, III -. ....

Ration Calendar Cooler OAS ·'A" ,.aupon~ n aspire .... , Ih eor FEE tuu,HJll 29 ex-Jjtre Atll)' 8UI 8LOAB euupOD J2 t::r.,.lru May Iii: JOWA: Cooler Ihls dlenlOon: Red 'E meal .. tamps expire ay !U. fresh to stronr 0, n. and J IIlJmp.. ex-plte May :11: THE DAILY IOWAN 8110£8 eOllpoo J'2 explrel JuneU. winds, Iowa Cit y '. s M 0 r n i n? New s p a per FIVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATID ral811 IOWA em, IOWA SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1943 TBI A SOClATED rltllSS VOLVME XIJn NUMBER 186

STRIKING COAL MINERS PASS TIME ayonet ttac • • .. Two trategic XIS I S 48-Hour Steel Second ·Bond Drive RAF Pounds Government Begins , , Will Top U.S. Quota Allied Airmen Strike War~s f Operation of Nation's Week Ordered Total Will Amount Essen, Harbor Strike-Bound Mines Most Deadly ·Blow at Shipping To 4 Billion More WASHINGTON (AP) - Man- LONDON (AP)-Roya I Air R' C I . N ""'rce pounded the Ger- 00 By EDWARD KENNEDY po\yer CommiSSIoner Me utt de- Than Amount Set r u bombe~.~ estnctions on ~ man indlJstrial city M Essen F'rl- Consumption, Travel .A LLJED IIE.\DQ ARTER IN NORTH AFRICA (AP) creed tonight that steel · mills WASHINGTON (AP) _ Wit h day night and Berlin said Ameri- American Roldil'I'R in theil' first lal'gl'·scale bayonet attack of the working less than 48 hours a week sales fOI' two of the [inal three Can four-engined heavyweights By Railway Expected 'l'unisian campaign ha'" lllbbcd into the fl'in~e of the fan·. baped may hire no new WOrkers aftel· days aggregating well over a bll- attacked an undisclosed French axiR bJ'id~l'hl'ad lind captured two Rtl'at('gic hill, .,. headqnar- Junc 1 without war manpower lion dollars, the treasury reported harbor across the English channel WASHINGTON (M')-With a tel'll IInnonncrd yeotl'relay, whil allied ait'men cclebrated tho cQmmlssiQn approval-thu assur- I yesterday thnt the second war in daylight yesterday In a resump- sweep or President Roosevelt's pen striking of 111(' \Vllr'R d(,lldli st blow III (lxi , hipping in tho Mcdi. , MeN t' did ' Iloan drive has brought in more tion of the pre-invasion lIerial of- the government yesterday seized I l'1'llnpan. 109, u L ec are , tha. more than $16500 000 000. ren~ive. control of th!! stl'ike-swept coal thun 525,000 steel workers will be It thus 'bec~ m~ virtually certain While the Eighth U. S. air force fields, ond Inst night officials pre- II the artiller-Y·Rupporlecl inrantrymen stormed thoir way up Oil a 4S-hour basis by July 1. that the final total to be announced headqunrters had made no an- pared to clamp down severe re- till' !; tolltly d£'fl'l1ued hei~hts, tho allied ail' f'orees caught a con- McNutt, who acted under Presi- about May 10 will exceed $17,000,- nouncemenl of the daylight oper- stl"iction on roil service and con- c('ntralion or ('Iwmy ships in th£' Rtraits of Sicily and sank seven dent Roosevelt's executive order 000,000, an excess 01 $4,000,000,000 ations several hours uIter coastal sumption of coal in electric power ()f tlll' , '('sseIH find llit at least two othel'S. giving the commis ion authority Over the $13,000,000,000 goaL Since residents in BJ"ltain reported see- generation to ease the nation's Cluwging- IIJl the slopcs in the face of fierce opposition by crack t,> order a 41l-hour week,wherever banking houses were limited to ing American planes I'oal' across fuel crisis. ~el'rnllll t(,()O[ls, the Americans IIn(ler Lieut.·oen. George . Pat· it deems necessary, said the steel $5,000,000,000 participation in the the channel, the Berlin radiO de- The governmcnt declared the . 1011 Jr, Cilpturcd both the Djcbel IIndustry now is averaging only c3mpaign, non-banking sources or clal'ed that a formation of U, S, mines the property of the United All" d Bo b S" k 'fahent, known as Hill 609, in 41.5 hours, with some plants - so-called "ultimate investors" wiJI bombers "attempled a raid" on iI Stntes and invited the miners to lhe idi N' ir III'ca 16 miles · t F work {or the government, subject Ie m ers In n j ng as Iow as 37 h ours, h ave accoun t e d ror more th lin $12 ,- h arb or In wes ern rance, sout1nve t of }'l atel1l', and Hill The action will be equivalent to 000,000,000, 01' nearly the enUre The German broadcast, record- to no ordel's trom John L. LeWIS. 5,000-Ton Jap Shl'p 523. immediately to the south. ndding 50,000 men to Ihe nation's amount or the original goal. cd by The Associated PI·C!lS, (cke Takes Over labor forces, McNutt said, ossert- · At , the seventh federal claimed that eight four-englned Fuel$ administrator Harold L. TunIs Stili Ahead Ing aU workers released by the re erve district announced that bombers were downed when they Ickes tQok ovel' 8S manager 01 the Off New GUI"nea Coast Even with these successes, the steel mil Is 10. going to t he ex- secondIG· war oan sales processed met "strong erman fig h ter d e- rich, wllr-vital mines that produce Americans still w,re unable· to tended work week can be placed through the federal I'eserve bank fensf3 and anti-aircraft IiL·e," 95 percent of the nation's I'oal- look down upon the plain of Tunis, readily in other industrles. by , the oow total $1,460,000,000, or $410,- Thc direction the planes were mines where 480,000 men were idle ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN I United States employment serv- 000,0.00 ovel' the district quota. .flying when they crossed the yesterday. AUSTRALIA, Sunday (M') - A for there are other heights to be ice. · 'this amount will be increased, coast suggested a new attack on Ickes said preparations are un- 5,000-ton Japanese ship was taken before they reach sight of STRIKING COAL MINERS in Pricedale, Pa., some of the thousands Mr. McNutt's action Iollowed "ex· since an orders have not been one 01 the axis U-boat bases on derway to cut railroad mileage by bombed yesterday off Dutch New the