Dock of A Coruña and the typical balconies in the Marina on the background Tower of Hércules (A Coruña) Bird’s eye view of the stately village of María Pita square and city hall Modernist building A Terraza (Sada) Betanzos Coirós A Coruña Oleiros Sada

One of the main attractions in this This place is well known for Located in the western part of Its historical importance is marked It offers the traveler both the This is well known Hiking is its main attraction, with With a deep erudite and fishing Its main peculiarity is the airport This thriving town near A Coruña. It represents one of the area are its landscapes, marked its prehistorical remains, with the golfo Ártabro, this region by the role it played as one of richness of natural areas and its for its exceptional bread and its eight routes adapted to different tradition, this city, totally bathed coexisting with the rural areas. Is one of the most popular most important tourist and by the reservoirs of Abegondo- several fields of dolmens and combines the wild nature of its the seven capitals of the Ancient historical-artistic heritage, among ancient tradition, as well as difficulty levels where the hiker by the Atlantic Ocean, is perfect The riverbank promenade Rego summer locations visited by fishing towns in the North Cecebre, declared Special Area castros such as the one of rough beaches with a booming Kingdom of , with an which the Romanesque church of for its “empanada” (Galician can see hydro-electric plants for walking, going shopping das Xesteira, which is made up of tourists because of its beautiful coast of Galicia. In these of Conservation, and Beche. It is the Cotorras, not forgetting its industrial landscape, with the impressive architectural heritage, Santa María stands out, built in pie), another leading product and the remains of an ancient or enjoying good food. With eleven mills and by the beautiful beaches, its gastronomy and lands, noble towers cohabit also popular for its connection to traditional architecture. industrial area of Sabón as a it is famous for the festivity of the the 12th century and preserved in of the local gastronomy. spa. In order to enjoy a wonderful its distinctive white-windowed river landscapes of the estuary of leisure offer. Its heritage includes with fishermen’s houses Galician nobility with pazos like source of economic development. Caneiros, where decorated small perfect conditions. Furthermore, there is a panoramic view of these lands, balconies and its long urban O Burgo stand out in this area. Romanesque architectural gems and modernist buildings, Pastoriza and Figueroa. boats go up the river Mandeo full great recreational area in a visit to Pena Furada and the beaches, this city stands out for such as Santa María de Dexo or such as the Terraza. of people celebrating with food and the surrounding area of miradoiro (viewpoint) de Espenuca its night life too. the castle of Santa Cruz. wine. On the night of San Roque, mount Xalo, from where we is a must. It is one of the best communicated the most important night of the can enjoy an impressive It is located in a transition area Oza- Festival of María Pita (A Coruña) councils of this province. Its village festivities, the locals release panoramic view. between the plain of Terra Chá landmark being pazo de Mariñán a hot air paper balloon that they and the coastal regions of the “Un bo sitio para vivir” (a good and its gardens, although we can spend the year making with pictures Mariñas, what gives it a unique place to live) is the slogan of this also find architectural gems such that represent that year. An event river landscape. municipality, which is formed as the monastery and church of that attracts many visitors. by the union of two towns. It is San Salvador, apart from calm Romanesque church of Santa María (Cambre) Miño important to highlight the route of beaches, such as Gandarío. Rexidoira as it is one of the most This town, declared Tourist diverse Galician hiking routes. Interest Site and half way between A Coruña and , has very Paderne beautiful beaches that are perfect for families with children and are The beautiful natural landscape spread throughout more than marked by the rivers Lambre and seven kilometres of coast. Mandeo, is a part of the Reserva da Biosfera Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo. Its coat of arms bears scallop shells in testimony Campo da Rata (A Coruña) to the English Way which crosses these lands. Bonfires in San Juan (A Coruña) Gardens of the pazo de Mariñán (Bergondo) Pazo de Mariñán (Bergondo) Fundación Jiménez Cossío. andlaceworksfromthe and acollectionof tapestries traces, oftheGalician costume suchasthevariations andethnographical archaeological many displays The Museumof inBetanzos,As Mariñas. Located visited. canbe they sothat beenpreserved their homeshave María Pita. All threeofthemlivedin A Coruñaand culture, suchasEmiliaPardoBazánorthebrave in hisyouth, figuresofGalician oneofthegreatest Casas-Museo (House-museums). Picasso Pablo forbidden” isthesloganoftheseinteractivespaces. science. “Prohibido nontocar”, “not touchingis turn ofcommunication A Coruñaintothecapital Ciencias, theDomusandFinisterrae Aquarium The ScientificMuseumsin ACoruña. A Casadas MUSEUMS here. toenjoynature routes isagoodway picturesque landscape. Choosingoneofitshiking ofEspenucaandwasdeclared inthevalley located Lugar deChelo. This beautifulriverenvironmentis Hércules, andalsobeautifulsunsets. can beseen, the areguidedby that boats Tower of top ofthehill, thebestpanoramicviewofcity of A Coruñahasbecomeitsbestviewpoint. Fromthe Mount ofSanPedro. This ancientdefensivepoint regarding floraandfauna. metropolitan areaof A Coruñaandisabenchmark mostofthe for supply which guaranteesthewater ofCecebre, thereservoir by formed landscape most importantwetlandsinGalicia, withapowerful of Abegondo-Cecebre. Itisoneofthe Reservoir of theriversMeroandMandeo. daBiosfera,Reserva thebasins constitutedby mainly municipalities arepartofthisprotectedarea, the Mariñas coruñesasand Terras doMandeo. 17 tourists. many by Sada andMiño, thecalm, peacefulbeachesvisited beaches ofBarrañánand Valcobo, andinOleiros, can experiencethebeautyofawild, the openseaat longest seapromenadesinEurope. In Arteixo, you and Orzán-Matadoiro arepartofonethe As Lapas Beaches. In A Coruña, theurbanbeachesofRiazor, NATURE WHAT TO VISIT: their travels aroundtheworld. their travels America, Cuba, mainly Argentina…) hadseenon these in “indianos”( Spaniardswhomadefortunes thelocalpeopletoenjoyasampleofplaces for century, andwasconsideredanencyclopaedicpark benefactorsofthistownduringthe20th the great Betanzos, brothers, theGarcíaNaveira wasbuiltby O Pasatempo. This park, intheoutskirts of located Santa MaríaandthechurchofSantiago. churchof architectural gemssuchastheCollegiate hundred-year-oldare shelteredby treesand Town. The townsquaresofBárbarasanddaFariña intheOld connection betweenstoneandnature Town squares in A Coruña. We canfindabeautiful animado”, by Wenceslao FernándezFlórez. suchas a gemoftheGalicianliterature “O bosque in thecouncilofBergondo, for itwasaninspiration century, inthecentreofaspectacularenvironment life waslikeinaGalicianpalaceduringthe18th Pazo deMariñán. togetknowwhat A goodway was declaredHistorical-Artisticensemble. Francisco, fromthesecondhalfof14thcentury, important monumentssuchasthechurchofSan Galicia, anditshistoricalcentre, whichstillpreserves ofthe one ofthesevencapitals Ancient Kingdomof The historicalensembleofBetanzos. This townis Ártabro.the threeestuariesingolfo of Dexo(Oleiros)fromwheretoseetheentrance lighthouse ofMera, onthecoast aprivilegedbalcony legends.surrounded by Another importantoneisthe world, reasonstovisitthisbiglookout threegreat the oldestfunctioningromanlighthousein of A Coruña, appointed World Siteand Heritage inthisarea.attraction Itisthedistinguishingmark Lighthouses. The Tower ofHérculesisthemain HERITAGE

