The 31St Keshet Eilon International String Summer Mastercourse

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The 31St Keshet Eilon International String Summer Mastercourse The 31st Keshet Eilon International String Summer Mastercourse will take place this year in a worldwide virtual format, parallel to an in-person Mastercourse at Keshet Eilon. Musical Director: Itzhak Rashkovsky The global virtual Mastercourse will take place between July 25 and August 11, 2021. The in-person Mastercourse will take place at Keshet Eilon from August 1 to 11 2021. We are excited to invite the public to the Western Galilee and celebrate the return of live music to Keshet Eilon 2021 Mastercourse Faculty Violin: Shmuel Ashkenasi (Israel-USA) Viola: Paul Coletti (USA) Vadim Gluzman (Israel) Tatjana Masurenko (Germany-Russia) Ilya Kaler (USA) Cello: Felix Nemirovsky (Israel) Olga Kaler (USA) Amit Peled (USA-Israel) | Hillel Zori (Israel) Sergey Ostrovsky (Israel) Piano: Julia Gurvitch (Israel) | Ana Kavalerova (Israel) Itzhak Rashkovsky (Israel-UK) Eugenia Lakernik (Israel) | Irina Zheleznova (Israel) Ani Schnarch (Israel-UK) Roi Shiloah (Israel) Atelier for string instruments Chaim Taub (Israel) Adam Korman (Israel) Robin Wilson (Australia) Qian Zhou (Singapore) Archery Program Guy Braunstein (Israel) - Ivry Gitlis Chair Eyal Naveh (Israel) Special Events (In chronological order) A Fes�ve Opening Virtual Concert of the 2021 Mastercourse Will be streamed online on 25th July at 19:00 | 5:00 pm GMT | 12:00 noon EST Featuring young musicians performing works by Haydn, Bach, Paganini, Mozart, Kreisler, Nedbal, Franck and Ravel. Special Events (In chronological order) SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialSpecial Special EventsEvents Events Events Events Please Events (In(In (In chronological chronological (In note: chronological chronological (In (In chronological chronological order)order) order) order) order) order) From August 1 all live ac�vi�es and performances will be streamed live A Fes�ve Openingon Virtual Facebook, Concert YouTube of and the the 2021 Violin Mastercourse Channel. Will be streamedAA Fes�ve Fes�ve online Opening onOpening 25th July Virtual atVirtual 19:00 |Concert 5:00Concert pm GMT of of |the 12:00the 2021 2021noon MastercourseEST Mastercourse AA Fes�veFes�veAA Fes�ve Fes�ve OpeningOpening Opening Opening VirtualVirtualAddi�onal Virtual Virtual ConcertConcert informa�onConcert Concert ofof andof thethe of thelinks the20212021 for2021 2021 viewing MastercourseMastercourse Mastercourse Mastercourse can be found on the following table. 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Tribute to the Legendary Violinist the Late Ivri Gitlis – in collabora�on with the Tel Aviv Soloists Please note: Ensemble, Family and Friends | August 1 in the Bar-Uryan hall PleasePleaseFromPleasePlease note:note: August note:Please note:Please 1 allnote: note: live ac�vi�es and performances will be streamed live The event will include a brief background about the great violinist and words of apprecia�on in his memory by Itzhak FromFromonFromFrom AugustFacebook,August August AugustFrom From 11 allall 1 YouTubeAugust liveall1 liveAugust all live ac�vi�es ac�vi�eslive 1ac�vi�es and 1allac�vi�es all live the live andand ac�vi�es Violinand ac�vi�es performancesperformancesand performances Channel.performances and and performances performances willwill will be bewill streamedbestreamed be streamed will streamed will be livebelive streamed streamedlive live live live Perelman, Mischa Maisky, Chaim Taub, Martha Argerich and others. Works especially associated with Gitlis will be onon Facebook,onFacebook,on Facebook, Facebook,onon YouTube YouTubeFacebook, Facebook, YouTube YouTube andand YouTube and YouTube thetheand the Violin Violinthe Violinand andViolin Channel.Channel. the theChannel. Channel.Violin Violin Channel. Channel. Virtual events only Addi�onal informa�onperformed and by links violinist for viewing Guy Braunstein,can be found pianist on the Itamarfollowing Golan, table. Mastercourse par�cipant Or Nakash, the Keshet Eilon Addi�onalAddi�onalAddi�onalAddi�onal informa�on informa�onAddi�onal informa�onAddi�onal informa�onEnsemble and informa�onand informa�on and links linksand links for linksforthe andviewing forviewing andTelfor viewing links Aviv viewinglinks can canfor Soloistsfor can beviewingbe can viewing foundbefound be found Ensemble, foundcan on oncan betheonthe beon found thefollowing followingfound the conducted following followingon on the table. table.the following table. following bytable. 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