level land. · Id· f th d Th dl t " . I d h B 't' t one.f1lurlh, to reduce the rails' load Guinca and left sinking, the high who have walked out of the pits In several states, are puttinlr their tenSIVe cons eratlOn 0 e spe- processe. e s nco mc u es t c rt Lony COliS. But long-range American , gUllS Idle time to contrasting' -uses. Albert Carr, left in top photo, and cia1 pI'oblem ot the ' steel indus- part of Indiana, nlinois, lown, In last night's heavy raid, the upon tlhe fuel slOcltPlle·toAl the command announced. already are hurling shells over the Gro\rer Schuller build a fence around their Vict.ory garden while other try, in(!luding confel·enccs during Michigan and Wisconsin. RAF heaped on Essen the distinc- same t me, it was unders cd re- The Japanese ship, II cargo ves- strikers, lower photo, engage in a little dice Illay. the past few days with the re- Heavy last minute buying yes- lion of being the most-bombed city Iiably that II nationwide dimout sel, was attacked by four- engined mountains into the vital enemy glonal directors of the WMC," terday shoved the total ror bonds in the world. is under con ideration to conserve allied bombers off Mal'lOkwarl. rail junction of Mateur, which lies McNutt's 3tatement said. pUl'chased in metropolftan Chicago, T.h e German indu trial city coal used by electric generating The vessel was in the harbor. where the mills disappear and the "This order will assure maxi- .me Iudtng . Cook, Lak e an d Du Page with a normal population of 654,- stations. A direcl and a near miss were nlain begins between, TUT\is and Reds Destroy 48 Nazi mum production \I(ith a minimum counties in Winols to $560,000,000, 000, compared with Greater Lon- TeleC'ram Sent scored by Ihe raiders, The ship ,.. ' OOQ 0 I b Ickes began hi~ unprecedented last was seen settling by the stern Bizerte. I~ 'Small Town' of workers. It will enable not only more than 15 O percent 0 f t h e orlg I- \lon .s 10, ,00 , now \Us een. b b dl h·" II · . ,. " a full use ot exl 'Ung facilities nai quota of $370,000,000, with re- th reciplent oC more thlln 10,000)0 y sflatc mg ca to set~lce in a spreading oil sUck. The action by the touikened Batteries, 24 Planes buL would rolease much m~r1power tw·n. not yet complet , (ons 01 bombs deliver d by tlre tel rIIm t 3,850 coal.oper:ltors, S American troops who sUpped into necessary fOl' the new facilities The drive ended officially at RAF on 55 mi sions and bomb. ordering them and their workers Extend 668,000,000 the northel'll sector after battling I~~ Title Irks (.RDt-. Berlin Claifns Great which will come into operation 'midnight last night and orders wise Londonel·s had' to use but ~o be on t~e job Monday. He called within the next few we-eks. postmarked before lhat time will little imagination to realize the m 11 r~ilo~,a~ .managers. and ,gave the Germans in the Maklt say area Radio Scrip Writers 'Defensive Successes' "Under the order no blast fur- be credited to the campaign tota1. destruction wrought by concen- ~,hem m shuctlo~s, tellmg .• hem In March Lend-Lease was only part of the bitler !Ight:ng At NovorossisK Hold nace, steel miJI, or rolllng mill trated attacks there. unJes~ t~e mmmg of coal IS re- aU along the Tunisian Iront in On Morgenthau Show working less than 48 hour l a week OPA Makes The Germans readily acknowl- sume~ wlth~ul del~y,. we face al- which the cnemy lunged cut wi.th '- J edged FrJd"y night's devastfttl'on most II .mcdltlte CUI tallment of t,he WASHINGTON (M') - The several desperate counter-attacks, ',stortad VI'ew LONDON Sunday ("")-So- on an d a...,rf line, 1 may hjre ~... od Ii f d I United States extended $688000 Gave D . " .ru:- ,any new workers WIthout the aP- in these wOI·ds from the Beriln pr uc on, 0 arms an supp les , ,- virtually aU of which were re- t 11 Y edt d 48 en fo)' OUI' mllttory rorces." 000 in lend-lease aid in March, CEDAR RAPiDS. Mo I (AP)...,. vIe t ar I er m n es royc - provo I of the war manpower com- communique: b 0 pulsed. y t·11 d ta b Lt . I .. f h ·fl· b T Is B . b b I ' He ol'd red the American flag to ringing to $10,319,00 ,000 the A ··Is torces gaIned a II·t'le .. 'd r th· btl· emy al' I eryan mor r a enes mISSion or t e specl c JO, h ntish om el's list night at- t '-I d't I th IV< L Th e CIVIC pn e 0 IS us tng I ' h'·' d 'I I' ·lh M (h " [\y over the coal fields, and dis- 0..... expen lures s nce e pro- i B l h F t , and Russian airmen shot down cease lI'1ng or er IS n me WI ore anges tacked several places In western gram began Morch 11, 1941 . ground Ma nst the ri is irs cIty of over 62,000 persons has 24 Gel'man planes yesterday in I the general waf manpOwer policy Germany, among them open rural patched red, white and blue post- In l.eportl·ng thl'S last nl·ght, Ad- army east and northeast ot Med- ers to every pit-head, waming "no j El B b d t d ' I' ht been 0 ften d ed . . . . Iwhich does not I'ecognize claims communities. Bombs dropped on ministrator Edward R, S'ettinius ez- - a an urne 10 S Ig Residents felt complimented by repulSing axis counterattacks 10 fOl new workers until ol! workers residential areas, espcciaUy in Es- ~~~t: s~a~~~n~r~~rt:~~~e tt~i~~d Jr. said lend-lea e shiP~ents in 8thoins agthnjnst the Eighth army in Secretary of the Treasury Mor- the northwestern Caucasus, Mos- 011 the job al'e rully utilized." In Railion Liisl sen, causing casualties among the States govcrnment." the lnst three months were divided e sou . ' i t· f th· ·l CliW announced early today. popl1lalion and con iderable dam- as follows'. Unltcd KI'ng"om, 38 Special Announcement gen lh aus 5C ec IOn 0 ell' Cl y . ' dl Even as the pl'esident and his U ' A I Itt111 .g · I 'd t Allhough the Germans matn- age. Accor ng to reports avail- fuels aide acted, a survey showed perccnt; RUSSia, 31 percent; AI- spec a announcemen e n t01' hIS on y ml wes ern appcar- able so far, six of the