Pa FOREWORD by SIR JOSIAH Chairman and President of the Executive,

and Scottish 5


Some Interesting

A World's Record

The Train with a Tradition

The Route

The Locomotive...




Map of the Route of The Royal

Sir Josiah Stamp. G.B.E.. President of the Executive. and Scottish FOREWOR b SIR JOSIAH Chairman and President of LONDON MIDLAND SCOTTISH

THIS"Ambassador brief message Train," introduces The Royal to Scot,you a on booklet the occasion tour of the United States and Canada and of at the Chicago World's Fair The Royal Scot comes as a co-worker with expresses of your land in the cause of humanity—as a of the public—as a not unimportant unit in the world's syste

We of the London Midland and Scottish Railway have train 3,000 miles across the world because we are proud of built it ourselves, and because it is characteristically we regard it as a worthy " ambassador " of the service rendered by our railway. It is our aim in Royal Scot to the interest of a wider, indeed a and Canadian public, to obtain the fullest endorsement numerous and courteous complimentary opinions of The which we have received from the many transatlantic have travelled by this train in our

I feel, therefore, that it is singularly apposite that 1933, is the fortieth anniversary of the World's held at Chicago in 1893, when the exhibit of our " ancestor now constituent Company, the London and North of England, was honoured with the highest awards that been

Page Whereas on that occasion we were represented only locomotive " Queen-Empress " and two types of we now present an entire train—the first occasion on which plete British railway train has ever visited the United Canada. We take pride in the progress and by The Royal Scot as compared with the engine and were exhibited with such success at Chicago in 1893— development which are described more fully in the follow and which tell something of the story of her heritage story that epitomises seven decades of British The London Midland and Scottish Railway opportunity that has made her visit possible. Her the Chicago World's Fair and her tour through many of and towns will, it is hoped, forge fresh links in in the making of which transport has always played a I feel, however, that I may claim a wider significance visit than that of simply showing the American and what Britain is doing in the realm of modern passenger tion by

We on our side regard the tour of The Royal Scot thing more than a technical achievement—as a gesture, salutation to those who share our tongue and our the welcome which you on your side have already anticipation to The Royal Scot is, in our eyes, equally of that spontaneous spirit of Anglo-Canadian and amity which, even in times of acute world stress and nevertheless deeply graven in the hearts of English- throughout

Page The Doric Arch at the Entrance Station, "REIPTIT II A


The Royal Scot sets out Station, "

• P IttirAt.L. - THE ROYAL

Some Interesting Distanc London (Euston) to Glasgow - London (Euston) to Edinburgh- Journey time—Summer - 7 hours Winter - 7 hours

Average overall speed—Summer Winter - Weight of train (without engine) - Weight of loco. and tender 156.5 tons in Coal consumed 7 long tons per Water consumed on journey 14,400 U.S. gals. trip Restaurant car meals (one train) Highest level reached on journey - 1,014 ft. above

A WORLD'S On April 27th, 1928, the Edinburgh and Glasgow The Royal Scot ran separately from Euston to Glasgow without intermediate stop, 400 and 401+ miles —world's records for the longest individual non-stop runs At the present time both north-bound and south- Scot trains run non-stop between Euston and Carlisle, during the summer, while the south-bound train runs over this section all the


THE TRAIN WITH A TRADITION" is no empty I applied to The Royal Scot, whose history to a epitomises that of British railway express service over seventy years. The Royal Scot has not always been known present name, but for seventy years without a break has left Euston Station, London, for , at departure time of 10 a.m., and as the " Ten o'clock " her seventieth birthday on June 1st, 1932. Since June when the departure time of 10 a.m. from Euston was the north-bound and south-bound Royal Scot covered between them Railroads were very young when the first between England and Scotland was started. The union of countries by rail was very early an objective of and engineers, and as long ago as 1836 the great Locke, made a survey of the country north of Preston with a view to taking the iron road through the tains to the Border at Carkle, where it would join a line of promotion in Scotland. The Lancaster and Carlisle authorised in 1844, and opened for traffic two years carrying the railway almost to the Scottish Corder ; February 15th, 1848, the 's line throughout between Carlisle, Glasgow and Edinburgh, and railway train to make the through journey between Glasgow left Euston on this day at 10 a.m. The Carlisle Railway did not come under the control of the North Western Railway until 1859. but from that date the Anglo-Scottish services were worked jointly by

