Loss, Violence, and Trauma in Debbie Tucker Green's Stoning Mary And
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Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of English Language and Literature LOSS, VIOLENCE, AND TRAUMA IN DEBBIE TUCKER GREEN’S STONING MARY AND RANDOM Seray BİLGİN Master‘s Thesis Ankara, 2020 LOSS, VIOLENCE, AND TRAUMA IN DEBBIE TUCKER GREEN’S STONING MARY AND RANDOM Seray BİLGİN Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of English Language and Literature Master‘s Thesis Ankara, 2020 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Kaya for her support and invaluable academic guidance. She always listened to me patiently and helped me find my way throughout the period of my research. This thesis would not be possible without her advice, feedback and motivation. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the distinguished members of the jury, Prof. Dr. A. Deniz Bozer, Prof. Dr. Huriye Reis, Asst. Prof. Dr. İmren Yelmiş and Asst. Prof. Dr. Neslihan Ekmekçioğlu for their critical comments, suggestions and insightful remarks. I would also like to thank TÜBİTAK for providing me financial support with the graduate scholarship programme during my master‘s studies. In addition, I owe special thanks to my friends Özge Çomak, Yağmur Kiper and Mesut Çetinkaya who supported me throughout my studies with their love, intellectual insights and continual encouragement. They always supported me, eased my worries, enlightened me with their advice and cheered me up in difficult times. I would also like to thank Okaycan Dürükoğlu who was there for me whenever I needed help and motivated me during the writing process of my thesis. Furthermore, I am really grateful to my childhood friend Dilara Şahin for her constant support and motivation during this process. I also sincerely thank Hazal Gündüz and Canan Şen who always stand by me and motivate me. Last but not least, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to my dear family, to my father Remzi Bilgin, to my mother Jale Bilgin, to my sister Sezin Güvenç and my brother Murat Güvenç, and of course to my sweet niece Öykü Güvenç for always believing in me. This thesis could not be completed without their love, support and encouragement. v ABSTRACT Bilgin, Seray. Loss, Violence, and Trauma in Debbie Tucker Green‘s Stoning Mary and Random, Master‘s Thesis, 2020, Ankara. Debbie Tucker Green (date of birth unknown- ) is a prolific black British playwright of the twenty-first century. In her plays, she explores the local and global problems of black people living in Britain, Africa, and the Caribbean without underlining racial identity. Her play Stoning Mary (2005) presents the issues of AIDS, child soldiering, and stoning punishment that primarily African people encounter; Random (2008) depicts the murder of a black teenage boy in London. Tucker Green mostly presents the effects of violence, trauma, and loss, which the above issues cause, on the characters‘ lives. Rather than discussing the reasons for these issues, she portrays their emotional aftermath. In addition, Tucker Green explores these issues by focusing on uncaring characters and their failure of communication in Stoning Mary, and the characters‘ inner voices and thoughts in Random. Therefore, this thesis analyses Stoning Mary and Random, in terms of both content and style, to examine Tucker Green‘s representation of loss, violence, and trauma, and discusses that these issues are given in a cause and effect relationship in the plays. The introduction of this study provides the historical background of black British drama in order to reflect Tucker Green‘s contribution to it better. The first chapter analyses the relationship between loss, violence, and trauma in Stoning Mary. In this play, the characters experience a traumatic loss because of violence, and this situation also leads to violence. In the second main chapter, the same relationship between traumatic loss and violence is examined in Random, in which traumatic loss results from violence, but it causes different responses of grief other than violence. Consequently, in the conclusion part, it is highlighted that the losses that the characters experience in both plays are quite traumatic because of their violent and unexpected nature, and they lead to various responses of grief. While loss caused by violence also leads to violence in Stoning Mary, traumatic loss resulting from violence produces other reactions such as numbness, anger, and avoidance in Random. Key Words: Debbie Tucker Green, Stoning Mary, Random, loss, violence, trauma vi ÖZET Bilgin, Seray. Debbie Tucker Green‘in Stoning Mary ve Random Adlı Oyunlarında Kayıplar, Şiddet, ve Travma, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2020, Ankara. Debbie