Health Foundation.

Bingley, A. and Milligan, C. (2004) Climbing Trees and Building Dens: Mental Health and Well- being in Young Adults and the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Play Experiences. Lancaster: Institute of Health Research University of Lancaster.

Coram Family (2004) Annual Review. London: Coram Family.

Healey, K. (2004) Linking Children’s Health and Education: Progress and Challenges in London. London: The King’s Fund.

HM Government (2004) Every Child Matters: Change for Children. London: HMSO.

HM Government (2004) The Children Act Report 2003. London: Department of Education and Skills.

Mayor of London (2004) The State of London’s Children Report. London: Mayor of London.

Save the Children (2005) The Wellbeing of Children in the UK, University of York.

6 UNICEF (2007) The Well-being of Children in Affluent Countries

World Mental Health Day (2005) Mental and Physical Health Across the Life Span. Available from: (accessed 25 September 2005)

Health and Wellbeing of Adolescents and Young Adults

Edwards, L. (2003) Promoting Young People’s Wellbeing: A Review of Research on Emotional Health. Glasgow: The SCRE Centre.

Edwards, L. and Hatch, B. (2003) Passing Time: A Report about Young People and Communities. London: Institute of Public Policy Research.

Healey, K. (2004) Linking Children’s Health and Education: Progress and Challenges in London. London: The King’s Fund.

HM Government (1999) Teenage Pregnancy. London: HMSO.

National Centre for Social Research/ National Foundation for Educational Research (2004) Drug Use, Smoking and Drinking Among Young People in England in 2003: Headline Figures. London: NCSR/NFER.

Social Exclusion Unit (2004) Transitions: A Social Exclusion Unit Interim Report on Young Adults. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Street, K., Stapelkamp, C . Taylor, E., Malek, M. and Kurtz, Z. (2005) Minority Voices: Research into the Access and Acceptability of Services for the Mental Health of Young People from Black and Minority Ethnic Groups. London: Young Minds.

UNICEF (2007) The Well-being of Children in Affluent Countries

West, P. and Sweeting, H. (2002) A Review of Young People’s Health and Health Behaviours in Scotland. Glasgow: MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit.

World Mental Health Day (2005) Mental and Physical Health Across the Life Span. Available from: (accessed 25 September 2005)

Health and Wellbeing in Midlife

Airey, L., McKie, L. and Backett-Milburn, K. (2004) Women in Their Fifties: Well-being, Ageing and the Anticipation of Ageing. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University.

Evandrou, M. and Glaser, K. (2003) Family Care, Work and Quality of Life: Findings from the ESRC Project. London: London School of Economics.

Health Development Agency (2004) Taking Action: Improving the Health and Wellbeing of People in Mid-Life and Beyond. London: Health Development Agency.

Kuper, H. & Marmot, M. Intimations of mortality: perceived age of leaving middle age as a predictor of future health outcomes within the Whitehall II study. Age & Ageing. 2003 Mar;32(2):178-84.

7 Marmot, M. (2004) Status Syndrome London: Bloomsbury

Marmot, M, Shipley, M, Brunner, E & Hemingway, H. (2001) Relative contributions of early life and adult socioeconomic factors to adult morbidity in the Whitehall II Study Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 55, 301-307.

Singh-Manoux, A., Hillsdon, M, Brunner, E. & Marmot, M. (2005) Effects of Physical Activity on Cognitive Functioning in Middle Age: Evidence from the Whitehall II Prospective Cohort Study American Journal of Public Health 95(12), 2252-2258

Singh-Manoux, A., Richards, M. & Marmot, M. (2003) Leisure activities and cognitive function in middle age: evidence from the Whitehall II study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 57(11), 907-913

Steptoe, A. & Marmot, M. (2003) Burden of psychosocial adversity and vulnerability in middle age: associations with biobehavioral risk factors and quality of life. Psychosomatic Medicine 65(6),1029-37.

Health and Wellbeing in Old Age

Airey, L., McKie, L. and Backett-Milburn, K. (2004) Women in Their Fifties: Well-being, Ageing and the Anticipation of Ageing. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University.

Audit Commission (2004) Older People – A Changing Approach: Independence and Well-Being. London: HMSO.

Danner, D.D., Snowdon, D.A. and Friesen, W.V. (2001) Positive emotions in early life and longevity: Findings from the Nun Study, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 5, 804-813.