Page and North Western and Caledonian Railways. With tion of the London Midland and Scottish Railway in 1923 West Coast route became in its entirety a part of the L M S system ; thus the 400 miles of track which from Glasgow and Edinburgh were placed under one Throughout its long and distinguished history, the route to Scotland, over which The Royal Scot and expresses travel, has been associated with steady and in locomotive design and in the provision of increased and amenities. Although the marked physical difficulties West Coast route have been met with a lavishness of skill, modern demands for higher speeds and greater from the locomotive designer the acme of performance that maximum efficiency of service may be obtained. Coast route includes two difficult sections, over (over 900 ft.) in England and Summit (1,014 ft.) These grades impose as severe a test as any route in upon the capabilities of locomotives, equipment and maintaining express services over SCHEDULES OF It may be apposite here to make some the regular scheduled times between London and the through service to Scotland from Euston was inaugurated : Yea Time on Overall 184 12 hours 32.9 186 11 hours 34 192 8 hours 48.7 193 7 hours 52.4 It will be noted that, notwithstanding the in the weight of passenger car equipment during these has been a progressive acceleration of the services point

Page It was in July, 1893—just forty years ago—that the of vestibuled corridor cars was put in service between Glasgow. It found immediate favour with the and became the standard of which The Royal Scot is developmen Restaurant Cars were introduced two years 1891, and right from the start the success of this time-saving innovation

4,000,000 MEALS To-day, over 4,000,000 meals are served annually on restaurant car services operated by the L M S Railway. type of Kitchen Car employed on The Royal Scot, can be served at the same time. On occasions " Banquets comprising eight or nine courses with their full wines, are served to more than 500 guests The period from 1919 to the present time has been intensive research into passenger car construction, and thus gained by experience and experiment have been passed the traveller in the form of new ideas in train travel 1930 The Royal Scot became symbolic of train comfort best. While uniformity of' design in exterior decoration at, the opposite was the ideal set for the Diversity of design and colour was introduced to meet, as possible, the individual preferences of the travelling to-day, the passenger on The Royal Scot may travel in ment or in a Parlour Car, he may eat his meals in a Dining in a public restaurant, or in a private compartment for he may take his coffee in a Club Car where deep him to restful Nor have the smaller items been neglected ; items the passenger is hardly aware, but which mean so much

Page realisation of comfortable journeys. Problems of and ventilation, and the elimination of vibration, have subject of exhaustive investigation so that the perfect be devised. Wider and deeper windows, giving a wider view, are a feature of the modern L M

SLEEPING Sleeping Cars are not the normal equipment of Scot train, which makes her journeys through the The types which have been included in the exhibition train used on her sister expresses, The Night Scot and The lander, and other principal night services of the L N They have been designed to provide the traveller with a night's rest, journeys of longer duration not being Great " The Train with a Tradition " exemplifies the British railways offer to their patrons—a service which, the needs of the public, has been built up through a of

In presentiog The Royal Scot, the L M S Railway something that is


NOsuch railway varied journey and suchin Great representative Britain carries scenery the as that Royal To travel in The Royal Scot is to see a panorama and Scotland in less than From the London terminus of the London Midland Railway at Euston, The Royal Scot runs first through suburbs of London with their industrial and including Harrow, whose famous School (" Harrow-on-the-Hill founded by John Lyon, may be seen from the train, the city behind to climb to the summit of the Hills at Tring. Here the train, as she swings down the to Bletchley, passes through the great Tring Cutting Stephenson through the hills—everlasting monument to of a pioneer of world railways. On this section of line, passes beneath the lcknield Way. a highway of the older than A swift run through the peaceful scenery of the Home Counties, with lovely old-world villages such brings the traveller to Rugby, 82A miles from London, one most important railway junctions in the country and a the electrical THE BIRTH OF Rugby's industrial fame Is a recent compared with that of its famous school, which owes much great tradition to the famous Dr. Arnold. Rugby School place in British history for other reasons beside its

Page 3rd Class Parlour reputation ; the classic Tom Brown's Schooldays is based on life at the school as it used to be, while it was playing fields of Rugby that William Webb Ellis, " with a regard for the rules of football as played in his time picked up the ball and ran with it, thus originating the Rugby football which is such a serious rival to the (Soccer) code in Britain to-day, and which bears many to the modern At Rugby The Royal Scot leaves the original route old London and Birmingham Railway and bears away in westerly direction to follow the undulating Trent Valley* (134 miles), skirting on either side the great industrial the

STAFFORD AND Stafford is notable for its industries, which include and the evaporation for salt-making purposes of the deposits of the district, but the tourist will find that one of interests is provided by the town's literary associations, only was Stafford once represented in Parliament by it was also the birthplace of lzaak Walton, author of work, The Compleat Angler. The ensuing 25 miles of the L main line from Stafford to Crewe are rich in interest for the worthy Izaak, for the cottage in which he lived to the trackside hard by Great Bridgeford Station, while miles near Norton Bridge Station the line runs close Brook, from whose placid waters Piscator " drew both inspiration.

• The Trent Valley line of the L M S was opened in 0847, and is of historic interest as being great railway " cut-off " in history, being built to provide a direct route from London to without having to pass through Wolverhampton and Birmingham. The original these towns rejoins the main line

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The Route of The Royal Scot Express from Euston to Glasgow

Page CRE Crewe (158 miles from Euston) is among the great industrial enterprise. One hundred years ago it consisted lonely farm or two set among sleepy meadows ; to-day it thriving town of 46,000 people which owes its existence railways. Early railways formed junctions here, and it locomotive workshops centre for the London and Railway, and it is now one of the two principal locomotive centres of the L M S Railway, with magnificently capable of turning out per week two new or structed locomotives and 33 general repairs. Crewe is, one of the largest railway works in

From Crewe, railway routes radiate to all the points compass like the spokes of a wheel ; that of The Royal northwards to the great industrial towns of and Preston. Near the first-named point the train bridges carrying the across transport undertakings, the Manchester Ship Canal and Liverpool and Manchester Railway—" the oldest firm in passenger business "—which was opened in 1830, and is important L M S route between Manchester and centres of British trade

INDUSTRIAL Now The Royal Scot, her speed attuned to nature of the tracks of this busy area, runs for some through the western outskirts of industrial Lancashire, heart vvorld's cotton industry. Here the skyline is overhung from the tall mill chimneys iron and steel works and producing plants are by the lineside ; at night the leaping a myriad furnaces suggests to the traveller the fantasy of forg

Page Yet not twenty miles to the west are the beach Lancashire spends its playtime hours— Southport, Preston (209 miles), great railway junction and is the last outpost of this vast industrial belt. Here, amid of tracks through which The Royal Scot threads her us pause for a moment in fancy to consider one of incidents of history which impart the quality of romance Preston is the trysting place of The Royal Scot either in the station or just beyond, the north- scuth-bound trains have crossed each other every seventy

"TWENTY MINUTES In the old days before there were restaurant cars, bound and south-bound trains each stopped side by side station while the passengers enjoyed their mid-day meal station restaurant, whither they were summoned by of a great bell and the stentorian cry of a top- " Preston Twenty minutes to dine." To-day, just Preston, the trains pass each other at full speed eat lunch in the comfort of modern " Proud Preston," as this ancient town on the banks River Ribble is traditionally called, has a long and history, including two invasions in 1648 and 1715 by It was in the latter year that the " Old Pretender " James Ill, at Preston Market Cross. only for his forces to quished shortly afterwards by Marlborough in the Battle At Lancaster (230 miles) comes the silver thread of Ribble, crossed by a giant bridge, and, now, to the west, glimpse of the Irish Sea between Hest Bank and Carnforth

Page V

Constructing Tring Cutting, 1837 old


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Aldbury Village

_ ameour

The Royal • *••••••- The R, y,.1 Scot on her

1110Pm•MEEP•go •••••.••••••,••••=0••••••••••••• • miles). Here the fiat lands are left behind, and, if the day the passenger may see on the left the beetling brows of Cumberland Hills, awesome in prospect of a climb to summi Although now architecturally a modern town, Lancaster of the oldest in Britain, its very name being derived bestowed by the Romans on their early settlement on Lune. The Dukedom of Lancaster is the second in One of the few survivals in modern Lancaster of the early English chivalry is Lancaster Castle, a SHA

Now, beyond Lancaster, the first of the heavy climbs the locomotive, and the sharper beat of the exhaust steady ascent to Shap Summit. In the 36 miles and Shap Summit the train climbs up to 915 feet above but such is the reserve of Royal Scot power that only in circumstances is an assisting engine taken over Few sections of line in Britain are so romantic as the to Shp. The train swings at first through the to retain speed on the early stages, then racing down a to gain momentum for the harder work beyond. hills close in until the railway is so hemmed in that it can be no way through to the north, but without a the iron road finds its way through the narrow gap at Shap over the top, with a final climb of four miles at a grade of 1 until the train storms over the summit and goes racing long grades that lead to the Border. This ascent to Shap awe-inspiring journey after darkness falls, with the echoing the roar of the exhaust and the glow from leaping in fitful reflection along the grey hillside. Even there are days when the train is actually in the clouds mil

Page Almost equally fine is the dcscent from Shap into train racing at full speed through the more peaceful hug the northern slopes of the Cumberland hills. Here seen last mementoes of the old days of war, fortified " peel towers " and manors set in sheltered yet while to the west may be seen (as earlier on the reaching the summit at Shap) the lovely gems of with the sheen of peaceful waters among the brooding their sheltering Fells, on whose peaks snow lingers far Sprin


Carlisle, 299 miles from Euston, is the gateway to Here on the flat stretch of country that lies between and the Scottish hills was the last outpost of English the days when Scot and Englishman were deadly enemies ; the great stronghold round whose walls border-rievers thieves waged fierce guerilla warfare with the king's made Carlisle a bulwark against aggression and a security and peasant ; here in the days of the Spanish Armada beacon on Skiddaw called citizens to arms. Modern put this strategic value to account, and has made Carlisle the great railway junctions and transport centres of

Carlisle is the division-point of the Western Divisions of the L M S Railway, and here in summer Scot makes her first halt, having run the 299 miles without a stop. The pause is only a momentary one, enable a fresh engine to be taken on in place of that brought the train over the mountains from the south,

Page fresh energy the great express gathers speed to race the miles to the Scottish capital and

GRETNA A few miles out of Carlisle and the train crosses over into Scotland, in which country the first station is Gretna of many a romantic runaway marriage, for it is here that smithy stands, Mecca of eloping couples through more than the historian

Beyond Gretna the climbing begins again, but now tains are not bleak and barren, but green and heather pleasant slopes dotted with lovely woods of Scottish peace of this countryside belies its warlike history, to frequent ruins of tower and keep, fortified manor and bear

The final climb to Beattock Summit (1,014 feet above is over ten miles of grades, whose steepest is 1 in 69. last stage of this ascent, river, road and railway run side through a lovely gorge ; when the River Evan is in spate, cf its song almost drowns the staccato beat of the as she thrusts her way to

THE SOURCE OF Beyond the summit the train races down through amidst which is the source of the mighty River revealing itself as a timid Scottish burn, so small it that this is the beginning of that vast stream we shall see Glasgow and Greenock, on which great liners and have been launched for their first trip to

Page JOURNEY'S At Symington. 366 miles from Euston, The Royal her last halt before reaching journey's end, the being detached to go eastward as a separate train, while portion turns westward at the nearby junction of approaches to these two great cities are as dissimilar as characters. The train reaches Glasgow gradually, industrial districts of Rutherglen and Wishaw, while after run through quiet country Edinburgh with her towering upon the traveller with bewildering suddenness, so before its proximity is realised, The Royal Scot has come within bow-shot of the mighty

Page ,Co•MottaKt


The Forge, St. George's THE ROYAL LOCOMOTIV

THE locomotive which is hauling The Royal Scot train 1 American and Canadian tour, and which is exhibited Integral part of the train-unit at the World's Fair, is and Scottish Railway No. 6100, and appropriately is Sc

This locomotive is the first of a class of seventy motives, known as the Royal Scot class, which are powerful passenger-hauling engines on the L M

The type was introduced in 1927, being designed by Fowler, K.B.E., at that time the Company's Engineer, for service on the fast and heavy expresses and Scotland, over the West Coast route, and for duties on the L M S Western Division main line of these engines were constructed to the Company's by the North British Locomotive Company, of Glasgow, proved so efficient and economical in service that a of twenty identical engines have subsequently been built L M S Railway workshops at Derby, England. The these locomotives has enabled a considerable amount heading to

