On the Incarnation by St.Athanasius On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius Made available to the net by: Paul Halsall
[email protected] Formatted into HTML by: Tim Hawes
[email protected] Formatted into E-text on March 1, 1998 This book is in the public domain. It is not copyrighted. 1 On the Incarnation by St.Athanasius Table of Contents Chapter I Creation And The Fall Chapter II The Divine Dilemma And Its Solution In The Incarnation Chapter III The Divine Dilemma And Its Solution In The Incarnation--Continued Chapter IV The Death Of Christ Chapter V The Resurrection Chapter VI Refutation Of The Jews Chapter VII Refutation Of The Gentiles Chapter VIII Refutation Of The Gentiles--Continued Chapter IX Conclusion End Notes (End Notes are now the footnotes) Scripture Index 2 On the Incarnation by St.Athanasius manifested in a human body for this reason only, CHAPTER I out of the love and goodness of His Father, for the salvation of us men. We will begin, then, Creation And The Fall with the creation of the world and with God its Maker, for the first fact that you must grasp is this: the renewal of creation has been wrought (1) In our former book 1 we dealt fully enough by the Self-same Word Who made it in the with a few of the chief points about the heathen beginning. There' is thus no inconsistency worship of idols, and how those false fears between creation and salvation for the One originally arose. We also, by God's grace, briefly Father has employed the same Agent for both indicated that the Word of the Father is Himself works, effecting the salvation of the world divine, that all things that are owe their being to through the same Word Who made it in the His will and power, and that it is through Him beginning.