, III -. .... Ration Calendar Cooler OAS ·'A" ,.aupon~ n aspire .... , Ih eor FEE tuu,HJll 29 ex-Jjtre Atll)' 8UI 8LOAB euupOD J2 t::r.,.lru May Iii: JOWA: Cooler Ihls dlenlOon: Red 'E meal .. tamps expire ay !U. fresh to stronr 0, n. and J IIlJmp.. ex-plte May :11: THE DAILY IOWAN 8110£8 eOllpoo J'2 explrel JuneU. winds, Iowa Cit y '. s M 0 r n i n? New s p a per FIVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATID ral811 IOWA em, IOWA SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1943 TBI A SOClATED rltllSS VOLVME XIJn NUMBER 186 STRIKING COAL MINERS PASS TIME ayonet ttac • • .. Two trategic XIS I S 48-Hour Steel Second ·Bond Drive RAF Pounds Government Begins , , Will Top U.S. Quota Allied Airmen Strike War~s f Operation of Nation's Week Ordered Total Will Amount Essen, Harbor Strike-Bound Mines Most Deadly ·Blow at Shipping To 4 Billion More WASHINGTON (AP) - Man- LONDON (AP)-Roya I Air R' C I . N ""'rce pounded the Ger- 00 By EDWARD KENNEDY po\yer CommiSSIoner Me utt de- Than Amount Set r u bombe~.~ estnctions on ~ man indlJstrial city M Essen F'rl- Consumption, Travel .A LLJED IIE.\DQ ARTER IN NORTH AFRICA (AP) creed tonight that steel · mills WASHINGTON (AP) _ Wit h day night and Berlin said Ameri- American Roldil'I'R in theil' first lal'gl'·scale bayonet attack of the working less than 48 hours a week sales fOI' two of the [inal three Can four-engined heavyweights By Railway Expected 'l'unisian campaign ha'" lllbbcd into the fl'in~e of the fan·. baped may hire no new WOrkers aftel· days aggregating well over a bll- attacked an undisclosed French axiR bJ'id~l'hl'ad lind captured two Rtl'at('gic hill, .,. headqnar- Junc 1 without war manpower lion dollars, the treasury reported harbor across the English channel WASHINGTON (M')-With a tel'll IInnonncrd yeotl'relay, whil allied ait'men cclebrated tho cQmmlssiQn approval-thu assur- I yesterday thnt the second war in daylight yesterday In a resump- sweep or President Roosevelt's pen striking of 111(' \Vllr'R d(,lldli st blow III (lxi , hipping in tho Mcdi. , MeN t' did ' Iloan drive has brought in more tion of the pre-invasion lIerial of- the government yesterday seized I l'1'llnpan. 109, u L ec are , tha. more than $16500 000 000. ren~ive. control of th!! stl'ike-swept coal thun 525,000 steel workers will be It thus 'bec~ m~ virtually certain While the Eighth U. S. air force fields, ond Inst night officials pre- II the artiller-Y·Rupporlecl inrantrymen stormed thoir way up Oil a 4S-hour basis by July 1. that the final total to be announced headqunrters had made no an- pared to clamp down severe re- till' !; tolltly d£'fl'l1ued hei~hts, tho allied ail' f'orees caught a con- McNutt, who acted under Presi- about May 10 will exceed $17,000,- nouncemenl of the daylight oper- stl"iction on roil service and con- c('ntralion or ('Iwmy ships in th£' Rtraits of Sicily and sank seven dent Roosevelt's executive order 000,000, an excess 01 $4,000,000,000 ations several hours uIter coastal sumption of coal in electric power ()f tlll' , '('sseIH find llit at least two othel'S. giving the commis ion authority Over the $13,000,000,000 goaL Since residents in BJ"ltain reported see- generation to ease the nation's Cluwging- IIJl the slopcs in the face of fierce opposition by crack t,> order a 41l-hour week,wherever banking houses were limited to ing American planes I'oal' across fuel crisis. ~el'rnllll t(,()O[ls, the Americans IIn(ler Lieut.·oen. George . Pat· it deems necessary, said the steel $5,000,000,000 participation in the the channel, the Berlin radiO de- The governmcnt declared the . 1011 Jr, Cilpturcd both the Djcbel IIndustry now is averaging only c3mpaign, non-banking sources or clal'ed that a formation of U, S, mines the property of the United All" d Bo b S" k 'fahent, known as Hill 609, in 41.5 hours, with some plants run- so-called "ultimate investors" wiJI bombers "attempled a raid" on iI Stntes and invited the miners to lhe idi N' ir III'ca 16 miles · t F work {or the government, subject Ie m ers In n j ng as Iow as 37 h ours, h ave accoun t e d ror more th lin $12 ,- h arb or In wes ern rance, sout1nve t of }'l atel1l', and Hill The action will be equivalent to 000,000,000, 01' nearly the enUre The German broadcast, record- to no ordel's trom John L. LeWIS. 