Vol. 14 No. 7 July 2018
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FROM THE BASE COMMANDER Business Name Vol. 14 No. 7 July 2018 N e w s l e t t e r o f C h a r l e s t o n B a s e , U n i t e d S t a t e s S u b m a r i n e V e t e r a n s , I n c . Base Meeting: BOD: July 5 1800 Membership: July 12. 1900 Location: FRA Branch 269 Low Country Home 99 Wisteria Rd. Goose Creek, SC Base Commander Ralph Rohrssen 843.670.2135 Chief of the Boat Joe Lunn 843.747.5368 Base Vice Mike 843.324.0011 Veterans Affairs Ken Curtis 843.797.1268 Commander Ciesielko Membership Larry Knutson 843.860.1155 Secretary Gordon Long 843.214.2353 Scholarship Carl Chinn 843.437.5515 Treasurer Gordon Williams 843.553.3015 Storekeeper Ken Hutchison 843.553.0935 Historian George Scharf 843.873.3318 Public Affairs Rick Wise 843.875.5559 (H) 843.276.0899 (C) Chaplain Nick Nichols 843.452.3189 Events Coordinator Rick Sparger 843.553.5594 Holland Club Bill Freligh 843.553.1115 Newsletter Rick Wise 843.875.5559 (H) 843.276.0899 (C) Webmaster Nick Nichols 843.452.3189 Kaps for Kids Bill Kennedy 843.875.3109 1 Submarines Lose During the Month of July USS S-28 (SS 133) July 4, 1944 – Training Exercise LOST WITH ALL HANDS 49 SOULS USS ROBALO (SS 273) July 26, 1944 – 3rd War patrol LOST WITH 77 MEN; 4 DIED AS POW’S; 81 SOULS USS GRUNION (SS 216) July 30, 1942 – 1ST War patrol LOST WITH ALL HANDS 70 SOULS THREE Boats and 200 Men Lost Table of Contents From the Base Commander and Editor 2 From USSVI National, Regional and District 3 Charleston Base Meeting Minutes 5 Admiral Jame B. Osborne Scholarship Raffle 8 From the Scholarship Committee 9 11 Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Web Browsing 10 Times Easier 9 The Hunley Needs You 11 Undersea Warefare News 12 Humor 14 Advertisements 16 Upcoming Charleston Base Events Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, Aug 2 1800 FRA Branch 268, Goose Creek Kaps4Kids Presentation Saturday, Aug 4 1000 McCloud Children’s Hospital Florence, SC Base Meeting Thursday, Aug 9 1800 FRA Branch 269, Goose Creek Victory House Visit Tuesday, Aug 14 1000 Carpool from VFW Bellwright Rd. NPS Class 1803 Graduation Friday, Aug 24 0800 NEX parking lot muster to carpool Information on all these events are on the base website www.ussvicb.org/events/index.html FROM THE BASE COMMAN DER Nothing this month. From the Editor You have probably noticed that the newsletter is getting out later in the month. Whenever we get a new Base Secretary it takes him some time to produce the minutes from the Base meetings. Having had the job I can tell you that its not easy to listen to the recording of the minutes and produce a re- cord that reflects what actually happened at a meeting. Often, when you read the minutes you’ve initially generated, you find that that doesn’t match what you remember of the meeting and you have to go back and correct the minutes. As time goes by Gordon Long will be able to produce the min- utes in a shorter time. I am planning to have some major surgery the beginning of next year. I would like to have a volun- teer to show how to produce the newsletter if I am unable to continue as editor. If you are interested please let me know. 2 From USSVI National Normal message traffic from USSVI will be published each month in the newsletter. If the message is of immediate interest to the membership it will be sent out by the Base Secretary. Messages are arranged in the order received SubVet News #2018-050: 2018 Convention Cruise Information Submitted by: Wayne Standerfer on 7/18/2018 ------------------------------------------------------ Shipmates, There seems to be a misconception going around that the cruise has been cut off and is no longer available to book. There is no cutoff date for joining the cruise! The cruise is open to book until staterooms sell out. Pricing and convention amenities (shipboard credit, drink cards, dinners) are guaranteed until Au- gust 6. After that you can still book staterooms on a space available basis at the current Holland America price and amenities package. This can be done until sailing date based on availability. If at some point prior to departure the cruise actually completely sells out and closes, AAA will ad- vise us, but until then please continue to register. Regards, Wayne Standerfer NSVC SubVet News #2018-051: ARIZONA SILENT SERVICE MEMORIAL PROJECT Info Submitted by: William C. Andrea on 7/28/2018 ------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA SILENT SERVICE MEMORIAL PROJECT July 25, 2018 Greetings Shipmates, On June 15th I sent out a plea to all the Regional