The Royal Scots are of the 4-6-0 wheel is employed on a very large scale for express passenger all the British

An illustration of this type of locomotive, together principal dimensions and technical particulars, page


It was an engine of this type which in April, 1928, longest individual non-stop journey ever performed on throughout the world. On this occasion The Royal was run in two sections of which the first, hauled by Cameronian, ran without intermediate stop of any kind to Glasgow (4011 miles), while the second section ran from Euston to Edinburgh (400 miles), being by a compound 4-4-0 locomotive of L M S 1 The Royal Scot class have been designed economical haulage of heavy trains over considerable they are also capable of exceptional speed L M S expresses, other than those between Euston which are regularly worked by this type of engine are the London Mancunian, which is timed to cover the 177 \Wilmslow to Euston in 172 minutes at an average speed 61 m.p.h. (the longest rail journey in Europe scheduled 60 m.p.h.) ; the 5.25 p.m. express from Liverpool to is scheduled to run the 152+ miles from Crewe to 142 minutes, at an average speed of 64.4 m.p.h. (the fastest Europe of over 150 miles), and The Comet express scheduled to average over 63 m.p.h. from Stafford 1334

These remarkable schedules are maintained day after the year round, with a high standard of punctuality great credit on the efficiency of the Royal Scot

The latter, moreover, have on one or two proved themselves capable of speed performances which phenomenal. On September 27th, 1932, two special run in each direction from Euston to Coventry and back, of 94 miles in each direction, for the conveyance of parties

Page Twenty- of motor manufacturing firms, and with trains mately 319 tons in each case, the locomotives Royal Royal Engineer made four extremely fast runs, of quickest was 82 minutes 42 seconds for the 94 miles, reductions of speed for service slacks, and the slowest only 47 seconds, the average speed throughout of the fastest 68.2 m.p.h. The highest speed attained at any one 88.3 m.p.h., but even then the engines were not being their fullest

A CENTURY OF The Royal Scot locomotives may fairly be said the consummation of a century of progress in the design struction of locomotives, within the physical limits imposed British height-loading-gauge, which is, of course, smaller than that obtaining in the American Continent, restricted the expansion of locomotive dimensions It is therefore of interest to compare these their tiny but heroic ancestors, which a hundred years along the primitive tracks of early railways such as and Manchester (opened September, 1830), which now integral part of the 7,000 mile L M S railway system. It priate that a number of the modern Royal Scot class have been named after these pioneers of the Iron Road. beneath their name-plates brass engravings depicting sake

As exemplifying the progress which has been made century which has elapsed since many of these early designed. it is of interest to observe that three of these Meteor, Comet and Phcenix, which were of the 0-2-2 by R. Stephenson & Co., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, in 1830 Liverpool and Manchester Railway, weighed only five tons

Page Twenty- apiece, and were capable of covering 30 miles in 1 hour with a maximum loaded speed of about 25 m.p.h. counterparts on the L M S Railway to-day weigh 142 and are capable of working trains of up to 560 tons of a mile-a-minute or more, start-

Locomotive Royal Scot wii.h superimposed view of Locomotive Comet


B Y naming their latest type of passenger express after famous British fighting units, the L M S what is probably the most popular decision in the history engine

The system of bestowing names on railway engines origin over a hundred years ago, and is, in fact, as old as engine itself. Actually, the early locomotives which panted over their primitive tracks carried names only, a numeration being brought into use only when railways such progress that it became absolutely essential for operation. Thus, on the Liverpool and Manchester in 1830, and now part of the L Ni S system, such names Comet, Goliath and Vulcan were found amongst its is of interest that these names, names that will for ever with the history of British railways, have been revived among those borne by some of the locomotives of the clas

Locomotives have borne names of all kinds and earlier ones were symbolic of the speed and power in the mind of a nation to whom locomotives were still Then followed classical names such as Leander, Pegasus and, as more and more locomotives were built, the choice became wider An amazing variety of nomenclature is to-day found in of named locomotives on the L M S Railway. There

Page Twenty- mountains, birds, poets, authors, names famous in history, and many others too numerous

HISTORIC Of the seventy locomotives of the Royal Scot three are named after famous British regiments. Taking from the 1st Foot, the oldest regiment in the British Scot inherits from that unit, now nearly 300 years old, " Nemo me impune lacessit," which, translated into of cur time, advises those who would oppose her to look a motto eminently suitable to both regiment and

