Place Names of Surkhandarya Region Formed on the Basis of Ethnonyms
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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) Available online at: Vol. 10 Issue 7, July- 2020 ISSN(o): 2249-7382 | Impact Factor: 6.939 | PLACE NAMES OF SURKHANDARYA REGION FORMED ON THE BASIS OF ETHNONYMS Umarova Mahbuba Hamroevna Senior lecturer at Termez State University Abstract: The article is devoted to the distribution of geographical names formed based on ethnonyms in Surkhandarya region and analysed features of the formation of ethno place names (ethnotoponyms) on the example of the region. Key words: ethnonym, ethnotoponym, ethnography, totem. Introduction. My ethnonym consists of the Greek words ethnos - "people" and onim - "name", which was formed by the demands of history. Place names formed from ethnonyms are called ethnotoponyms. Ethnonyms are an as yet unexplored field of ethnonymy, ethnography, history, linguistics, which testifies to a more in-depth analysis of the ethnogenesis of peoples, nations, and where peoples lived and interacted in historical periods. The analysis of ethnotoponyms allows us to determine whether the inhabitants of a particular area have lived a sedentary or nomadic lifestyle in the past. [1]. Research shows that the process of naming places varies between peoples living in a region and those with a nomadic lifestyle, and while nomadic populations focus on the natural and geographical features of objects, nomenclature naming is relatively simple, meaning they are new. it can be observed that when they moved to the lands they called the place by the names of their clans and tribes. Main part. Toponyms of Surkhandarya region are an integral part of toponyms of Uzbekistan and reflect several thousand years of history. Large or small, each region has its own characteristics of place names that differ from other region toponyms. [6]. In the toponymy of all regions of Uzbekistan, in particular, Surkhandarya region, place names associated with tribes and clans are widespread. The analysis of existing ethnotoponyms shows that Uzbek ethnonyms are formed mainly on the basis of tribal and tribal names, and the origin of tribal names includes animal names, in particular, sacred animals of tribal representatives, a special symbol of the tribe, as well as human names. is considered quite ancient. There are place names like Kiyikchiovul, Ovulkiyikchi in Denov district of the region. This ethnotoponym is named based on the ethnic composition of the rural population. The deer is called a totem, and the seed is called a totem. Apart from Surkhandarya region, deer lived in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya - in Khorezm, and partly in the Zarafshan valley. Historian B.Kh. Karmisheva considers deer to be mangits. [4]. International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences 57 Email:- [email protected], (An open access scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal.) International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) Available online at: Vol. 10 Issue 7, July- 2020 ISSN(o): 2249-7382 | Impact Factor: 6.939 | A similar totem-related place name is found in Sariosiya district. The name of the village Kargali in the district is based on the Turkic ethnonym and belongs to the jilontamgali section of the Surkhan oasis juz. This seed name is one of the most common seeds among Uzbeks. The crow is actually the name of a totem, a sacred creature, a bird. The word-totem (crow) added the -li affix to the ethnonym during the transition and became the basis for the village name. Also, some of the regional ethnonyms are based on the nickname of the ancestor of this tribe. There are settlements called Kosakishlak in Boysun and Denov districts. Kosa is actually a patronymic, created on the basis of his nickname, but one of the largest descendants of the Uzbeks, a branch of the bells, is called Kosa. A similar situation can be seen in the case of the village of Mongka in the Boysun and Kumkurgan districts. In ancient times, the Turkic-speaking peoples gave the nickname of a giant to a huge, big, big man. The name of the tribe is based on the nicknames of the people, and the village is named according to the ethnic composition of the population. The ethnonyms involved in the naming of tribes are Boymokli ethnotoponym in Boysun, Jarqurghon and Kumkurgan districts, Vokhtamgali in Termez, Sherabad, Jarqurghon districts, Boltali ethnotoponym in Sariosiya district. The ethnonym Boltali is an all-Turkic ethnonym, a branch of the Kazakh, Tatar, Azerbaijani, Karakalpak peoples, and is also found in the toponymy of Uzbekistan and neighboring regions. [3]. The naming of some of the ethnonyms is connected with the names and titles of