Eitan Rothstein, Physicist (Ph.D)

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details Name Eitan Aharon Rothstein Date of Birth 27/June/1979 Email [email protected] [email protected] Webpage http://physweb.bgu.ac.il/~rotshtei/ Education 2009 - present Ph.D. (combined track) Dep. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, . Research under the guidance of Prof. Amnon Aharony and Prof. Ora Entin-Wholman. : The Noise Spectra of a Quantum Dot. Due completion until Oct. 2013. 2007-2009 M.Sc. Physics Dep. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Research under the guidance of Prof. Amnon Aharony and Prof. Ora Entin-Wholman. Thesis: The Noise Spectra of a Quantum Dot. 2004-2007 B.Sc. Physics Dep. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Graduated with Honors. Summer 2005 The Emma and Oscar Getz Summer Science Scholarship for Israeli Students. Physics Dept. Weizmann Institute of Science. Research under the guidance of Prof. Amos Breskin.

Computation Skills

My main expertise is in Mathematica. I have some experience with C and Matlab. I studied C, C++, and Jave in Sivan (2001). Writing in LATEX. Web development using HTML editors.


Haim Zabey award for excellence in M.Sc. research. ’Hanegev’ fellowship for Ph.D. students at BGU. Publications

E. A. Rothstein, O. Entin-Wohlman, and A. Aharony, Phys. Rev. B, 79, 075307 (2009). Noise spectra of a quantum dot. N. Gabdank, E. A. Rothstein, O. Entin-Wohlman, and A. Aharony, Phys. Rev. B 84, 235435 (2011). Noise spectra of an interacting quantum dot.

Presentations and Posters

Correlated Electron Day (Haifa, May 2008). DIP Workshop (Munich, Nov. 2008). The 54th annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society (BGU, Dec 2008). Condensed Matter Seminar (BGU, Feb 2009). The 55th annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society (Bar Ilan, Dec 2009). Condensed Matter Seminar (, Riga, Latvia, Sep 2010). The 28th Jersulaem Winter School in Theoretical Physics (Hebrew University, , Jan 2011). (Poster.) The Negev Physics Fete (Sde Boker Campus, BGU, Apr 2011). Condensed Matter Theory Lunch (BGU, Nov 2011).

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant 2007-2013 I have taught as a teaching assistant a variety of courses, such as: Physics 1 and 2, Thermodynamic and Statistical Mechanics 1 and 2, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Solid State Physics 2, and Electrodynamics 1.

Lecturer 2012-2013 As a lecturer I have taught Introduction to Physics and Physics 1. I was the first PhD. Student in the department who taught a course which was not Introduction to Physics. My student survey grades for teaching (both as a lecturer and as an assistant) are very high.


Mother tongue Hebrew High level English Basic level Spanish