Directors for Support for Lost Boat Sponsorships for the Arizona Silent Service Memorial (ASSM) project. I received one response and that was from the Southeast Region. Steve Bell immediately contacted me and said he would reach out to the Southeast Region District Commander asking for support from their respective bases. The re- sponse from our Southeast Region shipmates has been absolutely awesome! To date, we have received donations from individuals, bases, and districts for over $1500 which in- cludes three (3) Lost Boat Sponsorships. I have been informed that additional donations are on the way. A big Bravo Zulu to all of our shipmates in the Southeast region. Because of their support for 3 project, we only have three (3) Lost Boats remaining that need sponsors and one of the 3, has a po- tential sponsor pending. I am deeply gratified by the support we have received from the Southeast Region for the ASSM pro- ject and hope that our shipmates from that part of the country will be able to attend the dedication ceremony when that event is announced. To learn more about this project, please visit our website at www.arizonanasilentservicememoril.org. Thank you. Tim Moore Tim Moore, Chairman Arizona Silent Service Memorial P.O. Box 86155 Phoenix, AZ 85080 Phone: 602-574-3286 E-mail: [email protected] www.arizonasilentservicememorial.org Subject: National Election Shipmates: Our National Election will commence on 1 August and will run until mid-October (I have seen two different dates so just vote before October and it won’t matter). I am asking each one of you to vote during this election. It will be held on the current website as the new one will not be ready by 1 August (I know, but it is just not ready. At least this will give the designer more time to fix the issues. Better to have it right). I also know that all the positions are uncontested. However, please show your support for those that are running for office. You may only vote for the Southeast Regional Director (the other RDs are elected by their region) and Ken Nichols (current District 4 Commander) is running for that office. I am sure most of you know that I am running for National Junior Vice Commander. Both of us would like to have your support. But more importantly on the ballot is our revised C&B (I think that is the proper title) for your approval/disapproval. You can view that document on our website (under documents, then or- ganization, it is listed as the “20118 Revised Constitution and By-Laws”, typo makes it easier to find). Just as a reminder, there are no real changes to it. It is combing the current Constitution and current By-Laws. It has eliminated most, if not all, redundancy the current two documents have. The only “real” change to the document(s) is the portion regarding the ladies section (former Subvettes) which impacts very few people. Please look it over and vote as you see it. I would like to thank each of you for participating in the election. As noted in a recent USSVI POC, the Southeast Region stands up well when asked to do so. I am sure you will make me proud again but having a high percentage of participation in the election. Thank you very much and hope to see many of you at the National Convention and/or the WWII Kings Bay Memorial event. Steve Bell, SERD 4 Subject: 2018 Scholarship Awards Shipmates: The 2018 USSVI Scholarship Award winners has been posted on the USSVI Website. Go to Charitable Fund, then to Scholarships, then to Winners, and then to 2018 Scholarship winners. If my count is correct, there are 7 winners from the Southeast Region. My congratulations to each of those selected. Steve Bell, SERD United States Submarine Veterans, Inc., Charleston Base Minutes of Business Meeting 12 July 2018 Opening Ceremonies: The July 2018 Base Meeting was called to order by Base Commander Ralph Rhorssen with a quorum of officers and a total of 69 members present. The meeting started at 1900 with the sound of the diving alarm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Commander Mike Ciesielko and recited by members in attendance. The Invocation and the Tolling of the Boats lost during the month of July was given by Base Chaplain Nick Nichols. Sub- marines Lost during the month of June: USS S-28 (SS 133) – July 4, 1944 – Training Exercise – LOST WITH ALL HANDS – 49 SOULS USS ROBALO (SS 273) – July 26, 1944 – 3rd War patrol – LOST WITH 77 MEN – 4 DIED AS POW’S – 81 SOULS USS GRUNION (SS 216) – July 30, 1942 – 1ST War patrol – LOST WITH ALL HANDS – 70 SOULS THREE Boats and 200 Men Lost The USSVI Creed was read by Base Vice Commander Mike Ciesielko.