What more suitable sentence could, for instance, for a 142-ton locomotive than that which is proudly the coat of arms of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and Welch Fusiliers, the names of engines Nos. 6120 and 6118 aspera terrent " ? Neither soldier nor engine will going to impede his progress. Could not locomotive proudly claim to share with the Coldstream the vaunt of secundus

These locomotives may share, too, with not only the regimental mottoes but the regimental well. Thus Sherwood Forester becomes " Old Grenadier Guardsman becomes "

To write the history of each of the regiments are borne by Royal Scot engines would be to write whole history of England for the last 300 years. We to tell of Waterloo, and Balaclava where The Royal set a standard of courage for all time ; we should have to red plumed and ostrich feathered bonnets of the

Page Twenty- STANDARD 4-6-0 (ROYAL SCOT

The leading particulars of the engine and tender are as follows : Cylinders 18 in. Strok 26 Coupled 6 ft. Boiler pressure, lbs. 25 Heating surface 1,89 18 (sq. ft.) Superheat 39 31. Grate area, Tractive effort, 85 per 33,150 Wheel-base (engine 52 ft. Length over buffers (engine 63 ft.

Weight, light 174,552 Tend 62,720 TOTA 237,272

Co 20,160 Water (U.S. 4,80 The Royal Scot 236 miles through the Battle of Alexandria and with Sir John Corunna ; we should have to fight anew at Blenheim and with the Royal Welch Fusiliers —" The 23rd," whose record of the most distinguished in the British Army ; we should be " everywhere " with the Royal Engineers—for " Ubique their

We should have to write of deeds of daring and make the wildest fiction dull reading. The The Highland Light Infantry, The Irish Guards and Guards—these names are interwoven in the history of Isle

Latterly the names of several London Territorial been bestowed on Royal Scot type locomotives, while Air Force—youngest of all the fighting forces—has been place in Royal Scot locomotive

A full list of the names of the Royal Scot locomotives overlea

Page Twenty- THE O THE ROYAL

No. 6100 Royal 6101 Royal 6102 Black 6103 Royal 6104 Scottish 6105 Cameron 6106 Gordon 6107 Argyll and Sutherland 6108 Seaforth 6109 Royal 6110 Grenadier 6111 Royal 6112 Sherwood 6113 6114 Coldstream 6115 Scots 6116 Irish 6117 Welsh 6118 Royal 6119 Lancashire 6120 Royal 6121 6122 Royal 6123 Royal 6124 London 6125 Lancashire 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 Liverpool.

Page Twenty- Building a Royal Setting of

9 7.

• ...-,

Boiler Boiler clothed, Cab in Locomotive

The Royal Scot ready No. 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 The London 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 Honourable 6145 6146 Jenny 6147 6148 6149 Lady of 6150 The 6151 The Royal 6152 The King's 6153 The 6154 The 6155 The 6156 The South 6157 The Royal 6158 The 6159 The Royal 6160 Queen 6161 King's 6162 Queen's 6163 Civil 6164 The 6165 The Ranger (12th 6166 London 6167 The 6168 The 6169 The



President ol SIR JOSIAH

Secretary of Company and Assistant O. GLYNNE


Chief Commercial Manager : Chief ASHTON DAVIES. C.

Chief Officer J. BALLANTYNE

Information regarding passenger and cheap travel facilities, etc., may be obtained REPRESENTATIV of the Company THE UNITED STATES AND


New York City : T. R. DESTER, L M S Passenger Traffic Manager, Avenu Los Angeles (Cal.) : D. W. FERGUSON, L M S Representative, Broadwa CANADA montrea/: FRANK STOCKING (Stocking Travel Agency), Catherine


ENGLAND LONDON (St. Pancras), N.W.1 Midland LONDON (Euston), N.W.1 BIRMINGHAM (New Street Station)... BRADFORD Midland CREWE Crewe DERBY Midland FURNESS ABBEY... Furness HOLYHEAD Station LEEDS Queen's LIVERPOOL Adelphi MANCHESTER Midland MORECAMBE Midland PRESTON Park STRATFORD-ON-AVON



ARTHUR TOWLE—Controller L M S St. Pancras,



E 11.0