Monmoulb , N. J.; THURSDAY, JULY 18, 19S7 Momtwr Copy T«sr» Cents IcElvaine g Order Don't Cash Th&m Janitor's Tenure " Capt. J. Kdaur Wilkinson. Miktawnn Township X*oll<-^o. Resisted Bitterly nsks thui anyone prcKcutcd Baffling To Board xvltli u. ohcek for on^lilnR Friedlaender Blasts drawn In tlio »ume of t li «> Would Hire Four, Holmdel Regulation Kuaieru Foundry Oej. on tho Fidelity Union Trust Oo.. Fear More Law Suits - William Fvledlapndcr, own- NowarW. ucch Co rotnln (lie Mnttuvnn i;owaaUlu Board of er of a SOO-fooL front inopcrty poriion i>roK«-ntijm tho draft I3ci ucntlon mombers Monday pn the south side of I3othany and liumcdlntrly «i»ll t lie found tlio »ccinlni^iy s 1 m p t e ltd.. Hoi in del Township, retus- township pollen or Kcypurt mnttcr of tilrtliEr Janitors for1. ed to —omply Thursday with a State Poltoc. tlit* school system otic of barf- iDcommentlfttloii fc»y OVls Bea- Capt. Wllklusoii K t u t o s llntr leftLXl cntitiiBlcincnt. *T h © mnn. LOUB Ilrnncli. township the foundry oumimny It n a present board decided not to engineer, that l\o - put curblna l>rrn rnorBanicod under a renew • the contraot tho prior In front of his property na pnrt now nitinn and that suiurmie board had with a. Janitorial* of mi overall cnx-UImjc prost'ttin h«» Ktolt'U tomv at lt» old service company, Uivt to hire for Old Manor Estiitcs. The blank vlirrks, for wlilelt no Its owii Individual Janitors. developers h a v o put down »«oount now exlNtn. curbs In their subdivision mid I chocks m-o HIKIUMI In t It c Roy S. Malt Views recom- mended five for employment; four owners on Tclpgrnph II11I • ilitnn of u flrtlttouH as JautUiiH. A ti\ o s (Smith. lid. recently Joined voluntarily a. "James Mol'lieraaii." No Mutuwiiis. lieiidcd the lint. Tho In tho proBvnm to put. down l>Rr.ion l»y tltttt ttdme o v o r board WUN advised ,l»y Its. at- curbs at their own expense wan oonnnvtRil ivlth tlto foun- torney, Wtlllttm I^loyd, ECeans- Air, F'rlcdlncudor refuse'd to dry, orfldlnlft Of till! HIIIH'UKH- burur. Hint Mr. Hmltli hnd inlor tio to. He did not see^whorc or company note. ilBht to oitiplnyntcnt untior tlier tlio urndo on Dcthany rtti, in I^lte namrH^ of pRrNoitN In Janitor's tenure net. lie w a, t% flout of his pvovjovty rociulred TMii.twwi*i» Towiislilp arc used cllsmlasocl when tlio Janitorial It. lie snld it would not help nt* payees, forjtml oiiilorniv service was ootitr uotoct, henoo the appcaruncc h,o ttc»tx'cd lov •ucntB rtMiultlnR, I'uoHtlt&y lintt first cull to bo iconuiloy- Ills plnce. He saw no need for T«WIIHII1]I Muiliitratfi t.uthnr oct. lie ouvroiilly la snlttic tlio, It us 1 on if AS Lhoie was no ourb- A. Foslvr ntot with prrHanii taoivvd for buck P»v, •>'iviivili^K tiiK' across tho street, on tlio niutlo Hiiltjcot to oliiluVM for tlio tmbstitutltiar of a Juitltorlul rtiiiltiiii Township Ride of Dcth- theso worthlcNH rhnnkK l»e- service* for tits, work wan t\ vi- ony rtd. And, most of all. he !oyocl, iv aubtau- . out. Ho vowed ho would never llics btlirrx belnir ttal inoronsu over what l*e pre- i down cur-blns unless every roturncd (ram X»«rlh Amboy vIotlHly wftt ufild, ^ other property In tlio township, and T her diftlculties over Mr. leco^atcd on Memorial Day l»y tho nvUcularly those on BoU»- Smith's onHfl led Walter I*. ilted ,8tu(cli. Pant Nullonal Ladles nny Rd., enst of Old Manor BwniiHoi), a board mombor, to A-wo II at tho lime. Is shown above Eatatos, were curbed, Tho Inqulvo whnt would happen It flowerg on tho Bra commlttcrmcn chtded him Pazicnza Named . any of tho new mon proved o photoKranh, wrote to M6Elvatn<5« | bout tho fotlr ovvnera on Tclo- itvooiiiv^ottttit. atvtl tUo -.. l> o » t A o A r w»« a. perreot oho •with the »un 1Krn r>h Hill Rd., to deny h»* was Vice-Principal wAnted tb dlnchm-BO thorn,' £&r.~ prlato prnyorn were «ald by our|n ione tnritet, Uoyd ex.v>la.U\«ct Uia J«nUov'« outfitted, stood solemnly throuuh- tenure not wna dltforont frotix" Mr. Bon. m a n : told him o> Assumes /Post At grndc of ns s in o. 1 1 us three tonolicrn In that a janitor hna : inches In, loo laet, not visible Jefferson High lonuro from the first day of to tlie eye, could onuso a b hln employinnnt: Ke can ,onl/. ICeansiiurg Games surlace water condition if not Loulg N. Pactonxa, aar New Court Plan commlttco would nccopt tlio I tUo IQll^tvUotU Uoard ot I&dueu- it cnglncer'fl rccommendntlon as I tloti. lie will receive »OOO Firm Incurs Fine Tlio t>lB wheels alonn t li e 1 a, basis for action. Committees- I above his youvly «uV«vv Qt s- bonrdwnlk In Keansbura went I min John S. VanMater and \ *O7ao In tho now notation trnd Tlio world'* largest triicit*' tnu firm, tho "United to back Into operation over tho John fc3. Holmes nmcca. Mr.l W1U B«IVO for tho tlvirivtloit ot y , weekend n.s -vaea.*ior.eva took 1 Frledlaendov rotortcd lie \ doutilo taeiBialoxiN nl tho h i h odvantase of tx modified mcr- 1 would hava none of It. Tlio I ooliool. iv " * tlio court ot Mttttlwtrate Jaintsi Hd tt> » tho 1 r nhit t \>r t Mteot iti ((*- turn -»3Ct«r- -.t that- could be usedI hs rJUctdfe Alr^.t that could be usedI hs » basis COtltJtXUft; Ufltll 3ErWtto . aatil ttio - courtt fl''^i^h'f-lo'r'-^ii-^-ordlhn'ficf B '' tto—lovy would "How a. modified gAmolcurblnff ossoasinnnt in tlio Old ootnplated, 'JT'iio solioal hun v, dctoctorf by Motet- Velilol«» after declarlitcr ilieeail l anotheth r I Manor EHtnteEt s area. atlmlnlatcntlvo at it tr of a j*rtn- plan hooked up with a rtter- Hire IIovntiinCJaiiH Inspector lUt(wiirrt afi'WJIfe,' olpnl find two aajtlstant pi-luol Kjit, Juno SO, wlibn tiio vo« chandlsInK proeram. An oidluniico wns pasucd on pals. finn I rcndltiK to hire Mutilct- Ivlc-lc was innkliiK a delivery to .L. Jutlso Waugh, In a day-loner Mr, I'nKicnda, rocolvetl for an out-of-town fir in to session In Mercer County pal Revaluations, ~ Inc. to make a "true value" reas- Duclidor of Aria Dcitrco 'iom tin- llnniioi] VmiWIiiklo M LI n- Court. Prldny said tlio scheme Uuuknell University, IJ O W 1 s- Cir. plant In MalAWnn, was pninbllnB, and Bnmbllnn csKinent of tlio towtislili and (continued on fiasco twelve) Ui lo:JD. Ito wan A. ltodi-tsriie*!,. 37Afc tit Is banned by tho IO47 constitu- awarded iv Maalcr's DeBi-eo 111 luntlo Ave, Matawnn, paid $1O tion. nl Huttfovn Univer- nncltn costs for Hlrtklnn n polo I£e refused lo declare the sity in 2O.1t). and Btuulod at lit station and Main St. wheel ] o a a 1, as asked by Drilling Starts Columbia. UntvovRlty b a f o f o on June 1U, wivs fin«n Keansburs operators Richard complotlns work toward Ills sntrto amount for not Imvlrtflfll ' m Snuor and Martin Kasmlr, At Water Plant doctorate u.t New York (Jnlvef- driver's license tor lOfli In tUt« 9 ana 13 others, but lelt tho door slty in 1OO3. Ito bcunn tonoli- atnto. open for an alternate plan un- West Keansburg In In Mntawnn In 1D3O. and John MoCUll«r«, ft etlllwell ffi- der which the men would al- etayott tliero IB yearn prior to Ht., Mntnwtxn, wan ulvon u »lx-> vn- most give merchandise away.. Outlay $300,000 olnlntr tho lyslotn month aunpennnd sentciioo by 12 d w a r d V, Juska, Long tic IDt-llUim operations w e r *j n IO4B. Miitrlstrn to Martin, for strlk- Urnncli, represented tho can- M:r. PnislenKa lian lorvod as liin Ills wifo about tlio head In- cession at res. started, tlits week by the Layne Co.. Now V€>rle. at tho W o « t president of tho New Jersey with- a shoe on July 19. dtirlnsr at- Banned All Wheel*, Kcnnaburs Water Co.- proper- 'roHbytorlan Mon'a Club n n ct a ramlly nmuniDiit, Tlio com- Fob. 18, looa. the State Sup- ty on Union Ave.. no*»r Middle in a, former president of the l>lnlnt waa ilgnod toy Mrs. MLc- 7O. remo Court In a sworplng de- lid. Tills firm and the Pitts- Motawnn Pnrcnt-Tcnohoi' As- Cilllorn, cision banned all wheels, sociation, lie alno served as Etc. bum DoHTVIolnoH Btecl Co, The H»»tt>nco wi\o. not more (continued on page twelve) Mnlnwan aovore l-«oau«o the couple l)n* or- slinro contracts for tlia oreo- prealdont or tho Township. Ilauid of FJttuoatlon rm tlon of a »300,000 water pUnt nevernl children. Taxpayers Association for the utility. n 1OB2-D3, _; Nfttrtltt explained.- Halpli""O,"""'":'iW"ill)ii»riii,'" former Organized In Marlbor occtlons of Marlboro Township at arc ureretl to attend tlio next Three Hospitalixod irn- regular mcctlnR of tho newly- orsranlzed Marlboro Township In Sayre Woods Crash' Taxpaycra Association on AUK. 1O at tho American Lotion A two-car collision Monday Jtiill, Marlboro. afternoon at the Intersection Of William Carroll. temporary ^Voute t> arid ICrnnlon ltd., out- chairman of the antioclatlon. side the Bayr« Woods f)hopi>liitf Center pnrktnu lot resulted In 32 said there will b.e olocllon of officer* at tho mcctlnK an well the JioHulttillzntlon of t li i o o led pernona. Ttiolv couttlttonn were |>n- as appolntmcnta of the com- in It toe to draft bylaws and dcncrlhed an fair In I'ertli Am- Itlo boy Ocnornl Hospital. lad nominating committed* to se- si lect -. a - -late • for the board of Those liOfililtullztrU w e r w Irs. Jucob tluhcrmnn, fit. New/ Ha- lit. dlrcators and _ tho lttvetititurc committee. ven, Conn., om> of llio drivers, Appointments of the c o tn- tufferlriK from poinJblo frno- mlttco wcro licld up Balurdny tureit rtbfi, t:i]» tl mitctil t-<-. M it |> h 1 «?, that sufficient rcprcacntatlvcH 14, uurfRilriK from imnal blcod- of the Marlboro, RobcrtsvUto 1>IM. luitsntbln fiut-lurcd HOMO and Moruunvllla acctlonn -wt?ro and ln-tid Injury mid » brulnvd Ipfl, ktii^c. niKl MIK. Willlum not present. A^ mpmbeifdilp 1 committee compi Inml of Mr. Hclinfidr-i . wlf»* of Inn other Cniroll, I1*. Rnppn, O. ' '. Clnu- drlvet. 'Hi, Cliuiclt HI.. ^^atc^.- derenn, and I>f lohol IIH KUIIKI- Wnn, ntiti r-Tl tit* frtjtn InjurlitH to wlcz were nomrd lo uollcll tlicr U-K ii ml it liciKl liicernllon. l new. mninbers for '/"lio cm rlrlvf-ri by Mr, flu ratlon. liorniun rrollirlcd with tb« vn tit iv fit by Wllllfun icluiolficr Ibe uti tli»? Ititte-r att day (iutvduy until It \t m. tlcrc, the IIKMI from it cur Tui.-ttfinyn I^ull lliwr of ii d coiulrjK In tl>«? tijiposlle dlicc It a t ioji t»t tt»o sBinv tlini' iJllndeti niict frozen foorin. Vn him rxn he curno up li itt chirp Vork lurnpllio l'.«prrm of «lio l.*xm <*«».. N«*v V-»r»«, nr« shewn this in Krnde '«vcr ttie croshlng, fore- «•«•«!» nrlMnx up tltetr drllllMK rtn Ml tlio •»»!«• Iti IMne Kiiat, SI £4 rilun lav r O VI II «ir« W«liir |b run off tlio read. Mr.«ro did not ipporl Injury. No '"<*• irtue ccttefiuio drl'll tttn w^ll to aupply rn>ld'#hl« of »t(»rll»»» »«d llolnnltl were entered. 7-0300, whvr* tt»e siillltr nun « fr She formerly was from East -whit* carnation*, delphinium vlew Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs Orange. Funeral services were and dalsiei. Married In Red Bank Robert Shaw, Cloverhill Rd., Couple Pictured After June Wedding Holmdel Township. held at" the John W. Mehlen- The attendants' gowns and beck Funeral Home, Rout* fWff^&Mfftffm flowers were like the matron . . LeConde. 35, Hsrlet, on Mond«y, wltk of honor's with Mrs. Alfred Mr. ami Mrs. Lcmis LeCom b n r 1 a 1 In Holy Bejmlchre Follnsr. Keyport, sfeter of the te, 117 'Wayjlde Dr.. cliffwood Cemetery, East Orange. Two Jaly 18. 195' bride, wearing green, and Beach, are the parents of a Mrs. Thompson was the wid- Miss Inez Lannl, Jersey City, daughter, born In Perth Am- ow of Henry Thompson. SheT» yellow. boy Hospital. survived by one son, James J, Ann Furmato, sister of the Thompson, who Is employed Weddings F bridegroom, was the f 1 o w er •i « hy the U. S. Government In Walllng-Wllson girl. She wore a pink dress. Mr. mid Mrs. Robert Fox, Formosa. .73 Forest Ave., Keansburg, Miss Mary Diane W i 1 so n Peter Furmato was bes daughter of Mr. and Mrs are the parents of a son, born man and ushering were An- Wednesday, July 10, 1057, in •fumes Wilson, 169 Beers St thony Furmato and Joseph Keyport, became the bride o Moiimouth Memorial Hospital. Obituaries Furmato, Jersey City, si William H. Baker Donald Peter Walling, Airma: brothers of the bridegroom First Class, son of Mrs. Rob- Ferguson William H. Baker, 73, of IS Angelo Anthony Masia, broth' .. wa.. s born In Mon- ert Smith, Third St., Keyport, mouth. Memorial Hospital on Lenox Ave., Devon, Conn, dies er of the bride, was the Junto) at the Milford Hospital, Mil- and the late Walter Walling usher. Wednesday, July 10, 195T, to k Saturday, July 13, 1957, at 1 ford, Conn., Sunday, July 14, For her daughter's wedding, Mr. and Mrs, John Ferguson 1957. He was born in Keyport, aim. in St. Joseph's Church 9 Broadway, Keyport. eyport. ; Mrs. Masia selected a pink the son of the late William H. The Rev. Thomas Coffey, St silk dotted Swiss afternoon Brand and Annie (Coleman) Baker, jony's Church, Trenton, of dress with a matching hat. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brand. and was the husband of the flciitted at the double ring The bridegroom's motbe 0 Main St., Keansburg, are late Lulu Baker. chose a blue silk afternoon ceremony and celebrated ,he parents of a daughter, He Is survived by a son, nuptial mass before an alta: dress worn with a mtttcbln »rn Wednesday, July 10, 1057, hat. Both wore corsages ol William S. Baker, Devon; a decorated with pink and white in Riverview Hospital. daughter, Mrs. Sadie VanGie- gladioli. Mrs. Michael Cox wa white roses and carnations. Wright son, Keyport, and two broth- tbe soloist and Miss Loretta A reception followed at Mc- ers, Jay Baker, Keyport »nd Durante, the organist. A son was born in Point duire's Grove, Midiiletown _'leasanf Hospital on Wednes- Samuel Baker, Miami, Fl». Given in marriage by he after which the couple left foi day, July 10, 1957, to Mr. and Funeral services were con- father, the bride wore an an Florida. For ' traveling, t h ducted _ Wednesday at 3:30° klelength gown of Chnntilly bride wore a pink dress with .Irs. Gordon Wright, Prospect lace designed with a square white accessories and a cor- 'ark, Matawan. p.m. from the Bedle Funeral neckline arid long sleeve: sage of white carnations am Home, Keyport, with the ReVi Gardella Dr. H. T. Williams, pastor or pointed at the wrists. Thi roSes. Mr. and Mrs. Ronsld G»r- boulfant skirt of nylon tulli Calvary- Methodist Church, The bride was graduated lella, 11 Willow C*., K e a n s- Keyport, officiating. Interment was trimmed with an Insertion from Keyport High School and j, are the. parents of a son, of matching lace. Her elbow iorn Tuesday, July 9, 195T, in followed in Old Tennent Cem- Is employed by the New Jer- etery. length veil of illusion fell from sey Bell Telephone Co., Key Overview Hospital. a pearl crown and she carried port. Mrs. Oscar Oschwatd - colonial bouquet of white Colbert The bridegroom was gradu- A daughter was born in Mrs. Anna S. Osctwald, < carnations and sweetheart ated from Dlckenson High Newman Springs Rd.. R e_d roses. Mr. and Mr.1. William Joseph Clifton have returned home MB., MBS. JAMES GEOBGE CBOWIEY 'erth Amboy Hospital, to Mr. School. Jersey City, and is em- nd Mrs. Donald Colbert, 42 Bank, died Friday, July Miss Dorothy Davis, Lancas- from their weddlnc trip to Florida and are residing on Route 34, ployed by Western Electric Miss Patricia Anne Hulsart, Mrs. George, Pelose. K e y- 1957, in Monmouth Men ter, Pa., was the maid of hon- Matawan. The couple were married on Saturday, Jane 29, 1957, jort, was the matron of honor. Jouthwood Dr., Old Bridge. at St. Joseph's Church, Mrs. Clifton Is the former Miss Rose- Co., Newark. daughter of Andrew J. Hul- Hospital. She was born or and Miss Mariby Burrowes She wore a gown of mint Newark, the daughter of the Keyport, was the bridesmaid marle Abbaala, Matawan, When they return from their sart, 10 Alston Ct.. Red Bank, Ewlacton wedding trip, the couple w-111 and tbe late Mrs. Hulsart, be- green silk with a matching Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ewlng- late Andrew and Augusta They wore street-length dress- ilcture hat and carried a bas- Soellner. er of light blue shantung, linen dress with a white jacke Laurence Harbor. reside at 884 Pavonla Ave., came the bride of James oa, 11 Old Manor Rd., Hazlet, Jersey City, George Crowley, son of Mrs. :et of pastel flowers. re the parents of a daugh- She lived in. Red Bank for Their headdresses were daisy and white accessories. The Rev. Walter J. Slattcry, The other attendants were crowns and they carried co- Mary CSrowley, 9 Eighth St., :er, born Thursday, July II, several years. She was for- The bride was graduated pastor, officiated at the double West Keansburg, and the late Mrs. Donald Sass, Keansburg, 057, in Monmouth Memorial mer resident of Matawan. Her lonial bouquets of pink carna- ring ceremony before an altar nd Miss Patricia A. Smith tlbns. from Keyport High School and Will Filed James Crowley on Saturday, Hospital. husband was the late Oscar Katharine Olbbs School. Bos- decorated with white gladioli July 13, 1957, at 11 a.m. In St. ,nd Miss Kathryn Km em, Oschwald. Mrs. Oschwald was Robert Walling. and majestic daisies. Mrs. Belen W."Wy«ani Seydler ton, Mass. She was employed James Church, Red Bank. The :yport. Their gowns and bats a member of the' First Pres- wa's best man and ushering Robert Dlmsey played the or- Helen W. Wygant, Keyport, A aon was born In Hiver- as a private secretary by the Rev. Peter D. KeeUn O.P.M. 'ere. styled like the matron of byterlan Church, Red Bank. w*,re Walter Walling, Jersey gan. who died June 11, 1957, left ionor's in pink orchid and iriew Hospital on Thursday, New Banters Trust Co., Wall St. of St. Anthony's Shrine, Bos- and a graduate of the City, and Paul Walling, Key- Given In marriage by her life right In her estate to a uly 11, 1S57, to Mr. and Mrs.York Conservatory of Music/ _poTt.-allJ>rothers-Qf_the bride- New_ York, ton JJass..,_off!clated^^t_th^e father,-the bride-worea-bal- cousin,-Clarice- Blake, who al- Robert BeydlM^-55-Mercer-Sfc; •BufvivISg~are~three dangb- groom. so was named executrix, double ring ceremony and Th e bridegroom attended lerlna-length gown designed celebrated the nuptial mass. er flowers. West Keansburg. ters, Mrs. Peter Nora, Metuch- For her daughter's wedding, Red Bank Catholic High with a lace bodice, Illusion E. Michael McMahon, Drex- en; Mrs. Robert H. Schroeder, Mfs. Wilson chose a beige lace The fresh cherries that are Leonard Porcelll was the so- Sacht School and has served three of neckline, short sleeves and full loist and Harold WeJ>er, Key- Hlll, Fa., was best man Red Bank; Mrs. Emery O. sheath dress over toast satin a four-year term of enlistment nylon tulle skirt. A pearl band on the market now are not Just and ushering were Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Wlngerter, Fair Haven; one with a beige hat and accessor- In the U. s. Air Force. Be Is for nibbling or pl'e-m a k 1 n g. port, the organist. Sachs, sr., 3S Poplar A v e., held held elbow-length veil in Olven in marriage by her 'onion and James Byrne, brother, Andrew Soellner, Bal- ies and a corsage of sweet- stationed at March Air Force place and she carried a colon- Try some, either sweet or sour West Keanabuxg, are tbe par- timore, Md., and three grand- htort roses. other, the bride wore a gown ansburg, and John Brasch, ents of a son, born Friday, Base, calif. ial bouquet of white roses and ones, cooked and chilled. You lalnfleld, a cousin of the children. Hie), bridegroom'* DID t h e r carnations. can sweeten them as much or designed with a .fitted bodice ;uly 12, 1S57, in Riverview Novatto-Drake jf Chantllly lace. The sabrlna rldegroom. Hospital, Funeral services were, held •wore a navy blue lace dress as little as you like. Just be Mrs. Hulsart, stepmother of with a beige bat and accessor- Miss Joan Theresa Drake, Mrs. Karl'Keller, Neptune, neckline was re-embroidered Monday at 11 a.m. at tbe was her sister's matron of hon- ure you don't cook them too ie bride, wore » blue after- MoGrath Adams Memorial Funeral ies and a corsage of orange daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alo- much, says Monmouth County with Iridescent sequins. The delight roses.. yslus S, Drake, 38 F a c 1 f 1 o or. She wore' a pink orchid ny- ull. lace skirt terminated in oon dress with a matching Mr. and Mrs. William W. Home, Red Bonk, with tbe lon chiffon gown styled'with a Home Agent Mrs. L o r n a K. at and accessories. For her VfcGratb, 130' Ocean Ave., Rev. Sargent Bush, assistant A reception followed at tbe Blvd., Cliffwood Beach, be- White, Just bringing them to a a cathedral-length train. A abrlna neckline and back m's wedding, Mrs. Crowley East Keansburg, are the par- pastor of the First Presbyter- home of the bride's parents :ame the bride of Joseph J. boll Is sufficient. Serve plain irown of sequin leaves held Vovatln, jr., son of Mr. and looting panels. Her matching :er fingertip-length veil of Illus- ilected a lavender-blue silk nts of their first child, a ian Church, Red Bank, offici- after which the couple left for r with soft custard. laughter, born Tuesday, July ating. Interment was in Old a' motor trip to California Mrs. Joseph J. Novatln, 69 Pa- headband was of chiffon and ion. She carried a white pray- ihantung sheath dress with a lflc Blvd., Cliffwood Beach. lie carried a colonial bouquet r book adorned with a white atching hat. Both wore or- e, 1957, in Riverview Hospl- Tennent Cemetery. Pallbear- .where they will make their Look through the windows ;a?. The baby weighed seven ers were Theodore D. Parsons, "tome in Riverside. For travel- iaturday, July 13, 1D57, at 2 f pink roses and carnations. irchld and streamers of stepn- ihld corsages. if your church , ,". From the A reception followed at t h e Hiunds, three ounces. Edward Canzona, Dr. William : ing, Mrs. Walling wore a red ,m. in St. Lawrence's Church, Karl Keller, brother-in-law Inside. .notls. H. Fengel, Edward W. Carrie. if the bride, was the best Shore Motel Cocktail Lounge, Leo DeMay, Frank Seldler. man. 