Department of Health (2010) A Vision for Adult Social Care: set/dh_121971.pdf

Evandrou, M. and Glaser, K. (2003) Family Care, Work and Quality of Life: Findings from the ESRC Project. London: London School of Economics.

Health Development Agency (2004) Taking Action: Improving the Health and Wellbeing of People in Mid-Life and Beyond. London: Health Development Agency.

Health Ombudsman (2011) Compassion and Care? PHSO-0114web.pdf

HM Government (2005) Independence, Well-being and Choice: Our Vision for the Future of Social Care for Adults in England. London: Department of Health.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2002) Designing and Managing Care Homes for People with Dementia. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Murphy, B. and Hawthorne, G. (2001) Report of Focus Group Research Undertaken for the World Health Organization Quality of Life of Older Persons (WHOQOL-OLD) Study. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.


Social Exclusion Unit (2005) Excluded Older People: Social Exclusion Unit Interim Report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

World Mental Health Day (2005) Mental and Physical Health Across the Life Span. Available from: (accessed 25 September 2005)


CHP (2005) Preventing Chronic Diseases: A Vital Investment. Geneva: WHO

Chopra, M., Galbraith, S., and Darnton-Hill, I. (2002) A global response to a global problem: the epidemic of overnutrition, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80, 952-958.

Committee of Public Accounts (2007) Tackling Child Obesity – First Steps, London: Stationary Office.

Douglas, K. (2007) Supersize this! New Scientist, 27 January, 28-31.

Gibbs, W.W. (2006) Obesity: An overblown epidemic? Scientific American Reports: Special Issue on Diet and Health, December 2006.

National Audit Office, Health Care Commission and Audit Commission (2006) Tackling Child Obesity – First Steps, London: NAO.

Schlosser, E. and Wilson, C. (2006) Chew On This, London: Penguin.

WHO (2000) Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic, Geneva: WHO.

WHO (2004) Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Geneva: WHO.

Swanton, K. and Frost, M. (2007) Lightening the Load: tackling overweight and obesity, London: National Heart Forum.

Mental Health

Department of Health (2011) No Health Without Mental Health: A cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages, London: Department of Health pdf

Royal College of Psychiatrists (2010) No Health without Public Mental Health: The case for action, London: Royal College of Psychiatrists

Sexual Health

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV – the case for including sexual health in the new public health white paper: reproductive-health-and-hiv-as-a-central-part-of-the-public-white-paper

9 Health Protection Agency sexually transmitted infections information:

HPA (2011) HIV in the 2010 report:

HPA (2008) Sexually transmitted infections and young people in the United Kingdom:

Health, Arts and Humanities

Angus, J. (2002), A Review of Evaluation in Community-based Art for Health Activity in the UK, London: Health Development Agency/Centre for Arts and Humanities in Healthcare and Medicine.

Arts Council England / Department of Health (2007) A Prospectus for Arts and Health. London: ACE/DoH.

Cave, B. and Couts, A. (2002), Health Evidence Base for the Mayor’s Draft Cultural Strategy, London: South East London Strategic Health Authority/East London and the City Health Action Zone.

Clift, S., Camic, P., Chapman, B. et al. (2009) The state of arts and health in England. Arts & Health: An international journal for research, policy and practice, 1 (1).

Coates, E. (ed.) (2005), Creative Arts and Humanities in Healthcare, London: The Nuffield Trust. (Available from , accessed 19 April 2005)

London Health Commission (2002), Culture and Health: Making the Link, London: London Health Commission.

Ruiz, J. (2004), A Literature Review of the Evidence Base for Culture, The Arts and Sports Policy, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

Staricoff, R. L. (2004), Arts in Health: A Review of the Medical Literature, London: Arts Council England. medical-literature/

Staricoff, R., Duncan, J. and Wright, M. (2003) A Study of the Effects of Visual and Performing Arts in Health Care, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital s.pdf

Taylor, L. (ed.)(2004), Cultural Medicine: Investment in Cultural Capital for Health, Arts Council England/Department of Health (Available from , accessed 19 April 2005)

White, M. (2003), Determined to Dialogue: A Survey of Arts in Health in the Northern and Yorkshire Region 2001-2002, Durham: Centre for Arts and Humanities in Healthcare and Medicine.

Willis-Newson (2010) Arts and Health, Evidence and Evaluation. Available from: