This Mens Sana Monograph was released at the First International Conference of SAARC Psychiatric Federation, 2nd-4th December 2005 at Agra - India on “Mental Health in South Asia Region - Problems and Priorities.” It was organised by SPF in Collaboration with the Indian Psychiatric Society and Co-sponsored by the World Psychiatric Association. Mens Sana Monographs wish to thank the organisers, Dr. U. C. Garg, Agra, Dr. Roy Abraham Kallivayalil, Kottayam, and Dr. J.K. Trivedi, Lucknow, for arranging for the release of this monograph on the occasion. The Editors, Mens Sana Monographs MSM Mens Sana Monographs A Monograph Series Devoted To The Understanding Of Medicine, Mental Health, Man, And Their Matrix ISBN 81-89753-12-6 ISSN 0973-1229 Vol. III, No. 4-5 Nov. 2005-Feb. 2006 Editor Ajai R. Singh M.D. Deputy Editor Shakuntala A. Singh Ph.D. Honorary International Editorial Advisory Board V.N.Bagadia M.D. Narendra N.Wig M.D. Sunil Pandya M.S. George E. Vaillant M.D. Anil V. Shah M.D. J.K. Trivedi M.D. Anirudh K.Kala M.D. Nimesh G.Desai M.D. Editorial Correspondence: The Editors, Mens Sana Monographs, 14, Shiva Kripa, Trimurty Road, Nahur, Mulund (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400080. India. Telephone: + 91 022 25682740/ + 91 022 25673897 + 91 022 25618630/ + 91 022 25670235 (Clinic Dr. Ajai Singh) + 91 022 25446555 (Office Dr. Shakuntala Singh) Fax: + 91 022 25690505 (Attn. Dr. Ajai Singh) e-mail:
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