'anamassa, alter which the August Muehlhausen, and iuple left for a motor trip Funeral Services Couple Married Sunday The bride's mother chose an Wed At St. John's Methodist Martin Walsh. -\,.^...;•-' ,v aqua lace sheath dress with a rough the New E n g 1 a n d Miss Olive nowarth white lace hat, white acces- tates and Canada. For travel- Miss Olive Howarth, 87^ died sories and an orchid corsage. er, 'he bride wore a black lln- '.Real Estate UaUug CaiW The bridegroom's mother se- >n sheath dicss with whlta;ao-' rook Hill Nursing Home, Key- lected a yellow Jsce dress essories and a white orchid ort, where she had been for with a matching hat, silver ac- orsage. he la st four-and-one-half The bride wps graduated — •-.•»- cessories and an orchid cor- •ears. She formerly was a res- >J • - • sage. om St. Mary's High School, dent of Asbury Park. Funeral /•<•:•• A reception followed at El- louth Amboy, and Is employ- icrvlces were held Monday, at mnro's, Morgan, after which by the New Jersey Bell he John W. Mehlenbeck Fu- he couple left for "Vlldwood. 'clephone Co., Keyport. ieral Home, Hazlet, with bur- The bride was graduated Tho bridegroom was gradu- al In Midway Green C e m e- from sayreville High School ted from Red Bank Catholic ery, Matawan. Ugh School and is employed and is o secretory for a. Wil- Miss Howarth Is survived by liam Miller Agency, Laurence y tae New Jersey Bell Tele- ihone Co., Red Bank. He serv- a sister, Miss Mary Cole, Harbor. Highlands. The bridegroom was gradu- d four years In the TJ. S. ated from Matawan High 'avy. . ; Mrs. Henry Clark School and attended M o n- The couple will live in Mrs. Mary Clark, 80, died mouth Collego, West Long Keansburg, Tuesday, July 9, 1957, at t h e Branch. He served four years Seabrook Hill Nursing Home, In the U. S. Air Force and is Keyport. Funeral services employed by Electronic Asso Births were held Friday, at the John elates, Long Branch. Muro W. Mehlenbeck Funeral Home, Hazlet, with burial In Tho couple will reside at 73 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Muro. 48 Branch Ave., Red Bank. Midway Green Cemetery, rovost Ave., Keyport, are the Matawan. Fark-Duranle arents of a daughter, born did you miss it? Mrs. John Durante, 48 Wal- Iaturday. July 13. 1957, In Mrs. Clark was bom in ut St., Keyport, announces 'erth Amboy Hospital. Orange, where she later, was a rooming house operator. She Our life-saving film, BREAST the marriage of her daughter, Gall ~>erry, to Heath Park, Jr., son was the widow of Henry Clark SELF-EXAMINATION... Are A daughter was born In There were no survivors. you the fonunnte"one"in every if Mr. and. Mrs. Heath Park, louth Amboy Hospital to Mr ,r., Los Angeles, Calif., on Mrs. Lonls Lamer ten American women who iww nd Mrs. Theodore Gall, il7 knowt how to examine her own Sunday, June 2, 1957, in Las Ravine Dr., Matawan. Mrs. Clara Laurer, 95, wid- Vegas, Nev. ow of Louis Laurer, West breasts for sfgns that may mean The bride graduated from Eckclson New York, died Sunday, July cancer — while it is still in iu Matawan High School, t h e Mr. and Mrs. George Eckel- 7, 1957, at the Brookdale Nurs- early and more curable stage? Traphagen School of Art, Now ion, 420 South Laurel A v e. ing Home, Hazlet. Funeral If not, call the American Can- York, nnd attended Los Ange- West Keansburg, are the par- cervices were held Thursday, cer Society office nearest you les City College. She was cm- ents of a son, born in South at the John W. Mehlenbeck or write to "Cancer" in care of ployed by the engineering frlm Amboy Hospital. Funeral Home, Route 35, Hnz- your local Post Office. of Gllflllnn Bros., Los Angeles. let, with burial In Madonna MR.. MRS. WILLIAM F. BROOKES The bridegroom graduated Carraa Cemetery, Fort Lee. from the University of tho City MR,, MRS. WILLIAM HAYWARD ROBINSON daughter was born In American Cancer Sotuty Miss Ruth Audrey Dalton,, collar and long torso, which fell of Los Angeles and Is attend- South Amboy Hospital to Mr, Mrs. Laurer was born in Into a full ballorlna-length skirt, The new rose. "Copper Lus- [th a bow. Her violet acces- . She is survived by 1131 Bast Jersey St., Eliza- ing UCLA Law School. re," was used throughout the lortes matched the purple and Mrs. Simeon C a r r a s, ibcth, daughter of Mr. and Her scalloped shoulder-length The couple arc residing In West Front St., Keyport. an adopted son, Robert Scr- wedding ol Miss Carol Ann elphlnlum headpiece and ank, West New York. veil fell from a taffeta covered Los Angeles. Mrs. Frederick A. Dalton, Cat- Knlnm, daughter of Mr. and prmed tbe background for hei Cross allna. Newfoundland, Canada, cocktail hat, She carried a Mrs. Hugo Leonard Kalmn, ascade- bouquet of "Coppe: Mrs. Henry Thompson • Ladj Attendant Furmato-MasU Iiustre" roses. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cross became the bride of William cascade bouquet of white roses Miss Elaine Lucy M a s 1 a, Kearney St., Keyport, 02 Atlantlo Ave., Matawan, ari Mrs. Mary Thompson, 89, • Non-Sectarian when she became the bride of Kenneth Robinson, Red died Wednesday, July 10, 1957, JV Brookes, Jr., son of Mrs. Miss Lillian Lamaszo, Eliza- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- the parents of a second son >AY Funeral Home, gelo Mosia, 23 Beers St., Key- William Haywnrd RobhiBon, Bank, was his brother's bcsl born Sundayi July 14, 1957, Inat 160 W. Front St., Keyport, Hazel Brookes, 338 Park Ave., beth, was moid of honor. She son of Mrs, Daisy Robinson, man and ushering were <3ra where she had resided for th .561 Maple PI., Kejp»rt, port, was married Saturday, 'erth Amboy Hospital. Th Tel. KEjport 7-115* TJn Ion Beach, on Saturday, was attired In a Iliac nylon net July 13, 1057, to Matthew 65 First St., Keyport, Sunday, tarn Elliott, Port Monmouth past three-and-one-balf years nd Joseph Dlnncn, Red Bank. baby weighed nine pounds FUNStAL DECISIONS mO. h **• , July 14, 1057, at 3 p.m. In St, over taffeta ballerina-length Furmato, son of Mr. and Mrs July 14, 1057. nt 2 p.m. In St. three ounces, and has bee: James Methodist Church, Eliz- James Furmato, 35 QUcs Ave. John's Methodist Church, The bride's mother seloctei gown with a scoop neckllno and n afternoon sheath dress ol named David John. Mrs. Cros Shore/and Memorial abeth, The Rev. James Rich- Jersey City, In St. J o s ep h's Harltan Township. Tho Itev. Is the former Miss Joan Shaw, short sleeves. Sho .wore Normnn R. Rlley, pastor, offi- White lace over pink taffeta ards officiated lit the double matching off-thc-face hat and Church. Koyport. with a beige hat, beige aoces- Matawan. Gardens Cemetery The Itev, Charles O'Shauglv ciated at the double ring cere- ling ceremony before an alter carried a cascade bouquet ol mony. Tho church nltar was iorles and a corsage of "Cop- Kane Assn. nosse-y officiated at tho double Lustre" roses. The bride- decorated with whlto gladioli. yellow roses on lflao tulle. ring ceremony beforo an al'tnr lined with pnlms as a b a o k- A son was born Saturday KB 7-3SM Traditional wedding muslo was ground for tho rosca which al- groom's mother chose a pow July 13, 1S57, In Monmoutl Donald F. Englomann, West decorated with whlto summer der blue nylon mesh d r e a Main St. Keyoort played by the church organ- ICcmisburg, brother-in-law ol (lowers. Mrs. Michael Cox was so woro clustered on the pews. Memorial Hospital to Mr. am ver matching taffeta with Mrs. Francis Kane, Orchar ist. Uic bridegroom, was best man the soloist nnd Miss Loretta Miss Esther Davis, soloist, whlto hat and accessories an For her son's wedding Mra Dnranto, organist. was accompanied on tlio or- St., Marlboro. Given In niarrlagc by Caleb i corsage ol "Copper Lustre Brookes wore a blue inco after- Given in marriage by he: gan by Mrs. Ilhen Vnndor- Krnls Held, Kenilworth, a friend of mnrk. 0BC3. Studios noon-lcngth dress with a whlto f a t h o r, tho brldo woro i Mr and Mrs. Hendrle Km the family, Uie bride wore a French lace gown over i o i A reception followed in th hat and accessories and cor Given In mm finite by her Is, 47 Raritan Ave,, K c a n hallcrlnii-lcngth gown of sage of/plnk roses, bluo antln designed with a 'ellowshlp hull of the churcl CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY p,rlnoesa-s t y le embroid- h 1 R'li collar ro-ombroldcrei rather, tho brldo'wore a walU- with centerpieces of "Coppci burg, are the parents of a son ered silk luce .taffeta, Tlio gown A reception followed at tho with iridescent sequins, T h Icniith prlnocss-atyle gown of Lustre" rosca adorning t A born Sunday, July 14, 1057, In 10 MAIM ST. TEL. KB MIS1 CBYPOBT had long sleeves, a stand-up home of tlio groom's parents, full skirt had n hu:itle of sntli laco over sntln designed with ables. Rlverview Hospital. alter which tlio couple 'le-ft for a Peter Pan collar, long and terminated In a cathedral For the couple's motor tou Sldlaen a wedding trip to tha Pocono length trnln. Her flneortlp sleeves, and & border of nylon to Maine, tho bride wore Mountains, Pa. Tlio brldo woro tulle pleating ot tlio hemline A daughter was born Satur- lcnRth veil of Illusion fell from ppwdcr blue suit with a wnlt< day. July 13, 1057, In Rivor- a black and white striped cotton a lace crown and she carrlc Her shoulder-length veil of 11 lmt and accessories. Planning A Vacation ? dress with whlto accessories lur.ion fell from a pearl crown vlcw Hospital .to Mr. nnU Mrs. a cascade bouquet of whit Tho bride attended Koyporl Michael Sldlscn, 21 Etholnr and a corsngo of red roses. roses nnd carnations. nnd steplmnotls and ivy form High School and Is employe by cd tho background on her cas- Dr., Union peach, United States, ed in the property where the Newark. Mr. Bock, a graduate GENERAL PUBLIC machine Is operated. of Princeton High School, is a Mr. Gros3 said, "The gam- Personnelman Second Class in ine devices or machines which the V. 8.-Navy, stationed at are subject to this J250 tax are Norfolk, Va. BEGINNING MONDAY; JULY 29th the so-called "slot-machines" as well as any similar mach- SUles-Itoberls ine which operates by coin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rob- and the application of the ele- erts, 401 Bayvlew Dr., Laur- The Keyport Army And Navy Store ment of chance, rather than ence Harbor, have announced skill. These gaming devices the engagement of their are taxable whether or not daughter, Elena Ann, to Leon- GEORGE \V. STONE ard John Stiles, son of Mrs. Will Institute Its New Business Policy. pay-offs of any kind are actual- HRiison-Van Winkle-Munntng '> ly made. Daniel Stilea and the late Mr. Stiles, formerly of 811 Forest X, Mntawnn, lending mnnu- ; "Pinball and similar mach- Ave., Laurence Harbor. acturers of electroplating pro We Will Become A ines, requiring some skill and Miss Roberts Is a graduate :esses, equipment and sup- used exclusively for amuse- Sayrevllle High School and illes, announced Thursday the ment purposes, do not fall employed by the Mutual of ppolntment of George W« / within the gaming device cate- ew York Insurance C o m- tone as controller^- I gory; these machines require >any, Newark. Her fiance also With 10 years' experience in a $10 federal tax stamp, which a graduate of Sayrevllle ccounting, auditing, tuxes also must be renewed annual- lgh School and now is serv- xnd cost accounting functions. Semi-Discount Center ly. If, however, prizes with a ng with the V. S. Navy In Mr. Stone formerly was gencr-, value in excess of five cents orfolk, Va. . • . il accounting manager at Al- are given to players of even en B. DuMont Laboratories, 1 these amusement type mach- Martin S. Brann, president of Martin Cleaners, Woodbridge, The couple plan an October inc., Clifton, where he was re- ines, they then also become has announced the recent openlnr of the sixth "one stop super- •eddtng: iponslble for all general ac Featuring subject to the $250 annual mart for cleaning and laundry service at the junction of Routes iountlng functions of the par tax." 35 and 36, Keyport. Five other Martin Cleaners are located at Shafto-Molnar nt company and five subsidi- Metnchen,' Iaelln, Woodbrldee, Stelton and Colonia. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Molnar, aries. Tht Camden District Inter- Martin Cleaners specialize In deluxe six-hour dry cle 1D1, Browntown, announce nal Revenue Service Chtef ex- service. S4II green stamps are given aw»r at all stores. he engagement of their daugh- Mr. Stone spent II years In The Lowe8tJ^ssible Prices On All Men's plained, that the proprietor of er, Margaretha Ann, to John lUbllc accounting with the 'the establishment where the R. Shafto, Jr., son ot Mr. and rirm of Peat, M a r w 1 o k, machine Is located and opera- Mitchell It Co., Newark, start- And Boys^Clothing And Shoes, But We ted. Is responsible for secur- Parkway Remains Ghosts Before Ing in 1943 as Junior account- ing the stamp, whether he int tnd advancing to ln-chargr \Vill Continue To Give You The Same owns machines or not. ' lenior accountant on man;- of < Coin operated pool or billi- Nation's Safest Your Eyes lie firm's large commercial ard tables in clubs or commer- The safest superhighway In md Industrial accounts, "High Quality" Merchandise And In Many cial establishments require $10 the nation last year and the By Dr. James Grecr, O. D. Prior to this, he had been (Thts column is presemea u • uuo in accountant with the Barrett annual tax, while regular pool year before-was even safer Ho tervfet tn cooperation wltb Uw and billiard tables require $20 during the first half of 1957.New Jem;. Ostonutrlc Auodtuon Mvlslon of Allied Chemical k Cases Even Finer Quality Than Before. Quettlom roi» b* iddroMed la th« 3ye Corp.. and with Prloe Wa- annual tax, l The Garden State Parkway New Jerte? Optnmrtrlc Annrl«tinn completed the six-month per- 102 Weil Stiff Bt. Tranton « N.I ' terhouse & Co.. A m e r 1 o an ' The Director emphasized iod ending June 30 with a rec- Thread Co. and the Manhattan Because Ol This "New.-Type-.Of Opera- that the I n t e r n a 1 Reven- ord of three pedestrian deaths Look steadily at a bright red Life Insurance Co: • ue Service's sole interest with and only two motorist fatali- square for two minutes. Then He.attended the. School, of regard to these devices is see- ties despite a heavily increas- fixate the center of a gray lommerce, Accounts and Fi- tion We Will Offer The Public More Ing that the federal taxes on ed traffic volume. All pedestri- area, wall or screen. A green ance of New York University - them are paid. ans are prohibited from using "ghost" of the red square will nd has had.special courses In Shopping Time For Their Convenience* . "This federal tax ii^not a the Parkway proper. appear. its field at Rutgers University license to gamble nor. does it During the first half of 1956. Now glance quickly at your nd University College, New- make these machines legal in there were seven traffic fatal- open hand, the shrunken green' irk. He is a member' of the localities where laws • prohibit ities on the Parkway. In that image will float hi your palm. te'wark Chapter of the Nation- their use," he said. period, the estimated trafflo But, It balloons in size when .1 Association of Cost Account- Federal law provides penal- volume was 21,000,000 vehicles. projected once again to the nts, ..-.-..• ties, both civil and criminal, In the current year, the com-distant wall. It fades, drifts, Mr. Stone resides with hie for failure to pay the tax orparable traffic volume was brightens and disappears, wife and three children In Lin- MAUGAKETHA A. MOLNAR -Our New Store Opening Hours wilful attempts to evade It. In-25,000,000 vehicles. Visual sensations continue coln Park. ternal Revenue Service Agents In the first six months of for some time after the eye isMrs. John K. Shafto, sr., 38 may resort to arrest or con-1955, the traffic volume esti- stimulated. These are called Little St., Matawan. )lbyed by Bofeway S t or e s, Will Be As Follows: fiscation of devices where mate was only 14,000,000 vehi- after-images. Light striking Miss Molnar Is a graduate o! inc., Elizabeth. these laws are violated. cles. The Parkway did not ihe retina of the eye sets off Matawan High School and Is a start full operation until July a. chemical activity; its reac senior student nurse at St. Coatollo-Marrltscr Birthday Celebration •I, 1955,'There were four fatali- tlon takes time, goes on after Peter's Bchool of Nursing, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J, Mor- ties In that first half of 1055. the light Is removed. The pho-New Brunswick, Her {lance[al- -Issey, 28- Route 36, East Monday and Thursday For. Cathy Jannarone tographic flash bulb, for ex- Keansburg, announce the, en The Parkway was ranked ample, produces n blinding el- so Is a graduate of Matawan gagement ot their d&uahtor tops in safety among the nn- High Bchool and ot Newark .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Jan- tqct ffor p,, few. seconds until n fc atrlGls Carol, to OP). William T tloh'«*butierli!eliwiiys fQr both CDUQBC M»taw»n, tlte 'retinal chemicals : rqoover employed - by. vA\Mit?Cri9bttner* ..entertained Sunday at an out-195* ana'1950 by-virtue ot Its their; equilibrium. Milwaukee, Wls. '• i Corps-, son* of Mf.^Bno'Mra: door party In celebration of low fatality rate each year. In Reach for the bed-lamp, fix- Thomas P. Costello, 17*' Main 1955, it had a rate of 1.2 per An autumn wedding is plani their daughter, Cathy's fifth ate the bulb for a few seconds ned. St., Keansburg. birthday, 100,000,000 vehicle d, snap It' off. lying In the~ dark Both Miss Morrlssey~aJl d Tuesday - Wednesday - Saturday Guests included Mr. and lost year, it emerged with a you can see Its alternate McQunrrle-Banafato her Honce are graduates of • Mrs. William Donohue, Bloom- rate oj 1.3 per 100,000,000 ve- light and dark shadow dance, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bana Middletown Township High field: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph hicle miles. turn purple, shrink to nothing fato, Johnson Ave., Matawan School. Miss Morrlssey Is em Charles - and children, Jack, There was one pedestrian These floating Images are announce the engagement o: iloyed by Martin J. Mcdulre, 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. Joseph, and Jeanne, Syracuse, death in each of the past two quite normal. They do not in- n c, Mlddlotown Township N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel years. The New Jersey High- dicate deficient eyesight, al- lumblng contractor. Cpl, Cos- way Authority, which operates though some people become tello Is stationed at Quantlco Brown and son, John, Nutley; 'a. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross the Parkway, has been c o a- alarmed at them. and children, Donald and ducting an all-out campaign In fact, persirtcnt Images Nov. 30 has been set at the Friday Bobby, Middlesex; Mr. and against such trespassers In themake some of man's chief ate for the wedding. Mrs. Philip Jannarone and effort to save lives. pleasures posslble-w 11 h o u t eyes that keep on seeing after Mahon-Soalley children, Peter, Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seal- 8 A.M. To 9 P.M. Glen, Colonia: Daniel Kaste- Ground-Breaking For lgbt strikes them, there could be no movies nor television. ey, 803 Rhoro Rd., Union lanskl, New Brunswick: Mr. NB Hospital Addition Bcaoh, announce the engage- > and Mrs. John Codomo. sr. ment or their daughter, Dolor- Point Pleasant: Mr. and Mrs, Bishop George W. Ahr of tieCounty Fire Police s to William D, Mahon, ion John Codomo, Jr., West Long Trenton Diocese presided Sun- if Mr. and Mrs. William Ma> Sunday Branch; Mr. and Mrs. John day at groundbreaking cere- Meet At Midway Hose on. 577 Bast 101st Bt,, The McMahon and children, Patty. monies marking the start of Bronx. Karen, Jack, and Jill, and Mr. The regular monthly meet- construction ot a $4,500,000 Miss Scalley Is a graduate and Mrs. William Rich and wing' to Bt. Peter's Hospital. ng of the Monmouth County 10 A.M. To 1 P.M. children, Kiki, Billy, and Judy. Fire Police Association was .f Keyport High School, Class New Brunswick. >f 1053, and Is employed In the Atlantic Highlands. held at the Midway Hose Co. r Bishop Ahr characterized Fire House, Washington St. tcyport office of the ' ew Jer Also Mr. and Mrs. George the addition as the "long Matawan, Thursday evening. sey Bell Telephone Cp. Her fi- Ochs and son, Peter, and Mrs. dream" of the 50-year-old In- ance Is In the U, B, Navy, At- Ana Levlnson and daughter, stitution. The addition will ex- President Raymond McOlrr ached to the USS Boston. He Harriet, Samuel Codomo, Riv- pand the capacity of the hos-Ruinson, conducted the busi- rcsenlly Is attending gunnery er Plaza; Mr. and Mrs. John pital from 200 to 300 beds. A ness session during which an announcement was made that school at Norfolk, va. W« Carry A Complete Line Of Men't Work Clothing, Work Show, Sport . Giblon and children, Noel, psychiatric unit also will be VIRGINIA IRENE BANAFATO A February wedding Is plan- added. a new fjre police school wll Wear, Boyi' Clothing, Boyi' Shoei, Sneakers, Camping & Scouting Tom,.and Paul, Fair Haven; start the latter part of Septem- Mr. and Mrs, Louis VanZandt. Other speakers at Sunday's their daughter, Virginia Irene, ber at the Eagle Hook b Lad- Equipment, Rainwear/ Rubber And Leather Boots, Middletown: Richard Poling, ceremonies were Sister Geor- der Fire House, Ocean Grove. to J. Donald McQuarrle, son Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stoney, gette Leduc of the SIster3 of Any fire company Interested of Mrs. Dorothy McQuarrle. Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. Bay-Charity, hospital administra- in having their firemen at- 107 Atlantic Ave., Matawan JOIN nurd Milton. Mr. and Mrs. An- tor, and former Judge John J tend, may contact James and the late Joseph F. Mc- thony Jannarone and children, Rafferty, president or the joint Gray, Olendola. Quarrle. Linda and Roger, and Russell hospital building fund. The bride-elect is a gradu- Jannarone, Matawan. Toastmaster was Federal Fire Commissioner Ralph ate of Matawan High School, Clip Out This New Store Opening Sclfodule For Your Convenience, We Judge William F. Smith, R. Dennis, a member of the Class of 109t, and Is employed To prevent cracking, never chairman of the associate Matawan Borough Council, by The Matawan Bank. Her fi- . CALI, Are Forever Doing What We Can To Ease Your Shopping Problems wash enameled surfaces of board of directors of the hos-and Third Assistant Fire ance is a graduate of Mats CIVIL DEFENSE pital. Chief Lawrence Bachman wel- And Save You Money. your range while they are hot comed the members and spoko wan High School. Class ot 1953 briefly. and Bcton Hall University, South Orange, Class of 1957 The State Fire Police will where be was a member ol meet tomorrow night at Swartswood. the track team for four years and the Knights ol Betonlan, He Is employed by Western Visit Our Store - Watch Our Windows Ever ponder about wbethei Electric Co., New York, STOP! It's better to Ice a cake on th serving plate or do it on an- Zonak-Omato other plate and transfer t b Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. Osnv For The Don 'tDiscardThose cake? Here's the solution to, 20 Crescent St., K e a n s- Place the cake on the servlo burg. announce tho engage- plate. But to prevent t b ment of their daughter. Elaine plate's being spattered w 11 to Chester Zonak, Jr., son o! WEEKLY SURPRISE SPECIAL Old Kitchen Icing, put two sheets of waxe Mr. and Mrs. Chester Zonak paper at right angles to eac Purlin. An Extra Special Value At A Rockboltom Price other under the cake, say Miss Osnato, who attend* Chairs Monmouth County Horn; Middletown Township High Agent Mrs. Lorna K. White We Can Reuphol.ter School, Is employed ot Safe- When you've finished Ihe Icing way Stores, Inc., Keantburg. • Romombor Our Slogan Them So That . Job, pull out the waxed pape Mr. Zonak attended Bt. Mary'i gently., and there's your cak« High School, South AmU» CIVE YOUR "Down The Hill But On The LevoJ" They Look Like on the serving plate as ,ncal and served four year* In the DOCTOR A CHANCE New as can be. ' U. 8. Marine Corps. He Is era 400,000 Americana, leading •ctlre live* today, ar« liv- It Will Mean More to You Now than Ever Before 5000 Decorator Color ing proof of the fact that rancor can bo cured If de- At The Combinations SAVINGS tected In time, Olve your 10 to 20% doctor » cliance to give you To Choose From AS L» AI $ZM a cn«ir On All Insurance AUTO • FIRK . IIOlHi: LIABILITY ETC thin protection by having a N* Extra Chart* Far Cbanf IBC The Styling pliyalral checkup every year Keyport Army & Navy Store of your life. Thin should In- clud« a cheat x-ray for men; Casimir J. Zlydaszyk for women, a pelvic 1 KEYport 7-3008 examlnntlon. Make It a I Curtis Sales Co. KEAI. nrnTK nmiKi'.H NOIAHV rvnuf. hoblt... for Hi: j '•DISCOUNT nnuanrEE HOBE II GABDEN rutC'E MA I-IIM CXI»HVOOD 37 E. Front St. Opposite Post Office E. Front A ISCUChurcN h Stsnnuanr. E HOBE-Kcjrpor' t 7-3565 UKJUCM CANCER SOCKTV % ., , ...... ; ,,.../-!• Communication w 1 Jlmmtal He Isn'tTrepaHflg Fdr W^r 0 the Editor, S91A1U4SIIED IMS Sometimes editing a paper XdtptaiM KEmorl l-JOt — J. MABKL BBOWN, PUBUSUTB eems like a fruitless task, Published everj Thuridjj at Kcyport, Uonmoslb Couotj. n. J. 'owever, now. and then a little By BBUWN PUBLISHING AND PRUIT1NQ COMPANY ; Don't Like Bugs? word is dropped or a story ap- THIS 'N THAT . . . Some thieves will stop at nothing. J Mabel Brown, Editor — Geraldln« V Brown, AnodMa Editor You're in a large company jeara that makes living as an If you can't work up a fond- •dltor worthwhile and brings ake the one in Greenlawn, Long Island, for instance, who Subscription Hates Payabl* in Advaflea ness for creeping, crawllng. tole 900 LIVE minks. Live minks don't smell very good, One year I within state). JiSO :— ZrittersTBut if you're trying to he realization that there are ~™Bii iccording to police, who plan to use their eyes,' ears and hi- |gKs'.siHr One Vear loutdde itate)_ |S01000 lany who benefit from the Three Usntta On* Year loutslda DAI- » do any kind of serious garden- ollective noses to seek out the thief. He apparently plan- . $160 Ing you"cab't Just close your ubllsbed news. What is more. The Uatawan Joarca) frj a newspaper "of tbe people, by tb* people ted to go into the mink raising business 'cause he also stole eyes and. wish tbe bugs would IU learn that a life has been and loi tbe people." Its aim Is to «erve lie best Interest* ol Uataman and go away. 260 pounds of horsemeat to feed them with . . . Get ready .-Vicinity! to present .ail 01. the newa of the week without Mas or prejudice saved because a reader has ta a dean Bane, conservative manner, respecting the tnaUenabIc rigbt* Unfortunately, that's t h e or a new stunt by Helene Curtis, _ They're looking for girls of our clUiena, and thereby making Itseli worthy ol their confidence. way some gardeners choose eeded the printed words, of ver 17 with hair so long they can sit on it. Maybe they're Responsibility to typographic^ errors Is limited to the cost ol the to deal with them. lautlon. ;oing to set a new trend hi hair styling . . . Lost and Found apace occupied by such error. Extension Service people We, in the American Cancer ds in really have a worldly and Entered u second-class matter at the post otDem at Matawaa, N. J.. who announce a series of >clety, New Jersey DlvlsWn, hacky flavor. Take, for example, the plight of poor under the ad of March 3, 1879. meetings on gardening usually e deeply appreciative of the rahya Aryeh (ok) who lost his Iranian passport "May 4 and Include at.least one to talk i-operation that has been glv- is week finally decided to advertise for its return. Then Page Four TIHJB8DAY, JULY 18, 1957 about knocking out pests. And 1 by your newspaper to the they have gotten so they ex- here's the ease of a National Airlines passenger from Miami pect attendance to-fall off at 1 g-h "t that I3 being waged ho by mistake has a boy's roundtrip ticket ... Oh well, that session. Some people just gainst cancer. ou're always as young as you feel, they say. Licensing Speech And Opinion don't like to hear about them It is Impossible to guess • Mid-Season Battle IOW many lives have been sav- \LTHOUGH RESTRICTIONS ON the use of water this to express one's opinions through advertising d through the fact that a res- ind other means, without undue or unusual restrictions or It seems that Insects a r e ear by municipalities and' private sources appears to be around most 6f-tho time, but dent of your community has penalties certainly is a fundamental right in a free country. eeded the warning against s than in 1956, the weather bureau warns we may be comes mid-season and the ex- dergoing a drought of considerable proportions. So far It is inextricably tied-in with the Constitutional rights of he dangers of cancer, and is perienced gardener knows he Us year, we've- had six inches less than normal. Either free speech and the free press. has to settle down to a serious ow alive, but there are many. xpect a drought or a deluge. , . Speaking of restrictions, Yet that right now seems to be in danger. contest to see whether he or Therefore, we take this" op- the bugs will win. Possibly it ortunlty of thanking you for one are officially Reported in any of the ba/shore com- This danger comes from recent announcements made by only seems like a bigger Job our help. Jt is support like lunities with the exception of Keansburg, where no un- Ihe Federal Power Commission and the Internal Revenue In midsummer because there iurs thr*. gives encourage- ecessary use is permitted at any time. Some private water Service. It concerns 59 electric utilities which have used arc moro growing thing; for nent to our many volunteers impanies, however, already have asked patrons to avoid "opinion" advertising and pamphlets to oppose socialization the bugs to get their teeth In- nd likewise imparts to resi- irinkling lawns or washing cars during peak consumption ents the knowledge so neces- of their industry, and to present the private enterprise side to. ours in the mornings and evenings. Rain or no rain, have of the public-vs-private power issue. The FPC now holds Reflecting not only the grow- ary if the American Cancer oclety is to win Its fight ou noticed the upsurge in boating activity in Keyport that these -companies improperly charged the advertising ing number of gardeners but also the Increasing seriousness gainst cancer. arbor this year? One good reason was the break skippers and ypmnpnlets to operating expense. The IRS adds that Looking Backward lad in the spring weather for a change. For the last sev- tJieKcost of the advertising and pamphlets is not an allow- of insect enemies is the fact We trust we will have your that the Extension Service has ral years we've had nice weekdays but cloudy, wet and able deduction for tax purposes. ntlnued co-operation. on its entomology staff at the Items About Folks And Things We Knew In Tbe (Signed) liserable weekends during the vernal season. Most skip- M. S. Rukeyser, the International News Service com- College of Agriculture a man ers put their craft over lots earlier this. year. mentator says: "These seemingly innocuous bureaucratic who deals entirely with insects Charles C. Hansbury, Executive Director ukases strike at the roots of our American competitive sys- of the home and home garden. Forty-Five Years Ago nd provided with rat guards. THE LENNOX ROAD girls' vigilante society really are Issue Thursday, July 18, 1912) Theodore Hyres, a Freehold tem, which rests on cultivation of a free market in ideas He Is Dr. Bob Treece and racking down on indiscriminate persons who persist in he has some general advice The Diebert and Batzel prop- infracting carpenter, has and ideologies." Editor & Publisher says: "It strikes us erty on the Marlboro-English- icen awarded the contract by lumping garbage and trash in the outlawed dumping area that this is a two-pronged assault to eliminate eventually for dealing with Insects. It iear' the former municipal dump in Matawan Township, comes In two parts. town Rd., In Manalapan Town- e Marlboro Township Board the use of advertising to express an opinion or a political ship, has been purchased with I Education, to build a one' /layor John Mar2, too, is doing his best to halt private : The first part Is called me- philosophy." " chanical control. That means the object in view of turning jom school house at Roberis- lumping, outlawed in the township and state, by ordering And Robert U. Brown, writing in a later issue of the handplcklng of bagworms, to- it into a game preserve for the llle. :hief Adolph Menzel to "lock 'em up." The loyal ladies of same magazine, says: "It seems to us that some people in mato worms and other large propagation and protection of THE FOUR-DAY ITCH - ennox also are pushing John to force Savitsky Brothers to pests. the game birds of New Jersey. Twenty-Five Years Ago Long Branch Dally Record) water-filled pit on the property used promiscuously Washington are not only intent on imposing a tax on pub- :ssue Thursday. July 15. 1932) —T^IO^econd- or-ehemical-con- R.JO^ Walling, Keyport,. has It Is estimated thaTaT'record- s a swimmin' hole. Road reconstruction and repavihg JisJied, opinions ;vTjbulLalso; are treading dll sold his drug business in Mata- Awaiting no further action ' to licensing speech and U)e printing press." lrb1TirtTnvolves"use~orcTreHF" ireakltg 83 million Amerl- hould be completed by late August in the township and lcals, and If you want to go wan to Edward B.Snnford of rom the State Highway Com- ans, or 22 million families, lsslon or the Monmouth he new municipal water works already is in operation. The precedent the EPC and IRS are establishing — if about this Job seriously, here Eatontown, the sale being ?lll spend more than three allowed to stand — is staggering. Under it, any group in are Dr. Treece's suggestions: made last Friday, since which !ounty Board of Chosen Free- \ new municipal building probably will be ready for dedi- ere following the accident Illlon dollars on vacations this :ation before the year is out. Quite some achievements power could restrict and in many cases prevent expression 1. Identify the s o u r ce ol time Mr. Sandford has been in ear. of opinion by any opposing group, on questions of economics, trouble before attempting con- charge. te Tuesday night the bdr- or the township in one year. Speaking of outstanding trol. • . ; ; Col. William T. Rossell, of ugh took action the first thing Yet the sad fact Is that ichievements, most people we've, talked to seem to have politics or anything else. That is one of the ways dictator- ednesday morning to Install ountless millions of these va-> chips are created. 2. Before using any chemi- the corps of engineers of - the ecovered completely from the rigors of the centennial-cele- United States Army, will give traffic light at the lntersec- atlo'ners will find their jration. Some-one ought to wind the clock at Matthews', cal, read the label carefully. [reams of happy hours spoiled 3. Q-i a good applicator, public hearing In the Audi- ion of the two State Highway ^o telling how many visiting firemen were late last Saturday. whether It's a dust gun or torium of the Matawan Grad- outes, 4" and 34, at the inter- bit by the "four-day itch." action of Middlesex St.. on This Is an ailment, unknown : A Temporary Problem sprayer. •< . ed School at 1 o'clock p.m. on me side and Valley Dr., on the o medical science, wb'ch us- THE TRADEMARK IS almost as old at trade itself and was 1 4. Do a thorough Job of ap- Friday, Aug. 9, 1912,_for • con- Early in the 10th Century, the British economist Mal- ither side with Main St. lally strikes on the fourth day known in Crete, scene of Europe's most ancient civilization. plication, but use dosages rec- sideration of the plans of tho &d thousands of years, ago Egyptian law required that thuspubllshed his famous "Essay. on_ Population."/ It de- ommended ,'_... •....;. New 'York & Long Branch Fire, Saturday afternoon, at . vacation. Symptoms can be •very brick be marked so that the brickyard worker and veloped what became known at the Malthusian theory, 5. Establish a regular . pest Railroad Company to change, he Harold I. Doyle farm in ibserved in all members of the which held that world population would outgrow the world's control schedule of applica- the course of Matawan Creek, reheau did damage estlmat- 'amlly. ' .' :ven the individual slave brickmakor readily could be identi- food supply, with consequent famine and starvation. In the tions. nd to construct a culvert un- nt $10,000, when the barn, Dad will start muttering ied and held responsible for the product . . . That must light of the scientific knowledge and farming practices of 6. Learn win', chemicals do der an embankment, as a sub- 10 feet long, two stories high, ibout the muttonhead who has lave been nice. You can bet your life who literally got that era, this theory seemed as sound as it was somber. best against various pests. stitute for the open channel of six-car garage, a mill and ;aken over his. office chores, he axe when a fault was found ... In this country, where 7. For most gardeners, an •he creek. Uier buildings, Including a >r frets about the customers elephone service is provided by private enterprise, there is "* But since then there have been revolutionary changes lew shed, were totally destroy- le could be calling on. He Itch- rin the arts of agriculture. Such innovations as better seeds all-purpose mixture is best. If Beginning Monday the New me phone for one out of every three persons. In Europe-, you have considerable experi- d. . . is to get bacl- to the grind. vhere telephone service generally is a function of the gov- iand fertilizers and, above all, mechanization which gives one York k New Jersey Steamboat ence, then best results at less The Interstate Championship Though Mom probably won't irnment, the ratio is one for every 23 persons. Parisian •j-man the productive power that it took many mpn to pro- Company began running the dmit it. she feels the same cost can be had by using the R. A. Harriott between '6 l,r} ance Marathon that started perators must be fully, aware.of this intelligence since you vide in other days,1 have created a situation which would proper Individual chemical. - t the Kcansburg Auditorium raging. She misses the. bridge Bridge and New York, stop- :lub, ari she can't seo, .the usually are j connected wjth 23 people: ypu didn't want to '-Jiave seemed . unbelievabltfvuuiue tvuo. ,,Malthu ivLuiiu.uas, As the, Portland ,, For luentltlontlon Dine at South River. The boat still' SotPB on. but not with talk to, including the local gendarme, when trying, to make iOregohian puts it, ""TV-I—i-«r"Technology- i=s- -:minimizin- g the threat Many gardeners'hav'e gotten l'lins In the latfe afternoon lei he same,pep that It .had ountains for those familiar so they can Identify common few days back. The contest mounds of dirty clothes r-ound a call. That's where the phrase, "50,000 Frenchmen Can't vof eventual starvation which has concerned many qver since NewiYork carrying farm prof Be Wrong" came from. With the phone service there whatj Malthus expounded his gloomy theory." Insects. 'Bui it you're In doubt duce principally, and returns started with 60 couples and the house. Moreover, she's dis- about some strange Invader, ow - that the dancers have covered that the "conven- it is, they probably knew all along what you were doing The the next morning. That paper makes another point of top importance. send It to your county agricul- Early tomatoes are going to leen in continuous ' motion ences" of the summer cot- anyway. fanner's new tools and techniques have helped to bring tural agent or to Dr. Treece New York lii fairly large quan- Ince Friday, July 1, It Is to age aren't so convenient. about the agricultural surplus problem, and it is a vexing tit the College of Agriculture, tities at present and the prtat e expected that tbe field The thlnr spreads to the MANY FRIENDS OF Sam LaFaso, former public re- -problem indeed. "This," says the Oregonian, "may be ex- New Brunswick. per crate has been very satis- would be much smaller, and it elds. They complain tho drink- ations head of the Jersey Central-New Jersey Power and tremely discouraging to those who seek to control produc- Justjput^your^speclmcn in a factory, ranging around $2. only 18 couples and five sln- ing water tastes like distilled Light Companies, both in the utility and newspaper fields tion, but in the long-range view it is encouraging for hu- small box and wrap It so It The State Board of Health, :les left to carry on ther fight :arpet tacks. They miss their are planning to attend a testimonial dinner for their genial ith Old Man Morpheus, the manity generally." Population in this country and the won't get crushed. Put a soft- as a step toward preventing lelghborhood friends. And PR expert tonight at the Buttonwood Manor, Matawan. Sam bodied Insect In a small vial God of Sleep. .'world is soaring. Our own acreage of farm land ia virtually tho Introduction In.this coun- hey worry that Queenie. eft the local utility to take a new position with the Ameri- of rubbing alcohol In a box. try of the bubonlo plague, has Surveyors have been active ho's been left at the kennels, fixed. So there is every reason to believe that the surplus You can imagine what hap- ordered that at Perth Amboy the past week erecting a tem- an and Foreign Power Co., New York, where he will be is a temporary phenomena, and that in years to come we will spitefully starve herself to manager of advertising and publicity. Those "Report to pens to an insect that's mere- and other ports of entry In the porary tower on McFarland's Jeath. will need all the productive power our farmers can svun- ly slipped into an envelope and state all mooring lines on vesL Hill and locating base points the Press" dinners, now held annually by the utility, were Still, you can bet they'll all / mon to satisfy the appetites of ourselves and of others. sent off for Identification' sels shall be coated with tar or the mapping of the state ne of the activities for which Sam was greatly responsible <- The first official accounting go away next year and, ac- and one which proved popular with the' fourth" estate. The future of mechanized agriculture, and of the ef- cording to the trend, stay long ficient family-size farm which mechanization has done so of total emergency relief Speaking of Sam's shift in territories, they say that his A STORY FOR costs in Monmouth County er. much to strengthen, is bright. Why? There are lots of rea- ;uccessor, a British Cannoneer by the name of Joe Sherry, from Oct. 15, 1931 to June 15 has.some real good stories to tell. Sherry, by the way, 1932, shows that a grand total sons. National prosperity I of $164,135.35 was expended by one. Improved highway facili- is active in the Centenary College Little Theatre in Hacketts- Where Discipline Is Needed state, county and municipal ties Is another. Enticing In- town and a member of the American Legion in that com- governments. stallment plans help to munity where he makes his home. Puppies invariably make a mess of homes, until they spread the -aeatlon costs, an are sternly disciplined and taught to he clean and decent Ten Years Ago industry believes more a n members of the family. (Issue Thursday. July 17. 1917 more that longer vacations oft- By Margaret A. Lravy en boost productivity. One wishes that a similar discipline could be Imposed Matawnn police are carry- on the "litterbugs" who strew discarded paper, beer cans, Puffy ing out a drive against after- The biggest reason of a I Social Security Questions empty bottles and all manner of other rubbish and dirt midnight drivers who step u would seem to be that t h Puffy Chick waited until he He walked and walked bu< their speed on borough streets "four-day itch" to r> tur along tho highways, in recreation areas, and in beauty spots Q—I would like to know how you with information secured thought Mama Hen wasn't ne couldn't find anything t< to a rate they would not a home Isn't nearly so bother throughout the nation. looking, Then he tried to slip tempt In the daytime, In th much social security I will In connection with your dis- t some as the "50-week Itch" tc get. I will be 65 next Septem- The litterbugs have the crude manners of untrained under the chlckenyard fence. ' assumption that police vlgl get away. ability claim. • puppies, without any of the puppies' excuses. But Mama Hen saw him Just On denr •>» thought, as h anco usually relaxes every ber. I have been working at Q-^-Would a person past SO In time. "LiHIo chlcXeris must remembered all the nice fee where on traffic In the middh lumber company for , six be eligible for social security stay In the chlckenyard or In tho chickenyard, "whatcve of the night. day and Sunday to .pick t w years and am getting $100 a benefits providing they hau 18 Feet Of Clay they will get hurt," she scold- made me leave home? T h An auto was overturned o boats to represent the fleet i month regular pay. What are months work, but nr withhold- ed. world Is certainly very wide I Route 35 near Perrlne's Oar- the Atlantic Coast Champion benefits figured on. the regu- ing tax taken out of the pay, A gentleman from the Pacific Coast who had to spend "I'm tired of being scolded Night came on, and Puff: age at 2 a.m. this morning, ship events at Bellport, L. I. lar pay, or the take-home except for the old-age bene- some time in Washington, D. C. recently, trying to get all the time," Puffy said. "I crawled under a bush but was quickly righted an the third week in A u e u s pay? fit? consideration for somo needed improvements in his com- want to go out to see the tried to sleep. But ho Jumpe tho driver, who Identified him About 20 Stars are expected to A—Benefits are figured on A—Yes. You need only six race in Keyport waters t h i your I'll! wages before deduc- munity, came home a very disillusioned man. Ho said, world." at overy little twig that snap self as George Fowler. New quarters of coverage to be in- pcd. Suddenly, a big brand coming weekend. tions. If you averaged $100 a sured. The fact that no in- "Every move made in Washington is based on. politics first "The world Is too big for you ark, went on his way. He re to see yet," Mama Hen cluck- fell almost on his hcad-"Craa' ported no injuries. Fire companies from Fre- month, your social security come tax was taken from and facts second." That's a pretty rough statement but tho ed. a-a-ckl" neau, Matawan Borough, benefits would be $55 a month your wages wouldn't affect evidence leads one to believe that it's not too much exagger- At its July meeting tbe Mata- Puffy didn't say anything. Right then, Puffy dccldei wan Township Board of Edu- Cllffwood, Oak Shades an Q—Now 67. I am drawing your social security cr e f 11. ated. But the next time Mama Hen he wasn't big enough to 3CI cation appointed a specia Morganville responded to a widow's social security bene- Get In touch with your local It is a sad experience for a citizen to see tho feet of his wasn't looking, he slipped the world yet. He would gl three-member committee alarm turned In shortly befori fits. My husband died when I social security office to -file public servants whom he has considered a cut above ward quickly under the fence. homo to Mama Hen I conduct a survey study of ttv 6 p.m. Sunday 'or a fir was 60 and I had to wait two your claim. politicians, suddenly turn to clay. Seems strange how much Puffy ran ovor tho hill, and Then Puffy made a terrlbl cafeteria setup in the h i g which destroyed a large two years before they jmld me. Q—I '• a v e been receiving like Washington some of our smaller communities nrc be- down through a cornfield, discovery. Ho didn't know tin school and the possibility i story barn. My next door neighbor Is only monthly benefits sinco June The first Matawan post-war 45 but told me she was get- having. "Where are you goliW, llttlo way homo I Tho poor llttl establishing similar facilities 1356. Is all Income counted to- chicken?" a voice called. chick began to cry. Ho wan at Cllffwood. July 4 fair and celebration, re- ting widow's benefits. Why la wards the $1200 limit on earn- Puffy looked all n r o u n d. dered about until he camo Two former U. 8. Army ha vived this year by Matawan this? ings of beneficiaries under age \ Vf,\ PtarfeU Homm* Then ho saw tho scarocrow. tlio brook again. Post 176, American Legion A—Mother's benefits are 72? bor lltcrage vessels are dock- 1 "H'a none of your business," "Oh, little brook," he cried ed by the Kcansburg Steam was climaxed Friday nigh paid to a widow, regardless A—The first thing 'Jiat must he said crossly. "can you tell me the wa boat Co. In Keyport awaiting with a fireworks display whlcl of her age, while she has chil- be understooc Is tbal we count V6RMA WANTS "Ohol" the scarecrow laugh- home?" reconversion by the workme followed an afternoon paradi dren under 18 In her care. all carnl-g- for the calendar through borough streets. VA OH THE LONG ed. "Chicken Little thinks he "Why should I? You mad of that company to new uni These payments stop when the year of 1956 In the case of a la Chicken Blgl" my face all muddy." And thi for the firm's lino of passeoi Possibility of the C e n t r a youngest child reaches 18. The person, such as you, who re- DISTANCE/ TH' Wns Pvffy angry I The brook ran quickly on Its way Railroad of New Jersey drop widow again Is eligible at age tired In 195S. No matter In COUNSELOR SENT er excursion boats. scarecrow had called him t Puffy walked and walkci The Cliffwood Fire Co. wai ping suburban passenger serv 62. what north a person retired, ME DOWN T' little chicken twice I Ho puffed Suddenly he saw t;,o scar called out Monday at 3:45 Ice, "If our loss there Is U> Q—'.Vhat Is tbe connection we would count all earning* TGLLYA.' up his chest and marched off crow. "Yov can tell m- th to stand by when llghtnln great," was forecast Tuesda: between disability benefits un- from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st of down the road, leaving the way home!" ho cried Joyful): by Wllilam Wyer, chief execu der social security and voca- 1 struck an electrlo service lln the year of his retirement In scarecrow laughing behind "Oho, my cooky llttlo chic to a house on Atlantic A v e tlvc officer, ' tion rehabilitation? other words, * person who hss him, en wants to know the w a Matawan Township. P o 11 c Tho recently organize A—If you apply for a dis- earned money prior to -Is re- Soon Puffy camo to a little home I" The scarecrow laug said tho ''re burned Itself o Kennsburg Junior League ability Insurance benefit, a dis- tirement must'odd this rnoney brook that sang ovor pebbles cd, "Just lollow your toe well on IU way to » succeasf ability freeze, or a disabled to the money earned after re- 1 and the wire fell to the groun >s It ran along Its way, Ho little chicken. without doing further damag season as the six tonms In th child's benefits, your name tirement, stepped Into the water to look Puffy couldn't seo how th Actlfin on the applications circuit played their s e c o n will be referred to the voca Q—Is Income from, «toc"-» at himself. would help htm, so he s long-d'stonce bus companies contests of the year Saturdn tlon rehabilitation tgency In and bonds Included In flgurlr : "My, how haiulsomo I ami" down on the ground and crlc make stops In MiUwa The new fire truck has a your state. That agency may the 'HOO allowed u;e r 1 j ho said. When he finally looked .p, th Tow ishlpifor the purpose rived at tlio Freneau Indepe be able to provide °ou with earnings? "Please don't kick so," the sun was bclnnlng to poo takltiE on and dlsr+irgln dent Flic Co. rehabilitation services that A—No. Investment Incom , brook said, "You are getting over the hill behind him. passengers for points not co A motorcyclist was ( o u n will help you prepare for and Income froir real estate, and my water all muddy " And there, a stone's thro ercd by existing franchises lylnn unconscious near h t find suitable work. Tb assist other such Income w^-rh "Who cnresV" laughed Puf- awny. Puffy saw tho chlckci local '>us lines will be acted o machine on River Rd., Ol the rehabilitation agency In might fall Into n category of a fy, mill ha kicked all tho hard yard fence i Joyfully, he ran shortly. Bridge, by a passing motnrl' determining your work capac slmlla. nature la not counted •THE BOY WHO IS ABOUT or. tho fence and slipped untie Thursday morning at Ity, whether rehabilitation In the $1200 earnings test. Al- „ TO BE REMINDED TO Suddenly lie noticed tho sun neath. (Issue Thursday, July 10. 101 o'clock. services can help yon. and so, of course, social secur'ty sol nit down. "I haven't him 1 :W£AR HIS LIFE PRESERVER "Oh dear, I'll lever • Keyport harbor vl ' both whnt xtno of services will be checks >r( not considered nnythlhR to eat since break- naughty lucnlnl " he sighed, scene of the races of Ihe fla This week why don't yo most u-cliil m you, the Social AND £AR PLUGS - carn'rus since we do not In- fast," Puffy remembored, Ilia ha crept safely under Mam Itan Kny Star fleet next Satu look through vour uhurch w Bi-cunly Admlnlstrnilon win clude any pension Income is tummy felt very empty. Hen's whig, (continued bottom next column) dows , , . From \\m Inside. provide the rehabilitation far earnings. . - Auxiliary Hears irl Scout Gamp New Members For Matawan Personal Items I Dr. J, B. Gordon Very Successful Church Dira^ry Matawan Dems A talk concerning the medi- Deborah and Jeffrey Eplra, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller Nomoco Established Troop Thomas J. Francy, p r e s 1- cal-legal aspects of mental Kew Gardens, L. I., are visit- pent several days with Mr. First Church of Christ, Keyport Reformed Church dent, conducted the regular amp, a Girl Scouts, Inc , Warren' St., Key port July IS, 1957 Flv» ing their grandparents, Mr. nd Mrs. Donald Miller, Man- Scientist ' meeting of the Matawan Dem- disease was given by Dr. J. lorthern Monmouth County 81 Broad St.. Kerport Rev.' Roderick N. DeYoung. Berkeley Gordon, medical di- and Mrs. Richard Teague, Ra- asquan Beach. Jouncll Innovation this year, ocratic Club In the Matawan vine Dr., while their parents, Sunday service 11 a.m. Wed- ' " •••'•' pastor •'•-•• rector of the New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tea- •ecently completed 'the .first lesday testimonial meeting 8 During the months of July Public Health Center, Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Splra, gue, Ravine Dr., and son, For- lession with a full round of ac- ; day evening. John F I o r 1 n o, Trinity G. F. S. State Hospital at Marlboro, to are on a business trip in Mis- i.m. Reading room open Wed- ind August, the morning wor- est Teague, and his daugh- vities under the leaders and esday 2 to 4 p.m. ship service and an education chairman tff the New Jersey the July meeting of the Marl- sissippi City, Miss. ters, Linda and Beverly, re- Mrs. William Bill. Long The ever-avallabllity to hu- hour for children starts at 10 State Convention of the Young Receives Award boro Hospital Auxiliary^Bre • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Jan- ently returned home after a lanlty of God, the source of narone, . Lloyd Rd., had as Branch, camp director. Also a.m. Following 15-mlnute Democrats of Middlesex Coun- Delegates from the e n 11 r a •isit with Mr. and Mrs. Mill- n the camp staff ure Mrs. ill true life and intelligence weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. rd Teague, Ramseur, N. C. devotional service with the. ty and now a resident of Mata- United States and many for- rancis Walshe. K e y p o ri; 111 be set forth at Christian ongregatlon. the children'will Joseph Charles and children, Mrs. Randolph Harris enter- Science services Sunday. wan, Mrs. Clifford Browcr nnd eign countries to the World Jack, Joseph and Jeanne, Syr- ;ained at bridge July 10 when Miss Sue Mauch. Loch Arbour, o taken to tho auditorium to John Kane were welcomed ns Council of the Girls' Friendly acuse. N.Y. he prize winners were Mis. ho supervise the swimming Scriptural selections in the be shown a movie, film strip lesson-sermon on "Life" will r set of slides. The educatlon- new members. Society met at Koher House, Douglas Ward, Mrs. Stephen program, and "Mrs. William J. Sarah Lawrence College, Dr. Jay.E. Keller and Mrs. ill, West Keansburg. Mrs. Include tho following from >1 hour will conclude at 11 The. club will present base- Keller apd children, David, acuga and Mrs. Thomas Sid- Uronxvllle, N. Y,, from Juno 29 Ions. Other guests were Mrs. Selrua Edward, Long Branch Psalms <16:i,U): "Preserve a.m., tame as the conclusion ball equipment to tho Rams, Dolores, Patricia, Michael me, O God: for In thee do I tittle of the worship hour, Por- sponsored by the Matawan through July 1. The purpose ~ Howard Lloyd,~Jr., Mrs. nd Mrs. Robert S, Newman, was to shine G.F.S. plans. and Marilyn, Burlington, Vt., Ralph C. Bedle, Mrs. Qarrett put my trust..Thou wilt show nts are Invited to attend and Recreation Center, Lower were guests for several days Elberon- who serve as nurses. Ideas, promote good will and McKeen. jr., Mrs. Stockton Mrs. D. Peterson, acting me tho path of life: in thy bring their children Main St., Matawau, this week. of Mr. and Mrs. William Hopkins and Mrs. Bayard presence is fulness of Joy; at The Rev. Garry Short, pas Tickets were distributed for make national awards. •*--• Brown- leader of Troop GO, Cong hy right hand there are pleas- Durlnij this session, a na- mith. ranch, and her unit hiked, tor of the Spotswaod Reform- performance of •JSoulh Pa- Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Pike ires for evermore." ed Church, will be the guest lfic" to bo sponsored by the nnnl nward was made to , attended the July 10 perform- Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. :ooked and swam as part of Correlative passages to be Matawan Trinity a.F.8, heir program. Troop 11, Long speaker Sunday, Mpnmouth County Women's ance fit "Pajama Game" at Robinson and son, John, were ead from "Science and Democratic Club, Monday, at Branch lor outstanding crea- the Neptune Music Circus. unday dinner guests of Mr. Branch under the leadership or health with Key to the Scrip- Bajvlew Presbyterian Cburcb tive work during 1858-57•". Tha, rs. S. Sacco, also partic- the Neptune Music Circus, Mrs. John S. McCufdy and nd Mrs. Richard Robinson at ,ures" by Mary Baker Eddy Clltfwood BeatiU Candidates Daniel Mimclnl, uvnnt, a plaque Inscribed with daughter, Mrs. William . F. the Blossom Hill Restaurant, pated. ncludo the following (315:121: Rev Franclp Osterstoclc 'navies A, O'Hiue and Ed- he a.F.8. motto, "Bear Ya White, Jr., are on a tour of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mrs. Till, R.N., said she was "Whatever is governed by The Catherine Close Circle ward Francy were present and 3iio Another's Burdens," and Europe. Robinson were celebrating ery impressed with the health God, Is never for an Instant will hold Its annual picnic to- each spokp briefly on pertin- 23rd wedding anniver- deprived of tho light and might tamped National G.F.8, Donald Home, Live Oak, .nd safety standards malntain- morrow. Circle members, and ent subjects. Tentative plans iwmd, will be placed In tha sary. f Intelligence and Life." their friends will lonvo the were made to hold a dance. Fla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. d in camp. The Golden Text is from in-lah hall of Trinity Epl»- Richard Erdmann, jr. Jeanne Taylor a n d Joan Troop 89, Mlddletown, Troop church at 13 o'clock noon. Refreshments were served ocipal church, Matawan, Leurie, Mllltown, spent Friday Romans (5:23): "The gift of At tho Sunday morning wor- during the soclnl hour which DB. J. BERKELEY GORDON Mrs. Charles E. Pike enter- 11, Cllffwood, and Troop 117, God Is eternal life through where tho girls moot on Thurs- vernight at Valley Forge, ship at 0:46 a.m., tho pastor's ollowed. tained at bridge Thursday a., and, attended the Nation- Matawan, were camping at Jesus Christ our Lord." days with their advisor, Mrs, lecture dealt with problems bf evening when the prize win- Momoco July 9, 10, and 11. An sermon toplo will be "Work olrn Baker. - marriage, divorce, and annul- al Boy Scout Jamboree. and Faith." Church s o h o o I ners were Mrs. Randolph Har- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Neidlin- Interesting development was Trinity Bplicopsl Church Miss Carol Delbasco ment of marriage; oral and ris, Mrs. Douglas Ward and he setting up of a portable convenes at the same time. Tho Trinity Branch 1ms been :er returned home Thursday Main St., Matanmn Tho Westminster Fellowship Awarded Scholarship . written contracts; wills, and Mrs. Harry Morris, 8ea Olrt. :rom New York, where .Mr. ransmltttng station by Mrs. Rev. Bernard McK Garllck, rganl&cd six years and this criminal responsibility. Other guests... were Mrs. :uth A. Schultz, leader of will enjoy a boat trip to the Seldlinger attended the U. S. The Fifth'Sunday after Tiin- Statue of Liberty on Wednes- For the second consecutive Is the second time it has re- Mrs. Spencer Embree, Charles C. Schock, Jr., Sea lywood Distributors Conven- 'roop 211. On her assigned y the servlco will "Ve held at ceived nn nward for outelnnd- Girt; Mrs. G. J. Sterling Imes, Mrs. SchulU contacted day. semester, Miss Carol H, Del- Pleasant Valley Rd., Holmdel, lon at the Hotel Roosevelt, a.m. with the Rev, William basco, 140 Monlstown lid . Inti work durliiH the year. Thompson, Jr;. Mlddletown; ler home in Cllffwood. retiring program chairman of Mrs. S. B. Eggleston and , White as celebrant. Mntawan, RD1, lias been the auxiliary, who Introduced Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Jr., Reflector-oven cooking was Mrs. Calvin Bell, Mrs. Ken- daughter, Mrs. Isabel Breen. Cheesquake Park Day awarded a scholarship by the Dr. Gordon, and presided over are spending the month of ried by some of the troops. First Methodist Cnaroh Rnrltan Vnllcy Unit of tho the question period that follow- neth Pike, Mrs. Walter Pike, Hiking, .swimming, campcraft 216 Main St., Matawan Camp For Many Scouts Mrs. Garrett McKeen, jr., and July at Ogunqult, Me. New Jersey Association for SAFETY HINTS ed, explained that the lecture nd group campflres were tho Rev. Albert D. Curry. Pastor Retarded-Children, Inc.~ Mrs. Robert Bcntley. Lt. Wayne C. Young and planned program. Troop 117, Over 100 Brownies nnd Girl from (ho Red Croit - was the first of the 1957-1958 Mrs. Young and daughter, Sunday morning worship Is Miss Dollmsco is continuing: bi-monthly series, designed to Alan Pike, son of Mr. and Nancy Ann, Anchorage, Alas- Matawan, Mrs. V. A. Ellison, held at 8:45 a.m. and-11 a.m.; Scouts of District IV will at- her couiso of study at the Now' Increase the auxiliary mem- Mrs. William McDonald, Mrs. unday School at 0:45 a.m. Mrs. Kenneth Pike, returned ka, are visiting Mrs. Young's 11 tend tho day camp at Chcese- Jersey State Teachers College, bers' understanding of various home Wednesday after spend- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Paul l. ' Bonlnsegna were accom- Newark, where aho la working aspects, and problems of men- panied by Bobbi McDonald, First Baptifl Church qunko Stole Park for the next ing two weeks at Camp Ocka- Bish. £32 Main St., MaUwan two weeks, starting Monday. toward her Master of Sclent! tal illness. nlcko'n, Medford Lakes. Chrlstel Johnson, Betty Bonln- DcRrco In speolal education Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yonkau- Rov. Lawrence R. Bailey Troops will attend from West Dr. Gordon's lecture was ske, Plttstown-, were Saturday egna, Judy Vizard, Carol Edward E, Hyrne and son, Brandigonr LladirWIlkins.h — —Pastor y preceded by a business session Edward D., and Courtney guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morning worship service Is oansburg, DnloiTBeooh, Key arshln Is used only for courses ' In which the auxiliary approv- M. Munson, celebrated her birthday at port and Matawan. Camping Raymond, West Keansburg, amp, Susan Rulck, Ruth Ann lield Sunday pt 10 a.m. and 11 in the field of mentivl retarda- ed the executive board's rec- are on a fishing trip to Chas- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. o'clock. The guest pastor will facilities have beon arranged tion. ommendation for a budget of ey's Lock, Elgin, Canada. iiurablnas, Peggy McDonald', Friedman returned home Mon- 1111 a n Hasklns, Margaret bo the Rev, Norman DePUy in a portion of th; park not Besides working with retard' $3300 for direct service to day from a visit with Mrs. od children, Miss Dolbasco has Marlboro patients, and laid Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Short, Sheila Hauser. Susan astor of the First Baptist open to the-publtc, Currie attended the Bristol Jennie Gordon. Troy. N. Y., Church, Hightstown. Sunday worked with handicapped chil- preliminary plans for raising and Mr. and Mrs. David Gor- Crawford and Alice Ellison. The Matawan Soouts will this sum. Some money will be Memorial Golf Tournament Church School meets at 10 dren and adults with ipoooh don, Brookllne, Mass. Troop 211, Cllffwood, accom- a.m. with classes for each age leave Matawan High School at and hearing defects, She re- raised by special events, such Sunday at the Manasquan Riv- panied by Mrs. Bcbultz, Includ- er Golf Si Country Club and Patricia Chapman was guest roup, B a.m. each morning. Mrs. ceived her Bachelor of A r 11 as sales and entertainments. of honor Friday evening at ed Nancy Barnet, fthella Bara, Vornon Ellison, Mrs.. William Some will be raised by a con- the buffet dinner which follow- Degree from the University of It't okny to., tut hoarty at a 1 surprise birthday party given atrlcla Manclnl, Penny Mc- Gcthicmane Lutheran Cnurob McDonald and Mrs. Thomas tinuing sale of candles. These ed. Miami, Miami, Fla,, in 1003 bench picnic But l( yon do, wall at her home in celebration of Arthur, Phyllis Xlques, Donna Mania Pi., Kajport Oleason, Matawan, will be She la employed by the Say re- an hour to an hour and a hall tapers are available In three Mrs. Leroy Slckels enter- her 14th birthday. The party Matthews, Susan Pliorpk, Rov. Frederick Boos, Pastor lengths, and any one of 21 col-tained the Thursday Dessert among the camp leaden. villa Sohoo' System, after ••tint before golni b«rU was given by Sally Pearson Susan Doyle, Carol Domlnlck, There are two aervloei on In Hit wa|«r, IteUm av*n Uka ors from Mrs. Douglas O. Bridge Club when the p r 1 ze and Mary Ann Maler, Other udy DIDonato, Dorothy Nebua, Downs, Rlverdahi Ave., Sunday; M&tlna at 8:30 a.m Your advertisement In this If you need printing of any a na|>, Von limy |«t a palntul winners were Mrs. Joseph guests were Joyce Ward, Rob- Cheryl Bailey, and Carolyn paper will reaoh prospective kind, we are havo to sotvo you, Shrewsbury. However, the Baler, Mrs. William Wasmuth, Franklyn. and tha regular strvlca at 11 or d>n|iiri>M> cramp II you iwlm ert Haslach, David Gregory •clock. Sunday School beglni purchasers In every community Our quick service and reason; Ininiodlately Mlor •«tlii|. auxiliary is dependent to a and Mrs. Howard Erdmann Peter VanSyckle and Wayne large extent on the generosity Troop 99, Mlddletown, accom- at 0:45 a.m. \ in tho baysliorc area, ablo prices will please you/ Other guests were Mrs. Glrard Marz. ' panied by Mrs. Robert Gore Devlin, Mrs. Rensselaer L of Individuals and organiza- The .Misses Lillian and Ma- Mrs. J. E. Vaubcl and Miss tions for contributions. Cartan, Mrs. Paul Egan, Mrs Mary Sullivan, program aide Edward. W. Currie and Mrs rie Keney were weekend Mrs. Lewis Brooks, 77 Tow- guests of Mr. and Mrs. John included Janice Vanbel, Lynn er Hill Ave., Red Bank, presi- Richard Erdmann, ir. Wallace, Donna Bell, Barbara A. Bauer at their summer Deutscb, Barbara Lambert as seen on TV dent of the auxiliary, an- Mrs. Philip Neldltnger at- home in Elka Park, N. Y. Patricia Faff, Karen Sullivan, - nounced that the.Red Cross Is tended the July 10 matinee Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Lam- performance of "B.e p a r a t e Paula Bove, Leah Fredrick Interested in recruiting a class born were Sunday guests < Patricia >Qor», Nanoy attt *.t-*<»iS*-Q**yIjadiea .for. cervlce in Tables'" in New York. Mr. and. Mrs. James Ande: 1 3Mt. 'ana Mrs. Bayard Lam- BOD, Bloohmeld. Marlon McRae, ana Jinu "- ''MarlBoro', and asked that any- Vnubel and Billy Gore. one interested get In touch born spent Wednesday In Wil Mr. and Mrs. Mathew W, "with her, or with Mrs. Ber* mington, Del. McCormack returned h o m and hold* 'Hs p«ff*cf 'ihaph, ':*%t'n ^dfflif 'monfhl 'of Moch/rti Wath'lhgi t^'^''-, __. _nard__Wh_l te,_ Corm L a-ne Mrrand Mrs. Ralph Burkley Saturday after spending 1 Food Sale Planned Shrewsbury. She also an- and children, Ralph Scott, Mi- days at Split Rock Lodge, Po nounced that the occupational chael and Nancy, Rancocas, cono Mountains, Pa. By Court St. Joseph therapy department is in need were Sunday guests of Mr. and Ralph Scott Burkley, Ranco- cas, Is visiting his grandpar- At a meeting of. Court St. Jo of a number uof five-gallon Mrs. George Harris, Broad St. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Georg seph 884, Catholic Daughter NEW crocks for use in the depart- Harris, Broad St. of America, Keyport, held. July ment, that prizes for games Mrs, William J. Rabel en 9 In St. Joseph's School, Mr,s arc always needed, and that tertained the Friday evening Terry, and Theodore Mage are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Le Henry DuBols, Grand Regent, the, new recreation building bridge club when the prize outlined the program for the badly needs a grand piano for winners were Mrs. Marguerite Mitchell, Endlcott, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Well coming year. A donation of IB the auditorium. Laird, • Mrs. Frank H. Bliss was voted to the Carmelite Three new active members and the hostess. Other guests and Mrs. William R. Helm and daughter, Patricia, wer Nuns in Durham, N.C., and »5 were welcomed into member- were Mrs. George Barbanell, to St. Joseph's Homo for Boys. ship by Mrs. William R. Jones Mrs. Frederick K. Dederick Saturday guests of Mr. ani Mrs. Adolph Hess, Mlllburn. Mrs. Patricia Flgone was ' Holmdel-Bradevelt Rd.. Holm- Mrs. Conrad Johannsen, Mrs named chairman of a food ... del, membership and educa- W. Oliver' Dlggin and Mrs. El- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chrlstof salo to be held on Aug. 11 in tion chairman. These mem- more Kattner. and son, Duane.—_Hammond, the vestibule of the school. hen are Mrs. Donald E.' Mc- Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cllntock, Lincroft; Mrs. Wai Mrs. Jay F. Hostetter ha Thomas Noddlhgs. MemberB who volunteered to bridge Taylor, Matawan, and returned home from a v 1 s i Mrs. Richard Kerney return- assist patients at Marlboro Mrs. Schuyler W. Thompson with Mr. and Mrs; Warren E. ed to her home in Pomptoi Hospital to mass on Sundays Sea Girt. Abrama, Rosemont, Fa. Plains, Monday, after a visit during July arc Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Philip Neldlln- with Mr. and Mrs. Allan J Egan, Mrs. DuBols, M r B 10 years from today, thereT ger were weekend guests ol Morrison. Hugh McGulre. Mrs. John Ymi'vd nevtr worn s bra be fewer "cloudy" days in H. Warne, jr., and Mr. and Shannon, Mrs. Charles Emery, Mrs. Spafford W. Schanc Mrs. Alvjh Fitzgerald, Mr ilili—to mil DIKU «nd M your life financially, if you Mrs. Ford Douglas at t h e 1 w a s a Thursday overnight Invest NOW In 17. S. Savings summer home In Point Pleas- Gloria Erxleben and Mrs duubli iliat purfmi fii and kulll'ln guest of Mrs. William Story Mary Ahcrn. Bonds. ant. Garden City, L. I. On Thurs- •liapa lilt mill ltd, avert day afternoon, Mrs, Schanc The cancer dressing meeting and Mrs. Story took a b o a will be held on Tuesday at the allrr niotiiLi of mic ride around Manhattan Islan home of Mrs. George Martin, and on Friday evening attend- 107 Ravine Dr., Matawan. And Cotlon-Prttty li icimilllicalh/ ed the performance of "Lus eontiiuclwl, paliiilaMngly (Inlihod For Life" at Loews Theatre, Entertain At Supper, New; York. ' wllh tori ilrrngili n ^olnli of llnla, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown Celebrate Christening Midi of •iinrrlor qlmiily mil'ilili rm Broad St., have returned norm —won't U*i or IIVM, after visiting tKclr son, Leon- Mr. and Mrs, Charles A t A New Car? ard, who Is spending thl Mate, Main St., Matawan, en- Wo.r li,,,you'll tav* It... week at the Boy Scout Jam- tertained at a supper part I'Uvlen Cotlon-PrtUv Dr«, boree, Valley Forge. Pa, Leon Sunday following the christen- ard and John Elbrecht an ing or their daughter, Cathe '4' representing the Boy Seou rine Eleanor, at St. Joseph' Troop of St. Joseph's Church, Church. Keyport, by Miiir Keyport. - Dante Del Florentlno, of 8 Lucy's Church, Brooklyn. God Lois Ann Smith, daughter ol parents were Miss Ellzabctt tntf Mr. and. Mrs. William Smith Flock,•Matawan and by proxy, Slim 1JJ4 4 Jr., Flcrro Ave,, Is spendin Florentine Mullor, Woternha. tHQI.O this week at the Baptist cam! gen, Germany. . ^ rriake and mocfaj . at Lebanon. ' Mrs. Paul A. Egan, Broai Supper guests were Mrs '.f you choose, save .money arid time'. St., was a guest Saturday Irene Wlcker'ham and Margu the bounty convention and ban crite Wlckcrsham. New York; " by flnanelDB ir at Ihi^baniu Tib* v quet of the Middlesex Count Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Matz American Legion Auxiliary, er., Philadelphia, Pa., and ifllaresf it low, and the monthly;^ The convention was held In th Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan and Rich T Reformed Church, Mctuchen, ard RcPass. repayments can & arrangad h> *ytt/ ; and the dinner dance at Lin- your budget. ,- ' ' > • wood Grove. Edison. William Ryder Honored At Birthday Party Hosts Service Group Ur. and Mrs. William Ry At Luncheon Thursday der, Matawan, recently enter talned In celebration of tb Mrs. John C. Lambert seventh birthday of their son Mtttwan, was hostces to th William. A red. white and blui World Service Group of th color scheme wis used for the fHI First Presbyterlun Church decorations. Tho prize w 1 n Matawan, for luncheon and ner» for the donkey g » m quilting party, Thursday. were Philip Machado, Roe MATAWAN Guests were Mrs. Rlchan Duncan and Kenneth Duncan, Kerrey, Tompton Plains Guests were Nancy, Itnlpl BANK Mrs. Frank Kerney. Mrs. Al and Richard Duncan; Hot Ian J. Morrison. Mrs. Chcstc Duncan, Linda und Kennel A. Galloway. Mrs. D a v I Duncan, Juclele I>wls, Phil) MATAWAM, HEW Jt-.TT Bruce. Mrs. Fred Steven and Michael Mfictmrio, Tliorti Mrs. Joseph Dietrich, M r on Walker, Jane Ryder, Job: Frank Bradach, Mrs. Law and William lirsdley. ronee Altlcen. Mrs. W. C. No CARTAN S utn raau man snua ding*. MM, W. Rulon BmlU Wedding AnnounremrnU awatwutwvfl Mis; Arlene J. Rote, M r printed promptly on p»nelfd Richard GrcUlnuer and M r or bridn! \wM snow-white 121 MAIN ST. MATAWAN EUnore Kattoer. vellum el tH» of'lc*. ' s car owners is not required, but VanMater Herd Cited South Amboy Sets f~. Join State Police'V Valid Stickers the driver of the vehicle at the time of inspection should have The P. D. VanMater herd in the owner's registration card Marlboro, was among tbe fiv» Hospital Drive Must Be Shown in bis possession. Also, that highest butterfat producing KNOW YOUR mm Wlti few exceptions all New The start of a fund raising the inspection may be c o m- hert 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26 lon of Cnpt. James E. C. Walk- vlth an , svenlng session and ', No mngic tricks! It's a sound event it is needed, the - State ir, Seventh Medical Bn, CWO he New Brunswick .Chamber feSKaBK"8?" —,^«a4rl investment that pays off in Director said. if Commerce and vice presi- he final meeting will be held aok B. Henson of the medical Sunday morning, Oct. 27. lattallon Is manager. lentof the United Fund In that money earned, financial prolec- Ity. He also serves as direc^ ,.^, ™ ,'tion and happiness. Just two- Two Area Men Are llB a Graduates From School r of the Raritan Council, Boy !O\lli I *aiiuI '<** Ml ^ (25c) day invested in a Hurt In Accident U. S. Army Pfo. Joseph V. icouts of America, and the M1/ igm&.'J1^ Whole Life Plan (preferred Jlele, son of Mr. and Mrs, Val Jersey Safety Council. LEROY F. GEARY Carlos Negron. 32, of 50 Os- "7 risk) that .Woodmen of tlie dlele, 43 Route 36, K e a n s- ie also is a member of the Land Surveyor born St., Keyport,' and John rurg, recently was Kraduatcd \merlcan Institute of, Cheml- ')/ World provides its members at Nleves. ttir ot 0i>8 Center Bt,, Ironi'tho teletypewriter, equip- i JEni " •- •" / V "" cost canVoaxn"9352.72. You will Union Beach, were Injured in ment' repair course nfc the ^ Vi • • • ' ' a'80.receive1 more than $4,300 an auto sco/dent In FertUAm- rmy's southeastern Signal Rockoons"- n combination 1003 Highway 36 boy over the weekend;' police School, Port Gordon, Ga. •t balloons and rockets-a r e "— insurance plus many fraternal reported. The auto in which The 18-week course trained ised in addition to-the U, S. Corner Union Ave., they were riding went out of avy's famed Sky^ok plastic : • benefits money can't buy. 'fc. MIele to service and re- Union Beach control and struck the side of OHN WESLEY WI1ITEI1EAD ialr teletype sets and their nlloons for probing the 'strut- the Cappel Motors building at sphere. Rockets launched by • Note in the table below the ed from Otis Air Force Base, ccessorles. KEyport 7-4976 0 nin owcr and ro Smith and Wilson. Sts. Falmoutn, Mass., after two He entered the Army In Jan- ;he rockoon method have gone ••^rwir-K-wewp - tcctioF **n 'o f^ 25Sca daPyi n lhis pIan P> " Police said Mr. Negron Buf- 'eeks training. He left July 7 ary 1B50. He was graduated p more than 60 miles, while i^S^^^^M fered Internal Injuries In tbeor Lackland Air Force Base, from Mlddletown Township he same rocket fired at s e a based on age 30; crash while Mr. Nlovcs suffer- 3an Antonio, Texas, where he High School, Class of 10SS; ovol reaches only 20 miles. - ed abrasions of the chest when Kill be stationed for three IinmediateJnsinahc^aIterVoniy^e~pi^«ir*~$4j?93700~*~T~r he was thrown forward in the months, Vena In Cuba car by the Impact. 25c per day saved until age 65';. , , , , 3,193.75 Friends may write to him Charles J, Vena, U. S. Navy, ion of Mr. and Mrs. James At age 65, cash value of certificate ,"'.~~~,7~".,'","'",','"'. J2,576.19 ,t the following address: A/B 1 1 fohn Wesley Whitehead 21772- a, 54 Lower Main St., BOTTLED * Plus accumulated refunds . , , , , t.'i 'V •'«. t 970.28 165, Air National Guard Flight Matawan. who Is serving DWJGFACT® B24, P.O. Box 1510, Lackland aboard the destroyer, US3 Total cash available at age 65 , , , t i , i ,„., $3,546.47 Air Force Base, San Antonio, Robert K. Huntirigton, DD781, Tex. now Is In Quantanamn, Cuba. MtKOTHUDE Gain in cash available at age 65 over total paid • « . $352.72 IN PAHAMA/ The fleet will proceed to Ha- GAS •• Mmd ach«l«b Md laliml rail. W+KI to nriotiw. WHIN ORIVIMG. PROTECT Davis Completes Course vana and other ports while on YOURSIir M OftSEMING U. s. Army Second Lt training cruise. You Get Clean, Quick TRAFriC WIUS -WHEN George F. Davis, son'of Mr Mr. Vena enlisted in the HAVING PRESCRIPTIONS and Mrs. Q. H. Davis, former- Navy In June 1955. He Is i Heat For Cooking FUUO.PROTICT TOUR HtAlTHl ly of 140 Main St., Keyport, graduate «f Matawan High School, Class of 1055, and has »Y HEWING UPOH THE recently was graduated from Prompt, Efficient the Ordnance School, Aber- .wo years remaining to serve there's a low cost Woodmen EXPERT SERVICE M deen Proving Ground, Md. In the navy. Service Lt. Davis attended the 14- protection plan id surt week associate company offi- Conway Cited cer course during which be Airman Second Clues Wil- KEYPORT GAS CO. your ne&ds. Ask about It today I studied tactics, ordnance serv- liam T. Conway, IT. B. A 1 To get genuine nil around ice In the field and material Force, son ol Mr. and Mrssatisfaction. , buy that used oar Affiliate el BEPRESENTATTVES: familiarization. Prank Conway, 63 a r e e n at Straub Motors Mo. Our LOCAL He was graduated from Orove Ave.. Keyport, has been fine cars are expertly recondit- John AimlUre, Jr. Itensselaer Polytechnic Inst cited by Lt. Col. Don W. Mc-ioned to give long-lasting good Dlat. Mgr. tute, Troy, N. Y., In 1056 an Klnncy, Commanding Office) performnnce. at low operating ~^ . WOODMEN T°H'. WORLD B«;sbore Realty B14r. KEYPORT LUMBER' Stale Highway No. u Is a member of Delta Phi Fra of the 6910th Radio Qroup Mo cost - and priced attractively I j;::i:j;| Keyport-7-1548' .' >1lMi try. Health Information Foun ! datlon reports. S,!.!!iii!ln.5ir.;a plaques suitably, tocjSbei will Many Motorists ' County Republican Women Greet Malcolm S. Forbes Bankers To Serve be affixed to the unit subscrib- N.Y. Obstetrician ed and will bear the name of the company as tangible evl- Mail In Tolls As Fund Chairmen cW of their concern for the MMH Guest July 2 More than 1100 mbtorlsts Samuel C. Morris, president health needs of the commun- Dr. Alan F, Guttmachtr. ity. MATAWAN JOM have mailed in their tolls since of the Long Branch Trust hief ot obstetrics at Mount July II, 1857 Page Bevea the Garden State Parkway Company, and Walton Bier- T b e- construction program Sliml Hospital. New York, will started leaving convenient en- \ man, president ol the Long will add 84 new beds to the a giwat ot the Department velopes at honor-system col- j Branch Banking Company, will hospital Including 30 new beds of Obstetrics and Qynecologjr the United States PubU* lection points late In May. : serve as chairman and co- in the presently over-crowded at. Monmouth Memorial Hos- Health Bervice. — — Chairman Katharine E.. White chairman, respectively, of the pediatrics- department. The pital on Thursday, July 25 It Dr. Guttraacher's visit 1« of the New Jersey Highway 'financial division for the Mou- cost Is estimated at $1,750,000 was announced last week by part of the program for obste- Authority, operator ol the Yli- ; mouth Memorial Hospital $t,- if which $1,000,000 Is being Dr. William Shanlfc. director tricians and residents in ob- . mile Parkway, reported today ! 000.000 building fund, it was sought In the current cam- of the ..department, and presi- stetrlcs of Monmouth Memor- that the first six weeks of the announced recently by Walter paign through publlo subscrip- dent ot the Medical Board, . ial at which nationally and In- . pay-by-post program drew W. Reid, Jr., building fund tions. Obstetricians on Uie staff ternatlonally' prominent obste- 1109 motorist mailings with & chairman. The financial divi- will present unusual and Inter tricians discuss developments . total of $175 In tolls. sion will combine Its activities New Jersey Farm Land sting cases for revlev by Dr and rovlew cases tor the staff. with the corporation subscrip- Quttmaclier at the meeting" at Monmouth Memorial is the on- . Under the program, supplies Worth Most In Country II a,m. Rftor which the visit- ly hospital In this area'which of pre-addressed, stamped en- tion committee under the lead- ership of Michael D. Ercolino. ing consultant will U

Corned Beef Deliciouf — Ba... with rwhMd. Bu...r - S.rv. with F,..hPal< Cranh.rry lay- Top Quality — Avg. Wgt. 21/, fo 3 Ibc ^ , _^. Ib. (A* Afmow SI.. Sllnl.u FrtiH Hon#Uit Rock Cornish Hens >EWLOW Frankfurters "th^Y^'s absdixbely no Swift's Premium Flounder Fillet* V* K«iRath'n t* Polroil or VMT««I I Bologna or Llverwursl •r49* Chop-ettes faddy'i rttcooltd cotton cleaitog life our, Scallops vnvHtt , S»arH»t Chunk Tuna SA««« ORANGES

pot Tea Baas -- California Dressing DRY CLEANING BANANAS Gold** Yollow Everyone wbo has tried our exclusive, fabulous COTTON CHISPE 1 cleanlne .... tells us there is notlilrjj like it .... ALL collona are cleaner .... crlsper .... fretbeir-than ever before .... you too, will be pleased with this deluxe MARTIN service, and. It costs NECTARINESwin, n,M % 29* NO MOKE , . . come Into our new store right next to the bif Acme Mkt. . . . one-stop shopping for ALL dry cleaning and laundering and cold alorace . . . li» 1 LETTUCE i* • I Frcihpak yes! S&H S HOUR dry cleanlnf at no extra charge MARGARINE GREEN STAMPS "EVEIIYDAV" Chun KIM« rrod«c t<4 MJ' ************************* t Call Hammonton Lake Engine Co. SoftbalWs Ho^e Down Keyport VFW _ Sonny Dancer Project A Success Based on recent checks by Leads Drivers fisheries.biologists, the State A 21-year-old New J e r » e y MONMOUTH HANDICAP quake, a driver at the night Division of Fish and Game, 1 racing trotting track, Bay Department of Conservation Julr 18, 19S relnsman, who seems to be has of late years failed to hold adding to the natural talents up as a horse race of thrill- State Raceway, 20 miles and Economic Development he has Inherited, Is the ing Interest due to either the south of Boston, haa exper- reported recently th,e Hanv t monton Lake reclamation pro- leading driver -at V e r n o n lack of qualified entrants to" ienced no such difficulty, Downs harness race track In give the favorite a run or mis- ject is proving a great s u c- Perfect Game holding his p 1 a c e even cess. Atlantic County Game New York. He is Harold (Son- haps that spoil the race. The though inch worthies as ny) Dancer, jr., Holrndel. latter was the case Saturday Wardens Joe Gallo and Del Pitched In LBL when Career Boy and Third Stanley Dancer and Jimmy Black report that recent nephew of the nationally fam- Cruise came up from Yon- Little Bigger League base ous Stanley Dancer and young- Brother, the two. horses who checks revealed that from 40 •", ball was featured by tw est in the harness racing clan could have given Dedicate, the kers. Molnar had two starts to 100 young bass were obtain- : games In the past week. Ii which Includes Vernon, an un- favorite, a run virtually were Saturday and.that Is always ed in every seine haul. "'•'•' one the Matawan Orioles too! cle, and Harold, sr., his father. put out of contention at the tho big card of the week in "On June 20, they ranged over the league lead by de- A clean-shaven, happy, youth start when Tick Tock, with night trotting racing. He has from three to four-and-one-half feating the Keansburg Yank- with fery /alert eyes, Sonny Jockey Pete AndersonT daring- had six win's this season, one Inches in length, a rate of ,ees, 4-2. In the other Chuck Dancer Is the first single man ly determined to jump a lead at a.$54 price with Ruth growth way ahead of what can ._ Wathlngton, pitcher for the to head the top; of the leading on the field from the No, I, nost Brewer. Josedale Jet Flyer be found in even the more •: Matawan Township PAL team, driver list at Vernon Downs. position, bumped Third Broth- southern New Jersey bass er, No. 2 horse, who in-turn.J and Bobby Brook are his/ lakes," said Roy Younger, bio- •hurled the first perfect game Just how long Sonny remains other horses at Bay State. In league history, a no-hitte: single Is a matter of conjec- was forced, over Into Career logist in charge of the T>roject»- •with only 21 batters facing ture. In all probability, it will Boy, the horse In the No. 3 Molnar-returns to Freejiold "Such a highly successful rite him as his teammates defeat- be for some time as command- position. This left Third Broth- Raceway when Bay State of survival as well as rapid ed Lincroft Eagles, 3-0. ing the training and racing er and Career Boy at the rear closes Aug. 29. Freehold's growth rate is due to lack ot of the pack when they got In the crucial Orioles-Yank- procedure of an 18-horse stable 50-day Aug. 8-Oct. 12 meet i predatlon and competition for Wllh Z00-spectators looking- on, the Kejport Main Si. firemen pot it an the vets, 10-3, is a time-consuming task straightened out and gave Joc- ing will be pretty well along : fnnrf •• ees title, former Keyport Car- key Ed Arcaro, aboard Dedi- dinals lefthander, Al Pietrie Sunday evening- at Keyport High field. Fete Collins Is walloping; out a telling blow far the which demands the utmost of by that time. The horses firefighters with Don Hill waiting to score from third. Bllck Wjrckoff Is doing the backstop- even a young man's hours and cate, the need only to watch started coming in at Free- wlcz, muffled the powerful pine for the VFW nine and umpire Bill Braullgan is calling: them. The teams will Untie front-running Lofty Peak and Orioles bats until the sixth energies. '. hold this week. The track in a return match Aug. 4, ojily the VFW wants It to be a "backwards" game this time, pick his time for'running past will have a clubhouse and a inning. In that frame he weak the players .'thron-inf and batting leftbanded if thej are normally rlgnthanded and circling Sonny also is the youngest that less formidable conten- ened. With one out, :^red Mo- new grandstand entrance the bases In a counter-clockwise direction. _^^ man to ever lead the top driv- der. It is remarkable that when It opens this year. ser got a hit and Bill Bowie a ers at Vernon Downs. Bud Gll- Third Brother could recover walk, then Lou Mendlni, Free- mour set an early and unre- rom his , Initial Interference hold Regional High star, slam- Wednesday Racing lenting pace In 1955 to win the by Tick Tock and come in BASEBALL'S financial facts med a homer for the Orioles U.B. Lions Lose Dropped At Wall Sprint Features honors going away but be was second. He merits strong at- of life, as revealed In a recent Wfiij if paijs fo use to break up the game. 23 at the time. tention In tile next big handi- House Judiciary Committee Keansburg had chased Leon 1 To Belf ord Wednesday night racing at Next At Track The emphasis on S o n n y's cap race he runs, especially If hearing, are a bit startling. It H o 1 m e i, Matawan starting Wall Stadium has been sus- youth Is not intended to Indi- it should be against Dedicate becomes quite understandable • pitcher, In the third. The Lefty Bodenhouse, on t h « pended for the balance of the With the big excitement of cate that he has not had a at Saratoga. now why the Dodgers have Kiln-dried Yankees filled the bases with mound for the Belford A. C. season, Robert M. Howard, the running of the 1100,000 great deal of experience. He been part Brooklyn and part one out on a hit by Tony Gbn- Sunday, shewed the Union track manager, announced Monmouth Handicap now over, has been race-driving since Jersey the past two years and Beach Lions a rare assortment he was 17. During the winter, why they are so amenable to nello, Wayne Parry being hit over the weekend. Saturday racing at Monmouth Park will U.S. DECATHLON w a > if pitching stuff, with the re- he trains with the spectacular I becoming singly Los Angeles Kiln-drying is Ihe modern by a pitched ball and a- walk night events will be stepped lapse Into a relatively subdued won by a Jerseyan this seasoning method to prepare to George Convery. Mendlni ult the Lions succumbed, 0-1, up with Increased number of uncles, Stanley and Vernon, 1958. Their average pay, the state until July 27 when the year, Charles Pratt, Bah- ghest in either league, per lumber for the best results came In to relieve Holmes. o his' slants. In the game at feature events and more vari- and with his father, Harold, in use. Check these advan- Monmouth Oaks, a $50,000 sr., at Egyptian Acres, Stan- •way, but th,at fact sppears layer, Is $18,888. Who would Oonnello scored after Fletrli Naughton's Field, he fanned 15 ed cards to compensate for to have escaped much not- tages of Weyerlueuscr 4- wlcz'g long fly to left and Per- event for fillies will be run. ley's training layout at N e w Ink anybody but the N. Y. Square kiln-dried lumber: >tttters and walked only one. the change. ice In this state. Matawan's ankees would have the high- ry stole home but Mendlni fan- He allowed only three hits. There are 48 nominations for Egypt. His father and he also ned Joe Burke to end the up- Rain forced cancellation of spend some time in the off- Jack Kuhns, who has just pay scale? The Yanks, in V, Conditioned for greater rising. Be held the Keansburg- Against this, Ray LoPresto, Saturday's card at the track, this race. season at Dr. Robert P. Law- completed his freshman ct, are only third Is the dimensional stability. ers safe the rest of the way. CHS hurler who is toiling for There will be two 25-Iap fea- rence's farm at Holmdel, year at the University of merlcan League with (17,570. Racing fans at the Ocean- 2. Takes finishes beautifully ho Union Beach Lions this tures this Saturday, one for port track will be treated Sat- where most of their breeding Southern California, compet- •he Red Sox, with Ted Wll- The Orioles also defeated ams $100,000 per, are second and works easily. ummer, had to face a, Belford stocks and one for midgets. urday to the running of The stock Is kept. ' . ed for the third year. De- the Bears, 14-0, Holmes and spite a leg muscle condition $17,590 but devoid of Mr. neup bolstered with s t a r a In addition, there will be a 10- Miss Woodford, a $20,000 add- Sonny first drove at F r e e- X Lighter, stronger ... tiM Don Zenl pitched them to a r o m the Leonardo High lap stock race for novices. that largely kept him out of illlams they are only $13,350. 10-1 win over Highlands. jeS. .eY£nl_Bt-i!iX-furlonga _. to r hold. He came second with •ho- Cleveland—Indians—a re structural durability. 3chool championship nine. He Toodles Hanover but later- won action with the USC fresh-^ =npthe=J?AL"game,~ Wathlng- three-year-old fillies. The sec- man' track team last spring, Ighest in the American Lea- Sjeusfor - ton gave himself an early lead [ahned 10 batters but-walked ond sprint feature of the next with the same horse at Yon- ue at $18,250, The second lx, a too liberal allowance kers Raceway. In 1954 at Kuhns was able to finish W«y«rho»ut»r 4-Squor* when his double scored Rich Shore Skippers seven days will be the running 16th of 23 In competition. He ace White sox are klfn-dritd lumtwr and < Vena In the first, Another gainst the powerful Leonardo Wednesday of five-and-one- Roosevelt, he won with Mea- 7,520. At the other end of the dow Bird In the spring. also bettered bis point scor- otfitr quality build ing two-bagger, by Bob Jackson, atsmen. half furlongs for $15,000 added ing, getting 5260 this year ague are the Kansas City malarial*. - scored Bob Peterson with an- LoPresto started well Annex Titles money of the New Jersey Fu- His first big year was 1955 thlectlcs at $12,050 the Baltl- Ask about EASY Payments inough, fanning the first two when he made 104 starts and against 4500 in 1956. The De- other PAL run In the second. Shore area skippers annexed turity, a race restricted to two- cathlon was held at Kings? ore Orioles at $11,180 and the But Wathlngton had to toll >atters to face him. But a most of the titles In the 11th year-olds foaled In New Jer- collected 13 wins, 15 seconds, ashlngton Senators at $9980. and 19 thirds. In 1950 with 106 burg, Calif., a town about' MATAWAN along on that slim lead to the alk and Tom Williams' double Annual Red Grant Regatta sey. the National League the seventh when a final PAL run nd him in a fix right away. starts, he registered 13 wins 200 miles north of Los Ange- held on Rarltan Bay over the les. The site was chosen be- llwaukee Braves are next to came in on four walks. e got out of It when Dutch, weekend. The regatta, spon- The Miss Woodford will be including his first victory at Dodgers at $17,500, the St. LUMBER CO. hrig grounded for the third featured by the first appear- Vernon Downs. cause It Is the home town of oiiis Cardinals, with $75,000 The Friendly Lumber Yard Wathtngton fanned seven In sored by the Rarltan Yacht Rafer Johnson, famed U.S. his perfect game effort. Two ut.In the second he was not Club, Is the largest open sail- ance on the east coast of Mar- Sonny thinks the best race- an Muslal, are thirds with fortunate. Bob Breunlg led ing regatta held In New Jer- ket Basket, a three-year-o 1 d horse he has driven Is Eureka Olympian athlete. Johnson 8,120, At the bottom is Pltts- Phone MA 1-4500-450. fly balls were hit to the out- was unable, because of a JleldJ>y Lincroft batsmen. ff with a hit. LoPresto fan- sey with sanctioned classes filly owned by the Three Rings Hanover, the ownership of urg with $9940. These p a y utphin Ave. Matawan led the next man, but then competing. Ranch of California. Market which he shares with his fa- muscle trouble of his own, to verases give a clue as to whyr In their other games of the e walked two to load the do more than make a token past week, the PAL team de- Basket won the Goose Girl ther. Eureka has won over me clubs perennially are neks. Dennis Cassidy, sub- Four of Red Bank's M o n- Stakes and the Hollywood $40,000. appearance, competing in llenders. Apparently some feated the Atlantic Highlands mouth Boat Club skippers, EATDNTDWN'i ilng at short for the injured Oaks at Hollywood Park this Born in Sharon, Sonny went three events where there wners can make more money Lions, 4-3, but lost to the Bel- ank Clcary, erred and a run June Methot In Lightnings; R. would be little strain on him. ford Braves, 8-5, Jack Yates year. Market Basket first to high school at Red Bank, lth a tailond club with a low DRIVE-INB 35 • EATWTVWt/r NJ. a m e In. Buster Burkhardt Brown in Penguins; Holly Slif- showed her class by finishing The word in California is ay scale than do front r u n- and Joe Kucharek shared the ton In Woodpussles and Jerry where he was graduated In oublcd to score two more second in the Tanforan Lassie 1854, He was a pitcher on the Wat he has to be kept under ers like the Indians and the Children "Under 12 Free pitching duty In these games. nd put Belford well out in Hatch in Plying Dutchman Matawan Orioles (4) Stakes on the coast. This year baseball team and won seven wraps insofar as track is 'odgers, always in contention , Box Office Opens 7:00 ont. . carted off Individual titles, Ed- at Santa Anita, she won the concerned this summer in r the championship, but with ab r h die Ryan of the Shrewsbury 8. out of nine games In tho year Belford scored another in Susana Stakes and finished the team made the play-offs of order that he will be in tip- ed ink sprawled on their Fri. Sat. July 19-29 Moser, s» J 1 1 & Y. C also won the Comet second In the Santa Ynez, in top shape to perform with idgers because their income Mamie VanDorcn le third on an error and Josh title (Aid.still another shore the Shore Conference. Bowie,ID 2 11 erky's double. Their final addition to her Holljwood the UCLA football team this ipes not'match their-payrolls 'Untamed Youth" —Zenii-cf - 3 0 - 0 area skipper, C. W. Bill Lyon, Park triumphs. Otherwise,.-.Sonny.Is 1 r a n.k iml the,;' other expense attcntl- ivo runs came in the - sixth of the Atlantic Highlands, Y,C. to admit that he didn't take fall. -:• -Ana- Me'ndinl, c,p , 8 1.1 >hen Breunig lashed out a hit iritoh nemg loaded with a Holmes, p.o, r .. . ^ 8 11 gained the Star diadem.. . •,, .',:.[ Despite the fanfare 'over . the- school top seriously. His un- : 'oster of glamour-boy base- lUl.two on base. Dick Farkus of the host club California.-norae,.It Is not clevi* arid ' parenta'urged rttra KUHNS '' ni a r k 5 . for ."ifi "Revolt At Fort ,„ szymanskl,'Bb >;/.;; ^-..Ov.O' events in which he competed all stars. ^Btaffllnger, W .'..-.:'-"•': :;2 0 0 The Lions finally broke the won tho Blue Jny crown, and ly she will go to the post a fav- nopto be a horseman. They of Laiamie" pell of BodehhoUse's pitching Dennis Pasey, Larohinont, orite. Charltbn Clay's Lenllah fefed him support In- learning were as follows: 100-meter Oarito. 2b *• '•' SO 0 dash, 11.2 sees.; UO-meter-hur- Sun. Thru Wed. Gregory, rf 2 0 0 the seventh. Lou Wells sln- N. Y. annexed the Thistle title was scratched from the fifth any of the more normal oa Marilyn Monroe :lod with one out and LoPrcs- after a close fight with Al Wil- at Monmouth Saturday, so it reers. They were for anything dies, 17.2 sees: 400-meter run 3.8 sees.: 1500-meter run, "The Prince And •'. -• . • 21 4 4 followed with ft double to liams and Bob Duff of the could be this prime eastern but horses, Sonny reports, but core him. It, was the first Raritan Y.C. speedster will be sprung in the "I put horses first so here I :nlns., 0.7 sees.; shot put, 39 Keaniburg Yankees (2) 2.5/8 Ins.; high Jump. 5 ft. The Showgirl" , • ikr b lme they had gotten a m a n Woodford. Reverie Knoll am." iust second base. But Bodcn- Rynn's victory In the Comet There is another angle to the 1/8 Ins.; broad jump, 21 ft. • And • ~ 'donnelloVlf "* 1' 1 class gave him the Red Grant Farm's Rpmanlta and William ouse then showed his mas- H. Perry's Alanesian are other Sonny Dancer story. His fam- I/Bins.; discus, 113 ft., 9 "Phantom Gelsler, 3b ;3 0 .0 trophy, the feature prize of the 74 Ins.; Javelin, 165 ft.; pole Perry, ss 3 1 3 tery by forcing the next bat- performers who were nominat- ily started out as potato farm- regatta. In addition, his win ers In New Jersey, then turn- trault, 10 ft. 2 ins. His bette: Stagecoach" Convery, ;o 2 0,0 ter to pop up, then striking added the North Jersey Y.R.A. ed and could be formidable en- jut the final seven U n 1 o n tries. ...-.•- ed to harness horses. Vernon ihowlng In the field events re —Tietriewlezrp ——^—a-o^-a- Comet crown to his t r o p h y fleets his muscle difficulty Thurs. And Frl. Beach batters to come to the Shipped In already are Miss seems to lave a tradition of Beham. lb ; . a 0 ,0 room. Farkus' victory in Blue being especially friendly to po- ratt, a former Manhattan Cornel Wilde & Donna Reed Burke, cf ' .' , . 8 0 1 plate. . Fleetwood and Spring i«ne, ; Jays also was. good for the tato farmers. The most fam- College runner, gained 7164 Osriato, 2b • - S" a Union Beach Lions (1) owned by Leslie Combs, H, of 'Beyond Mombasa' tf.J.Y.R.A. diadem. ous potato farmer of them all, points to win. Second w a *- Plus - .waih.'rf..,:;..;•.:.;:.;.;.;-''I » o ab r h Ryan won the first two races Nashua ownership fame; Mrs. Dave Edstrom, of the.Univer- C. Hourahan, 2b 4 0 0 J. Howard Lyons, Greenwood, Barry Sullivan Saturday to make an early Royal Firman's Mumtaz and Del., used the speed of the sity of Oregon, and thin -: •'" \i:''^-\ • '•.•''••' 25 2 Cassldy, ss 4 0 0 lead stand up, as olub-m ate, Maolver Prickett's Mrs. Hel- Kuhns' roommate at USC, Bol "Dragoon Well Mutawan Twp. PAL (3) Vernon track to give his great Wells, lb.ll 3 11 Dave Kingston took the f 1 n a 1 len. pacer, Adlos Harry, a 1:55 Lawson. Jack's parents; Mr Massacre" •• '"•":' •-•.'.• •••- ••;./;•-.• ab r LoPresto, p 8 0 1 race Sunday. Miss Clifton won 1 Offbeat and Miss Blue Jay world record for the mile. An- and Mrs. W. W. Kuhns, mad' Peterson, lb ' 4 1 Letts, 3b • . 3 0 1 three straight races in the are listed as probables as Is other potato farmer, Dana Irv- the cross-country auto trip ti ROCK HUDSON Extra Every Friday .--.' Vena, o : ; *" 3 1.. J. Lawrence, cf 3 0 0.1 Woodpussy class, with Don Table For Two, expected to ing, Fresque Isle, Me., and see him In actic . at Kingsburi tOUS 1H( SCIUN M MCtft 1 Hour Of Cartoons B. Jackson- »s 4 0 W. Eastmend, c 3 0 0 Colyor of the Naveslnk S.8. carry the King Ranch s 1 lk.s. Plattsburg, N.Y. was the lead- on June 28-2ti. The tempera "SOMETHING OF' Pins Midnight Show . C.\ WaUungton p 3 1 Scorzo,' lf,rf '300 second all three times. Hatch Other talent avnllable, but ing driver nt Vernon last year. ture~in Southern California al C. Hanson, cf 2 0 KolodzleJ, rf 2 0 0 had two firsts and a third, more uncertain as starters, In- the time was a mere 107 de WLUE" Wednesday NlghL Is Sutherland, 2b 2 0 O'Brien, lb 10 0 while .Miss Methot scored two cludes T,lght 'N- Lovoly, win- grees In the shade, so the Di SIBNET PonifR cathlon had to be run Mnde "YELLOWNECK" "Swap Night" v. Behr, 3b .. 4 0 firsts to nose out Bill Forten- ner of her two starts at Mon- 341 Pints Of Blood Bring Anything To Oarafanor,-U' 3 "0. 20 1 3 baugh of Bay Head Y. C. mouth Park, Marullah, Mare's the lights nt night. Kuhn: A total of 19 Red Cross vol- ' COUBltilGH • Coiof Trade Including Lamond, rf 4 0 Belford A.C. (6)I . Brown scored two first to edge Beau, Heart's Desire, Mile. Dl- plans to compete in two meet; The Kitchen Sink ab r h Jim Urner, Mctcdeconk River, annc and Nile Lady, unteers from the Monmouth while home In Matawan thl "FUN FOR ALL" 20 Brcnnan, 2b and John Harkrader, Bay County Chapter gave 109 hours summer, the Eastern A.A.U A year ago, the Futurity Lincroft Eaglet 10) Burkhardt, cf Head Y, C, Lyon took three of service assisting lonors nt meet ut Baltimore the end 'FREE Playground ab Richardson, 3b firsts to easily capture the was the first st«p In a climb tiic recent bloodmobllc opera' this month nnd the all-events Free Pony Rides 3 Williams, lb Star croWn, to fame for Bohemia Stable's tlon at the Field House, Fort one-day meet at the Unlvers! Kurre, 3b Ambehnvlng, who went oil to McGrath, 3 Uhrlg, a Monmouth. Three hundred ty'of Maryland on Aug. 11. 3 Breunlg, S3 sweep the state's series of forty-one pints of blood were Wilson, cf stakes for home-breds nnd add Cor son,' lb 2 Herky, If Five Teams Have donated by military and civil- 2 Craig, rf two other strikes to his list of ian donors. % Kurz, c Shot At M-K Title victories. 