Vegetarian News 2002: the Year of “101 S the U.S
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Winter 2002, Vol. 11, No. 1 Resource guide to the Veggie Ctr.: VivaVegie prints15,000 Ł page 3 Time for vegi-blab: Monthly rap ’n’ wraps at the Veggie Ctr. Ł page 2 The push is on: VivaVegie puts emphasis on street outreach Ł page 2 Fuel-efficient: VivaVine distribution via human propulsion Ł page 3 The VivaVine is a publication of the VivaVegie Society, New York City’s premier vegetarian-outreach organization. Vegetarian News 2002: The year of “101 s the U.S. Con- subsidies long en- with a Web site from Reasons, the book! A gress battles joyed by big com- the Environmental ” over current farm-bill modity growers— Working Group THE VIVAVINE TO SUSPEND PUBLISHING FOR A YEAR legislation, could giant Midwestern ( re- all but given up be- BY PAMELA RICE vegetarians have an feed-grain interests vealing obscene give- cause of my many ally in USDA secre- in particular. aways to the wealthi- ere we are at obligations, not the tary Ann Veneman? Former secretary est farmers and H our 47th issue least of which is pub- Believe it or not, Dan Glickman always getting millions of lishing this magazine. she’s been question- let the big guys have hits too, Ms. Vene- I’ve finally decided ing the entrenched their toys, no ques- man and her allies that if it’s ever going billions of dollars in tions asked. But now just might be able to to get done, I’m going feel their oats at last. to have to lighten my Moreover, as citi- load a little. zens begin to get a Members of the graphic picture of VivaVegie Society in the colossal hand- good standing, who outs, will they be Photo by Ted Teisler receive The VivaVine ready to cut off the as part of member- life support? And if of The VivaVine. ship, will have a so, might some envi- We’ve gotten to be a number of options ronmental pro- habit with a lot of during our yearlong grams—those that people since January break. Herewith is a do nothing more 1992, when we self-addressed post than make taxpayers began publishing. card, which mem- pay for messes made But now it’s time to bers can send back by factory farms— take a break. No, to us indicating their and dairy price we’re not gone for choice. floors be mothballed good, just gone until Of course mem- as well? (These pro- a certain important bers need not reply grams get passed as project is done— at all, and we will re- concessions to namely the comple- sume sending them states that don’t ben- tion of “101 Reasons Continued on p. 2 efit as much from Why I’m a Vegetar- commodity subsi- ian” in book form. dies.) In the end, can A few people we vegetarians even know of my hopes Continued on p. 4 for “101 Reasons” Penelo Pea Pod reaches Thanksgiving Day bookdom. Fewer revelers on 5th Avenue, and holiday shoppers know that I have at Rockefeller Center, with “101 Reasons.” The VivaVine to suspend publication continued from p. 1 ian” in lieu of future issues the issues of The VivaVine of The VivaVine. Back is- that they are entitled to sues of The VivaVine are once the break period is also an option. up. Those who choose this Finally, we’re happy to option will stay on our send a prorated refund to mailing list throughout anyone who requests it. 2002. To help with your deci- Some members may pre- sion, check your mailing a publication of fer to receive copies of the label to find out how many VivaVegie Society, Inc. pamphlet version of “101 issues of The VivaVine are Vol. 11, No. 1 Reasons Why I’m a Vegetar- left on your subscription. WINTER 2002 P.O. Box 294 Prince Street Station New York, NY 10012 646-424-9595, office 212-871-9304, info line Rachel Summerose gives [email protected] commuters a good read Publisher: Pamela Rice at Union Square: Viva- Editor: Alan Rice Vegie’s outreach coordina- Copy editor: Glen Boisseau tor and her veg-evange- Becker lists work hard distri- Calendar editor: Evelyn buting our “101 Reasons” Gilbert (the “mighty convincer”) Gaggle of veg- Rap ‘n’ Wrap: Where vegetarians sort things out from our to pedestrians and com- evangelists: own perspective: VivaVegie may be suspending the publica- muters. But they know Rachel Summerose, Judea tion of its magazine throughout 2002, but Rap ’n’ Wrap will how to have fun, too, with Johnson, Anthony Del- go on as always. We plan to have these hoppin’ get-togethers an after-activism restau- Greco, and Lee Bennett at the Veggie Center (121 East 27th Street, Suite 704, between rant outing. Call 718-907- Lexington Avenue and Park Avenue South) every second 0978 to join in the fun. EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS: Monday of the month, at 6:30. Call 646-424-9595 to confirm. • Karen Davis, Ph.D., United Poultry Concerns • Richard Schwartz, Ph.D., author, Judaism Volunteer with the VivaVegie Society and Vegetarianism • OUTREACH. • Michael Greger, M.D. Distribute “101 Reasons” with outreach coordinator Rachel • Mike Hudak, Ph.D. Summerose. Warning: May cause exhilaration. (Call 718-907-0978.) Or get “101 Reasons” sold at a local retail establishment. SPECIAL THANKS TO: • NALITH • Candle Cafe • PUBLIC RELATIONS. Get media for the VivaVegie Society. • COMPILE. Keep promotional mail/flyers in order. Rap ’n’ Wrap • TYPE. Database input is never-ending. every month • GET CLERICAL. Filing is a constant need in 2002 at the Vegetarian Center. • DO AN ERRAND. Call when you have a Where: The Vegetarian All that is nec- little bit of time to run across town. All that is nec- Center, 121 E. 27th St., Ste. essary for the 704, between Lex. and Park • TAKE CHARGE. Keep the Center library When: The second Monday in order. Otherwise, our menu collection trtriumphiumph ofof eevil of the month, throughout and photo album always need sorting. isis ffor good men 2002 • MAKE A PRESENTATION. Display tto do nothing.. Time: 6:30 P.M. —Edmund Burke,, VivaVegie archive material chronolo- English stattesman Cost: $4 suggested donation gically in notebooks. and orattor (1729–1797)(1729–1797) ALWAYS CALL AHEAD TO • BE AN ANSWER MAVEN. Answer e-mail CONFIRM: 646-424-9595 inquiries made to the VivaVegie Society. VivaVine distribution— Grapevine via bicycle, of course! Full carnivore to pure vegan, overnight Paul Lamarca in Manhattan Thank you for helping to open my eyes with "101 Rea- sons Why I’m a Vegetarian.” I first came across it at Can- dle Cafe, which I now know always has copies on display. At the time, I was a full carnivore but aimed to please my lacto-ovo girlfriend by taking her to a restaurant that was veggie-accommodating. We both read parts of your “101 Reasons” that evening, and by the next morning something had changed for both of us. Through some trial and tribulation we have now both arrived in the promised land: Pure Vegan. Anthony DelGreco New York, New York Park Slope Coop lets members decide Seth Asher in Brooklyn I have to disagree with the sentiments of the person If you’ve never been to New York City, you who announced that she would not be rejoining the don’t know traffic congestion! But rest as- Park Slope Food Coop because of its decision to sured, The VivaVine (except for a short pe- carry organic red meat (The VivaVine, Fall 2001). I riod two years ago) has always been distrib- still believe that my coop is head and shoulders uted via bicycle or pedestrian—by above other grocery stores. volunteers or paid messengers. So, as traf- The beef proposal was placed in a membership fic busters and fossil-fuel conservationists, referendum after an extended period of debate, we’re super politically correct. What’s leafleting, and newsletter contributions by members. more, because our distributors are all veg- Would other stores offer this to their shoppers? And etarians, we’re riding on clean fuel. And the policy can always be reversed as the coop gains since meat takes eight times as much fossil more vegetarian members. The coop—which, argu- fuel to produce as plant-based foods, we’re ably, offers the best and most inexpensive produce saving energy to boot. These days, when the selection in NYC—continues to be a highly progres- United States seems to be repeatedly getting sive and vital community resource for vegetarians. into trouble because of oil, you can call Seth Asher us downright patriotic! Brooklyn, New York Big thank-yous from VivaVegie The gelt-givers are generous this holiday season Since our previous issue, donations of $25 or more were received from Sheila Low-Beer, Stephen Rogers, Alex Press, Mike & Jill Marinelli, Mar- cella Lopez, Nancy Gordon & Paul Swedenburg, Amy Deutsch, Arlen Baden, the Mary T. & Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation, Frank E. John- son, Craig & Cherie Cline, Jay & Bonny Stelzer, Athena Angelus, Veronica Strouch (in memory of Leon Greenberg), and Rachel Friend. Donations of $150 or more were received from Candle Cafe, Glen & Joan Boisseau Becker, Bernard Goetz, Eddie & Ellen Bikales, Mia MacDonald & Martin Rowe, and Hangawi. Santa’s helpers (volunteers) are VivaVegie heroes Navigating the Veggie Center: Finally, There are many ways to make a difference if spreading knowledge about the VivaVegie’s resource guide to the Veg- virtues of vegetarianism is your calling. Special thanks to the following people etarian Center of New York City. We who volunteered with the VivaVegie Society since the previous issue of The printed up 15,000 copies to distribute VivaVine: Rachel Summerose, Paul Lamarca, Arlen Baden, Tom Thompson, throughout 2002.