5,000-Ton Jap Shl'p 523. immediately to the south. ndding 50,000 men to Ihe nation's amount or the original goal. cd by The Associated PI·C!lS, (cke Takes Over labor forces, McNutt said, ossert- · At Chicago, the seventh federal claimed that eight four-englned Fuel$ administrator Harold L. TunIs Stili Ahead Ing aU workers released by the re erve district announced that bombers were downed when they Ickes tQok ovel' 8S manager 01 the Off New GUI"nea Coast Even with these successes, the steel mil Is 10. going to t he ex- secondIG· war oan sales processed met "strong erman fig h ter d e- rich, wllr-vital mines that produce Americans still w,re unable· to tended work week can be placed through the federal I'eserve bank fensf3 and anti-aircraft IiL·e," 95 percent of the nation's I'oal- look down upon the plain of Tunis, readily in other industrles. by , the oow total $1,460,000,000, or $410,- Thc direction the planes were mines where 480,000 men were idle ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN I United States employment serv- 000,0.00 ovel' the district quota. .flying when they crossed the yesterday. AUSTRALIA, Sunday (M') - A for there are other heights to be ice. · 'this amount will be increased, coast suggested a new attack on Ickes said preparations are un- 5,000-ton Japanese ship was taken before they reach sight of STRIKING COAL MINERS in Pricedale, Pa., some of the thousands Mr. McNutt's action Iollowed "ex· since an orders have not been one 01 the axis U-boat bases on derway to cut railroad mileage by bombed yesterday off Dutch New the level land. · Id· f th d Th dl t " . I d h B 't' t one.f1lurlh, to reduce the rails' load Guinca and left sinking, the high who have walked out of the pits In several states, are puttinlr their tenSIVe cons eratlOn 0 e spe- processe. e s nco mc u es t c rt Lony COliS. But long-range American , gUllS Idle time to contrasting' -uses. Albert Carr, left in top photo, and cia1 pI'oblem ot the ' steel indus- part of Indiana, nlinois, lown, In last night's heavy raid, the upon tlhe fuel slOcltPlle·toAl the command announced. already are hurling shells over the Gro\rer Schuller build a fence around their Vict.ory garden while other try, in(!luding confel·enccs during Michigan and Wisconsin. RAF heaped on Essen the distinc- same t me, it was unders cd re- The Japanese ship, II cargo ves- strikers, lower photo, engage in a little dice Illay. the past few days with the re- Heavy last minute buying yes- lion of being the most-bombed city Iiably that II nationwide dimout sel, was attacked by four- engined mountains into the vital enemy glonal directors of the WMC," terday shoved the total ror bonds in the world. is under con ideration to conserve allied bombers off Mal'lOkwarl. rail junction of Mateur, which lies McNutt's 3tatement said. pUl'chased in metropolftan Chicago, T.h e German indu trial city coal used by electric generating The vessel was in the harbor. where the mills disappear and the "This order will assure maxi- .me Iudtng . Cook, Lak e an d Du Page with a normal population of 654,- stations. A direcl hit and a near miss were nlain begins between, TUT\is and Reds Destroy 48 Nazi mum production \I(ith a minimum counties in Winols to $560,000,000, 000, compared with Greater Lon- TeleC'ram Sent scored by Ihe raiders, The ship ,.. ' OOQ 0 I b Ickes began hi~ unprecedented last was seen settling by the stern Bizerte. I~ 'Small Town' of workers. It will enable not only more than 15 O percent 0 f t h e orlg I- \lon .s 10, ,00 , now \Us een. b b dl h·" II · . ,. " a full use ot exl 'Ung facilities nai quota of $370,000,000, with re- th reciplent oC more thlln 10,000)0 y sflatc mg ca to set~lce in a spreading oil sUck. The action by the touikened Batteries, 24 Planes buL would rolease much m~r1power tw·n. not yet complet , (ons 01 bombs deliver d by tlre tel rIIm t 3,850 coal.oper:ltors, S American troops who sUpped into necessary fOl' the new facilities The drive ended officially at RAF on 55 mi sions and bomb. ordering them and their workers Extend 668,000,000 the northel'll sector after battling I~~ Title Irks (.RDt-. Berlin Claifns Great which will come into operation 'midnight last night and orders wise Londonel·s had' to use but ~o be on t~e job Monday. He called within the next few we-eks.
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