European Journal of Research ¹ 11/2019 [email protected]


Manuscript info: Received October 18, 2019., Accepted October 22, 2019., Published November 26, 2019.


Isayev Oybek Akhmedogli Lecturer of the Department of History and source study of Uzbekistanat State University

Abstract: The main sources of the article are such documents as archival materials of the Central State Archive, the Central Archive of Surkhandarya province, district archives and they cover a wide range of documents. Many of them were used for scientific purposes for the first time. The author of the article paid attention to the problems of medicine and tried to identify their main problem features in the Surkhandarya region. Keywords: Surkhan, valley, medical, demand, hospital, soviet, post, district, sanitary, doctor, doctor`s assistant, medicine, ambulatory

Recommended citation: Isayev Oybek Akhmedogli. HEALTH PROBLEMS IN SURKHANDARYA REGION AND THEIR NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES (1925-1941). 11 European Journal of Research P. 29-34 (2019).

In the 20s of the XXth century, the Soviet government did not pay due attention to the issues of providing medical care to the population. Despite the fact that the population of the region needed medical care, people did not want to go to hospitals for the military. Because, in full view of the people, representatives of the intellectual part of the population were declared enemies of the Soviet state, which is why the people came to terrible conclusions about relations with them. In 1924, when the UzSSR was established, 53 hospitals with a capacity of 2,135 beds operated in , including 185 outpatient clinics and paramedics' stations. However, since they were mainly located in cities, they provided limited services to the urban population. And the rural population remained outside the existing medical service zone [1 C, 369]. In the early years of Soviet power, they tried to organize medical services not for the purpose of health care of the region's population, but to control The health of the European community in the area, as well as that of the military.

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In 1924, on the initiative of the Soviet government and intellectuals, the first hospital for 10 people was established. In 1925-1926, 7 people worked in the health department of the district [2 l, 98-99]. They consisted of the head of the department of health care, the head of the medical department, the employee of the court of medical expertise, a clerk, an accountant, a nurse, an employee of the office. It is precise because of the lack of medical personnel that infectious diseases were widespread in the district [3 l, 32]. In 1920, such dangerous infectious diseases as plague, typhoid, cholera, jaundice and trachoma became more frequent among the population. At that time, the population of the region did not know how to treat with the help of modern medicine, if they did, they did not trust. Because the local population had more confidence in the well-known public doctors who managed to cure some diseases with the help of herbs, and people went to them, not to military hospitals. In some cases, some sick people tried to heal themselves through prayers and initiations. doctor, paramedic, medicine, outpatient clinic. In 1925, after the Surkhandarya district was formed, the actions on the organization of the hospital began [4 C, 5]. In 1926, the Surkhandarya District Hospital for 25 beds was opened. In the early years, the activities of the existing hospitals were very weak, and there was no order in health care. Although small medical facilities were opened in all districts of the county, the pharmacy was located in Termez city, all over the county. By 1926, the Termez City Hospital had been expanded by 20 beds and began to function as an outpatient clinic. In the town of Sherabad, a medical station with a medical specialist began to function, in the village of Poshurt, a medical station with a medical specialist was opened in the town of , in Yurchi and Saryassia branches aimed at health care. Military doctors and medical workers sent to work in the region participated jointly in all these activities. The central building of the district hospital of the military border guards of the detachment No. 31 of the Amudarya security brigade [5 C, 4]. Due to the fact that its building was built as early as 1889, in winter the building was penetrated by cold, rain and snow. Despite this, by 1926, 10,645 people from the local population had undergone medical examinations in rural medical centres, 7442 of whom were women. In general, during these years, more people started to come to the district medical institutions every year [6 C, 210]. In 1926, the Termez City Hospital was expanded by 40 more beds and a referral of specialists was envisaged. After that, the movement aimed at applying vaccination to the population of the region to find ways and means of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases by employees of all outpatient clinics and hospitals of the district began. Especially in those

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30 European Journal of Research ¹ 11/2019 [email protected] years, the number of deaths among rural children as a result of infectious diseases increased. At the same time, there were cases when all members of the whole family died because of contagious diseases. In 1926 it was planned to open Sherabad hospital for 45 places, hospitals, outpatient clinics with children's consultation, chemical laboratories [7 l, 104]. In 1926, due to the lack of medical personnel for the prevention of infectious diseases, the Health Department of the People's Commissariat of the Uzbek SSR sent two medical doctors, two students of medical universities, and two interpreters to the districts [8 l, 175]. These medical workers worked together with doctors for four months. Their work consisted mainly of preventing dermatological, eye, female and other diseases. In 1927, the number of doctors in Surkhandarya region increased, a hospital with 20 beds was opened in Baisun district, a hospital with 40 beds was opened in Denaus district, and a hospital with 25 beds was opened in Saryasiya district [9 l, 32]. In 1927-1928, the fight against widespread infectious diseases among the population was expanded. District medical institutions treated 4,639 patients with fever, 55 patients with black plague, 808 scabies and 1,632 patients with plague and scarlet fever and other diseases. In 1929, the health department of the district decided to place sick local people in special isolation rooms for the prevention of infectious diseases [10 liters, 277]. In addition, in the event that there was a possibility to treat a patient at home, it was decided to allocate a separate nurse and medical staff. And in the village councils of the Surkhanska Valley, health care departments began to be organized. In 1929, in the village of Mirshodi, which was a part of the Altynsai village council, was placed a military garrison of the Red Army troops. For the Red Army soldiers of the Soviet government, a special headquarters building was built, which was called "Red Roof" among the people [11 Ñ, 17]. In 1930, in the village of Karluk was opened a military hospital to provide medical care to Soviet soldiers. Representatives of the local population also sought medical assistance at this military hospital, but they were not always provided with such assistance. In the region of the valley, there was a large army of Red Army soldiers, while the Jarkurgan region was a part of the city of Termez, it was believed that these places are of great strategic importance for the defense of the city and therefore the military unit was located here. [12 Ñ, 14]. In 1925, a specialized infirmary, i.e. a hospital for the military, was opened in Dzharkurgan district and in some cases provided medical assistance to the local population. The infirmary was initially placed in a mosque building by the Soviet government and allowed to begin its activities. The Hospital (in place of the former central district

