United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
B PROJECT DOCUMENT SECTION 1: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Project title: Addressing urgent coastal adaptation needs and capacity gaps in Angola 1.2 Project number: GFL/5230 PMS: 1.3 Project type: FSP 1.4 Trust Fund: LDCF 1.5 Strategic objectives: Climate Change Adaptation GEF strategic long-term objective: Climate Change Adaptation 1.6 UNEP priority: Climate Change Adaptation 1.7 Geographical scope: National 1.8 Mode of execution: External 1.9 Project executing organization: Ministry of Environment (MINAMB) 1.10 Duration of project: 48 months Commencing: March 2016 Technical completion: March 2020 Validity of legal instrument: 54 months 1.11 Cost of project US$ % Cost to the GEF LDCF 6,180,000 34 Funds managed by UNEP 5,180,000 Funds managed by UNDP: 1,000,000 Co-financing Grant INAMET Strategic development 6,161,467 33 Master Plan (SDMP), funded by the Government of Angola Support to the Fisheries Sector 3,000,000 16 Project (FSSP), funded by the African Development Bank Angola Water Sector Institutional 3,000,000 16 Project (PDISA), funded by the International Development Association and Southern African Development Community UNEP, Building capacity for coastal 150,000 1 EbA in SIDS 1 Sub-total 12 311 467 Total 18,491,467 100% 2 1.12 Project summary Angola’s coastline is home to over 50% of the country’s population, where the combination of rapid population growth and inadequate urban planning has resulted in diverse socio-economic and environmental challenges. Such challenges include inadequate access to water and electricity, poor sanitation, and exposure to natural disasters such as flooding.
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