River Mandeo tourist area A CORUÑA ANDAS MARIÑAS RÍAS ALTAS: A CORUÑA Arteixo A Coruña Culleredo Carral Cambre Abegondo Oleiros Sada Betanzos Bergondo Miño P Oza-Cesuras aderne Irixoa Coirós Aranga sea andlandMAGIC destinations A CORUÑA ANDAS MARIÑAS RÍAS ALTAS: [email protected] Dacturismo Turismo daDeputación daCoruña @DACTurismo turismo.dacoruna.gal


tourist area Historical recreation in the Tower of Hércules (A Coruña) (A Hércules of Tower the in recreation Historical secrets of the cemetery ofSanto secrets ofthecemetery Amaro. Cotobelo,about the fromwhomyouwillfindout John Moore, MaríaPitaandeventhesoulofFizde isthroughcharacterssuchasPicasso,way Sir thecity, youtolearnabout visits for andthebest Cultural visits. awidevarietyof A Coruñaoffers lighthouse routesinMeraandSada. the portofDexoandSeixoBranco, inOleiros, andthe allows avisittothemainriverbedsinthismunicipality, Arteixo, ortheonealongriversofCambre, which as theonealongriverSisaldeandcoastof councils, different itinerariesinfour different such Routes in As Mariñas. There areaselectionof ROUTES WHAT TO DO: touristic townofSada. of A Coruña, tothenobletownofBetanzosor city goesfromthecapital alandthat contrasts for sports…Diversityand hunting togetherwithwater withthequietviewpoints,industry bothfishingand oftheinlands,with thewildnature thecloutof Ártabro,estuaries ofthegolfo riversidelandscapes Atlantic Oceansharescoastlinewiththesheltered wherethewildandopen A uniquedestination budget. any for affordable materials the bestqualityofraw andmealhousesacommonspace taverns restaurantssharewith The mostpopularsignature Galiciangastronomy.both traditionalandinnovative GASTRONOMY fromEngland.the pilgrims itsnamebecauseitwastheroutechosenby given Mesía itconnectswiththe Way fromFerrol. Itwas de Compostela, althoughinthesurroundingareaof there arealmost75kmfrom A CoruñatoSantiago English Way, whichcrossestheNorthofprovince, A Coruñaisoneofthestartingpointspopular THE ENGLISHWAY minstrels andtheirpoems. take usbacktothetimesofmerchants, feudallords, oftheMiddle are aperfecthistoricalrecreation Ages, The medievalfairsof A CoruñaandBetanzos, which FAIRS A Coruñaand As Mariñasbringtogetherthebestof

Medieval fair (Betanzos)