attacking of the aerial blow against enemy . L b d tained thal scores of Russian in- WPB BOSS NeI son 480,iOO men out yesterday in 12 rica and middle east 16 percent; .. ance d urlng a cross-coun ry on i WASHINGTON (AP)-Dried or bombers wel'e shot down." states' mines employing 523,000 fnr east (including India) 14 per- I s hlppl~i otft Cap Bon at tl1~ east- selling tour. rantl'ymen~ sUPP01'ted by tanks and dehydrated soups come off the cent. other areas 1 percent. I ern lJp 0 Tunisia sal~ ~t was They hadn't reckoncd with thc planes, sltll were attacking the Creates New Office ration list, most fruit and tomalo 33 Cre· wMembers persons. , Imown that the allied filers sank I German foothold around Novoro- juices get lower point values and Senator Johnson's Cold two destroyers, a corvett!!, a large rtdio script writ.ers. F C" "I" N d several oiher changes in processed William Allen White, motor launCh, a motor ferry, a "'h,e secre 1ary Clime, VISI' ' led ssisk on the Black sea coast, the or IVIIan ee S trult-vegetable rationing go into Of N " S b C U ht W'f L I Turns to Pneumonia motor torpedo boat and a tank seme or the city's busy war plants, mid n i g h t Moscow bulletin re- e(fect this morning. all U a g 'e, eave Hospita carrier. Bombs also struck two looked at a collection or original corded by the Soviet monitor gave The changes were announced After Influenza Siege WASHINGTON (AP) - Sena- merchant ships, the annoul1cement GI'ant Wood paintings, and '!!cted few details of the operations. WASHIJIK;TON (AP) - WPB l!lst night by the office of price WASHINGTON (AP)-A coast tor Johnson (R-Calif.), was in a said. as master of ceremonies last Sun- A Berlin broadcast recorded last Chairman Donald M. Nelson last administration. Removal of dry guard cutler sank a German NEW YORK (M') - William "serious condition" last night, (The British admiralty in Lon- day for a nationally broadcast night created a neW oWce of civil- soups from,the ration li st was de- U-boat off the Carolina coast sev- I Allen White, publisher 01 the £m- Capt. Robert E. Duncan, attend- don announced that 10 more rpdio show in which hc inter- night by The Associated Press said ian requirements and clothed its cided on so late Umt OPA already eral months ago, the navy re- poria, Kansas, Gazette, emerged ing phYSician at the naval medi- enemy ships, including a large viewed variOus individuals aboui that six Russi,," infantry diVi-1 director, ArthUr D, Whiteside, with had distributed sample charts porled yl!sierday, and captured 33 from Roosevelt hospital yesterday, cal centcr where the veteran sen- tanker, have been torpedoed by their participnlion in the war e[- :sions and thl'ee tnnk brigades full powcr to act as spokesman (or showing a one point per package members of the crew, including the ready to roll up his sleeves and ator is ' receiving treatment for British submarines in the Medi- Jort. umuccessfu\ly attacked German the civilian population for all con- value for dry soup in packages commanding officer. write about one more national pneumonia, reported. terranean,) A business man resel'ved judg- lpOsitions Thursday, and three di- sumer goods and services except up to four ounces, These will have Another officer and 31 enlisted crisis in his 47 years oC publish- John on was lakened to the hos- Slight withdrawals by the Brit- ment of "young smart alecks from VISions again attacked on Friday. food, housing and transportation. to be corrected by storekeepers, men made up the group captured. ing. pltal Wednesday with a bad cold. ish in lhe Djebel BQu Aoukaz area, New York who come out, stay in The German high command, re- The civilian czar who Is presi- Authorities acted from alarm The prisoners were taken to "Mr. While is keeping his eye His condition, reported improved 20 miles west of Tunis, came at~r lhehotel (12 storics high) all week I fen'ing to yesterday's operations, dent of Dun and Bradstreet, Inc" over reports thai wholesale stocks Charleston, S. C" and presumably on John L, Lewis," Mrs. White Thursday, worsened yesterday' the Germans had made their and try to write about Cedar said the axis troops "again achie- was authorized by the war pro~ of dry soups had incl·eased 80 now arc being held In a United said a rew minutes before they lett with the development ot pleUl·lsy I Cierce counterattacks supported by Rapids." . ved great defensive success." duction board chairman to deter- percent in March, due to a spurt States prison camp, although the the hospitaL complications and pneumonia. tanks. The script had Secrelary Mor- J Yesterday's mid-day Russian mine rationing policies and to .issue in production, and much of the navy did not comment on their ------:--,------genthau looking ou t of his window I communique, which told of scat- direCtives telling the office of price stock was in danger of spoiling due present disposition, 10 see "the bridge" across Cedal· tered minor fighting on the Lenin- administration when, where and to warm wealher. In the fall, these Destruction of the U-boat and river, a church, a cemetery, and grad and Ukraine fronts, did not how much goods are to be rationed. soups are expected to be rationed the capture of the prisoners was !"rmers walking in tile street e\'en mention the Caucasus. again. achieved by the 165-foot cutter below, Meanwhile a new spirit of op- The cuts in juice points, also due Icarus which depth charged the Cedar Rapids rcsidents point limism swept over Russia yester- Education And to slow sales, affed all popular sub and then raked its deck with II'lth pride to eight fine, wide day in response to Joseph Stalin1s fruit juices and tomato juices, ex- gunfire when it was torced to the bridges carrying stcady streams of order of the day in which the Human Relations cept pineapple juice, which went surface. Immediately afterward, trbCfic over the Cedar. They