THE FOSSIL Official Publication of The Fossils, Inc., Historians of Amateur Journalism Volume 104, Number 2, Whole Number 336, Glenview, Illinois, April 2008 Tampa, conveniently located to the planned activities. STEPS FORWARD The rate for delegates is $85. For more information, President's Report check with Fossil Lee at 5009 Dickens Ave., Tampa FL 33629, E-mail: <
[email protected]>. Last Guy Miller year, Fossil Editor Ken Faig was sent detailed coverage of both conventions. Hopefully he will receive the Election Time is upon us. I refer to our Fossils same favor this year. election which, beginning with this new year 2008, will In the meantime we are happy to report that be starkly different from those of our past. Beginning Fossil matters are running smoothly, thanks to the work with this year's election, instead of the traditional slate of our officers and the cooperation of the Board of of officers, you will vote for only three candidates who Trustees members Stan Oliner and Chairman Jack will serve within the structure of a Board of Trustees Swenson. As I reported in our January issue of The for a two-year term. All other officers will be appointed Fossil , Stan has successfully engineered placement of by this Board. If you would like to offer your name as a Victor Moitoret's immense library; and I learn that he is candidate for one of the three Trustees, you will find in the process of organizing the papers of deceased enclosed with this April issue of The Fossil a form NAPA member Harold Davids.