Tucker Green (doğum tarihi bilinmiyor- ) yirmi birinci yüzyılın önde gelen siyahi Britanyalı oyun yazarlarından biridir. Oyunlarında genellikle, ırksal kimlik kavramını vurgulamadan, Afrika, Britanya ve Karayipler‘de yaşayan siyahi insanların ulusal ve uluslararası sorunlarına değinir. Yazar, Stoning Mary (2005) adlı oyununda, genellikle Afrikalıların yaşadığı AIDS problemini, çocukların askerleştirilmesini ve bir ceza türü olan taşlayarak öldürmeyi konu alır. Random (2008) adlı oyununda ise Londra‘da yaşayan siyahi bir gencin bıçaklanarak öldürülmesine değinir. Söz konusu eserlerde, değinilen problemlerden çok, bu problemlerin karakterler ve hayatları üzerindeki etkileri ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu iki oyundaki karakterler bir aile üyesini kaybetme, şiddet ve travma unsurlarıyla mücadele ederler. Ayrıca Tucker Green bahsedilen unsurları, Stoning Mary adlı oyunda birbirine ilgisiz karakterler ve bu karakterlerin iletişim sorunu aracılığıyla, Random isimli oyunda ise karakterlerin daha çok iç seslerine ve düşüncelerine vurgu yaparak sunar. Dolayısıyla, bu tez Stoning Mary ve Random adlı oyunlarda yaşanılan kayıpları, şiddeti ve travmayı yazarın stilini de göz önünde bulundurarak bir sebep-sonuç ilişkisi içerisinde incelemektedir. Tezin giriş bölümünde Debbie Tucker Green‘in katkısını daha iyi yansıtmak amacıyla Britanyalı siyahi yazarların ürettiği tiyatronun tarihsel gelişimine bakılmaktadır. Birinci ana bölümde kayıp, şiddet ve travma unsurlarının Stoning Mary‘de nasıl işlendiği incelenmekte ve şiddetin sebep olduğu bir travmatik kayıp yaşayan karakterlerin, bu kayıpla başa çıkmak için şiddete yöneldikleri belirtilmektedir. İkinci ana bölümde, bu üç unsur arasındaki ilişki Random‘da incelenmeye devam edilmekte ve şiddet sebebiyle travmatik bir kayıp yaşayan oyun karakterlerinin şiddetten farklı tepkiler verdiklerinin altı çizilmektedir. Son olarak, tezin sonuç bölümünde, bu iki oyunda yaşanan kayıpların ağır travma yaratan kayıplar olduğu ifade edilmekte ve Stoning Mary‘de travmatik kaybın sonucu şiddetken, Random‘da karakterlerin kızgınlık ve sersemlik hissedip, etrafındaki insanlardan kaçındıklarının altı çizilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Debbie Tucker Green, Stoning Mary, Random, kayıplar, şiddet, travma vii TABLE OF CONTENTS KABUL VE ONAY............................................................................................................... i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKİR MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI....................................... ii ETİK BEYAN ......................................................................................................................iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................................iv ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................................v ÖZET......................................................................................................................................vi TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………...…………..vii INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER I: VIOLENCE AS A REACTION TO TRAUMATIC LOSS IN STONING MARY.....................................................................................................................................36 CHAPTER II: TRAUMATIC GRIEF AS A REACTION TO VIOLENCE IN RANDOM…………………………………………………………………………………... 67 CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................................91 WORKS CITED ...................................................................................................................98 APPENDIX 1: ORIGINALITY REPORTS .....................................................................111 APPENDIX 2: ETHICS BOARD WAIVER FORMS FOR THESIS WORK .............113 1 INTRODUCTION Debbie Tucker Green (Date of birth unknown- ) is a prominent black British woman dramatist of the twenty-first century. Her playwriting is unique within the black British theatrical context in the sense that her scope of interest is not limited to identity politics or immigration experienced by black people who migrated to Britain from British colonies, a theme common to the works of several black British playwrights like Mustapha Matura (1939- ), and Winsome Pinnock (1961- ). Moreover, whereas her contemporary black British playwrights, such as Roy Williams (1968- ) and Kwame Kwei-Armah (1967- ), also represent the social identity of black British characters, gang culture and black masculinity in their plays, Tucker Green focuses on a wider range of global and local issues, namely AIDS, domestic and urban violence, black teenage murder, female sex tourism and genocide, concerning black people