say premier-marshal manifested his By Robert R. Sears up from 13 to 17 points on the pop- the undersea raider began tei sink no cemetery is visib le from the own great optimism since the wal' Iular No. 2'h size can. Other can Ia nd members of its crew who 'had hotel; neither 1:-; it possible to see began for the Sovict Union nearly (Set PAlt 2) sizes of pineapple juice remained sought to man a, deck gun jum~ed , a ,church from that point, because ~wo years ago. ,-----______...:.... ___ unchanged ~ into the sea. .. • the churches nrc farther uptown, ------:------:c---~------g~1~;~~~::~:~::"::::::~:~:t' 500 Army E. ngineers to Arrive This Week "You wouldn't see a farmel' down- t ~w n in overalls once a month," Classes will begin May 10 for a 'city officia I observed. the advanced program; the stu-' housed in' eight fratemity houses Saturday, and Sunday until 11 approximately 500 army privates The citizens. were ,Plea",ed that dents are ready for officers' train- under the "cadet system," with it p. m., with the possible privilege theIrs should ha,,!) been spot­ arriving here from the University ing camp, non-commissioned 0 f f ice r in of overnight passes. lighted as a typical America~ of Wyoming and the University Students entering the basic pro- The R. O. T, C. officers of the community: "Neither the biggest of Nebraska this week for army gram are placed in the firat, sec- charge ot each house. Each day university, headed by Lieu!. CoL nQr the small est; neither the rich­ specihlized training program. ond or third term according to one of the commissioned o!fieers, Luke D. Zech , will be in com­ their background In phYlics and acting as oUicer of the day, will mand of the A. S. T. P . students. ~t nor Ihfi) poorest; neither all in­ Plans for the academic scbedule dustrial npr ali farms, but a well are bei ng drawn LIP now and will mathematics as shown in tests inspect all the houses, Lieut. Col. W. L. Smith, execu- bAlant:ed, prog ressive, pa tdolie be announced later. administered jn varlou!\ universi- The eight fraternity /louses tive officer, will Colonel t ~w n in the midst of war." CoL Homer H. Slaughter, form­ ties throughout the country, Which have been leased are Sigm'a Zech. I. That, too, was in the scripL It's er head of the military department The basic program will include Nu, Theta Xi, Phi Delta Theta, I Lieut. Col. Emery Wells, as­ a description of Ceda!" Rapids here, now representing the sev­ courses in physics, chemistry, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma slsteox provided for their deposit In the offletI _•.• By Robert R. Sears .. ~ 01 The DaUy IoWan. GENERAL NOTICES must be at The Dlib Education and Relatio."ns , Iowan by 4:30 p, m. the day preceding fln! pubUca!Jon; noti... wUI ~;,,:o,o;~!~ ~~I~kn~:O:-n:~nsI1~: ~~m OR LEGI8LY (Rob rt R. ears has com to k7ICJ.w a and pnUel' and fume, But chang do comc, faciliti or education and p ycbology de­ depressioll, lw ?IOW been yiuw addiJa Viti, XXI, No. 1534 SUllday, May 2, 1M3 goo a many of Hie problems confronting lowly, rougllly, and vcry, "ery urcl),. partment· at the graduate le\'el, a badly impetus by tILe WQ1·. lVC 11 eel 'lot wail child. alia educati01l both, adult t/trolLg1t orne of tills pulling and hauling ought to needed prote 'ion of choot p yehologi t could 1(l1til UtC elld of tIL e 1val' foJ' tltis d t'cl­ hi$ «-,ork a director of 111 chil(L wellare UNIVERSIT,Y CALENDAR go on in at least two plac ,and there i no be developed, First tep toward this have op 111 ellt. 11lclcecl, we m1tst take care tltat . . re earch stalioll h re 011 the campus. In already been taken at Penn. yh'aJ1ia tate fit change which will cOllle 1mtll the eitd !hI this article, Prole or tars explaills why need to wait for the end or the war. One of Tuesday, May 4 T"The PhYSiology of the Experi- pro colleO'c, with notable ben ,fit in scholarship 0/ th e li'or do 1Iot leavc th c 1lerl pl'eschooL Regional student cohference and mentaLly lmpall'ed Liver," medical «'e mil t do G better job of trailling our these i in b"l'aduate and Pl'OfCl sional school', und personal adjustment .ceruing to' the U(,lI cI'atioll higJt (lnil tl,·y. of contest on inter-American affairs , amphitheatre. !Uri 1I01l.1tg people in 1/ 1mlllUlt. rdatiolls."­ the olliel' at the lower end of the cducatiO(lal children of that state. . ' )fonday, May 1'7 The Editor.) • • • l/It prooe ", in the pr ' chools. • • • Th' l' 'II, 011 for concern is that the public Old Capitol 7:30 p, m. IoWa sectioh, Ameri- 01 1 ousider thc graduate level lit t. Over the llcZlllillisiration 111 busincss, goverll­ demand is not altogethcr n demand for pI' - Tbursday. May 6 can Chemical soclet3', Chemfstry T course of year a limited number of l'ecog­ mellt alld social welfare is anotlter killcZ chools. Working mothers want day 11Ul 'CIT 3-5 p. m, 'Kensington Tea. Uni- auditorium; address by :I!: , T. Mo­ (jor evera1 years ago a popular ll1agazine pub­ versity club; tlllk on "T-eunng" Bee, Of PurdUe univetslty. niz d profe iona1 chools have d veloped. of job that has been gOil1g on for a l011g care for thcir yOWlg children. In all too many ledl lished an alleg d expose of ecret plan for by Mrs. Edward F. Mason. Tbesday. Ma.y 18 tilll C, 11, rccent years, 10ith tlto incI'ca illY cases, th y do not recognize thc cl'L1cial dif­ JIlOi "111 day." Tho e were day of uneasy peace, ucll 'tndie as mcdicine, dentitry, law, en­ TIle9day, May 11 7:30 p, ro , 'Pal'tnet" bridge, Uni- the pectre of war frightenl'd a any gineering, nursin!!, pbal'macy, and education complex~ty of Ollr society, we have begun Iel·t'nce betwecn sheer phy ieal care aud tIle 12:15 p. m. Buffet brunch, fol- versity club. ' !lOU and us vidl other unknown thing would. 