1/ AIR CON0I$K|EO H fioltz, 2b 2 Bodenhouse, p YONKERS RACEWAY'S Janscn, p 3 Among those who seem to Correspondent, No Moss difficulties with owners over - Four games separate the purses, causing leading own- Mullln. ss 2 34 6 8 teams In first and firth place have qualified nicely for this Intuitive and Beyond Reproach Long, rf 2 Score by innings; year's renewal of the Futurity have been "dded to the string ers to send their horses else with about 10 games remain- where with the top drivers U B Lions 000 ODO 100-1 ing for each team in the Mata- are Clial-Mar Farm's Wise of Llangollcn Farm horses Guy. George S. Howcll's Sa- also deserting that track HEYPOPJSTRAND 21 o o Belford A.C. 031 002 00x-0 wun-Keyport Softball Lcagu . which Trainer J. Woods Garth vant, George F, Kohn's Vlrtrl- has at Monmouth Park. They has caused some, unsettle Two teams, Architectural Tile ment at other places. Th Co. and Industrial Washing f I e d, Joseph M. Roebllng's enme in from the farm at Up Country Air and Berriadotta regular drivers at thesi Phone 7-0452 Machine Co., have llsbandcd pervlUe. Va. Correspondent tracks resent It when t h i Where Comfort Adds to Enjoyment for the rest o'. the season and Stable's Marbern. who wns bred by Rex Ells Today Tomorrow Saturday July 18-19-20 "big name" drivers come in Continuous Saturday — Starting P.M. have forfeited their games re- worth of Swaps fame, won th from Yonkers and cut down .mnlnlng. Bayshore Drivers Blue Grass Stakes In 1953 .am on their number of starts ^nst game played by a con- the Hollywood Gold Cup 1: George Molnar, Cheese tender WOB Monday night Try Out New Craft 1954. when 8 & M turned back tho Keyport Dukes, 0-4, to wrest Members of the Central Jer- !;olc possession of fourth placo sey racing club had tho' first trom Old Miller Dairy. Don big speedboat workouts of the Miller, of Slill, and Dick season in the Long Branch re- Owori, of Dukes, had no-hit- gatta Sunday. Two bayshore ters going Into the fifth Inning drivers gained fourths. Tony Selected Short Subject!! LnConto placed In the D stock when errors broKo the scoring Sun. Thru. Wed. , v. Jul; 21 to t* loose. hydroplanes division with his now boat and Frank Fuller , Continuous Sunday — Starting- 1:45 P.M. ' . Fiber Chemical missed a OCEANPORT, N. pulled through a largo field of > lid link L U«l Irutk chanco to tie with Atlantic contestants to gain n fourth In less lhan 3 milci dom Glided ilale Pky., Tuinolf #105. Tile for the load last w o o k the AU Runabouts division. when Smokey's Silver Dollar Bobby Lctwcnske, Union RACING thru Aug. 7 turned them back in a c 1 o s o Beach, Just fell a deck length one. SUN. - SION. - TUE8 y Amarka't Mnvil thoroughbred racing In short of placing In the DU TODAY (bra BAT. Standings elimination, getting a fifth. Rook HUDSON tp furroundlngi. br««i«-«w#pt by lh« Team W Joan FONTAINE Dana WYNTEE Afforby Atlantic Ocean. Outdoor and indoor Atlantic Tile Co. 13 Other.contestants from this dinlflQ Itrracti.., handy cafeteria high afop and Harry BELAFONTG Filmed under military Fiber Chemical Co. 12 area were Harrison Boggn, protection In Africa Dlnne'rware To Tho Ladles Every Tucs. * WeJ, thf grcmditand . /. comforiobU loung*i and Smokoy's Silver Dollar 10 Keyport, In the DU class, with /'Island In The Sun" Also Selected Short Subjects *«onv«n!*nt *Ka1afori . . /k« wol«r drinking 10 a seventh; Dick Nusbaum, Something Of Value .fountain* • • • pUftty ol rtom to walk around. S Si M Clnema.Scope, Color Old Mill Dairy ft Mntnwnn, in the BU division, Plus Plus Next Week Thurs.-Frl.-Sat. PARKINS FOR MORE THAN 17,000 CARS Hollywood Oilers 8 who spun out while fourth; and War Arrow «tn'l Mm. |l.», lu IIKI. CMIdUd Ml •dmltlld Burlow's rtcstraurant 5 Les Keating, Matawan, who "Destination 60,000" Keyport Dukes 4 wns In the C hydro division Put CONWAY In Technicolor STAKES RACES... which did not run. Most of the J B •rcston FOSTEK with MISS WOODFOflD STAKtS bayshore drivers were trying Jeff Chandler Agent Don Jenkins has tak- L'alccn GRAY Junrtr (%tl.,Myi0 »2O,00OAJJ.d en over the cngogcini nt nooks out new boats and took it easy. BERNARDINE NIW jwsir ruruRiTY of Jockeys Qeorgc Sllilhnm The clujnls holding a clam , Victory COIO1 kr DtlUXI 'W.d, JulyJ4 IIJ.OO0 AiWt i and Joss Illiiley for tho bal bn'-c at KWt.Point this com Cuttom JT4TI PACKWAY E»r(lM) AT AMSOW ince of the Monmouth Fark Ing Sui'tfay and will resume TOROUTB9. TOU.FRSI FROM UNION CINEMASCOPE Caeonrll- infield In an effort to avoid runs and Sunny Johnson's sin- takes on Czaya Nader, Uio lo, Joseph Nn)>nl, Bylvnuter ab r n hitting the smashed machines. gle scored him for the Cards. new Hungarian Sensation. In Mickey Eovino did a g 6 o d Ruby, 3b Cantre'Ila, Mike Brown, Joseph Job. on the mound for the Ter- The car driven by Dick Glep- Dixie Dare, on the mound for another bout that brines to- Cunano, Tom Wohenka, Vlnco Kengetter, p,cf 0 2 el, Old Bridge, missed t b e the Jersey City nine, weaken- gether two experienced wrestl- riers, despite the score, for his Walsh", lb 3 4 3 Allocco, Rlohnrd Stair, T I m stalled cars but struck a light ed In the fourth, forcing In a ers, Glno Garibaldi and Angelo C u 11 e n, Stewart, Barnes, fielders "fro&e". for two inn-D. Hourahan, c,p 4 3 4 ings when yie team was 8-1 pole and knocked it flat but he run with a^walk with the bnses Savoldl who are combined to Charles Dovo, Douglas LOIIKO. Qiimartin, 2b,c 4 .1 1 escaped Injury. ' • < loaded with Cliffwood players. meet In a tag tcum match tho Snuter, Cacoarlllo, Wohenka ahead, losing the lead to 0-8 Bill Clax and Sam G.u m b 8 .against them. Then they lost Beutel, ss 4 1 1 Cars rammed each other bewhlskorcd Russian Smith Br- and Bovo aro pitchers. Tony Sterling, cf,U 4 0 1 with a chain reaction and onethen came through with hits to others, Al and John. This bout Infant! Is manager; Jim Cul their "nerves," and startec to make it 5-3 for the Royal), play ball again: Dave Carnes' Potito, lf,2b 3 1 3 smashed into Frazee's ma- Is for two out of three tails. Tho len coach and ROBS B n r n o s on. BURNING Ec?uiPMiNT(.sf«vK - double with two on in the fifth MacManus, ri 3 0 0 chine, puncturing the gas tank. George Gumbs: hit brought opener has Mlqucl Torres, the acoror. Put CPUS •KtinQSEHt \COAL sent in the winning runs. Leaking gasoline spread over In another run for the Royals Puerto Rlcan, in a bout with "2I3 BROAD Shoot -SH4'/f><*\ _ 33 12 r the raceway and cars running Garden Parkway HomcH»Ed The Keyport Raiders contin-. In the fifth. Tho Cardinals Larry Simon. Carnos, Jack Koons, David ued t«l perform in .uoredlctable .Parkers (U) through the gasoline Ignited It made it 6-5 in their half of tho with the Maze enveloping Fra- sixth on Smokcy Williams' hit soe'ii* rctoer. Three other cam with two aboard. then "w^re completed «l«o'i»iir» dnmmoj t>y tiro. ,. .., Qoqrao Blcphonn', btt-torouBW ^muffled Monday " ri I g h t by Wllliams, rf, TneTlames shot 60 to 75 feet Langan, 2b in Carl Stephens for Cliffwoot - "^pitcher Chailey Collard of the * w in the air in a sudden burst, in the Royals' Half of the sixth Keyport Bears; The Bears won Daly. If 4 2 3 according toobservers, but the Young, cf In the eighth they scored wha their ^second game oi the 3 1 Old Bridge Fire Department, proved to be the winning run week, 9 1, as* they previously Phillips, lb 3 1 which always is at the scene when George Dumbs again hi had topped the^ Keyport Malinowskl, c 4 0 of the race events, had It un-safely in the clinch to score Braves, 1011, after spotting Butka, ss 4 0 der control In short order with Frank Washington. Then came — that team a six-run first inn- a saturating spray of powder. the Jersey City uprising in the Ing. " 33 11 15 Most of the, other 24 cars ninth that'Earl Qumbs snuffed Fred Jones' homer with two Score by innings: were able to finish the 24-lap out. race that concluded the pro- Next Sunday the Royals are on tied the Cardinal :arrie for Lions 102 405—12 gram. — the Raiders and chased J 1 m slated to travel to Cranlord to Parkers 371 000—11 Waldwlck's Bill Berry .1 e d play the MudhBWksjrf t.hai. Etultz* Cards starter, from tbe for three laps but gave way to mound. Pave Opatosky, who place. BUI Chevalier, Sayrevllle, who CUffwood Royali (8) relieved him, lost out on a State Selects Dates held on until Lambcrtville's 1 ab r h a walk to his rival moundsman, For Rail Season Lenny Brown passer him on F. Cross, rf 8 0 -0 the winning pitcher. Bill Gel- tlie 11th lap and stayed ahead. S. Crumbs, 2b 6 0 1 ger. This young hurler then Within the framework per- With Frazee still nursing his Stephens, 3b 4 11 fell from form against the Bears in his next game. mitted by the federal govern- rrent, the New Jersey Fish Any Kejport Little League and Game Council has select- There's a FORD for every garage player has been authorized to take the name and address of ed as the 1957 open season on "Tha n«w kind of Ford, iwulvoar Italian wagon mlndtd? Ford liaa S to uliooa* persons wanting tickets for rail and galllnules the 70 BOWLING SCORES featuree... l» tho lowett priced of the low-prloa from (Inoludlng tho U-pnsnongor Country the Happy Felton big league consecutive days beginning game Aug. 16, three.* From the Knirlnno 600 Hunlirvr (atwvo) Squire, iilmvo). I.lko all 'A7 Korda, tlioy're fin* Sept. 2 through Nov. 9, and on down.,. thoro't a Ford to fit every need and cam in «vory Mium of t)io word. Vot, (liey're Matawan Tigers played two for woodcock, the 50 consecu- Matawan-Keyport Monday Night Mixed League ev«ry budget I youni for hatflha flno-onr jiriuol games during the week, neith- Standings A» Of July 1, •BuW en muu/artumV iu«r»W rttatl iMmd ptktt er of whicn reached a clear tive days from Oct. 19 throur decision. Coach Irv Nusbaum's Nov. 27. Team W boys battled^ to a three-all Matawan Keyport Rec 1014 Due to an Increase In the 6 deadlock with' the Matawan KulaB Boat Works 1 10 Blue Jays and tha't one will number of clapper rails In the T. V. Leavy 10 5 b. played off. The Ti-Atlantic P'lyway since the nest- . Cliffs' Seafood 9 0 gers led the Harilah Bay ing losses which occurred In Kulas Boat Works 2 8 6 Lions, 6-2, at Cliffwood Pieid 1955, the bag limit for clapper Pete's Inc ,,..,.•«..*..,• A t Monday when Manager Ted Ulrlchsen's Boat Works ...... ,,, 8% rails and galllnules has been Rollo Trucking '..,,.% Soltys, of the Lions, was call- 7 ed away in the fifth Inning. Increased to 15 dally and 30 Four O's ...... ,...; 8 in possession, singly or in the Penny's Acre > 8 7 Thereafter,-the Lions went Marquet Pharmacy .....,,...,....,..,, 7 8 Bhea-i. 6-5, but It #as only aggregate of both species. Woods Sunoco 7 8 with bitter dispute between In the case of woodcock Walt's Tavern 7 8 Nusbaum and the umpires. the dally bag o.f four and pos- Malawan-Kcyport Wrecks ....,., 8 D The Tiger manager protested session limit of eight again Conovcr Lumber Co «..,.*»,. 5 10 , the game. O. K. Sales & Service 3 12 has been prescribed for all Woodlock. Inc .,....•3 12 Flyways. The Council also The Lions made a strong Team High Serlei Wsmen's High Average showing at bat in losing to thevoted,to continue the former Cliff's Seafood 2098 Jane Olcslnskl 171 Terriers 11-8. Again it was apolicy of having no open sen- Into Mm case of too much Ronnie son on mourning doves for Team Ulfh Came Women'* III*h Game Sickles for the opposition. He the 1957 season. Four O's 705 Marge Morrison 226 Men's IIUli Women's Hicb Series : Tom Paris / " 189 Marce Morrison. 671 •v Mci>'« Game ...starting as low as l799°-°! rHarry Stover SAFE BUY USED CARS 249 .' Crystai-Recreation Summer League Whl .,., 548 448450 a... worth more when you noil It, tool IM Uulity .., d Hygrade Foods 13) 427 451445 Crystal Recreation <0l '.,. 374 403307 678 Cnaey's'Bar (3) D70.S08 484 All Major Parts Keyport Recreation (0) 473 382451 ' ZIWs <2) 473 531(08 Club Miami ID ..444 422 and Labor Free Standing!) L Team w ll'A ZIto's Mechanic's 21'/a Larry's Barber Shop 2O','a 13 25 TO CHOOSE FROM Club Miami 20 14 Tierney's BeveroKCi , 10 15 ' Casey's Bar 18 20 Hygrade Foods 13 21 Used Car Lot Open Evenings 'Til 9 Keyport Recreation 12 20 TeanCrystai Hitbl Recreatio. Gam* n Team Hlfh8 Series See your neighborhood Ford Dealer Casey's Bar 578-Sra Casey's Bar IM0 Larry's Barber Shop 568-344 Larry's Barbrr Shop 1830 SCHAHCK & SIHLER, Inc. Club Miami 557 Club Miami ' Istlrldnal Illih Arerace Used Car Lot Matawan 1-4239 R. Schmidt 178.8 George S. Barrett & Son ' Show Room Freehold 8-1250 8. Sabo 171.21 A. Walllog. «r. 171.21 MAIN SIREET MA 1-3100 MATAWAH E. Zilo >«41 Teen-Age Dance IFYE Delegate | News Items In Fi-bsty Raspbaiy Treat BANK NOTES by Malcolm Yery^Successful Cheesequake Area JOURNAL The first teen-age dance Mrs. Arlene Fearon, Massa- DID YOU KNOW sponsored by the . Catholic chusettes, Is visiting her par- Ten July 16, 1351 Youth Organization of St. Law rence's Church, Laurence Har ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. bor, was attended by about Jackson, Cottrell Ed., Cheese- Harbor Auxiliary 100 boys and girls from 13-to quake. _;.,_ 19-years-of-age. George N or Mr. and Mrs. Frank man was general chairman. D'Aqulla and daughter. Chrls- Wins Fcinr Awards Ted Kubik and his "Harbor sy. Edison; Mr. and Mrs." Jo-, lltes" provided the music for seph Sonzella and daughters, The Ladies Auxiliary of the dancing with Mr. and Mrs. Jo Jjaurence , Harbor American Connie and Josephine, N ,e w sepb Walton and Mr. and Mrs Britain, Conn., visited M r s. Legion Unit 332 won the four Stanley Lebrant serving as Fred Schulmelster and MrV. first awards out of six categor- chaperones and judges Of the Lee Jtpbbins. Snrlnghlll Rd.. dance contests. ies' at the County Convention IU.reN6,Pt6KJf«0lE. ... Cheesequake, on Sunday. WSffi Prise winners of the waltz of the Middlesex County Amer- ETANWRDMEARiy Mrs, Brltt Schulmeister and ewKS. POORS WERE a«ROB> w contest were Qeraldine Scan ican Legion Auxiliary held •WE iwrcm&Ni? awassusE children, Springhlll Rd., Saturday, in the Reformed Ion and Thomas Carney i Jitter- ttO CHECKS HMD H SWISH bug contests, Robert Slendorn Cheesequake, have returned Church, Metuchen. The prizes and Barbara Glllard; Margar- from a week's vacation at Sea- were received for publicity, et Leltereg and Ernest Jacobs. side. coupons, Junior auxiliary hls- For the all girls jitterbug con- Mrs. Eenry Jackson of the Highlands visited Mrs., Joseph tory and the poppy corsage en- test, winners were Paulette MISS ELSE EHIKSEN Enjoy the wonderfol flavor of fresh raspberries in this delightful Stanlsh and Betty Craig, Ver- Jackson, Cottrell Rd., Cheese- tered by Mrs: John DiQlovan- A pretty young Danish girl quake, on Sunday. dessert which is a unique coiakination of chilled vanilla pudding and onica Tardy and Judith Cum- whipped raspbetry-flavored gelatin. Together they make a light and ;. n!; - ••• •:• •••;.'•" : visiting this country as an In- mlngs. Jack Bankowskl was Mr. and Mrs. Richard flavornome eummer pie or porfajt dessert—ideal for warm weather ternational Farm Youth Ex- Schnuck, Cottrell Rd., Cheese- entertaining* „ Mrs. Eollln Rathbun, Unit awarded the door prize. change Delegate Is getting her quake, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- : ; • Raspberry Frost Pie •• 332, Laurence Harbor, presi-. A register of the guests was first impression of camp life ter Raynor and daughter, . dent of the County Auxiliary, . 1 package Tanilla pudding and 1 cup hot water started with the time ol arriv- by attending State 4-H Club Mary> Laurence Harbor, spent pie filling mix yi'oap coif water presided and Introduced 1' al and: departure recorded/ Camp this week. Mies Else Sunday at Belmar. 1 pint fresh raspberries, past, county presidents attend- . I cup» miik - Parents are reminded that they Eriksen Is attending camp Mr. and Mrs. Edward Del- 1 package raspberry-flaTOred crushed and sweetened ing as well as tlie presidents are responsible for their, chil- with Middlesex and M ercei gelatin 2 baked 8-Inch pie shells*. __lof_M -cmil ty auxiliaries Rosso, Amboy Rd,, Cedar BASEMBTTBRAW TRUST A» dren after they leave the aud-Counties 4-H'ers and will be Grove, are taking care of their Combine pudding mix and milk in saucepan. Cook and stir orer throughout the state, six State IU.IUOIS SANK BULK Wav BUSWK itorium, A lively program of of New Jersey Department of- TOWH By H0UJW6 Wa learning about American life new granddaughter. Donna medium heat Until mixture comes to a full boil. Itemove from heat. games, :novelty dances, an d by living with Mr. and Mrs.Marie, born on July 3rd, while Pour into a bowl. (To avoid surface film, place waxed paper, di- ficers ' and five past depart- lent comets swoTSICCAL other Innovations Is planned. rectly oh surface of hot podding.) Chill. ment presidents, euauEGEMeti John Chamberlain and daugh- the.child's mother, Mrs. Don- Hereafter, the dances will ters, Ann and Margaret, Mad- ald Redmond, Keyport, Is re- Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add cold water. Chill unta fgfr Mrs. Howard Sinister,' de- be held Monday evenings, wltb ison Township, after her re- covering from complications. thickened. Set bowl of chilled gelatin in a larger bowl partly filled partment president and her the next one planned for Mon-turn from camp. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Robin- with ice and water. (Be sare it-rests firmly In larger bowl.) Whip staff;of pffleers, installed Mrs Mrs. Fred Bowcn Morganville SS day, when the kitchen again Else, who docked In New son, Sprlngblll Rd., Cheese- gelatin with rotory heater until fluffy and thick like whipped.cream. Louis Abbott, Unit ilO, Dunel- will be open for refreshments. York May 6 from L u kk e n, quake, and. Mrs.. William Add the chilled pudding gradually to the fluffy gelatin, beating after len, as president; Mrs. Ernest Assisting Mr. Norman were Denmark, has lived. with 4-H Marks, Fort Huachuca, Arizo- each addition until well blended. Fold in raspberries. Pour into pi« Burrows, Unit 248, C o 1 o n 1 a Feted At Shower Picnic Wednesday Robert Yaeger and David families in Somerset, Salem na, were dinner guests on Sat- shells. Chill until firm (about 1 hour). Before serving, garnish with whipped cream and whole raspberries, if desired. first vice president; Mrs, Aug- Mrs. FreH Bowen, wife of Pearce. Teen-agers, regard- and Hunterdon Counties. After urday of Mr. and Mrs. E. H ust Lauer, .Unit 65, Metuchen The annual picnic of t h e less of their religious affilia- her stay with the Chamber- Lackey, Cedar"Grove. Mrs •If desired fill one 8-lnch pie shell and pour" the remainder of the second vice president; Mrs the pastor ol the Morganvllle Morganvllle Sunday School tion, are invited to attend Riling In parfolt or sherbet glasses and chill until firm. Before aer»w. lains, Miss Erlksen will leave Robinson gave a luncheon par- ing, garnish with whipped cream. Makes 10 to 12 servings. William Lush, Unit 119, Dunel- Methodist Church, was guest will be held at Jenklnson's Pa- these weekly summer dances. for Madison," Wis:, to attend ty In honor of her sister, Mrs len, secretary; Mrs. Benjamin of honor at a shower at the vilion, Point Pleasant, on the Mid-Point Conference for Marks, on Monday. Guests Sunshine, Unit 163, Fords recent meeting of the Wom-Wednesday. The trip will be all IFYE delegates visiting present were: Mrs, E. R made by bus leaving the Alexander Wilson Dies treasurer; Mrs. W i 11 la m an's Society of Christian Serv- this country. Her second host Creswick, Harrington Park; Brldgeman, Unit 332, Laur- church at 9 a.m. and leaving At Daughter's Home state will be Ohio. Mrs. William B. Lackey, Long Planning Is Discussed Directors Approve ice, held at the home of Mrs. ence Harbor, historian; Mrs. the beach for the return trip In Denmark, Miss Eriksen Branch, and Mrs, Milton Cas- At Kiwanis Meeting , Stock Dividend 'Louis Blauth, , High- Walter J. Lambertson, M o r- at 6 pp.m . The ppicnic Is for Alexander T. Wilson, 81, died lives on a 360-acre farm with sidy, Browntown. land Park, chaplain; Mrs. Asaganville. The gifts were placed members of Uie 8-indad y School Sunday,. July 14, 1951, at the her parents and a younger sis- Milton J. Gale, former The shareholders of the Peo- home of his daughter, Mrs. Bricksoh, Unit 177, Old Bridge In and around a doll's bassinet and their families. ter. She also has an old e r member of the Keyport Plan- ples National Bank, Keyport, sergeant-nt-arms. Marlln Benslnger, Sherwood Miss Theresa Pirozzi placed under a pink trimmed brother and sister, both mar- ning Board and past president ^^ETst coun'y commander On Tuesday evening a group Rdr.