special list 366 1 RICHARD C.RAMER Special List 366 Christianity in Asia 2 RICHARDrichard c. C.RAMER ramer Old and Rare Books 225 east 70th street . suite 12f . new york, n.y. 10021-5217 Email
[email protected] . Website www.livroraro.com Telephones (212) 737 0222 and 737 0223 Fax (212) 288 4169 March 16, 2020 Special List 366 Christianity in Asia Items marked with an asterisk (*) will be shipped from Lisbon. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All items are understood to be on approval, and may be returned within a reasonable time for any reason whatsoever. VISITORS BY APPOINTMENT special list 366 3 Special List 366 Christianity in Asia Wealth of Information on the Portuguese in the East 1. AGOSTINHO de Santa Maria, Fr. Historia da fundação do Real Convento de Santa Monica da Cidade de Goa, corte do Estado da India, & do Imperio Lusitano do Oriente …. Lisbon: Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram, 1699. 4°, contemporary limp vellum. Crisp and clean. In fine condition. Early ownership inscription in lower margin of title-page: “He livro he da libraria da Augustinhas descalsas.” (6 ll.), 819 pp. $3,500.00 FIRST EDITION. Nominally a history of an Augustinian convent founded in Goa in 1606, this important work is in fact much broader in scope: it gives a detailed history of Portuguese missions and missionaries, with a wealth of information on a wide variety of subjects relating to the Portuguese in the East. Among the biographies of persons associated with the Real Convento de Santa Monica is a lengthy one of D. Aleixo de Menezes, who was archbishop of Goa at the time of the convent’s foundation.