1.1 day assum c1 al'e common to m t fir t·cla . uniYcrsitic . to see how importU11t it" (ltat it be done richly complex cu rriculum of a modern pre­ lowed by partner bridge, Univer- Thursday, May 20 dreadful propertic' in anticipation - iam­ ceo 'ionally, but not often, a new" chool" well. To be SllfC, 0110 can emmt on a eel'­ ·chool. 'r'hesc mothers don't wan I harm to sitY' club. 3-5 p. m. ''May Tea"; business T i added. Aeronautical and radio ngineeting lain 71 umber of g n'iuses ill eaclt gell~ru. come to their children, so they take the young­ 4 p. in. Mayo lecture by Dr. J, meeting with presentation of new m would be estlered, government would ~ L. Bollman, of the Mayo Clinic, on 'Officers, UniverSity club, take o\'cr busine , the al'my would Cl'eate a ure recent examp1 . In ('aeh case the addi­ lioll, the Fords alL(Z Kai!61's in 1nclush"lJ, stcrs to preschool. ~Iuch of this devclopment a(tf i dictatorsllip, the individual would 10 e all tho tion was brought about by public 11 cd for lite Elioi .~ amZ Coffmans in education, is being suppol'1cd by ndustl'Y itself at pre:­ (Por ~ormatJoa rel'a~-1Iates beyond this IIChedule, lee tJor rights he had gailled in the la t thou and thc 'cryicc of people trained in the 'e wuys. RlIt m{lyb it is time 10e qwit "elying on ellt, \Yhcn the crucial demand fO l' lubol' is ~aUolli III Ole-oHiee .f, Ole Pretdilent, Old CJa,lwl.) and yeal . All tlle e would bappen without warn­ • • • ITtC sporadic gifts of fatll alia did a little past, lliis expensive method of III ri ng workcn; sari CIa ing, overnight. lis SOOIl a tiLer is (J, bod y of howl dye trainill!! on (lltl' OWlt in1tiati1!e. Why not will no ~oubt bc given lip, rr t he l'J'c .~cllOols GiN.ERAL ~OTICES that can" taugM more in a establish technical profossional tmining III'e not then iJ1(!ol'porateli into the (ree pH hlic No' effcctivtly r' S • • • for admiltislra tOl'.~. 'education s~'stem, t llere is uangfer tll at the MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULI!l representatives, who should be ehool thUll it can bo picked tip on the tu tl As long as M day did,l't ('0111 , thesc job Stich a pl'ofessiollal cltooZ become. • •• exp(!l1se . w11l pro\'e 100 grllat for young par­ Sunday, May 2~4 to 6' 11. m, and 'ptt!sent ;c th ree fields ar~ but examples of the ents to support. pea p ar~ Harbor, they seemed only bacl Mond;ly, May 3-10 a, m, to lZ ~ t f 01' Sitch trainillg witt" the tl/dcllt learn kinus of jobs which Jllay lend tllemselvt'S to This would be a serions malter, 'flle evi· dream. We hacl made the ocial plan­ M. and '3 to 6 p. m , : STUDENTS NOT IN RESERVES an d to make some matel'ial object that a sal s­ formal development. Each cnrriculum would dence today is overwhel ming that continucd Tuesday, May 4-10 a. m, to lZ lUl1less ' you are deferred ftoin full ncr's 11 ual 1111·stakc. 11' e hacl fot'gottet~ man can sen at a' 1)1'ofit. It i" more (lifli. draw heavily from present gl"lldt1ate or ~l-b. ' pl'(\so]1001 attendance is an extreme asset to M, and 7 to 9 p, m, service, of less than eighteen, you in to ask jll t who tlJoljld makc these awflll ('ult to recognize a n ra of bettel' frail!­ fl'S.'!ional school subject matter. )!jaoh job is tIlo chfld. It adds to his feeling of security Wednesday, May 5-10 a. m, to should soon call at the ottice 111 Dat overnight changes. As it'tw'lIs out, the illg, howeve1', when all that the .,tudcllt oIll' thut IIll1st be c.1onc wheth 'r 01' not spccial in !roeial contael , bccause it providcs the 12 M. and 3 to 5 p, m, stttdellt affairs for a copy of YOllr rigl p 1t'1t0 lead, t/ agg ople ill war arc those who l 6a1'115 is to work fIIor elfectivrllJ ,('itk Hail\in~ is provideu rOl' Hi; pl·actltioners. Jtt t f iN!t r uc.1im ents of ] al'l1ing 110W to li"c alllica­ Thursday, May 6-10 a, m. to persol1nlll record: FUrthermore, you lead tiS ideals, prin­ 12 M. and 7 9 p, m. should gi!t twb letters of recom- disl in peace. Their their SIIC1L il1i a1tyibl es as human "elatiollslt illS, 8~ agricllltnre, lit the turn of the centul'y, hl.v with other children. 'l'his I al'ning is not to ciple , thei,' ltoricollli11g - alld Friday, May 7- 10 n. m. to 12 mehdatiort from your teacheni. As r pen their Yet a hasty glatlcr arol/lld show.~ thal bccuJIlc 11 IlLllttel' £01' wid spread formal train­ a 11it or miss iiffair, but a carefully pJUllf1 d abt1itics-ltave cha1lged vcry Wile. M M. and 3 to 5 p ,m, BOOn as you receive your call frOln '! sitch trainill{f rrml£l be 7)//t to {)(lIIri till/" ing- bccllllS(' such tr8ining would be useful pt'ocedurc by which the child j taught 110W DIsc day tOOl'ked 110 1VOlltJIlI·. It set in mo­ , Saturday, May 8- 10 a, m, to SelectiVe Service, gb to the offiCe Too 1l1all!! of fl/() ,,,orZel's hant jobs aI'C - so loduy 1 he list of ~l'uduatc Ill'ofe ' 'ions to conf rol hiniSelf, how to 'I'ork coop ratively 12 M" Ho 3 p, m, 'nnd ' 4 to 6 p , tn, at the registrar for a transcHpt. L, tion forces f1lat will eventuallv challge beillg dono badly llie.,c dall'" IIIlllit be reexamiued to se what can usctully witb-others, a nd how to oxpt' .. liim 'If to the ---"'-- , Till! arlny reOOmmends tHat 'eIU!h con ow' live con idcrably, and in f Ito direc­ • • • be added to them. 'JnllximullI d gt·oo withottt intcr! riug too S'1'­ selectee have ' these documenb Un i tion 101l fcared, too, rJ1tt tit process tvill PART-TIME WORK Bo: Three can be 1Wlllccl as exampl s. Now look at the lowel' end of tIlll edn 'a ­ iottsly with bis cOlltcmporari , In at her It you f are intereSted in part­ when he ij called --to mUitlil'Y 18r· take time a11d it will go on in a fail'ly tlll vice. nrg • • • tional ladder, That is \\'h ' l'e we must start 'wutds, lIe leal11S, de l' guidance, llow to g't tilne cash work, ~' wlll you please prediclable if nof always ordcl'ly toa!!. C. WOODY THOMPSON cnn The judiciary arc facl'd with baffling dif­ if \\'0 wi~h to do more thm\ (I r 111edial job tho 1110St out of life ill a social wodd, call at the office of stUdent em­ .. • • • f iculties in the llandling of legal problems on society. That ifl where pel 'on81, Moi\ll, • • • ployment, room 3, Old Capitol, to boa SWIMMING l'OOL dec Much has written of lut nbout the involving lltllllHI1 motivcs und pet"onolities, IIl1d intell ectuul ad quaey can betlcvcl