-Colonia. He formerly had of the Keyport Businessmen's watering can. The table cen- ried. Her father, in addition to Given Sufprise~Pariy~~ »mes Cockerlll spoke briefly of Girl Scouts and their moth- Resided on Freeman St., Wood- dairying, raises purebred Jut- Association, was the guest proved a stock dividend of 16 and established an annual terpiece was a bouquet of pink ers of tho Morganvllle Troop bridge. land horses and has won num. -Miss Theresa Pirozzi, 78 speaker at the regular meet- 2/3 per cent. This action, coup- 31, met In the fire house to -.award In memory of his wife. osebuds, dyed blue asters and He was a member of Rarl- erous awards for horseman- Highfleld Ave., Matawan, was Ing of the Keyport Klwnnls led with a favorable vote to Catherines. Cockerill, who discuss their three-day camp- guest of honor at a surprise Club held Tuesday at Ye Cot- snapdragons arranged in a tan Lodge No. 61, F&AM, shlp. In Middlesex County sell 2100 shares, of o o m m o D died during the past year, Ing trip to Camp Nomoco on Perth Amboy, and N. J. Con-Miss Erlksen will spend much Irthday party Sunday given tage Inn. Mrs. W. A. Sharpley, director china cradle. Refreshments July 26, Those attending were sistory of SPRA, and the 32nd time with the Chamberlain's iy her parents, Mr, and Mrs The meeting was an inter- stook, will bring, the par value • of Jersey Girls' State, address- were served buffet style from Susan Preston, Susan Qiiack- Degree, Valley of Jersey City. daughter/ Ann, who Is an ac- John Pirozzi, It was held on club affair with members of of common stock outstanding ed the ISO guests present, ;lie candlellghtcd table. enbush, Sandra Johansen, He also belonged to Joel Park- tive 4-H'er and was a delegate ,he lawn. the Lakewood Klwnnls Club. to "$420,000. Rosemary Wilson, Dorothy A memorial service conduct- During the business session er Council No. 60, Jr. OUAM to National 4-H Congress in Guests were Mr. and Mrs Mr. Gale's topic was "Com- Chairman of the board of di- Barbollnl, Mrs. Michael Rynle- of South Amboy ana Perth oseph Angello, Mr. and Mrs ed by Mrs. Adolph Elster and which followed the shower, 1956..IFYE delegates ire treat- munity Master Planning" and rectors, W. S. Wallace., report- wlcz, Mrs. Walter Johansen Amboy Tent No. 4}, Macabees. ed as one of the family In the rohn Angello and children, Fa- he referred to various pro- Mrs. Brldgeman closed the the annual harvest home sup- ed that completion of this new session, after which the mem- and daughter, Rondl, Mrs, Ru- He retired In 1943 ds a mas- homes they visit, not as guests, rlcla and Patrick, Mrs. Jo- jects now being discussed for per was discussed and chair- dolph Barbollnl, Mrs. Walter capitalization program will re- bers of the post and auxiliary men appointed to assist the ter mechanic with the C. Par-She wi" take part In the "activ- seph Angello and children the Improvement of the bor- held a banquet tor 400 at bin- Bine, Mrs. Rhea Preston and dee Works, Perth Amboy. ities and chores of the Cham- rohn, Deborah, Nancy and ough. sult In total capital and re- general chairman, Mrs. Har- Mrs. Harold C. Quackenbush. wood Grove, Edison. Also surviving are three oth- berlain household. Miss Erik- 'rank, all of Matawan; Mr. serves of the bank exceeding old C. Quackenbush.'The din- $1,000,000, compared to $319,- ner will be held In the church Morganvllle Cub Scout soft- er daughters, Mrs. William sen's education has Included ind Mrs. Arthur Acker and A farmer In Pakistan would basement on Thursday even- ball team defeated the West Potts, Bordentown; Mrs. Eliz- numerous courses In Home :litldren,' Bernlce and Arthur, have to s: end his entire earn- 000 five years ago at this Harbor Couple Mark Ing, Aug. 1. Mrs, Iiambertson Keansburg team on F r I d a y abeth Trout, West Palm Economics and she Is a-"4-H Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pirozzi ings for six months/to buy thetime. "., Silver Anniversary ivlll be In charge of tickets evening at a game away. An- Beach, Fla'., Mrs. Peter Peter- club member In her country. 'ort Monmouth; William Vol- modern plow Ameiicaps can ud Mrs. Fred Eckel will su- other game will be ployed at son, Matawan; a son, Barton IFYE program is developed i, Cllffwood, Robert B u 11 a, provide with a contrcKutlon of If you need printing of any • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bench- lervlse the dining room. Oth- Atco field, Beers St., Key- T., Lima. Peru, and four to promote world, understand- South Amboy. just $11 to the CARir§eIf-Help kind, we are here to serve you. er, sr., 823 Forest Ave., Laur- er chairmen will be an- port, tomorrow evening. * grandchildren; ' • ing by having delegates "from Program, 660 First $ve., NewOur quick service-and reason n- able prices will please you. ence Harbor, recently c e 1 e- nounced. The purchase of The Moreanville First Aid Funeral services were held other countries live with fam- Entertain' Monday York 16. brated their" 25lli wedding an- kitchen supplies was discusseed held Its regular meeting July Wednesday at '2 p.m. att h e ilies In this country. There al- nlyersary at a reception and A total of 16 members so are New-Jersey 4-H'ers vls- Mr. and Mrs. A. Adam and the group voted to s e 111 ^ Greiner Funeral Home, ; buffet; supper, given by t h e -l£ Christmas cards, to earn t w o'\ s present. Final arrange- bridge; ••'-• interment _,w a a uii At'iiie cc>linlrlGs 'abroftd: Dennis Banke. Matawan, entertained LEADER IN EVERY COMMUNITY • - ctilldven. Open houate was ftc\d, ,-itot -\ho plohlo-rtii »;~bo officers, Cnnday School teach coltoo percolator urns lor the st*Ch"ufcrrcem«ery, Bodttf WietlmV visiting Irclatod from ;> with more than 80 quests at- kitchen, f '•• -.-: •• • held on Sunday under the di-Amboy\ Mercer County; Hazel Dona- ers of the First Baptlsl -....<- I SERVE ' tending the affair- held out- Others present were\Mr«. rection of Joseph La n z a r o, dlo, Sussex County, will visit !hurch, Matawan, and mem doors on the lawn of Mr. andMyles Rader, president; Mrs!. chairman, and Michael Rynlc- Freneau Firemen See Brazil; George Van Nuys, bers of their families, at a co- Mrs. Bencher's home. Hannah Lambertson, Mrs. wlcs, co-chairman, were com- Hunterdon County, visiting operative picnic Monday even- The couple was married In Gnrrctt Woolley. Mrs. Eleanor pleted. There will be an ama-Dodger Baseball Game Switzerland, and Corlnne Hay, ing. Guests were the Rev 8t. Mary's Church, South Am Perrlne, Mrs. Harry A. Eat- teur contest held at 4 p.m. Burlington County, a delegate Lawrence E. Bailey and Mrs Those competing will be from Members of the Freneau In- to France, ' Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Martin boy, July 17, 1032, by the cllffe, Mrs. Russell VanPelt, Walter's-Dancing School, and Lauterwald, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Very Rev. Msgr. Edward C Mrs. Carl Blnger. Mrs. Joseph dependent Fire Company and SAVE M I Id red Lowe's Musical guests attended tho Brooklyn liam Bader, Mr. and Mrs, Vic- Griffin. Mrs. Bencher Is t h e Spurgat, Mrs. jflttymond Wen- School. At the regular meeting Mary Ann Matz Feted tor Fredda, Mr. and Mrs ' former Miss TiUle Nagroost zel, Mrs. Raymond Brown, Dodgers versus Cincinnati Red It was announced that the Legs baseball game at Jersey Ralph R. Dennis and dough- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Babiisky, Mrs. First Aid has purchased a At Birthday Party Mrs. Joseph Nagroost, West Ralph Howardson all of Mor- City, Friday evening, ;er, Diane, Mrs. Otho K piece o( land from Schultz, ad- Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Schnuck and Miss Helen Part- Keansburg. Mr. Bencher Is the ganvllle; Miss Cora Woolley, joining tho fire house, where son of the late Mr. and Mrs.Jersey City; Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tro- Matz, 10S Main St., Matawan, ridge. the meetings now are held. entertained Saturday after- John Senchcr, South Amboy Probusco, Mlllhurst, Mrs. Ken-The ground Is 140 feet wide by Jak, and children, Steven and The couple have (our c h 11 neth Woolley, Matawan, 875 feet deepr-Shls will bo theDarlene, Bellmawr, have re- noon In celebration of the third This week, why don't you dren, Joseph Senchcr, Jr., the future home of the Fl>'st Aid. turned home after a week's birthday of their daughter look through your church win Misses Kathryn and I.I n da Theodore Pollchak, son of visit with Mrs. Trojnk's par- Mary Ann. dows . , , Prom tho inside. Sencher and Frank Senchcr. Celebrates Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Poll- ents, Mr. "and Mrs. Relnko Guests were Kin Ruane. Cynthia and Debrn Dell, Mer- They also have one grandson Mr. and'Mrs. William B. chak, has returned homo after Janssen, Freneau. Stephen, son of Mr. and1 Mrs spending a few days visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Cornell ry^Ann Zlegler, Pamela Coop- SAFETY HINTS Jennings, Matawan, entertain- er, Carmella and Angela Tom Joseph Sencher, Jr. ed at dinner July 9 to cele- his uncle and aunt In Perth and children, Teddy, Suzanne! from the Red Cross Amboy: Barbara, Wendy and guest, asello, Peggie Lcifeste,. Eliza- Mr. an4 Mrs. Sencher hnvi brate the sixth birthday of beth Dominique Lloyd, Bar- been residents of Laurenci their daughter, Jcnnlfor Linda Lockwood. all of Fre- Miss Elizabeth Costlo has neau; Mr. and Mrs. Howard bara Hoyt, Carol Hoyt, Carol Harbor during the p a s t 1 Guests were Constance and Hccht, Katie Boots, Miss Pa- years. Mr. Sencher la employ- Karen McMullen, Amy Luso- returned home from St. -. Vin- Dcltz and children, Donald, cent's Hospital, New York, Joanne and Steven. Neptune, tricia Brown, Richard RePass ed by tho Hercule3 P o w d e brink, Robert Hanna, Thomas and Mary Ann's palerna' PROFITS! Company, Farlln, as an assist- Flood, Nancy McKecn, John- where she was a surgical pa- attended a picnic at Allaire tient. State Park, Sunday afternoon. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs ant foreman, and has bee inc Granger and Jeannlne Jen- Charles Matz, sr., Philadel with the company for 15 years nings. . _ Tho Little League ol Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Charles J u r- World's Largest Operation ganvllle and Marlboro played man and children, Charles plila, Pa, against the Little League of and Euth, Freneau, are spend- Ol its Kind... Adclphla on Friday evening. ing a week's vacation at their Books On Sale Mrs. Joseph IMMura, jr. hahs summer home at Cranberry The Township Of Matawan returned homo from . M o n- Lakes. History Book will be on sale Worth mouth Memorial Hospital with until October at Ann's Bakery North Concourse, Jllffwoad her Infant daughter. The baby Mexican Work Project Much NO OT\--; has been named Mclanlo Joy. Beach, and Burlew's Grocery Store, South Concourse, Cliff- Moral EVERY Mrs. Florence Wenzel and For Mary Ann Stames Uneasy lies tho head that will daughter, Floanno, were Tues- wood Bench. It also ma; b» crowned—us this Ind's ivlll K day evening guests at the Miss Mary Ann Stames, purchased at the home of Mrs ho dives Into these jagged rocks. Matawan; Is among over 150 Frank Tiemann, 188 Greeuwooi Always test prospective diving Ho polity «for — Ho illll or home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin •iperltnca neceuiry. Uu ft for Smith, Jr. young men and women of tho Ave., Cllftwood Beach. Price areas (or hidden obstructions. United States, who, through m«it lurfices (nsld* or buttids, 2-CAN Mis, Robert Sober was host- $2 00 per copy. walli, collinti, sll natoniy ess to tho social olub July 10. the American Friends Associ- furfacM. Those present were Mrs. Ed-ation, has begun a six week 98 summer work project In Mex- DOZENS OF ward Booker, Mrs. Harry SHADES ... $6 3-T Super-Cushion Kopowalow, Mrs. Robert ico. Miss Stames is one of a Owens, Mrs. Marlln Smith, group of 18 assigned to a FREE sr., Mia. Donald Miller, Mrs small rural Mexican village. Martin Smith, jr., Mrs. Clif- Projects at work camps are HARM ford Relchenborgcr, Mrs. Lo- selected by village authorities, SPttlFlCATlOH NO LIMIT! rtcoppobt* lli roy VanPolt, Mrs. Thomas such as assisting with vaccina- Smith, Mrs, Joseph Lanzaro, tion campaigns against small Duma Ewluilva •Mplo-temponid' 3-T Cord Body llghls ol! »h« tlire* sr., Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. pox or whooping cough, con Buy 1—Get 1 main tire killers—Host, Shock and Fntlgno. Tough, draaliU Onnott Denlso. .Tho n o x t ducting a lending library or tread with famous Stop-Notcli dralgn means longM mileage, meeting will bo hold at 'ho story hour for the children, ninwas wtoa np—i ta air. • _ - — .. better traction. Sot ui Inlay and tavol homo of Mrs. Itobort Owons, aiding tho teachers In class- Mtal hr w»d»>ri> or hmrturt. BlIV 5—Get 10 rooms (Mexican schools have December vacations,) and giv- ing aid wherever else It may $398 "ANY Popular Size 6.70 x 15 SAFETY HINTS be needed, flti moat Plymouth!, Fprdi, Chevrolet!, from the Red Cross Tho purpose of tho project is And join the parade who are mak- Hudaona, Nashei and otudebakcra! to promote international good will nnd understanding. This la "I Invtt* yon to fry my famon fr«« the 18th year the American ing this, their bank. They like the Frlonds havo conducted work gaUon •rftr and tn|ay HM tariagt f camps in Mexico, and brings friendly torvice as well as the effi- to a total o( more than, 3000 modi possible by hug* vohaw mi Why wa/tl Low prku malt* tUw the number of boys and girls ciency. You'll find we have the f/aiw but dtall , who havo participated. facilities for all your banking needs. MORI PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES TUftFOHAHY BTirErl KIRfi At Day Camp MARY CARTER PAIHT FACTORIES Claude J, Brldcau, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Brldcau, 24 Elisabeth St., Koypoit, Is Route 34,2 Miles So. of Mafawan Cotors SERVICE SUTION Sliylurhlntr on \\w. lirnch may altpnntnn the Oakhurst Coun try Day Camp where he has FARMERS MERCHANTS Phone Mat. 1-3884 184 New Brunswick Ave. bo nil rliilil If you don't Inter- •Main St. and New Brunswick Ave. cnrollec tor the lummcr. (cr« ulth tho luhifiiit uf olhors. Perth Amboy, N.J. Srlect an uiitm «|,.irf far your ^'^mtaticuUBank Matawan 1-0882 liors(|>luy, If tlnrii hii't one, "Ih-lp Wnnlcd" ads In this quid down—don't harm otlitn. pnpci toll you about the good jobs opca, .•[<••. Rutgers Advises Gang cats. The partly-«rown »rub able free from county agricul- ! < ! Scout Jamboree Recent Gift To Historical Association National WOW overwinters about six Inches tural agents und from the Bul- *^ jfffiF &&*l War On Jap Beetles below the soil surface. Adults letin Clerk, College ot Agricul- emerge from June U> August, Concludes Today ture, Rutgers University, New ToMeetluly22-25 Gang up on Japanese beet and the adult female laya her fltfAWAH Ofliclals Qj tie Monmoutb The dedication of a bronze es. That's the advice of a Rut- eggs In the soil during Bum- Bruns; lck. Council, Boy Scouts of Ameri- ilaQue on Roosevelt Field, L. :era University entomologist. mer. Grubs soon hatch and July 18. 1951 Fage Eleven ca, said recently that its eon , coramemeratlng Charles A. Dr. Robert E. Treece, exten- feed on roots of plants until Keyport Railroader tingent of 360 Boy Scouts, Ex- sion entomologist at the Col- cold weather. Lindbergh's historic flight to ivns appointed chief elerl; <4&*«ji plorers and adult leaders were 'aria on May 20, 1027. will lege of Agriculture, recom- Earns New Promotion well prepared lor their "once ighilght the national conven- mends Betting all the neigh- Suggested for soil treatment, the Elizabeth Storehouse in 4 in a lifetime" experience at tion of Woodmen of the World bors in the block to go after dry or as a spray are chlor- Arthur C. Manuel, 118 Sec- 1944 and storekeeper at com- the Fourth National Jamboree Life Insurance Society In New the pests. Even better Is com- dane or dieldrln. To protoct ond St., Keyport division store- munlpaw engine depot In ' which started Friday and ends plants from ndult beetles, ap- keeper wltli the Central Rail- York from July 22 to 25. More munity-wide beetle warfare. March 1955, He assumed t h « today at historic Valley Forge than 800 persons will attend. ply a five or 10 per cent DDT road of New Jersey, was pro- Pa. The State University ha3 dust, two tablespoons of SO per moted to the post of supervis- post of division storekeeper In Lt; Gen. Albert C. Wedemey- or of stores In advancements August of last year, ' The local jamboree party published a leaflet on Japan- cent wcttable powder to & gal- ;r (U.S.A. Ret.), former Depu- ese beetles by Dr, Treece and lon of water as a spray, Re- announced by the carrier, ef- left at 7 a.m. Friday from ty -Chief of Staff and Far East fective July l,\ Convention Hall, Asbury Park, Dr. Clyde C, Hamilton, re- peat treatments ore needed as > 10 years from today, there'It Ambassador, will be new leaves and flowers ap- Mr. Manuel began as a help- bo fewer "cloudy" days, in to.feti fo Valley Forge by spe- search entomologist. In it they : principal speaker at the dedi- advocate killing the grub pear. - er with the railroad on Mar. your life llnanclally, If you cial bus. They set up their cation Wednesday morning. ~camp in Section Seven of the form of jtlie garden enemy by The new leaflet,•.No; 203. 10, 1027, and became a scctlou Invest NOW 111 U. S. Saving! '. E. "Blue" Howell, Omaha. "Japanese Beetle," Is o v & 11- stockman on May 16, 1039, He Bondj. big camp. A huge tent clly on Woodmen boys' national actl- .renting the soil with ciicml- 2033"acres, loaned by the Com vites director, will be mar- monwealth of Pennsylvania, shall of tho-tour to the airfield. housed the 50,000 inhabitant:, ol America's newest, youngest, Howard M.Lundgren, Wood- and busiest city. In effect it men president, Omaha, will comprised 38 "villages" ol preside at the ceremonies. The \ about 1400 campers each. Boss, United States First Air Force from all walks of life, of all Band will play, and the Mit- races and creeds, lived to chell Air Base Color Guard will FREEHOLD gether, exchanging skill!- present the colors. swapping, home-town products, Gen. Wedetneyer will be In- and learning about the o u n roduced by the Hon. Roman tdms and traditions of m a n > j. Hruska, U.S. Senator from FRIDAY sections of the nation. Nebraska. The plaque will be accepted by Herbert I. Silver- The National Jamboree also son, president of Roosevelt SATURDAY had an international flavor. Field, and Army" Moj. Gen. About 500 Scouts and leaders Roger J. Browne, Mitchell attended from Australia, Baha- Field, representing the Long mas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Island community. Following Cuba, . Denmark, Great Brit- the ceremonies, the Woodmen ain, Greece, Iran, Israel. will go on a Manhattan Island Peru, Fbilllppines, Sweden, boat excursion. UL Switzerland, and Venezuela. Abe Stark, New York City There are 63 nations around Council President, will wel- ther world with Boy Scout As- come the Woodmen at the sociations with a total mem- opening convention session bership of over 7,00p,000 boys Monday. They also will be and leaders. welcomed by Bernard Thick- BORO-WIDE JULY The purpose of the jamboree man, Brooklyn, New York jun- was to strengthen the program ior past head consul. Presl of the individual troop and to dents of the New York Fra- provide an opportuntiy for .Charles Vanderveer, Freehold, is shown with a Mahoc- ternal Congress and the Wood- boys to be associated with any nepplewhile cylinder desk, given to the Monmoulh County men Circle, Omaha, will ex- Scouts from all parts of their Historical Association by Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Stout, Free- tend greetings. Staton P. Wil- CLEARANCE SALE own country. This living to- hold. The Interior of the desk Is.enclosed by a curved Ud liams, Albemarle, N. C, of the gether In a spirit of brother- which opens when the writing surface Is pulled forward. An- Society's legislative commit- bood and friendship is one of other Interesting feature Is the fact that the desk has throe tee will respond. ~ the "continuing objectives" of secret compartments. the Scout movement and t h e The desk,, which Is American, was made around 1790, and President Lundgren will In is on exhibit at the Historical Association's Museum at 70 roducc former Georgia Gover- basis for undertaking the gi- Court St., Freehold. The museum Is open Tuesdays through nor, E. D. Rivera, Chairman gantic gathering. Scout offi- Saturdays from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. and .from 2 until & p.m. on ot the board of directors, who cials believe that the simple Sundays. The Research Library Is open from II a.m. until will make the keynote ad but significant activities of liv- 5 p.m. on Saturdays, only. dress. in ing, together by patrols and The 10th Annual Monmouth Fair for the benefit of the N crews, cooking, giving demon- Historical Association will be held on Saturday and Sunday, Field Manager T. E. New- strations, hiking, and taking Aug. 10th and 11th, at Monmouth Park Race Track, Ocean- ton will preside Monday after- HUNDREDS OF part in huge arena shows and port. . noon at a meeting of more sectional activities all demon- than 125 prize-winning Held men, Thirty-eight state mana- strate democracy In action, object lesson to all partici- BMH.MHS M EVENT ' It was estimated that the Drivers Must Adapt Crs also will attend. That pants, teaching them to pay evening, vice president John SPONSORED 60,000 or more campers would their own way as a means of Skills To Facilities N. Cochran will preside at the catch the spirit of patriotic developing self-reliance and PftRTICIPftTIHG STORE Initiation of classes of junior BY __—.aaa^^BiWB'W*'1''"'"1''***^^^^^ service by living and sleeping self-support. Many deserving Driving today is a full-time and adult members. Officers where George Washington "and" Scouts are given additional aid job whether on a 10-mile trip and the Uniform Rank com- Ills Army camped, lived and by the troop, by the 'troop's or a 100-mile vacation sojourn, pany of Omaha-Seymour Camp FREEHOLD suffered in that, bitter winter sponsors and also by service David Green, President of the No. 16 will conduct the Pro Of 1777-1778, and by. so doing, clubs, fraternal, business, civ- Motor Club of America FREE (AANJ). warned today. "More tectlon degree rites. Judge CHAMBER of kept alive the spark, of liberty ic a a d labor organizations. Waylon Rayburn, Murray, Ky., and: secured-the nation's free- Most Scouts earned funds by vehicles are on the highways,' he explained, "and for the Kentucky head consul, will ad- dbm. spare time jobs, Some repre- dress the class. COMMERCE sented hometown newspapers most part they must travel on PARKING ,•_ The jamboree Is a self-liqul- roads built for tho traffic ot idatlns enterprise. Each partlc- and radio stations as corrcs-, Officers will make their re- 35 to 30 years aso. Consequent^ ports end M. K. Kilpatrlckv FOR 1OOO CARS ' iipant p*wity*s