the person: chigatoy, fozil, jobu and others. Most of the ethnonyms of Surkhandarya region related to human names are Chagatai ethnotoponymy. BH Karmisheva gave scientific information about the Chagatoys, and when the word "Chigatay" was given to Genghis Khan's second son Chigatay by Movarounnahr, that is, to rule the region, the people of that place were called "Chigatay ulusi" - the people of Chigatay. The Turkic and Persian peoples lived in the territory of the Chigatay nation, and all of them had the same name, that is, the name "Chigatay". The local people later called their name and area of residence Chigatay. Because they considered themselves to be under the influence of the Chigatay nation, the Chigatay king. Later, the word Chigatay was partially preserved. Currently, the Chagatai ethnotoponym exists in Boysun, Jarqurghon, Termez and Sherabad districts. This name was formed in the second half of the XIII century. [4] A certain part of the ethnonyms of Surkhandarya region was formed on the basis of tribal names. Jaloyir (Kumkurgan t), China (Sherabad t), Tokchi, (Sariosiyo and Oltinsoy t). International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences 58 Email:- [email protected], (An open access scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal.) International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) Available online at: Vol. 10 Issue 7, July- 2020 ISSN(o): 2249-7382 | Impact Factor: 6.939 | One of the largest ancient tribes formed as a result of the intermingling of the Turkic- Mongol tribes is the Jalayirs. Apart from Surkhandarya region, the name of the place is found in Tashkent, Bukhara, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Fergana, Namangan and Khorezm regions of the country. One of the largest Uzbek tribes from Dashtikipchak was called Taqchi. The word "mountain" is a modified form of the word "mountain", which means "mountain". This ethnonym is found in places such as Tokchiguzar in Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region, Tokchiyon in Sariosiya district. One of the largest tribes of Surkhandarya region is the Chinese. They came to the region in the late XIX and early XX centuries. In southern Uzbekistan, the Chinese lived in Sherabad and mainly in some villages of Shakhrisabz, Chirakchi, Mubarek. Some of the places where members of the Chinese tribe lived were named after them. This is the name of the Chinese village in Denov district of Surkhandarya region, the Chinese village in Sherabad district. During the research, it was found that place names related to ethnonyms have a significant share in the region, especially in Kumkurgan, Sherabad, Sariosiya, Altynsay, Denau and Boysun districts. Conclusion. Ethnotoponyms of Surkhandarya region are formed by the requirements of history and contain a certain amount of information, as well as an important source of information about which peoples, tribes lived in historical periods, their ethnic composition and origin, international relations, integration and migration. [5]. An analysis of the ethnonyms reflected in the place names suggests that the name of a tribe or clan, sometimes ethnographically different from their surrounding population, led to the ethnonym becoming a toponym. [2]. In the regional system of place names, ethnotoponyms form a large group and as place names reflect the centuries-old culture, spirituality, thinking and production of the Uzbek people, economic style, attitude to nature. Names that represent the ethnic composition of the local population - ethnonyms - have disappeared as a result of the development of society, but remain as well-known names of settlements. International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences 59 Email:- [email protected], (An open access scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal.) International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) Available online at: Vol. 10 Issue 7, July- 2020 ISSN(o): 2249-7382 | Impact Factor: 6.939 | References: 1.Gulomov P.N., Mirakmalov M.T. Toponymy and geographical terminology. -T .: University, 2005. 2. Qoraev S. Toponyms of the regions of Uzbekistan. -T .: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 2005. 3.Tursunov S. M. Toponyms of Surkhandarya region. T. 2014. 4. Karmysheva B.X. Essays on the ethnic history of the southern regions of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. M., 1976. 5.Qoraev S. Toponymy. - T .: 2006. 6.Umarova M.H. Place Names Based On Topoformants (On The Example Of Surkhandarya Region) Nature and Sciense, Volume 18, Numder 4. Marsland Press. International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences 60 Email:- [email protected], (An open access scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal.) .