CJinI For .600 Rating in Big Ten Info 1sf Place Kentucky Derby by 3 Lengths and daUJ By SID FEDER JlOIV By BILL MILLER League Champions srnit CHURCHILL DOWNS, Louis-, Olilc and a qUBI·ter "heartbreak· HI AO (p X!ial to Til Daily 101l'1In ) - luw8' Ilnwk~~' . w· Trim Senators, 9-7, ville, Ky. CAP)-The fleet sailed er," an.d there wasn't another gal· Grat clo ed their '43 ba pbaU '~a 'on by walloping hicQ"o by idt'utical into port with the 69 th Kentucky 10per in the race with enough get. Nan( In Eleventh Frame up-and-go in his hOOfs even to co of 1 ·2 in both end 01' a double·beader plu~'cd at Oren\\ood /tayt Field yet>terday. Wllile the Hawks ama d a total of 3j hit and Derby yesterday without even get- challenge him, WASHINGTON CAP) - Atter ling .up a fuJI head of steam. Ocean Wave Injured cisCO capitalized On 13 :Maroon error to tall." tb ir cor .. Iowa '. ~lax five Innings ol scoreless ball, the Just as was predicted almost The only hopeful who mighl /tayt with and.Red Kenney handcuffed th 'hicag0811s. alJowiol!' ouly )fOUl New York Yankees and Washing­ unanimously for this war-time re- have made him speed up from a three llit in each game. newal of the ancient turI classic, waltz to a two-step was Warren Las 'with, who hurled in th op net·, hrld the 0II[lO.,itioll hillt· ton Senators broke out In a rash of hits, errors and walks yester­ Mrs. John D. Hertz's Count Fleet Wright's Ocean Wave, and the ixth Oll catcllel'. doubl In uutil Ih wb n fnr" Bailan, )fa1' d. day and when it was all over the - he has been tagged "The Fleet" Wave wasn't even on the tra~k. hi only starting effort of the y al', tit young ~oJ>homol'e hUl'i\'l' or "The Count" ever since he sky- Three hours belore the plaLntive American leasue champions had rocketed to turf prominence a year notes of "My Old Kentucky HOllle" eli 'played unlli!ually fin control. trikjng onl tell men and walk. scored a 9 to "Ill-inning victory ago - made a parade of this re- . drifted over this picturesque ra~ ing only two. Kenn y who pitched lit eyen inning nightcap, and moved back into unctisputed newal of this ancient run for the course, Ocean Wave, was with­ fauned 13 and walked four. r possession of first place. roses. Before the show was over Wash­ drawn because of an injured leg Iow8's first big scoring rally Wh't S 0 A crowd estimated at 60,000 by - and whatever hprse race this ClIllle jn the third inning of the I OX Walter Schwank ington took six hurlers, New York e vercome four and the American league CoL Matt Win.n, the Downs' im­ derby might have been stayed Ci l'St game when COil ecutive pressat"io - slim compued to the champions had been charged wIth right in his bilrn with him. 90,000's ot other years - roared singles by Smith and Landes and Browns for Second * * * !i errorl>, two each by rookies As a result, The Fleet broke an error by the Chicago first base- ve him home as he did just what he George Stirnweiss and Bill John­ out in full battle array aftfr was supposed to, in the way he man loaded the base.. Clark V' t f Se W.Schwank son. Seventeen bases on balls were bouncing along with some of the Briscoe walked forcin, in a run Ie 0 issued, nine by the Yankee hurl­ was supposed to do. He took the others in ilie field of ten fOr halt ory as on lead when he wanted to in this and Harry Rinkema singled, $Cor- ers. Tom BYl'ne, rookie southpaw, a mile, and trom there on it WM N d ( h just II gallop. At the wire, he ing two more. Briscoe and Rin- CHICAGO (AP) - Rapping out received credit for the game and ame oac Jim Mertz was the loser. was three lengths in front of Blue kema then elcecuted a dou-&le 13 hits, the Chicago White Sox Swords, the pride and joy of Al· ~:~kS~nd tallied again l~r the ~~i~ ~~ems::rhein:n~~~:ny~!~':a~:~1 New York AB B H PO A MAJOR LEAGUE len T. Simmons, Akron (Ohio) ra· For Cilly Hllgh dio station owner, and nine Thef added three more in the the St. LoUiS Browns. 5 to 4. be- Stirnwei8s, 58 ...... 6 0 0 3 in 3 Iront Slide Rule, from the barn fourth on a single by third bon- 'fore 1,558 spectators in Comiskey WellUlel'ly, cf...... 6 1 1 0 0 ot man J ohn Quinn, a by Smith park.1 It was only the Chicago- Keller, If...... 5 1 3 2 0 STANDINGS of W. E. Boeing, the Seattle lilt· plal)e manufacturer. and a by Landes. In ans' second victory or the young Waller C. Schwank,l coach or Go.rdon, 2b...... 4 2 2 3 1 the seventh innin/t, 10 men went American league season. the undereated Annmosa high , Etten, Ib .. . ; ...... 5 2 2 10 I NATlONA.L LEAGUE Fleet to Cork 1 1 3 5 to bat for 10wl\ and s[x of them st. Louis AD RHO A school [oolball tcnm trom 1938 to W. Johnson, 3b.... 4 W L Pet, 1 2 6 2 Brooklyn ...... 7 1 stt~~~:~l :~~ j::r 1~~~I~h~~~~; ~~: eros ed the plate to wIden the 1941 , was appointed "duration" H.em~I~, c .... " .875 way back to Bumt Cork, the ent.fy margin of victory. Guttel'idge, 2b . "1 I 2 2 athletic coach for City high school Llndeli, I·f...... 5 1 I 6 1 ~1I.LFRl{4S OFf'ESRs' " Cincinnati ...... 5 3 .625 Eddie Anderson-Rochester The Mar06~s scored both their Clift. 3b ...... 4 0 I 0 0 by lhe school board yesterday. He Zw ber, p ...... 1 0 1 0 0 F~ 1HL'! '1AtoJt<.ees, . Boston ...... 3 2 .600 ~f ot runs in the seventh stanza when Laabs, cr ...... 4 0 0 3 0 succceds Herb Cormack who has Tumer, p...... 1 0 0 0 0 ~P66RS, erA~~ Reo$, _ Pitlspurgh ...... 4 4 .500 the radio-who was just as unani. Smith weakened enou,h to issue Chartak, rf ...... " I 1 2 1 been commissioned in the navY. Donalr;!, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 C"A~D'NAL.S, '1i~M, Arn~~tl's St. Louis ...... 