ISSUE 409 – MAY 2008 TheThe Jester Jester CANDID PHOTO SPECIAL! SHREWSBURY PIX, PIX, PIX AND MORE PIX AGM REPORT AND PHOTOS LOUVIERS FESTIVAL REPORT “HEADCASES” DID MY HEAD IN! QANDA EVENTS DIARY GOES FAR AND WIDE TheNewsletter Newsletter of of the the Cartoonists’ Cartoonists’ Club Club of Greatof Great Britain Britain THE JESTER ISSUE 409 – MAY 2008 CCGB ONLINE: WWW.CCGB.ORG.UK The Jester Issue 409 - May 2008 Published 11 times a year The Chair by The Cartoonists! Club of Great Britain The CCGB Committee Dear Members, Chairman: Terry Christien 020-8892 3621 It!s all about the AGM! What a took the opportunity to do the tour-
[email protected] cracking afternoon and evening isty sightseeing bit on the way in - thanks to all you lovely Club Secretary: Jed Stone a proper first for me - Paris in the member people. It was great to springtime an! all that! Simon Elli- 01173 169 277 see you. nas, John Landers, Guy Carter
[email protected] For those of you not able to make and myself drew our proverbial Treasurer: Anne Boyd it, don!t beat yourselves up, we were socks off but the work was pleas- 01173 169 277 able to take in your food and wine antly offset by many a repas et vin.
[email protected] comfortably - well somebody!s got The cartoon image is so much to etc...etc... Membership Secretary: more prevalent in France than it is And thank you big Bill Stott for your here. Why should that be? No won- Jed Pascoe: 01767-682 882 cartoon stand-up - it went down very der it feels like a constant uphill
[email protected] well, we knew it would! Thank you struggle! Simon files a report in this too to Mike T and Neil Dish for the issue.