
Byzantine Note Packet


• A.D. 330: Constantine moves the capital to Byzantium Aka ______• AD 395: ______divided the . Spilt into East and West Rome • AD 476: overrun by ______(PIES) • AD 527: ______succeeded his uncle to the throne in the______• AD 533: Justinian sends General Belisarius to reconquer former ______• AD 850s: Byzantine culture spreads to ______• AD 1054: ______into two parts (schism) • AD 1240: ______destroy Kiev (Russian City) • AD 1453: falls to Ottoman Turks


 The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was changed to Constantinople to provide ______Location of Constantinople

 ______of the eastern frontier  Distance from Germanic Invasions in the western empire  Crossroad of ______ Easily ______on a peninsula bordered by natural harbors

Role of Constantinople

 Formerly known as ______ Renamed for Emperor Constantine  Seat of the until Ottoman conquest in A.D. 1453  Preserved classical ______culture

Map of the Byzantine Empire Label the following: Constantinople, Bosporus Strait, Strait of Dardanelles, Black Sea, Med. Sea,

Justinian” The Emperor Who Never Slept”

 First to ______, which became the basis for codes of Western Europe  Re-conquered former Roman territories  Expanded ______ Under Justinian’s reign, the Byzantine Empire reached its height in ______(Examples: Corpus Juris Civilis, ______)

Hagia Sophia

Justinian’s Law Code

 His goal = “#1 government, #1 empire, #1 religion”  Ordered a panel of 10 scholars sand a lawyer to ______which took 6 years  - Known as ______(Collection of )  - Became basis for European Law Byzantine Day 2: Church Schism and Contributions

Hagia Sophia

 Location: ______ Built in (year): 532 AD  History: Originally a ______Then an ______Now a Museum

Division Between Western and Eastern Churches

 The cultural and political differences between the ______and ______Roman Empire ______of the Christian Church and led to its ______.

The Western Church vs. The Eastern Church (Division = Schism) West (______) • EAST (______) • Centered in ______• Centered in ______• ______from seat of power • ______to seat of power after after Constantinople became capital Constantinople became capital • Use of ______language in liturgy • Use of ______language in liturgy

 Authority of the ______eventually accepted in the ______ Authority of the ______eventually accepted in the ______ Practices such as ______eventually accepted in the West

Byzantine achievements in art and architecture

 Greek ______Christianity and imperial ______enabled the Byzantine Empire to develop a unique style of ______and ______.  Inspiration provided by ______and ______power  (religious images)  ______found in public and religious structures  Most important example = Hagia Sophia (a Byzantine domed church)

Byzantine Culture  Continued flourishing of ______traditions  ______as official language (as contrasted with in the West)  Type of Christianity: ______ Greek and Roman knowledge preserved in Byzantine Libraries

Byzantines and Russia  Byzantine civilization influenced ______and Eastern European civilizations through its ______

Influence of Byzantine culture on Eastern Europe and Russia

 Trade routes between ______and ______via the straits and Dnieper River which allowed for access to northern Europe  Adoption of ______Christianity by Russia and much of Eastern Europe  Adoption of Greek alphabet for the Slavic languages by ______(called the______)  Church architecture and religious art  Churches embellished with ______, silver, marble, ivory, and jewels.  ______displayed on church walls, in homes, and shrines  Art mostly of religious subjects  ______, jeweled crosses, and ivory boxes (for sacred items)  Illuminated manuscripts (elaborately decorated books)

Church Schism Activity (20 Points)

Objective: Make an illustration of the Church Schism. Include the information on the chart below. Regions Western Roman Empire Eastern Roman Empire

Capital City Rome Constantinople

Language Latin Greek

Type of Christianity Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox

Leader of Church Pope Patriarch

Accepted Practices Priest: celibacy Priest: could marry Divorce: not allowed Divorce okay at times

Requirements: Include Western and Eastern church material Include Christian symbol (church, cross, etc.) Use of Color Image to represent the “Division”