4 4 500 moltSly the pre-race prediction to his first of the ,ame Stephens, 55 ...... 4 1 2 1 4 As head 100tball coach, Schwank Byrne, P~ ...... , 1 0 0 0 0 "",, ~ Allie> P~It.1-I6S Chicago ... .. ~... 3 5 '375 finish last as the Count was to be to John Cooperrider. Tommy McQuinn, 1b .3 0 0 11 0 will also assist In coa~hing track Methney ...... 1 0 0 0 0 New York ...... 2 6 '250 I first to the payoff line lor the Thompson, lJawk shortstop, jug- Kl'eevich, cf .. .. 2 1 I 2 I and and will teach ma------Philadelphia ...... 1 4 '200 pile ot banknotes amounting to gled a hot grounder off the bat Byrncs x ] 0 0 0 0 thematlcs. Totals .... 43 9 13 33 13 Yesterday's Besults . $60,725 which was waiting for tpe ot Chica,o Fred Clmer- Ferrell, c 3 0 1 3 1 Schwank was graduated from - Batted for Z.ubel· in 7th. Dodgers Take Two Brooklyn 9, New York 2; winner. blatt and Pete Conroy sin,Jed, Crlscola xx 1 0 0 0 0 Davenporl high school, where he Washlnrton AB It H PO A Brooklyn 3, New York 0 (double- The v iclory of the Hertz hur­ Hoosiers High ricane, freely forecast aIter he scoring Cooperrider. Bob Finne- Galehouse, p '" ..... 2 0 0 0 1 was an all-state tackle, in 1930, header). _ gan forced Conroy at second, but Caster, p ...... 1 0 0 Oland from Coe college in 19M. Clary, 3b ...... 6 1 2 1 6 To Strengthen Lead Cincinnati 7, S!. Louis 3. was backed dOwn 10 1 to 2 in ttle Cimerblatt denIed the plate to - - --- Since that IImc he has served as Case, rr...... 6 2 1 S 0 Boston at Philadelphia post- "(utul'e books"-shortest PI'ice in end the only Chicago rally. Totals 33 " "I 24 11 football coach at Sibley, Anamosa Spence, cf,...... 5 0 1 2 0 In Tra~k Meel poned. derby history-and knocked down The Hawks jumped into the x-Batted for Kreevich in 9th and, for the last two years, at R. Johnson, it ...... 6 1 2 S 0 Macon, Webber Win Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 3. to 2 to 5 in the mutuel machin~ lead again in the opening inning xx-Batted for Ferrell in 9th I Carroll high school. He was grad_ Vernon, 1b ...... 4 1 1 17 0 loday, was about the only thing Opener, 9-2, Newsom EVANSTON, Ill. (AP)-Scoring of the second game when they Chlea"o AB RHO A ua ted " cum 1au d" e ..~ rom cO 11 4!ge, P n'dd y, 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 6 AMERICAN LEAGUE in this derby that didn't fit into scored four runs on only one hit, .. was president of the athletic club Early, c...... 5 0 0 4 1 rll'st in five events, Indiana piled the pattei'll which made this the Annexes Nightcap, 3-0 up 43 1/ 3 points for a surpriSingly W L taking advantage of Dick Renald', Tucker, of .. 5 1 1 3 I a t Cd'oe an In 1934 won th e S. G • Sillu van, ss ...... 2 0 1 I 3 Pel. s trangest ot all of Col. Matt wildness. Renald walked three R b easy victory yesterday over (ive New York ...... 6 2 ·th Appling, ss ...... 3 0 2 1 2 Courtney award for athletics and 0 ertsOn, S5...... 0 0 0 0 0 NEW YORK (AP)-Bobo New- .750 Wlnn's annual affairs at the pic. men and h it t wo 0 t hers WI h C I other teams in a Big Ten confer­ Detroit .. 5 3 .625 turesque Downs. Kuhel, 1b ...... ~ 4 1 1 7 0 sc olarship. arrasque, p_..... 1 0 0 0 2 som hurled one-hit ball [01' his Cleveland ...... , .. 5 3 pitched balls to hand the Iowans D I th' I h Adkl 0 0 0 0 ence Vack meet. .625 Count Fleet paid his bac~ers a lead which they never relin- Solters, If ...... 4 1 2 1 I Ul' nil' e mne years s nee is os, p 0 second victory of the season yes- The Hoosiers rinished six points Washington ...... 5 4 .600 $2,80 to win, $2.40 to place and quished. Kollowoy, 2b ...... • 1 3 2 2 graduatlon rrom COllege, Schwank Scheetz, P .... ·...... O 0 0 0 00 terday to give the Brooklyn Dodg- ahead of second-place Minnesota, Boston ...... 3 5 .375 $2.20 to show for a $2 ticket. Blue Two walks and an infield out Moses, rf ...... 3 I 2 6 0 has taken summer work at the Candinl, p ...... 0 0 0 0 which compiled 37 Wisconsin Chicago ...... 2 4 gave the Maroons one run in the Culler, 31;l ...... 4 0 0 0 I University o! Iowa, Sl. 'Ambrose, Mertz, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 ers a clean sweep of their double V3 . .333 Swords paid $3.40 and $3.00. Slide was third with 32 points, followed St. Louis ...... 2 4 first and they put tOjtether two Tre.sh, c ...... 4 0 1 7 0 Iowa State ea eherslceglToay - Carpenter, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 ~~U with tht~ Ne~ hyork ;,i~nt~ .333 rule paid $3.20. by Chicago with 28, Northwestern Philadelphia ...... 3 7 .300 Certainly, there have been m singles, a base on balls and a field- Smlt~, p .. _.... 2 0 0 0 21 Iowa Stale Teachers college and Myatt- ...... 0 I 0 0 0 ey \~n e nlg cap 0 with 15 5/ 6 and Purdue with 7 1/ 2. Yestcrcla·y's Results It er's choiCe to registel' agaIn in Hodgm z ...... 1 0 1 0 0 Morningside. He Is 30 years old, Moore'" .. 1 I 1 0 0 behind ge~so~ after I~in~ing ~e del'bies which have had any more Don Quello!" led Indiana's scoring New York 9, Washington 7 (12 trouble 01' hurdles to jump. A :few .th. .Haynes, p ... 1 0 0 0 0 married and has two small chil- Marlon-" • M ...... J 0 0 0 0 opener 0 on eo\.!!- t the fOUl ___ _ _ dlen. _____ pitching of Max Macon and Les efforts. Other HoosieJ' winners inllings) . n:onths ago, there was a brief time Iowa continued to pile up a T Webber. were Harry Price in the 440, Lou Detroit 3, Cleveland 2. when it looked as if there would tremendous lead, tallying three in Totals 35 5 13 ~7 9 otals ...... 42 "I 9 33 18 Saban in the shot put, and the Boston 3, Philadelphia 1. .., tte" f Sml·th I'n 6th - Batted {or Sullivan in 9th. (First Game) be no derby at all. Then Colonel the second, six in the third, an- z-~a .. or U Indiana one mile relay team made Chicago 5, st. Louis 4. \\' Jnn, the promotional patriarch other in the fifth and four more 1n WTc Cadets ndergo •• Batted lor Canl;lini In 9th. Brooklyn ABRltOA up of Bob Nichols, Larry Falwc11, ...... ,.