International Union of Speleology Japan '86 Union Internationale de Speleologie Hawaii '91 Canaries '94 Commission on Kenia '98 Volcanic Caves Catania '99 w -- ~~" New(s ) letter ~" ~ .,..,.. Iceland 2002 . \ ' . 4 ~ Azores 2004 tt# Mexico 2006 Korea 2008 Australia 2010 53 Sept/Oct. 2008 Catania 19~~ Jordan 2012 AAA . AA 16 ? ? ? ? This Newsletter is send free to members of the Commission, and others who are interested in lava-tube-caves. During the Korea 2008 Symposium many pictures, reports, articles It is not possible to subscribe- but news and and interviews appeared in the papers. Here some of the participants. information are always (very much) appreciated! Honorary President: Dr. W.R. 'Bill ' HALLIDAY il'~~lil'f:! . A~~ '~~ W1Cf
[email protected] ~¥ LH-? ~~ AI}~ ' '6"~7}-A)3..ijt~~ , i}~ AJ Web-master: John PINT ~~ Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
[email protected] vu nospeleology September. 1·5, 2008 The13th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology www. vuJcanospeleology .org kimib@jejunews. com Chairman & editorial address: Jan-Paul van der PAS Vauwerhofweg 3 6333 CB SCHIMMERT Netherlands jpgvanderpas@hetnet. nl Contributor for 'Speleological Abstracts' (BBS - Commission of Bibliography - U.I.S.): Greg MIDDLETON - Tasmania The logo of the commission is a design by Conny SPELBRINK, introduced for the symposium on the Canary Islands ( 1994). She gave the approval to use this for the commission. 2 All 1 3~ ~~~~"i-~£ :li: I~OI 1 ~ ~2ji "&At~:!:.'iiOfi Ai 11{.2.~ 7~t-ll gAfoll ~~!! g.~~W ~~ 71*01 9All 'itli LllH ~~H:: li~£.£ ~41"4•.:&1 ~q. (.:il71i! 7l;ll;})
[email protected] 3 f.~(:?~ Jeju Island, Republic of Korea vu'lcl\~ Septe mber.1-5, 2008 The 1~h International Symposium onVulc a nosp~eology Of course, certainly my main reason to go to Jeju was to see the wonderful lava tubes.