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31 European Journal of Research ¹ 11/2019 [email protected] hospital) was established in the yard of Batyrkhanishan, who fled from the oppression and the policy of the Soviet government. The hospital was similar to a three-room clay house and consisted of three rooms. In 1929, uniting the villages of , Zarkamar and Yanbash, which were part of the Jarkurgan district, a cotton-growing state farm Kumkurgan was opened. In the same year, medical assistance was provided to the local rural population through three obstetric units [13 C, 8]. In 1930, in connection with the opening of new industrial enterprises in Dzharkurgan district, many construction workers - engineers and their families from central regions of Russia - began to arrive. The families who came from different cities of Russia also included doctors. As a result of population growth in the region, there was a need to build a larger hospital. In 1930, a one-storey hospital for 50 beds came into operation. In 1933, the Surkhandarya District Council of Trade Unions sent the population of the district for treatment in a sanatorium [14 l, 214]. It was noted that the necessary expenses will be paid from the rent account. The district hospitals lacked qualified doctors. Medical workers who had completed the training period were immediately sent to work [15 1936. - March 23]. With this in mind, a group of doctors from the Samarkand branch of the Institute arrived in 1936. The group consisting of Professors S.P.Shilovtsev, P.I.Sushevskaya, I.Y.Churaev and A.N.Ivanova gave consultations and medical instructions to medical workers of Surkhandarya district. In 1936, the Institute of Dermatological Diseases of Uzbekistan organized a medical expedition to Surkhandarya district. The purpose of this expedition was to conduct a medical examination of patients with dermatological, mushroom, moihurak, teratka and other diseases [16 1936. - May 5]. In 1937, a wide road was opened for field treatment of executives. For example, T. Niyazov, the head of the Executive Committee of the Baisun district, received a telegram from the Yalta sanatorium that he should be treated in this sanatorium [17 l, 580]. According to it, the health department of the UzSSR gave permission for treatment. In the same year, the local population was given permission to leave for other central cities to restore their health [18 20 l, 3]. Prior to that time, there were ample opportunities for senior officials and representatives of European nationality. In 1937, a new hospital was opened in the collective farm "Bainnalmalmalmal", which belongs to the village council of Dekhkanabad, . The kolkhoz had 174 farms and 123 of them were treated in the hospital of the farm. In the periodical press of that time, there were often published separate articles about the patients, who left the hospitals of the region after they had not been fully cured. In particular, a member of the village council of Seplon, a man named Urazov, was undergoing treatment at the Sherabad district hospital, where there was no order during the medical examination.

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In addition, there were patients in the hospital who had been in hospital for 11 months and had not been treated. The hospital did not have any doctors at all to treat some diseases. For example, due to the lack of an eye doctor and a dentist, patients were forced to leave the hospital without treatment. Until the end of the 30s there was almost no inpatient treatment of the population. By 1939, agricultural MTS had organized 1 department of inpatient treatment, designed for 15 places [19 l, 36]. This organized hospital was designed to fight against the inpatient epidemic and 679 rubles were allocated for the organization of the hospital. In order to control the health of sick children, one doctor, two nurses and two medical staff on duty were assigned to the Jarkurgan Health Department. Many major problems arose in the implementation of medical examinations and vaccination work, one of which was the shortage of horses and arba. In the same year, the Soviet Government decided to identify and vaccinate chickenpox patients in the border area [20 l, 11]. The task was to identify all children born within the last two weeks and suffering from chickenpox in all border districts of the district: Termez city, Termez district, Jarkurgan, Shurchin and Sharabad districts. Forty medical workers were sent on a mission to carry out this task. In 1941, 5 doctors, 1 paramedic, 7 nurses, 6 midwives, 1 medical worker carried out their activities in the Shurchin district health care system [21 l, 11]. It is noteworthy that in 1941 the population of the region was provided with services of 19 medical institutions designed for 1715 places. However, despite the fact that the number of medical institutions was growing, their staffing was lagging behind. Besides, the Soviet government did not pay any attention to the training of local staff by summoning qualified specialists from the center. And the qualified specialists coming from the center, having worked for some time, left back. For this reason, in 1941 only 27 out of all villages of the region were organized rural medical stations, 12 of them provided services only to nurses. One of the main reasons for the departure of medical workers to work in the region was the difficulty in providing housing. In conclusion, some practical work was done in the early years of the Soviet government for public health purposes in the region. But hospitals, outpatient clinics, medical offices and kindergartens were not enough. At the same time, conditions in medical institutions were also sad, in many cases the main issue was related to financial resources. Due to insufficient conditions created for medical workers sent to Surkhandarinsky district, there was a personnel leakage. Despite the fact that hospitals were established in the region, their material base was insufficient. First of all, there was a high demand for emergency medical care among the local population. The above figures were applicable only to cities and district centers.

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