-- of the Downs, "got his back up" Ii the sixth. ing hurler, Roy Stille, and its two J ... Batted for Myatt in 9th. Charles McClure and Price. TODAY'S Galan, ef ...... 5 2 2 0 0 and Pledged himself to run his Max Landes, Iowa righlIlelder, leadin, sluggers, Tom Farmer and V' E' New York...... 000 000 403 02-9 Charley Hlad, Cormer Michigan American Leacue derby as a "street car" aff/lir, succeeded in gelling on base nine CaptaIn Harold Lind, closed up Washington ...... 000 003 004 00-7 Vaughan, s ...... " ..... 5 2 2 1 3 New York at Washington-Bon­ Igorous xercises Walker, rf ... __.. .4 0 0 0 0 NOl'mal ster and a world record with only the neighbors and their El'I'ors-W. Johnson 2, BYrne, holder in the high hurdles, was nl\m (1-0) and Donald (0-0) vs. times during the afternoon and their Big Ton season with a record Stirnweiss 2. Runs batted in-R. Mcdwick, If ...... 5 0 1 1 0 children from greater Louisville high scorer in the meet with 15 Wynn (0-0) and Pyle (1-1) crossed the plate eight times. or six wins and four defeats. II d Johnson, Vel'non, Sullivan, Lin- Camllli, Ib ...... 5 3 2 12 0 sitting in. points. Competing fm' the Univer­ Philadelphia at Boston-Antzen Briscoe, who knocked out four Fot' Chicago It constituted the 87 frainees Dri e dell, Metheny, Gordon 3, W. John- Herman, 3b ...... 4 1 2 4 5 Gre;atest Since Man O'War hits I'n tile opener and two in the opener of their conference season. N' H W kl sity or Chicago, whel'e he is an (0-0) and Woltr 0-1) vs. Hughson The folks saw quite a hOlll>e in Ine ours ee son 2, Clary, Spence, Hemsley 2. Owcn, C ... 5 0 2 5 0 second game, led the Hawks in Less than a hundred fans braved y Two base hits-Weatherly, Case, army meleol'ology student, Hllld (2-0) and Ch!lse 0-1). bhe Fleet, a colt who already is Kampouris, 2b 3 I 0 4 3 Cleveland at Detroit - Bagby thai category. bitter cold to watch their home By Prof. Wendler w. Johnson, Clary, Spence, Hems- won the 100-yard dash and both being tabbed as "the greatest since Macon, p .4 0 0 0 2 the high and low hurdles. (2-0) and Harder (I-I) vs. Over­ Iowa, playin, without it.s lead- team take it on the chin twice. Icy. Three bllSe hits-Zuber, Ver- Webber, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Man a'War" and considerablY p.m. mire (1-0) and GOI'sica (0-1). mOI'e than "just a chip off the old Naval cadets in the Wa.r Tra[n- non, Keller. Sacrifices - Zuber, a.m. Tota.ls 40 '9 11 27 13 "Babe" Is Grandfather St. Louis at Chicago-NiggeIing block" of h i:.; daddy, Reigh Count. ing Service program her wilt have Carrasquel. Doubl\, plays-Sulli­ (J-O) and Sundra (0-1) vs. Hum­ who slopped through the mud to to undergo a rigorous physical van, Priddy and Vernon; Cord6n, New York AD R n 0 A Of Second Baby Girl phries (0-0) and Lee (0-1). victory in the 1929 derby. Navy Personalities . Jim Tatum education schedule in addition to SUrnweiss and Etten. LeU on National League The chari says he won "han· All • • • academic studi s. bases-New York 12, Washington Maynard, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 NEW YORK (AP) - George Brooklyn at New YOI'k-Wyatt Herman Ruth, baseball's great dily," and it was even easiet· than There al'C 87 elementary and. 12. Base on balls-bII Zubel' 5, Witek, 2b .4 0 1 1 3 0-0) and Head (1-0) vs. Feldman lhal for the last eighth of a mile. A man who has spent nine secondary WTS cadets in train- Cal'rasquel 4, Adkins 2, Turner 1, Bl\ma, If .. 3 0 0 4 0 "Babe," became a grandfather (0-0) and Trinkle (O- Il. 7 He just coasled to the wire and years at Chapel Hill, N. C., site of Ing on the campus, a contingent of Do~ald 2, Mertz 2, Byrne I. Strike ott, rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 for ll'\e second time when a Chicago at Pittsbuq:h-Bithorn pound, 14 ou.nce girl was born to the result was he was clocked ill one of the live pre-flight 5ch(lols, 40 elementary cadets having ar- outs-by Carrasque1 1, Zuber I, Lombardi, c ...... 4 0 0 4 0 (2-0) and Barrett (0-0) VS. Hebert his 21-ycar-old daughter, Mrs. only 2 minutes 4 seconds-slow is now hcre at thc Iowa Pre-FHght rived April 16 fOI' the eight week Scheetz~, B!rne 2. Hils-off Zub~r Gordon. 3b ...... ' .... 4 1 1 I 2 (0-1) and Klinger (0-0). I Daniel J . Sullivan, today in Irwin lime foL' a colt who last fall set a school as aSsistan t football coach training periOd. After successfully 4 In 6 Ihlllngs; CI\l'['asQuel 8 tn Jurges, ss ...... 3 1 1 2 2 Cineinnali at SI. Louis-Riddle world record of 1:34 4-5 lor a and coach or the Buccaneers box­ completlng their course here, they 6 2/ 3; Turner 3 in 2; (none out 10 Orengo, Ib ...... 4 0 1 13 1 sanitarium, Holis, L. 1. Mrs. Sui- (I-I) and Starr O-ll vs. Pollet lIvan also Is the molher of another mile Cal' a two-year colt. ing teom in the sports pro.ram. will go to one of the U. S. naval 9th); Adkins 0 in 1/3; Donald 1 C. Melton, p ...... 1 0 0 0 I (l-O) and Cooper (1-1) . du,ughter, born in 1941. He is LleLlt. (jg) J im '1'atum, pre-flight schools throughout the in 1/ 3; Scheetz 4 in 1 1/3; Byrne 1 Bradord z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Boston at Philadelphia - An­ University or' North CaroUna foot­ country. They have received pre- in 2 2/ 3. Candini 0 in 2/ 3; Mertz 0 Sayles, p ...... 0 0 0 0 3 drews (1-0) and J avel'y (0-1) vs. ball and baseball star of thl! early liminary training at another base In I 1/3; Carpenter 1 in 2/ 3. Win- Bartell zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 in first inning. Johnson (0-0) and Fuchs (0-0). 1930's and Mad football coach belqre comIng to Iowa. n[ng pitcher- Byrne. Losing pitch- Coombs, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 there last seaB6n. Prof. A. J . Wendler of the uni- er-Mc\"iz. ----- New York AD R II 0 A Red SlIx Ddeat A.'s The main difference between versity physical education depart- Umpires-Hubbanl, Rpmmell\nd Totals 32 2